Remington Steele S03E01

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Remington Steele S03E01


00:00Tonight's the night!
00:04One can order breakfast without ever leaving the bag.
00:06There has been a robbery, you see.
00:07You sold the Hapsburg dagger!
00:08I'm delighted and honored to have you with me on the hunt.
00:09Put those gentlemen back there!
00:10They'd like to kill me!
00:11Well, they'll have to take a number!
00:12You won't mind if I monopolize the lady's time for a while?
00:20I wish you better luck than I've enjoyed lately.
00:23Let's hope some fun!
00:27When this case is finished, so are we.
02:57I'll leave you, if you like, at 2,500,000 francs.
03:04You see, I have a few other things to offer you, too.
03:11We could play a game.
03:12I have precious stones.
03:13A collection.
03:14There are sapphires, diamonds.
03:15There are sapphires, diamonds.
03:22There are sapphires, diamonds.
03:29There are sapphires, diamonds.
03:39There are sapphires, diamonds.
03:49There are sapphires, diamonds.
03:57There are sapphires, diamonds.
04:07There are sapphires, diamonds.
04:17There are sapphires, diamonds.
04:24There are sapphires, diamonds.
04:32There are sapphires, diamonds.
04:40There are sapphires, diamonds.
04:49There are sapphires, diamonds.
04:55There are sapphires, diamonds.
05:01There are sapphires, diamonds.
05:07There are sapphires, diamonds.
05:14There are sapphires, diamonds.
05:20There are sapphires, diamonds.
05:26There are sapphires, diamonds.
05:32There are sapphires, diamonds.
05:38There are sapphires, diamonds.
05:44There are sapphires, diamonds.
05:50There are sapphires, diamonds.
05:56There are sapphires, diamonds.
06:02There are sapphires, diamonds.
06:08There are sapphires, diamonds.
06:14There are sapphires, diamonds.
06:20There are sapphires, diamonds.
06:26There are sapphires, diamonds.
06:34There are sapphires, diamonds.
06:42There are sapphires, diamonds.
06:50There are sapphires, diamonds.
06:56There are sapphires, diamonds.
07:02There are sapphires, diamonds.
07:08There are sapphires, diamonds.
07:14Oh, I got plenty of nubble, and nubble's plenty for me.
07:22I got no car, got no mule, I got no misery.
07:30Old Man River, that Old Man River.
07:42Old Man River.
07:48Stood up.
07:52It's beginning to look that way.
07:55Ah, Laura, there you are.
07:58Where have you been?
07:59Oh, I had to go out for a breath of fresh air after that final number, yes.
08:03I was deeply moved, deeply moved.
08:05By Yankee Doodled Andy?
08:07Mm, stirring rendition.
08:08Well, we're going to be late for the reception, do we?
08:10Shall we go?
08:30Ah, it must be exciting, Inspector Bouvray, solving murders and such.
08:36Alas, monsieur, not many murders to solve here.
08:39Not like your country.
08:41Here it is mostly, as you say, doucement potatoes.
08:44The drunken people hitting each other, the auto crashes, des choses comme ça.
08:50No, no, much better to talk about your work, Monsieur Steele.
08:53When I heard you were here, I said, ah, this is a man I must meet.
08:58Well, not to dishearten you, Inspector, but, you know, after a while,
09:01even solving the most sensational cases of national importance
09:04becomes, as you say, you know, a tad routine.
09:07Inspector, please.
09:11You know, Ron, I'm fascinated by the way you conduct the glee club.
09:15Oh, really?
09:16Well, gosh, I didn't realize you were such a music lover, Miss Krebs.
09:20Who's talking about music?
09:22Shall we get some more bubbly?
09:26Oh, three cheers for Mildred.
09:28Thought I was going to need an iron bar to pry that aging altar boy away from you.
09:31What do you say we get out of here?
09:34You've just arrived. Isn't that a tad rude?
09:39Oh. Oh, I'd love to.
09:42Mesdames, mademoiselles, monsieur, I'm afraid I must go.
09:46There has been a robbery, you see, a very big robbery.
09:50Oh, shocking, shocking.
09:52What's been stolen?
09:53The Habsburg dagger.
09:55The what?
09:56The Habsburg dagger.
09:58A jewel-encrusted gift presented to the Habsburgs
10:01in the 16th century.
10:03Excellent, monsieur Steve.
