Remington Steele S02E10

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Remington Steele S02E10


00:00I think it's time to confront a secret I've been carrying all these years.
00:07I have located the missing twin.
00:08I don't have a sister.
00:10We need something dramatic, daring, unexpected.
00:14It's impossible, absurd, and dangerous.
00:17It's dramatic, daring, unexpected.
00:21I'm going to grind you to little pieces.
00:54I'm going to grind you to little pieces.
01:21I'm going to grind you to little pieces.
01:48I'm going to grind you to little pieces.
02:16Stirring, eh?
02:22Well, shall we try another chorus?
02:32May I help you?
02:34Remington Steel.
02:35I have an appointment to see Mr. Crockett.
02:37You're late.
02:39I have ten straight away.
02:42You're also slow.
02:51And who might you be, young woman?
02:53I'm Laura Holt, Mr. Steel's associate.
02:56I'm sorry, madam, but Mr. Crockett wishes to see Mr. Steel alone.
03:01Miss Holt and I work very closely.
03:03Perhaps if you told Mr. Crockett that, um...
03:05Nothing personal.
03:06It's just that he does not believe women ought to be doing men's work.
03:11Doesn't believe they ought to be doing it or doesn't believe they're capable of doing it.
03:15A little of each, I suspect.
03:19What say we take off and have a little brunch and catch a movie or something?
03:21No, no, no, you go on in.
03:23I'll wait here and clean the drapes or do some laundry.
03:26Oh, yes.
03:27This way, sir.
03:37Mr. Steel has finally arrived.
03:40That will be all, Markham.
03:45Well, let's have a look at you.
03:47Shall I stand at attention or will parade rest, though?
03:51You're not an American, are you?
03:53No, but I'm inordinately fond of mum, apple pie and baseball, if that will help.
04:00Well, what the hell, you can't have everything.
04:03You come highly recommended.
04:06Fine reputation.
04:08Here, help me up.
04:13Exactly what can the Remington Steel Agency do for you, uh, Mr. Crockett?
04:1829 years ago, I adopted a daughter.
04:21Maybe you've heard of her.
04:23Tracy Crockett, a bit of a jet setter from what I've read.
04:27Flake would be a better word.
04:30You have no idea how many gigolos I've had to pay off, how many cops I've had to bribe,
04:36how many times I've had to repurchase all her earthly possessions from fad religious groups.
04:42Which of the above concerns you now?
04:45If it were only that simple.
04:50Now that I've landed at death's door,
04:53I think it's time to confront a secret I've been carrying all these years.
04:58Tracy's got a sister out there, adopted by somebody else.
05:03More than a sister, actually, a twin.
05:06An identical twin.
05:09The adoption agency decided to split them up.
05:13I didn't find out about it until much, much later.
05:16Yes, I've, uh, I've heard of similar instances.
05:22Ah, this is all that concerns you.
05:2820 years ago, I hired another detective agency to locate Tracy's sister.
05:36All the information is in there.
05:41I didn't do anything about it.
05:44Too uncomfortable with the situation.
05:47Too reluctant to share Tracy with someone that uniquely close to her.
06:02Find her, Mr. Steele.
06:04Don't talk to her, don't tell Tracy, just find her.
06:11I'll decide what to do from there on.
06:16Oh, Father, Father, Father, I was in Rome when I got the news.
06:21You poor man.
06:23How long does the doctor say you have?
06:25He won't even hazard a guess.
06:28Well, what do you think then?
06:30I booked a return flight for day after tomorrow.
06:33Too soon? Too late?
06:36Maybe you better stay around for a while.
06:39Oh, what about Rodolfo?
06:41Oh, forget him.
06:48You, uh, wouldn't happen to be Italian, would you?
06:52I'm afraid not.
06:56Will you be needing me anymore today, Miss Cronkite?
06:58No, Eric, that will be all.
07:02Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm sure you'd like some time alone with your father.
07:06Wherever did you get that idea?
07:09Surely you can hang on for a few more hours while I go shopping now, couldn't you, dear?
07:15I suppose I'll still be breathing when you come back.
07:19Oh, fine. Then I'll see you for tea.
07:31You can tell me it's none of my business,
07:33but you seem rather callous about your father's condition.
