Remington Steele S03E15

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Remington Steele S03E15


00:00That broad has got desire coming out of her ears.
00:10Two hours of Rocky singing Who's Sorry Now is too much to ask of anyone.
00:13It's gonna be a long night.
00:17One move and you're both dead.
00:19I'm a desperate man.
00:22I really like her.
00:24She's got what it takes.
00:25I sold 50% of Rocky's contract to Vincent Nash.
00:29She just seems to want to own a piece of the rock.
00:31I am a desperate man.
00:32It was the broad.
00:33I heard shots.
00:34I heard shots.
00:35It was Rocky.
00:38I'm a desperate man.
00:39I'm a desperate man.
00:40I'm a desperate man.
00:41I'm a desperate man.
00:42I'm a desperate man.
00:43I'm a desperate man.
00:44I'm a desperate man.
00:45I'm a desperate man.
00:46I'm a desperate man.
00:47I'm a desperate man.
00:48I'm a desperate man.
00:49I'm a desperate man.
00:50I'm a desperate man.
00:51I'm a desperate man.
00:52I'm a desperate man.
00:53I'm a desperate man.
00:54I'm a desperate man.
00:55I'm a desperate man.
00:56I'm a desperate man.
00:57I'm a desperate man.
00:58I'm a desperate man.
00:59I'm a desperate man.
01:00I'm a desperate man.
01:01I'm a desperate man.
01:02I'm a desperate man.
01:03I'm a desperate man.
01:04I'm a desperate man.
01:05I'm a desperate man.
01:07I'm a desperate man.
01:08I'm a desperate man.
01:09I'm a desperate man.
01:10I'm a desperate man.
01:11I'm a desperate man.
01:12I'm a desperate man.
01:13I'm a desperate man.
01:14I'm a desperate man.
01:15I'm a desperate man.
01:16I'm a desperate man.
01:17I'm a desperate man.
01:18I'm a desperate man.
01:19I'm a desperate man.
01:20I'm a desperate man.
01:21I'm a desperate man.
01:22I'm a desperate man.
01:23I'm a desperate man.
01:24I'm a desperate man.
01:25I'm a desperate man.
01:26I'm a desperate man.
01:27I'm a desperate man.
01:28I'm a desperate man.
01:29I'm a desperate man.
01:30I'm a desperate man.
01:31I'm a desperate man.
01:32I'm a desperate man.
01:33I'm a desperate man.
01:34I'm a desperate man.
01:54I'm a desperate man.
02:00I'm a desperate man.
02:03♪ With just a good-looking pan ♪
02:06♪ And any barmaid can be a star maid ♪
02:10♪ If she dances with or without a fan ♪
02:13♪ Hooray for Hollywood ♪
02:15♪ You may be homely in your name ♪
02:19♪ But if you think that you can be an actor ♪
02:22♪ See Mr. Factor, he makes a monkey look good ♪
02:27♪ Within a half an hour, it looks like time for power ♪
02:31♪ Hooray for Hollywood ♪
02:33♪ Hooray for Hollywood ♪
02:36♪ That phony, super-coney Hollywood ♪
02:40♪ Where anyone at all from Shirley Temple to Amy Sample ♪
02:44♪ Are equally understood ♪
02:47♪ Go out and try your luck, you might be Donald Duck ♪
02:52♪ Hooray for Hollywood ♪
02:56It nobs his 9!"
02:59Hey, guys! Look!
03:02I'm a hit.
03:13Tell me this ain't happening.
03:15Relax, buddy.
03:16I seen a lot of crazy things in my time.
03:19You know what?
03:20I haven't seen a half a dozen of them
03:22of crazy things in my time.
03:25I never would have figured that broad for a winner.
03:28We're dead, you know that, don't you?
03:30I'll think of something.
03:31Well, think fast.
03:32A couple more shows like this.
03:33Hey, I don't need this grief from you, buddy.
03:36I'm in this just as deep as you are.
03:38We just have to figure out a way to end her career, fast.
03:41Brian, that broad has got desire coming out of her ears.
03:45It's going to take an elephant gun to keep her off that stage.
03:48You know I can get one?
03:53Need I remind you, Laura, that the last time we saw this woman,
03:57she was being stalked by a menagerie of literary sleuths,
03:59one of whom turned out to be a murderer.
04:01I promised Rocky we'd be there.
04:03Wonderful, that makes four of us.
04:05You, me, Rocky, and the piano player.
04:06Two hours out of your life is not that much to ask.
04:10On the contrary, Laura.
04:11Two hours of Rocky singing Who's Sorry Now
04:12is too much to ask of anyone.
