Friday afternoon forecast 11/03/22

  • 2 days ago
11 March - National weather forecast presented by Clare Nasir
00:00Hello there. The weather remains lively across the UK through the rest of this week before calming
00:05down into the first part of next week. For the time being though you can see where this band of
00:10rain is extending from the south west of Scotland, the Midlands, Northern England, Wales, Central
00:14Southern England. Some brighter skies perhaps across eastern fringes of England, the far north
00:19of Scotland but a relentless wind wherever you are. Showery rain continues across Northern Ireland
00:24with some showers to follow and some heavy showers with the risk of thunder and hail towards Wales
00:28as well as the west country through the afternoon. Temperatures typically coming
00:32in around 10 to 12 celsius but that wind will be persistent as we head through evening time
00:37and certainly it could actually pick up even more strength across western hours as we head
00:42through evening and overnight with gusts up to around 50 miles an hour in places.
00:46But through the night it remains showery. Yes some clearer skies from time to time
00:50but those showers never too far away and again tracking in from the south so that's where we
00:55see the most frequent bursts, heavy bursts with the strongest winds, gusty winds through the early
01:00hours of Saturday morning. But temperatures should hold up so a frost free night for most.
01:06So through Saturday morning we watch as this batch of showery rain continues again
01:11northwards with a strong wind. The winds ease for a time you can see a lull across England and Wales
01:16still with those showers though some sunshine in between and then the next system awaits in the
01:21wings and that will allow the winds to pick up later in the day across the west country as well
01:25as Wales and some heavy rain associated with it as well. So through Saturday evening and overnight
01:32this system again will move across the country. The winds will pick up further strength particularly
01:38across Irish sea coasts and that leads into a fairly wet and windy day as we head into Sunday.
01:44As this system tracks further northwards you can see a squeeze on the isobars and further
01:49bouts of showery rain. All in all yes a very windy end to a windy week. Things as I said will calm
01:56down as we head through next week with a ridge coming in from the east. So here's your summary
02:01for Sunday and I'll see you later.
