Remington Steele S02E09

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Remington Steele S02E09


00:00Something wrong, Mildred?
00:08What's everybody staring at?
00:10Give me my baby.
00:11I say he's mine.
00:13If you don't bring that child to me, I'll personally cut your heart out.
00:18He's a fighter?
00:19The Kilkenny Kid, the pride of the Pampas.
00:22What round is Flynn gonna take the hammer?
00:24Have you ever cornered a fight missile?
00:26Hundreds of times.
00:27Hundreds of times.
00:28More of the bomb!
00:57He's a fighter, he's a fighter, he's a fighter, he's a fighter, he's a fighter, he's a fighter,
01:26he's a fighter, he's a fighter, he's a fighter, he's a fighter, he's a fighter, he's a fighter,
01:55he's a fighter, he's a fighter, he's a fighter, he's a fighter, he's a fighter, he's a fighter,
02:22he's a fighter, he's a fighter, he's a fighter, he's a fighter, he's a fighter, he's a fighter,
02:51he's a fighter, he's a fighter, he's a fighter, he's a fighter, he's a fighter, he's a fighter,
03:20he's a fighter, he's a fighter, he's a fighter, he's a fighter.
03:44You've never met a fighter like Flynn.
03:45He's crafty and experienced.
03:47One mistake, and it's good night, Irene.
03:50You've got to be ready.
03:51I am ready. This is my fight. It's my time.
03:54Face it, Barney, you just can't admit that things are looking good.
03:58Kid, things ain't been looking good since Kennedy was president.
04:01What? Holy...
04:03It's Max.
04:14It was Max.
04:27Dear God.
04:29I don't believe it.
04:31I'm afraid it's a fact of life, sir.
04:34A woman in her makeup cannot be rushed.
04:36The woman's never been late for a client in her life.
04:39But I ask her out to dinner, and she changes time zones.
04:42Got a hot date tonight, huh, boss?
04:44Nothing of the kind. Purely a professional evening, Mildred.
04:47Good for employee morale.
04:49You know, keep the troops motivated and everything like that.
04:52Your time's coming up soon, Mildred.
04:57Remington Steel Investigations.
05:00Oh, I'm sorry. You must have the wrong number.
05:03No, sir. There's no Kilkenny Kid here.
05:06Sir, I've just...
05:08Mildred, give it to me. Give it to me. Thank you.
05:11Yes. Steel here.
05:16What are you doing here?
05:19I see.
05:23Mobiliar's gym. Okay, right. I'll be there.
05:26Here I am. A vision in rose.
05:29Ah, Laura, yes. Yes.
05:31Ah, yes. Wonderful. I think just a touch more mascara should do it.
05:35Now take your time, and I shall see you at the restaurant, okay? Cheers.
05:38See you then. Bye.
06:00Still working your fighters too hard, eh, Kieran?
06:03Your man there looks half dead.
06:06A long time, kid.
06:08Oh, take it easy.
06:10I thought you said he was a friend.
06:12He is. He is. But he has a funny way of showing it.
06:15You're still not getting all your weight behind your punches, kid.
06:18He's a fighter?
06:20The Kilkenny Kid, the pride of the pampas. That last bit was my touch.
06:23Ancient history, Barney.
06:25But then what's 12 years of nothing between friends, eh?
06:28Now, I'm a busy man, and your call said it was a problem of life and death, so let's have it, eh?
06:39It's simple, Barney. You pick up the phone and call the police.
06:42It ain't that simple, kid.
06:44Why, Mr. Steele, what an unexpected pleasure.
06:49Ah, Laura Hess.
06:51Oh, you remembered. Hello, I'm Laura Hope, Mr. Steele's associate.
06:55Just here to help out in any way I can.
06:57Barney Kiernan. Barney Kiernan.
06:59Hello, and you're...
07:00Herschel Sinclair. But most people just call me Hammer.
07:03Hello, how are you?
07:05This really isn't a place for young people.
07:07I've been in locker rooms before, and I'm quite happy here. Thank you.