04:14Come, come, Mr. Steele.
04:15How many times have you dragged me to film
04:17festivals of dubious merit?
04:19I think you owe me one.
04:21Hm, perhaps.
04:25But it would ease my suffering considerably if you'd
04:27have dinner with me afterwards.
04:31I suppose I could be talked into that.
04:33Ah, splendid.
04:34I'll make the reservation.
04:40Ah, yes, good evening, operator.
04:42I'd like to place a call to San Francisco, please.
04:45Yes, uh, Marty's Restaurant.
04:47San Francisco?
04:49Oh, I'm incorrigible, Laura.
04:52Ah, yes, yes, good evening.
04:54I'd like to make a reservation for two, please.
04:56Um, oh, say, um, 1045?
05:04Fine, that's lovely.
05:06Yes, uh, Remington Steele.
05:12Of course, we'll have time to see the show, fly up there,
05:16have dinner, and fly back.
05:18Who said anything about flying back?
05:37Good lord, Laura, we must be at the wrong place.
05:41This is it.
05:44Oh, then Rocky must be the opening act for someone.
05:46Let's see, who's in town?
05:48Sinatra, Cyndi Lauper, Eurythmics?
05:53Rocky's the only name on these.
05:55Laura, you don't suppose all these people
05:58to see Rocky Sullivan are Rocky Sullivan?
06:03Stranger things have happened, Mr. Steele.
06:05Yes, but I can't remember when.
06:07Shall we?
06:48Excuse me.
06:49Excuse me, please.
06:50Excuse me.
06:52Excuse me.
06:53Excuse me.
07:02You sure you don't need anything?
07:04Anything at all?
07:05Clint, honey, could you zip that for me?
07:12I could send you.
07:14I could send out.
07:15You name it, you got it, little lady.
07:21Oh, how about a case of good luck?
07:24Oh, you don't need luck, Rocky.
07:26You got talent.
07:27Oh, thanks.
07:31I'll get it.
07:36I've been looking all over for you, Clinton.
07:38Well, you sure enough found me, sugar.
07:41You know, if I was a jealous wife,
07:43I could lose a lot of sleep
07:44wondering what's been going on in here.
07:46Now, don't start that again.
07:49How do I look?
08:02Talk about your meteoric rise to fame.
08:05I ain't seen nothing like this
08:06since I helped launch Patty Page.
08:09You know, you got an annoying habit
08:10of pointing out the obvious, buddy.
08:12Look, four sold-out shows in a row.
08:15You said it was impossible.
08:16You said it'd never happen.
08:17You said we'd be rich.
08:18All right, listen to me.
08:20You tell Rocky to start out
08:21with the Helen Morgan number,
08:22you know, the one where
08:23she gets on top of the piano?
08:25Wait, why?
08:27Just do it.
08:28I'll take care of the rest.
08:30I'll take care of the rest.
08:51I need to see Brian Hunter.
08:52You just missed him.
08:53Okay then, I need to see you.
08:55You just missed me too.
09:00Mr. Steele, Miss Holt!
09:02Oh, hello, Rocky.
09:04Thanks for coming.
09:06Mr. Steele has talked of nothing else all day.
09:09Oh, I wouldn't miss it for the world, yeah.
09:14Oh, sorry.
09:15What's wrong?
09:16I got ink all over you.
09:18Oh, it's a little blot.
09:19Come on in.
09:21It's okay, Pop.
09:23They're friends of mine.
09:27I am so nervous.
09:29Did you see the crowd out there?
09:30You'd think Dustin Hoffman was performing.
09:33Of course, Dustin never looked this good,
09:35not even in Tootsie.
09:36Oh, Rock!
09:38Buddy, come here.
09:39I want to introduce you to some friends of mine.
09:41This is Remington Steele and Laura Holt.
09:43This is one of my managers, Buddy Brokaw.
09:45Hello, Buddy.
09:48Listen, kid, a little change in the opening.
09:51Brian wants you to start with the Helen Morgan number.
09:54Buddy, I've got my act memorized.
09:56You know that.
09:57A little change of pace keeps it fresh.
10:00Don't you think I ought to start out with an up note
10:03and catch him with my best song?
10:05Listen, kid, you sitting on top of the piano
10:08under a baby spot,
10:10you're going to have me eating out of the palm of your hand, kid.
10:12Well, maybe you're right.
10:14And then when I got him hooked,
10:16I'll swing into Who's Sorry Now.
10:20That's my girl.
10:22Good to see you.
10:23Enjoy the show.
10:26He discovered Vaughn Monroe.
10:29Oh, Clint, honey, come here.
10:30I want you to meet two very special, close, personal friends of mine.