10:05I thought the Habsburg dagger was just a myth.
10:08Like the Maltese falcon.
10:10Oh, we last know.
10:11The dagger is all too real,
10:13as the number of those who have died trying to obtain it can attest.
10:17The dagger is priceless.
10:19What was it doing here in Cannes?
10:21We are still gathering the facts,
10:23but it appears the last gentleman to own it
10:25came here from Hong Kong to sell it to a gentleman from Frankfurt.
10:29It sounds more like one of your cases than one of mine, monsieur Steve.
10:33Yes, it does have a certain flair to it, doesn't it?
10:36If only we had an expert like you in our department.
10:39Well, why don't you help the inspector out, monsieur Steve?
10:42I don't think that's such a good idea.
10:45I must confess the same thought crossed my mind.
10:49But how can I ask such a thing of you, monsieur Steve,
10:52on your holiday and all those things?
10:54Are you kidding?
10:56You could find that overgrown butter knife in no time, couldn't you, boss?
11:00Yes, indeed, Mildred.
11:02You saying we have to be back in Los Angeles in two days on important business?
11:06Two days with the great Remington Steel is better than none.
11:10I'm delighted and honored to have you with me on the hunt.
11:13Now, tell me, how would you begin?
11:17Excuse me. I'm sure he'll want me along.
11:27Your thoughts, monsieur Steve?
11:29Hmm? Oh, yes.
11:31Well, I must confess, inspector, I'm as baffled as you are, you know.
11:36Yes, quite a smooth job indeed.
11:40Clearly a professional at work.
11:42Hmm. Mm-hmm.
11:44The thief has left us not a clue.
11:52Ah, oui.
12:17Bureaucracy, you know, the same everywhere, n'est-ce pas?
12:21Well, I think we've done all we can for this evening.
12:25Ah, mademoiselle Ault, what have you there?
12:28I just found this in the alley.
12:30Ah! Collecting men's clothing, are we?
12:32It could be a clue.
12:34It looks brand new and was recently discarded.
12:37It rained this afternoon, but this is dry.
12:39You think perhaps it belonged to the thief?
12:42It's a long shot, but it could be part of a disguise.
12:46There's a label in it from a local shop.
12:48Something to check out, anyway.
12:51I also talked to a woman who lives over the alley.
12:54She said there was a black motorcycle parked there this evening,
12:57about the time the robbery occurred.
12:59Again, excellent.
13:01This, uh, assistant of yours
13:03obviously has learned a great deal from the master.
13:06Oh, yes, sir. My prized pupil.
13:15That inspector was a real character, don't you think?
13:20I'm sorry. I didn't hear you.
13:25Um, I'll see you in the morning, okay?
13:35It's a little early to turn in, don't you think?
13:39Um, I, uh...
13:41I have a bottle of Dom Perignon in my room. Would you...?
13:45Sounds lovely.
13:53How convenient.
13:55One can order breakfast without ever leaving the bag.
13:59Uh, can I, uh... Can I get my key in the door?
14:21Mon chéri.
14:23I need you so desperately.
14:35I come into the house,
14:37put down the groceries,
14:39hear something,
14:41then, boom.
14:43C'est tout.
14:44The same man must have been waiting for me.
14:46And you didn't get a good look at him?
14:48It was so dark. It happened so fast.
14:50He threw me against the wall.
14:52Then, when I opened my eyes,
14:54the dagger was gone, and so was he.
14:56Well, this is splendid.
14:59I'm deputized by the police to investigate my own burglary.
15:02My associates are going to expose me if I can't stop her.
15:05In the meantime, I've got to find out who stole the dagger from us.
15:09It's all right. It's all right.
15:11Well, at least we can comfort ourselves with one thing.
15:14Can't get any worse, can it?
15:32Mr. Steele must already be gone, Inspector.
15:35Following his own leads, no doubt.
15:37Oui, je comprends.
15:39Such a man as Mr. Steele works best alone.
15:42Not really, Inspector.
15:44He can just be a bit mysterious about his partners.
15:48Uh, yes, de Guiche?
15:50We found a black motorcycle, Inspector,
15:52just as the Mademoiselle described.
15:54Abandoned behind the Cannes Theater.
15:56It was rented to a John Robey.
15:59The given address was fraudulent.
16:01John Robey?
16:03And what about the black dickey?
