Remington Steele S02E18

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Remington Steele S02E18


00:00Now listen, Blondie, and listen well.
00:02Stay away from Mrs. Dumont.
00:04You paid Blackmail with a personal check?
00:07He wanted $10,000.
00:09Are you sure you didn't give him anything?
00:12This town is a veritable patent place.
00:15If the police charge your wife with murder,
00:17how many checks do you think you can write?
00:19As many as it takes, Miss Hope.
00:21I think you'll find yours extremely generous.
00:24Stop! Thief!
00:27Stop! Thief!
01:27© BF-WATCH TV 2021
01:57© BF-WATCH TV 2021
02:27Stop it. Stop it.
02:58Leave me alone.
03:02You're insane. You should be locked up.
03:06© BF-WATCH TV 2021
03:25For over 20 years, I've been a faithful, devoted wife.
03:28Sometimes I think that's all I've ever been.
03:31Mrs. Charles Dumont, the oil magnate's wife.
03:34If I so much as thought of making love with another man,
03:37I told myself I was hallucinating.
03:39What changed that, Mrs. Dumont?
03:41Time. Too many years.
03:44Too many hours.
03:49I wanted to be touched by somebody other than my masseuse.
03:52And that someone?
03:54Walter Mueller.
03:57A young auto mechanic.
03:59He makes house calls in Rancho Santa Luisa, servicing our cars.
04:04It... It was an arrangement.
04:08Go on, Mrs. Dumont.
04:10He charged me for work he didn't do.
04:13You know, tune-ups, carburetors, that sort of thing.
04:17And then two weeks ago,
04:19he told me he needed $10,000 for new equipment.
04:25Exactly. I wouldn't pay him.
04:27That took courage.
04:29Somehow it offended me more to pay a blackmailer than to pay a lover.
04:34Unfortunately, Mueller's come up with a rather imaginative form of persuasion.
04:42The Swinger's Street Journal.
04:45The true wealth of the senses.
04:47The classified ads on the back.
04:49That circled item?
04:53That's me!
04:55Mr. Dumont, with my unlisted phone number
04:58and a description of me and my... specialties,
05:01as a result, every pervert and sex maniac in the dialing area
05:05has given Flaming Emily a jingle.
05:08Have you thought of changing your telephone number?
05:11Oh, yes. Yes, of course.
05:13But my husband would want to know why.
05:15Does he know about this? No.
05:17And right this moment, he's at the White House in Washington, lunching there.
05:21He's back in Santa Luisa this evening for a cocktail party.
05:24He's insisting we give.
05:26And this Mueller seems very determined.
05:28I hope you can prove he's behind this harassment.
05:31And I want you to put a stop to it.
05:34Miss Holt, Mr. Steele, I made a mistake.
05:37Just one.
05:39I regret it. I wouldn't do it again.
05:42But I live in a world where you can pay for that kind of mistake forever.
05:55How long are you going to linger over that catalogue of curves and kinks?
05:59Laura, I'm researching the case.
06:01Do you always smack your lips when you research?
06:04I'm marveling at the, uh, the, uh,
06:07the creativity of the human animal.
06:10Animal, yes. Creative, I don't know.
06:13Why is it so amazing that the world is filled with twisted, lonely people?
06:17Yes, well, if some of the people in here can provide what they promise,
06:20they won't be lonely for long.
06:22Mr. Steele, I don't mean to-to ground your flight of fancy,
06:26and I'm sure it's very fancy,
06:28but could we take a moment to discuss our M.O. on this case?
06:31Precisely my agenda, Laura.
06:33I suggest that once we reach Rancho Santa Luisa,
06:36you, uh, shield Mrs. DeMont from further harassment
06:40while I, uh, nail young Mueller for this shabby and tawdry business.
06:45How do you plan to do that?
06:47Don't these filthy rags guarantee their clients' confidentiality?
06:51I intend to beat the publisher at his own game.
06:56Among that sort, beating may be considered foreplay.
06:59Oh, Laura.
07:10Does it tell you something about this community
07:12that every other office is a stockbroker's?
07:15Yes. I think our friend publisher should be around the next corner.
07:18Stockbroker here, porno shop there.
07:21Work hard, play hard.
07:33High-class clientele.
