Remington Steele S02E03

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Remington Steele S02E03


00:01I'm not running from this so don't run
00:09Why did you drop the case a man called what man men like that usually don't give their names
00:16I'm just the sort of takes exception to someone trying to kill a member of my firm
00:22Hey sunshine
00:25Tonight if you ask me I
00:27I don't think I could say no
02:25Good morning, Miss Holt
02:27Mr. Steele nice of you to join me. Well, you know, I've always found a touch of rigorous physical exercise in the morning. So
02:36Invigorating to watch what's the matter? Not enough birds around to hold your interest the contrary
02:42Back at the moment. There's a long-legged field data. That's downright riveting
02:48You don't say and I never knew you had such an interest in ornithology
02:55Always that rare bird out there just beyond one's reach
02:59What about Thor any sign of him yet? I trust you're still watching for him
03:04Oh like a hawk like a hawk if our tip is solid the meeting should occur any day now
03:14This Thor he doesn't by any chance drive a black BMW where dark suits by an inferior
03:19Tailor need to do something in the neighborhood of ten pounds. That's Thor. Where can I catch him?
03:25Union with the Orchids
03:55Here they come have you got them fish in a barrel my dear
04:12Of course it's help but we're gonna need you with us
04:17I don't know. I mean it wasn't just only my wife and I were friends with those people and then there's my car
04:23Why don't we let the foundation dictate those decisions at the time being mr. Thorpe, and then we'll see
04:28What's that?
04:32We're being bugged
04:37Dropped off what's happening folks in the way I can't tell
04:44It's coming from her what do we do?
04:53On my way
05:52Nice of you to join me miss
06:10It's open
06:16Come in come in Mildred mr. Steele should be here in a few minutes. Are those the pictures? Oh, yes
06:21He called me and he asked me to bring them to him personally. Just as soon as they came out of the lab. Oh, oh
06:27What happened? Oh, it's an occupational hazard. It's nothing really
06:32Let's have a look at oh, so this is where you live. Oh, isn't it? Nice. It's very nice
06:38I'm glad you like it Mildred, but I'm drapes. Oh good drapes. I mean, this is professional decorating
06:46Did you do this all by yourself, I'm I'm redoing the Rockefeller summer house next week
06:55Cat oh, I didn't know that you could play
07:03It was a gift from my first client actually really I don't remember seeing it listed on your tax return
07:09It was my grandmother. She gave me a quarter to find a missing ring. I
07:13Was six at the time
07:16Mildred I'm sure mr. Steele wouldn't mind if I took a quick look at those pictures pictures. Oh
07:23These oh, oh
07:25I'm sorry, but he is our boss. Oh
07:34You've got bare feet don't move I'll go get something
07:41Sorry, I'm late mustn't keep the client waiting a
07:45Mildred arrived. All right with the pictures Mildred arrived. All right with the pictures Oh
07:50Mr. Steele, I am so sorry. This is all my fault. Oh, here are the pictures you wanted. Oh, thank you. Thanks. Oh
07:59Excellent work Mildred as usual excellent. Yes. So, uh, tell me Laura where did the RG station is gonna meet us?
08:08This is the tower to RJ Stonewall, are you Mayday over?
08:15See if I can push around at the bottom
08:1815 seconds to ground stonewall
08:24Five seconds
08:28Anything I can do to lend a hand
08:32I'm not the type to scream sabotage
08:35But when you can't get the parts you need
08:37And nothing works when you do get them and the bankers won't return your phone calls. I got sick of hearing
08:44It was just all bad luck
08:46Especially since what they're really thinking is I'm just not cut out to run this business
08:50That's why we decided to have a meeting in the park this morning with mr. Thorpe
08:55Stewart's all
08:56Stop aviation seems to be one of your toughest competitors. We've
09:00That is mr. Steele felt there was a chance. He might be behind some of the problems
09:05Aside from Thorpe, do you recognize either of the other two?
