Remington Steele S02E13

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Remington Steele S02E13


00:01Hurry! I'm losing it!
00:04Murder could put this little circus away.
00:06You do trapeze?
00:15I got news for you, Miss Woolsey. I don't cotton to homewreckers.
00:21Guy Nickerson is a very determined man.
00:24Possibly a lethal one.
00:26If you're nervous, don't go up.
00:30I'm not nervous.
01:00I'm not nervous.
01:30I'm not nervous.
02:01Get off!
02:06Get off!
02:20Come on!
02:22Everybody's a winner tonight.
02:24I'll give you $100 in cash.
02:27Three shots for a dollar.
02:29Angie, hold down the fort for a second.
02:31Okay, boss. Don't worry.
02:33Three shots for a dollar.
02:35Hit three ducks.
02:37I'll give you $100 in cash.
02:39How about you?
02:41Okay, dolly, you're on.
02:43Hit three ducks.
02:45I'll give you $100 in cash.
02:47Three shots for a dollar.
02:49Angie, hold down the fort for a second.
02:52He shows up out of the blue.
03:00Here's Lucy.
03:02Here's your doll.
03:04Let her fly.
03:06Lucky you, miss.
03:08Come on over here.
03:22Crank up the charm, machine-lover boy.
03:24The live one's back.
03:26Get shills, cupcake, whoever's not working.
03:28Except him.
03:35Ah, Miss Krebs.
03:37That glamorous private detective.
03:40I knew tonight would be lucky for me.
03:43I just thought I'd try another night in the beyond.
03:46I'll respite from your world of dangers and deceptions.
03:50Well, more or less.
04:02I shan't be a moment.
04:07You've been here before.
04:09No. Really. First time.
04:20Good evening.
04:22Good evening.
04:31My heart beats faster already.
04:34Is it you, my lovely, or is it the stars?
04:39If she's a private detective, you're Jane Fonda.
04:43Since we are all strangers here today,
04:46let us join hands
04:48and direct our inward karma
04:51to those powers greater than ourselves.
05:00Come to us, O Rupert,
05:03my guide to the spirit world.
05:06Come, O grand guardian of all that is.
05:12All that is vibrant and flowering.
05:16Send down a sign that we may know who it is you seek to address.
05:36Rupert wants me?
05:38Rupert senses a man in your future.
05:41A man with insatiable thirsts that only you can quench.
05:46Please, senor Fresco, tell me quick. What is his name?
05:49His name is...
05:52unclear to me.
05:54Rupert knows.
05:56But it is you and you alone Rupert wishes to address.
06:00Shoot, Rupert. I gotta know.
06:18tur... tur... tur...
06:22turk... turk...
06:25Oh, it sounds so strong and so exotic.
06:30I can't wait to meet him.
06:32Yes, Miss Krebs, don't wait.
06:34Hurry, hurry to meet your destiny.
06:36Will I meet him tonight?
06:37Who knows?
06:40Oh, good night.
06:41Hurry, hurry.
07:04Are you out of your mind?
07:07Do you think I'd bring up Turk?
07:09Well, if you didn't, who did?
07:13Or perhaps it was Detective Krebs.
07:42Well, that ain't bad. Catch yourself.
07:58Whoever it was, they were certainly determined.
08:01Or sloppy.
08:03What are they looking for?
08:04Let me put something on that.
08:06You're a truly nurturing woman, Mildred.
08:08Miss Holt, of course, is a detective first.
08:11I asked if you were all right.
08:12If you start to feel faint, holler.
08:14Ah-ha, ah-ha.
08:16Oh, oh, Mildred.
08:21A rigging needle.
08:23The kind they use in circuses.
08:25The encyclopedic nature of your knowledge
08:27never ceases to amaze me, Laura.
08:29Wonder if they used it to force the door.
08:32But what does this have to do with this?
08:35I haven't a clue.
08:37I do.
08:40You promised you won't laugh.
08:42I'm not in a laughing mood, Mildred.
08:44Well, every once in a while,
08:46I get this uncontrollable urge
08:48to go to a seance.