07:13He looks a little out of fit.
07:15Well, Laura...
07:16No, no, no, no. Don't let me interrupt what seems to be the trouble here.
07:28I don't want to alarm you, gentlemen, but this man is dead.
07:31She's good, kid.
07:33Who is he?
07:35Who is he?
07:37A friend of mine named Max Thursday.
07:39Oh, I see.
07:40We went through the self-diffusion, putting him in that get-up,
07:43so nobody would know it was Max and that he was dead.
07:47Well, somebody drilled Max in the ribs.
07:49But before he expired, he came here and he put a package in the Hammer's locker.
07:53We, that is, the Hammer, didn't think it was in the best interest of the package to call the police.
07:59I don't quite follow you.
08:01Oh, for heaven's sakes.
08:43Hanged man.
08:47Your life is in suspension.
08:49Someone holds you by a string.
08:56The Empress, a symbol of motherhood.
08:59Something in a woman's power is exerting a great influence.
09:06You must answer to the Empress.
09:11Leave the cards.
09:13Thank you very much.
09:20Found his car, abandoned, near the warehouse district.
09:24Blood all over the seat. Johnny must have hit him after all.
09:28But the rain washed away his trail.
09:30I want everyone in the street.
09:33I don't care whose hands get caught in car doors.
09:37I want that baby.
09:40Do you understand?
10:04No police.
10:06This child's in trouble. Max died bringing him to me.
10:09And I'm not going to turn him over to no police.
10:12Come on, kid. Help us find out who this little papoose is and what this is all about.
10:16You know, the police would only hand him over to the hospital.
10:19And I know.
10:21And there'd be publicity. And if someone did want to harm the little baby...
10:25You're right, Miss Holt. We've got a great responsibility here.
10:28It's in my charge.
10:30Your what?
10:32Oh, God help us. My astrological charts.
10:39You'll give him right back?
10:44My sister does them for me each month.
10:46You see Virgo rising, the house of Saturn?
10:49It says here for this week that personal success is linked to great responsibility.
10:56It all fits. Personal success, my fight in two days, is linked to great responsibility.
11:01That's the baby. It's gotta be.
11:03So I'm not letting this kid out of my sight until we find out who his mama and his papi is.
11:08Because I don't mess with the stars.
11:10A million fighters in this world, and I'm stuck with Galileo.
11:22Hurry. Upstairs.
11:27Didn't by any chance invite anyone else to your little soiree, did you?
11:31Oh, not me, kid.
11:33Have a look.
11:54Come on.
12:25I know you're wet. We're all wet.
12:28If you'll just let me change you, maybe we'll all feel better.
12:33You're supposed to change him, Laura, not gift-wrap him.
12:37You could make yourself useful and get the formula. Maybe that will work.
12:41Well, it hasn't the last three times, but whatever Mother wants, eh?
12:45I don't need sarcasm now. Not after last night.
12:48Night? What night?
12:50All I can seem to recall is wandering around in endless circles...
12:53to the ceaseless accompaniment of infantile screaming.
12:56Be careful about the bottle. I didn't tighten the top.
13:04You know, you really can't blame him.
13:06How would you like to wake up in a gym locker...
13:08and then spend the night with total strangers?
13:11Actually, I've done it. It wasn't bad.
13:14Well, you know, I don't know if it's a good idea.
13:17Actually, I've done it. It wasn't bad.
13:20We don't even know his name.
13:22Try Caruso.
13:25If this is what parenthood is all about...
13:27I can see why it's an imperiled institution.
13:32Ah, there we go.
13:34Oh, well done, Laura. Well done.
13:37Now we can just keep him quiet for half an hour, maybe 15 minutes or so.
13:41Everybody up!
13:43Gotta hit the road!
13:45Can't you hitch yourself to a dog? You can muzzle a dog.
13:49Because the charts don't say dog, they say baby.
13:52Now, come on.
13:54I'm sorry I'm late. I...
13:57Mr. Steele.
