Remington Steele S02E19

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Remington Steele S02E19


00:01Good work, Mr. Steele.
00:03These are some of the best fakes I've ever seen.
00:06What are you talking about? Those are the real stones. I checked them myself.
00:09Well, you better find the jewels and the thief, Laura, or they're going to say that you stole them.
00:19The price has agreed.
00:25The man's a fraud! A common thief!
00:30The End
01:00The End
01:30The End
02:00The End
02:23Looks as if you're about to go up, Mr. Steele. Do you have your remarks ready?
02:27Indeed, Miss Holt. I thought I might talk about how I handled the Andreas affair.
02:31You remember? A cuckolded husband, a mysterious woman in a wetsuit, a death by cattle prod.
02:37The Andreas affair? You intend to go up there and take credit for the fact that I had to climb 15 stories up an elevator shaft to find the murder weapon,
02:46while you were out dining on a yacht at a party thrown in your honor?
02:50You wouldn't say that, Laura, if you were on board that yacht.
02:53Some of the worst vie de Marseille I've ever endured.
02:57Ladies and gentlemen, it gives me the greatest pleasure to introduce to you our newest American hero, Remington Steele.
03:12Thank you, thank you. Thank you so much, indeed.
03:15Rather than bore you with tiring anecdotes, I might field a question or two.
03:22Yes, madam.
03:23Mr. Steele, in one of your early cases, you were hired to protect the rarest gems in the world.
03:29Ah, yes. You refer to the South African stones of royal lavulite.
03:35Yes, stones so blue it is said that they were once pieces of the sky.
03:40Whatever happened to that assistant of yours, the one who nearly bungled the case, Miss Bolt, was it?
03:46Nora Bolt? I trust you encouraged her to find another line of work.
03:52Alas, she still works for me, madam, because there but for the grace of God go I.
03:59That's it! I've heard more than enough!
04:04You see this man, this so-called Remington Steele?
04:08Ah, well, take your last look at him, because he's a paper hero!
04:14The man's a fraud, a common thief, a scoundrel who stepped into our lives two years ago
04:19with the sole intent of stealing the royal lavulite that I had been hired to protect.
04:24Cuff him!
04:25Then where is the real Remington Steele?
04:32You're looking at her.
04:34Remington Steele was a name that I invented to make the public think that they'd hired a big, strong man
04:39to handle their cases.
04:41Take him away!
05:10I'm sorry.
05:18Miss Holt, Miss Holt, Miss Holt.
05:20A quarter for old times' sake, Miss Holt, please.
05:36Miss Holt.
05:40Miss Holt.
05:48Ah, you've decided to rejoin us, have you?
05:53How long was I away?
05:54Oh, about an hour.
05:57What was so funny?
05:59You were laughing in your sleep.
06:02I was dreaming about this case.
06:05Don't you find it funny that I've put you in charge of protecting the very jewels
06:09that you originally came here to steal two years ago?
06:13Positively side-splitting.
06:16You're sure this is gonna be sufficient?
06:18This briefcase is absolutely impregnable.
06:21Bulletproof, flameproof, acidproof.
06:24The only way in is to use these two latches,
06:26each of which have been set by me to a combination known only to me.
06:30And if something were to happen?
06:33Ah, yes, well...
06:35Anyone attempting to open the case without the correct combination
06:38shall find himself the recipient of a particularly nasty burst of D.C. current.
06:43About a thousand volts, to be precise.
06:46I knew I could count on you, Mr. Steele.
06:50It's all I've ever asked, Laura.
06:52Well, trust in a new suit every now and again.
06:55Then tell me, as your precious royal lavulet comes back into our lives again,
07:00who are you really?
07:04Does that really matter?
07:06It matters only that you won't tell me.
07:09See you in the morning.
07:21Now, ladies and gentlemen,
07:23my fabulous stones of royal lavulet.
07:28I'd forgotten how beautiful they were.
07:30I haven't.
07:31Miss Custer, is Constellation Insurance satisfied
07:34with Mr. Steele's security arrangements for the gems?
07:37If we weren't, would we be insuring them to the tune of $3.6 million?
