Remington Steele S03E03

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Remington Steele S03E03


00:00That is not my nephew.
00:02Return that body to Malta, bring my nephew back here, dead or alive.
00:06Talk in the middle of the Mediterranean with a body nobody wants.
00:14I'm not in any danger, am I?
00:18But you're fierce to rest.
00:20I can see the headlines now.
00:22Great American detective romancing woman while associates murdered in the next room.
00:26You're always this grumpy at night.
00:28Look who's back.
00:58I'm not in any danger, am I?
01:00But you're fierce to rest.
01:02I can see the headlines now.
01:04Great American detective romancing woman while associates murdered in the next room.
01:08You're always this grumpy at night.
01:10Look who's back.
01:12Great American detective romancing woman while associates murdered in the next room.
01:16You're always this grumpy at night.
01:18Look who's back.
01:20Great American detective romancing woman while associates murdered in the next room.
01:24You're always this grumpy at night.
01:26You're always this grumpy at night.
01:56You're always this grumpy at night.
02:26You're always this grumpy at night.
02:56You'll never take me alive!
03:26Great trick, huh?
03:28Guy thought I was dead.
03:33The guy was right.
03:41You are dead.
03:45That is not my nephew.
03:47Are you sure?
03:49Look for yourself, Miss Holt.
04:01Distant cousin, perhaps?
04:03Doubtful, Mr. Steele.
04:05What is it exactly you'd like us to do, Mr. Carlyle?
04:09Find out what the hell's going on.
04:11I've been on the phone for a week.
04:13Nobody in Malta will give me a straight answer.
04:16These papers say that's my nephew.
04:18Now, I know that's not my nephew.
04:20What makes you so sure your nephew is even dead?
04:23I mean, he could be off gallivanting around the Mediterranean,
04:25even as we speak.
04:27If that's true, then I'd like to know it.
04:29Please, Mr. Steele and Miss Holt,
04:31Benjamin's been, well, he's been a day-one pain in the rear end
04:34ever since his folks passed away.
04:36He was arrested in England for selling false passports.
04:38The German authorities tried to connect him with the smuggling ring,
04:41and the French simply refused to allow him into the country.
04:44So when he said he wanted to live in Malta,
04:47I figured, well, why not? It's in the middle of nowhere.
04:50Look, all I want you to do is return that body to Malta,
04:53bring my nephew back here where he can't cause any more trouble,
04:57dead or alive.
05:16Open, please.
05:18I'm with them.
05:22Now, look here, my good senor.
05:24As a former representative of the United States government,
05:26I am the attorney...
05:30Crude, but effective.
05:32Better open it, Mildred.
05:34Don't worry, Chief.
05:42Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, take it easy now.
05:44This thing doesn't repack itself, you know.
05:49Refresh my memory, Laura.
05:51Why was it necessary to bring Mildred along on this benign,
05:54albeit macabre, mission?
05:56Mildred can be a bureaucratic whirlwind.
05:58In a place like this, a skill like that can come in very handy.
06:02You don't say.
06:09Hey, want a taxi?
06:12Ah, ah, a bit cramped, eh?
06:18Don't worry, Chief, I'll get us some wheels.
06:20I got these people eating out of the palm of my hand.
06:24Palm of her hand, eh? Giddy-up, boy.
06:27It was the only thing big enough to accommodate our traveling companion.
06:31I suppose hiring a driver would have been too much to ask for.
06:34Well, it's not Mildred's fault
06:36that the guy who owns this wagon was too superstitious to show for a coffin.
06:40Well, let's hope she's better luck checking us into a hotel.
06:43Come on, Trigger.
06:45You know, Laura, if I didn't know better,
06:47I wouldn't have brought Mildred along to act as a buffer between us.
06:50Come on, boy. Cecile.
06:52The fact that we're on a balmy Mediterranean island,
06:55caressed by breezes, alone, except for an extra body or two,
06:58doesn't change things.
07:00Our relationship is strictly professional.
07:02Splendid. I just wanted to confirm the rules of the game, that's all.
07:08Awfully friendly, these Maltese, aren't they?
