Remington Steele S03E02

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Remington Steele S03E02


00:00We, the undersigned tenants of 810th Street, hereby petition for the eviction of one Laura Holt.
00:08Believe me, you have absolutely nothing to worry about.
00:13That's the fire alarm.
00:16Strangely enough, I don't think any of this is personal.
00:24Let go of me, you crazy!
00:30You two are the most immoral, degenerate people it's ever been my misfortune to meet.
03:55Hello, Mr. Putnam. How are you?
03:57Oh, hi.
03:58Laura Holt, 3A.
04:00You certainly are. Laura Holt.
04:02Laura Holt.
04:31I didn't mean to scare you, lady.
04:33Who are you? What are you doing here?
04:36I'm the electrician.
04:38I didn't ask for any electrician.
04:40Well, somebody did.
04:43If you're really an electrician, you should have a work order, right?
04:46Sure. I got it here, somewhere.
04:52I'm sorry.
04:53It's all right.
04:54I'm sorry.
04:55I'm sorry.
04:56I'm sorry.
04:57I'm sorry.
04:58I'm sorry.
05:04Nothing's missing.
05:28I'm sorry.
05:58I'm sorry.
06:09Instead of going to this Help the Whales fundraiser,
06:11why don't we set up a petition to put an elevator in this barn, eh?
06:14Helping whales is a worthy cause.
06:16Of course it is.
06:17Besides, the media exposure will do the agency a lot of good.
06:21Oh, I can see that you're gripped with passion,
06:23but shouldn't we change it to something more appropriate?
06:25Go and speak with my manager.
06:30Doors open.
06:43Looks like a proper room for Star Wars.
06:45My manager's into robotic art.
06:48Watch out!
06:56Are you insured for this?
07:08What is it this time, Holt? Your toilet backed up again?
07:11I'm afraid it's a little more serious than that, Mr. Thomas.
07:14Everything's serious with you.
07:16Nobody else in the building bothers me with piddly problems.
07:19Just stop playing with your toys for a moment, will you?
07:22The lady said it was serious, okay?
07:25I just want to know why you let someone into my loft without first telling me.
07:29I don't particularly enjoy coming home to find a strange man lurking in my bedroom.
07:34A strange man in your bedroom?
07:36He said he was an electrician.
07:38I don't know anything about it.
07:40Why don't you ask the management company?
07:42Maybe they sent the guy.
07:50I think I'll try to get to the management office before it closes.
07:54This electrician, did he take anything?
07:56I mean, did he try to harm you in any way?
07:58No, but still, I want to try to find out who sent him.
08:01I'll meet you at the dinner.
08:02Oh, these stairs are beginning to take their toll.
08:05I doubt if I'll be able to stay awake through the shrimp cocktail.
08:07All you have to do is show your pearly whites, say a few words, and look as if you're interested.
08:11I don't know anything about whales. What am I supposed to talk about?
08:14Start with the sanctity of all living things and work your way up to Blubber.
08:19Work my way up to Blubber.
08:22Work my way up to Blubber.
08:348-0-0, 10th Street.
08:37There. You happy?
08:38I checked. No electrician.
08:41What about my particular loft? 3-A, Laura Holt?
08:45Don't you have anything better to do with your time?
08:48There was a strange man hanging around my bedroom, and I want to...
08:54Now, why?
08:55Perhaps I can help this young lady out.
08:57That won't be necessary, Mr. Matthews. I can handle this.
09:01I don't mind. Would you step over this way, please?
09:11I'm going to level with you, Miss...
09:13Holt. Laura Holt.
09:15Frankly, this is the kind of thing we like to keep under wraps.
09:18But there's been a rash of burglaries in your neighborhood recently.
09:21We've been working with the police on it since we first noticed a pattern.
09:24We'd be more than happy to find a hotel for you to stay in for a couple of days.
09:28That won't be necessary. If he was just a housebreaker, I'm sure I scared him off.