07:36To the naked eye, perhaps.
07:38The truth is, it's a game father and I play with each other.
07:41See, he's been dying for 15 years,
07:44but he does have a knack for having seizures or fits or whatever they are
07:48in the nick of time to get me back home before I disgrace him any further.
07:52I don't believe we've met.
07:54Frida Milch. Tracy Crockett.
07:57And I'm Darren McGuffin.
07:59Friends of father's?
08:02Perhaps we'll see you again.
08:04If you were Italian, you could count on it.
08:07If it's any consolation, I love linguine.
08:11Good night.
08:23It was one thing when you didn't exist
08:25and I was putting things over on those sexist people.
08:28I was putting things over on those sexist dogs out there,
08:31but now I simply cannot stomach it anymore.
08:34Laura, I was quite content not to take the case.
08:37Oh, no, no, no.
08:38The last thing I need is a man protecting my honor.
08:41I am fully capable of taking care of myself.
08:44That is the point.
08:47What do you want, Mildred?
08:49Between the computer and the information that Ross Crockett gave you,
08:52I have located the missing twin.
08:54I'm sorry I snapped at you, Mildred.
08:56All right, Miss Holt.
08:57We girls get a little temperamental at times.
09:00Thank you ever so much, Mildred.
09:02I am here to serve, Chief.
09:08Why don't you soak in a hot tub,
09:10take a little herb tea and read one of those romance novels?
09:13It helps me get through those emotional days.
09:22Yes, Mr. Crockett, please.
09:24Mr. Steele here.
09:32Oh, I see, yes.
09:34Thank you. Yes, I understand.
09:37Apparently, Ross Crockett was a better actor than we gave him credit for.
09:40He just convinced his doctor he was dead.
09:55I still don't feel right about this.
09:57Ross Crockett was our client,
09:59and he wasn't even sure he was going to tell his daughter.
10:01Tracy would want to know, believe me.
10:03You're just overly sensitive about someone having a secret past.
10:06Nora, it's one thing to conceal your past by design,
10:08another thing to have it concealed from you.
10:14You're rather fond of this little ditty.
10:16We're here to read the last will and testament
10:19of Ross Crockett Sr.,
10:21loving husband,
10:23forgiving father,
10:28trusting partner,
10:30loyal employer.
10:32Oh, nice of you to notice me, sir.
10:35An estate the size of Mr. Crockett's
10:38naturally demands precise instructions.
10:41Most of this is legal boilerplate,
10:43but I think I can give you the gist of it.
10:53Tracy gets everything.
10:58I'd like a clarification.
11:00Why, certainly, Junior. You lose.
11:02You all lose.
11:28Miss Crockett, we don't mean to intrude.
11:31We're terribly sorry about your father.
11:33Oh, well, the game is over.
11:35Daddy was serious this time.
11:37If I hadn't been so self-centered,
11:40I might have realized it.
11:42Your father was very concerned
11:44about your emotional well-being.
11:46Well, he certainly took care of that.
11:50You know, he couldn't control me while he was alive.
11:54So now he's found a way to do it from the grave.
11:57Do you know what he's done?
11:59He left me all his company stock.
12:03Yes, provided I become chairman of the board
12:07at the next stockholders' meeting.
12:09Otherwise, his entire estate will go to charity
12:12and Uncle Norman will take over Crockett Industries.
12:15Uncle Norman?
12:16Him, no doubt.
12:17The grim-faced gentleman with the Rolls-Royce.
12:19Well, I am not going to go through life
12:22thinking I let my father down.
12:24I'm not going to blow the one real chance
12:27I have of making something of my life.
12:30Damn him!
12:32So much for my trip to Rome!
12:34Uh, Miss Crockett, uh,
12:36we haven't been entirely candid with you.
12:39What do you mean, Mr. MacGuffin?
12:41Actually, I'm Remington Steele,
12:43and this is my associate, Laura Holt.
12:45We're private investigators hired by your father.
12:48Hired to do what?
12:50Locate your sister.
12:53I don't have a sister.
12:56According to these, you do.
13:01Oh, my God.
13:04I didn't know.
13:06Twin sister.
13:09You may not believe this,
13:12but I always felt like I wasn't entirely whole,
13:16like some part of me was missing.