07:11No, no, we could need another thing.
07:13No, no, please, we've eaten already. Thank you very much.
07:15You look more like a traveling medicine seller, Laura.
07:17Oh, I ate on the plane, thanks.
07:29We never make mistakes.
07:31But that body out there is not Benjamin Carlyle.
07:34This is Benjamin Carlyle, Mr. Borgeward.
07:37Now, do you recognize him?
07:39Mademoiselle, in my business,
07:41it does not pay to become too familiar with the clientele.
07:44Well, at least take a look. It might refresh your memory.
07:47If you insist.
07:57Open the box.
08:07Death is a cruel artist.
08:09It is the same man, mon ami.
08:14All right?
08:17Ah, now I know how Carlyle's uncle felt.
08:20Mr. Borgeward.
08:24Perhaps you would care to reinstate your friend, Mr. Carlyle,
08:27in something more modern and classical.
08:29For instance, this beautiful deluxe model here.
08:33You want a little moment of serenity before you decide?
08:40This is it, Laura.
08:42The absolute nadir of our association.
08:44Stuck in the middle of the Mediterranean
08:46with an associate who won't associate and a body nobody wants.
08:50Pardon me, but I think somebody's trying to steal the body nobody wants.
09:46All right?
09:56He took this from his friend in the casket.
09:58What is it?
10:00I don't know, but it doesn't look like it's worth dying for.
10:05It was right in the middle of the road.
10:08I couldn't stop.
10:16He disappeared from nowhere.
10:18Senseless accident, Miss Cable. It could have happened to anyone.
10:21I should have been able to stop. I could have swerved.
10:24No, it's not your fault.
10:26Well, who was he? I mean, did the police find anything on his body?
10:30Any identification, I mean.
10:32His name was Hector Tolosa. He worked for the local undertaker.
10:36You're not in the undertaking business as well, I suppose.
10:39It's a long story, Miss Cable.
10:41Are you well enough to drive, Miss Cable?
10:48Oh, there, there. Now don't set yourself off again.
10:51Oh, yes.
10:53Forgive me.
10:55Oh, not at all. You've been through a pretty hair-raising experience.
10:59Perhaps I should drive Miss Cable home, eh?
11:01Oh, no, no, no, really. I'm fine.
11:03Okay, well, now you don't hesitate to call us if you should need anything at all.
11:08We'll be at the hotel, Phoenicia, okay?
11:15All right, thanks.
11:27Look who's back.
11:30Police! Police! Police!
11:36The body was prepared by Hector, my dear departed colleague,
11:41so we cannot ask him.
11:43However, my records will show
11:47Mr. Carlyle had no personal facts whatsoever.
11:51What's so important about this thing that Hector would have gone to so much trouble
11:55to smuggle it out of Malta in a casket, eh?
11:58You said he was smuggling it out.
12:00You went through that hassle at customs.
12:02Maybe somebody was smuggling the piece into Malta,
12:04and Hector was just the pickup man.
12:06Is that possible?
12:08That, sir, I cannot tell you.
12:10I'm not asking you. I'm asking her.
12:12Perhaps things will become clearer once we find Carlyle's body.
12:16Mr. Borgeward,
12:18how many other bodies were embalmed the same day as Carlyle's?
12:22I will make reference.
12:29Highest, here it is.
12:31On that day, only one other,
12:34Mr. Abdul-Ahmad.
12:36That's Ahmad back there in the casket.
12:38Yes, yes.
12:40Judging from old Borgeward's efficient filing system,
12:43odds are Carlyle was sent to Ahmad's family.
12:45So our next step is to find out where Ahmad was buried
12:48and have the body exhumed.
12:50Mr. Borgeward,
12:52how long would it take to have Mr. Ahmad's body exhumed?
12:55Uh, two weeks, maybe even six months.
12:58Six months?
13:00Listen, could you keep an eye on that body out there?
13:02I'm sorry, sir, but for reasons I cannot explain,
13:05I must humbly refuse.
13:07Well, then, perhaps you could recommend us to another mortuary where we might...
13:09Signor, this is a one-mortuario down.