07:41Oh, yes, yes.
07:43Like pieces of the sky.
07:45That's it.
07:46Thank you all for coming to Santa Barbara.
07:49Hope to see you this evening at my El Diego hotel in Los Angeles,
07:53where the stones will go on permanent display.
08:00You take good care of them now.
08:02Mr. Steele, how are you going to transport the stones to Los Angeles?
08:06Mr. Steele has the situation well in hand.
08:09To confuse any would-be thieves,
08:11we've made reservations on every train, plane, bus and boat
08:14leaving this town in the next three hours.
08:16Well, good luck, Mr. Steele.
08:18Miss Hult.
08:20So, how are we getting back to L.A.? Airplane?
08:23Oh, why fly when you can drive?
08:25I mean, it's so much closer to the ground, don't you think?
08:28Drive? All the way there?
08:30That's your clever plan?
08:32To be sitting ducks on the open road for a hundred miles?
08:36You coming?
08:52Oh, guess I must have dozed off, huh?
08:55Mm-hm. It's becoming a habit.
09:00Is that a new perfume?
09:02I thought it was you. I think it's this.
09:05Yeah, it's on this.
09:07It's kind of... It's kind of nice.
09:10It's sort of musky.
09:15Have those cars been behind us all the time?
09:20Not to worry.
09:37Nice move.
09:40Lunch, Miss Hult.
09:42Oh, indeed, Mr. Steele. I'm famished.
09:45Ah, well, the simple plans are always the best.
09:48If someone follows us up here, we know it's a tail.
09:51In which case, I've come fully prepared.
09:54And if someone is waiting up ahead for us,
09:57knowing that we're driving the rabbit,
09:59then he's going to have an awfully long wait.
10:02Because after lunch, we're going to swap cars
10:05at the car rental agency over there.
10:08I've, uh... I've taken the liberty of, uh,
10:11reserving an unassuming domestic sedan
10:15in the name of, uh...
10:19Benjamin Pearson.
10:30Splendid vintage.
10:32Looks as if we might have company.
11:12Lean on me, okay?
11:33Go on. Go on. Go ahead.
11:35All right, all right.
11:40The briefcase isn't here!
11:42It must have been thrown from the car!
11:44Well, it wasn't out of our sight long enough
11:46for someone to be waiting here to run away with it.
11:49Besides, we would have seen him!
11:51Oh! Right as usual, Mr. Steele!
11:54Wonderful. Give it to me. Give it to me.
12:00Oh, Mr. Steele!
12:02Wonderful. Give it to me. Give it to me.
12:04What's the combination? I don't know.
12:06Oh, yeah. All right.
12:08Oh, come on, come on, come on, come on.
12:11Come on. That's it.
12:13That's it.
12:17Just to be sure. Just to be sure, okay?
12:23Sealed tank.
12:30This must be how they found where we were!
12:33A homing device!
12:35I'm not sure which of you is in worse shape.
12:38I am, because I don't understand
12:40why someone would go to so much trouble to ambush us
12:43and then not take the jewels.
12:45They obviously goofed.
12:47They didn't mean to knock the rabbit down the hill here.
12:50Well, let's be on our way before they come back, eh?
12:53One thing that might come in handy.
12:55No, I don't know about you,
12:57but I always find violence and destruction gives me a hunger.
13:17How did you do to show up, Steve?
13:19Are you two all right?
13:21Flat tire on Highway 5 rolled right into a ditch.
13:24Just the same we have a delivery to make, eh, Mr. Holmes?
13:27Would you give the stones to Mr. Doak?
13:29He's Constellation's jewel appraiser,
13:31and he'll authenticate the lavulite.
13:33It's just a formality, you understand.
13:37I believe you'll find everything in order.
13:42Seal intact.
13:46Miss Custer, if you please.
13:53Oh, yes.
13:55There we are.
14:04Good work, Mr. Steele.
14:06Thank you so much. Thank you.
14:08These are some of the best fakes I've ever seen.
14:12Now, please, I'd like to see the real stones.
14:16Mr. Steele, may I have the real stones?
14:19Your little joke has gone far enough.