13:59Ah, Auntie Mildred. Do come in.
14:02Come here.
14:05Come here.
14:13Something wrong, Mildred?
14:16What's everybody staring at?
14:18Come on. We got work to do.
14:22So, do you really think it's such a good idea to bring the baby along?
14:25You want to tell Hammer he can't have his way?
14:28Particularly since he's the only one with a knack for keeping the little bugger quiet.
14:32Tell us about the dead man, Barney. He's the only lead we have.
14:35Could he have been into kidnapping or black market babies?
14:39Knack's not a chance. He's a man of his word.
14:42He's a man of his word.
14:44He's a man of his word.
14:46He's a man of his word.
14:48He's a man of his word.
14:50I'm afraid he's not a chance. He's a mousy little guy.
14:53Two-bit bookie. Scared of his own shadow.
14:55Did he have friends, relatives, anything we could go on?
14:58Well, a hammer's the closest thing to a friend he had.
15:01He only let Max hang around the gym because he felt sorry for him.
15:04What about those men at the gym last night? Any idea who they were?
15:08Haven't a clue.
15:10The man is shot. Still, he manages to live long enough to put a baby in a locker.
15:14Someone must've wanted that baby badly enough to kill for him. Why?
15:20Just two more miles, kid.
15:25He's got a lot of energy.
15:27Who's he fighting tomorrow?
15:28Billy Flynn.
15:30Lazing Billy Flynn?
15:32He's ranked number two heavyweight, isn't he?
15:34Yeah, but he's out of shape.
15:36He walked through his last two fights.
15:38He barely won them on points.
15:40Besides, I like the underdog.
15:42That's why I trained you, kid.
15:44You taught Mr. Steele how to fight?
15:46That's right, miss.
15:47I created the Kilkenny Kid.
15:49That was a lifetime ago, Laura.
15:52In Ireland?
15:53In South America.
15:54South America?
15:56It's a long story.
15:57No, it's a short story that's just come to an end.
16:11Judging by his apartment,
16:12Max was about as colorful as a rainy day in Baltimore.
16:20Name downstairs says Max Thursday.
16:22Max, I know.
16:23You, I don't.
16:25Shame he didn't introduce us sooner.
16:27Best bookie in town, eh?
16:29You here alone, pal?
16:31That's right.
16:32And since you're familiar with the door,
16:34I suggest that you, uh...
16:35Then this must be yours.
16:38You know.
16:41It's mine.
16:43You can tell my father.
16:46It's mine.
16:48You can tell my husband.
16:50He can send all the detectives he likes.
16:52Herman and I don't care anymore.
16:54Oh, you don't say.
16:57Well, that's all very brave talk.
17:00So, in a city full of hotel rooms,
17:03you two come to this dump to have a good time.
17:05Is that what you're telling me?
17:06She's telling you to take...
17:07I'm not asking you, sport.
17:11I'm listening, honey.
17:19You don't seem to understand.
17:22I'm the bad guy.
17:24I work for a very powerful man.
17:27Now, if I don't find something for him,
17:29he's gonna be very upset.
17:31You know anything about it, pal?
17:35I can't hear you.
17:38He said no!
17:40I hope not.
17:42Mr. Barber doesn't like for me to ask people a second time.
17:50It's Torrance, Mr. Barber.
17:59Hello, Joseph. How are you?
18:02Fine, Anthony, fine.
18:04Hey, I understand you're having some personal problems.
18:08Anything I can do to help?
18:10I can take care of things.
18:12Ah, that's good.
18:14I wouldn't want anything to interfere with business.
18:17I said...
18:18I heard you!
18:22I'm a little concerned, Joseph.
18:24Ever since your son's accident,
18:26you know, some people say he's gone a little batty.
18:29Taking a fortune, tell us, or something?
18:31Fools will say anything.
18:33Yeah, maybe.
18:35A lot of people have invested a lot of money
18:37in your casino operation, Joseph.
18:39I've not seen dime one.
18:42You know, I'm taking a lot of heat.