13:13Surely we must be able to come to some sort of...
13:18Paying customers.
13:20Please, do not disappear. I will get my order book.
13:24I'm afraid, Laura, we have our work cut out for us.
13:27That is, if we expect to get home by the turn of the century.
13:30Just what I always wanted to do on a sultry Mediterranean night.
13:34Rob a grave.
14:07Um, Scotch and water with a twisty.
14:21Thank you very much.
14:29Hello. Hello.
14:31What a surprise.
14:33Yes, I didn't realize you were staying here.
14:35I'm not.
14:37I don't understand the thought of being alone tonight.
14:40Yes, it's amazing how a lonely bar offers comfort
14:43when you find yourself alone.
14:47It's not the bar that I find comforting, Mr. Steele.
14:50It's the thought that even in a foreign place,
14:52one can still depend on the kindness of strangers.
15:04So, what brings you to Malta, Mr. Steele?
15:08Yes, well, like Miss Holt said this afternoon,
15:12it's a long story.
15:14Make it short.
15:16I've only got all night.
15:18What's this?
15:20Compliments of the gentleman over there.
15:32Thank you very much.
16:00Not at all, madame.
16:02I am Edouard Jetson.
16:04I'm Mildred Kraus from the United States.
16:06I know.
16:08We had the pleasure of traveling to Malta on the same aeroplane.
16:11Permit me to say how very pleased I am
16:14that we are also staying at the same hotel.
16:16Listen, anybody who talks to me the way you do
16:19doesn't need my permission.
16:21So, Mildred, I may call you Mildred?
16:25Oh, sure. Can I call you Ed?
16:30So tell me, Mildred,
16:32what mischievous stroke of fate
16:34has arranged for our paths to cross on Malta?
16:37Oh, well, if you had all night, I might begin to tell you.
16:41It just so happens that I do.
17:07Could I have a white wine, please?
17:10Thank you very much.
17:22Miss Holt, I'd like you to meet Edvard Jetson.
17:25Mr. Jetson, this is Miss Holt.
17:28Mr. Jetson.
17:31Mildred has been telling me what an extraordinary woman you are, Miss Holt.
17:35What she failed to emphasize is that you are as beautiful as she is.
17:41Couldn't you just die for him?
17:46Ah, there you are.
17:48Mr. Steele, I'd like you to meet Edvard Jetson.
17:51This is my boss, Mr. Steele.
17:53How do you do?
17:54How do you do? Pleased to meet you.
17:56May I present Miss Margaret Cable.
17:58Miss Cable.
18:00Mr. Jetson.
18:02I'm Mildred Krebs.
18:04I thought I'd keep these two out of trouble.
18:07Feeling better?
18:09Yes, thank you.
18:10I thought we could all go to dinner.
18:12Oh, well, here's to new-found friends and lasting relationships.
18:17If you will excuse us for a moment,
18:19Mr. Steele and I have a delicate matter to discuss.
18:24Please excuse me, will you?
18:26Oh, maybe I'd better make sure we can get that table.
18:29I'll be back in a jiffy.
18:37You idiot.
18:39After you put the missing piece in the coffin,
18:41you were supposed to wait in Los Angeles until you heard from me.
18:45Can I help it if I am by nature a suspicious man?
18:48It was I who found that piece and I intend to get my full share.
18:52It was I who found that piece and I intend to get my full share.
18:56Well, why shouldn't you?
18:58That, my dear, is a question I might ask Hector if he was still alive.
19:02Hector was a fool.
19:04Anyway, we're better off without him.
19:06Is that so?
19:07And I suppose you felt the same way about Benjamin Carlyle.
19:10Carlyle was careless.
19:12Besides, now we only have to split the treasure two ways instead of four.
19:18We have a grave to rob and you're throwing a dinner party.
19:21I need you in top form tonight.
19:23Not to worry, Miss Holt. I have every intention of being precisely that.
19:26Okay? Don't worry. I say come.
19:32So what time's the gondola ride, boss?
19:37The what, Mildred? The gondola ride?
19:39There's a sign in the lobby advertising moonlight gondola rides.