13:19Does that make any sense?
13:23I don't know.
13:26Does that make any sense?
13:29Well, who is she? Where is she?
13:32Can you find her?
13:34I don't care how much it costs.
13:36You bring her to me.
13:38Ah, my sister.
13:41My identical twin.
13:44Is that it, stud?
13:46Chicken sand, wheat, mayo, fries?
13:49Hey, Roxy, how about a little more ketchup?
13:51Hey, Roxy, how about a little bit of this, huh?
13:54I got this hand-wheeler today, the big rig.
13:56If it ain't on the menu, Freddy, it ain't available.
14:01Ah, you need menus.
14:04You want to read, you go to the library.
14:08Roxy Tyler, that's me.
14:10Uh, we're here about your sister.
14:12Well, then you got the wrong Roxy Tyler,
14:14because I ain't got no sister.
14:17What is this?
14:19One of them trick photos where you take somebody's head
14:21and you stick it on somebody else's person?
14:23Roxy, this is a copy of your sister's birth certificate,
14:26and this is a copy of yours.
14:28Same date of birth, same natural parents.
14:32This is candid camera, right?
14:35Ha-ha! Where is it?
14:37Where you got it hiding?
14:43You're serious, aren't you?
14:45If you'd like, we can take you back with us.
14:47Tracy wants to meet you.
14:54Are you sure this ain't candid camera?
15:06That's odd. The door's unlocked.
15:23Changed my mind.
15:25Decided to go to Rome and see Rodolfo.
15:28Love, Tracy.
15:30Hey, what's going on here?
15:33Well, it looks like our bird's flown the coop after all.
15:36What kind of a game are you playing here?
15:39Is this one of them weird things
15:41where some rich guy pays you to go out and bring back girls?
15:44Tracy Crockett may be the flake her father claims,
15:47but she's never going to get to Rome without this.
15:50What is it?
15:52Her passport.
15:55Thank you. You've been a great help.
15:58That was the last airline to Rome,
16:00and it doesn't have a reservation for Tracy Crockett, either.
16:03Well, we have to assume she wasn't killed,
16:05otherwise they would have done it here and gotten it over with.
16:07Does that mean my sister's been snatched?
16:09It's beginning to look that way, Roxy.
16:11Well, it's no wonder.
16:15I mean, she must be loaded. Look at this stuff.
16:17Must be worth a fortune.
16:19I don't know.
16:21She must be loaded. Look at this stuff.
16:23Must be worth a fortune.
16:25Not one of these things says made in Taiwan.
16:27Someone's apparently trying to make it appear
16:29as if Tracy had no intentions of taking over her father's company.
16:32Well, we certainly have a laundry list of suspects.
16:34None of those people seem terribly happy
16:36after the reading of the will.
16:38You know, Crockett had some things in his wall safe
16:40that were definitely not for public consumption.
16:42Now, perhaps, perhaps that's our starting point.
16:45The stockholders' meeting is in two days.
16:47That doesn't give us time to be methodical.
16:49We need something dramatic, daring,
16:52unexpected to flush out our kidnapper.
16:57What? Who?
16:59Leslie Howard, Wendy Hiller, MGM, 1938.
17:02Or for those who enjoyed the musical version,
17:04My Fair Lady.
17:06Oh, I know that one.
17:08Are you suggesting we transform this, this...
17:10Hey, watch it, sister.
17:12...plot to maniac into Tracy Crockett?
17:14Leslie Howard managed to do it in 85 minutes.
17:16This isn't a movie, and it's definitely not Victorian England.
17:19You're as bad as all the rest.
17:21What a typically chauvinist point of view,
17:23thinking women are pieces of clay waiting to be molded by men.
17:26Oh, nonsense, Laura. You've molded me, and look how well I turn out.
17:29Out of the question. It's impossible, absurd, and dangerous.
17:31It's dramatic, daring, and unexpected.
17:33A woman's life may hang in the balance.
17:35All the more reason to take the bull by the horns.
17:37Do I have any say in this?
17:41If you think that my pretending to be Tracy could save her life,
17:44then I say let's go for it!
17:46Ah, that a girl, Roxy. Tracy?
17:48We shall unveil our creation tomorrow afternoon
17:50at the cocktail party to welcome the stockholders of Crockett Industries.