18:45You tell me, wait till tomorrow night!
18:47I say, fine! But that's it!
18:50This is business, Joseph.
18:52Some people say I should have let the problem go this long.
18:54Some people have short memories.
18:57I've always come through, and it's no different this time.
19:00You'll get your money.
19:10You better have something good for me.
19:13No one at the gym seems to have seen anything.
19:16We're still asking around, though.
19:18Went over to Thursday's place, though.
19:20Ran into a couple there a little too clever for themselves.
19:23Take a look at this.
19:30Well, we'll have to cancel all photo calls for today.
19:33Oh, that's it! Laugh it up!
19:35Yes, we're almost killed by a till at the thug.
19:39The baby we're protecting is wanted by Joseph Barber,
19:41the biggest gangster in L.A.,
19:43and all you can do is make jokes about my profile.
19:45What are you laughing at?
19:47I'm not laughing at you.
19:49I'm laughing at you.
19:51I'm not laughing at you.
19:53I'm talking about my profile.
19:55What do you expect me to do, sulk?
19:57The baby needs this.
19:59Feeling sorry for yourself isn't helping a thing.
20:01Just what do you mean by that?
20:03You and Barney and South America and whatever that's all about.
20:06Why don't you concentrate on your present and forget your damn past?
20:10I'm sorry. That was out of line.
20:12The truth is, I'm just scared.
20:14Okay, okay. Then it's unanimous.
20:17I'm sorry. I'll get some ice.
20:21Actually, Laura, I don't really want to cool off just now.
20:26Mr. Barber wants to see you.
20:28Ah, the kind of pungent dialogue
20:30found only in the better comic books.
20:33All right, gentlemen, easy on the cloth.
20:36What about comic book...
20:47Remington Steel Investigations.
20:49Yes, Mildred. Is everything all right?
20:51It's fine, except Tamar keeps dropping his right.
20:55And the baby has a little cough.
20:57But I'm gonna call my sister Eunice in Seattle,
20:59and I'll get Mother's remedy.
21:01Oh, can you pick up some extra formula on your way over?
21:04Yeah, yeah, I think I have enough cash.
21:06I'll see you soon.
21:16Oh, no. Oh, no.
21:19Oh, no.
21:25Oh, Sister Eunice, we'll talk forever.
21:50Jab, jab. Come on, throw that right.
21:52Keep it up there. Keep the right up.
21:54Let's go. Barb and weave in there.
21:56Come on, throw it. Come on, use that left.
21:59That's it. All right, take it again.
22:01Throw that right.
22:03Oh, good. Did you bring the formula?
22:05Ow! Hammer, no!
22:09Oh, no!
22:11Oh, no!
22:13Oh, no!
22:15Oh, no!
22:18Oh, no!
22:23Give me my baby.
22:25Your baby?
22:27That's right.
22:29Tell her to give him to me.
22:31Oh, shh.
22:33Come here, Mother.
22:35Oh, sweet baby.
22:38Give him to me.
22:40Oh, shh. Okay.
22:43All right.
22:45You say he's your baby.
22:48I say he's mine.
22:53Now, what are you going to do about it?
22:55Shoot me?
22:57You might hit the baby.
22:59Or I might drop him.
23:01And then you'd have to shoot all of us
23:03because they won't give you my baby either.
23:05He's not your baby.
23:07He's mine.
23:09You're never going to prove it.
23:11You're never going to prove it with that gun.
23:21I just want my baby.
23:30Here's your baby.
23:35What made you do a thing like that?
23:38Old story about a fellow named Solomon.
23:49You can go, Moody.
23:51I know you have some errands you want to run.
23:55Know anything about gardening, Mr. Steele?
23:58Not much.
24:00It teaches a man patience.
24:02The importance of grooming things.
24:04I've been building something in this town
24:07for a long time,
24:09a foundation for my family.
24:11But my dear wife,
24:13may her soul rest in peace,
24:15gave me only one child,
24:18a boy.
24:20Phone call.