16:05An inquiry is being made.
16:09Alas, Mademoiselle, I must go.
16:12Please tell Mr. Steele to stay in constant touch, will you?
16:17A bientôt.
16:18Au revoir.
16:20John Robey.
16:22Hi, honey.
16:24How's it going?
16:25Good morning, ladies.
16:27Good morning.
16:28Laura, I have got two tickets to the harbor cruise,
16:32and I thought maybe if you weren't doing anything...
16:34Why don't you take Wilbur?
16:38Oh, well.
16:40Shall we weigh anchor?
16:56John Robey.
16:59That rouse!
17:15Laura, what are you doing here?
17:17What are you doing here?
17:18I've locked up with those people back there.
17:20They'd like to kill me.
17:21Well, they'll have to take a number.
17:23Could we continue this conversation somewhere else?
17:33This is larceny!
17:36On the other hand...
18:00John Robey indeed!
18:02I would have expected a little more originality.
18:05What are you talking about?
18:07To catch a thief,
18:08Cary Grant, Grace Kelly, Paramount, 1955.
18:12Grant plays a retired cat burglar named John Robey.
18:15I'm impressed.
18:16You took me to see it three weeks ago.
18:18Typical of you to rent a motorcycle in that name.
18:21I rented a motorcycle?
18:23More than that, you stole the Habsburg dagger!
18:26I did?
18:27No wonder you were so insistent
18:29that I joined the Glee Club tour.
18:31All this time I thought you were being nice
18:33when the whole time you just wanted to come to the Riviera
18:36so you could steal that dagger!
18:38Laura, could you just move a bit to starboard?
18:40Admit it!
18:42Admit it! You stole it!
18:43It's not what you think, Laura.
18:44Now, if you don't mind,
18:45I'd like to help us live to fight another day.
18:52I think one of the gentlemen back there has a gun.
18:56They all have guns, Laura.
18:58Big guns!
18:59Who are they?
19:00Oh, nice of you to inquire.
19:02They call themselves the Palermo brothers,
19:04only they're not from Palermo and they're not brothers.
19:07What they are, however,
19:08are three of the deadliest thieves on the continent.
19:11Why are they chasing you?
19:13Because they think I have the Habsburg dagger.
19:15But you do have it!
19:16But someone stole it from me.
19:20It's a rather complicated story.
19:22Well, don't worry about the Palermo brothers.
19:24If we ever live through this little escapade,
19:27I'm going to kill you myself!
19:36We can just get around that point in time.
19:39How do you know this coast so well?
19:42Misspent youth.
19:43Now, you'll be just good enough to hand me your purse.
20:28All right, Mr. Steele!
20:30Let's have the whole story!
20:33Not now, Laura!
20:35I have a pressing appointment!
20:41You're not getting away from me this time!
20:43Now talk!
20:45Really, Laura!
20:46I mean it!
20:47I'm tired of your games!
20:49Now just once, you're going to label with me!
20:51Now talk!
20:52You're right.
20:53But just now would be a lot easier.
20:55You're right.
20:56But just now would be a lot easier to come with me,
20:58and you'll understand.
20:59I promise.
21:00No tricks!
21:03No tricks.
21:04I promise.
21:05Come on.
21:26Thank God you're all right!
21:28What happened to you?
21:29It's OK.
21:30It's OK.
21:32Henri and Joelle de Bray, may I present Laura Holt.
21:37Oh, forgive my abominable manners.
21:39Joelle is...
21:40My daughter.
21:41Come in.
21:42We owe Miss Holt an explanation.
21:45You see, back when Henri's name wasn't Henri
21:48and mine wasn't Remington Steele,
21:50we did a little work together on the Mediterranean.
21:55He was just a lad.
21:57He was superb on the boat.
21:59That's when we made the acquaintance of three small-timers
22:02known as the Palermo brothers, fellow craftsmen.
22:06Who have since gone on to bigger and better things.
22:09Henri has too.
22:11After business got a bit too hot for us to continue,
22:15he bought a hotel in Cannes,
22:17which over the years has developed a reputation
22:20for some discretion.
22:22Thank you very much.
22:23Many transactions of a highly sensitive nature transpire there.
22:28All perfectly legal, I assure you,
22:30just involving people who want absolute privacy.
22:33The Habsburg dagger was going to be sold there,
22:35but our old friends the Palermo brothers got wind of it.
