Remington Steele S02E16

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Remington Steele S02E16


00:01Everything's coming up.
00:05Those teeth may be the key to a double murder.
00:07These teeth?
00:08Those teeth.
00:10He is Dr. Bridges.
00:12Well, I thought he was Remington Steele.
00:13He is.
00:14He is?
00:15You know, this is not a toy.
00:16This is a carefully crafted, alginate impression.
00:24Laura and I do have our special way of working together.
00:27Stop that tune!
03:01Oh, it's good.
03:10Oh, it's...
03:15These days, I've got to do something about that overbite.
03:25Hello, Cookie. This is Frances. Is Donald there?
03:27Oh, hello, Mrs. Piper. No, Dr. Piper just left.
03:33He did?
03:34I'm just taking care of some odds and ends here.
03:38Well, it certainly sounds that way.
03:44Now, what about my overbite?
03:46We'll get to it at the convention. Let's go.
03:57Oh, yeah.
04:57Oh, yeah.
05:28Good morning, Mildred.
05:29Oh, good morning.
05:30Is Mrs. Steele in?
05:31No, but there is somebody waiting for you in your office.
05:35Well, she didn't give me your name.
05:37She just came in, asked for you,
05:39and sailed into your office as if it were her own.
05:41Oh, she did mention that the ficus needed watering.
05:47Oh, my princess.
05:50Oh, look at you.
05:53Oh, you little thing.
05:55Oh, I didn't know you and Donald were coming to L.A.
05:58Well, Donald has one of his conventions, and I was exhausted.
06:02I just finished redoing my dress.
06:04Oh, I see.
06:05I'm sorry.
06:06Oh, it's okay.
06:07It's okay.
06:08It's okay.
06:09It's okay.
06:10It's okay.
06:11It's okay.
06:12I was exhausted.
06:13I just finished redoing the den,
06:15so I left the housekeeper with the kids.
06:17I traded Peggy Burke my day at carpool,
06:19and I just flew on out here.
06:22Where's Donald?
06:23Oh, he's over at the, uh, Brinkley Hotel.
06:27But you know how boring those things can get.
06:33Frances, did anything happen?
06:38Well, you tell me.
06:41For 15 years we have been married,
06:43and for 15 years I have gone to every single one of his conventions.
06:4716 if you count the time I was engaged and I didn't tell Mother.
06:51And now it's finally in Los Angeles, and, uh...
06:54He didn't take you.
06:56But why?
07:00That is why.
07:04Greenwich Florist Shop.
07:08Myrna's Lingerie.
07:10Plotkin Jewel.
07:13I don't get it.
07:14Well, I didn't get any of it either.
07:16Not the roses, not the nightgown.
07:18She did.
07:21Oh, my God, Frances, not Donald.
07:24He's having an affair, Laura.
07:27My Donald is having an affair.
07:30I don't believe it.
07:31Well, it's true.
07:33And I've let it happen.
07:35I don't know.
07:36I guess I was just so busy with the house
07:38and ballet and tennis lessons after school
07:40and Danny has soccer and is allergist
07:42that I guess I just didn't pay enough attention to Donald.
07:46So he just went out and he found himself somebody who did.
07:50Frances, are you sure you're not jumping the gun on this?
07:54Oh, Laura, look at me.
07:56I'm not exactly the size 6 I was when we got married.
08:00And as much as Donald says he likes to have something to grab onto,
08:03it doesn't mean a thing.
08:05No, Frances, you look wonderful.
08:07And you're my sister, and you're being nice.
08:10But it's true.
08:12Mother was right.
08:13You should be glad that you don't have someone special enough in your life
08:16to break your heart, Laura.
08:19I thank the Lord for that every day, Frances.
08:22You are just so lucky.
08:24Look, before you convince yourself that it's boomtown all over again.
08:30MGM 1940.
08:31Clark Gable leaves Claudette Colbert for Hedy Le...
08:34I didn't know you were so interested in movies.
08:37Actually, a friend of mine got me started.
08:40Why don't you take my car, go back to the loft,
08:43while I go to the hotel and take a look around?
08:46All right.
08:50Whatever you learn,
08:53you'll give it to me straight, won't you?
08:56In Boomtown, Claudette Colbert ends up in Clark Gable's arms.