09:11Kiva Kiva, that's great Kiva. He helped Sony design the new airplane before the
09:19Before the heart attack
09:21It was even sitting next to me at the funeral
09:24When I swore come hell or high water this company was gonna stay alive until Stoney's new plane was finished
09:30Still work for you. He has his own engineering company, but he's under firm contract to us
09:38What about the third man in the pictures? I never saw him before
09:43Unfortunately, I think we found your problem. You still want us to stay with this knowing is one thing
09:49But I want you to go back and get me courtroom proof that Kiefer and Thorpe are the ones who are keeping us grounded
09:54When I set out to kick some tail it never hurts to be wearing a good stiff boot
10:01What's this supposed to be? Oh
10:04Yes that
10:06It's an excellent example of the long-legged field daughter. I believe a mr. Steele precisely. Yes
10:18Substantial weakening of Thorpe Aviation's primary competitor Stonewell aircraft has been accomplished
10:24Deliveries of critical supplies have been interrupted and all their attempts to secure additional operating capital have been successfully blocked
10:31to summarize
10:34Company shouldn't make it through the end of the year
10:37Thank you Paul. Is there cause to make a change in the sequence profile?
10:44It may be necessary to intervene directly
10:48What about the park incident
10:50From the license number provided we've established. She is Laura Holt
10:55graduated from Stanford University summa cum laude
10:58Became an apprentice at the Havenhurst detective agency rising to the rank of full operative in an unprecedented three years
11:05Left to form Laura Holt investigations, which closed six months later
11:09From there has been employed for the last 3.5 years with Remington steel investigations
11:15We have not been able to generate a satisfactory workup on. Mr. Steele as of the moment
11:20Any recommendations about her?
11:24Where does she live
11:28Do a day in the park
11:31Ginger I
11:33Must admit you did some very impressive work today, Laura. Thank you. Which part impressed you the most
11:40The running the taping or the jumping into the car. I think the part
11:45Where you were landed in my arms, actually
11:57Yes, Mildred. What is it?
12:00Yes, Mildred. Mr. Steele is right here. I'm going to have a little talk with our miss Krebs very very soon
12:07Really? What about yes Mildred Steele here. Mm-hmm, really
12:14Are you sure it was her?
12:15No, no, no bother at all Mildred, okay. Thank you. Bye
12:23That's all
12:25What Oh Jay Stonewall called told Mildred. She's had a change of heart wants us to drop the case. We're simply to send her a bill
12:35But that doesn't make any sense
12:41We'll call her in the morning no sense taking the plush off and otherwise perfect evening is there no no sense at all
13:03Nero now, what's his problem?
13:06What say we go inside and find reasons to turn the lights off and sturdy
13:12But mr. Steele my cat doesn't have any claws. Oh, how will he defend himself?
13:19When he comes back, I'll give him boxing lessons by then. It may be too late
13:35Let's look for Nero
14:23Boy this is bad you and your husband the owners
14:30He's not my husband he's
14:33That is
14:36Yes, this is
14:38Yeah, hey, it's rough believe me I know I got to see this thing all the time
14:44Oh, the name's good Chelsea, but most of my cases just end up calling me Franny
14:50See ya with a big bang like this the fire marshal hollers gas
14:56The company brass knows it's lawsuit City
14:59So the sooner I can get in there and get an okay from your insurance company the better off
15:03We're all gonna be you understand what I mean
15:07Okay, there's no big rush
15:10It's just that see if we could get through questions say one through ten on this questionnaire
15:15Then that's really gonna cut red tape on down the line take for example this question number three now
15:20Did you notice any trouble with your gas appliances?
15:23No, this would include your gas stove or your water heater
15:30You didn't have a hot tub did you
15:34All right, forget about question six about question three
15:40No, wait
16:12You ringing that Bell so hard I thought you called last night and dropped the case why oh
16:18Hey, so it's not even seven o'clock in the morning. I know what time it is. I want to know
16:23Why did you drop the case?
