Remington Steele S03E05

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Remington Steele S03E05


00:00Was that meant for me or you?
00:05I'm not the one about to inherit a fortune.
00:08In two short days, you become the new Duke of Rutherford.
00:11Doesn't look much like the Duke, does he, Gwen?
00:14Hi, everybody.
00:15What is that?
00:16Watch out!
00:17He's dead, Your Grace.
00:18As long as you continue to play Reggie, they'll keep trying to kill you.
00:19Watch out!
00:21He's dead, Your Grace.
00:23As long as you continue to play Reggie, they'll keep trying to kill you.
00:27Watch out!
00:50He's dead, Your Grace.
01:18He's dead, Your Grace.
01:46He's dead, Your Grace.
02:14He's dead, Your Grace.
02:44Good Lord!
02:50I hereby pronounce you Reginald, Duke of Rutherford.
02:54How are you, Harry?
02:57Well, just shy of a heart attack, but otherwise all right.
03:00I think a celebration's in order, don't you?
03:03How long has it been?
03:06Must be a good two years.
03:07He looked very dapper, I must say.
03:09And you, Taylor?
03:10And you, Taylor?
03:11No. He died, poor chap.
03:13Some Hong Kong fellow now.
03:15Here we go. Here's some champers.
03:18Well, I'm glad to see you haven't become a total heathen since I last saw you.
03:21Yes, well, don't tell me you've traveled 7,000 miles
03:24simply to anoint your former pupil with a fireside poker.
03:27On the contrary. The Duke is dead.
03:30Long live the Duke.
03:32Ah, ah, no, no, no, no.
03:34Just wait a minute, old man.
03:36Five years ago you told me it was the most brilliant scheme we ever concocted.
03:40Yes, I know, but that was five years ago.
03:42In two short days, you become the new Duke of Rutherford.
03:46It finds itself another conspirator, Mr. Chalmers.
03:49Harry, I'm shocked.
03:51You anticipated your role as the Duke's long-lost son with great relish.
03:55Yes, but the old buzzard lived. I moved on.
03:58Harry, we're talking about a 50,000-acre English estate
04:02with land holdings in South Africa, the Caribbean,
04:05at least 12 million pounds in the Bank of England.
04:09Hmm. 12 million, is it?
04:11It is.
04:12Look, if you're worried about the unflappable Miss... What's her name?
04:16Exactly. Bring her along. There's plenty to go around.
04:19Daniel, Daniel, you know how Laura is about our inglorious past.
04:23Merely a suggestion, Harry.
04:25Come, join me in a toast to Reginald Whitewood, Duke of Rutherford.
04:32Was that meant for me or you?
04:34I'm not the one about to inherit a fortune.
04:38Who else knew you were coming to Los Angeles to find the Duke's long-lost son?
04:42Just the executor of the estate and your new cousins, of course.
04:45Oh, who, no doubt, will inherit this vast fortune
04:47if anything should happen to poor old Reggie.
04:49No doubt.
04:50Which makes me a sitting duck.
04:51Duke, sorry.
04:53No, that's it. I'm afraid you'll have to go back and say it was all a big mistake.
04:56I'm not the Duke!
04:58How can I do that when I've spent the past three days
05:00convincing them you're the Duke's long-lost son?
05:02I'm sure you'll find a way.
05:04You can't ask me to impeach my hard-earned integrity with those people.
05:09All right. All right, I'll get you off the hook.
05:12I'll go back to London, alone.
05:14It just happens we're both booked on the next flight out.
05:17You need looking after.
05:19Always did.
05:22Oh, good Lord. Oh, nice, Laura.
05:24My biggest fan.
05:25Quick, in here. Come with me.
05:27Just do as I say, please.
05:28It's very important.
05:29It's engagements day.
05:30Just do as I say. Get in there. Go in the closet, all right?
05:34Oh, no.
05:54What's the matter with you? We're late.
05:57It's dark in here.
06:02I prefer the dark.
06:05Who are you?
06:07It's Daniel.
06:10Who's Daniel?