10:34Remington Steele and Laura Holt.
10:36This is Clinton Betty Overton from Midland, Texas.
10:40Nice to meet you.
10:41You members of the band, are you?
10:43Shoot, no, man.
10:45I got me a piece of this here, little lady.
10:47Best investment I ever made.
10:50Hey, gang, almost showtime.
10:52You better go grab your seats.
10:55Break a leg, kid.
10:56Oh, thanks.
10:58It's showbiz time.
11:00Ah, yes, Buffalo and all of that.
11:02Let's go.
11:03Let's get our seats.
11:04Nice to meet you, Betty.
11:13Ladies and gentlemen, Miss Rocky Sullivan.
11:25Who's Sorry Now
11:36Who's sorry now
11:39Who's sorry now
11:42Who's heart is aching
11:45Oh my.
11:47It's gonna be a long night.
11:50Who is crying too
11:54♪ Just like I cried over you
12:07Oh, Bunny, I'm sorry.
12:09I totally forgot you wanted me to do that piano thing.
12:12I'm just so used to opening with who's sorry now that I just...
12:16Actually, we're pretty lucky, you know.
12:18This is the first accident we've had.
12:20This wasn't an accident, Mr. Burkle.
12:23Okay, but we're sheared. Let me see that.
12:29What have we got here? Some kind of joker?
12:31There's nothing funny about that, Mr. Burkle.
12:34You think someone's actually trying to hurt Rocky?
12:36You tell me.
12:38You wanted Rocky to change her opening.
12:40If she had, she might be dead.
12:42No, no, no. Buddy said it was Brian who wanted to change it.
12:45Yeah, that's right. It was Brian.
12:47Who's Brian?
12:48Brian Hunter, my other manager.
12:50Well, perhaps we should have a chat with the errant Mr. Hunter.
12:53Rocky! Rocky, honey, are you all right?
12:56I'm just... I feel like I'm gonna throw up.
13:00Would you accompany Rocky to her dressing room
13:02until she's feeling a little better?
13:04Of course we will.
13:06Come on along, honey.
13:12Now, about Mr. Hunter.
13:23Hey, I want to talk to you. Come here.
13:25Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!
13:27What are you doing?
13:29Let me go!
13:46Let me speak to the entertainment agent.
13:50When will he be back?
13:52Monday morning.
13:54I got a hot tip for him.
13:59All right.
14:01Tell him somebody tried to kill Rocky Sullivan tonight during her show.
14:05Rocky Sullivan.
14:08Come on, Clint. I'm starved.
14:10Better get back in there. There's a murderer on the loose.
14:13What's that?
14:15No, she's a singer.
14:18A real rising star.
14:22You buy me?
14:24The little lady needs our protection.
14:26Protection against what? Your publicity stunts?
14:30Just what are you suggesting, Betty?
14:32Oh, come on.
14:34I know that fallen sandbag wasn't any murder attempt.
14:37That damn Rocky wasn't anywhere near the thing when it fell.
14:40You're accusing me of perpetrating this whole thing, are you?
14:43I wouldn't put it past you.
14:45The way you've been looking all goo-goo-eyed at her.
14:48It's protecting my investment.
14:59What the hell are you...
15:01Don't come any closer.
15:03I am a desperate man.
15:07He wasn't kidding.
15:15Didn't you get him?
15:19Damned impolite of him to shoot and run like that, too.
15:21Was that Brian Hunter?
15:24Who was it?
15:25I don't know.
15:26More to the point, where is Brian Hunter?
15:31Pour the man a glass of water.
15:33No, thanks. I'm not thirsty.
15:35Don't worry. It's bottled.
15:39You've been avoiding my calls, Mr. Hunter.
15:42I've been pretty busy these last few weeks.
15:45In and out of town, you know.
15:47You get my messages?
15:50No, my secretary must have thrown them out.
15:53Mr. Hunter, don't insult my intelligence.
15:55If you don't want to do business with me, just say so.
15:59It's not that I don't want to do business with you, Mr. Nash.
16:02I'm not sure you want to do business with me.
16:05Now, what makes you think that?
16:08I mean, we're not only in the sanitation business here anymore.
16:11We're into things like linens, health foods, movies.
16:16And if things go the way I think they're going to go,
16:20next month, we'll own a record company.
16:24Now, you tell me, Mr. Hunter,
16:26what goods a record company without recording stars?
16:30You don't understand, Mr. Nash.
16:32Mr. Hunter, you're doing it again.
16:36Sorry. I apologize.
16:44Rocky Sullivan, Mr. Hunter.
16:46I really like her.
16:48She's got what it takes to fill an auditorium.