08:50Please, don't laugh.
08:53Well, I've been going to one
08:55called the Fabulous Funtime Circus.
08:58And I told the seer there
09:00that I work for the Steel Agency.
09:02Oh, what did you tell him you do?
09:04Well, I wanted to feel important.
09:08Exciting. I wanted an air of mystery.
09:12I told him I was a detective.
09:14Mr. Steel,
09:16I think you just took Mildred's lumps for her.
09:21Oh, I'm sorry.
09:23Mr. Steel, I won't...
09:25I promise I won't...
09:37Cordaro, it has to be.
09:39Has to be what?
09:41The Flying Cordaros.
09:43One of the great high trapeze acts.
09:45Seems to me they had a terrible accident a while back.
09:48Laura, you're an encyclopedia of circus law.
09:50Mildred's a seance freak.
09:52I'm a circus freak.
09:54Professionally, I seem to be surrounded by freaks.
09:56Somehow, I feel at home.
10:03Can I help you?
10:05Ah, yes, we're looking for the owner, uh, Miss...
10:09Christy Cordaro.
10:11My face on a post office wall somewhere.
10:14It was all over my room when I was growing up.
10:16I wanted to be you.
10:20Lucky you weren't lucky.
10:27I'm sorry.
10:30Who are you two?
10:32Remington Steel.
10:34Remington Steel Investigations, and this is my associate, Laura Holt.
10:39How can I help you?
10:41Early this morning, someone assaulted our files and my cranium.
10:45We have reason to believe that someone is connected with your circus.
10:49My people are no angels, Mr. Steel,
10:53but they don't knock over offices or detectives.
10:57Our secretary, Milton Krebs, attended a séance here last night.
11:01Your secretary?
11:05Apparently, the séance ended abruptly at the mention of the name Turk.
11:09I was there.
11:16The séance ended because Miss Krebs was getting bilked.
11:20Are your people always so considerate of their marks?
11:23Miss Cordaro, someone here must assume we're investigating them.
11:27Considering what they did to our office, not to mention Mr. Steel's head,
11:31you could be in danger.
11:33Danger's an old acquaintance of mine.
11:49Miss Stanton! I'm coming over!
11:51Miss Stanton! I'm coming up!
11:53Hurry! I'm losing it!
11:57Hold on!
12:03That's it.
12:13Here's your hat.
12:41That was quite a catch. I'll say.
12:43Not always here. Yeah.
12:45Can I see that for a minute?
12:47I thought I told you to grease those bearings.
12:50I did. The safety pin should have held.
12:55The pin's been cut.
13:16Sabotage and attempted murder
13:18are two things I can live without.
13:21Insurance companies have closed down circuses for less.
13:25I do need your help.
13:29Who was the man on the wheel?
13:31Guy Nickerson.
13:33He joined up with us a few weeks ago.
13:35What's his job?
13:37Here at the fabulous Funtime Circus, we all do a variety of jobs.
13:41Up in the air, Guy's a flyer.
13:44Down here, he works the booze, does maintenance.
13:48And the husky, our man who disappeared so quickly?
13:51Max Harden?
13:53Max's been with me since before my accident.
13:56I know Max looks rough, but he's a pussycat.
13:59Sometimes pussycats can be dangerous.
14:01Not Max. Take my word for it.
14:04For the moment, we'll have to.
14:06Miss Codoro, I think it's time you told us
14:09about the mysterious Turk.
14:11You might as well hear it from me.
14:28Turk was a catcher, rouster, all-around man.
14:33A couple of weeks ago, during the break in the storm,
14:36Turk decided to go deep-sea fishing.
14:39An empty dinghy was washed on shore.
14:42The police figure the storm must have come back up again suddenly.
14:46And Turk?
14:48They never found him. The police called it an accident.
14:51But there was reason to believe otherwise?
14:54Turk never won any popularity contests around here.
14:57And like I said, murder could put this little circus away.
15:02Most of us have no place else to go.
15:10Even the air feels different.
15:13Sober, rational, Laura Holt with a secret desire to join the circus?
15:17Who would have guessed?