24:22I said no calls now.
24:24But it's Billy Flynn. He said...
24:26I said no calls.
24:28My son was, uh,
24:30killed three months ago, Mr. Steele.
24:33Somebody put a bomb in his car.
24:36Yes, the paper said it was intended for you.
24:39I've taken care of the one responsible.
24:42I don't think it'll ever be in the papers.
24:45But I'm an old man now,
24:48and I have only one living heir,
24:50a three-month-old baby.
24:52And someone has taken it away from me.
24:55Someone has stolen my grandson.
24:58Your grandson?
25:00Yes, and I think you know how to find him.
25:03So let me tell you this.
25:05If you don't bring that child to me,
25:08I'll personally cut your heart out,
25:11and no one will ever know,
25:13not the police, not the papers,
25:16not anything of what's left.
25:21I was pregnant by the time I realized
25:24my father-in-law wasn't a kindly old man
25:26in the trucking business.
25:28But my husband assured me
25:30it was gonna be all right.
25:32He was gonna break with the family.
25:35Two weeks later, he was dead.
25:37I'm sorry, Gina.
25:39After that, I decided
25:41I didn't want little Joey growing up with those people.
25:44I tried to leave.
25:46My father-in-law said I could go,
25:48but without the baby.
25:50He said it was his now, his family, his blood.
25:52So he kept you both prisoner,
25:54and you had to find a way out.
25:56Is that where Max came in?
26:00He was my husband.
26:02He liked me, and he loved little Joey.
26:04I know everyone thought Max was just a crummy hustler,
26:07but he said he'd do anything for us, and he meant it.
26:10The night we tried to get away,
26:12I don't know, they must have been waiting
26:14because it all went wrong.
26:16Before I could stop him, Max took little Joey and ran.
26:19I tried to follow, but by the time I got to the gym,
26:22Moody and the rest were there,
26:24and I didn't know where little Joey was.
26:26That's when I saw you all leaving.
26:29Well, I can certainly understand
26:32why you brought a gun here.
26:34Hey, we've got company.
26:43They're not gonna get my son!
26:59Gina, don't!
27:30I just don't understand how you could let her go.
27:33That's all!
27:35She pushed the baby at me.
27:37She grabbed the blankets and ran.
27:39I couldn't stop her.
27:41Shh! I'll never get that baby to sleep
27:43with you two carrying on like this.
27:45I'm sorry, Mildred, I'm sorry.
27:47I'm sorry.
27:49I'm sorry.
27:51I'm sorry.
27:53I'm sorry.
27:55I'm sorry.
27:57I'm sorry, Mildred, I'm sorry.
27:59I'm sorry.
28:01Where did you disappear to this time?
28:03Paying an involuntary call to Joseph Barber.
28:05He made some graphic predictions about my anatomy
28:08if I failed to return his grandson.
28:10Yes, Steele here.
28:12No more games like this afternoon, Mr. Steele.
28:16The baby could get hurt, and nobody wants that, do they?
28:20I've got Gina, and I'll wager her life
28:23means more to you than it does to me.
28:26Let me tell you something.
28:28I propose a trade.
28:30Just wait a minute.
28:32I want an answer tomorrow at 12 o'clock.
28:37That was Mr. Barber.
28:39He wants to trade Gina for the baby.
28:41If we don't agree, he's gonna kill her.
28:44I mean, even if we could get Gina back
28:46somehow without giving up the baby,
28:48there's no way on earth that Barber won't find them.
28:50Then we have to find a way to stop Barber.
28:52The police have been trying to put him in ice for 20 years.
28:55What about the Kilkenny kid, Pride of the Pampas?
28:58Did he ever find himself up against a stronger opponent?
29:03He ran like hell.
29:05I'm serious.
29:06All right.
29:07If we can't take them on strength,
29:09then we look for their weaknesses, unprotected areas.
29:11Wait for a chance to score, then back off.
29:13But Barber?
29:14Just another fighter.
29:15He has weaknesses, too.