06:11Daniel Chalmers.
06:14I just got the call.
06:17He's ill. Gravely ill.
06:22I'm so sorry.
06:25I really should go to him, you know.
06:27Keep a vigil.
06:29You know how excruciatingly lonely those...
06:35...hours can be?
06:37Where is he?
06:41I'll book the next flight out.
06:43Dad, no!
06:44Dad, no.
06:46No, it's okay.
06:47I've taken care of that. Yes.
06:52I'll pack while you get ready.
06:54And we'll swing by my loft and pick up my things.
06:55No. No, no, no.
06:56I'll be here.
06:57Laura, please.
07:01Somehow I feel that this is just between...
07:05...Daniel and me.
07:07Do you understand?
07:09He was like a father to you, wasn't he?
07:12All right.
07:16But don't hesitate to pick up the phone and call.
07:27All my suits are in here.
07:32You'll need a tie.
07:34Just in case.
07:37Let's not even think of it, eh?
07:39I know.
07:40You're frightened.
07:42But all we can hope for is a quick and full recovery.
07:49What time is your flight?
07:54Oh, 8.30.
07:59You got your ticket?
08:01Your passport?
08:02Yes, I've got everything, Laura. Yes.
08:03All right. Good luck.
08:05Now, remember, call if you need anything.
08:07Right. Okay.
08:08Well, goodbye and...
08:11It won't be too long, okay?
08:12I'll be back as soon as I can.
08:13All right.
08:14Thank you for understanding.
08:46Hello, Mildred. This is an emergency.
08:48Laura, get my passport and meet me at the International Terminal.
08:53Gate 19.
08:55Attention, this is your final boarding call for flight 120 to London.
08:59All passengers holding tickets on flight 120...
09:02Hello, I need a ticket for flight 120 to London.
09:05Hello, I need a ticket for flight 120 to London.
09:08Hello, I need a ticket for flight 120 to London.
09:11Hello, I need a ticket for flight 120 to London.
09:14Hello, I need a ticket for flight 120 to London.
09:17I'm sorry, that flight's full.
09:21I can put you on standby.
09:33Once the investiture is over, we'll spend a few months in the south of France.
09:37Catch our breath?
09:40Investiture? Daniel, I am...
09:42There's nothing to worry about, Harry.
09:44A small ceremony to make your accession to the Dukedom official.
09:48Daniel, I am going to London to extricate myself from this scheme, period.
09:52I'm just thinking about future, Harry.
09:54Well, just think of your own future.
09:58Excuse me. If you two gentlemen will return to your seats, we're about to serve dinner.
10:04And by the way, the name's Steel. Remington Steel.
10:07Of course, Harry. Whatever you say.
10:25You gonna eat your peanuts?
10:35So, uh, traveling alone?
10:38You might say that.
10:40Thought so.
10:43No wedding ring?
10:54No, thank you very much.
10:57Would you like something to drink? White wine, please.
11:00Make that two.
11:02You gonna eat your peanuts?
11:07That'll be $1.50.
11:10I got that. On me.
11:12Uh, no. I want to pay for my own drink.
11:15Oh, hey, that's cool. I can dig it, you know what I mean?
11:18After all, uh, we got plenty of time, pretty lady.
11:21What is this, a ten-hour flight?
11:25Would you care for a headset?
11:26No. Yes.
11:29That'll be $3.00.
11:30I got it. Please.
11:34Get another bag of peanuts.
11:37How much are the peanuts?
11:39They're free.
11:41Get two.
12:03Passport, madam.
12:10Uh, oh.
12:12I must have left it on the plane.
12:14Can't go through without it.
12:20Oh, hello.
12:24How would you like to make $100?
12:26Doing what?
12:28Following two men.
12:41Impressive, isn't it?
12:43Mm. Enough to kill for.
12:45All we have to do is keep you alive until the ceremony.
12:47Noon tomorrow.
12:49What makes you think whoever's trying to kill me won't try it again tomorrow after the ceremony?
12:52Because once you've succeeded the Duke, his will is fulfilled.
