Wednesday afternoon forecast 14/06/23

  • 2 days ago
14 June - National weather forecast presented by Aidan McGivern
00:00Hi there, the thunderstorms of the last few days are much more restricted on Wednesday
00:06to the far north-west of Scotland. Otherwise, for the vast majority, it's blue skies out
00:11there, barely a cloud in the sky for many, just some fair-weather cloud bubbling up,
00:16especially towards the south and south-west. Still an easterly airflow, limited temperatures
00:23somewhat for the east coast, with 22 or 23 Celsius more likely here, but inland and further
00:30to the west and south, still the mid to high 20s, and the hot spot I think on Wednesday
00:35afternoon likely to be somewhere around central-southern England, close to 30 Celsius, but perhaps
00:41just shy. Otherwise, with those temperatures rising, the cloud will build, and for north-west
00:48Scotland, especially over the north-west Highlands, the chance of an isolated thunderstorm breaking
00:53out, but these will be very few and far between. For the vast majority, it's going to stay
00:57dry and sunny, clear skies then for many overnight. Some low cloud drifting into the east and
01:03developing across central parts of England, for example, and some mistiness and low cloud
01:07around the far north of Scotland. Otherwise, it's clear skies, but temperatures staying
01:12in the teens, so relatively mild, if not warm, in places through the night. Clear once
01:20again on Thursday morning, even the low cloud where it forms will disappear very quickly.
01:24And then, we keep the sunny skies through the day, and for the vast majority, once again,
01:30it's a warm one with plenty of sunshine. But, for parts of Ireland, some very intense
01:38thunderstorms are likely to form with large hail, frequent lightning and torrential rain.
01:43These will drift north through the day on Thursday, and by the end of the afternoon
01:46into the evening, they could start to affect western parts of Northern Ireland. Otherwise,
01:51some cloud will build, and temperatures again reaching the mid to high 20s, but a little
01:56lower there for the east coast with a gentle easterly breeze. Into the evening then on
02:02Thursday, watch out for those thunderstorms across Ireland and western parts of Northern
02:06Ireland. Across much of the UK though, it's dry, it's staying clear, it's another mild
02:13night. But, these thunderstorms towards the west, signs of a change on the way into Friday,
02:19more especially the weekend, a much more showery outlook for the weekend and beyond with the
02:24chance of some heavy downpours and some thunderstorms, especially towards the west and the southwest.