17:53Can't you see the reaction of the guilty party
17:55when Tracy Crockett sweeps in?
17:57He or she will rush to wherever the real Tracy is hidden,
17:59concerned that she didn't get loose,
18:01or perhaps, perhaps even better still,
18:03they will break down there and then, terrified
18:05that Tracy can identify our kidnappers.
18:07I tell you, Laura, George Bernard Shaw would have been proud of us.
18:10You work in the case, too?
18:22I mean, what is taking so long, eh?
18:24Relax. Mildred's trying to scrub out 20 years of hairspray.
18:28Ta-da! Ta-da!
18:30Presenting Miss Tracy Crockett.
18:35An exact replica. Bravo!
18:39Ah, Italian shoes.
18:42And look how they walk on these.
18:45No wonder they build towers that lean.
18:47Yes, well, it appears we have a way to go yet, doesn't it?
18:50Yes, I mean, hair, makeup, clothes, that's all external.
18:53Breeding, that's what distinguishes between dross and gold.
18:56No offense intended.
18:58Oh, you can offend me all you want.
19:00I don't understand half the things you say anyway.
19:03The way a person walks, talks,
19:05holds a cigarette, drinks a cup of tea,
19:07that's what we must instill in our protégé here.
19:13Pinky up.
19:15Legs crossed.
19:17Toe pointed.
19:19All that to drink a lousy cup of tea?
19:30Eyebrows arched.
19:32Chin tilted.
19:34Head cocked.
19:36I feel like the hunchback of Notre Dame.
19:52I'm beat.
19:54Will you let me sit down, please?
19:56Laura, demonstrate how a proper lady walks across the room, please.
19:59Oh, well, I couldn't with all these people walking around.
20:02Come on, up you go. Up, up, up.
20:04There we go. Stand right there.
20:06Go. Voila.
20:17There we go. Just like Miss Holt.
20:19Only better.
20:48Oh, my!
20:50I think she's got it.
20:53By Jove, I think she's got it!
20:56By Jove, I think she's got it!
20:59I've got something all right.
21:01So are puppies.
21:07I'm so sorry.
21:09Ah, ah, ah, ah.
21:11The rich never apologize.
21:15So I broke your lousy egg.
21:17Blow it out your ear.
21:33Miss Crockett.
21:35Who's he?
21:37Family chauffeur.
21:39I was worried about you.
21:41I thought I was supposed to pick you up.
21:43Oh, put your worries to rest, Eric.
21:45Miss Crockett's just fine.
21:47Shall we join the party, ladies?
21:53Oh, hey.
21:55They got a band.
21:59Miss Tracy.
22:01How's it going, pups?
22:05I'll get the safe.
22:09Come on.
22:21Oh, jolly good.
22:23All the suspects are here.
22:25Norman Baines,
22:27lovingly referred to as Uncle Norman.
22:29You're trying to keep him
22:31from gaining control of your father's company.
22:33And at the moment,
22:35he's the most likely person to have kidnapped you.
22:37Junior Crockett,
22:39your stepbrother.
22:41No doubt he's bitter about being cut out
22:43of his late father's will.
22:45And Claudette,
22:47your stepmother.
22:49Also a sore loser
22:51from the looks of things.
22:53This is better than dynasty.
23:33I'll do the honors, Pop.
23:35Little heat there?
23:41Danipore, huh?
23:43There you go.
23:45We'll split the tips later.
23:47Quite a unique sense of humor, eh, Markham?
23:49Appalling display.
23:51People should know their place.
23:57I did not expect
23:59to find you here.
24:01Oh, yeah? How come?
24:03Let me tell you something.
24:05If you think I'm gonna let you take over the company,
24:07you are sadly mistaken.
24:09And if you persist in this lunacy,
24:11I'm going to grind you
24:13to little pieces.
24:15You don't scare me, buster.
24:17Easy, Tracy.
24:21Don't they know any other songs?
24:23Keep an eye on Claudette and Junior, okay?
24:25There you are.
24:27No matter how many little henchmen
24:29you send to take away the gifts he bought me,
24:31you can't take away my memories.
24:33Ross Crockett loved me,
24:35and you know it!
24:37You want your precious antiques?