09:32Thanks for the offer.
09:33If you change your mind, let Miss Livermore know.
09:41Come in.
09:58$5,000 a year, and she can't draw a straight line.
10:01She doesn't know what two-and-two is, but she is expressing her true self.
10:06Well, she is pretty. Maybe she'll marry rich.
10:10Did you follow Cosgrove?
10:13From the moment he left prison.
10:17He headed straight for his old building on 10th Street.
10:20Are you telling me that's where he hid the papers?
10:22It looks that way.
10:24But he wasn't able to find them.
10:26He didn't know the building had been converted into lofts.
10:28Mr. Dixon?
10:31I just wanted to thank you for your generosity.
10:33I can't begin to tell you how wonderful it is to finally have a working Xerox machine.
10:38Education is always a solid investment, Miss, uh...
10:42Of course.
10:43You're doing a wonderful job with Courtney.
10:47Miss Martin.
10:49Oh, Mrs. Dixon, how nice to see you.
10:52You've got to jump on him and get the blueprints of the building from our management company.
10:56I already did that.
10:57But we have another problem.
10:59The tenant, a girl named Laura Holt.
11:01She works with Remington Steel Investigations.
11:04She's already asking questions.
11:08I've waited more than two and a half years to find those papers.
11:20I must say, all in all, I thought the evening went quite well.
11:26The audience seemed to enjoy my little talk.
11:29Do you really think people care there were three different film versions of Moby Dick?
11:33Oh, I thought it was quite appropriate considering the theme.
11:36I'm not at all convinced that analyzing Gregory Peck's harpooning techniques set quite the proper tone for the evening.
11:43Well, it was a hell of a lot better than John Barron was, I must say.
11:47Oh, boy.
11:50Where are you going?
11:51To be a good neighbor.
11:52I'm going to tell Mr. Bartholomew about the robberies.
11:57Do you know him very well?
11:58Not really. I hear he's a writer.
12:00The nice thing about adversity is it tends to bring people together.
12:03Oh, really?
12:08Who is it?
12:09I'm Laura Holt. I live in the loft above you.
12:12I know.
12:13I just wanted to tell you something.
12:21Have you heard of any burglaries in the neighborhood recently?
12:24You haven't had any trouble?
12:26Because there was a strange man in my loft this afternoon.
12:28That's your problem.
12:29Does he know adversity is meant to bring people together?
12:38Maybe we interrupted his creative process.
12:44Once more onto the breach.
12:49Once more.
13:00Here you are.
13:05After all this time, I still don't understand what it is about this place that makes you call it home.
13:10I just feel comfortable down here.
13:12It's creative.
13:13There's an energy down here.
13:15Why live someplace like everyone else when you can live in a place that's a little bit different?
13:21Are you looking for something?
13:22Yes, things that go bump in the night.
13:25With one lone housebreaker, he won't be back.
13:29Perhaps not.
13:31Personally, I find it a little more than curious that yours was the only loft he was interested in.
13:39Oh, really, Mr. Steele?
13:42Yes, well, I've thought of hiding once or twice here myself, actually.
13:49I'll take the couch.
13:51I beg your pardon?
13:52Laura, why must you always respond in that tone?
13:54What tone?
13:55That tone.
13:56The one that questions my intentions.
13:58Maybe it's because we've been down this road before.
14:01We've both agreed on the roadblock, have we not?
14:03But you've had an intruder in your house.
14:05I'm simply concerned for your safety.
14:07We'll, uh, we'll deal with my lust at a more appropriate time.
14:11You've been through this place with a fine-tooth comb.
14:14Besides, I'm fully capable of dealing with my own self in an emergency.
14:25You're a difficult woman, Laura.
14:27Which, I concede, is part of your charm.
14:36Good night.
14:50Good night.
15:13Still no answer.
15:18I'm going over there.
15:19I'll go with you.
15:20Oh, man the phones in case she calls in, okay?