09:04We'll be out for a while, Mildred, on official business.
09:07Well, is there a number to reach you at in case the boss wants to call?
09:10No, there isn't any.
09:14You're welcome.
09:36I can't leave you two alone for a minute.
09:39Now, wait a minute.
09:40Now, I started working on the paper.
09:42I swear I did, but I got carried away with material.
09:45Howie, I don't want to get involved in your personal life.
09:48But you don't cheat on your wife and you think I'm a lowlife because I do.
09:51Donald, that's what makes us such great partners.
09:54We compliment each other.
09:56Come on.
09:58Let's hear what you did on the paper.
10:05Ladies and gentlemen, as we all know,
10:09tic-de-la-roo is a very interesting condition.
10:16That's it? That's what you've done?
10:21Go take a cold shower.
10:23Give me the notes, get the teeth, and put some clothes on.
10:26We have a paper to do here.
10:29Oh, good morning, Mildred.
10:31Oh, good morning, sir.
10:32Miss Holden yet?
10:33Oh, she came and went on a new case that arrived this morning.
10:36Oh, wonderful. Where shall I meet her?
10:38I couldn't say. She just left.
10:40She didn't leave any phoning number.
10:42And she didn't leave a message for me?
10:44Not a word.
10:45So, back to that, Howie.
10:47Back to what?
10:48Back to what?
10:49Back to what?
10:50Back to what?
10:51Back to what?
10:52Back to what?
10:53Back to what?
10:54Back to what?
10:55Back to what?
10:56Back to that, Howie.
10:57Back to what?
10:58Mildred, would you be so kind as to read the wording printed on that door over there?
11:02Remington Steele investigation.
11:05Somehow, Miss Holden is a way of conveniently overlooking that fact,
11:08even though she walks through that door every morning.
11:10Oh, I'm sure there's an explanation for that, Barnes.
11:12Yes, and I've heard it before.
11:14But I thought she and I had come to a new agreement,
11:16that she would stop wandering off by herself.
11:18Oh, Mr. Steele.
11:20Please, Mr. Steele.
11:21Oh, Barnes, don't.
11:22You're not going to fire her, are you?
11:24I'm afraid she's on the thin edge, Mildred.
11:26The thin edge.
11:27Oh, Miss Holden's a very hard worker, and I know that you're angry.
11:30Oh, please, give her just one more chance.
11:32Tell me, what mode of transportation did she use?
11:35The limo, I think.
11:37I see.
11:38Then would you be good enough to call Fred on the car phone?
11:40Can't have her wandering off by herself in a case far too inexperienced.
11:55Would you care to sample some of our chocolates?
12:01No, no, thank you.
12:11Could you tell me, please, what room Dr. Donald Piper is in?
12:15It's 312.
12:18In what room do I find a Dr. Howard Sebastian?
12:21It's 314.
12:24Tick de la Rue, also known as trigeminal neuralgia,
12:29manifesting in bouts of severe, brief, lacerating pain
12:32in distribution of one or more divisions of the fifth cranial nerve,
12:36most often found in the superior mandibular region of the brain.
12:40Tick de la Rue, also known as trigeminal neuralgia,
12:44manifesting in bouts of severe, brief, lacerating pain
12:47in distribution of one or more divisions of the fifth cranial nerve,
12:51most often found in the superior mandibular or the maxillary.
13:02Hi, Doc!
13:05Oh, my God.
13:07Oh, my God.
13:10I'm sure.
13:12How about a drink? Downstairs.
13:14I'm ready any time you are, Doctor.
13:17Take five, Cookie. Miss Widows.
13:30Laura, I know what you're thinking.
13:32That's not too hard, Donald.
13:40I'll be right back.
13:58Why, Mr. Whittaker, what are you doing here?
14:04I'd like to see you get out of the hip of life
14:09I can tell just you wait
14:11That lucky star I talk about is due
14:16Honey, everything's coming up
14:38Oh, my God.
15:08Oh, my God.
15:29Now, Laura, what you just saw, it is not what you think.
15:33You mean what looks to me like a half-dressed woman
15:36who's made bed in the middle of my sister's husband's hotel room
15:39is not what I think.
15:43Okay. What is it?
15:45It is a purely professional relationship.
15:47And that's just one of the many things you two professionals share?