22:38They said they would mutilate my beautiful Joelle
22:41if I didn't help them to steal it.
22:43They would do it too.
22:44So Henri called me and I told him what we should do.
22:47Steal the dagger first.
22:49With my help, of course.
22:50Of course.
22:51Later, when the Palermo brothers left town,
22:54Henri was going to return the dagger to its rightful owner.
22:57Um, when your invitation for the Glee Club tour arrived, um...
23:02It was like divine intervention.
23:05So, uh, I stole the dagger last night and, uh, gave it to Joelle.
23:08And when I got home last night, the house was dark,
23:11my father was knocked unconscious,
23:13and someone grabbed me.
23:15And took the dagger.
23:17The Palermo brother.
23:18Ah, but it wasn't,
23:19because they came looking for the dagger later that night themselves.
23:22Obviously, our little ruse didn't fool them.
23:25They threatened us.
23:26I said I would show them where the dagger was.
23:28Henri got their attention and I, uh, threw the window.
23:31They think he has the dagger.
23:33When they ran after him, Joelle and I escaped.
23:36Quite a story.
23:38So, correct me if I'm wrong, Mr. Steele,
23:41but if we don't retrieve this dagger immediately,
23:44one of two things will happen.
23:46Either Inspector Vouvray will expose you as the thief,
23:49or the Palermo brothers will find you
23:52and chop you up into tiny pieces.
23:56Yes, I think that's an adequate summation.
24:00Oh, where are you going?
24:03To change clothes. We haven't got much time.
24:06I think it is beautiful, Mademoiselle Hull,
24:08to sacrifice yourself for your partner.
24:10Ex-partner, Monsieur Louvray.
24:12When this case is finished, so are we.
24:15So are we.
24:41This is ridiculous, Laura.
24:43I mean, how are we going to solve anything
24:45if we don't talk to each other?
24:47Look, if you're so bloody hostile,
24:49why don't you just let me fend for myself?
24:51I would, but I have my own career to think about.
24:54It wouldn't look very good if my alleged boss
24:56ended up in a French jail.
24:58Disgrace can be contagious.
25:02What makes you think I'm going to get caught?
25:04Why didn't you trust me?
25:09All right.
25:10Suppose I told you about Henri's problem.
25:12Did you follow my plan?
25:13Of course not.
25:14There you see.
25:15It was a stupid plan,
25:16amply demonstrated by our present circumstances.
25:18It was an excellent plan,
25:19and I would have been in a clear if you hadn't been
25:21so intent on playing Nancy Drew.
25:23I suppose it's also my fault
25:25that the Palermo brothers didn't fall for your little scheme.
25:27Well, at the moment,
25:28the Palermo brothers are easier to cope with than you.
25:30We're partners, remember?
25:31We're supposed to share information,
25:33trust one another.
25:35Hi, kid.
25:38Hi, Mildred.
25:39Hi, Mildred.
25:42Oh, don't worry.
25:43I won't intrude on romance.
25:45Where's Ron?
25:48He's gone somewhere.
25:49Have you been to the gardens, Mildred?
25:51Lovely vista, beautiful walkways.
25:53That's for lovebirds like you.
25:55How about the museum?
25:56You've seen one museum.
25:57I know.
25:58You haven't been to the casino, Mildred.
25:59Use my personal line of credit, okay?
26:01It's a great place to meet people.
26:03Oh, absolutely.
26:04Try the back rack tables.
26:05That's where all the fat cats hang out.
26:06I don't know how to play.
26:07Oh, don't worry. You'll learn.
26:08Remember, my personal line of credit, okay?
26:12Where was I?
26:13I think it was something to the effect
26:15that I can't get it through my head that...
26:17I count in all this.
26:18Laura, I wanted to include you, but I couldn't
26:20because I knew damn well how you'd react.
26:22My friend needed help, and he needed it fast.
26:24Well, you've done a great job.
26:25With any luck, we can stay alive and out of jail
26:27for at least another hour or two.
26:29Wait a minute.
26:30That's not the point.
26:31This partnership you keep trumpeting
26:33has a rather lopsided lean to it.
26:35I couldn't come to you in my hour of need
26:37because I knew that if you disagreed,
26:38there would be no room,
26:39no room whatsoever for discussion.
26:42That's a partnership?
26:43How do you think that makes me feel?
26:45But it's my agency.
