Monday Evening Forecast 18/12/23

  • 2 days ago
18 December - National weather forecast presented by Aidan McGivern.
00:00Hi there, following outbreaks of rain across some northern parts of the UK over the last
00:04couple of days, it's the turn of the south on Monday night and into Tuesday to see the
00:08rain move in. And that's because this large area of high pressure that has been dominating
00:13the weather across the UK, it's been sitting to the south, it now sinks away. Now that
00:19high pressure has led to quite a strong westerly breeze but as it moves away we're going to
00:24see the wind switch to northwesterly. Already those northwesterlies are pushing a band of
00:29quite squally weather in across Scotland and Northern Ireland through the evening into
00:33northern England later. A short spell of heavy rain, hail and gusty winds before eventually
00:38that merges with a larger area of rainfall that's going to pep up across central and
00:43southern UK during the night time. That rain becoming widespread, heavy at times especially
00:48over western hills and certainly quite persistent through the early hours of Tuesday. That's
00:54accompanied by a mild breeze so temperatures in the south staying at double figures but
01:00further north we've got the northwesterlies bringing colder air and quite a number of
01:05showers across northern and western Scotland, perhaps the odd one for Northern Ireland as
01:08well. Temperatures largely mid-single figures and in some spots low single figures or even
01:14a touch below zero where we get some shelter spots in central and northern Scotland. That's
01:19where we've got the brighter skies first thing though, albeit with quite a few showers coming
01:23in across northern and western Scotland, Northern Ireland as well. Across much of central
01:28and southern England and Wales we've got a lot of cloud during the morning, outbreaks
01:32of rain, heavy at times first thing. It could be a wet rush hour but by lunchtime most places
01:38are seeing that rain easing away, replaced by sunny skies for England, Wales and there'll
01:43be some brighter interludes as well for Scotland and Northern Ireland. But this northwesterly
01:48breeze it's bringing a lot of showers in and those showers will be falling as snow
01:53over the hills of Scotland because it's relatively cold air that's arriving on the northwesterly
01:58although on the whole temperatures are at around average for the afternoon and in some
02:02parts of southern UK those temperatures actually be falling through the day as the weather
02:06front clears away. So some brightness to end the day in the south after that wet start
02:11but into the evening we keep the clear skies and lighter winds in the south so actually
02:16it's the south and south-east where we'll see the lowest temperatures overnight, a touch
02:19of frost in places, further north and west a bit too much cloud, showers moving in as
02:24well and that breeze stirring the air up so it's not going to be quite as chilly although
02:29it will feel cold in the wind obviously and that wind continuing to feed quite a number
02:33of showers in with those showers falling as snow over Shetland and some northern parts
02:38of Scotland, especially over the hills. By the end of the night we've got cloudier skies
02:42and more persistent rain pushing into Western Scotland, Northern Ireland and North West
02:45England. Further south plenty of sunshine first thing, chill in the air yes but actually
02:51London, East Anglia, South East England the best place for sunshine. Either way it will
02:56turn generally cloudier across the UK through the day on Wednesday as a warm front pushes
03:02a lot of cloud, breeze and rain into many parts. The rain mostly light and mostly it's
03:10going to be affecting hills and coasts in the North West but it is going to be a damp
03:15afternoon for many. A few flakes of snow on the forward edge of that rain but actually
03:20that's mostly across the higher parts of Scotland and it does turn milder through the afternoon
03:25so back into the double figures fairly widely away from the North East of Scotland. Then
03:30things get even windier as we go into Thursday, the reason being we've got low pressure moving
03:36into Scandinavia, an unusually low area of low pressure. Meanwhile we've got high pressure
03:42out in the Atlantic, an unusually high area of high pressure. So a tight pressure gradient,
03:49in other words tightly packed isobars and increasingly strong winds. Widespread gales
03:53for the northern two thirds of the UK certainly, some very strong wind gusts as well and as
03:59a result we've got this yellow warning in force at the moment and we'll keep an eye
04:03on things over the next few days, update the warnings and forecasts where necessary. Make
04:08sure you subscribe to our YouTube channel so you can keep across all those updates.