15:50Believe me, Cookie is a fantastic dental assistant.
15:53She's got a light touch. She's good with the uppers, the lowers.
15:56She's experienced.
15:58When that office gets hoppin', she jumps right in there.
16:00She gets the job done.
16:02That she does. That silk robe,
16:04that professional uniform,
16:06is it only when she jumps in there and gets the job done...
16:09Laura, Laura, I know how it looks.
16:12This is me, right?
16:14Please, please trust me.
16:26Why didn't you bring Francis?
16:35Now, maybe I'm being a bit protective,
16:37but I can't expose her to what goes on at these conventions.
16:40Donald, she's been to 15.
16:4216, if you count the time you were engaged.
16:45Yes, yes. And lately, I've noticed an alarming trend
16:48among some of my colleagues.
16:50Their eyes, they're beginning to wander from home.
16:52How's your eyesight, Donald?
16:55Laura, I love my wife.
16:58Now, see, that sort of thing,
17:00I don't think it's a good idea.
17:03Now, see, that sort of thing doesn't interest me.
17:07Of course.
17:09How silly of me to have thought otherwise.
17:11Thank you. You see, I knew,
17:13I knew that you would understand.
17:15Oh, you're great.
17:17Look, I've got a paper to write.
17:20Why can't we have dinner tonight?
17:22Donald, not to press a point...
17:27But where is Cookie staying?
17:29With a friend. You are the greatest.
17:31You are the greatest sister-in-law
17:33a guy could ever, ever have.
17:35I love you.
17:45Well, of course you all get a welcome kiss.
17:48Welcome to the convention.
17:50Oh, have a wonderful time.
17:52Hello, Doc. Welcome.
17:54Excuse me, please. Thank you very much.
17:58Wendell! Wendell Whitaker!
18:00What are you doing here?
18:02Uh, vacation.
18:04You're not going to believe this,
18:06but I was thinking about you just now.
18:08Really? Yeah.
18:10I'm going to make you famous.
18:12Oh, is that so?
18:14Do you remember when you came up to the office
18:16with your tick, Doolaroo?
18:18Well, Howie and I tomorrow are presenting a paper on it.
18:21And who knows, from the size of this convention,
18:23we might even get a little TV coverage.
18:25Listen, why don't we go up to your room
18:27and you can tell me all about it.
18:29Good! Sure! I'd love to hear it.
18:31I'll be your audience. Okay, yeah!
18:33Mind if I stood in for a moment?
18:35Don't forget, TV, radio.
18:37Maybe even a docu-trump.
18:39Have we met before?
18:41Dr. Bridges. Dr. Stanley Bridges.
18:43I don't think so. Oh, I know.
18:45Cleveland Convention, right?
18:47Dr. Piper! No, no, no. Call me Donald.
18:49Ah, well, Donald, here to shake loose,
18:51kick up your heels.
18:53That seems to be the general rule of these things, doesn't it?
18:55Oh, I don't know.
18:57One could always look up long-lost family or friends
18:59or perhaps even hire a private detective
19:01to find someone for you.
19:03That would go over big in Connecticut.
19:05I can just imagine a private detective
19:07sauntering up to my house.
19:09Bingo would love it. Bingo?
19:11My daughter Mindy's German shepherd.
19:13Now, my wife hates him because he sheds.
19:15I mean, he sheds all over the house.
19:17But Mindy and my son love him.
19:19Is your wife here? Oh, no, no, no.
19:21Hey, Piper, join the party!
19:23Oh, no, no, no. Wait, guys. No, no, I gotta help Howie with the paper.
19:25Are you still bailing Howie out, Donald?
19:27No, no, no. Don't worry.
19:29We'll all work on the paper.
19:31Just a second.
19:35Hazel, I don't care what Danny says.
19:37He is not allowed to have toasted marshmallows for dinner.
19:39I mean, after all, his father is a dentist.
19:47When did they call?
19:51Oh, dear. That's just horrible.
19:53Well, yes, I'll try and get him.
19:55Uh-huh. Oh, oh, oh.
19:57And, Hazel, please, remind Mindy
19:59to put in her bite plate.
20:01Okay. Yes. Thank you.
20:03Love to all.
20:05Everything all right with the kids?