26:47Using my good name!
26:48You don't have a name, good, bad, or otherwise.
26:51I gave you your blasted name.
26:53And I've lived it, and I've lived up to it.
26:55I've not only maintained your little deception,
26:57but I've been a steady partner
26:58pouring my hide on the line with yours
27:00going on for three years.
27:01So where do I get this feeling
27:02that every time I leave your sight,
27:04I have to ask permission?
27:05I never realized you found our arrangement so stultifying.
27:08I thought we had a rather democratic procedure.
27:10Oh, yes, as long as you're in control.
27:13Some bloody democracy.
27:15I mean, take last night.
27:16What about last night?
27:18It was typical Laura Holt.
27:19You decided unilaterally, without discussion,
27:21that we were finally gonna consummate our relationship.
27:23Well, isn't that what you wanted?
27:25Yes, but I'd like to have some smooth say in the matter.
27:27I thought you were pretty involved.
27:29That's not what I mean.
27:30That's not what I mean at all.
27:32I'm not an equal.
27:33I'm more like the errand schoolboy
27:35who needs your guiding hand.
27:36I mean, no matter how many times I prove myself,
27:38I always get the same look from you.
27:40This gazed, veiled look of suspicion.
27:42What's he up to now?
27:43Can you blame me?
27:46I don't know how much longer I can live with it, anyway.
27:49Well, good!
27:51We finally agree on something.
27:53We do?
27:55It's obvious our differences are irreconcilable.
27:58It was a mistake to think this partnership could ever work.
28:01Business and pleasure have never and will never work.
28:03Oh, just.
28:04I'm really not in the mood
28:05for one of your movie quotes right now.
28:07No, no, no, no, all right.
28:09That yacht, it's called the Beaugest.
28:13It's a boat!
28:14So what?
28:15Yes, well, it wasn't there yesterday.
28:17So what does that boat have to do
28:18with what we were talking about?
28:20Regardless of who actually swiped the bloody dagger,
28:22we now know who it was stolen for.
28:24Why did I lose control of this conversation?
28:26There are three collectors
28:27who have lusted after the Habsburg dagger for years.
28:30The first is a Russian named Kemidov.
28:33He also hired the Palermo brothers before,
28:35so I suspect his hand is involved in this somehow.
28:38The second is a Japanese merchant named Suribachi.
28:43Presently, he is in no financial position
28:45to engineer such a job, so that rules him out.
28:48The third and last collector
28:50is a South African playboy named Freddy Smith,
28:54who's made his fortune running guns to anybody with money.
28:57And he just happens to own a yacht,
28:59which just happens to be named...
29:01The Beaugest.
29:06No, no, look out!
29:10Taxi! Taxi!
29:12Ah! Follow that car!
29:14Suivez cet auto!
29:16No, no, no, all duties, finish!
29:17No, no, no!
29:18This is an emergency!
29:19I shall understand this, mon ami, mon ami!
29:21Ha, ha, ha, ha, yes!
29:23Ah, the universal language!
29:26No, no!
29:33Ha, ha, ha, ha!
29:34No, we can't! We can't!
29:39Take it! Follow that car!
29:51Honk! Honk!
29:58Allez, allez, allez!
30:26Ha! OK, go.
30:28I don't think I'm going to like this!
30:46I hate to be the bearer of bad news, Laura!
30:49What bad news?
30:51No brakes!
31:10Well, that's cleared out the nasal passages, eh?
31:15Et vous blesserez?
31:16Non, ça va, merci.
31:18Attention, toute voiture.
31:20Si vous voyez le détective américain Remington Steele,
31:23arrêtez-le immédiatement.
31:25Inspector Fouvray has just issued a warrant for your arrest.
31:28Ha! Ha, ha, ha!
31:30Yes, well, it's been that kind of day, hasn't it?
31:43I suggest we get the hell out of here.
31:45Oh, capital idea.
32:04Madame a gagné.
32:06Ah! Bingo!
32:08Non, tantôt.
32:12Téléphone pour vous.
32:14Pour moi? Merci.
32:18Countess von Krebs.
32:20Oh, heim is haut!
32:23Now? Oh, no, I'm on a hot streak.
32:26Okay, okay, okay, okay.
32:28Wait, wait, wait, I didn't get it all.
32:30Just a minute. Yeah.
32:32Right. Regulator.
