Monday afternoon forecast 18/12/23

  • 2 days ago
18 December - National weather forecast presented by Aidan McGivern.
00:00Hello. High pressure sitting to the south has had some influence on the UK's weather
00:04during recent days. A lot of dry weather in the south but it's not always been dry in
00:08the north and the outbreaks of rain that we've seen in northern areas has moved south during
00:14the last 24 hours. The influence of that high pressure to the south is slipping away. So
00:19we're going to see more of these fronts across the country from the northwest over the next
00:23few days and certainly a damp afternoon expected across parts of Wales, perhaps northern parts
00:27of Devon and Cornwall, northwest England as well, the rain persistent over upland areas
00:33I suspect. And to the south-east of that, largely dry, East Anglia and the south-east
00:38of England, albeit cloudy and breezy. But to the north, Scotland and Northern Ireland
00:42seeing some brighter spells but also quite a number of showers moving in along with a
00:47gusty breeze. Feeling colder to the far northwest but actually for much of the UK temperatures
00:54are above average, 12, 13 and in some spots 14 Celsius most likely somewhere like north-east
01:00Wales, north-east England as well where the wind warms up on its passage over higher ground
01:05to the west. Then into the late afternoon and evening, we've got this occluded front
01:10crossing Scotland and Northern Ireland and that will bring a short spell of heavy rain,
01:14perhaps some hail and gusty winds before it fades away into northern England. Further
01:19south, the rain blossoms across much of central and southern UK, especially for Wales and
01:24the south-west of England initially and then that rain pushing into the south and south-east
01:27by the end of the night. Some heavier bursts, quite persistent rain across western and south-western
01:33parts, 30 mils or so, building up over Exmoor for example. But to the far north, well we've
01:38got clear spells albeit with quite a number of showers moving into northern and western
01:42Scotland and Northern Ireland where we do get some shelter from the winds in the north.
01:47Temperatures will dip close to freezing so a touch of frost possible but to the south
01:51it's way too mild for any frost. Although it will be a damp start to Tuesday, some heavier
01:57rain for a time during the morning. That rain does push south, it stays wet for much of
02:02the day in the far south-east but elsewhere, brightening skies for much of the rest of
02:07England and Wales, some sunshine reappearing. Scotland and Northern Ireland seeing those
02:12showers continuing and as the air turns colder once these fronts move out of the way, we'll
02:18see some snow and hail over the hills of Scotland and Northern England by the end of
02:23the afternoon. The wind increasing as the day goes on, gales perhaps to the far north
02:29and north-west and it's going to feel cold in that wind, 6-8C in the north, 9-10C in
02:35the south and actually those temperatures are going to be falling through the day in
02:39the south after a mild start. Into Tuesday night then and we've got clear spells for
02:45much of England and Wales and in the far south and south-east, a touch of frost is
02:49possible but elsewhere, a bit too much cloud, a bit too much of a breeze for a widespread
02:54frost and certainly that wind in the north-west increasingly a feature of our weather during
03:00the next few days. We've got low pressure anchored over Scandinavia, increasingly low
03:04pressure here and unusually high pressure towards the Azores. Now that means that we're
03:10going to see an increasingly tight pressure gradient and that will result in very strong
03:17winds. Certainly by Thursday, risk of widespread gales for the northern two-thirds of the UK
03:22where we've got a yellow warning for Thursday and especially towards the north and north-west,
03:28some very strong winds indeed. So we'll keep you updated on that aspect of the forecast
03:32over the next few days and you can follow those updates on our YouTube channel. Bye-bye.