29:17Gina said something about his being over his head
29:19in debt to a man named Torrance.
29:21Could that be something?
29:22Yes, I heard the name.
29:23Operates out of the East Coast.
29:25Very heavy in Barber's circle of friends.
29:27Apparently, Torrance is tired of carrying Barber's debt.
29:30Gina said the word was Barber had found a way
29:32to clear all his markers in one night.
29:35Phone call.
29:36I said no calls now.
29:38It's Billy Flynn.
29:39He said...
29:40Wait a minute.
29:41He said Billy Flynn was on the phone.
29:43Now, Flynn fights the Hammer tomorrow night.
29:45That's it.
29:46That's what?
29:47The way to clear the markers, the soft spot.
29:49Grab your coat.
29:50Grab my coat.
29:54Okay, enough already, kid.
29:56Let's not overdo it.
29:57Five more minutes, Barney.
29:58Five more.
30:07What are you doing here?
30:09You neglected to tell us that blazing Billy Flynn
30:12is controlled by none other than Joseph Barber.
30:15A lot of fighters fight for Barber.
30:17So what?
30:18So I've been wondering how Hammer,
30:21a fighter with only 16 bouts under his belt,
30:24could come up against the number two heavyweight.
30:26Well, the Hammer's earned it.
30:28I mean, those bouts are his.
30:29Tank town matches, Barney.
30:31We checked.
30:32No class.
30:33I could take half those guys.
30:35Come on, Barney.
30:36You're the one who taught me how filthy this game can be.
30:38Circulate rumors about a good man gone bad,
30:41overpraise a newcomer as the next great hope,
30:43and bingo!
30:45The odds tip to you.
30:47Bed heavy on a designated round.
30:49It's lions against the lambs, and it's a slaughter.
30:51Easy money.
30:52I don't know what he's talking about.
30:54Oh, Barney, Barney, this isn't some street corner in Rio.
30:57Now tell me,
30:59what round is Flynn gonna take the Hammer?
31:02Come on, kid.
31:03What round, Barney?
31:07The sixth.
31:09All right?
31:10When were you planning to tell Hammer about this?
31:13Yeah, when, Barney?
31:16Hey, kid.
31:17Get up, Barney.
31:18Now listen, kid.
31:20You were begging me for a good fight.
31:22Well, you got a good fight.
31:24This whole thing is blown out of proportion here.
31:26Now listen, kid.
31:27I said get out.
31:30Get out.
33:01Nice job, Herschel.
33:03You're a sly one, Miss Holtz, you are.
33:05If you hadn't have pushed me,
33:07I don't think I'd have had the fire to get into the ring.
33:09You really think we got a shot at pulling this off?
33:12You read the stars.
33:14We can't miss.
33:16Mr. Torrance?
33:17Anthony Torrance?
33:18Yeah, who's this?
33:19How'd you get this number?
33:21Let's just say I know people in the right places.
33:23Mr. Torrance, there's something you should know about Joseph Barber.
33:26I don't know anyone by that name.
33:28You're never going to see your money.
33:30The fix is off.
33:31Mr. Barber is no longer in control of the situation.
33:33If I were you, I'd get yourself down to the ringside tonight.
33:35Unless, of course, you're willing to see him get out of the country.
33:38Who is this?
33:50That's all right, Mildred.
33:51Go back to sleep.
33:55So you're the next little Caesar, eh?
33:58You don't much look the part, do you?
34:02That's it. I'll get it.
34:10Steele here.
34:11Twelve o'clock, Mr. Steele.
34:15All right, Barber.
34:17It's your game now.
34:18You've got a deal.
34:19Gina for the baby.
34:21What say we make the switch at the fight tonight?
34:24At the fight?
34:25I want a place with plenty of people around me for protection.
34:28Say, the second round during the main event.
34:34That'll be fine, Mr. Steele.
34:40So, we watch the fight and then...
34:43We kill him.
34:55There you go. I'll take it.
34:57I'll take your head.
34:58Oh, darn it. There we go.
