Tuesday afternoon forecast 09/05/23

  • 2 days ago
9 May - National weather forecast presented by Aidan McGivern.
00:00Hi there, there'll be some impressive clouds about through the rest of Tuesday, some lively
00:05downpours, even some thunderstorms, especially towards the south and southeast.
00:10We've seen a weather front clear through and still some lingering cloud across southern
00:15and southeastern parts, and this is where the heaviest and most prolonged downpours
00:19will be through Tuesday afternoon.
00:21In some places they'll be aligned in bands, so giving shower after shower, and some thunder
00:25reactive to even some hail thrown in, so there's a risk of impacts from those thunderstorms
00:29and slow-moving heavy showers.
00:32Further to the north and north-west, well, still fairly showery, but I think the brightest
00:38skies and the fewest showers will be across western Scotland, north-west England and west
00:44Temperatures mid to high teens for most, but 20 or 21 possible in the south-east away from
00:49the showers.
00:50The showers, though, slowly clear across the south-east during Tuesday evening, a few more
00:54keep going across eastern Scotland as well.
00:57Then drier and clearer for a time across central and eastern parts, a few fog patches forming,
01:01but in western Scotland, northern Ireland, Wales and the south-west here, thicker cloud
01:06rise by the end of the night, as well as some showery rain.
01:0811 Celsius in the west, mid to high single figures in the east where we get those clear
01:12spells, and a bright start here, but further west we've got low pressure moving in.
01:17Now this isn't a particularly deep low, it's not going to bring any organised rainfall,
01:22but it will bring some cloud and some showery rain into north-western parts, and then as
01:26that moves through, showers develop quite widely by the afternoon.
01:30So for western Scotland, northern Ireland, western England and Wales, cloudy with outbreaks
01:34of showery rain through the morning, and then into the afternoon, showers bubble up widely.
01:40The heaviest downpours once again towards eastern parts, I think these showers won't
01:44be quite as lively, but still the risk of a rumble of thunder or two in places.
01:49And a degree or so lower as far as the temperatures are concerned, mid to high teens generally,
01:54with a breeze towards the north-west, that will make it feel on the cool side.
01:59The showers keep going for a time on Wednesday evening, and then eventually they die away
02:03overnight, but further showers come along for Thursday, before eventually into Friday,
02:10and the start of the weekend at least, a ridge of high pressure brings more generally fine
02:15and settled conditions for a time.