19:42Sounds perfectly delightful, doesn't it, Rowington?
19:44Yes, it does, doesn't it?
19:46Much as I hate to put a damper on the evening,
19:48Mr. Steele and I have a very big day ahead of us tomorrow.
19:53Much as I would love to enjoy the romantic Mediterranean sky
19:57from the seat of a gondola,
19:59perhaps we should take a rain check, hmm?
20:07Well, good night, Mother.
20:09I'll catch you tomorrow, Edward.
20:11Good night, Mildred.
20:12Good night, Remington.
20:14Good night, Mr. Jensen.
20:15Good night, Mr. Steele.
20:16Good night.
20:17Good night.
20:18Good night, Miss Gable.
20:19Good night, Miss Grant.
20:20Good night.
20:21Good night, Miss Holt.
20:27Tomorrow morning, nine o'clock.
20:30My room. Good night.
20:44Good night.
21:14Good night.
21:45Did you hear that?
21:48It's probably a cat or...
21:53Or something.
21:58All right, all right, all right.
22:14It's a cat.
22:36It's no cat, Laura.
22:45Laura, you'd better not look.
22:47This might get a bit grisly, okay?
22:57Good Lord.
23:10Oh, Lord.
23:11The third man, Joseph Cotton,
23:13Orson Welles, London Films, 1949.
23:15Cotton arrives in post-war Vienna
23:17looking for his old friend, Harry Lyme,
23:19who seems to have heard a bit of an accident.
23:21Everybody thought Lyme was dead,
23:23but suddenly he turned up alive.
23:25You saw the film, did you?
23:28I just had an idea.
23:29That's what you were going to say.
23:33You don't think Carlisle feigned his own death
23:35and ordered the smuggle of that bit of brass
23:37back into Malta, do you?
23:39Obviously someone knew the body would be returning to Malta.
23:42Let me see that thing.
23:43What thing?
23:47Shall we go?
24:13I think what we have here
24:15is a piece of a Maltese cross.
24:18Now all I have to do is figure out
24:20what's so important about it
24:22and where the rest of it is.
24:28Hey, what is this?
24:29A convention?
24:31Since when do Maltese cats carry guns?
24:33Good question.
24:34Come on.
24:36First thing in the morning,
24:37we'll track down someone who'll be able to tell us
24:39what's so bloody valuable about a Maltese cross.
24:41In the meantime, beware of thieves in the night.
24:45Now, listen,
24:46perhaps it might be a wise move
24:48if we teamed up for the night.
24:51I mean, purely a precautionary measure, Laura.
24:53I don't know.
24:54I don't know.
24:55I don't know.
24:56I don't know.
24:57I don't know.
24:58I don't know.
24:59Precautionary measure, Laura.
25:00You'll do just fine without me, Mr. Steele.
25:02Oh, yes, well, I'm beginning to suspect that well.
25:05Good night.
25:11Once again,
25:13good night.
25:14Good night.
25:29Good night.
25:53Oh, Margaret.
25:55May I come in?
25:58Yes, please.
25:59Please do.
26:00Please do.
26:01There was a man lurking outside my house when I got home.
26:06I was afraid.
26:08I didn't know who to turn to.
26:10Has this sort of thing ever happened to you before?
26:14Not until today.
26:16Until the accident.
26:21The man who ran in front of your car this afternoon
26:23was carrying this.
26:25What is it?
26:27That's what I'm still trying to figure out.
26:29I'm not in any danger, am I?
26:34Oh, no.
26:36No, no, no.
26:38None whatsoever.
26:41Are you sure?
26:42Oh, yes, Margaret.
26:43Absolutely sure.
26:44Yes, please.
26:45Put your fears to rest.
26:48I have a bottle of Dom Perignon in my refrigerator.
26:53Perhaps if we...
27:17What was that?
27:32I almost forgot.
27:39What is it?
27:40I don't know.
27:41We were asleep.
27:42What kind of sleazy place is this, boss?
27:45People breaking into your room in the middle of the night.
27:47Not that sleazy, Margaret.
27:49I'll wager whoever it was was looking for this.
