Monday evening forecast 19/06/23

  • 2 days ago
19 June - National weather forecast presented by Aidan McGivern
00:00Hi there. Hit and miss showers and thunderstorms will continue in places
00:04during the next few days before eventually becoming more and more
00:08isolated as it turns drier in the south this weekend, wetter in the north. We've
00:14seen some heavy rain across the north through the last 24 hours, the rain now
00:18clearing away from northern Scotland, the showers and thunderstorms elsewhere
00:21easing into the night, but we follow the next area of rain pushing up from the
00:26continent arriving into southwest England and south Wales during the early
00:29hours. Some heavy and persistent rain associated with this and it's certainly
00:34going to be a muggy night for sleeping in the south with the cloud cover,
00:39relatively high humidity as well, 15 or 16 Celsius. Further north, low teens, 12-13
00:46Celsius in places. Clear spells for eastern Scotland, Northern Ireland,
00:50Northern England, that's where the best of the sunshine will be first thing
00:53Tuesday. Doesn't last that long because the rain in the south is quite quickly
00:57pushing north across the country, a wet spell for a few hours across the
01:01Midlands and Wales as it moves into northern England late morning, southeast
01:05Scotland by the afternoon. In its wake, sunny spells, yes, but further showers
01:10developing across Wales and the southwest as well as Northern Ireland
01:13and western Scotland. Again, these will be hit and miss, not everyone will catch a
01:17shower, but where they do occur could be quite lively with some rumbles of thunder
01:21and some hail. But it's across east and southeast England where the greatest
01:25risk of torrential rain is if some serious thunderstorms get going, if
01:31temperatures rise sufficiently into the afternoon before things start to
01:36stabilise from the south later on. And we're looking at temperatures of low to
01:40mid-20s widely, but perhaps up to 27 degrees in some of the warmer spots
01:44towards the southeast. And some warmth for northern Scotland, for example,
01:48eastern Scotland as well, given the wind direction, that's where the warmest spots
01:52will be with 23 or 24 Celsius in places, albeit with some showery rain moving
01:57through, and increasingly damp for central, southern and eastern Scotland by
02:01the end of the day on Tuesday. That rain clears through, the showers and
02:05thunderstorms elsewhere ease during the evening eventually, and after dark most
02:09places are dry with lengthy clear spells. But despite the clear spells, actually
02:13it's another relatively warm night, although it is going to be a bit fresher
02:17compared with recent nights. Still some showers in the west as we wake up on
02:21Wednesday. Western Scotland, western parts of Northern Ireland, one or two over
02:24Wales for example, but otherwise plenty of sunshine towards the east. And as
02:29temperatures rise, well we're going to see those showers in the west develop
02:32widely across the UK by late morning, and you can see how they're popping up all
02:37over the place. Again, these will be hit and miss. Some places will actually have
02:42a dry day on Wednesday with sunny spells, but you'll notice some of these showers
02:47are forming in lines. So in places, for example, the southwest peninsula where the
02:51winds come together, or eastern Scotland for example, we'll see shower after
02:55shower after shower. But away from these lines of showers, well a lot of fine
03:00weather with warm sunshine and temperatures again up into the mid to
03:03high 20s in parts of the southeast, low 20s generally elsewhere. Then into
03:09Thursday as well as Friday, we'll increasingly see a northwest-southeast
03:14split with more changeable weather arriving towards the northwest by the
03:18end of the week as low pressure in the Atlantic approaches. Breezy with spells
03:22of persistent rain, of course we need the rain for western Scotland in particular,
03:26but a ridge of high pressure extending across southern parts of the UK, allowing
03:30more sunshine to develop, and a day-by-day rise in temperatures approaching 30
03:34Celsius in the southeast by the weekend. That's all for me, but full outlook of
03:39course is available on the YouTube channel. That's the week ahead forecast.
03:42Do go and give it a watch.
