Saturday evening forecast 27/05/23

  • 2 days ago
27 May – National weather forecast presented by Jonathan Vaultrey.


00:00Hello there, hope you've enjoyed the start to the bank holiday weekend. Saturday has
00:05brought us quite a number of glorious scenes across the UK. The flowers have been in bloom.
00:10Many of us saw widespread blue skies even into southern areas of Scotland. There was
00:15a bit more cloud that's been pushing its way in from the very far north west, so areas
00:20of the Highlands and the Northern Isles seeing a few light outbreaks of rain and drizzle.
00:24But that's tending to ease its way off as we head into this evening and the cloud just
00:28pushing its way a bit more into Northern Ireland, central eastern areas of England. A few mist
00:33and fog patches possible across the very far south east of England overnight, but many
00:37of us holding on to those clear intervals. Well, we do have the cloud across central
00:42areas of the UK temperatures just holding up a touch more here. Towns and cities staying
00:46around double digits, but elsewhere dropping into single figures, particularly across central
00:52northern areas of Scotland, where we might just get close to that freezing mark across
00:57the sheltered glens and higher areas where you have the clear intervals, though overnight,
01:02it does mean that there will be a good amount of sunshine first thing on Sunday and we'll
01:06start off fairly pleasant for eastern central areas of England. Sunday looking like a slightly
01:11cloudy day compared to Saturday, and this cloud might just produce the odd light shower.
01:17You will be a bit unlucky to get hit by one of those. Most of us will stay dry for southwest
01:22England, Wales up into Scotland and Northern Ireland. There'll be a good amount of sunshine
01:27throughout the day, perhaps a bit more hazy across Scotland as this wispy cloud pushes
01:31its way through. It's the southwest in that sunshine, though, where temperatures will
01:36climb the highest over the course of the day, seeing 22, 23 degrees to the north of that.
01:42Just a fresher feeling day compared to Saturday. Now more around mid teens for Scotland and
01:47Northern Ireland, but that's closer towards average for the time of year. As we head into
01:53Sunday evening, this cloud across England will tend to melt its way off and that will
01:57allow a good number of clear intervals to develop overnight. Underneath those starry
02:01skies, though, temperatures will probably drop off more widely compared to recent nights.
02:07More of us will be down in that single figure mark, but particularly we've got the increased
02:13risk of that frost for some rural areas in Northern Ireland, Northern England and parts
02:17of Scotland as well. Temperatures not quite dropping as low across the very far south
02:22of England just because of the breeze that's picking up along coastal areas here in particular.
02:27That's just help mixing up the air a touch. That breeze is just due to where high pressure
02:32is sat whilst it's staying with us and keeping things fairly dry. We do just have this squeeze
02:37in the isobars developing, and that's just allowing this easterly feed of air to push
02:41its way in across southern coastal areas here. Despite that, though, high pressure will keep
02:47things fairly dry as we head into bank holiday Monday, and there'll be a lot of lovely and
02:52pleasant weather around if you are heading outside. Again, the wispy cloud coming and
02:57going at times, not making the sunshine hazier in places, but nothing that will ruin an afternoon
03:04stroll at all. This easterly breeze, though, will be much more persistent across the southern
03:09half of the UK, so temperatures will be a touch lower here compared to Saturday and
03:15Sunday, not reaching the 22 or 23 degrees that we have seen, but maybe just squeezing
03:21up to 20 in a few locations. But generally, most of us holding around high teens, eastern
03:26coastal areas feeling particularly cool, though, where you are exposed to that breeze. A change
03:32in fortunes, though, for Northern Ireland and Scotland, though, with the lighter winds
03:35here and the sunshine that does develop, temperatures will probably rebound and climb higher compared
03:40to Sunday now climbing towards those high teens. And we might actually see 20 degrees
03:45through the central belt of Scotland as well. Just a slight change to the story across the
03:50far north of Scotland, because here cloud will be a bit more persistent throughout the
03:55day. So temperatures across Shetland held back around 12 degrees Celsius. Do you remember
04:01that if you are heading out on bank holiday Monday, the grass pollen levels are high at
04:05this time of year across England and Wales, but also UV levels will be quite high for
04:10the vast majority of us. These orange colours here showing us where the UV index is high,
04:17moderate for the far north of Scotland underneath that cloud, but actually very high. These
04:21red squares here across the very far south of the UK, the wispy cloud that comes and
04:26goes throughout the day won't protect your skin at all from those UV rays. So do you
04:30remember that skin protection when you are stepping outside? You can keep up to date
04:35with the full forecast for the rest of the bank holiday weekend. And as we head into
04:40the new week as well by following us across all of our social media channels. And we'll
04:44be back here on YouTube, the website and the app very soon. Bye bye.