27:51What happened?
27:52Margaret, it's okay.
27:54Everything's all right.
27:55Don't worry about a thing.
27:56Somebody just had the wrong room, that's all.
27:58Listen, you better let me have that thing, chief.
28:01I'll have them lock it up tight in the hotel safe for the night.
28:04Good idea, Margaret.
28:05Well done.
28:06I'd better be going now.
28:07Margaret, you can't go to a safe.
28:08No, no, no.
28:09It's all right.
28:10I've got a friend I can stay with tonight.
28:12I'll ring you tomorrow.
28:16I can see the headlines now.
28:18Great American detective romancing woman
28:20while associates murdered in the next room.
28:22Laura, I was in bed.
28:24Oh, you were, were you?
28:25Well, I'm terribly sorry
28:26if the attack on my life interrupted your evening.
28:28No need to flagellate yourself over it.
28:30These things happen.
28:31However inconvenient it might be for some of us,
28:33it's not your fault.
28:34My fault?
28:35You've had your mind on everything but this case
28:37ever since we got here.
28:39Are you always this grumpy at night?
28:41Only when I wake up with a man's hands around my throat.
28:44Well, if you hadn't locked the bloody connecting door,
28:46I would have been on the scene and nabbed that someone.
28:51Good night, Mr. Steele.
29:09The Maltese Cross, circa 1530.
29:13Key to the legendary treasure of the Knights of Malta,
29:17but for the missing fourth piece.
29:24The missing fourth piece, I presume.
29:27No wonder Hector wanted it so badly.
29:30According to this,
29:32the completed cross is the key to a fabulous treasure
29:36of gold and precious gems.
29:39Gold? Precious gems?
29:41I mean, even if Hector were only the bag man,
29:43his share probably would have been worth millions of dollars.
29:46You mean to say this plus that?
29:49Fabulous treasure?
29:51Watch the door, will you, Laura?
29:53Mr. Steele!
29:55The question is, who was working with Hector?
29:58And if it was Benjamin Carlyle, where is he now?
30:01Why do you suppose this piece looks so much older
30:05than the rest of the cross?
30:07Yes, it does, doesn't it?
30:09Can I help you?
30:11Oh, um, yes, um,
30:13we were wondering why the Maltese Cross appears so new.
30:16I don't know what you're talking about.
30:19And where is the missing fourth piece?
30:22The fourth piece of the cross has been missing for centuries.
30:26That cross is a fake, old chap.
30:28I'm afraid you're mistaken, sir.
30:30The Maltese Cross was dated and authenticated
30:32by the British Museum in London.
30:34Is that so?
30:35Well, supposing I were to tell you
30:37that Mr. St. Albans here is supervisor
30:40of medieval religious history at the British Museum.
30:43Yes, and I have a mind to expose you and your historical society.
30:47What is your name, old chap?
30:49Kenneth Thackeray, sir.
30:51Kenneth Thackeray.
30:53Oh, please, listen.
30:55You must promise to keep what I'm about to tell you
30:58in the strictest of confidence.
31:00Don't worry, Mr. Thackeray, our lips are sealed.
31:03Ah, yes, mum's the word.
31:05You see, two weeks ago,
31:07the authentic Maltese Cross was stolen from that very case.
31:12Is that so?
31:13Yes, it is so, sir.
31:15Was anyone arrested in connection with the crime?
31:18No, no, not yet.
31:20But the authorities have reason to believe
31:23that the museum security guard,
31:25who was on duty at the time, was involved.
31:28Oh, listen, what would prevent someone
31:31from using that Maltese Cross
31:33to lead them to the treasure, Mr. Thackeray?
31:36Well, the original cross has a map on one side, you must remember.
31:40Oh, yes, yes, of course, the map.
31:42You wouldn't, excuse me, you wouldn't by any chance
31:45have any other artefacts lying around that lead to treasure, would you?
31:49No, why?
31:50Oh, no reason, just archaeology fascinates me.
31:53Presumably that's why you joined the British Museum, sir.
31:56Oh, yes, of course, not only that.
31:58It delighted my mother.
32:01It's open.