24:39Take them, Claudette.
24:43That was quite a floor show, Samantha.
24:47In the past, my husband's mistresses
24:49have gone right to the point.
24:51And now they've gone to the point.
24:53In the past, my husband's mistresses
24:55have gone rather more quietly.
24:57But there is always a first
24:59and last time for everything.
25:03If you're quite finished,
25:05you may go.
25:23Ah, Mr. Baines,
25:25if you're looking for the loo,
25:27I don't know where it is.
25:29Up here on the second floor.
25:31I've always prayed Tracy's taste in men would improve.
25:33So much for the power of prayer.
26:21Lovely view up there.
26:23Nice place to read.
26:33And I said to him,
26:35I'd like to see you try that again,
26:39And he did.
26:41And I liked it.
26:43Tracy, dear, I certainly have a need
26:45to get some fresh air.
26:47Excuse me, gentlemen.
26:51Come here, will you?
26:53You have a gift for this sort of thing.
26:55Ah, well, don't you take things
26:57when you're on vacation?
26:59This isn't the Holiday Inn.
27:01Okay, okay.
27:03I gotta go to the head.
27:05The coffee goes right through me.
27:07There's a cabana right over there.
27:09Let's hope it's nailed down.
27:19Thanks for the warning.
27:21I got out just in time.
27:23Oh, well, you missed the grand entrance of the mistress.
27:25Fill me in later.
27:27How is our Eliza do-little-doing?
27:29Splendid, except no one panic at the sight of her.
27:59Here, take a hand.
28:01Drink a glass.
28:07One, two.
28:11All right.
28:17Come on.
28:25Boy, this is one tough party.
28:37There's no doubt that someone is willing to go to great pains
28:40to ensure that Tracy or Roxy misses that stockholder's
28:43meeting tomorrow.
28:44Boy, you can say that again.
28:45It has to be Norman.
28:46He's the only one who gains if Tracy doesn't make it.
28:49It's too bad you didn't see who hit you.
28:51If you want me to say it was Norman,
28:52I'll say it was Norman.
28:58Woo, Mr. Steele.
29:01Surely you've seen a man in a towel before, Mildred.
29:03Oh, well, you're not a man.
29:04You're my boss.
29:05And we have to keep the integrity
29:07of our respective roles.
29:09Old fashioned thinking, Mildred.
29:11Well, how would you feel if I came
29:13to the door wrapped in a towel?
29:14Quite right, Mildred.
29:15The employer-employee relationship
29:17must remain sacrosanct.
29:18Thank you very much.
29:19Mildred, do you know what this is?
29:23It looks like a stock ledger.
29:25But all the stocks have been torn out.
29:27Ah, missing stock, eh?
29:29Ah, the plot thickens.
29:31My job.
29:32Here we go.
29:35Thicker still.
29:37Seems Junior's been writing several IOUs to some
29:39of our better known bookies.
29:41So the young chap never met a point spread
29:44he didn't like, eh?
29:45They must have gone to the old man to make good on these.
29:47Assuming Junior doesn't kick the habit now that the old man
29:50can't bail him out.
29:52But nothing that a nice cushy job from Uncle
29:54Norman wouldn't cure.
29:56Oh, look at this.
29:57Claudette and Norman appear to be an item.
29:59I think it's time we paid your Mrs. Crocker to visit.
30:02Haven't you gone through enough for one day, boss?
30:05Dedication doesn't punch a time clock, Mildred.
30:08Lock the door behind us.
30:09Make sure no one gets in.
30:12Mildred, see if you can make heads
30:13or tails of any of these ledger sheets, OK?
30:17Bye, Roxy.
30:17Miss Holt?
30:21Thank you very much.
30:25Boy, he's really something.
30:28I'm even beginning to like the way he talks.
30:31Claws in, honey.
30:32He's spoken for.
30:33Oh, it's you.
30:36Are you expected?
30:37Is Mrs. Crockett at home?
30:39Come back in the morning.
30:40We appreciate that we're putting you out,
30:42but it's important.
30:43It concerns Tracy's welfare.
30:45Is that so?
30:47Well, what about my welfare, hmm?
30:50I'm not getting any more money than I should be.
30:53I'm not getting any more money than I should be.
