Sunday afternoon forecast 27/06/21

  • 2 days ago
27 June – National weather forecast.


00:00Hello, we're looking at some heavy bands of rain and showers across southern parts of the UK over the next 24 hours or so, but dry and bright further north, the best of sunshine across northwestern areas.
00:10The reason for this is high pressures in charge across northwestern parts of the UK, low pressure to the south, bringing bands of heavy rain.
00:17Meteorist warnings are in place over the next 24 hours. Some hefty downpours are possible.
00:22Back to the rest of Sunday and we see the first band of that heavy rain pushing across southern counties of England, pushing into Wales later on in the day.
00:30Some real heavy downpours developing. Some localised flooding is possible. Meteorist rain warning in force from the afternoon.
00:38But it is dry and bright further north. Plenty of sunny spells and temperatures will respond in that sunshine getting into the low 20s, 23 to 24 Celsius, a maximum temperature.
00:48Also breezy along southern counties of England as well. Through Sunday evening, we'll continue to see bands of rain push further north and westwards.
00:57Some thunder and lightning possible in there too, but we should see some drier, clearer spells following on behind for a time.
01:03Clearer skies across Northern Ireland, Northern England and Scotland will allow temperatures to dip away here, falling into single figures.
01:10But under that cloud and bands of heavy rain across parts of England and Wales, it will be a mild night.
01:15Temperatures staying in double figures, 13 to 15 Celsius as a minimum. Quite muggy and murky as well, particularly in the far south.
01:25So we've got the bands of rain from the word go on Monday morning, pushing its way northward.
01:31Some heavy downpours developing sunshine from the word go, though, across parts of Northern Ireland and Scotland.
01:37It stays sunny here through the day. Bright skies following on across southern England could then spark off some heavy and thundery downpours as we go through the afternoon.
01:46Again, some hail and some flash flooding is possible in the sunshine.
01:50Temperatures reaching 23 to 25 Celsius. A cooler zone across parts of the Midlands, parts of Wales and eastern England here.
01:5717 or 18 Celsius under the low cloud outbreaks of patchy rain.
02:01So a cooler day to come here. The outlook stays similar over the next couple of days. Further heavy downpours in the south, but dry and warm weather continues across northern areas.