12:55Killing you won't get anyone a penny unless that ain't in your will.
12:58Oh, interesting.
12:59Isn't it?
13:06Doesn't look much like the Duke, does he, Gwen?
13:09Angus, the Duke was 96.
13:12I must say, he does appear to have the Whitewood nose, at least from this angle.
13:16My dear Archie, the same claim could be made for half the bastard sons of Rutherford County.
13:22Quite a decent tailor.
13:28Good afternoon, Angus, Archie, Gwen.
13:31May I present Reginald Whitewood.
13:36But not the Reginald Whitewood.
13:42What do you mean, not the Reginald Whitewood?
13:45My name indeed is Reggie Whitewood, but as fate would have it,
13:49there are a number of similarities with my own background
13:52and that of your long-lost beloved cousin.
13:55Mr. Chalmers here, a brilliant detective that he is, caught scent of me in the States.
14:00Naturally, he was quite devastated to find that actually I am another Reggie altogether.
14:08Nevertheless, I decided to accompany Mr. Chalmers here and explain everything,
14:13therefore avoiding any future, you know, complications.
14:17You're really going to do this, aren't you?
14:20I know how upset the three of you must be, but rest assured,
14:23I lay no claims whatsoever to the Duke's inheritance.
14:26You can have it all, lock, stock and barrel.
14:30He always had an outlandish sense of humor.
14:33Didn't he, though?
14:34I say, you really had us going there, Reggie, what?
14:38Welcome home, Reggie, but I'm not...
14:41Welcome home, Reggie.
14:43Long live the Whitewoods.
14:46Long live the Duke.
14:48Long live the new Duke.
14:50And your... your grace.
15:01Oh, thank you.
15:03Oh, thank you.
15:05Oh, thank you.
15:07Oh, thank you.
15:10Oh, thank you. Thank you so much.
15:12Miss Holt? Miss Holt?
15:15Oh, you're here, honey.
15:17Thank God.
15:18Oh, yeah.
15:19When I didn't see you at LAX, I knew I'd find you here.
15:22What's up, honey?
15:23Depends on whom you ask.
15:25Let's ask Mr. Steele.
15:29None of this makes sense, Daniel.
15:31First they try to kill me and then they embrace me with open arms,
15:34knowing that if I become the prince, they become the paupers.
15:37You're not prince, Harry. Duke.
15:39Duke of Rutherford.
15:41Mm. Well, this place gives me the willies.
15:44I keep feeling my every move has been scrutinized.
15:47I do think you're overreacting, Harry.
15:49Perhaps. Perhaps.
15:53The executor will see you, your grace.
15:56Oh, thank you, Armstrong. Thank you.
16:02Stop that.
16:08It shouldn't be too difficult to convince the executor I'm not the Duke, should it?
16:12Harry, there may be one minor detail I may have forgotten to mention.
16:15Yes, what's that?
16:16You remember that judge that gave Tao Davis 20 years for the pedigree dog swindled?
16:20Oh, yes, Penhaligon. Merciless bugger. Whatever happened to him?
16:26No. No. No.
16:30Penhaligon's the executor?
16:32He catches one whiff of a fraud and he'll lock us up and throw away the key.
16:36It is a bother, isn't it?
16:42Step this way, ladies.
16:44This is Fred Blocks, our groundskeeper.
16:49An ex-military man,
16:51Mr. Blocks loves complete order
16:54and cannot restrain himself from personally imposing it upon our many gardens here at Rutherford Castle.
17:01Blocks, perhaps you could explain to the ladies
17:05exactly what it is you're doing with this particular plot.
17:08Yes. Well, these flowers are Viola tricolore,
17:14or, as we call them in these parts, Sussex special butterwood.
17:19You're a very lucky man, Rutherford.
17:22Oh, I am?
17:24Yes. Cases such as yours, long-lost relatives returning and so forth,
17:28legal verification of identity often drags on for years to the courts.
17:33But the documentation provided by Mr. Chalmers here
17:36is absolutely the most irrefutable proof of claim I have ever seen.