16:51You know, nothing would make me happier
16:53than to be personally involved with her career.
16:57You understand me?
16:59Only too well, Mr. Nash.
17:02Now, you're her manager.
17:04Or one of her managers.
17:06I have a partner.
17:08I know.
17:17Now, that's all legal.
17:2050% for you.
17:2450% for me.
17:28I can't sign this.
17:30I can't sign this.
17:53Well, so far we have what appears to be an attempt on your life
17:57and a crazed man with a gun.
17:59We're connected.
18:00In other words, it's quite possible
18:02that the man who shot at us also cut the sandbag loose.
18:05I'll kill the creep.
18:07Yes, well, no sense working yourself into a frenzy over it.
18:10Miss Holt and I will ferret out this trigger-happy inept murderer
18:13long before he can have another crack at you.
18:15We'll get on it first thing in the morning.
18:17First thing in the morning?
18:18Perhaps it would be safer if you stayed at my place tonight, Rocky.
18:21No, I suppose that rules out a quick trip to the city by the bay.
18:24I'm afraid you'll have to leave your heart
18:26somewhere else this evening, Mr. Steele.
18:28I'm going to need my overnight stuff from the bus.
18:31Well, I'll get it while you change.
18:33It's in the red suitcase in the back.
18:36I'll, uh, call Marty, shall I?
18:40Who's Marty?
18:41Patron saint of missed opportunity.
19:37You in there?
19:39Answer him.
19:44You okay?
19:48Rocky, there's something I've been meaning to tell you.
19:52Rocky, can I come in there?
19:55You sure you're feeling all right?
19:57You don't sound too awful good.
20:06Well, I know this is going to sound all schoolboy crazy,
20:09but, honey, I love you.
20:12I love you, and I want to marry you.
20:15Of course I do, darling.
20:17Betty can see that. Why can't you?
20:20Rocky, I know I can make you happy if you'll let me.
20:25Rocky, I swear I'll give you everything my daddy ever gave my mama and more.
20:31I want an answer. I want it now.
20:35I can't wait any longer. I'm coming in now.
20:39One move, and you're both dead.
20:42I'm a desperate man.
20:49Thought you all might be working up nap time.
20:52We're just leaving.
20:53Clint in there?
20:56He sure as hell is.
21:00Oh, Mrs. Overton.
21:03Oh, Mr. Steele.
21:06Well, Clint was gonna park the car, and then he's gonna come on up here.
21:11I haven't seen him.
21:15Well, where is he?
21:46You're a lucky man, Mr. Overton.
21:48That's just a scratch.
21:51I grabbed this from him when he ran.
21:53What is it?
21:54Looks like the financial ledgers for Rocky's show.
21:57Brian is gonna hit the roof. He guarded those books with his life.
22:00I mean, he wouldn't even let me see them.
22:02Well, rest assured, I'll treat them with equal regard.
22:04Come on, Rocky.
22:05Here you go.
22:08You probably think I'm always in trouble, huh?
22:10Just as long as Sherlock Holmes stays clear of this one, we'll get by all right.
22:14Mr. Steele?
22:16Do you think that it's safe to go back to our hotel room tonight?
22:19Mm. Oh, I'm sure, yes.
22:21The gunman was after this book, not your husband.
22:23I suspect you've seen the last of him, okay?
22:26Good night.
22:27Good night.
22:29Miss Holt.
22:30Back there in bus.
22:32Well, I had appreciated...
22:33No worry, Mr. Overton.
22:35I didn't hear a thing.
22:39Good night.
22:40Good night.
22:46But crying out loud, Clinton, you damn near got yourself killed.
22:49Shoot, Betty, it'd take more than a little old pop gun to put me out of commission.
22:53That's not the point.
22:55We don't belong here. We're out of our league.
22:58These Hollywood people are just...
23:01Well, they're just plain sleazy.
23:03Oh, come on, Betty.
23:05Now, tell me you never dreamed of being in showbiz.
23:08Tell me it ain't fun.
23:09Why, it's glamorous as hell, girl.
23:12But it ain't us.
23:14Oh, let's go home, Clint.
23:24Well, according to this,
23:26Brian and Buddy are making money hand over fist.
23:29Four performances, four sold-out shows.
23:31I wish we had a piece of the action.
23:33Wait a second, Ellen.
23:36What's that?
23:39Laura, have a look at this.
23:44Uh-huh, yes, Clint Overton, 49%.
23:49Arthur McKinley Reynolds III, 49%.
23:53Represents a group of dentists from St. Paul.
23:56How much do they own?
23:58Oh, not bad for a bunch of plaque scrapers.