20:07Yes, but it seems
20:09there's been a terrible fire
20:11and one of Donald's patients died,
20:13Wendell Whitaker.
20:15The fire was so bad
20:17that the police called Donald for the dental records.
20:21He probably had to make a positive I.D.
20:23Look what I bought.
20:25Oh, great. I could use a glass.
20:27Coming up.
20:29Wait a minute. You're trying to get me drunk for a reason.
20:31Don't be silly.
20:33You remember that time,
20:35right after Dad left, Mom had that man over?
20:37Oh, yes, and you spilled red wine
20:39all over the carpet.
20:41Boy, did I get it for not watching you.
20:47Just picture it.
20:49After 15 years,
20:51he ends it with sorry.
20:53Donald saw you
20:55and told you he was finished with me, didn't he?
20:57No, no. It's nothing like that.
20:59Come on. I know what you think of me, Laura.
21:01I mean, after all, what am I?
21:03Just a typical suburban housewife,
21:05two kids, a mink coat and a station wagon, right?
21:09you're my sister.
21:11You're bright. You're beautiful.
21:13I don't see you quitting your job and signing up for carpool.
21:15I don't want to quit my job.
21:17But that doesn't mean I've ruled out a husband and family.
21:19Did you ever tell Mother that?
21:21And see my name plastered in the yellow pages?
21:23Come on, Frances.
21:25Come on, Frances what?
21:27You don't want to tell her because it's something she wants you to do.
21:29The only thing I know my mother has wanted me to do
21:31all my life was be exactly like you.
21:33All my life,
21:35I've heard,
21:37why can't you be like your sister Frances?
21:39Why can't you talk like your sister Frances?
21:41Why don't you have friends like your sister Frances?
21:43Well, the least you could have done
21:45was try a little harder.
21:47I could have used a little relief from being the perfect one.
21:49You don't know what it was like, Laura,
21:51never doing what I wanted to do,
21:53not even knowing what it was I wanted to do.
21:55You know,
21:57I never told you this,
21:59but six months after Daddy left,
22:01Mother came up to me
22:03and she took her engagement ring off.
22:05I remember she was crying at the time
22:07and she said that she would keep it off
22:09until she saw one on my finger.
22:11Laura, I don't know,
22:13sometimes I don't know
22:15whose life I'm leading,
22:17mine or the one Mother always wanted.
22:19Well, anyway, you're the lucky one.
22:21You got away.
22:23No, Frances.
22:25I ran away.
22:37Oh, Laura,
22:39how very nice to see you here.
22:41Mr. Steele, what an unexpected surprise.
22:45This is my sister, Frances.
22:47Oh, your sister, what a pleasure.
22:49Well, Laura's told me a great deal
22:51about working with you, Mr. Steele.
22:53Has she now?
22:55Well, Laura and I do have our special way of working together.
22:57How would you categorize it, Miss Holt?
22:59For instance,
23:01today, what would you call that?
23:03Your own special brand of secret service?
23:05There's nothing secret about it.
23:07I was at a pier.
23:09At the pier, were we?
23:11With a client.
23:13Oh, yes, I forgot, yes.
23:15Mildred did seem to mention something
23:17about an out-of-towner.
23:21Married, wasn't he?
23:23He didn't say.
23:25Nothing at all about a wife,
23:27kiddies, a job even?
23:29How surprising.
23:31And it seemed so crucial to the case.
23:33Well, if he didn't tell you,
23:35it can only mean one thing, Laura.
23:37It didn't come up, Francis.
23:39Well, of course it didn't, because he's lying.
23:41He is lying to you, Laura,
23:43just like he's lying to his wife,
23:45just like he's lying...
23:47It's an epidemic!
23:51Did I start something?
23:59Come on!
24:01It's over for me, fellas.
24:03It's over for me, fellas.
24:09Hey, we need to get out of here now.
24:11Let's go, let's go.
24:19I don't believe this.
24:25Howie, what's the matter?
24:27One room isn't enough for you?
24:29Oh, look, look, Howie, there's a spot on the wall you missed.
24:31Why don't you come in and finish it?
24:33Please, just a minute.
24:37Oh, no.
24:39Oh, no, no, no.
24:41Howie, that's it!
24:43I don't care what you guys are doing.
24:45I'm coming in.
24:49You're still in the shower?