07:35Mm-hmm. High-class community.
07:39Don't get lost in your work.
08:06Gentlemen, pray continue with your activities.
08:25Well, Mr. Vershoever, Lord Marchmain.
08:28What are you, a wrestler?
08:30Only with great ideas.
08:32Excellent restraints and leathers, Mr. Vershoever.
08:35What can I do for you, Lord?
08:37I, sir, am an author.
08:39Don't need no author. I don't even need a writer.
08:41I do the whole damn paper myself.
08:43Remarkable, but I require neither employment nor a publisher.
08:46I've already sold my book.
08:48The sexual exploits of an English nobleman.
08:50English noblemen are out of date.
08:52I mean, that's last year's filth.
08:54I intend to eliminate the middleman
08:56and sell my book directly to its special, uh, constituency.
09:00Therefore, I'm prepared to offer you a handsome fee
09:04for your list of classified advertisers
09:06and your magnificently prurient publication,
09:09$1,000 and 5% of the profits on the book.
09:12My advertisers count on me to protect them, Lord.
09:15It's a sacred oath, you know, like a doc on his patients.
09:18I can see you're a straight iron, Mr. Vershoever.
09:20What would you say to 10%?
09:22It's 10% a zip, Lord, huh?
09:24The book ain't gonna sell.
09:26Yes, well, before you decide, Mr. Vershoever,
09:28just have a glance at this, I pray.
09:30A glance.
09:32This paragraph, for instance.
09:37My Lord, that's disgusting.
09:41I did attempt to reach the heights of depravity with that one.
09:43Do you think it has a chance?
09:45It's gold.
09:47I mean, I've worked with some of the biggest talents in this business.
09:49Uh, Countess Perverse, Jack Lance.
09:51You dwarf them, March Main.
09:53You dwarf them.
09:55I do?
09:5912 1⁄2.
10:05Dumont Residence.
10:08No, no, you have the wrong number.
10:10There is no Emily here.
10:12No, I'm not interested either.
10:20Dumont Residence?
10:22I've told people you're a Vassar alumna.
10:24I'm on the board of trustees.
10:26This is my social secretary, Miss Hopkins.
10:29She's been an absolute pillar through this whole mess.
10:32Mrs. Dumont?
10:34I've enjoyed working for you,
10:36but I can't stand this sudden rush of activity.
10:38I can't answer one more time.
10:40Dumont Residence?
10:42I have such a headache.
10:43Miss Hopkins?
10:45Madre de Dios!
10:47The world is ending!
10:49Senora Dumont.
10:51For this, you make me learn English.
10:53I go back to Bolivia.
11:16Sounds like fun.
11:18But I can't.
11:20Mother's here.
11:28Ah, yes.
11:30Him again.
11:32I think his name is Big Al.
11:36I'm very busy tonight.
11:38Mother's here.
11:40Bring her along?
11:44If only my husband's plane were hijacked or something.
11:57No such luck.
11:59It's him.
12:01No more ringing.
12:03I've disconnected it.
12:05Nice try, but it won't work.
12:07The first thing he'll do
12:09after complaining about another houseguest from Vassar
12:12is go straight to the phone.
12:25Hi, dear.
12:27How was Washington?
12:32Darling, this is Miss Holt.
12:34From Vassar?
12:36At least this one's pretty.
12:38The phone's disconnected.
12:40No wonder I couldn't reach you.
12:45Who is this?
12:49That must be for me.
12:51My fiancé.
12:53Your fiancé's got a filthy mouth.
12:57Yes, dear.
12:59I'll call you tomorrow.
13:02Well, then, you call me.
13:05It's not convenient now.
13:08I'm not available.
13:10I gave that school $100,000.
13:12What are they teaching them these days?
13:14Times change.
13:16I gotta call Jakarta by 4 o'clock.
13:19No. No, flatly no.
13:21I gotta run now. Bye.
13:34It's for you.
13:49Walter Mueller?
13:51Sorry, 4 o'clock appointment.
13:53Never late, Mueller.
13:55I'm a private investigator.
13:57I'm sure you'll recognize this.
13:59Gottlieb Limmel.
14:03Never see this before.
14:05Your English is very good.
14:07You are too kind.
14:09But your German's lousy, mate.
