Friday afternoon forecast 16/09/22

  • 2 days ago
16 September - National weather forecast presented by Aidan McGivern
00:00Hi there, a mostly dry weekend coming up but for the rest of Friday there will be some
00:06showers around, those showers across many northern and eastern parts of the UK in particular.
00:12High pressure building in from the west and as that happens winds will eventually ease
00:17and the showers will start to ease as well. But for the time being we start Friday afternoon
00:22with one or two showers through central and western areas but the bulk of the showers
00:26affect northern Scotland as well as parts of eastern England, especially East Anglia
00:30where those showers will be heavy at times. The showers brought in on a brisk northerly
00:34breeze so that's going to make things feel cool. Touching near Galeforce across the north-east
00:41of Scotland and certainly it's going to feel very windy down that North Sea coast. But
00:47further west less windy and sunny spells coming through, temperatures up in the mid to high
00:54teens for many. Into the evening and the wind inland tends to ease, the showers also
01:00ease but we'll see further showers coming in on that breeze for the north of Scotland
01:04and one or two down the North Sea coast of England. Otherwise with clearing skies for
01:09many temperatures will fall away, worth bearing in mind if you're heading to London for example
01:15it's going to be a chilly one overnight, temperatures dipping into the mid or even low single figures
01:21in places so a touch of grass frost is possible for central, north-western and northern parts
01:27of the UK. Into the start of the weekend, a chilly start yes but plenty of sunny spells
01:33around first thing Saturday. There will still be few showers coming into the north of Scotland
01:38as well as the North Sea coast of England but fewer compared with Friday and the wind
01:43will be moderating so certainly across central and western parts it's not going to be as
01:49brisk and temperatures as a result up into the high teens will feel a little warmer compared
01:56with Friday. There'll be a bit more cloud coming in for Saturday evening into the north
02:02of Scotland and a few more showers here as well. Winds are changing direction as high
02:06pressure builds in from the west so we lose that cool northerly airflow but still with
02:11clear skies for many on Saturday night it's going to be another chilly start on Sunday
02:17and then Sunday is mostly dry but there will be one or two showers into central parts.
02:21Monday sees a thicker cloud arriving from the west.