15:19When you're 8 years old and the father you adore calls the circus dreamland,
15:23it's not hard to buy that dream.
15:25We went to every circus we could find.
15:28There have been times when I've imagined he ran away to someplace like this.
15:32Oh, for his sake, I hope he didn't.
15:35You speak from experience, Mr. Steele?
15:37For the better part of 9 months, I was a fire-breathing dragon.
15:40The great Savini.
15:42You ate fire?
15:44Breathed fire, Laura. An illusion.
15:46Treated paraffin, laced with alcohol and a little stupidity.
15:50And you?
15:52I was a fire-breathing dragon.
15:55Treated paraffin, laced with alcohol and a little stupidity.
15:59What else haven't you told me?
16:01For example, that save you did on the Ferris wheel.
16:04I did a bit of catching.
16:06You did trapeze?
16:10Mr. Steele, I think I just figured out our M.O. on this case.
16:15Laura, listen.
16:26Are you serious, Laura?
16:28I mean, we are dealing with an apparent murderer.
16:30An attempted murderer and, whoever cracked my skull,
16:33a murderer who very likely knows that I'm Remington Steele.
16:36Do you honestly think it's wise to try trapeze work?
16:39We've got to have some cover.
16:40Popcorn fenders. I'm sure the Fabulous Funtime Circus needs fabulous popcorn fenders.
16:44It's the logical choice.
16:46Now that Turk's gone, Christy will have to hire a new aerial act.
16:50I was a gymnast in college.
16:52And I did some trapeze work in the homecoming circus.
16:55For how long?
16:57Uh, three nights.
16:59Oh, I see. An old pro, eh?
17:01Well, ask for a day's rehearsal.
17:03And I'll have the great Sivani to teach me.
17:05Oh, if I'd known the lure of the circus was going to turn your head around completely,
17:08I wouldn't have spent a small fortune on champagne and flowers.
17:11Oh, you wouldn't try to exploit a girl's secret desire, would you?
17:15Only if I were desperate.
17:22Any clues on Freddy the Firefowler?
17:25Um, not yet, I'm afraid.
17:27Oh, well, when you get your hands on him, I get my hands on him.
17:31Meanwhile, Mildred, I want you to check out a man named Guy Nickerson.
17:35It seems someone tried to send him over the Ferris wheel this morning.
17:38Once you've initiated that, uh, we have a proposition to make.
17:42A proposition?
17:44Mr. Steele wants to expand your duties in this case.
17:48After I got you into this?
17:50Because you did, in a manner of speaking.
17:53We're going into the circus undercover.
17:56You're the only one of us who knows who did what at the seance.
17:59We want you to come with us.
18:01Undercover? Me?
18:03Oh, boss, what have you got in mind?
18:06Harem dancing, um, bareback riding.
18:10Oh, lion taming.
18:13I believe Mr. Steele has in mind something more sedentary.
18:17Oh, what is it, boss?
18:19I have to warn you, Mildred, uh, we may be dealing with a murderer.
18:26How far undercover can you put me?
18:33Ah, hurry, hurry, hurry! Come one, come all!
18:36Simona, the fat lady! Her girth will amaze you!
18:40Scheherazade! See what's behind those seven veils!
18:44See Delilah and her charming snake Boris!
18:47Our lovely dancing girls!
18:49Uncle Sam, the tallest man in the world!
18:52The great Savini! He breathes fire like a dragon!
19:00The hottest act in town!
19:02Grey Otter and his flashing tomahawks!
19:04Hurry, hurry to Cordero's night show, the greatest in the world!
19:08Come one, come all! For 50 cents, one half of a dollar!
19:17Come on, come on!
19:48Here you go. I won, I won!
19:51Hey, you win with me, kid.
19:55Surprise spring, ladies! I win the grand prize!
19:58And fortune smiles, eh?
20:01I give you the grand prize.
20:03Here we go with the grand prize.
20:05Hold on, Matilda. I'm afraid you misunderstand, sir.
20:09This ring entitles you to a chance at the grand prize,
20:12but until you've won five of these,
20:15I'm afraid the vault must remain cloned.