14:12Now listen, blondie, and listen well,
14:14because I'm only gonna say this once.
14:16Stay away from Mrs. Dumont.
14:18Stay away from who?
14:20I know you placed this ad in the paper. I can prove it.
14:23If you make one more dirty little move around her,
14:25and I'll have the police on you so fast
14:27that you'll wish you were in Stuttgart.
14:31You're on private property.
14:33You get a warrant, do something.
14:35If not, get out.
14:37Well, I hope you have a good memory, because I don't.
15:01If any of these people knew about flaming Emily,
15:04I'd be gossip fodder for the next 12 cocktail parties.
15:07We'll see that they don't find out.
15:09Oh, you and Mr. Steele are such a blessing.
15:13You know, my life wasn't always like this.
15:16There was a time when Charles and I were as close as...
15:23Come. Meet the neighbors.
15:28I'd like you to meet Laura Holt.
15:30This is Jimmy and Sandra Carson.
15:33Hi. We live in the Spanish colonial across the stream.
15:36Happiness hacienda.
15:38Si, senora.
15:39Si, pequeña senora.
15:44Oh, hello, Tommy.
15:46Tommy Montague.
15:47The helicopter man.
15:49And my better half, Anne.
15:51Tommy's too modest.
15:53Excuse us, Anne, Tommy.
15:57Doc Marcus is here.
15:59May I introduce Phil and Betsy Linder?
16:02Hi. The big traditional right up the stream.
16:05You must be the young lady from Vassar.
16:08Urgent call.
16:10Terribly sorry.
16:12School business.
16:14Good old Vassar.
16:16If these calls start again, I'm gonna fall apart.
16:18Why don't you go get some air, Mrs. Dumont?
16:20I'll handle this.
16:22Good idea.
16:27Now, listen.
16:29I've had all the disgusting propositions I'm going to...
16:32Laura, I haven't made you a disgusting proposition in ages.
16:35Sorry. This phone's become an instrument of the devil.
16:38How did you do with Mueller?
16:40It seems I've lost my knack of terrorizing people.
16:42I think we're gonna have to take a different tack with him.
16:44You mean we're in for more exotic experiences?
16:49They may be beginning already. Call me back.
17:08Good night.
17:14I've managed to tell my husband everything.
17:17How did he take it?
17:19Badly. I hurt him.
17:22I don't ever want to hurt anyone like that again.
17:24Mrs. Dumont, um,
17:26Miss Holt found this Mercedes key
17:28clutched in Mueller's hand.
17:30Aren't you two taking a terrible professional risk?
17:33I mean, what's it called? Uh, withholding evidence?
17:35Let's call that mislaying.
17:37Milder penalty, hmm?
17:39Yes, but you wouldn't do that unless you thought I was in serious trouble, huh?
17:41Now that Mueller's dead, there's nothing more for you two to do.
17:45Mr. Dumont, we can't be sure that Mueller
17:47was the only one involved in the blackmail.
17:49I'll deal with any other blackmailers.
17:51The fact that Mueller was blackmailing your wife
17:53gives her a prime motive for killing him.
17:55As of now, the police are saying that his death was an accident.
17:57An autopsy might change their minds.
17:59Well, I'll deal with that situation, too, in my own way.
18:02Charles! I don't want to go to prison for a murder I didn't commit.
18:05You're overwrought. Overwrought!
18:07How much do we owe these people?
18:09Mr. Dumont, if the police charge your wife with murder,
18:12how many checks do you think you can write?
18:14As many as it takes, Miss Holt.
18:16I think you'll find yours extremely generous.
18:19So good night.
18:25Let's go to Mueller's, find out who his last customer was.
18:28In case you hadn't noticed, Laura, we've been relieved of our duties.
18:31Not by Mrs. Dumont.
18:33As far as I'm concerned, she's still our client.
18:36Normally I approve of a theatrical gesture,
18:38but that one's a trifle extravagant, wouldn't you agree?
18:41A matter of principle.
18:43Never let principle interfere with money.
18:45We'll go to Mueller's.
18:47And to that extent, I'll be seduced by your principles.
18:50Would you really have cashed that check and gone home?
18:53Or is the question academic?
18:55Oh, Laura, you're giving me a freebie.
18:57I can be a high-minded fellow at hardly any cost.
