Friday evening forecast 25/08/23

  • 2 days ago
25 August - National weather forecast presented by Alex Deakin.
00:00Hello, it's a bank holiday weekend for many of us and the weather looks mixed.
00:04There will be some heavy showers, especially on Saturday, but also be some
00:09sunshine around. Tantalizingly, high pressure is nearby. It's trying to move
00:14in but it's not really succeeding. Low pressure, the dominant feature of our
00:18weather as it has been for much of this week. And just edging around that low
00:23we've got some heavy and thundery showers. Slow moving in some locations so
00:28potentially causing some disruption. We do have a Met Office warning in place
00:31across southeast Scotland through the night and into Saturday morning. Heavy
00:35showers elsewhere will feed into northwest England and North Wales and
00:39will keep things fairly soggy and blustery across northern Scotland. Further
00:43south the showers will tend to fade away. There'll be some clearer spells over the
00:47Midlands and it may just start a little misty in some spots as a result. It'll
00:51also start on the cool side with temperatures in rural spots into single
00:55figures towns and cities what 10 to 12 degrees. Okay, on to Saturday and yes for
01:01some we'll start with a bit of sunshine. Parts of the Midlands, eastern England
01:04for example. But we will see showers developing. We'll already have some heavy
01:08ones over southeastern Scotland and northern Scotland. Plenty of showers for
01:11North Wales and just look at this, by the afternoon those showers widespread. One
01:16or two areas may not see too many. The central belt of Scotland, southwest
01:20Scotland may avoid most of the downpours. Decent chance of some sunny spells here
01:24and elsewhere. As you can see there will be some sunshine but you will have to
01:28dodge those downpours. Quite breezy too around western coast, particularly the
01:32western side of Scotland and the north coast of Northern Ireland. Elsewhere
01:36further east the winds will be lighter which means the showers could be quite
01:40slow moving. That means there could be some lengthier spells of sunshine. You
01:43get a bit of Sun in the east. Temperatures will creep up over 20
01:47Celsius but generally high teens and for most these temperatures are below
01:51average for the end of August. So it isn't going to be a warm weekend. Things
01:55don't really warm up as we go through the weekend either. Still some heavy
01:58showers around. You've got plans on Saturday evening. Again be aware there
02:03could be some heavy showers around. Through the nights the showers will tend
02:06to fade for many inland areas but we'll keep some going in northern Scotland and
02:10through parts of Wales. And then Sunday again it's sunshine and showers and
02:15again a good chunk of the country, particularly central and eastern England
02:18likely to start dry and remain fine and sunny for most of the morning. But come
02:22the afternoon we will see more showers developing. Southern Scotland, the
02:26Midlands, down across central and the eastern parts of England. They will again
02:30be scattered. There will again be some sunshine and then we're likely to have a
02:33slice of drier weather across parts of the west. Wales, southwest England, much of
02:38western Scotland through the afternoon. But clouding over further west for
02:42Northern Ireland and western Scotland with some rain trickling in here late in
02:46the day. That is a weather front. It's not particularly active. The rain won't be very
02:49heavy but it will cloud over here. So kind of splitting into three zones come
02:54Sunday afternoon. Again it'll be in east where we have the highest temperatures
02:58but again for most high teens at best and below average for the time of year.
03:02That weather front in the west will be fairly weak anyway but continuing to
03:07weaken during Sunday night as it moves its way and kind of breaking up as we
03:11head into Monday. As I said a bank holiday for many and look at this
03:15there's a little ridge of high pressure trying to topple in. So the remnants of
03:18that weather front bringing cloud and maybe some light rain and drizzle early
03:22on but should break up. So just really the odd shower come the afternoon for a
03:26good chunk of the country. Actually Monday will be dry. Can't promise a huge
03:31amount of sunshine. Fairly cloudy. We should see some blue sky coming through
03:35at times. Just signs of temperatures creeping up a little bit. Still only
03:38around about average and still for many only in the teens. But if we see a bit
03:43more sunshine on Monday those temperatures might just be a little bit
03:46higher and the winds will be a little bit lighter as well. So as I said it is
03:49a fairly mixed long weekend. Keep up to date with the latest forecasts by
03:55subscribing to our YouTube channels and making sure you're following us right
03:58across social media.