20:19Do try again.
20:22The clowns are supposed to make the customers happy.
20:25Oh, I'm sorry.
20:27Matilda, you're rattling our cover.
20:29The treasure chest is the lure. It stays forever.
20:33No carny who's been in business more than an hour
20:35would ever dream of giving it away.
20:37I'm just not at my sharpest in a beard.
20:40Miss Woolsey?
20:45Fresco Zapata.
20:47Clairvoyant extraordinaire at your service.
20:51Perhaps you've heard of me, tarot seances?
20:54Believe me, Mr. Zapata, your reputation precedes you.
20:58I'll say.
21:00Ah, my bearded beauty, I'm told,
21:03you are the mother of this delicate petal.
21:09But I'm still a girl at heart.
21:12When shall I have the pleasure of exploring your, uh...
21:17Just as soon as I can get off the midway.
21:21You know, your presence is overpowering.
21:23Yes, yes, well...
21:25Ha, ha, ha!
21:27I await you at my establishment.
21:32But you're not serious.
21:34He just two-timed me with my own daughter.
21:36I'm serious, Matilda.
21:38It's one way to get into his parlor.
21:40Somebody may have left a clue at that seance.
21:42Oh, boy. When duty calls.
21:45Sometimes I wish I'd hit a wrong number.
21:52Love your flame, Wonder Buns.
21:56How'd we get so lucky?
21:58Uh, didn't we, uh, work the circuit somewhere before?
22:00I don't know. I'd never forget that face.
22:02Delilah's the name.
22:06is the game.
22:08I can believe it.
22:10I've worked seances before.
22:12Show me your layout. Maybe I can work with you sometime.
22:14I shall bear my most treasured seat.
22:18I got news for you, Miss Woolsey.
22:20I don't cotton to homewreckers.
22:22And neither does Boris.
22:24It was only a professional conference, Blossom Curl.
22:27You and your bimbos.
22:29Doesn't fidelity mean anything to you?
22:32You come near my husband again...
22:34and Boris will reduce you...
22:37to a size one.
22:41Excuse me.
22:43But I do believe...
22:49The show must go on.
22:53What are you trying to do? Pay me back for Turk?
23:07Nigel Woolsey.
23:09Yeah, I just wanted to say thanks again for the rescue.
23:12Feeling all right?
23:14I'm fine.
23:16So, Nigel...
23:18Christie tells me you and your sister...
23:21are gonna be working the wire with me.
23:23Mm-hmm. Looks that way.
23:25How'd you hear about the job?
23:27We've been out of work for a while. You hear about these things.
23:30It's funny, though. Christie didn't exactly put it in the want ads.
23:33We've got a lot of friends.
23:35You've got an accent. Your sister doesn't.
23:38I'm adopted.
23:40Tell me something.
23:42Is the job safe?
23:44After what happened to you this morning, we were a little nervous.
23:47Accidents happen.
23:49An accident? A cut pin?
23:52I understand my predecessor, someone named Turk...
23:57he had an accident a few weeks back.
23:59Look, if you're nervous...
24:02don't go up.
24:16So, this guy Woolsey...
24:19is he here because of what happened to Turk?
24:24Not as far as I know.
24:27If you did know, would you tell me?
24:56Shh, shh.
24:59Where was Fresco during the seance?
25:01Standing right where Mr. Steele is standing.
25:03Where was Guy?
25:05Guy wasn't at the seance.
25:11What have you got?
25:22That's how Fresco does it.
25:24My guess is...
25:26an electromagnetic relay...
25:28connected to the crystal ball...
25:30through a magnet.
25:46Well, Turk's name isn't even programmed on the dial.
25:52when does a magnet lose its draw?
25:56When there's a stronger magnet?
25:59The basement.
26:01Watch the board.
26:03Watch the board.
26:06Watch the board.
26:25Is the light anywhere?
26:30The better mousetrap.
26:32If Guy wasn't at the seance...
26:34he could have been the one down here rigging this.
26:36Guy's an odd one.
26:38I had a strange round of cat and mouse with him this evening.