19:00Imagine that. Seduced twice and by the same principles.
19:03I believe it's called double jeopardy.
19:06What is it?
19:08I was just thinking of Mrs. Dumont.
19:10She's so vulnerable.
19:12She'll probably be pacing the floors all night
19:14while all her friends sleep soundly in their mansions.
19:17You paid blackmail with a personal check?
19:20I wasn't...
19:24I wasn't thinking.
19:26Betsy, what if some bank clerk
19:28happened to notice the signature on the check?
19:30Buy him off!
19:32If he showed it around?
19:34Buy everyone off!
19:36If they made copies?
19:38Buy the bank!
19:40He wanted $10,000.
19:43I'll give him something.
19:47What did you give him?
19:49Don't you know me?
19:51I just gave him my bracelet.
19:54The one with diamonds and rubies.
19:57Sandra, I paid $24,000 for that bracelet.
20:01Don't you realize they can trace jewelry?
20:10I'll play the closet game with you if you'd like.
20:15I don't think the closet game will work tonight.
20:20Are you sure you didn't give him anything?
20:23I sent him a couple of notes.
20:28For appointments, Tommy.
20:30I thought you were smarter than that.
20:40Come on.
21:03Apparently Mueller felt secure enough
21:05to keep his door unlocked.
21:07That's a terminal carelessness.
21:09Come on.
21:16He must have kept records of his appointments.
21:20Moonlight is romantic, but it's hell to read by.
21:31It's a Mercedes.
21:33Are there any other kind of cars in this town?
21:37Jimmy Kassin.
21:39Returning to the scene of the crime?
21:41Looking for the same thing we are?
21:43Splendid opportunity to try our key.
21:46You keep an eye on the Midnight Marauder.
22:07Come on.
23:33Oh, God.
24:37Come on.
25:07You sure my boys?
25:21We must leave.
25:22No, baby boys.
25:23No, no.
25:26Stop, please.
25:28Let's go through there.
25:29If you turn around, I'll go through there.
25:31No, maybe.
25:32If you turn around, I'll turn around.
25:39Let him loose.
26:11Laura, Laura, Laura, Laura.
26:16Laura, where have you gone to?
26:23Laura, where have you gone to?
26:37Good Lord, Laura, all you had to do was try a key.
26:42Steady, girl, steady.
26:44Do you like the lies of crossing the ice?
26:47Shut up. Chase my dogs.
26:51You need a little quiet.
26:53Mr. Steele, you're a caring person.
26:55Thank you. Watch your head.
26:57Okay. All right.
26:59If they protected their women around here the way they protect their property, Walter Mueller would have died of starvation.
27:22Based on his appointment book, I'd say he died of exhaustion.
27:25Gave me reading.
27:27Well, it's Lord Mark's man to shame.
27:33Look out!
27:49Somebody knows I'm not a Vassar girl.
27:52That was an oil truck. Isn't the mountain oil?
27:55I'm wearing something just as slippery.
28:11Ah, much better.
28:13Beginning to look like the old Laura again.
28:16I know you're trying to be kind, but please don't say the old Laura ever looked like this.
28:21Laura, if Mr. Dumont is the killer, why didn't he show up at that scavenger hunt at Mueller's?
28:27Maybe there was nothing he needed to retrieve.
28:30I assume this is one thing they were all after.
28:33Mueller's appointment book?
28:35Mm-hmm. I found it in his van.
28:38Who was his last appointment?
28:41Well, nothing for today, but apparently he liked to do his accounting at night.
28:48And apparently Mrs. Dumont isn't the only client where he, as they say, wore two hats.
28:54The young lady that you identify as Anne Montague.
28:57Three tune-ups in one month.
29:00Her motor must be absolutely frenzied by now.
29:02Who else subscribed to Mueller's service?
29:05Look up Betsy Lindner.
29:12It seems her transmission required extraordinary attention.
29:17What about Sandra Casson, Big Signore's wife?
29:25That bad?
29:27If her 450 required half of these repairs, she has the sourest lemon that ever rolled out of Stuttgart.
29:33All three of those loving couples are neighbors of the Dumonts.
29:37They wouldn't have to move the body that far.