15:35We have here the classic symptoms of chronic intoxication and its after effects.
15:40Somebody drop me!
15:42Let me out of here!
15:45For her own safety, we're going to keep this tragic young woman under 72-hour hold.
15:50And if we can help her cope with her inner torments, so much the better.
17:38...Understanding that's what these people are crying for.
18:06Remington Steel Investigations.
18:07It's me, I'm being held prisoner.
18:09I'm sorry, I can't hear you.
18:11Mildred, I need help.
18:13I'm sorry, you'll have to speak up.
18:19I can't speak up.
18:22Could you place this call again, please?
18:28I'm being held prisoner at New Horizons Hospital.
18:31Miss Holt?
18:38Let go of me, you crazy!
18:40Do it!
18:41Miss Holt, are you there?
18:42Miss Holt, are you there?
18:43Miss Holt?
18:50Mr. Steel, please be there.
19:01Oh, God.
19:03New Hope?
19:05No, no, no, no.
19:07Lost Hope.
19:08Good Hope!
19:27Hey, what in the hell's happening up there?
19:29How am I supposed to get any writing done with all that hammering and caulking?
19:32Hey! Hey, I want that racket stopped, and I want it stopped now!
19:35I don't have to put up with this, and I won't!
19:51That pounding's been going on for hours.
19:53Oh, yes, they're killing me, I don't know what...
20:05You okay?
20:06Oh, no, no.
20:48And just what do you think you're doing?
20:51Are you or are you not supposed to be alert at all times?
20:53Well, yes, but I...
20:54I don't want any of your lame excuses.
20:56You're in deep bandini, young lady.
20:59See your supervisor at once.
21:03Who are you?
21:04I'm the last person you want to give any lip to, that's who.
21:07Now move it or lose it.
21:10Come on, move it!
21:35Miss Hall, are you all right?
21:38I'm just fine, Mildred.
21:42What in the world have you been drinking?
21:44I haven't been drinking.
21:46Never mind, let's get out of here.
21:52That's her. Run for it, Mildred.
21:54I don't think I'm cut out for this heroin business.
22:01Oh, watch it!
22:08Get her!
22:13Come on!
23:03Please, Mr Bartholomew, it's been a rough morning.
23:06It usually is when you party all night.
23:12And I suppose your playmate's just doing yoga.
23:20A night-time floozy and a day-time drunk.
23:23You two are the most immoral, degenerate people
23:26it's ever been my misfortune to meet.
23:29Are you all right?
23:32This neighbourhood's beginning to grow on me.
23:35Oh, look at you. Been out in the town, have we?
23:38Well, so to speak, after you left, some guy came around...
23:41What is that?
23:43Yes, well, that's the question I was working on
23:46when the lights went out.
23:51Ah, yes, well, uh...
23:54I suspect this is how your unwanted guest made his entrance.
24:00I had no idea this was here.
24:03Someone knows my loft better than I do.
24:06The thought of which makes me extremely queasy.
24:12Laura, I've always admired this dress,
24:14but don't you think it's seen better days?
24:17Astute observation, Mr Stout.
24:19Laura, at the risk of being cruelly misinterpreted yet again,
24:22please, uh, will you stay at my place?
24:28All right, then, Mildred's.
24:30I just want to find out what's going on around here.
24:33Intruders in the night? Holes in the walls? Moveable panels?
24:37What's this mayhem all about?
24:39I think the answer's clear enough.
24:41I'm going to find out.
24:43I'm going to find out.
24:45I'm going to find out.
24:47I think the answer's clear enough.
24:49Tell us. What do you do for a living, Miss Holt?
24:52I'm a private investigator.
24:54There, you see? Her life is endless mayhem.
24:57You obviously write fiction.
24:59You never told us what you did.
25:01You never asked. Besides, what has that got to do with anything?
25:04What has that got to...
25:06Look around you, Miss Holt.