24:51Oh, that's very bad for you, Howie.
24:53You'll wash away all your natural oils.
24:55Oh, my God.
25:05Look, you got to get over here.
25:07What happened?
25:09It is too late for questions.
25:11Get over here right now!
25:25Oh, boy, am I glad to see you.
25:27You won't believe what I found.
25:29What is it, Donald?
25:39I don't understand.
25:41Why would anyone want to kill Howie?
25:43His wife.
25:45His wife found out he was having an affair.
25:47Oh, boy.
25:49Donald, stand still, will you?
25:51It's hard to get a bead on what you're saying.
25:53You're all over the place.
25:55I'm sorry.
25:57That's much better.
25:59I've never run into anything like this before.
26:01Well, you just never really know
26:03when the end is coming.
26:09Hey, Donald, look what we found!
26:11No, no, no, no!
26:13Don't worry, we brought one for you.
26:15I don't want any!
26:17What about your friend here?
26:19No, he doesn't want any either.
26:21Where's Howie?
26:23Let's look at Howie be doing that I haven't done already.
26:25Nothing! Absolutely nothing!
26:27Believe me, Howie's doing nothing.
26:33He's looking about!
26:35Wait, wait, wait!
26:37No, no, no, no!
26:51Laura, over here!
26:53Join the party!
26:55Dr. Bridges?
26:57This man's obviously mistaken me for one of his colleagues.
27:03Okay, which side am I on?
27:05Come on, over here!
27:07Dr. Bridges!
27:11This is not a toy.
27:13This is a carefully crafted
27:15alginate impression.
27:17Laura, please!
27:19Yes, doctor, you of all people
27:21believe that this is a carefully crafted
27:23alginate impression?
27:29I still can't believe it.
27:31This is the most shocking sight I've ever seen.
27:39You've already met Miss Widows,
27:41my dental assistant.
27:43The gentleman is my partner, Howard Sebastian.
27:45Oh, no, no, Dr. Bridges, please, please,
27:47go in the other room.
27:49His terminology has always been a hobby of mine.
27:51I never miss an Agatha Christie movie.
27:53Let him stay, Donald.
27:55Apparently there's more to the doctor than meets the eye.
28:01Poor Howie.
28:03He did the best periodontal flap in all Connecticut,
28:05maybe even the whole eastern seaboard.
28:07Under the circumstances,
28:09I think it's time for the truth, Donald.
28:13Were you and Cookie involved?
28:15Laura, of course not!
28:17She was Howie's extracurricular activity.
28:19I think it's time to call the police.
28:25Donald, can I talk to you for a minute alone?
28:27It's all right, Wendell.
28:29We're calling the police.
28:31Good thinking.
29:09I knew it! I just knew it!
29:11Get out!
29:13The party's over!
29:15Go to your wives and children,
29:17feed the dog, water the lawn,
29:19go to church and pray for forgiveness!
29:33Apparently Frances and Donald are already acquainted.
29:35What are you doing here?
29:37Confirming what I already know.
29:39Judging from the shrill tone, I'd say they were husband and wife.
29:41You couldn't take me to the convention
29:43because I'm your brother-in-law.
29:45For a dentist, you're not a bad detective.
29:47Which one of these floozies was yours?
29:49But I thought you said he owned an athletic footwear store.
29:51Only as an investment.
29:53What are you talking about?
29:55I am talking about community property,
29:57child support and alimony.
29:59Frances, wait. Listen to me.
30:01I think I have done enough of that already.
30:03I'm afraid this is more than a simple case of adultery here.
30:05Dr. Bridges, stay out of this.
30:07This happens to be a family affair.
30:09Who is Dr. Bridges?
30:11He is.
30:13He is?
30:15Stop trying to change the subject.
30:17I am booking the first flight out of this Sodom and Gomorrah.
30:19Frances, wait. Don't go in there.
30:21Why not? Another wild party?
30:23Believe me, Laura, I am immune.
30:25Nothing could shock me anymore.
30:27Steel, huh?
30:29I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner.
30:31Undercover. Very hush-hush.
30:33Frances, stop jumping to conclusions and let us explain.
30:37Don't go in there!
30:41Don't go in there!
30:49That is a very messy bathroom.
31:27Poor Howie.
