Thursday afternoon forecast 25/05/23

  • 2 days ago
25 May - National weather forecast presented by Alex Deakin.
00:00Hello. High pressure continues to dominate our weather, and it will for several more
00:06days yet, which means plenty more fine and bright weather with quite a bit of strong
00:10sunshine on offer. Here is that high pressure. It's been ambling in slowly over the past
00:15few days. Weather fronts behind me will bring a bit more cloud and patchy rain to northern
00:19Scotland during Friday and Saturday. But otherwise, high pressure in control. Now, it's not completely
00:24sunny everywhere. Some places are seeing quite a lot of cloud today, and there is the very
00:28small chance of seeing a shower over the hills of northern England. But for the vast
00:32majority, as I said, dry, bright, good spells of sunshine for most, and light winds. There
00:38is a bit of a breeze over the northern isles, and temperatures here struggling to get much
00:41above 11 or 12. But elsewhere, we're into the mid to high teens across the north, further
00:45south into the low 20s in places. Wherever you've got the breeze off the sea, though,
00:50that will always bring a cooler feel at this time of year, and particularly where it stays
00:55fairly cloudy. But I think the cloud will break up more and more through the afternoon,
00:59and that'll continue overnight. And then with clear skies, it might just turn a little misty
01:03in a few spots, say, over parts of East Wales, the Midlands, northern England. But for most,
01:08it'll just be a dry night and a clear night. We'll start to see that weather front approaching
01:11the northwest, so the cloud increasing a little bit here by dawn. With clear skies, again,
01:16it is going to be on the cool side. Where it stays cloudy, we may keep those temperatures
01:20in double figures, but certainly single digits where we have clear skies. And across northern
01:25Scotland, see not too far of freezing in one or two locations. So yes, a relatively cool
01:30start again to Friday, but another fine day by and large. Any early morning mist will
01:35clear away. Again, there'll be some lumps of cloud milling around, so it won't be blue
01:39skies everywhere. An increasing cloud across the northwest of Scotland could bring a little
01:44bit of drizzle to the western isles, perhaps even over the highlands. The odd spot of drizzle
01:48is possible as the cloud thickens through the day. But much of the east coast, the central
01:52belt, northern Ireland, England and Wales, dry and fine with sunny spells. Again, the
01:58wind direction will be crucial, could keep some of the coasts a little cooler, and it
02:02will be a bit cooler where we've got a bit more cloud coming in across northern Scotland.
02:06But temperatures generally perhaps a degree or so higher tomorrow. High teens, low 20s,
02:10perhaps even over parts of the north and further south, 21, 22 degrees likely once more. Not
02:16a great deal of change through Friday night. And as we head into another bank holiday weekend,
02:21still some thick cloud just brushing past the northern parts of Scotland. So the northern
02:25isles could see a spot or two of drizzle during Friday evening. But otherwise, it's going
02:29to be a fine Friday evening leading into a by and large fine weekend. Now, we do have
02:34this weather front that will dip in and split the high pressure temporarily. But the high
02:39builds back in behind that weather front and will control our weather through Sunday and
02:45Monday. But that weather front will do a couple of things. It will bring more cloud if we
02:49rewind and run through the sequence, will bring some cloud to northern Scotland, a little
02:53bit of patchy rain, but it will also introduce cooler conditions initially across the north
02:57on Sunday, but slightly cooler air spreading a bit further south by the time we get to
03:02Monday. So even though many of us will stay fine and bright with sunny spells, we will
03:06see those temperatures dipping off a touch through the weekend. A full bank holiday weekend
03:10forecast will be available on our YouTube channel by Thursday afternoon.