30:56I'm not getting any more money than I should be.
30:58I'm not getting any more money than I should be.
31:00I'm not getting any more money than I should be.
31:03I'm not getting any younger.
31:04I can't be gallivanting around answering the blasted
31:07door in the dead of night.
31:09It's time you young people showed some respect.
31:11It must be very difficult for you since Mr. Crockett
31:13passed on, I'm sure.
31:1540 years I've been with him, and not once
31:18did he give me a kind word.
31:20Now he's dead, and what did he leave me?
31:26That was his prerogative.
31:28However, since I no longer have him
31:30to answer to, my prerogative is to tell you to butter off.
31:34Let them in, Markham, please.
31:36Oh, you want them, you let them in.
31:42You're those trends of Tracy's, the ones who saved her
31:45from drowning today, aren't you?
31:46I trust you weren't too disappointed, Mrs. Crockett.
31:50What are you driving at?
31:51We thought you might prefer Norman Baines
31:52as chairman of the board.
31:54Well, as a matter of fact, I'd rather it were Tracy.
31:57Ever since Ross became ill and Norman's been acting president,
32:00our stock has dropped precipitously.
32:02Now Norman intends to write off nearly $40 million
32:06in losses due to a building he ordered
32:08constructed and then abandoned.
32:11Everything all right, Claudette?
32:13Be right there, Reggie.
32:20Any bets you haven't covered, Mrs. Crockett?
32:23None that I can think of.
32:26That's it.
32:27If my sister never shows up and I'm made chairman of the board,
32:31that'd mean I'd get to keep all this stuff, right?
32:33I've got to find Mr. Steele.
32:35I think I know who's responsible for Tracy's disappearance.
32:38Tracy, love, are you awake?
32:42Sorry we crossed wires earlier today.
32:44Oh, it is so good to be along with you again.
32:47Ah, listen, it's getting kind of late
32:50and I've got a big day tomorrow.
32:52And my toenails ain't dry yet, so why don't we just 86 this?
32:57How about a drink?
32:59Well, uh, you know.
33:10Hey, I'm kind of hungry.
33:14Why don't you take me out to dinner?
33:16I'm not hungry.
33:17I'm not hungry.
33:18I'm not hungry.
33:20I'm kind of hungry.
33:21Why don't you run out and get me a burger, huh?
33:24Can't you get yourself something, too?
33:25If I didn't know better, I'd think you were trying to get rid of me.
33:28Who the hell is that?
33:29I'll get it.
33:34Howdy, Tracy Crockett.
33:36I'm Belle Krebs of Houston.
33:38Now, I am sorry I missed that beer bus today, honey,
33:41but I was moving 1,000 head of cattle up to market in Abilene.
33:46Now, listen up here.
33:47I got me a parcel of your Crockett stock,
33:50and I'm fixing to give you my vote tomorrow,
33:53provided that you and I spend a little time together to know one another.
33:56You know what I mean?
33:58Hey, there.
33:59Go on down there and get us two-fifths of bourbon there, boy,
34:03because me and Miss Crockett's got some jawboning to do.
34:07Oh, wow, that's prime, honey.
34:10That's real prime.
34:13And don't you believe I don't know my meat.
34:16What are you looking at there, boy?
34:18Go on, get.
34:24I'll speak to you tomorrow, Tracy.
34:26That's the spirit of young buck, honey.
34:37Oh, good.
34:38I got something to show you.
34:40These ledger pages that Ross Crockett had in his safe
34:43show that Norman Baines
34:45was intentionally causing the company to suffer losses
34:48so the shareholders would sell their stock,
34:50the price would drop, and he could buy them up cheaply.
34:52He owns a lot more stock now than anyone realizes.
34:55So Norman's our man after all.
34:57At your service.
35:04It's amazing how quickly a gun gets to the heart of things.
35:08Cuts out all the... Just who are you?
35:11Tracy. Uh, Crockett.
35:13Whatever else she is, Tracy Crockett is a lady.
35:17I've known truck drivers more ladylike than you.
35:21Yeah? Who?
35:23Nice work, Professor Higgins.
35:25If you thought she was an imposter,
35:27why didn't you unmask her at the party?
35:29Why should I?
35:31She doesn't pose any threat.