31:29Poor Cookie.
31:31Poor Myrtle.
31:33You're not going to tell her about Howie's indiscretion?
31:35I don't see the point now.
31:37I think her husband's death far outweighs
31:39a tawdry little affair.
31:43Now, I just can't believe...
31:45I can't believe that you suspected me
31:47of cheating on you.
31:49Well, there were all those receipts.
31:51Lingerie, flowers, motels.
31:53Howie used the company card.
31:55He didn't want Myrtle to know.
31:57The way you jumped every time I came to the office.
31:59I was afraid that you'd find out about them,
32:01then tell Myrtle.
32:03You haven't come near me for two months.
32:05Franny, I was preoccupied.
32:07I'm telling you, I really...
32:09I didn't know what to do about the situation.
32:11Well, then, when you didn't take me to the convention,
32:13I mean, a thing like that gets a girl thinking, you know.
32:15Franny, how could you doubt me
32:17when the evidence of my undying faithfulness
32:19is everywhere?
32:21Could a man who's having an affair
32:23dig a nuisance pool?
32:27Well, I guess I just wasn't paying attention.
32:31And, Donald, can you ever forgive me?
32:33Well, I guess it's a little flattering
32:35that after 15 years,
32:37you can still care enough
32:39to get a little jealous.
32:47It appears the marriage institution
32:49has survived another test.
32:51Profound observation, Dr. Bridges.
32:53Or should I call you Stanley?
32:55I suppose you're going to press me
32:57for an explanation on that one.
32:59I wouldn't dream of it,
33:01unlike Francis.
33:03I have implicit faith in my partner.
33:05Now, what the hell were you doing
33:07running around a hotel
33:09masquerading as a dentist?
33:11Well, it looked as if you were dealing with a case
33:13without telling me.
33:15I was more than a little miffed.
33:17Frankly, I was a little embarrassed
33:19to bring you in on this one.
33:21Well, when I arrived at the hotel
33:23and observed you and Donald in intimate conversation,
33:25his hands all over you,
33:27I began to suspect that it was more
33:29that I wanted to pump him, as it were,
33:33You were jealous.
33:35Definitely not.
33:37I knew I could trust you without hesitation.
33:39Thanks for the vote of confidence.
33:45Well, perhaps there was a pang or two,
33:51I'll forgive you.
33:55to the matter at hand.
33:57The burning question seems to be
33:59why would anyone want to kill a dentist?
34:01Well, whatever the reason,
34:03I think the hotel is our only starting point.
34:05Splendid. I'll use my Dr. Bridges identity.
34:07You know, blend in, investigate
34:09without arousing suspicion.
34:11In that case, I'll need a cover, too.
34:13Exactly. Now.
34:17This isn't exactly what I had in mind.
34:19Oh, come now, Laura. What better cover for a convention?
34:21You'll be able to roam around it well.
34:23People will pour out their life stories to you,
34:25and you'll get to answer that age-old question,
34:27what's a nice girl like you doing in an outfit like that?
34:29Caramels? Chocolate-covered cherries?
34:31Mint parfaits?
34:33No. No, thank you.
34:35Oh, come on.
34:37One won't hurt you.
34:43I've seen that look before.
34:45Ray Milland had it in the last weekend.
34:47Played a hopeless alcoholic.
34:49Got it every time he saw a bottle of scotch.
34:51You and chocolates wouldn't have a similar relationship, would you?
34:53As long as there's a murderer loose,
34:55we don't have time to stand around tasting chocolate.
35:01Come on. Let's pump some dentists.
35:19Oh, Donald.
35:21You were so energetic.
35:25I had a lot of energy, uh,
35:27stored up.
35:29Got a little tickle in my throat.
35:31I got a cough drop.
35:35Oh, Francis.
35:37Oh, Donald.
35:39I'm sorry.
35:41You see, there was this...
35:53Thank you, convention at the hotel.
35:55And I thought you were having an affair with cookies,
35:57so I was really, really, really depressed.
35:59And I thought, well, gee, just one little teeny-tiny consolation.
36:01How many? How many did you have, Francis?
36:05No more than three...
36:11Oh, Francis, you gotta seek help.
36:13If not for yourself, for the children.
36:15It is not a pretty sight
36:17to find your mother hiding in a garage,
36:19stuffing her face with malted milk balls.