32:12It's nice to know whom you can trust and whom you can't.
32:15What are you doing? I thought we were partners.
32:18Partners, my dear, don't double-cross each other.
32:21Don't be a fool, Jensen.
32:23If you hadn't interfered last night,
32:25we'd have the fourth piece in our hands now.
32:27Correction, my dear, you would have had it,
32:29and then where would I have been?
32:33Yes, that's what I thought.
32:35Now, you listen to me, partner.
32:37From now on, I call the tune, and you follow orders.
32:40I'm going to see to it that the fourth piece is delivered to me,
32:43and then, if we are lucky enough,
32:45and provided that we both live long enough to enjoy it,
32:49you and I will be very, very rich.
32:52You caught a man stealing the Maltese cross
32:54from his display case at the Historical Society,
32:56chased him to a run-down hotel,
32:58up to a room where he strapped the cross on a falcon,
33:01let it go, and then bit on a poison capsule and fell dead?
33:06I believe you, sir.
33:08You do?
33:10Laura, nobody could make up something that preposterous.
33:12Are you absolutely sure that you had nothing to do with this?
33:15On a stack of Bibles,
33:17I'm the only one who knows.
33:19Do you have the picture?
33:21Is this the man?
33:23Yes, that's him.
33:25What did the police do with the body, do you know?
33:27That's my problem, you see.
33:29When the police came, there was no body.
33:31But what happened to it?
33:33It didn't just get up and walk away.
33:35Or did it?
33:37I think we'd better have a look at that hotel room, Laura, don't you?
33:39I'd like Mildred to check any falconers on the island first.
33:42I mean, somebody's got to know where Carlisle is,
33:44whether he's dead or alive.
33:46Oh, isn't this lovely?
33:48I'm so glad that you like it.
33:50Look at that view.
33:52That is why I brought you here, my dear.
33:57Oh, my.
34:03Isn't this beautiful?
34:05There is nothing so beautiful, my dear,
34:08as a flower in full bloom.
34:10Oh, my.
34:12Oh, my.
34:14There is nothing so beautiful as a flower in full bloom.
34:18Except, perhaps, a woman in full bloom.
34:31I don't know how long it's been
34:33since anyone's made me feel the way you do.
34:35I feel I have known you for 100 years.
34:40Shall we go?
34:43This is fine. Thank you.
34:47How much?
35:28Unless you turn over the missing cross to me,
35:31you'll never see Mildred Krebs alive again.
35:40You'll never see Mildred Krebs alive again.
35:45It's St. Carlo.
36:00All right, thank you.
36:02This is the place.
36:10Let's go.
36:49Go up the stairs.
37:10Go up the stairs.
37:24Hmm. That's a good boy.
37:33Secure the fourth piece of the cross to the falcon and let it go.
37:37When I have safely received it,
37:39I will release Mildred Krebs to St. Carlisle.
37:42Damn! I knew I shouldn't have brought Mildred along.
37:45Laura, you can't blame...
37:47You were right. I didn't want to admit it,
37:49but I did bring Mildred along as a buffer between us.
37:52It was a stupid, unprofessional decision.
37:54Once again, I let my personal feelings cloud my professional judgment.
37:58Laura, you can't blame yourself for Mildred's predicament.
38:01No one could have predicted from the outset
38:03the simple twists and turns of this peculiar case.
38:06I don't know who to live with. Carl should have been here with Mildred.
38:09The fact that he isn't scares the hell out of me.
38:11If we put that fourth piece on the bird and let it go, Mildred hasn't got a chance.
38:15Are you suggesting we don't let it go?
38:17If we send it, we've got nothing to bargain with.
38:20And if we don't send it, we've got nothing to bargain for.
38:25In that case, let's see to it
38:27the falcon isn't the only visitor to Mr. Carlisle's.
38:30Good thought, Laura. Very good thought indeed, yes.
38:33Now, here we go, Tweety Pie.
38:38After all, it shouldn't be too hard to follow a bird, should it?
38:43There we go. Wonderful.
38:47There it is!
38:49Abby! Oh, look at this beauty.