29:40Well, tomorrow, Prince Charming, if you'll excuse my lack of modesty,
29:43shall take the glass key and try to find Cinderella's ignition.
29:46For tonight, shall we dance?
29:49Why not?
29:51Mm-hmm. I'm flattered by your enthusiasm.
29:54Sorry. It's a long evening.
30:08You think anybody is here with their spouse?
30:11In most places, I'd say yes.
30:14Rancho Santa Luisa? I'd be loathe to bet on it.
30:18This town is a veritable patent place.
30:21A lot of time. Lee Phillips, 20th Century Fox, 1957.
30:26These people have all the money in the world.
30:29Beautiful houses, enviable lifestyles.
30:32But they don't seem to have marriages.
30:35Instead, they have arrangements.
30:37You run the house. I'll run the empire.
30:40I'll see my poopsie. You see your mechanic.
30:43Just keep up appearances. Is that how it has to end up?
30:47Just appearances?
30:49Not necessarily.
30:51For most people, the bloom never leaves the rose.
30:54There's no guarantee of that.
30:56Risk goes with the territory.
30:58For you and I, we risk our lives every day.
31:01Professionally, maybe that's enough risk for me.
31:04Mm-hmm. We're not douncing.
31:06You know the old song?
31:08My heart won't do the things my feet want to do?
31:11I think you have that reversed.
31:13Not tonight, I don't.
31:30Hi. Alfred Mainwaring.
31:32Walter and I were about to announce our partnership
31:36when the dreadful tragedy occurred.
31:38Walter didn't tell me he was going into partnership.
31:41You know how discreet he was. Indeed.
31:44Are you as well-trained as Walter?
31:46Stuttgart 81?
31:48With honors?
31:50Of a sort.
31:54I think I can find some use for you.
31:59Scratch us off your list.
32:01We're taking our business back to the dealer.
32:04Are you sure they'll provide the same quality service?
32:07What do you mean by that?
32:09Some of the bigger, more impersonal operations
32:12tend to overlook the, uh, telling detail.
32:15What are you doing? Get out of my car!
32:18I can see you're a woman of decision, Mrs. Kasson, yes.
32:35Ah, yes.
32:41Yes, well, it leaks oil.
32:44Do you specialize in diagnoses?
32:46I check out the crankshaft and the gaskets.
32:49Ah, yes, crankshaft and gaskets, yes.
32:51Critical, very critical.
32:53How long do you think it will take to fix?
32:55Oh, a day or two.
32:57It's leaked oil before, and Walter's had it fixed in an hour.
33:00Ah, Walter's one fault, slapdash.
33:02That's why he asked me to come in, to slow things down.
33:05Are you sure he was going to make you a partner?
33:08Oh, yes.
33:10Wouldn't want to have any dissatisfied customers now, would we?
33:13Don't want to kind of desecrate Walter's memory.
33:17Uh, where do you think you're going?
33:20Um, um, test drive.
33:32Ah, yes, hear that?
33:39Speed is of the essence.
33:41Couple, maybe three hours.
33:43Double the workforce.
33:45That'll triple your charges.
33:47I admire your mathematics.
33:50I like yours, too.
33:52Come back in an hour.
34:00I'll be in Brussels on Wednesday.
34:02We can renegotiate.
34:04What are you doing here?
34:06As Mr. Steele predicted,
34:08the autopsy's convinced the police it was murder.
34:11I'll call you back.
34:13Now, don't be frightened. You didn't do it.
34:15It's not myself I'm frightened for.
34:17Then who?
34:22I didn't even know about you and Mueller till after he was dead.
34:26So you led me to believe.
34:28Do you think I'm capable of killing somebody?
34:32How do I know?
34:34After all these years, I don't know you any better than you know me.
34:37What is it?
34:39Laura Holt to see you.
34:41Laura Holt to see me?
34:43Well, let her come in.
34:45Let her come in.
34:48Send her in.
34:51What's this about?
34:53I don't know. Do you?
34:55Good morning.
34:57Miss Holt?
34:59Last night, Mr. Steele and I were run off the road by an oil truck.
35:02You're the only oil man in the community.
35:04Last night? Last night, one of our trucks was stolen.
35:07Here's the report. It was abandoned 50 miles down the coast.
35:10Read it yourself. It's time-stamped.