14:21What are you talking about? Those are the real stones.
14:23I checked them myself.
14:25I've been in this business 42 years, Mr. Steele.
14:28I certainly know the difference
14:30between royal lavulite and pieces of colored glass.
14:33What are you trying to pull here, Steele?
14:35What are you trying to pull, Doak?
14:37Those are the real stones. I'll stake my reputation on it.
14:40They're garbage, and you're a crook.
14:42Let me see those stones. Let me just see those stones.
14:44Let me see those stones. Let me just see those stones.
14:46Let me see those stones!
15:06He's lying, Laura.
15:08There's only one sure way to get to the bottom of this.
15:15Listen, uh...
15:17I'm... I'm sorry.
15:19I'm beginning to feel responsible for all of this.
15:22How's that?
15:24Well, for hiring you, I thought this job would be a piece of cake.
15:28A good fee, good PR for your agency.
15:31Well, let's just hope there's been a terrible mistake.
15:34Oh, no mistake, no.
15:36Doak is doing this intentionally.
15:38But why? What could he hope to gain?
15:41Oh, Archie has been with the company for 42 years.
15:44He's as loyal as the day is long,
15:46and he's a recognized expert in gemology.
15:48So is Mr. Steele.
15:50Oh, I know, but isn't there any way the stones could have been switched
15:53while you were in transit?
15:55Weren't they ever out of your sight?
15:59Those are the real stones. I promise you that.
16:12Miss Custer?
16:20Would you like to examine them again?
16:22No need.
16:24May I? Miss Holt?
16:26Well, Mr. Doak,
16:28it's time we proved you to be the charlatan you are.
16:32Like I said.
16:34Roy, I love your light.
16:36So blue there, like...
16:38pieces of, uh...
16:43Well, Mr. Steele?
16:49These are fakes.
16:53So, Remington, they are finally yours.
16:57And now they're yours, Jacques.
17:02The price has agreed.
17:05The price has agreed?
17:09But tell me, all the time you were in America,
17:13I have never known you to take so long
17:16to achieve your objective.
17:18There was a woman, Jacques.
17:20I was prepared to forget about the jewels
17:23if I could have had her instead.
17:26A man can only wait so long.
17:28Better the jewels.
17:30They are always there when you want them.
17:33The jewels.
17:35They will never break your heart.
17:59You're a long way from home, Miss Bolt.
18:02Laura Bolt, isn't it?
18:04I searched the world for you, Mr. Steele.
18:07Venice, Cairo, Mozambique.
18:10But I was always a step behind.
18:13Some things never change, do they?
18:15Please, Mr. Steele, please.
18:18Your leaving forced me to evaluate my life.
18:21And I realized that I was ready
18:23to make emotional commitments after all.
18:25And have you?
18:26Many times.
18:28Three in the last hour, as a matter of fact.
18:30But you're the one I need. You're the one I want.
18:33Please, take me back, Mr. Steele.
18:35Take me back.
18:37There, there, Miss Bolt.
18:39Your rhinestones are getting damp.
18:43I'm sorry, Mr. Steele.
18:45I don't know what came over me.
18:47I realized that I'm not worthy of a man like you.
18:55Please, accept my apologies.
19:01For old times' sake, eh, Nora?
19:25Are you all right?
19:27Uh, sorry.
19:29Sorry, daydreaming.
19:31About Archie Doak?
19:35We know there was no time for the stones to be switched
19:38when we were ambushed.
19:40So somehow, Doak did it right under our eyes.
19:43Then why the ambush?
19:45Why not?
19:46If the ambush succeeds, he gets the stones there and then.
19:49And if it fails, it becomes a very clever sleight of hand.
19:52It makes us think we lost the stones there.
19:54Ah, we're a step ahead of Mr. Doak.
20:28Mr. Doak?
20:30Anybody home?
20:34I suppose it's too much to ask for him
20:36to have left the love you light line around.
20:41Look at this.
20:43The sun, you think?
20:45Same features.
20:49Let's say we just wait for him to come home
20:51and then ring a confession out of him.
20:58You smell what I smell?
21:00The odor that was coming from the briefcase.
