Saturday morning forecast 13/08/22

  • 2 days ago
13 August - National weather forecast presented by Aidan McGivern
00:00Hi there, the hot weather continues throughout the weekend, both by day and by night. Nights
00:06this weekend are going to be uncomfortable, temperatures not falling far and there'll
00:10be some mist and low cloud effect in the north and northeast of the UK. That has been prevalent
00:16around coasts and it will tend to creep inland overnight, but clear spells elsewhere. Despite
00:22the clear spells, temperatures in many spots holding at around 15 to 18 Celsius. So for
00:29city centres in particular, it's going to be an oppressive night, especially say the
00:34likes of London, Birmingham, Cardiff for example. Then a sunny start for many, but for the north
00:40and the east of Scotland, the far northeast of England, there will be some mist and low
00:43cloud around, some har and some fret. That will tend to retreat back to the beaches by
00:49Saturday lunchtime. And then for much of the mainland of the UK, quite simply sunny skies
00:54once again and temperatures rising, likely to be a hotter day in many spots compared
01:00with Friday. The heat's been building all week and peaking on Saturday afternoon into
01:05the low to mid 30s across England and Wales, high 20s for Scotland and Northern Ireland.
01:09With the hottest spot likely somewhere around the midlands into the west country, southeast
01:14Wales, southeast England. 35 likely could see a 36 Celsius somewhere. With those kinds
01:21of temperatures by day and the fact that nights are staying very warm at the moment,
01:25we know that this heat isn't for everyone. It can impact people's health and it can impact
01:32the UK's infrastructure because the UK isn't built for these kinds of temperatures. They
01:35don't happen that often. So an amber extreme heat warning in force throughout the weekend.
01:42Not only that, but we're going to see the air start to destabilise during the weekend.
01:47The first signs of that, northern England, southern Scotland, by Saturday late afternoon
01:52risk of some showers developing, especially over the higher ground. And then they start
01:56to develop more widely across central and western Scotland, Northern Ireland through
02:00the early hours of Sunday. Otherwise away from there, clear spells continuing and a
02:05very warm night for sleeping could be even warmer compared with Friday night. So warm
02:11start to Sunday and for many another sunny start. But this is where the change starts
02:17to occur. High pressure drifting away to the east is replaced by low pressure. And of course,
02:22with that heat remaining close to the surface and low pressure allowing the air to rise,
02:28we're going to see all the ingredients later Sunday and into the start of next week for
02:31some very lively thunderstorms. The first signs of that for central, northern and western
02:36Scotland, Northern Ireland as well. Risk by Sunday afternoon of some intense downpours,
02:41hit and miss as is always the case with thunderstorms, but where they do occur, the risk of localised
02:46flooding. Perhaps elsewhere one or two showers developing, but for much of eastern Scotland,
02:52southern Scotland, England and Wales, it's another sunny day. A bit more cloud perhaps
02:56here and there. Mostly high cloud, but that could impact temperatures and so not quite
03:01as hot on Sunday. Still though, 34 to 35 Celsius likely. And this comes at the tail
03:08end of a whole week of temperatures in the 30s. Now, I mentioned those thunderstorms
03:15and they become more widespread across much of the UK for the start of next week. And
03:21of course, for many places, heavy rain on Monday and Tuesday will be falling on dry
03:26ground and that causes the risk of flash flooding. So, we'll keep you updated on all of that.
03:32Of course, through the weekend and beyond, you can follow those updates on social media.