25:08Those goons nearly broke poor Helga's arm.
25:11I'll probably never walk right again,
25:13and all because they were chasing Sam Spade here
25:15up and down the stairs with machine guns.
25:17Machine guns? They nearly pumped me full of lead.
25:20Allow me.
25:24We, the undersigned tenants of 810th Street, Los Angeles, California,
25:28hereby petition for the eviction of one Laura Holt.
25:34You've been a troublemaker since day one.
25:36Always complaining, always asking for special attention.
25:38Twice I asked for a plunger.
25:40She has been a troublemaker.
25:42I've been a... I don't even know you.
25:44I watch you all the time.
25:46Coming in at all hours, making noise.
25:48You use up two trash cans
25:50and never leave me any space for mine.
25:52Really, Laura.
25:54You know, Holt, you are ripe for a class-action suit.
25:56We could prove in a minute
25:58that you represent a clear and present danger.
26:00What are you, change? A lawyer?
26:02Ever heard of Putnam, Bailey, and Richards?
26:04Yeah, of course.
26:06He's Putnam.
26:08You don't even know me.
26:10Did it ever occur to you that Mr. Steele and I
26:12might be just as innocent as you are?
26:14Mr. Steele and I are professionals,
26:16and we're very good at our jobs.
26:18As a matter of fact, you're safer around here because of me.
26:20Believe me,
26:22you have absolutely nothing to worry about.
26:24That's the fire alarm.
26:36The safety sprinklers aren't going off.
26:38Where's the shutoff valve? Come on.
26:42Come on, down the fire escape.
26:44Let's go!
26:46Let me help you.
27:04Where's the valve?
27:06It's over there.
27:08Go, go!
27:50Where's Mr. Steele?
28:08Can I go in now?
28:10Yes, but we haven't been able to find him.
28:12Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
28:16I think this is where the fire started.
28:18Right here.
28:20Temperature has changed a little.
28:22Ma'am, ma'am,
28:24we've already looked everywhere.
28:26Well, I'm going to look everywhere.
28:30Thank God he's got those sprinklers on.
28:32I'm going to look everywhere.
28:34Thank God he's got those sprinklers working before he...
28:36Did you hear that?
28:42Ah, it's just an old coal chute.
28:44Mr. Steele!
28:50The Great Escape.
28:52Steve McQueen, James Gardner.
28:54United Artists.
29:00Obviously a film of great education.
29:02Are you all right?
29:04Yes, well, we seem to have asked that question frequently
29:06in the last 24 hours.
29:08Listen, my solitary firefighter,
29:10what are you trying to prove?
29:12Coming in here, you could have been killed.
29:16The valve was jammed shut.
29:20Looks like it.
29:22It was arson.
29:24Yes, the work of a professional, I'd say.
29:26Oh, yes.
29:36All right, we start from the beginning.
29:38A strange man shows up at my loft.
29:40Next thing, I'm given a Mickey and held incognito.
29:42You try to find out what's going on
29:44and get hit on the head for your troubles,
29:46and then they try to burn down the house.
29:48Yes, well, strangely enough,
29:50I don't think any of this is personal.
29:52I beg your pardon?
29:54I don't think they were after you or me.
29:56I think it was something in your loft.
29:58You occupied the loft before you did.
30:00Good question, Mr. Steele.
30:02Well, I've lost one home.
30:04I'm not going to lose another.
30:06When those jokers from the Enterprise Foundation
30:08blew up my house,
30:10I let my emotions blind me.
30:12I lost all perspective.
30:14Well, I'm not going to let that happen again.
30:16I'm a detective.
30:18I'm going to detect.
30:24Bring me a shovel.
30:36We could have all been killed because of you two.
30:38You know, I'm beginning to find
30:40a rather striking consistency in your behavior.
30:42What are you talking about?
30:44Every time there's trouble, you're here
30:46leading a drive to get misholed out of this building.