24:03Doesn't leave much, 2%.
24:06Laura Neubauer, Susan Seddon, Martin Boe, 49% each.
24:10Let's see.
24:16Puma County Board of Education, 49%.
24:20Southeast Ranchers Association, 49%.
24:24Everybody seems to want to own a piece of the rock.
24:27You can't sell more than 100% of anything, can you?
24:30The producers.
24:31Here we go again.
24:33What happens, Chief?
24:34They're nearly driven to murder when the whole thing becomes a hit.
24:37Holy cow.
24:40Rocky Sullivan is Brian Hunter's springtime for Hitler.
24:43The Rocky Sullivan show closes for lack of audiences.
24:46The investors take the loss.
24:48Brian and Buddy pocket the money.
24:50But the show's over.
24:51It's over.
24:52It's over.
24:53It's over.
24:54It's over.
24:55It's over.
24:56It's over.
24:57It's over.
24:58It's over.
24:59It's over.
25:00It's over.
25:01But the show's been making money,
25:03and now the investors want to be paid their share of the profits.
25:06Only there's not enough money to go around.
25:08No wonder someone's trying to kill Rocky.
25:10What are you going to tell the boss?
25:12The truth, Mildred.
25:13It's the only sensible thing to do.
25:16I feel so much better, I can't tell you.
25:19You know, I want to thank you guys for coming to my rescue again.
25:24I don't know what it is with me.
25:26Bad luck?
25:27It's not that bad, is it?
25:29Well, Rocky...
25:30Rocky, how did you come to be involved with Brian and Buddy?
25:35Believe it or not, I went to an open audition.
25:38I probably beat out over 200 girls.
25:41Brian and Buddy told me they were looking for somebody
25:43who could put them over the top financially.
25:46Looks like they hit pay dirt.
25:50You know, all my life, all I ever wanted to be was a performer.
25:54My father wanted me to be a secretary.
25:57He never liked my voice.
25:59No matter what I did, I couldn't please him, ever.
26:03Well, Rocky, a wise man once said
26:05you can't please all of the people all of the time.
26:07What Mr. Steele means is that you're not alone, Rocky.
26:11Artists have been misunderstood throughout the ages.
26:15You know, I've waited tables, I've stuffed envelopes.
26:19I was a model for an underwear manufacturer once.
26:22Anything to pay the rent.
26:24It wasn't easy.
26:25A lot of people said that I didn't have what it takes.
26:28Then Brian and Buddy came along, and here I am, the big time.
26:37You gotta find that nut with the gun, or my career is shot.
26:41Grizzly choice of words, Rocky.
26:43But accurate.
26:46Where the hell have you been?
26:48I came up the fire escape.
26:50That's not what I asked you.
26:52We got problems.
26:54No kidding.
26:55You know that friend of Rocky's, that Remington Steele?
26:58He's a private dick. He's got our books.
27:02What are you doing?
27:04What are you looking for?
27:06I'm looking for my books.
27:08I'm looking for my books.
27:10What are you looking for?
27:12What are you doing?
27:14What are you looking for?
27:16What's with the thumb?
27:18Come on, Brian.
27:20I sold 50% of Rocky's contract to Vincent Nash.
27:24What are you, crazy?
27:26He's as dirty as they come.
27:28He's got his fingers in every dirty scam in town.
27:31Tell me about it.
27:33That ain't nothing compared to what he's gonna do to us
27:35when he finds out what we done to him.
27:37That's why we gotta kill Rocky. It's our only hope.
27:41Today, we ain't got no hope at all.
27:43Trust me, buddy. I thought this through.
27:45With Rocky dead, we don't have to pay off our investors,
27:48and Nash's 50% becomes academic.
27:50I don't know, Brian.
27:52Listen to me.
27:54Just make sure that Rocky's in her dressing room this afternoon.
27:57I'll take care of the rest.
28:01What the hell is that?
28:03A perfect alibi.
28:08We got visitors?
28:10Nash. He wants a look at the books.
28:12What do we do?
28:14Stall them.
28:21Oh. We'll send them in.
28:26Mr. Brokaw, we've come to return your financial ledger.
28:29It made very interesting reading.
28:31For instance, I found it fascinating
28:34that you've sold over 500% of Miss Sullivan
28:37to various investors.
28:39What? What are you talking about?
28:41Here you go. Have a look.
28:44There. That's...
28:51This is illegal, isn't it?
28:54Are you saying you knew nothing about this?
28:57Well, Brian keeps the books.
29:00I'm the creative half of the team.
29:03Oh. Look, uh...
29:05I've been a producer-manager for going on 30 years.