35:00Come on, now, mate.
35:01It's not that bad, is it?
35:04It's not that bad.
35:08Yes, yes.
35:11Sorry, now. It's tough, isn't it, eh?
35:14Yes, I've been there many times myself.
35:17Many times.
35:18Always on the run.
35:20Bounced around from place to place.
35:23Oh, yes.
35:25But you'll soon learn, father's nerve, what you're made of, don't you, darling?
35:28Shh. I know you do. I know you do.
35:31You know what the trick to the whole thing is, Joey?
35:34It's not how many times life knocks you down.
35:38It's how many times you pick yourself back up.
35:41Isn't it, Joey?
35:42Did you know that?
35:44I think the hammer's ready to go for it, but...
35:53Yes, and Hennessy, Tennessee,
35:55Toots the flute and the music is ever so proud.
35:58It's the pride of dear old Ireland,
36:00It's McNamara's band.
36:03Ba-bum, ba-bum.
36:06My name is McNamara, I'm the leader of the band.
36:09Although we're few in numbers, we're the finest in the land.
36:28Shouldn't Mr. Steele be here by now?
36:30He'll be right along.
36:31He just said he'd forgotten something that we might need.
36:34Right here?
36:53Oh, do it.
37:04Evening, sport.
37:06You're a bit premature, sport.
37:08Our deal was after the second round.
37:11That's right.
37:15I just want to make sure you weren't planning any surprises.
37:18Now, I think we can all take a leisurely drive over to the arena.
37:23Why not?
37:26Ladies and gentlemen,
37:28this is the main event of the evening,
37:31ten rounds of boxing,
37:33and presenting the big boys of boxing,
37:38Introducing, first of all,
37:40the hammered...
37:42Billy Boy.
37:43And his opponent, blazing...
37:46And his opponent, blazing...
37:48Billy Flynn.
37:53And the construction...
37:55Don Clementin.
37:57Remember, the man scoring a knockdown
38:00will go to the furthest neutral corner and remain there
38:02until I signal him to resume fighting.
38:04Shake hands, and let's have a good fight.
38:08First no Barney, now no Mr. Steele.
38:11Have you ever cornered a fight, Miss Holt?
38:13Hundreds of times.
38:15But you can do it, Herschel.
38:17You just look for weaknesses,
38:18unpredicted areas,
38:20wait for a chance to score,
38:22and back off.
38:46Amazing first-round action.
38:48Sinclair was staggered by that hook from Flynn.
38:51He's backing into a corner now and covering up,
38:53and Flynn is all over him.
38:55Come on!
38:57Get him!
38:59Get him!
39:01And there's the bell.
39:02That's the end of the first round,
39:04and it was all Flynn's.
39:07Mr. Steele was right.
39:09I'm not in this guy's league.
39:10Of course you are.
39:11You're just a kid.
39:13I'm not in this guy's league.
39:14Of course you are.
39:15You just have to go back in there and hit him.
39:17You look for weaknesses, unprotected areas,
39:19wait for a chance to score...
39:21And then back off.
39:22Thanks, Miss Holt.
39:23I just got to stay on my feet for 6 rounds,
39:25and then Barber loses the bet, right?
39:28It's a piece of cake.
39:30It's a piece of cake.
39:38Oh, that body blow really hurts Sinclair.
39:43Well, the jab landed,
39:44and there appears to be a cut over the left eye of Sinclair.
39:48He'll never make it past the 6 without my help.
39:51You didn't want him to before.
39:52Why care now?
39:53Because I need this fight as much as the hammer.
39:56Forget it.
40:00I came across a wild young brawler
40:02in a street fight at Brazil.
40:04He was tall and thin.
40:05He didn't look like a fighter,
40:06but he had a dog in him that just wouldn't lie down.
40:09So I trained him,
40:10and we went from village to village,
40:12challenging all comers.
40:13The local bullies used to take one look
40:16and throw in their life savings,
40:18but they didn't know the kid could box,
40:20and every one of them fell face down into the dust.