26:41But if he's the murderer...
26:43what did he hope to gain by conjuring up Turk's name, eh?
26:46What did he hope to gain by conjuring up Turk's name, eh?
27:03Oh, my God!
27:07I can't hold it!
27:13Help me!
27:17Trouble! Mildred!
27:23I can't hear you, Miss Holt.
27:26But nothing's happened yet.
27:47I still can't hear you.
27:51What are you doing down there?
28:07It's a matter of house class!
28:09Ah, good thinking, Miss Holt, good thinking!
28:11You know, he always inspires me!
28:13Oh, likewise, I hope, likewise!
28:43They're electric!
28:45It's frying!
28:47Fire water!
28:53Oh, spare me the rest of it!
28:55Oh, my...
29:03If they tried to drown us,
29:05we must be on to something.
29:07On to what?
29:09Well, at the very least, we've asked someone too many questions.
29:11Yeah, I wish they'd just answered no comment.
29:13What have you got, Mildred?
29:15The word on Guy Nickerson.
29:17He just finished four years in prison.
29:21Guy Nickerson, the high-wire bandit,
29:23apprehended while hanging by his feet
29:25from the prestigious Conover Museum
29:27in Fort Worth, Texas.
29:29A Gutenberg Bible was missing.
29:31Fancy stealing!
29:33Guy didn't have the Bible, and the police never found it.
29:35You don't end up hanging by your feet
29:37from a museum ceiling without someone's help.
29:39An accomplice, a trapeze man.
29:41A good bet.
29:43A good bet he also got away with the Bible,
29:45leaving his partner hanging.
29:47What was the date of that robbery?
29:49Christmas Eve,
29:53Does that ring sleigh bells?
29:55It happened the same night, in the same town
29:57as Christie's accident.
29:59Circus freak.
30:01Mr. Steele, as a man of experience,
30:03what would you say a Gutenberg Bible might go for?
30:05Well, one sold recently for around $2 million,
30:07so that was a legitimate sale.
30:09An accomplice would have to vanish for quite a while
30:11before he could turn the Bible over.
30:13Meanwhile, Guy was an exemplary prisoner.
30:15Four years in a maximum security prison
30:17without one infraction of the rules.
30:19And also without revealing his accomplice.
30:21Would you say he was racing with the clock?
30:23But, probably to Turk's surprise,
30:25he beat it.
30:27Four years of extraordinary patience.
30:29Figuring if he got out fast enough,
30:31he could find said accomplice.
30:33And get his hands on his share of the booty.
30:35Guy Nickerson is a very determined man.
30:39Possibly a lethal one.
30:41And we fly with him on the high trapeze.
30:43Show business.
31:49Who here was with the circus in Fort Worth?
31:53Fresco and Delilah.
31:57Was Turk a catcher in the act?
31:59In those days,
32:01that was the big time.
32:03No. Turk was a rigger.
32:05He was just learning to catch.
32:07You may have learned more than he let on.
32:09Oh, this is beautiful.
32:13It's the one I wore that night.
32:15I'm not superstitious.
32:19May I?
32:33Did you know Guy Nickerson in those days?
32:35Only by reputation.
32:37He was a comer.
32:41But I only met him a few weeks ago.
32:43Did you know he had a prison record
32:45when you hired him?
32:49Everyone's got a past on this circuit.
32:53I don't think there's any connection
32:55between this theft you're talking about
32:57and my accident.
32:59Everyone was working their stations that night.
33:01How can you be so sure?
33:03The accident had to traumatize you.
33:05Can you even remember what you were doing
33:07the week before?
33:13I guess I'm just telling you
33:15what people told me.
33:17People who may have had
33:19a vested interest in lying to you.
33:23Whoever was at their stations that night
33:25and whoever wasn't
33:27is still a mystery to us, isn't it?
33:29Had I known you were going to drop by,
33:31I would have slipped into something
33:33a little more flattering.
33:37Actually, I came by for a chat.
33:39I like a man that has more than one dimension.
33:43my ball and chain
33:45might be back any minute.