17:40That's a comforting thought.
17:42How thorough of you.
17:44Yes, the future of the nation rests with young men such as yourself.
17:49The Duke, your father, knew that.
17:52He was a great man, his tidy shoes to fill.
17:56Well, you'll excuse me.
17:59It was a very dry journey from London.
18:04I think I shall go and rest a bit for dinner.
18:12The documentation you so thoughtfully provided, where is it?
18:16In the safe behind that painting there. Why?
18:19A few minor alterations should be enough to get me off the hook.
18:26Our next stop is the library.
18:28Here we shall see just a very few pieces of the priceless Rutherford art collection.
18:36Ah, look, everyone.
18:38We've had the most marvellous luck.
18:41It's the new Duke of Rutherford.
18:43Good afternoon, Your Grace.
18:45Yes, good afternoon, good afternoon.
18:47Just seeing what time has done to poor Uncle Percy.
18:51Charmers, remind me to get the restorer in first thing in the morning, will you?
18:54Imagine that.
18:56Only just arrived and already looking after the family's assets, shall we?
19:01Ah, yes.
19:03Well, carry on, ladies, shall we?
19:08Close call.
19:09Indeed. We'll have to see if we can get in there later.
19:12And do what, exactly?
19:16You expect me to believe that all you're trying to do is prove to them that you're not the Duke of Rutherford?
19:22It does strain credulity, I'll admit, Laura.
19:25Spare me the oblique explanation, Mr. Steele.
19:28It's not as if it's the first time you've pulled something like this.
19:32If you're referring to my occasional side trips, Laura, I can explain...
19:35No, no, no. I understand you're having to get away by yourself now and then.
19:39It's only natural.
19:41It is? Sure it is, Harry.
19:43Mr. Chalmers, please.
19:45Look, I'll admit, Laura, Cannes was pretty much a mess,
19:48and you have every right in the world to blame me for everything.
19:51No, no, no. You went to Cannes to help a friend.
19:54I did? Yes!
19:56Yes, yes, of course I did. That's right. And you were there to help me, right.
20:00We're a team, Mr. Steele.
20:02And teams stick together.
20:05That's right. Yes, yes.
20:08You've been excruciatingly understanding, Laura.
20:11I know.
20:13Oh. Oh, quaint.
20:17Our very own knight in shining armour.
20:31You all right, Daniel? Look out!
20:34Watch out!
21:02Obviously, someone wants Reggie dead.
21:05Right. No one will believe that I am not him.
21:09Which just might be to our advantage.
21:12As long as you continue to play Reggie,
21:15they'll keep trying to kill you.
21:18That's what concerns me, Laura.
21:20Harry, don't be such a worrywart.
21:23Yes, Harry.
21:38That's better.
21:42Great, I can find my way through here.
21:45Yes, like Reggie.
21:47Hi, everybody. Who's that?
21:49What is that?
21:51That's Myrtle Groggins.
21:54My fiancée.
21:58You know, I hate that name.
22:01You're supposed to call me Your Grace,
22:04take three steps back and curtsy.
22:10Your Grace?
22:12Bunny. Bunny?
22:14Bunny, her nickname.
22:16Met her at a playboy club.
22:18You never told us you were engaged, Your Grace.
22:21He didn't.
22:23Your Grace, he just doesn't like to brag.
22:26Do you, honey?
22:28You know, I think we should get some of that
22:31forest-glazed wallpaper and put it up around here.
22:34Make it look a little like Sherwood Forest.
22:38Give it that Middle Ages mood, you know?
22:41Oh, yeah.
22:43Oh, wow! What a joy!
22:48You could hide the spruce goose in here.
22:51What are you, my shadow?
22:53Forgive me, madam.
22:56Myrtle Groggins.
22:58Myrtle's mother.
23:00What do you say, gang?
23:03Dinner is served.
23:05Is that timing?
23:07Come on, gang. Let's chow down.
23:13This will give you a headache and a half.
23:16Is this a real McCoy or what?
23:20My dear girl,
23:22each of these weapons is authentic,
23:24in perfect condition,
23:26and has been in this family for generations.