35:12I'll take your word. But I'd like to look at the truck.
35:14It might tell us something.
35:16I seem to remember dismissing you.
35:18Mr. Steele and I decided not to hear it.
35:20Miss Holt! Careful, Charles.
35:22Here's somebody who's not afraid of you.
35:24And you have no reason to be afraid of us.
35:26We want to help.
35:28Somebody borrowed your truck for a murder attempt.
35:31They may not be trying to frame you, but they're certainly not your friend.
35:34Listen to her.
35:36For once, listen to somebody.
35:41What do you want me to do, Miss Holt?
35:44Don't keep any secrets from me.
35:51Is this the one?
35:53I can't swear to that.
35:55It was dark.
35:57But it could have been.
36:02Whoever ran us off the road
36:04would have to have some experience driving one of these, wouldn't they?
36:07I'd say so. They're not easy.
36:09Have you driven one?
36:11Yeah. Not for 30 years.
36:13And not last night.
36:15What about your friends?
36:17I doubt if any of them ever had to.
36:19Most of them are old money.
36:21I'm one of the few self-made men around here.
36:24When I started in the oil fields,
36:26I had nothing but my two hands and one very lucky break.
36:30What was that?
36:32A bright, educated, loving wife.
36:35Yeah, Emily.
36:37She pushed me, taught me, supported me.
36:41I was crazy about her.
36:43I thought she was crazy.
36:45I was crazy about her.
36:47I really wanted to succeed.
36:49She gave me ambition.
36:51Sounds like a lovely beginning.
36:53Yeah, it was.
36:55And when she told me about Mueller,
36:57I realized how much we've lost.
36:59Somewhere along the line,
37:01it changed from ecstasy to exasperation.
37:05So I kept myself very busy,
37:07with grand plans, building an empire.
37:11Let me tell you something, Miss Holt.
37:13When you're smart, ambitious, independent,
37:17it's a lot easier to maintain a career than a relationship.
37:21Don't ever make that mistake.
37:25I'll try to remember that.
37:30You think these belong to one of your drivers?
37:33I don't let them drive on medication.
37:48Anybody home?
38:20Oh, dear.
38:22Did you see a doctor?
38:24You wouldn't go, Miss Holt.
38:26When you phoned, you promised you'd see a doctor.
38:28My bones have stopped vibrating.
38:30Any idea what happened?
38:31Someone obviously rewired the switches.
38:33Good place not to do business.
38:35Particularly when you have enemies in Rancho Santa Luisa.
38:38Apparently our enemy gets all tensed up
38:40when he tries to kill someone.
38:42Nitroglycerin tablets.
38:44I found them in the oil truck.
38:46Those are for heart conditions.
38:48My ex-husband used them.
38:50That's how I discovered he had a heart.
38:52Do those belong to someone in the dormant social circle?
38:55The druggist felt that information was confidential.
39:00Maybe he should take a share of Lord March Maine's memoirs.
39:03He did suggest that over half the men in Rancho Santa Luisa
39:06have heart conditions.
39:08That's one of the perks of a seven-figure income.
39:10That my ex-husband didn't have.
39:12The druggist won't talk.
39:13The police are probably one step behind us.
39:15Suggestions, Miss Holt?
39:17We crash a party.
39:19A party?
39:20If we play our cards right,
39:21one of the guests is going to get for just desserts.
39:41You're on, Miss Holt.
39:54Have some more sandwiches.
39:57Anyway, what was it?
40:00Miss Holt!
40:02What a lovely surprise.
40:04You may change your mind about that, Mrs. Lindner.
40:06I suspect that more than one of you knows
40:09that I'm not what I pretended to be.
40:11I'm a private detective
40:13investigating the death of Walter Mueller.
40:15Oh, it was so tragic.
40:17Poor Walter. He was a wonderful mechanic.
40:20Yes, and he knew his place.
40:22I don't relish telling you this,
40:24but several of you are sharing Walter's more...
40:27personal services.
40:29His appointment book details the dates,
40:32the times, and the charges.
40:35I know he tried to blackmail one of you,
40:38so I have to assume he may have tried on all of you.
40:41This key was found on Mueller's body.
40:45Sooner or later, my associate and I
40:47are going to find whose Mercedes it fits.