33:47Tell me, Delilah,
33:49have you known Christy a long time?
33:53I've known her for a long time.
33:55Delilah, have you known Christy a long time?
33:59Consider me old faithful, honey.
34:01Were you and Fresco there
34:03the night she took her fall?
34:09I'm just curious.
34:13Anything funny happen that night?
34:15Like what?
34:17Is this a game?
34:19No game.
34:21You just hear these things on the circuit.
34:25Forget it, Wonder Buns.
34:27You think because you got a great profile
34:29and a flat stomach, I'm going to spit my guts out to you?
34:31That wasn't quite
34:33what I had in mind.
34:35Consider the coffee.
34:37Take out.
34:41Don't fret, cookie.
34:55I don't know what you heard on the circuit, Woolsey,
34:57but Delilah's trying to protect me.
35:01You see, we care about each other very much.
35:03I suppose that seems like a joke
35:05to someone as young and vital as yourself.
35:07Love is never a joke, Fresco.
35:13Was I prying about Christmas Eve?
35:17I flew with Christy.
35:19I was her catcher
35:21and her teacher.
35:23And when she fell,
35:25my nerve fell with her.
35:29Hadn't been for Delilah,
35:31her loyalty,
35:33her indulgence,
35:35I'd be on the bum somewhere.
35:39Live while you can, Woolsey.
35:41Luck runs out fast.
35:57This net post doesn't look too good.
35:59I'm going to get another one.
36:03I'm beginning to be suspicious
36:05of everyone around here.
36:07Any one of them could have been Guy's accomplice.
36:09Fresco was a catcher, Turk was learning to catch,
36:11and who knows what Max was learning.
36:13Christy fell because her rigging was faulty.
36:15Any one of them could have been responsible for that.
36:17Whoever the accomplice was
36:19when he got back to the circus that night,
36:21he was way off his game,
36:23knowing that he'd left Guy hanging from that museum ceiling.
36:25So far off his game
36:27that he never checked the rigging, so Christy fell.
36:29If Turk was the accomplice,
36:31why is Guy still hanging around?
36:33He must have the Bible.
36:35Well, if he does, he's killed for it.
36:37He may be hanging around to avoid suspicion.
36:39By staging that business on the Ferris wheel?
36:41Ah, Nickerson, a true star.
36:43Late for rehearsal.
36:45You're good with the words, Woolsey.
36:47You look good up there.
37:03Oh! Careful!
37:05Nice. We'll do fine together.
37:07Thanks. I hope.
37:17Just relax.
37:23All right.
37:25Laura, look out!
37:33Laura, are you all right?
37:35You okay?
37:37How the devil did that happen?
37:39I don't know.
37:41I don't know.
37:43I don't know.
37:45How the devil did that happen?
37:47I don't know.
37:49I guess you had a good reason to be nervous.
37:57You're okay. Breathe.
38:07You okay?
38:09Yeah. I'm fine.
38:11I just need some air.
38:13Well, nevertheless,
38:15before we go back in there,
38:17I wish you'd rest those lovely bones of yours
38:19and have a showdown with our rigger.
38:23Mr. Steele,
38:25we don't have the same murderer anymore.
38:27Guy? Yeah.
38:29Because he was on the ladder with you?
38:33Maybe he's just keeping us guessing.
38:35Let me go find Max. Okay, I'll be back.
38:43You okay?
38:49You sure?
38:53I checked that equipment out this morning.
38:55Everything was as it should be.
38:57Do you believe me?
38:59If that's what you're telling me.
39:01Why did you run away
39:03when it happened?
39:05With all the things that's been going on around here,
39:07I figured I'd get the blame.
39:09If that were your real reason,
39:11does it bother you to see a woman take a fall?
39:19A lot, I think.
39:23Christmas Eve, Max.
39:25What happened?
39:37If I'd known what I was doing that night,
39:39Christy'd still be flying.
39:43I was 19.
39:45Turk got me a job with the circus,
39:47cleaning up, setting up tents.
39:49Every now and then,
39:51he'd let me help him rig the nets.
39:53And that night, Christmas Eve?