23:29I look after them myself,
23:31and would appreciate it if you would leave your hands off them.
23:34I'm sorry, Your Grace.
23:36I look after them myself,
23:38and would appreciate it if you would leave your hands off them.
23:40Careful, Ash.
23:42That's the future lady of the manor you're talking to.
23:45Over my dead body.
23:58I imagine you were delighted to discover
24:00that your daughter's fiancé was a duke.
24:03Oh, Duke Shmuke.
24:05I never butt into my daughter's affairs.
24:08Tell me something, Judge.
24:10Just how loaded is this guy, anyway?
24:14Oh, nice.
24:16Oh, thank you.
24:18I say, Reggie, once the dust has settled,
24:22I'd be more than happy to come down
24:24and help you with any redecorating.
24:27How kind of you, Gwen.
24:29I can't tell you how fortunate I feel
24:31to have you all here to help me
24:33with this turbulent transition.
24:39Oh, Nanny is here, sir.
24:42What is it, Your Grace?
24:49Is what?
24:51Oh, where's Reggie? I want to see Reggie.
24:53What'll I do? I mean, she'll know I'm not Reggie.
24:57Are you the one who claims to be my Reggie?
25:01What did you call your favorite teddy bear?
25:08Uh, Pookie.
25:12The gardener's cat?
25:14Gardener's cat.
25:20Who was Sparky?
25:26Now, why is that name so familiar?
25:28Because it was your favorite hobby horse.
25:31Of course, yes.
25:33Patty cake, patty cake, six times ten.
25:37Put an egg in the oven.
25:41bake a little red hen.
25:47Oh, Reggie.
25:49You've come home at last.
25:54Nanny is here.
25:58Come in.
26:21We need to talk.
26:23I see.
26:25Come to claim your detective, have you?
26:29Well, I'm afraid you can't have him.
26:31Why don't you let him decide that?
26:33He already has.
26:35Do you really think he would have let me bring him over here
26:38if in his heart he weren't willing to go through with this little scheme?
26:43Stop fooling yourself, my dear.
26:45His days with you are over, Chalmers.
26:48He's with me now.
26:50Miss Holt, Harry is one of a kind.
26:53A true artist.
26:55The only reason he hasn't painted himself out of your life
26:58is that the two of you have yet to experience the ultimate moment.
27:05There's more to our relationship than you think.
27:08Is there?
27:10Look, we both know Mr. Steele feels he owes you.
27:15But how far are you willing to go to call that marker in?
27:18I was about to ask you the same question.
27:22One thing is clear.
27:24We both can't have him.
27:26I wouldn't be so sure.
27:28You created a world-renowned detective out of thin air.
27:32That takes a rare and innate talent.
27:35Laura, you have resources you haven't begun to tap.
27:39I propose to you that together,
27:41the three of us could turn Europe on its ear.
27:44You must be joking.
27:46Think about it.
27:51Once this is over,
27:53I'm taking Mr. Steele back to Los Angeles.
27:56Once this is over,
27:58Harry and I are going to the south of France.
28:02Oh, yes, come in. Come in, come in.
28:05Chalmers bought Nanny off.
28:07That's the only explanation.
28:09Yes, yes, very clever of him.
28:11I mean, if he hadn't,
28:13Prince Halligan would have smelt a rat.
28:15I must say, Laura,
28:17Daniel's always been very good to me.
28:19He's always been very good to me.
28:21He's always been very good to me.
28:23He's always been very good to me.
28:25He's always been very good to me.
28:27He's always been very good to me.
28:29I must say, Laura,
28:31Daniel's always been very quick on his feet.
28:33I remember this night in Casablanca.
28:35You certainly seem to be enjoying your role as the new duke,
28:38in spite of the fact that it could get you killed.
28:40Yes, but I thought we agreed to play along
28:42until we got to the bottom of this.
28:44Just as long as we understand when the game is over.
28:49Betty, dear.
28:55Ah, hello, Nanny, hello.
28:59I've been saving him all these years.