35:33No shareholder would vote for someone like this.
35:36Frankly, Claudette Jr. and I can hardly wait
35:41to eat her alive at the shareholders' meeting.
35:44You kidnapped Tracy then?
35:46Well, she was kidnapped, eh?
35:48Well, I had no responsibility for that, as you well know now.
35:51I have nearly enough shares to defeat her anyway.
35:55Now, that's exactly what I came for.
35:58I knew Ross made a record of that information.
36:01Obviously, he never could get it to Tracy.
36:04Tough, that.
36:06Frankly, I think you should consider the possibility
36:10that Tracy just might have flaked out and left town.
36:14Have a pleasant evening.
36:19Boy, I really blew it, didn't I?
36:22Oh, you gave it your best shot, Roxy.
36:28Crockett residence.
36:34Yes, I understand.
36:36Um, well, I'll have someone come down immediately.
36:39Oh, and thank you for calling us first.
36:43That was airport security.
36:45Tracy's car has been parked for 48 hours in a one-hour zone,
36:49and they're going to tow it away
36:51if we don't send someone down there to move it.
36:53The airport?
37:25Very nice. Thank you.
37:35Well, I guess this didn't mean too much to her after all.
37:39Mud and cement.
37:42It's still damp.
37:44We have been blind.
37:46We have been assuming that if Tracy was kidnapped,
37:49the kidnapper figured to gain control
37:51through Norman taking over the corporation.
37:53We forgot what happens to Ross' estate
37:55if Tracy isn't elected chairman.
37:57It goes to charity.
37:59And here's the list, including a charitable organization
38:02which just happens to be controlled by Crockett's mistress,
38:05Samantha Donahue.
38:17Miss Donahue? That's right.
38:19We're from Jagalem and Jagalem,
38:21the investment counseling firm,
38:23and we're checking our charitable organizations
38:25to see which might be suitable for our clients
38:27to make contributions to.
38:29Oh, well, as you can see, we're just getting started here,
38:32but what would you like to know?
38:34What kind of a service does the Lovers Fund provide?
38:38Quite simple.
38:40We provide money for broken-hearted lovers.
38:42If you've given your time, your energy and your love
38:46and your partner has upped and left you or died,
38:49we make sure you're taken care of.
38:51Oh. Shouldn't you be able to provide for yourself?
38:54Some of us can.
38:56Some of us don't want to.
38:58It is for the latter that this charity exists.
39:01We help avoid messy and expensive palimony suits,
39:04and, of course, all contributions made to us are tax-deductible.
39:07Oh, what an enlightened approach.
39:09And what sort of capitalization do you have?
39:12We expect to be very well endowed by an anonymous donor.
39:16That wouldn't be Ross Crockett.
39:19How would you know?
39:22I think you two had better leave.
39:24Where have you hidden Tracy?
39:26I didn't send you here.
39:28Listen, I don't know anything about Tracy missing,
39:30if that's what you're getting at,
39:32and I don't need any of Ross' estate
39:34because he took very good care of me before he died.
39:37The missing stock. When did he give you this?
39:40The last time I saw him.
39:42He'd been out at that building that Norman's putting up and going bust on.
39:46Ross had these in his briefcase, and he signed them over to me
39:49in appreciation for being one of the few people in this world that he can trust.
39:53That building, the construction site, the mud and cement on Tracy's car.
39:57Of course, the kidnapping's an inside job,
39:59and what better place to keep it than a building that's already abandoned?
40:02Thank you very much. Good day.
40:04Mildred, get Roxy fixed up and over to the stockholders' meeting,
40:07then stall, do whatever you can.
40:09We'll get there soon.
40:11It's Tracy, I hope.
40:15I just can't. They're gonna see right through me.
40:18No, they won't.
40:20I'm gonna make a fool of myself and my sister.
40:22I have corporate responsibility and fiscal pride.
40:25No! If they ask you a question, you ask them to repeat it.
40:29If they ask you what you think about something,
40:31you ask them what they think about it.
40:33Tell them you have the issue under study.
40:35Believe me, honey, it's worked in Washington for years.
40:52It's gotta be here somewhere.
40:54Let's go.
41:00I just don't see any place she could be hidden.
41:02Alive, you mean.