39:59Turk was late.
40:01He called and told me to start setting up.
40:03You rigged the performance alone?
40:05Go on, Max.
40:07You're with friends. Easy, easy. It's okay.
40:09It's okay. You're with friends.
40:11Go on.
40:13By the time
40:15Turk got there,
40:17the show had already started.
40:19I asked him to check things over.
40:21He said he would, but...
40:23He didn't.
40:25I don't know.
40:27His head was in someplace else that night.
40:29Afterwards, Turk said he'd cover for me.
40:31As long as I kept my mouth shut.
40:33And you've obliged ever since.
40:35What else could I do?
40:37Max, a few weeks ago,
40:39when Guy Nickerson joined up here,
40:41did he have much to do with Turk?
40:43Guy was only here one or two days
40:45before Turk's accident.
40:47I saw them together a couple of times.
40:49They weren't yelling or anything.
40:51But I could tell
40:53something was going down between them.
40:55Lovely fellow, Turk.
40:57That's a 19-year-old kid
40:59taking an extended guilt trip.
41:01Leaves his partner hanging
41:03like Peking duck for the police to devour.
41:05Am I boring you?
41:07This case that never made sense
41:09still doesn't.
41:11I don't know what you're talking about.
41:13I don't know what you're talking about.
41:15I don't know what you're talking about.
41:17I don't know what you're talking about.
41:19I don't know what you're talking about.
41:21I don't know what you're talking about.
41:23This case that never made sense
41:25still doesn't.
41:27If Turk was the accomplice
41:29and he was trying to get away from Guy,
41:31why did he go by water?
41:33What kind of market is there for wet Bibles?
41:35Pious mermaids?
41:37Why wasn't Turk's body washed ashore?
41:39The dinghy was.
41:41Are you thinking what I'm thinking, Miss Holt?
41:43I think I am, Mr. Steele.
41:45We have a brand-new suspect.
41:47Indeed we do.
41:49Free-falling pulley blocks?
41:51No signs of their own.
41:53Tonight's show must go on.
42:11Ladies and gentlemen!
42:15May I direct your attention
42:17high above the settering
42:19to the aerialis
42:21of the flying trapeze,
42:27and Nickerson!
42:49And action!
42:51And action!
43:17Now watch
43:19derry aerialists as they attempt the over and under passing leap whereby two
43:25flyers passed each other in midair. Watch them!
43:31It's our turn Miss Woolsey.
43:43How do you feel?
43:45I could get addicted.
44:03Ladies and gentlemen, now watch as Miss Woolsey will perform a splits across and half turn to the bar.
44:15Silence, please!
44:47So far, so good.
44:49I hope we're not going through all this for nothing.
44:51Patience. That man's going to be getting desperate.
45:36It's Turk!
45:38He's alive!
45:40Oh my God!
46:15Huh? You staged your own death but you were serious about ours, am I right Turk old man?
46:20Come on, speak to me, I can't hear you. Speak to me!
46:24I expect I can also thank you for a crack on the skull.
46:28And an electric evening in Fresco's basement.
46:45Don't be a fool guys, you'll never get off the midway.
46:50Why spend more time in maximum security?
46:54It's the law you're after, you should know better than that, come on guy.
47:00I do.
47:08Nobody wins the law.
47:21Guy never believed Turk was dead.
47:24He believed somebody at the circus was working with Turk.
47:26And he knew all the regulars worked his shill, so he rigged the seance to see how they'd react.
47:31I mean any experienced con, he knows how to rig a seance.
47:34Or an experienced con artist.
47:38I'll take that as a compliment, up you get.
47:41Enjoying Christie's gift?
47:43Oh, you know me and circuses.
47:46I just want to remind you I'll be gone for a couple of hours.
47:48Oh, have a nice lunch.
47:50Lunch? No, a friend of mine's told me about this new palm reader.
47:55Well you never can tell, there may be romance in my future yet.
47:59She's right Laura, perhaps we should give it a try, come on.
48:01Mr. Steele?
48:03We'll settle that question between the two of us.
48:06Won't we?