16:25Soon as I cool down from seeing those pictures you took I got to thinking
16:30Greg he was practically been family to us
16:34Well, he was laying the floor here when Stoney and I took over this old place and I thought well
16:41The best way to handle this is if Greg and I just sit down have a long talk and work this whole thing out
16:48It's not good enough
16:50Your problems went a lot farther than Greg Keever and you knew it. Maybe that's the point
16:57Maybe I'm just not cut out to run this business
17:01When Stoney was alive
17:04Didn't seem there was a mountain too big to be moved
17:07But without it, I
17:10Don't know
17:13You can't fly an airplane with only one wing
17:16He told me you and Stoney built this business brick by brick from a dirt runway in a two-seater train a plane
17:23Yesterday you'd so much as hang anybody who slows you down. I want to know what happened a man called what man?
17:32Men like that usually don't give their names
17:34He told me that Stoney didn't really die of a heart attack
17:39I thought it must be some crook. So I said, oh, well, how do you know that?
17:46And then he started reading me some numbers
17:51He told me the date of my marriage
17:54He told me the number of the first airplane we ever sold and then he told me that
18:00And then he told me the addresses of every one of my grandchildren
18:09I don't scare so easy miss Holt
18:20Make it known that we're no longer working for you
18:23Make it known that we're no longer working for Stonewall Aircraft
18:28This thing must run deeper than a couple of corporate dirty tricks close to it
18:32Otherwise, why hit back so hard?
18:34We've been overthought pretty well, but maybe we've missed something and then there's Kiever. Maybe there's a connection there. We're not seeing Laura
18:40What about that third man in the pictures? We still don't know who he is on the tape
18:44He said something about a foundation didn't he? I'll have no doubt about it. I'll have no doubt about it
18:49On the tape he said something about a foundation didn't he i'll have no to check it out could be there's a tie
18:54Laura, let it go for a minute. You've just been through one bloody hell of a shock. I'm all right
18:58Well, i'm not and i've still got a place to call home
19:04Look we're exhausted we reek of smoke. There's a shower in there use it
19:08You'll find some fresh clothes in the closet stretch out in the bed for an hour or two. Can you do that?
19:11I'm not running from this so don't run but at least have the common sense to stop and catch a breath woman
19:19You want to kick back on this thing no one's stopping you
19:25You're right perhaps you need some time by yourself
19:36I'm, sorry
20:15How many in your party
20:18Just show my friend here where it is i'll be along in a moment
20:28Everything all right here gentlemen
20:32And you sir
20:34Oh and mr. Thorpe, uh, there's a phone call for you, sir. Take a message. Oh, they said it was urgent, sir
20:39I told you to take a message. Oh, you are sir. Oh, excuse me
20:44This is one call you're going to answer mate, come on
20:48Oh poor gentleman's got something caught in his throat
20:55Come on, come on
20:58Now mr. Thorpe
21:00You and I
21:01Are gonna have a nice little chat because i'm not at all pleased with the way things are going
21:06Look, I I told vecma i'd leave it all to him. Now. You don't have to drive it home vecma
21:11He didn't send you no
21:13I'm, just the sort of takes exception to someone trying to kill a member of my firm a rather valuable member
21:19I didn't try to kill anyone. I swear. I don't know what you're talking about
21:23Then who's this vecma character, huh? I'm asking nicely. Mr. Thorpe. You don't want to see me lose my temper, eh?
21:31What is this? What do you think you're doing?
21:44Cancel my table, will you okay?
22:02Because this thing is just going too far now
22:06All right, if you could make my company a front runner I was willing to look the other way
22:10here and there
22:12but murder
22:14That kind of blood I don't need on my hands buddy boy
22:19You agreed that the means of achieving our mutual goals would be left entirely in our discretion, what are you guys crazy or something?
22:27You weren't there at that restaurant today
22:30Whoever he is that joker wanted to tear my head off
22:35I think maybe we just call it quits right here. And now unfortunately paul. I think mr. Thorpe is right
22:42We have gone too far this time and our desire to protect the interests of our client. We've lost sight of a bigger picture
22:49I'm, sorry stewart
22:52We'll do everything we can to rectify the situation in whatever way you think best
23:00Okay, then
23:58What's happening, I don't know they said somebody jumped off a building or something
24:13Yeah, well there pal, uh, i've got to see her is she hurt badly nobody gets through besides it ain't a she it's a he
24:45Oh my my my
24:47I approve of your tailor, you know, you've pulled some pretty tacky stunts to get me up here alone
24:52But this has got to be a new low
24:55You know me for the right woman there's no limit to the depths i'll sink
24:59Like trying to lock me in this afternoon. Luckily your doorman had a spare key
25:03Merely trying to give you time to collect your thoughts. Now. Are you going to come in?
