Friday afternoon forecast 12/08/22

  • 2 days ago
12 August - National weather forecast presented by Aidan McGivern
00:00Hello again. Another sunny and very hot day to come across much of the UK. Temperatures
00:06have been rising through the week and it's even hotter today compared with yesterday
00:10with temperatures up about a degree or so in many spots. Now the far north and north-west
00:16of Scotland will once again be cloudier and cooler with some light outbreaks of rain but
00:21mostly dry here. Also some mist and low cloud continues to affect the far coast of eastern
00:27Scotland and north-east England. Much cooler here but elsewhere with those sunny skies
00:32you can see high 20s across much of Scotland and Northern Ireland. Low to mid 30s across
00:38much of England and Wales. Somewhere it could just about reach a 35 Celsius somewhere in
00:42central or southern England. So very hot. These kinds of temperatures don't happen often
00:48in this country even if they are a little lower compared with the July remarkable heat
00:53wave. Now overnight we're going to see some of that low cloud and mist in the north-east
00:58creep a bit further inland for a time. But there will also be some outbreaks of rain
01:04in Shetland. Elsewhere temperatures holding up in the mid to high teens. So very warm
01:10and uncomfortable night for sleeping across the board. And then into the start of the
01:16weekend. Some of that low cloud and mist for a time in the east but it tends to retreat
01:21back to the beaches where it could well linger into the afternoon. Again some outbreaks of
01:27rain for parts of Shetland. Perhaps Lewis and Harris but for the vast majority it is
01:32dry and it's sunny. And with that sunshine comes that build of heat once again. And I
01:37think tomorrow is likely to be slightly hotter once again. So widely across England and Wales
01:44we're looking at low to mid thirties. There's a possibility of 36 Celsius in an isolated
01:51spot somewhere around central and southern England perhaps east Wales. But mostly those
01:57temperatures will be at around 33, 34 degrees and 35 in one or two places. In Scotland and
02:03Northern Ireland high twenties but much cooler around the coasts of northern and eastern
02:09Scotland. And with that heat comes the threat later Saturday of some heavy showers developing.
02:17Most notably the northern Pennines, the southern uplands and then perhaps drifting north through
02:22the night. They'll be very isolated but where they occur expect some heavy rainfall. Otherwise
02:29it's dry with clear spells across the board on Saturday. Again some signs of some showers
02:35there across the channel and these showers are just an indication of the changes to come
02:41later in the weekend and more especially the start of next week. Low pressure replaces
02:46high and as that happens the air begins to rise. And although Sunday is expected to be
02:52hot and sunny again for many there is the increased risk initially in the north and
02:56then more widely on Monday of thunderstorms and torrential rain in places. Hit and miss
03:02downpours yes but where these downpours occur for the start of next week there is that risk
03:08of flash flooding because of course this heavy rainfall falling on top of very dry ground.
03:14So we'll keep you updated on all of that and you can follow those updates on social media.
03:17Bye bye.