30:48Are you sure all you're concerned about
30:50is the safety of the neighbors?
30:52Are you sure all you're concerned about
30:54is the safety of the neighbors?
31:14Fill this out completely,
31:16and be sure to sign the last page.
31:20Let me guess. Elizabeth Taylor?
31:22Laura Holt, 810th Street.
31:24Your manager warned me about you.
31:26A complainer from the word go.
31:28A plunger.
31:30I asked for one lousy plunger, and I'm branded for life.
31:32Next. Just a minute.
31:34I want to know who rented the place before the conversion.
31:36I happen to know it was a business...
31:38What do you think this is, information? Please, next.
31:40Would you please just tell me who owns the building?
31:44I write your company's name on my rent checks every month.
31:46Whom do you give them to?
31:48Federated Bank, all right.
31:50You've been more than kind.
31:52In fact, you've been unbelievable.
31:54Have a nice day.
32:18I'm sorry.
32:20I'm sorry.
32:22I'm sorry.
32:24I'm sorry.
32:26I'm sorry.
32:28I'm sorry.
32:30I'm sorry.
32:32I'm sorry.
32:34I'm sorry.
32:36I'm sorry.
32:38I'm sorry.
32:40I'm sorry.
32:42I'm sorry.
32:44I'm sorry.
32:46I'm sorry.
32:48I'm sorry.
32:50I'm sorry.
32:52I'm sorry.
32:54I'm sorry.
32:56I'm sorry.
32:58I'm sorry.
33:00I'm sorry.
33:02I'm sorry.
33:04I'm sorry.
33:06I'm sorry.
33:08I'm sorry.
33:10I'm sorry.
33:12I'm sorry.
33:14I'm sorry.
33:16I'm sorry.
33:20I'm sorry.
33:22I'm sorry.
33:24I'm sorry.
33:36May I help you?
33:38My name is Laura Holt.
33:40I've seen the real estate firm that employs the bank to process the checks.
33:43And I've seen the holding company that hired the real estate firm to employ the bank.
33:47They sent me here.
33:54Sir, I hate to bother you, but one of our tenants, a Miss Holt, is down here at reception.
34:07I have some questions for you, Mr. Dixon.
34:09Mr. Dixon.
34:15Please, sit down, Miss...
34:16Holt. Laura Holt.
34:22Now, what can I do for you, Miss Holt?
34:25Mr. Dixon, I've spent the better part of four hours taking a crash course in bureaucratic rigmarole,
34:31and all I want to know is who leased my loft before I moved in.
34:35Where do you live?
34:36810th Street.
34:39Miss Hapley, would you pull the file on 810th Street and bring it in, please?
34:43I assume this has something to do with the fire.
34:45How do you know about the fire?
34:47I just got a report on it.
34:48So soon? You are on top of things.
34:51You think there's some sort of connection between this and the previous tenant?
34:55I think it's worth checking out.
34:57Now, here we are. Thank you very much, Miss Hapley.
35:03Yes, here it is.
35:04From 1968 to 1983, the entire building was leased to a business owned by Mr. Cecil Cosgrove.
35:11Name mean anything to you?
35:16What business is he in?
35:19Industrial equipment. Would you care to see the file?
35:22Oh, thanks.
35:29Any help?
35:30Not really. Thank you for your time.
35:35My pleasure, Miss Holt.
35:47Oh, I was starting to worry about you again, Miss Holt.
35:50Is he here?
35:51No, he's in his office.
35:57Oh, Laura, there you are. Where have you been?
36:00It's nearly six o'clock.
36:01I've spent all afternoon standing in lines, knocking on doors, pounding the...
36:07But I finally found what we're looking for.
36:10The previous occupant was a man by the name of...
36:13Cecil Cosgrove.
36:15How did you know that?
36:17It was nothing, really. Basic detective work.
36:20Are you telling me that you just sat here all afternoon...
36:23and got the same information that I scratched and clawed and banged my head against every wall in the city for?