29:08I've been involved with some of the top acts in the business.
29:11You ask any of them if Buddy Brokaw ever pulled a fast one.
29:14That didn't, uh... didn't help them, of course.
29:22Oh. Well...
29:25Yeah. Send them in.
29:27Excuse me a minute. Hi.
29:29I want to throw some cold water on my face.
29:31Wake me up.
29:37Good morning. Good morning.
29:39I'm here to see, uh, Mr. Hunter.
29:42Oh, Mr. Hunter. Very popular man.
29:44Hard to pin down, though.
29:46Perhaps you'll, uh, settle for his partner.
29:52Uh, Mr. Brokaw?
29:56Mr. Brokaw?
30:02Would you settle for us?
30:04Well, it depends.
30:06Who are you?
30:08Oh, Remington Steele and, uh, my associate, Laura Holt.
30:11You tell Mr. Hunter Vincent Nash came by to look at the books.
30:15Vincent Nash?
30:17Oh, uh...
30:19You heard of me, huh?
30:21Yes. You're in garbage, aren't you?
30:24These books that you're looking for
30:26wouldn't by any chance have to do with, uh, Rocky Sullivan?
30:30Yeah, you see? Word spreads fast, Joseph.
30:33And I only been his partner for less than 24 hours.
30:36Oh. Well, it's my distinct pleasure to present to you
30:41the said books.
31:01You mean for every buck I get?
31:03You pay $5, sweet, isn't it?
31:06Legitimate business can be very aggravating.
31:12Get the car!
31:30I have to talk to you. I'm a desperate man.
31:38Where are you?
31:40I'm at the theater.
31:42Now, listen, kid.
31:44Got a room full of people here waiting to rehearse.
31:47Every minute you ain't here is costing me money.
31:50Mr. Steele told me to lay low until I heard from him.
31:53Rocky, sweetheart.
31:55Who's handling your career?
31:57I mean, you're a star.
31:59You got, uh, you got your reputation to consider here.
32:02Not to mention two sold-out shows tonight.
32:05I never thought of that.
32:07Yeah, well, uh, let's go, huh?
32:10Come on down. We got a lot of work to do.
32:13I'll be right there.
32:17Where do you think you're going?
32:19I've got to get down to the theater.
32:21Uh, uh, not until Mr. Steele or Miss Holt gives me the okay to let you go.
32:25You don't understand. I owe it to my fans.
32:28To do what? Get yourself killed?
32:39So you want to play dirty, huh?
32:48Oh! Oh!
32:55Oh, no fair!
33:02Mildred, Mildred, will you calm down? Just calm down, Mildred.
33:06I did the best I could, boss. I'm just not as agile as I used to be.
33:10Yes, I understand. Any idea where she got to?
33:13She was headed for the theater.
33:15The theater? It's a death trap. Hit it, Fred!
33:18And don't spare the rubber. Thank you. Goodbye, Mildred.
33:20Don't spare the rubber?
33:22You can't be clever all the time, Nora.
33:34I want to see Brian Hunter. Now.
33:36Look, I told you.
33:38Whatever you have to do, you get him over here.
33:40I have an account to settle with him.
33:42But I don't know where he is. Look, I am a desperate man.
33:45I know what you people are doing. I know about the scam, okay?
33:48You guys took the worst thing you could find.
33:51The theater actually closed after the first show.
33:53In fact, you were banking on it. A tax royale.
33:55At least that's what you tell the investors.
33:57Meanwhile, you and Brian end up with over a half a million dollars.
34:00Not bad for a few weeks' work.
34:04Get out of here. Get out of here, you bum!
34:06You guys haven't heard the last from me.
34:08You're the heart of their scam!
34:25Come on, kid.
34:29You're right.
34:31Brian and I are a couple of rats.
34:33I guess we just got a little too greedy.
34:37Look, go home.
34:39Don't hang around here. It ain't healthy.
34:41Just let me handle things from here on in.
34:44It's time I dissolved my partnership with Brian permanently.
34:52Where's Brian?
35:02Hey, move this pile of spare parts. You're blocking the road.
35:15Not this time, you don't. Stay right there.
35:21Come on.
35:52No, stay, stay.
35:55Come on.
36:22What happened?
36:24I don't know.
36:26I heard shots, so I went to my dressing room and there was a gun on the floor.
36:29Then there was someone at the door and I thought it was the murderer coming back,
36:32so I grabbed the gun.
36:34And nearly took my head off.
36:36What were you doing there, Mr. Overton?
36:38Same thing as her. I heard shots.
36:40Then why were you moving his body?
36:42To protect this little lady from a frame-up.
36:44A frame-up?