29:03You must go to bed now, Reggie.
29:08You need your rest.
29:13Nighty-night, Nanny, nighty-night.
29:23She's very good.
29:29Yes, come in.
29:32Thought you might enjoy a nightcap.
29:34Oh, how very thoughtful of you, Archie.
29:36How very thoughtful of you indeed.
29:38I suggest you get into bed and sip it, the port.
29:42And hang on to Pookie.
29:44Lucky bear, that one.
29:46Yes, sir. Good night.
29:49What is this, Victoria Station?
29:56Ah, there you are, old bean.
29:58Single shot of malt.
30:00I suggest you lie down, pop it back,
30:03and the next thing you know, it'll be morning.
30:06Oh, I'm sure I won't know what hit me.
30:09Night, Pookie.
30:11Good night. Good night.
30:19That bear has been around.
30:21That only leaves...
30:23I feel like a winter coat in Miami.
30:34I thought this might help you sleep.
30:38You read my very mind, Gwen.
30:43Oh, I see you're limping.
30:45Oh, yes. Silly me.
30:47I was out riding on the common today.
30:50My horse threw me a good one.
30:52Oh, really? Nothing serious, I hope.
30:55I shouldn't think so.
30:57Perhaps you'd better have a look at it.
31:02Yes, maybe I should have a look at it.
31:10Forgive me.
31:13I'm a little bit lagged at the moment.
31:16Perhaps we'd better take a rain check on this.
31:19Do you know how it is?
31:21These things just happen.
31:23I think it's seen nanny again.
31:25And I think Pookie...
31:30I'm looking forward to it.
31:42Do you hear something ticking?
31:47Stand back, Laura.
31:49These things are easily diffused.
31:52If done correctly.
31:56One, uh...
31:58simply has to know how to...
32:12Watch out!
32:34Watch out!
32:37Is there an attic above us?
32:39Of course.
32:40It's down there at the very end of the hall.
32:46A touch of insomnia, Your Grace.
32:59Something's ticking.
33:01There's got to be another way out of here.
33:07Laura, Laura!
33:11Hang on. Here you go.
33:13After you.
33:42Wait here, Laura. This could get a bit slippery.
33:45Lost the soap, have we?
34:01I'm afraid he's dead, Your Grace.
34:07I trust you won't be needing this any longer, Your Grace.
34:11Not tonight, Armstrong.
34:16Why would Angus poison your whiskey and then drink it himself, boss?
34:20Someone else poisoned that drink, Mildred.
34:22Yes, and I'd sleep more comfortably if we knew who.
34:25You should be safe here for the rest of the night.
34:28Oh, yes. Well, it's easy for you to say so, Daniel.
34:32Well, Mildred, I'll, uh...
34:34I'll do fine for a while, won't I?
34:36Good night, boss.
34:38Yes, good night.
34:40Good night.
34:42See you in the morning.
34:49You know, I really haven't had time to thank you properly
34:53for getting me out of the way of that chandelier up there.
34:56All an adepti...
34:58Day's work, Mr Steele.
35:02Nora, as we lay there, huddled together,
35:07just millimetres from death,
35:10I began to think of all the things I've left undone in my life.
35:16All the things?
35:19One in particular.
35:22Let me guess.
35:23You won't have to.
35:26You know, your friend Chalmers says that I've been manipulating you.
35:32What an odd notion.
35:34He says the only reason you've stuck with me
35:37is that you haven't gotten what you've always gotten in the past.
35:41Is that true?
35:43That I haven't gotten what I've always wanted?
35:46That you're only staying around until you get it.
35:50Don't be absurd, Nora.
35:52There are many reasons for my staying around.
35:55Including devotion to our work.
35:58Oh, absolutely.
36:00That's what I thought.
36:15I've got a safe to crack.
36:26Listen to this.
36:27If my son Reginald should become deceased before his investiture as Duke,
36:32the entire estate shall be divided equally among my surviving relatives,
36:36Angus Whitewood, Archie Whitewood, Gwen Whitewood,
36:40and the foundation to save the Sussex Speckled Blue Butterfly.