40:24Well, we managed to stay one step ahead of our reputation.
40:28Well, as soon as we made some money,
40:30I promised the kid I'd take him to the States
40:32and hit the big time.
40:34I was supposed to meet him in a corner in Rio.
40:38Well, I never showed.
40:41I drunk away our life savings the night before.
40:44So you see, one of us wasn't ready for the big time.
40:47It's a little late for explanations.
40:49Yeah, but you can't help the hammer,
40:51and I'm getting sick of bus stations.
40:59Circle to the left, use your jab,
41:01and keep up your right for crying out loud.
41:04All right, so I had a flat tire.
41:06I'm here, ain't I?
41:09Good evening.
41:10Where have you been?
41:11On a joyride.
41:13Hey, hold it up, hammer.
41:14Okay, okay.
41:15Good, good.
41:17What's your man doing here?
41:19Better than a street corner in Brazil.
41:22Oh, baby!
41:23Okay, get him!
41:31Well, you want to say goodbye?
41:49Now it's time for you to keep your part of the bargain.
41:54I can't leave my baby, Mr. Steele.
41:56Gina, come on.
41:57I'm sorry.
41:58You heard their decision, Steele.
42:01You wouldn't separate a mother from a child.
42:11She won't leave without the baby, will she?
42:14It can still work.
42:15It depends on whether Torrance shows up.
42:17Whether Hammer's right, Steele, holds up.
42:19Come on, Hammer!
42:41And that's the end of a brutal fifth round in a savage fight.
42:47This is it, Billy.
42:48He's got to go down.
42:49Go to him hard.
42:50I thought I was supposed to waltz with the guy for five rounds
42:52and tap him to sleep.
42:53Instead, he's been fighting like a maniac.
42:55How do you feel, kid?
42:56Good, good, good.
42:57I feel good.
42:58I've never seen such a glutton for punishment.
43:01Don't worry.
43:02I'm going to hold him back.
43:04This round, he goes down.
43:06Don't worry.
43:07I'm going to hold him back.
43:08This round, he goes down.
43:10It's a sixth round.
43:11You got to get through this
43:12or Barber gets away with everything.
43:24What's he doing?
43:27There's that Torrance over there.
43:29Come on, give me your hand.
43:30Now it's all up to the Hammer.
43:32Come on, come on.
43:33You can do it.
43:34Right on him, Billy.
43:35Right on him now.
43:40What is holding Sinclair up?
43:42Stand back there.
43:43Stand back.
43:44Go to a neutral corner.
43:45Get up, Flynn.
43:46Get up.
43:47How could this?
43:48Get to a neutral corner there.
43:50Always right.
43:51Always right.
43:53You know that?
43:56One, two, three, four.
44:01Go to your neutral corner, Flynn.
44:04Five, six, seven, eight.
44:09You okay? You okay?
44:10All right.
44:21It's all over now.
44:34Come on.
44:46Where the fuck?
44:55Thanks a lot, boys.
44:59Let's go.
45:16I think you and me should have a little talk, Joseph.
45:25Come over here.
45:34Come on.
45:40Okay, kid, you got maybe one punch to make it.
45:43When he goes to your body, he drops his left.
45:46All right, let him have his punch.
45:48And then set him up, step inside,
45:50and throw your uppercut.
45:51You got that?
46:02All right, sunshine.
46:04Let's see how you fare with the artillery.
46:06It'll be a pleasant shot.
46:34All right.
47:17The Kilkenny Kid.
47:19Pride of the Pampas.
47:21Funny, I kind of like that name for you.
47:23Yes, just don't get too attached to it.
47:26Still down on attachments, are we?
47:29I thought our little Caruso
47:30might have changed your attitude about that.
47:33Who knows?
47:34Remington Steele might prove a good father someday.
47:37You're dreaming, Laura.
47:39Am I?
47:43And Hennessey, Tennessee, toodle-doo,
47:45flute and the music is something grand.
47:47Accredited to Old Island is McNamara's band.