36:30But, Laura, if it weren't for your tutelage...
36:32I would never have developed that razor-sharp investigative instinct that I've always so envied in you.
36:39Terrific. Just how did our instincts do it?
36:42I went back and got the vase that was used to render me unconscious.
36:47The fingerprints.
36:48Cecil Cosgrove's fingerprints, as it turned out.
36:52It appears our Mr. Cosgrove embezzled more than a million dollars from his corporation...
36:56and ended up spending two years in prison for his trouble.
36:58It was released yesterday.
37:00That's the electrician I found in my loft.
37:03Well, he obviously...
37:05he'd the stolen money in his old warehouse...
37:08paid his dues behind bars and then came back to claim his unjust reward.
37:12Do you really think he'd hide a million dollars in the walls and then burn the building?
37:17Laura, why must everything always make sense to you?
37:20You're not far off.
37:22The key is Cosgrove.
37:25Do you know where he lives?
37:29But I have a good idea where he might turn up again.
37:54Apparently we weren't the only ones looking for Mr. Cosgrove.
38:09Okay, I think I might have found something in the morgue.
38:13The morgue?
38:14She means the newspaper morgue.
38:15What is it, Mildred?
38:16First of all, this Cecil Cosgrove character...
38:20may have been convicted of embezzling...
38:22but the missing money hasn't seen the light of day yet.
38:24On top of that, there are rumors that Econocon Oil...
38:28may be the guilty party and not you, Mr. Cosgrove.
38:32You'll have a friendly landlord.
38:34Econocon owned Cosgrove's company.
38:36But why would a giant corporation want to see one of its subsidiaries go bankrupt?
38:40It happens every once in a while.
38:42A corporation needs a huge tax loss...
38:44so they do a little decorating on the books.
38:47They run a subsidiary into the ground...
38:49end up making a profit and usually get away with it.
38:52Perhaps we should try something like that around here...
38:54and opt for an early retirement, eh?
38:57No way, boss.
38:58We're not big enough to get away with it.
39:01If Econocon set Cosgrove up to take the fall...
39:04what do they want out of my building?
39:07And why murder Cosgrove?
39:10Unfortunately, the answer still lies in your loft.
39:14Because of the fire, the building's been declared off-limits.
39:17Rather convenient for Econocon.
39:23Well, Laura...
39:25looks as if it's time to battle the bureaucracy once again, eh?
39:46All right, you bums!
39:48You bums, move along! Let's go!
39:52Yeah, you! Move along!
40:03Couldn't you have come up with something a little less appropriate?
40:06You're positively irresistible, Mr. Steele.
40:09I didn't give up my life on the Riviera...
40:11to become a tramp in downtown Los Angeles.
40:13I hear you, pal.
40:16Your decoy's arrived.
40:23Come on.
40:24Come on.
40:50Lady, don't park it there. Move.
40:52I ain't bothering nobody.
40:57Look, Lady...
40:58No, you look, Junior.
41:01This place is mine.
41:03I ain't moving. Period.
41:05I'm gonna be very nice and I'm gonna ask you one more time. Move.
41:07Oh, good stuff. What are you, a little twerp?
41:11Oh, I do wish Mildred wouldn't be quite so zealous.
41:16I'm taking you in.
41:17Hey, no! That's my apple!
41:18What are you doing?
41:19Steady, Laura. She fell in the line of duty.
41:22Besides, we've got work to do. Come on.
41:32Wait a minute!
41:34Ow! Ow!
41:35Sit on her!
41:38I demand my rights!
41:39I demand my lawyer!
41:41I demand you get off of me, you big oaf!
41:49Come on.
42:06For once, it's gonna be a pleasure going up these stairs.
42:08Hold on to that.
42:20Fancy meeting you here, Mr. Bartholomew.
42:23I think we're getting to the bottom of this, Laura.
42:25Perhaps you can explain these, eh?