38:52How lovely. There you go, sir.
38:54What are you doing? Who are you?
38:56Baltese Chamber of Commerce. Congratulations.
38:58You've just won the deluxe walking tour of Malta.
39:00Follow that bird!
39:51You realise what we're doing, don't you, Laura?
39:54We're chasing a Maltese falcon!
40:02There it is!
40:06There it is!
40:08Laura, look. Bend it still.
40:13I've never been on one of these things.
40:16Just like riding a bike, Laura.
40:35Bend it still.
41:09Please, please, please!
41:11Hop on! Hop on!
41:13No, no, no!
41:19Oh, Edward.
41:21This is just beautiful.
41:24Yes, but I think we should keep going, Mildred.
41:27Oh, can't we just stay for a while?
41:29You haven't told me anything about yourself yet.
41:32What is there to tell?
41:36I don't know where you were born.
41:38I don't even know what you do to make a living.
41:40You will know all that soon enough.
41:42But now I really think we should go.
41:44No, no, no. Come on.
41:46Let's just have a little nibble here.
41:48Wow! That's what I call light cuisine.
41:57It's empty.
42:22Are you okay?
42:25Why didn't you just put a gun to my head, Edward?
42:28Why did you have to leave me on like that?
42:33I did what I had to do.
42:35You could give yourself up.
42:37It's not too late.
42:39It is too late.
42:41No, take it from me. It's never too late.
42:43I mean, just a year ago, I was working for the I.R.S.,
42:45slaving away there and going nowhere,
42:47and a nowhere job went bingo.
42:49And now I'm here.
42:51Shut up!
42:53Mildred, you and I,
42:55well, I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings,
42:57but sometimes a man gets caught up in events
42:59that are bigger than he is.
43:11That's why I hope that someday I'm going to forgive myself
43:14for what I'm about to do.
43:16What are you about to do?
43:18Mr. Steele!
43:26Are you all right?
43:28Don't stand there talking to me. Go get that bum!
43:31Don't stand there talking to me. Go get that bum!
44:27I'll take that.
44:31Give it to me.
44:33This is what you wanted all along, isn't it?
44:36I won't say it wasn't fun,
44:38but a woman's got to have her priorities.
44:40That won't do you much good.
44:42Yours is fake.
44:44Carlisle double-crossed you.
44:46You're lying.
44:48Am I? Then why did you kill him?
44:50Mildred, look out!
45:00You saved my life.
45:02Yes, well, accidents will happen.
45:05Hey, Miss Hall.
45:12That's it. There it is.
45:15Oh, think of it, Laura.
45:17Men have searched for this spot for centuries.
45:19Need I remind you
45:21that legally the old saw,
45:23finders, keepers,
45:25is unlikely to apply here.
45:28Yes, yes, well, uh,
45:30we'll sort out those petty details later.
45:32For the moment, though,
45:34let's savor the thrill of discovery, eh?
45:37I imagine Benjamin Carlisle felt much the same way, Mr. Steele.
45:41And look where it got him.
45:43Oh, yes, Laura,
45:45but, uh, unlike Carlisle's feminine partner,
45:48you wouldn't, uh, murder me for my share of the treasure
45:51than bury me behind an abandoned fortress, would you?
45:53Don't think the thought hasn't crossed my mind.
46:08Laura, let me see the flashlight.
46:10There you go.
46:14Over here somewhere.
46:19Ha, ha, ha, ha.
46:21Down with the torch.
46:23Oh, there we go. Great.
46:41Oh, I can smell it, Laura. I can smell it.
46:43Go on. That's it.
46:47Yeah, the cross.
46:49The cross. Here we go.
46:55Cross. One bit.
46:57Oh, don't miss the second bit.
47:03Oh, my God.
47:07Oh, my goodness.
47:09OK, Laura.
47:13Hold that. Hold that.
47:17OK, hold it.
47:39Steady. Steady.
47:42How does she feel?
47:45I don't know.
47:52Well done, chaps.
47:54But too late.
47:57Signed, Sir Floyd Fersbee.
48:02December 4th, 1884.
48:14THE END
48:44THE END