36:45Talk about suspects.
36:48But why is the killer so damned insistent on my being Reggie?
36:51I mean, wouldn't it be easier not to deal with me at all?
36:54Wait a minute. There's a codicil.
36:56In the event my son Reginald has not been found by the time of my death,
37:01the entire estate shall be placed in a trust administered by my executor
37:05until he is found,
37:07or until 20 years from the date of my death.
37:11Whichever comes first.
37:14That means if Reggie hadn't been found,
37:1620 years would have to pass before the cousins received a nickel.
37:20And for any of those people to collect,
37:22they had to find Reggie and then have Reggie die.
37:25Which leaves Archie, Gwen, and this butterfly foundation.
37:30Well, Gwen was limping this evening.
37:32Well, when I asked her about it,
37:34she said that she'd taken a nasty spill off her horse.
37:37She could have been the knight on the horseback.
37:39And when the chandelier came down,
37:40the only one that didn't come out of her room immediately was Gwen.
37:43Because at that time she was very likely taking a secret staircase to her room
37:46where we found her up to her neck in a bubble bath.
37:49Yeah. No doubt fully clothed.
37:53There you go. That should do it, eh?
37:57Give me that.
38:04Okay. Let's take the pictures.
38:35Thinking last night's unfortunate incident should be kept within the castle walls,
38:40His Grace has asked me to look into the matter.
38:43I have concluded that only one person could have shot at His Grace in Los Angeles,
38:48arranged for the chandelier to fall on him in his sleep,
38:51and then poisoned him with a nightcap.
38:53That person is also guilty of murdering Angus.
38:56Oh, for heaven's sake, man, get on with it.
38:58Who's the culprit?
39:02He's mad!
39:04You're a military man and a marksman.
39:06Then why didn't I hit Reggie in Los Angeles?
39:11Your studies at Sandhurst included extensive courses in chemistry and biology,
39:16hence your knowledge of poisons.
39:18Then why didn't I put the poison in the port I brought him?
39:21Or better yet, why not in all the drinks?
39:27The antique weapons in this room are all genuine,
39:30all in perfect working order, looked after by your loving hands.
39:34Falling chandelier was one such weapon.
39:37I shall not be vilified by this, this nincompoop in the house of my ancestors.
39:42I tell you, sir, I shall press charges.
39:45I shall sue you for...
39:52Oh, my goodness.
40:00It appears you're mistaken, Daniel.
40:11If Archie hadn't stepped in front of you, you'd be wearing this.
40:21Must admit, Archie made an excellent suspect.
40:24Yes. I'm sorry to see him go.
40:27Why not have Gwen arrested now?
40:29Because the arrow was rigged with a timer,
40:32and we can't prove Gwen rigged it.
40:34Besides, it's quite possible she's innocent.
40:37Is it?
40:39The foundation to say the Sussex Speckled Blue Butterfly
40:42had as much to gain as anybody by the death of the Duke's heir.
40:45Why keep grasping at straws?
40:47In less than two hours, Harry becomes the Duke.
40:50Your chief suspect is right down the hall.
40:53We'll smoke her out, Harry, just like the old days, huh?
40:57Sorry, Daniel.
40:59The thought of playing decoy to a desperate heiress doesn't appeal to me somehow.
41:03In that case, I shall have to do it on my own.
41:08How's Nanny?
41:10Oh, she's resting, but I don't know how she's feeling.
41:13Oh, she's resting, but I don't know how much more of this mayhem she can take.
41:16That goes for all of us, Mildred.
41:18Shall we, Mr. Steele? The Speckled Blue Butterfly.
41:21Oh. Excuse me, Mildred.
42:03Ah, there you are, Nanny.
42:05I brought you some tea.
42:07Now, you want it straight or would you like a little shot in it?
42:10Where's my Reggie?
42:12Oh, dear, Reggie.
42:14Oh, now, you just relax, honey.
42:16I told Reggie I wouldn't let anything happen to you.
42:18But where is he?
