Thursday morning forecast 11/08/22

  • 2 days ago
11 August - National weather forecast presented by Aidan McGivern
00:00Hello again. The heat is building once again. Days are becoming hotter, nights are becoming
00:06warmer and it's going to continue for some time this heatwave. Now, the one exception
00:12to the largely clear and hot weather is the far north and north-west of Scotland where
00:17some outbreaks of rain will affect here overnight and elsewhere there will be some mist and
00:23fog pushing into the east of England, perhaps Northern Ireland as well. But for many clear
00:28spells overnight, whether you've got the clear spells or the cloud or the fog, temperatures
00:34will stay up in the mid-teens in many spots. Perhaps single figures for some sheltered
00:38Scottish glens but otherwise for many it's a warm if rather uncomfortable night for sleeping
00:44in the main urban centres. High pressure then still with us on Wednesday, still bringing
00:50us copious amounts of sunshine but once again cloud and some outbreaks of rain will continue
00:55to affect the north of Scotland, easing off for a time later in the day but mainly affecting
01:00Shetland, Orkney, Lewis and Harris as well as parts of the far north-west mainland. Otherwise
01:06it's blue skies once again and light winds, high UV levels so watch out for that and temperatures
01:13rising so a hotter day to come compared with Tuesday and Wednesday and temperatures in
01:18Scotland probably peaking on Thursday afternoon, 29 or 30 Celsius and across much of England
01:24and Wales low 30s, 33 Celsius the most likely high temperature on Thursday. Into the start
01:31of Friday we're going to see again clear spells for many, again just some areas of cloud and
01:36outbreaks of rain in the far north of Scotland and a warm, well a warmer night to come with
01:42temperatures in many spots 15 to 17 or 18 Celsius. So we start off Friday with plenty
01:49of sunshine across the UK once again away from the far north of Scotland and temperatures
01:55are building. We're going to see a cooler day I think on the immediate coast of eastern
02:00Scotland and the north east of England. You'll notice some fret and har here, some low cloud
02:06and mist making things significantly cooler in some places more than 10 degrees lower
02:11compared with Thursday. The cloud and rain will ease off for a time in the far north
02:16of Scotland however and for much of central and southern Scotland high 20s, Northern Ireland
02:21likewise but it's across the heart of England and Wales where those temperatures will be
02:25their highest and the hot spot most likely somewhere around the west midlands into central
02:30southern England perhaps around Bristol 35 Celsius possible here and on Saturday 35 perhaps
02:39even as high as 36 Celsius. So there's an amber extreme heat warning in force because
02:45of the prolonged nature of this heat wave, the fact that it's going to be difficult for
02:49houses to cool down overnight with high overnight temperatures as well and although these temperatures
02:55won't be nearly as high as we saw in July it is the fact that it goes on for some time
03:00into the start of next week for example that could cause health impacts, could cause impacts
03:04to infrastructure as well because of course we're not used to in this country dealing
03:08with this kind of heat and although many people will be fine and enjoy this kind of weather
03:14there will be those who will not be fine and we'll keep you updated on social media
03:18you can keep up to date with the Met Office for forecasts warnings and health advice on
03:23these channels.
