Tuesday morning forecast 22/06/21

  • 2 days ago
22 June - National weather forecast, presented by Aidan McGivern
00:00Hi there and welcome to the latest from the Met Office. A cool start to Tuesday, you might
00:05call it cold actually because unusually low temperatures in places but sunny spells compensate
00:11and for many places it's going to be a dry and fine day. The same can't be said for the
00:16summer solstice. Monday has seen a wet day across southern parts of England and that
00:21rain slowly easing through the evening and overnight eventually becoming sporadic light
00:26bursts of rain generally. Always the threat of something heavier there towards the far
00:30south east but essentially for many places it's turning drier overnight so lots of cloud
00:35there in the south keeping temperatures in the double figures. But where we've got clear
00:39skies elsewhere, those temperatures dipping into the mid-single figures in main urban
00:44areas and low single figures in the countryside as low as 0 to 2 Celsius for parts of Northern
00:51Ireland, say Cumbria, as well as Scotland. So isolated air frost not out of the question
00:58as we begin in one or two spots on Tuesday but plenty of sunshine there for Scotland,
01:03Northern Ireland, much of England and Wales also seeing brighter skies compared to Monday.
01:08Still the chance of the odd light shower towards the south east but most places end up dry
01:12by the end of the afternoon. There will be a lot of cloud around, much of it developing
01:17during the afternoon but still the chance of some sunny spells especially through central
01:21and eastern Scotland, eastern parts of England. Temperatures broadly 18 to 21 Celsius, not
01:26far from the average for the time of year. But in Western Scotland, Northern Ireland
01:32soon turn cloudy and damp. Outbreaks of rain, mostly on and off rain, largely on the light
01:39side affecting northern and western Scotland and Northern Ireland and then by the end of
01:43the night, North Wales. With the cloud cover towards the north west, a much milder night
01:49to come but still the chance of, in some spots, 2 to 4 Celsius under clearer skies
01:55across England and Wales. That's where this ridge of high pressure will be as we start
01:59off Wednesday but more of an Atlantic influence across north western parts of the country,
02:04these weather fronts moving in. Initially these are weakening weather fronts so expect
02:10areas of cloud for Western Scotland, Northern Ireland, northern and western Wales and north
02:14west England. Some outbreaks of rain, on and off, mostly light and eastern Scotland
02:20staying largely dry, much of the rest of England and Wales also seeing some good spells of
02:25sunshine during Wednesday. And as these weather fronts move in, temperatures are lifting a
02:29little bit so we're looking at low 20s across southern parts of the UK and still the potential
02:35for 20 degrees in some parts of Scotland despite the extra cloud. And then these outbreaks
02:40of rain, the additional cloud, topple their way south eastwards during Thursday and Friday.
02:46The chance of some heavier rain at times but there are signs that high pressure will begin
02:50to move back in again during the weekend and I'll have more on that in the Met Office week
02:56ahead forecast which you'll be able to find on the usual social media channels. Bye bye.