36:21I am over it, Donald.
36:23I mean, now that I know that I have you,
36:25I will never touch another malted milk ball again
36:27as long as I live. I promise.
36:29Oh, and the children are just fine.
36:31I talked to them today.
36:33They are?
36:35Yes. Oh, you've gotta believe me.
36:37They will have no permanent scars because of my condition.
36:43There was one bit of disturbing news, though,
36:45about that patient of yours,
36:47Wendell Whittaker.
36:49Oh, yeah.
36:51Oh, he's coping with his tic-de-la-roo very well, I thought.
36:53Oh, I don't think he needs to worry about it anymore.
36:55Oh, you never know when those things can reoccur.
36:57He's dead.
36:59Burned in a fire.
37:05A couple of days ago, I think.
37:07That's impossible.
37:09I just saw him here in Los Angeles in the hotel.
37:13The police called for his dental records to make a positive identification.
37:15Well, they can't possibly make a positive identification
37:17without the impression of his teeth.
37:19We brought them here with us.
37:25Oh, dear Lord.
37:27What's the matter?
37:31Those teeth may be the key to a double murder.
37:35Get dressed!
37:43Doesn't seem to be an easy access, does it?
37:45You just leave that to Mom.
38:03Uh, lose anything, miss?
38:05Oh, officer, I can't seem to find my hotel key.
38:07Oh, I'm sorry.
38:09I can't seem to find my hotel key.
38:13Has it been a long night for you, Captain?
38:17Sergeant, really?
38:19You look like a captain to me.
38:23Let's have a look at that van.
38:29I'll take those teeth.
38:31These teeth?
38:33Those teeth.
38:55He is alive!
38:57Somehow, I don't think he wants to celebrate his good fortune with us.
38:59Come on!
39:09There he is!
39:27Excuse me!
39:29Excuse me!
39:31Excuse me!
39:33Excuse me!
39:35Excuse me!
39:37Another time, perhaps!
39:39Something else on your mind?
39:41A little dental hygiene, let it go!
39:43Hey, ask her if she's got a friend in this sector!
39:45Yeah, we can all floss and borrow!
39:51Oh, he could be anywhere.
40:03What are you doing?
40:05I could keep her quiet. Is he still here?
40:07Possibly. Let's check the rest of the lobby.
40:09Come on, Francis, I'm sorry.
40:11I did it for your own safety, all right?
40:13Your own safety.
40:19Laura, I'll give you $20 if you get me some more raspberry swirls.
40:23No, it's all the cash I've got,
40:25unless you want to take a traveler's check.
40:27Francis, what are you talking about?
40:29Come here. Sit down.
40:31Laura, I have a confession to make.
40:35I'm a ch...
40:39I'm a chocoholic.
40:41You are?
40:43Don't tell Mother.
40:45How did this happen?
40:51It started with a couple candy bars for breakfast,
40:53then a few more to tide me over to lunch.
40:55Before I knew what was happening,
40:57it was all I could think about.
40:59I'd fall asleep at night
41:01dreaming of rich, gooey caramels,
41:03nougat centers,
41:07And then it got to the point
41:09where one piece,
41:11one whiff of ch...
41:17It's all right, Francis.
41:19I'd go through ten pounds before a binge broke.
41:21My face would break out, my clothes a wooden fifth.
41:23There was no stopping me.
41:25How long ago was that?
41:27Last week.
41:29I know how you feel.
41:31How could you?
41:33I too have dreams.
41:35Warm, sensuous dreams.
41:39I walk into a dark room
41:41and a deep bath of chocolate awaits me.
41:45I lower myself into it.
41:47I'm covered in chocolate.
41:49And I discover
41:51what the pursuit of happiness means.
41:53I want to believe in reincarnation
41:55so I can come back as a crunch bar.
41:57It runs in the family.
41:59The hoped curse.
42:01Two sisters so different
42:03yet so similar.
42:05Oh, Francis,
42:07I've never felt this close to you.
42:09Who is this gentleman
42:11we're chasing anyway?
42:13Wendell Whittaker, a patient of mine.
42:15He suffers from a classic case of tic-doule-ro.
42:17We've given him a paper runner for the convention.
42:19Even brought an impression of his teeth
42:21to use as, you know, sort of a visual aid.