25:07We're going to need the doorman's help with that, too
25:18It's only fair to warn you that one of your gourmet creations would be wasted on me tonight
25:23Affection wise actually, it's your hide i'm trying to preserve in case you hadn't noticed someone out there is trying very hard to kill you
25:30I can take care of myself
25:33I have for a long time now. Yes. Well that was before it made a difference to me
25:38And now now we're going to have some noodle soup
25:41It comes out of those little foil packets these days
25:44Then you're going to have the unprecedented honor of sleeping in my bed
25:47Uh pajamas optional while I uh, keep company with the couch, but no matter how you slice it you're stuck with me tonight
25:52So I suggest you make the best of it
25:54Well, if you insist on playing bodyguard, at least we can do is get some work done
26:00I have all our files on thorpe here
26:04I saw mr. Thorpe today
26:06twice in fact
26:08You did the first time I tried to threaten him to get some information
26:12And second he was on his way to the morgue seems he had a sudden urge to throw himself off a rooftop
26:19They killed him
26:23This must go beyond just aircraft companies
26:29It must be
26:35You think keever did this
26:37Uh, yeah, I don't know
26:40These boys play very nasty, but uh, you were saying something before that
26:45I was saying, um
26:49I'll sleep on the couch
27:24Don't go
27:34I couldn't sleep
27:37It must be the rain, eh
27:42Must be
27:45Um, uh
27:48Perhaps I uh should make her some coffee
27:54Some coffee
28:02Oh, shh, it's okay
28:06Why did they have to burn down my house? I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know
28:17Come on i'm so scared. I know I know it's gone
28:23No house
28:25No things
28:27No, bernice
28:28No, murphy. Uh, i'm here
28:33The man with no name
28:45Marcus and rocus
28:48Little man neck so short. He said it wasn't worth washing
28:54Black mustache thick black wine and a big smile with a gold tooth in it right here
29:01Oh boy, he worked his life down as he did harder than as he screamed me walk harder
29:06Don't you want us all to be rich? Hey, hey
29:13I had a little cargo ship
29:15And a family that seemed to include half of greece. Oh, but he fed you well
29:19And at the time that was enough to keep his name in my book
29:23He used to cram every crack in that ship with anything for anyone so long as it got up another dollar closer to buying that
29:28bloody tanker
29:30night runs were a speciality
29:33A smuggler. Oh, yes a damn good one
29:36Oh, you'd love the party he threw when he finally bought that bloody tanker. Oh god
29:40Had his tooth all shine and gleaming and polished
29:44And more food and music and wine i'd have seen in my entire life
29:49Tonight sinners. We are peasants. He said filly my glass for the countless time
29:54But tomorrow tomorrow eh tomorrow we are tycoons
29:59Oh and were you
30:08We all went down to the pier at dawn to watch it arrive
30:13She wasn't out there more than two miles when an explosion in the engine room ripped through the side of the hull
30:20And before we could believe what was happening
30:24It sank like a stone
30:29Since he was 12 he went but nothing else and like that who's gone bingo
30:40The pier became so quiet we could hear each other breathe
30:47Then marcus
30:49He starts to laugh. I don't mean a nervous tit. I put a full belly spit in the sky all out loud
30:53I couldn't bloody believe my ears. I was furious. I mean, why are you laughing?
30:56I screamed it because i must because
31:00Everything is new again, eh?