42:27Hardly a writer's manuscript, eh?
42:29Read them. Go ahead.
42:32Nestor Bartholomew's Great American Novel.
42:36They're stock forecasts.
42:38Management resumes.
42:40Without tomorrow's forecast, I would have lost most of my clients.
42:44I'm a stock analyst.
42:45Why pretend you're a writer?
42:47I got tired of seeing that glazed look in everybody's eye when I told them what I did.
42:51Oh, they tried so hard not to yawn in my face.
42:56So I moved down here to the creative community,
43:00hoping to find friends.
43:03I figured I'd have a better shot at it if I told them I was a writer.
43:08Didn't make any difference.
43:11I came from my loft.
43:13Abandoned building. It's certainly crowded, isn't it?
43:15Does this mean you're going to tell everybody about me?
43:18That's your choice, Mr. Bartholomew. Not ours.
43:22Excuse me.
43:46Well, well.
43:48The hospitable Mr. Dixon from a conic-con.
43:51It looks as if he found what everybody was after.
43:54I have a feeling when we get our hands on that,
43:56you'll finally be able to have a good night's sleep around here.
43:59Do you want to others, Mr. Steele?
44:01Absolutely, Miss Hall.
44:15Come on.
44:46I don't mean to alarm you, Laura,
44:48but we're a gun short on this exchange, you know.
44:53Miss Holt.
44:57I've waited a long time to get my hands on that envelope.
45:03There's been enough bloodshed.
45:05I'm afraid it's time for me to go.
45:07I'm sorry.
45:09I'm sorry.
45:11I'm sorry.
45:13I'm sorry.
45:15There's been enough bloodshed already.
45:16Why have more?
45:19It wasn't the conic-con after all, was it, Mr. Dixon?
45:26You're the reason the money never surfaced.
45:30You're the embezzler, not Cosgrove.
45:34You set him up, didn't you?
45:37If it wasn't the money you were looking for, what was it?
45:39What was it?
45:43Cosgrove tried to blackmail you?
46:10I'm beginning to appreciate your tasting art, Miss Holt.
46:13I always knew you'd come to see their value, Mr. Steele.
46:23My compliments, Mildred.
46:25Your bag lady was first-rate.
46:27Thanks, Chief.
46:28It was a part I could really sink my teeth into.
46:32What was in the envelope, Miss Holt?
46:34Cosgrove commissioned an audit when he found out
46:36he could prove Dixon set him up.
46:38Why wouldn't he expose him instead of going to prison?
46:41Blackmail is far more profitable, Mildred.
46:44I'll get it.
46:46At the time of his arrest, Cosgrove told Dixon
46:49that a couple of years behind bars was a small price to pay
46:52for being able to blackmail him.
46:54All Dixon could do was wait.
46:59May we come in?
47:00Yes, please do.
47:02Well, uh...
47:04We all owe you and Mr. Steele here a great deal, Laura,
47:08including a giant apology.
47:10Does that go for Mr. Bartholomew,
47:13or did he plan to abstain from this little peace party?
47:16He's probably too embarrassed to show up.
47:18After all, he was the instigator of this whole unpleasantness.
47:21If you ask me, he deserves to be ostracized.
47:24That's a little unfair.
47:26I don't think he deserves to be ostracized.
47:28He deserves to be ostracized.
47:30That's a little unfair.
47:32We're all neighbors. We should try to get along.
47:34Well, that's very generous of you.
47:36You're a real sport, kiddo.
47:38If you can put up with him, I guess we can.
47:40I think I'll ask him up.
47:46Laura, now that the neighbors think so highly of you,
47:49do you think we could petition for an elevator in this building?
47:52One step at a time, Mr. Steele.
47:54Laura, you're an extraordinary woman being this forgiving.
47:56I think we started something with Mr. Bartholomew.
47:59We established a mutual trust.
48:02I'm looking forward to a new relationship with him.
48:07Hello, Nesta.
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