32:36What? Weight belts?
33:09Not a bad move.
33:11Goldfinger, Sean Connery, Gert Frobe, United Artists, 1964.
33:16This might be a bit trickier than I thought, Laura.
33:18We're going to stay here.
33:20We'll let you have all the fun.
33:22You're one of the most obstinate women I've ever met.
33:24Laughing will get you nowhere.
33:28Are you in trouble?
33:44My guess is it's somewhere in this stateroom.
33:47How do we get down there without Smith seeing us?
33:49That's your department.
33:51I don't recall seeing you two on my guest list.
33:56Then I leave that sort of thing to my steward.
33:59In fact, I don't know who half these bloody people are,
34:02and it's my party. Freddie Smith.
34:04Frances Stevens, and this is John Robey.
34:08I must remember to thank whoever invited you here.
34:11Oh, you flatter me.
34:15You won't mind if I monopolize the lady's time for a while, will you, matey?
34:19I wish you better luck than I've enjoyed lately.
34:21I haven't seen the bow yet.
34:23Then that is where we will start the grand tour.
35:20Not too subtle, Freddie.
35:28Don't be shy, love. This is a deluxe tour.
35:39I'm glad to see you're not one for the preliminaries,
35:42and neither am I.
35:44Let's have some fun.
36:09Oh, you're a little tigress, aren't you?
36:11I love a woman with spirit.
36:20Oh, who the hell is that?
36:27Yes, what do you want?
36:29There's been a slight altercation at the bar.
36:32I think they need your service.
36:34I'll be right back. Now, don't lose that feeling.
36:37Don't worry.
36:47Come on.
36:49What happened, Laura?
36:51Did Bido get in the line of duty?
36:53We were halfway to the bar when he stopped and said,
36:56why don't we start with my stateroom?
36:58What was I supposed to do?
37:00You managed to hold me off for two years.
37:02The least you could have done was hold him up for five minutes.
37:05Surely that's not jealousy I detect.
37:07We're talking business.
37:09Are we? I think your whole problem is that you don't know
37:12the difference between what is professional and what is personal.
37:15I don't know the difference?
37:17Just finish the job, please.
37:21It's done.
37:23What do you want, applause?
37:31He's coming!
37:38I don't know what your friend was talking about.
37:41There was no problem up there.
37:43He's probably looking for me. He's the jealous type.
37:46Oh, yeah? And what are you?
37:51I'm the adventurous type.
38:18Oh, my gosh! What is it?
38:20Mr. Roby's anti-seizure medicine. I forgot to give it to him.
38:23Beckett, wait!
38:25You wouldn't want him to interrupt us at an inopportune moment.
38:30Don't lose that feeling.
38:38Laura, I'm beginning to worry.
38:40About Smith or me?
38:42Come here.
38:50Where are you going?
39:36The day got?
39:38Oh, yes.
39:46And now, adieu, Nancy.
39:48Adieu, Nancy. Adieu, Nancy.
39:51Adieu, Nancy.
40:07Oh, my God!
40:17Oh, blast! Blast!
40:19Of course the dagger's gone.
40:27Right here.
40:29Right here.
40:32Right here.
40:34Right here.
40:36That's where the killer stood.
40:55This case just broke wide open.
41:02Oh, Mr. Steele.
41:04It was at alt. Come in, come in.
41:08I was desolated to issue the warrant for your arrest.
41:11Ha! You've come to turn yourself in?
41:13No, no, no. I've come to clear my name.
41:16More than that, Inspector. We know who has the dagger.
41:19Well, this is good news indeed.
41:22First, though, I have to tell you
41:24that I'm not the only one who has the dagger.
41:28This is good news indeed.
41:30First, though, I have a confession to make.
41:34I did steal the dagger from the hotel,
41:36but I meant to return it.
41:38Ha, ha.
41:40I'll explain about that later.
41:42The most important thing you should know, though,
41:45is someone stole the dagger from Andre Libre and myself.
41:48Ha, ha?
41:50Val Salmon had to have extremely good connections
41:52to the criminal element
41:54to even know that the dagger was being brought to the Riviera.
41:57Ha, ha.
41:59Furthermore, this person had to have the means
42:02to monitor conversations.
42:04Wiretaps, bugs, that sort of thing.
42:10Excusez-moi. Such excitement.
42:13I must get a notepad or I forget.