42:20Oh, now, Nanny, don't you worry. Everything's gonna be just fine.
42:26As far as I can tell,
42:28the foundation consisted of the same 17 people until about three years ago
42:33when someone by the name of Elizabeth Perkins joined.
42:37A year and a half later, she became president.
42:40This is from the Duke's solicitors in London
42:42notifying the foundation that they've become beneficiaries to his will.
42:46When was it written?
42:48Three years ago.
42:50About the same time Elizabeth Perkins joined the foundation.
42:54Perkins. Perkins.
42:57Elizabeth Perkins.
42:59Why is that name so familiar?
43:04Good Lord.
43:06Nanny Perkins. Come on.
43:11Whoo! Whoo! Whoo!
43:14Nanny may have masterminded this scheme,
43:16but somebody has to be doing the dirty work for her.
43:18Somebody close to the family, somebody you wouldn't suspect.
43:21Somebody strong who knows the castle.
43:23Somebody who rides horses and can handle tools and weapons.
43:26The fuller brush man.
43:28Red Skelton, Janet Blair, Columbia, 1948.
43:31Skelton plays a fuller brush salesman
43:33who gets blamed for society murder
43:35when in actual fact he was committed by the butler.
43:38The butler's close to 80.
43:40He probably couldn't even mount a horse,
43:42let alone gallop one across a lawn holding a lance.
43:45Well, then who? You?
43:48Take her and the other two down to the potting shed.
43:51I want everything in order when Reggie returns.
44:01You killed Angus, didn't you?
44:03I poisoned Reggie's drink, if that's what you mean.
44:05Not my fault if Angus went and drank it.
44:07Does that go for Archie, too?
44:09Well, if the arrow hadn't gotten him,
44:11Nanny and I would have taken him out sooner or later.
44:18Now him!
44:20Don't worry.
44:22You won't feel a thing, and then you'll be much.
44:44Are you all right? Hey, speak to me.
44:46Thank you. Thanks, old boy.
44:53Mind your manners, ladies.
45:14Can you hear what's going on?
45:16The ceremony starts in less than ten minutes.
45:19There isn't going to be any ceremony.
45:22Why not?
45:24A closer look at those documents will prove beyond a shadow of a doubt
45:27that I am not Reginald Whitewood.
45:30Forgive me, Your Grace,
45:32but I don't understand your insistence on denying the obvious.
45:35I've spent the past two hours
45:37poring over every word, every nuance of these documents.
45:41I assure you, all is in order.
45:43Let me have a look at those.
45:53You changed these, didn't you?
45:59Without these papers, there's no way of proving
46:02that I am the heir to the Rutherford estate.
46:06Yes, sir, that is correct, but I...
46:08Thank you very much.
46:10Oh, Your Grace.
46:22Ah, there you are. All packed?
46:25Daniel, we have to talk.
46:27Save it, dear boy. There'll be plenty of time for talk.
46:30Daniel, I, um...
46:32You know how I feel about you.
46:35I know I love you like the son I never had.
46:38Being with you these few days has been
46:41truly invigorating, Harry, truly invigorating.
46:44Which only makes what I have to tell you all the more difficult.
46:47Tell me what?
46:49I can't accept this ticket to Paris.
46:51It's tempting, but the magic has gone.
46:55I've found a new life in Los Angeles, Daniel.
46:57A new life isn't everything.
46:59Well, but at least a start.
47:01I mean, Laura and I, we seem to be...
47:03Excuse me.
47:05Her cab is waiting.
47:08Well, you mustn't miss your plane.
47:13I say, Daniel.
47:15Did you get the tickets from them?
47:18Yes, dear.
47:20We're all set.
47:24How well do you know the south of France?
47:26Not at all, Wallace.
47:28We'll open up my villa and venture forth from there.
47:31We must be prepared, Gwen.
47:33One never knows where or when one may encounter
47:35the real Duke of Rutherford.
47:37I hope it won't take too awfully long.
47:40Rest assured, my dear, success is right around the corner.
47:51That's Mildred.
47:53Shall we, Mr. Stephen?
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