42:23Why would this man care for those teeth?
42:25Wendell has a bullion exchange.
42:27Gold, precious metals.
42:29Apparently he was under investigation
42:31for embezzling close to $10 million of his company funds.
42:33Then they found the body, burnt beyond recognition.
42:35The police called me for the dental records
42:37to make a positive I.D.
42:39And if Wendell Whittaker is officially declared dead,
42:41he becomes a very wealthy ghost.
42:43Wait a minute. Look, he has his teeth.
42:45That should be the end of it.
42:47I don't know, Donald.
42:49As long as you can examine that corpse
42:51and declare that it isn't Whittaker,
42:53I don't think we've heard the last of him.
42:55Look, I'm willing to forget if he is...
42:57Jimmy Stewart, Doris Day, Paramount, 1956.
42:59What are we doing here? Talking movies now?
43:01What better way to formulate a plan
43:03to save your life and capture Whittaker?
43:05That's the one where Doris Day sings
43:07Que sera, sera.
43:09A meaningless musical interlude.
43:11The plot has a hired assassin planning to kill an ambassador
43:13at the exact moment the cymbals crash
43:15during a concert given at the Albert Hall.
43:17Good. That leaves me out. I don't play the cymbals.
43:19No need to.
43:21This is at Albert Hall, and you deliver your paper at...
43:23Three o'clock.
43:25As good as any cymbal. Come on.
43:27Steal. Steal. Wait a minute.
43:49Ah, splendid!
43:51I enjoy seeing me wear these outlandish,
43:53not to mention demeaning costumes, don't you?
43:55Laura, you told me yourself
43:57the secret to surveillance is to blend in.
44:05Sometimes I wish I'd stay in the math department.
44:09are you sure Donald's going to be all right out there?
44:11Mr. Steele and I
44:13are covering the entire auditorium.
44:15Believe me, Francis, Wendell is not going to slip through.
44:17Time to squeeze out?
44:31Well, why don't you go out front?
44:33No, no, no. I want to stay back here with you.
44:35Come on. You heard what Laura said.
44:37Nothing is going to happen. Nothing.
44:39I know that.
44:43So do I.
44:47The key to the safety deposit box
44:49is in the bureau drawer under the socks.
44:51I thought that's where you kept the will.
44:53No. The will is under my shorts.
44:55Well, where's the insurance policy?
44:57Under your pantyhose!
44:59Oh, Donald, don't talk like that.
45:01Ready to take a shot at this, Piper?
45:13Ladies and gentlemen,
45:15to open the afternoon session,
45:17from Connecticut, Dr. Donald Piper.
45:45Tick de la Rue
45:47is a very interesting condition.
45:49Something hot,
45:51something cold,
45:53something sweet,
45:55even a loud sound
45:57could send the mouth into excruciating pain.
45:59Supertooth is here
46:01with a super brush for super people,
46:03for a super Donald Cruz.
46:05And here comes Supertooth.
46:07Stop that tune!
46:11All right, Quinnigan.
46:13The game's over.
46:17Hey, this wasn't my idea.
46:19Some guy.
46:21He gave me 20 bucks to do this.
46:23What guy?
46:37Tick de la Rue.
46:39Even a loud sound
46:41could send the mouth into excruciating pain.
46:49Go, go, go, go.
46:51We couldn't spend more time together.
46:53Yes, yes.
46:55Well, now that we've made contact,
46:57I'm sure there'll be a great many more visits.
47:01Only next time let it be in Connecticut.
47:03It's a lot quieter.
47:05Okay, you got a deal, Donald.
47:07Well, Frances, what can I say?
47:09It's been wonderful.
47:11Take care of yourself.
47:13Uh, no, no.
47:15Now, a thank you
47:17for saving my life gift.
47:19Oh, how sweet.
47:21You're welcome.
47:25I'm going to send you
47:27more pictures of the kids, all right?
47:29See you later.
47:31Take care of yourself.
47:39Aren't you going to open it?
47:41No hurry.
47:43Not the least bit curious?
47:45You know me.
47:47I can go for months without opening a present.
47:49Waste of years.
47:53Such willpower, eh?
48:07maybe just one.
48:11That's what Ray Milan said
48:13just before he lost that weekend.
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