42:29Hey, nuts.
42:35It was the matches that gave you away, Inspector.
42:38How cold-blooded of you to calmly smoke a pipe
42:41while waiting to murder three men.
42:43I'm sorry.
42:45It was the matches that gave you away, Inspector.
42:48How cold-blooded of you to calmly smoke a pipe
42:51while waiting to murder three men.
42:53The, uh, the stuff dreams are made of.
42:56You were clever, Inspector.
42:59Through your sources, you learned that the dagger was being sold,
43:02you saw the Palermo brothers approach Henri,
43:05and you tapped his phone and learned about Mr. Steele's plan.
43:08That must have been about the time when you contacted Freddie Smith
43:11and told him you could supply his long-sought prize.
43:14For the right price, of course.
43:16I mean, enough to retire on, I'd wager.
43:18It was your plan all along to enlist Mr. Steele
43:21at the Glee Club reception.
43:23That way you could hold him as close as you wanted
43:26and monitor his progress.
43:28Of course! You saw us looking at the Beaugeste.
43:31Then you decided to run us down.
43:33We were getting too close, were we not?
43:35When that didn't work, you made Mr. Steele the prime suspect.
43:38That must be Lieutenant Gish.
43:42Good evening, Lieutenant.
43:44We have the dagger, and somewhere in this apartment
43:47you'll find the submachine gun that killed the Palermo brothers.
43:51Then it's true.
43:53I'm sick of Inspector.
43:56Shall we, uh... Yes?
43:59Come on.
44:01That's my car, over there.
44:07Turn around.
44:09Slowly, s'il vous plaît.
44:11Now, carefully.
44:13Place your pistols on the ground.
44:20Now, turn around.
44:22Slowly, s'il vous plaît.
44:24Now, carefully.
44:26Place your pistols on the ground.
44:32Kick them this way.
44:36I would have liked to have done it all myself, mes amis,
44:39but, unfortunately for you,
44:42I needed help.
44:44Now, into the car.
44:52Oh, Doc!
45:00Don't move. Don't move.
45:02Inspector, please. Thank you very much.
45:04Come on. Come on. Move it.
45:06Come on. That's it.
45:08Justice prevails after all, Inspector.
45:13I, uh... I think you got the point, Laura, don't you?
45:18Henri and Joël certainly seem to be happy to be out of hiding.
45:23You're not going to count it again, are you?
45:26Laura, this is our first finder's fee.
45:28I'm entitled to a savor it.
45:32Where have you been?
45:34The casino. All night?
45:36Since yesterday afternoon.
45:38How much did you lose, Mildred?
45:40Oh, I was way up there for a while, boss. I really was.
45:43How much, Mildred?
45:45And then, when it was all gone, I thought,
45:47if I just have one more hand, one more hand...
45:49How much?
45:51124,000 francs, monsieur.
45:56That's a lot, isn't it?
46:13Merci. Au revoir.
46:15To Lou.
46:17I believe these belong to you, Mr. Steele.
46:34So, does, uh,
46:36Remington Steele return to Los Angeles with you,
46:39or does he, uh, disappear back into the mist and out again?
46:43How can he disappear?
46:45You're not only a nationally known detective,
46:48you're an international hero.
46:50Well, if the shoe fits, Laura.
46:54Only a joke. Only a joke.
46:57I know.
46:59Look, why deny it?
47:02We're a terrific team, you and I.
47:05Our only problems arise when we try to cross the line
47:08between the boardroom and the bedroom.
47:10I know you care about me.
47:12I care about you, too.
47:14A great deal.
47:16But if we care about preserving this partnership of ours,
47:19then we can't try to conduct a romance at the same time.
47:24That's why I've decided not to see you anymore
47:27outside of business hours.
47:29It'll be hard at first, but...
47:32It's for the best.
47:34We'll just have to give it up.
47:39Well, say something.
47:42It's obvious, uh,
47:44you've given this decision a great deal of thought, Laura,
47:47and I'm not gonna try and talk you out of it.
47:49You're not?
47:51We must try and respect each other's feelings,
47:54even though they may run counter to our own, especially then.
47:58What a relief.
48:01I thought you'd fight me all the way on this.
48:04Not at all. Not at all.
48:06I mean, if you feel this strongly about it,
48:08I suggest we try this plan of yours
48:11and see how it works.
48:17I'll give it a week.
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