41:09Think! Think!
41:11If you were a kidnapper, where would you hide her?
41:15Oh, well...
41:23That's quite a plan they have.
41:25Yes. Gas pumps and all.
41:28Gas pumps?
41:30For gas pumps, you need gas tanks.
41:32Big, underground gas tanks.
41:38Somewhere over there.
41:47Come here.
41:50Come here.
41:56There it is!
42:03Tracy? Tracy!
42:08No! Don't bother!
42:11It doesn't have nearly the view I was led to believe it had.
42:20Come here.
42:28When are they gonna get here, Miss Cribbs?
42:30Soon, Roxy, soon.
42:35Morning, Norman Baines of Crockett Industries.
42:38I'd like to make a special introduction this morning, I imagine.
42:42I'd like you to meet the daughter of our late great Jan,
42:46attending her first stockholders' meeting.
42:49Miss Tracy Crockett.
42:51Go get him, kid.
42:59I wanted to just say a few words,
43:01and then perhaps we could make an open forum for questions.
43:10Tell him about your last trip to Rome, Tracy.
43:14Did you bring your slides?
43:20Tracy, what do you see as the future for Crockett Industries?
43:24What can these good shareholders look forward to?
43:39I don't know.
43:41But I am studying the issue.
43:44Would you like to leave and then come back after you finish studying?
43:50Don't worry, Tracy. Everything's gonna be all right.
43:53Yeah, sure it is.
43:55This estate will go to charity,
43:57and Norman, Claudette, Junior and Samantha will live happily ever after.
44:03I just wish I knew which one of them did this to me.
44:07But all I remember is someone with the ski mask
44:10and then chloroform and lights out.
44:13Too bad your boyfriend wasn't around to protect you, eh?
44:17Rodolfo's in Rome.
44:19I was referring to Eric.
44:21What are you talking about? Eric's our chauffeur.
44:27And showing up last night was just an act
44:29to see if he could put Roxy out of commission, too.
44:32So Eric kidnapped Tracy?
44:34That's right.
44:35And if you remember, after Roxy arrived at the party, he left immediately.
44:39To come here to see if Tracy had gotten loose.
44:41But he must be working for somebody.
44:43We'd better make our move. She may be after Roxy right now.
44:45Warm it up, Fred.
44:52Now, Tracy, I know that you hold the present management
44:55responsible for the company's recent losses.
44:59What would you do to cut the losses?
45:03I'd can the present management, starting with you.
45:15Don't tell me that you're in favor of wasting even more
45:18than the $40 million, which is already...
45:23Don't be in such a hurry, May.
45:25Why don't you tell us who hired you to abduct Tracy?
45:31I mean, why should we all lose?
45:33Eric Alan Markham?
45:37Nora, does this mean the butler did it?
45:40Ten bucks ahead, and we're even!
45:48Stop moving, damn you!
45:50What did I ever do to you?
45:52Nothing personal.
45:54But there are values in this world that must be upheld.
45:58And if you choose to trample them, you do so at your own risk.
46:02Values? What values?
46:04You're the one trying to kill me. Don't I have some value?
46:07A woman does not belong at the head of a major corporation!
46:11Yeah? Well, where does she belong?
46:14Serving cheeseburgers at a truck stop?
46:16Sure, that's fine!
46:18Dad! Look out!
46:22Good shot.
46:28Ladies and gentlemen, I believe this meeting is adjourned.
46:39Seeing visitors?
46:57So you're Tracy, huh?
47:14Did you see the look on their faces?
47:16But for the luck of the draw, Roxy could have been the heiress
47:19and Tracy the truck stop waitress.
47:21A person can't let his birthright stop him. Look at you.
47:24Well, I've been lucky. I've encountered good opportunities.
47:27And you've made the most of them.
47:29However you began, you've come a long way, baby.
47:32I, perhaps.
47:34Are you insinuating that there are those close to you
47:37who haven't been as fortunate or haven't had the same abilities?
47:41Laura, there are bits and pieces in my past
47:43that are as obscure to me as they are to you.
47:46It's at moments like this that I realize they're less painful that way.
47:50Would you be averse to changing the subject?
47:55Dinner and a movie, Mr. Stephen?
47:57I'd like that very much, Miss Holden.
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