31:03Hey, just think of the possibilities
31:07Think of the possibilities
31:18Tonight if you asked me
31:23I don't think I could say no
31:32I don't think I could ask
31:41Get some rest we've got work to do in the morning
31:54Hi there remember me
31:57I I I you didn't answer the lady's question
32:00What do you want to talk about thor and vecna? I don't know anything guess again. Greggy
32:09You helped thorpe sabotage stonewell aircraft
32:12That's not true only the game got a little too rough you wanted out thorpe refused so you threw him off a roof
32:17No, it's not like that. Then tell us how it is
32:22All right
32:25I know rj's having problems with the company
32:28Then I get a call from this
32:30Vecna saying that if I really want my plane built thorpe is the man to do it
32:34I'd have my own firm to think about you know
32:37And rj hasn't been able to pay me since stoney died. So
32:41I agreed to give thorpe some preliminary plans for ten thousand dollars, but that's as far as it went
32:45So help me god. And who is this vecna?
32:48I don't know he
32:50he set up that meeting in the park, but
32:52He always called me. I I don't even have a phone number. No, that's everything I swear
32:58All right kevin, but I'd drive carefully if I were you
33:08Roads are very rough right now
33:17You think he was telling the truth
33:19I don't know
33:20Until mildred can come up with something on the vecna. He's our only lead and I think we should keep an eye on him
33:26The uh traditional stakeout in a car you think?
33:29Okay, I'm gonna go to the bathroom
33:32I'll be right back
33:35I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'll be right back
33:45Let's try there
33:53Takes your breath away, doesn't it?
33:56Yes, and replaces it at the same time
33:58No, leave it
34:00I like it
34:01You uh, you mentioned something about a view
34:18What more could we ask for
34:21Oh great. Thank you very much. You're still here bring the file and come with me. Okay, miss hope
34:27Actually mildred you're still here come with me, will you please yes, sir
34:34This vecna is a real tunnel builder
34:37Even having worked in fraud for the irs. We didn't get many this slippery
34:41But you show me a paper trail and i'll come up with something because I live to dig
34:47Well before giving us the results of your excavation mildred. There's a small administrative point. We need to address
34:55While it is more than apparent that mr
34:57Steele here is the senior member of the firm. The fact is that for the nuts and bolts operation were more or less. Um
35:06Equals wouldn't you say mr. Steele?
35:09One might even go so far as to say that miss holt is sort of in charge of such things
35:14He's the boss
35:17But you're in charge having worked for the government mildred I wouldn't think the concept beyond your grasp
35:23Now about vecna
35:28He graduated young
35:29from wharton business school with top honors
35:33Then he moved right into a management job working for the itq and in two years. He's head of his division
35:40And then and then
35:43Something must have happened
35:45Because all of a sudden he's out of there
35:48and for the last five years
35:50You'll forgive the expression
35:52burp kiss
35:53No new address. No new job. He just dead ends
35:58Maybe we should check that list of foundations again
36:10I didn't mean to start you miss holt. That's all right. But what are you uh doing here?
36:17Looking for my backbone
36:20So I went by your house to tell you
36:23Oh, i'm awful. Sorry miss holt
36:27Yeah, me too and if these snakes kill stoney
36:34Well, if there's anything this old prop jockey can do to help you just holler you hear me you got it
36:54Was that roger
36:56What happened
36:59Paid a bill
37:01Let's get back to keever. I'll get the car you grab milford's research and meet me downstairs. Okay
37:13Oh miss holt
37:15Koscielski, hey, come on franny
37:18Listen, i'm, sorry. I haven't gotten to those forms yet franny. That's okay. Miss holt
37:22Company's gonna take care of everything from now on
37:32All right, miss holt now I want you to put your hands in your pockets and move very very easy
37:43Does the company know you're moonlighting as an assassin franny wrong company, honey
37:48I've been on you full time ever since the bomb missed
37:52All right, just a little further. All right, all right get into the van very slowly. Can I take my hands out of my pockets?
38:00All right
38:25Laura you're extraordinary. I've been looking everywhere for those clippers. Where'd you find them?
38:29Here you can have this too. Where did that come from?
38:33the gas company
38:41Anything happening there
38:44By anything do you mean to include the toga party up the block?