36:46Rocky had no reason to kill Brian.
36:48I'm afraid she did.
36:50Five minutes before he was shot,
36:52Rocky found out that he'd been using her for a scan.
36:56Yeah, but I didn't shoot him.
36:58Yes, well, unfortunately for you, Rocky, your fingerprints are on this gun.
37:03And since you fired at Mr. Overton here,
37:05a paraffin test won't clear you, I'm afraid.
37:09Oh, what about him?
37:11Yes, what about him, huh?
37:14I suspect you thought I forgot about you, eh, mate, hmm?
37:18Now, why don't you just step forward and tell everyone exactly who you are?
37:25My name is Arthur McKinley Reynolds III.
37:28I'm, uh, an accountant from St. Paul.
37:31An accountant, eh?
37:33From St. Paul.
37:35The dentists.
37:37That's right.
37:39Well, you, above all, had an excellent motive to kill the elusive Mr. Hunter.
37:43I mean, for the last two days, you've been running around
37:45shooting at anything that moved, haven't you?
37:47That's your gun, isn't it?
37:49I think so, but I'm no murderer. The gun was just...
37:52Well, I was a desperate man.
37:55Hmm, so you said.
37:57On more than one occasion.
37:59I was at the point of turning that gun on myself.
38:02Hey, kid, you're a pretty rotten shot for a suicide.
38:06Listen, you gotta believe me. This was my first account.
38:09I mean, I've had other accounts before, but this was my first solo flight.
38:13My father did some checking up on Brian and didn't like what he found.
38:16I tried everything I could, but Brian wouldn't talk to me.
38:20The gun was a last resort.
38:22I couldn't go home without that money. My father would have killed me.
38:25He's telling the truth.
38:27He told me the whole story this afternoon in my hotel room.
38:32Ah, Mr. Nash. Nice of you to rejoin us.
38:35We were just getting around to you.
38:37I had to call my attorney.
38:39He suggested that it wouldn't look right if I didn't come back.
38:44Obviously, these two hicks are working together.
38:47Now, don't go talking loco, partner. I'm not working with him.
38:50Hell, all he wants is his money back,
38:52and all I want is for Rocky to be happy.
38:54You stood to lose everything you've invested here.
38:57Shoot, I got more money than I know what to do with.
39:00Uh, Miss Holt, could I, uh, talk to you for a second?
39:07I don't know if this will be any help,
39:09but, uh, just before I heard the shots,
39:12I saw Buddy heading for Rocky's dressing room.
39:17Would you be willing to swear to that in a court of law?
39:20Would my father have to know about that?
39:25It was abroad.
39:27I saw her headed for her dressing room. I heard the shots.
39:30You're certain?
39:32Why would I lie?
39:37We may be on to something.
39:39Mm-hmm. Who's Rocky? It's Buddy.
39:41What about Crazy Arthur here?
39:43He went rushing out of the office, heading for the dressing room,
39:46saying we hadn't heard the last of him. Right, Rocky?
39:49Yeah, well, he must have met up with Mr. Prim and Proper here,
39:52because I saw him headed for that room.
39:54You'd better be able to back that up.
39:57Ah, now, wait!
39:59Please, just calm down, please!
40:02Now, before our tempers provoke you,
40:04I suggest you all go home.
40:06Miss Holt and I will call the police,
40:08and you can tell your stories to them, okay?
40:12Don't you worry now, little lady.
40:14No way you're going to jail
40:16if I have to sell every damn thing I own.
40:18You're a sweet guy, Clint.
40:20Why don't you take the limo back to my place, Rocky?
40:23We'll call Mildred and have her come pick us up.
40:26Yes, well, Rocky, the good news is,
40:29with Brian dead, you're no longer a prisoner.
40:32With Brian dead, you're no longer in danger.
40:35The bad news, however, is that you're a prime suspect in his murder.
40:39That won't do much for my career, huh?
40:41No, that won't bode well.
40:43Get to work, Mrs. Steele.
40:53Brian was shot through the door.
41:00He falls back, knocks the radio onto the floor.
41:03The killer runs out, dropping the gun first.
41:06Rocky comes in, sees the gun.
41:08Here's Clint at the door.
41:10Picks up the gun, turns,
41:13and shoots before she realizes who it is.
41:15Clint decides to protect Rocky for what looks like a frame,
41:18drags Brian's body out, and is caught back.
41:20There's one thing that's nagging at me.
41:22Always a good sign. Always a good sign.
41:24How does the murderer know that Brian's in the bathroom?
41:31Give me that.
41:36Because he was playing this.
41:38If that tape was playing, then...
