Thursday evening forecast 11/05/23

  • 2 days ago
11 May - National weather forecast presented by Aidan Mcgivern.
00:00Hi there, another lively day of heavy downpours and thunderstorms, but those showers will
00:07fairly quickly ease away during the evening, leading to a largely dry night. Still some
00:12showers rumbling on at 8pm, but you can see on the map here how quickly they disappear
00:17so that by midnight most places are dry. One exception to the dry theme, North Sea coast
00:22where there'll be some drizzle as low cloud creeps in from the east and thickens and lowers
00:26further through the night. And so gloomy night in places, some low cloud covering eastern
00:31hills and temperatures around the mid to high single figures. But a cold night to come for
00:36Northern Ireland, for Western Scotland where there'll be some mist patches first thing.
00:40Otherwise, sunny spells for Northern Ireland, Western Scotland, western parts of England
00:44and Wales. And with that sunshine getting to work, the low cloud elsewhere will tend
00:49to lift, albeit slowly through the morning, but it will break up across central parts.
00:54It will persist in the east and for East Anglia and the south east here, an area of
00:58patchy rain and drizzle will move in, along with a stiff north east breeze. It's going
01:02to make things feel on the cold side. 12 Celsius on the coast at best, but further west where
01:08we've got those sunny spells, 18, possibly 19 Celsius. Northern Scotland, West Wales,
01:13south west England, favoured spots for some warm May sunshine. But Wales and the south
01:20west still prone to one or two showers as those temperatures rise in the afternoon.
01:25Nowhere near on the scale that we've seen this week so far. And they do ease away quickly
01:29during the evening. Then on Friday night, we've got this area of low cloud pushing westwards
01:34once again. And once more, it will bring some drizzle and some mistiness around eastern
01:38coasts. This time less so for north east Scotland, more so for much of England and temperatures
01:43mid to high single figures generally. But across central parts of Scotland and Northern
01:48Ireland, well here, light winds, clear skies will lead to a fairly chilly start to the
01:52weekend. A few mist patches as well. However, by Saturday, high pressure covers much of
01:59the UK. We've still got this easterly airflow coming around an area of low pressure over
02:03the continent and a weather front approaching for later in the weekend. But this interlude
02:09of calmer, drier, clearer conditions for many on Saturday. However, it's going to take some
02:15time for central and eastern parts of the UK to cheer up through the day on Saturday.
02:20It's going to be a gloomy start. Soon enough, into the afternoon, sunny spells will break
02:26out across central and western parts of the UK. And for Scotland, Northern Ireland, much
02:30of Northern and Western England, Southern England and Wales, sunny spells and some warmth.
02:36As temperatures rise, we could see one or two showers breaking out in the far south.
02:41But these will be very isolated compared with the recent weather and not particularly
02:46heavy. East coast, though, stays cool and cloudy through the day on Saturday. Temperatures
02:51rise here on Sunday as the winds change direction and this weather front towards the northwest
02:57moves southwards during Sunday and Monday across the UK. That's all for me. Have a great day.