40:50If it's yours, I urge you to make it sooner.
40:57Betsy, darling, I have scads of errands.
41:00I have an appointment, too.
41:02I'm not even going to try to make an excuse.
41:04Bye, darling. Thanks for coming.
41:06My 450 happens to need a great deal of...
41:11Oh, forget it.
41:13I hope you find the killer.
41:16Walter was no angel, but I don't approve of murder.
41:20Goodbye, dear. Bye.
41:22Goodbye, Betsy. Bye.
41:24I had to do that. I'm sorry.
41:26Don't be.
41:28I never asked myself if I was the only one,
41:30but I think I suspected I knew the answer.
41:36Come on.
41:56I'll call you.
42:03Miss Holt, I have to talk to you.
42:05The key belongs to my husband's car.
42:09But I can explain. You see, it...
42:12Alfred! Alfred!
42:15Remington Steele.
42:17Miss Holt and I, we, uh, we worked together.
42:20Oh, should have known you were too good to be true.
42:23About your husband's car, Mrs. Linden.
42:25Oh, yes.
42:27Well, we took my car to the DuMonts yesterday,
42:29and we left Phil's here for Walter to fix the wiring.
42:32But when we came home, the car was in the driveway,
42:35and the hood was up, but the work wasn't completed.
42:37Hm. Hasty departure, huh?
42:39From this world, I suspect.
42:41What, you think Walter was murdered here?
42:43Uh, Mrs. Linden, how long has that oil stain been on your driveway?
42:46Well, the gardeners were here yesterday morning.
42:48They would have cleaned it up.
42:50It's dry enough to have been here overnight.
42:52You wouldn't have seen it in the dark.
42:54I suspect I'm all too familiar with the car that made it.
42:57Could be a little water.
43:02Let's go.
43:21Sudden wanderlust?
43:23We're going to a place in the mountains.
43:25In a business suit?
43:27Apparently you aren't familiar with the mores of Rancho Santa Luisa.
43:30Yes, appearances are everything, aren't they?
43:32The man who flies the helicopter knows as much about cars as you do.
43:36He could probably drive an oil truck.
43:38Wouldn't you agree, Mr. Montague?
43:40But it made you very tense to try to kill us.
43:42So you needed these.
43:44What are they?
43:46Oh, doesn't your wife know about your heart condition, Mr. Montague?
43:59You're going the wrong way!
44:01You can't out-swim a motorboat. Come on!
44:13Don't tell me one of us knows how to fly this thing!
44:16Imagine what you can pick up with your life's at stake.
44:21Monte Carlo, actually.
44:50All right, Sky King, how are we going to stop them?
44:53Take over!
44:55What? You're the aerodynamics expert!
44:58It's quite simple, Laura.
45:00This lever makes it go up and down,
45:02and this stick makes it go left or right.
45:08Oh, no!
45:10Oh, no!
45:12Oh, no!
45:14Oh, no!
45:16Oh, no!
45:21Okay, let's go!
45:33Laura, down a bit!
45:40Is this all right?
45:42You're doing famously, wonderfully!
46:10Somebody get me down!
46:27Poor Anne.
46:29She broke the cardinal rule.
46:31She fell in love with Mueller.
46:33But when she went to the lenders to ask him to go away with her,
46:37he laughed in her face.
46:39So when his back was turned,
46:41his heart was broken.
46:43And, uh...
46:47Amazing the strength that raging anger gives you.
46:50Or a raging hurt.
46:54But she needed her husband to move the body over to the de Mons.
46:58And he was willing to keep her secret
47:00rather than expose an empty marriage.
47:07Your dancing shows a vast improvement tonight.
47:11I'm working on it.
47:13Bodes well for our future.
47:17Look who's here.
47:25He may be the first man in Rancho Santa Luisa
47:28to actually bring his wife to this place.
47:37There's steel in Miss Holt.
47:39Certainly didn't expect to see them in a place like this.
47:45Let's not interrupt them.
47:49Let's not interrupt them.
47:51Now, about your helicopter training in Monte Carlo.
47:55Oh, nothing terribly interesting.
48:00Several million in gold bullion.
48:02Beautiful but treacherous contessa
48:04in a frantic flight across the Mediterranean.
48:07Why, just roll of the mill stuff.
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