41:46Is it possible that the murderer thought it was Rocky in there?
41:49In other words, Brian was not the intended victim.
41:52But then what was Brian doing hiding in the bathroom
41:55listening to a tape of Rocky singing?
41:57Because Brian was lying in wait for her.
42:00Brian was going to strangle her,
42:02and that tape was the perfect alibi.
42:04Of course.
42:06If anyone saw Brian leaving Rocky's dressing room,
42:09they would have heard her singing.
42:11And dead men don't sing.
42:13Thank God for that.
42:15Only one person wasn't accused of heading toward Rocky's dressing room.
42:18Because that one person was already in the dressing room.
42:22Barry Overton.
42:24Come on.
42:31Remind me to get this horn replaced, Laura.
42:34It's awfully anemic.
42:36How about a siren?
42:38Better still.
42:43I thought you were just a passing fan of Clint.
42:46Like that football team in Hawaii
42:48or that chain of disco roller skating rinks
42:50he got mixed up with last year.
42:52Oh, no. He was in love with you.
42:54Even I could see that.
42:56Betty, I never did anything with Clint.
42:58He's not even my type.
43:00Well, you sure are his.
43:02I mean, why else would he buy up every ticket for every performance?
43:05What are you talking about?
43:07He went down to the box office that first night.
43:09Only seven tickets were sold.
43:11Now he couldn't have an empty house for his little songbird.
43:16He went out, and he rounded up a whole passel of people,
43:19and he gave them all tickets.
43:21That's not true.
43:23You are going to climb out onto that fire escape,
43:25and you are going to jump.
43:27They'll say that you were filled with remorse
43:29and couldn't take it anymore.
43:33And if I don't?
43:35Then you're going to commit harry-carry.
43:37One way or another, honey, you are going to die.
43:58It's bolted from the inside!
44:02Miss Holt!
44:04Open the door!
44:06I can't!
44:08Fire escape. Come on.
44:47Are you all right?
44:49I've never felt better in my life.
44:58Five minutes, Rocky.
45:03I can't go on.
45:05Of course you can.
45:07I'm a fraud.
45:10The only reason those people are out there
45:13is because Clint paid them to come.
45:15Once they see you out there, they will love you.
45:18Please, believe me, they will.
45:20No, Mr. Steele.
45:22I've lost it.
45:24You know, Rocky,
45:27there have been times in my life
45:29when I felt as though I couldn't go on,
45:32as though I had nothing to live for anymore,
45:35when everybody I seemed to trust failed me.
45:39It's funny.
45:41It's exactly how I feel now.
45:43Rocky, we're not always able to anticipate
45:45or affect the way people treat us.
45:47I suppose that's why we're so different.
45:50There is a better effect the way people treat us.
45:53I suppose that's what makes life
45:55exciting and frightening at the same time.
45:58But still, there is one constant we can control.
46:02Yeah? What's that?
46:04You. No matter what happens,
46:06you can be the best Rocky Sullivan there ever was,
46:09and no one can do a thing to stop you.
46:11Now, come on, put a smile on your face and be bold, please.
46:14Hey, come on. Good.
46:16Here we go.
46:21Hey, little Rocky.
46:23Oh, hi, Clint. I'm sorry about Betty.
46:26Yeah, me too.
46:28Did you see? You got a full house tonight.
46:31Yeah, thanks to you.
46:33Uh-uh. I didn't buy but one ticket.
46:36My own.
46:38You mean all those people paid real money to see me?
46:44You know what?
46:46All those people paid real money to see me?
46:49Uh-huh. They must have heard about the attempts on your life
46:52and all come down to see your death-defying performance.
46:55And now, ladies and gentlemen,
46:57here for her second sold-out performance in a row,
47:00Miss Rocky Sullivan!
47:02Good night, little daddy.
47:04Good night, son.
47:07They're playing your song.
47:10Thank you! Thank you!
47:12Good Lord.
47:14Woman may have a career after all.
47:16I still think we ought to have a piece of her, boss.
47:19Bite your tongue, Miller.
47:21Too late to catch that plane to San Francisco, Mr. Stephen.
47:25It's never too late, Miss Holt.
47:27Not with that song ringing in my ears. Come on, let's go.
47:30And now, ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to dedicate this song
47:33to two very special friends of mine,
47:36Remington Steele and Laura Holt.
47:40Come on! Come on out!
47:42Oh, come on, come on.
47:44Yes, come on.
47:46Oh, get him, boss.
47:56I can think of an answer to that musical question, Laura.
47:59I'm with you, Mr. Steele.
48:01I can think of an answer to that musical question, Laura.
48:04I'm with you, Mr. Steele.
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