38:48The elderly couple doing exercises to johnny carson the nude saxophonist or keever's place which hasn't changed in the last four hours
38:55You've saxophonist
38:58This is an interesting neighborhood. Yes
39:01Well in a day or so, you can call the rental agent and give it back to her saxophone and all
39:06I don't know
39:08This place might have possibilities
39:11Laura, you can't be serious
39:13It's a filthy warehouse with a single luxury feature of a toilet
39:17Strange criticism from a man who starts a whole new life every year or something
39:21Maybe but I always made a point to move up the ladder in the process
39:25another lesson from marcos and
39:28What did he call you again? Zenos. Zenos
39:33Wouldn't by any chance be your real name would it?
39:36It's greek for stranger
39:39Fair guess. Hold on. Hold on seems keever is an escape after all what's happening
39:46Looks like they're taking him for a midnight ride
40:03That's right group 181
40:08It's all set
40:10I think we can get in it shouldn't be too difficult for a long-legged field data with the gifts of claudette
40:16Claudette claudette colbert and it happened one night, uh, clark gable columbia 1934. I'll explain on the way
40:44Hey sunshine
40:49Remarkable things these are nail clippers, aren't they? You don't have to tell me
41:27What project file are you requesting
41:30Please state the project file you are requesting stonewell aircraft. Thank you one moment
41:38Correct project file heading is thorpe aviation hard copy or video display
41:44Be tough hard copy. Thank you
42:00My god
42:02They had a step-by-step plan for destroying rj's company. Yes, they have the same thing prepared here for three more aircraft phones
42:10except for thorps
42:12They're corporate hitmen
42:13Destroying people is just a sideline. Their real business is destroying companies and whoever's paying for this ends up controlling nearly the entire market
42:22Meryl said this workman was a shabby, but boy, we still have to try to find kiva
42:27Thanks for all your help love
42:44Strange this may sound coming from us. We're gonna try and get you out of there. It's too late very perceptive greg as you were
42:53Welcome to the enterpral foundation
42:56You're the first to ever get this far
43:00It'll make an interesting footnote for the files why waste the space
43:05Your collection is already so impressive. You don't approve
43:08Industrial sabotage has such an ugly ring to it. Eh, we merely extend the basic principles of business to their logical conclusion
43:16Control of the market is everything how you do. It doesn't really matter eliminate the weak and only the strong will survive
43:23Is that what you told the board at itq?
43:25My success there proved my system worked
43:29But they are old men with country club wives and bleeding ulcers. They kept all the money. I made them
43:35I however was simply an embarrassment to be discarded you left. So you started your own business private consulting is so much less restrictive
43:43But tell me something
43:45I consider my information network second to none
43:48How is it that we can't generate a history on you more than five lines long?
43:52Mr. Steele
43:54I suppose i'm just easy to forget. Let's hope so. I I don't think that would be very productive
44:03It's been interesting trying to eliminate all of you
44:08But I think the time has come
44:11I wouldn't be too certain if I were you she's right
44:13Even as we speak this building has been surrounded by the police. I'm not even going to honor that cliche with a response attention
44:20This is the police
44:22This is the police
44:24The premises are surrounded
44:27Kill them quickly. I wouldn't shoot they're gonna come barrel in the hair like an army. I promise you
44:32I said kill them
44:35Exit the building with your hands on your heads
44:48I uh, I think it's time we stick with the police, don't you?
44:59Think we've done it we can go back to bed now
45:09Ah laura you dress the first of many what do you think?
45:16That is knockout city
45:18Yes, ditto and thanks for the use of your wardrobe
45:22well, uh
45:24You did them more than proud
45:26um, well, I uh
45:29I guess i'll be leaving now if that's all right with you
45:33I'm going home
45:39And you uh still determined to live in a warehouse
45:43Well, just think of the possibilities
45:49But is it safe?
45:50I've left nero there to stand guard
45:54Even so, uh, perhaps I should take you home. Oh, thanks, but um, I need the time to myself
46:01soon i'll have you over for uh
46:03Noodle soup. Oh my favorite my favorite
47:27Ready for me to drive you home. Mr. Steele. It's all right friend. I think I will tonight. Okay