21:13There's no way this is a commercial cologne.
21:16Smells like insect repellent.
21:18We'll have it analyzed.
21:22Nice catch.
21:23Easy for you to say.
21:25In spite of the way you smell,
21:27at least you can have the satisfaction that you were right.
21:30Our bookworm, Mr. Doak,
21:32is definitely involved in the disappearance of the jewels.
21:35Laura, I repeat, I still think our best move
21:37is to wait until he gets home
21:39and then ring a confession out of him.
21:42Someone may have already done the ringing for us.
21:46Clarissa, come on in.
21:50I'm glad I caught you.
21:52Miss Krebs said that I might find you here.
21:54I'm glad you came by.
21:55As a matter of fact...
21:56Oh, Miss Custer.
21:58I hope I'm not intruding on anything.
22:01Merely freshening up
22:02after a run-in with a bottle of toilet water.
22:05Actually, we were just on our way to see you.
22:07Why don't you sit down?
22:08Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
22:12Actually, we were just on our way to see you.
22:14Why don't you sit down?
22:16I, um...
22:18I wanted to be face-to-face with you
22:20to tell you that, uh...
22:22the agency is going to hold up your fee
22:25while they investigate the loss of the jewels,
22:27and I am truly sorry.
22:31What did you want to see me about?
22:34Well, we're convinced that Archie Doak
22:36is behind the jewels' disappearance.
22:38Oh, you haven't heard?
22:41Well, the paramedics, uh, received a phone call,
22:44an anonymous phone call a few hours ago,
22:47and they found Archie dead of a heart attack
22:50with an empty bottle of nitroglycerin pills in his hand
22:52and no sign of the jewels.
22:54Tell us about Archie.
22:56Did he have friends, family?
22:59Well, his, um...
23:01his family were his friends.
23:03His wife, Evie, died about eight months ago,
23:05and they were married for 40 years.
23:07And then there's a son, a marine biologist, Todd.
23:09He works at the Hayden Institute.
23:11Is there any word on the street,
23:12anything about the stones being moved?
23:14Not so far.
23:15We've contacted all the fences
23:16that deal in that kind of merchandise.
23:18We'll recover the jewels, Clarissa, I promise you.
23:21Well, you better find the jewels and the thief, Laura,
23:24or they're going to say that you stole them
23:26and then chickened out and decided to give them back.
23:37May I help you?
23:38We're looking for Todd Doak.
23:40Oh, you may have just missed him.
23:41I saw him about an hour ago.
23:43He was packing up to take a leave of absence.
23:45His father just passed away.
23:47Todd's taking the ashes back home to Rhode Island.
23:49He expecting you?
23:51I'm sure it must have just slipped his mind.
23:53Yeah. Poor guy.
23:55He was so devoted to his dad.
23:57Well, anyway, his lab's in there.
24:00He may still be in.
24:01Attractive creatures.
24:03Reminds me of a woman I used to know in Nice.
24:05Of course, she was blonde.
24:07Not your woman in Nice, but one bite from these guys
24:10and you'll be dead before you can say ouch.
24:12Blonde in Nice?
24:14Yes. Well-classed player of chemin de feu.
24:17And yet you choose to remain here?
24:19Not unlike the man says.
24:20It's a question of bark versus bite.
24:22Lest you be fooled, Mr. Steele.
24:24I have been known to nip.
24:25One can only hope, Miss Holden.
24:28Well, well, well.
24:30Why don't you check out that whirlybird
24:32while I see what's in there?
24:34Won't be a moment.
26:07Ever play chemin de feu?
29:19Oh, my God!
29:25Oh, Laura!
29:27You all right?
29:37Calm down. Are you all right?
29:38It wasn't a fair fight.
29:40They have more teeth than I do.
29:42Well, I'd say you more than held your own, Miss Holden.
29:45There you go.
29:46Better than your blonde in Nice?
29:49Oh, this isn't a competition, Laura.
29:51Just open this.
29:58Ah, don't worry.
30:04I had this great idea that the royal lavulet was hidden in there.
30:07Yes. Yes, well, perhaps it was.
30:10In the meantime, that chopper up there has a tracking device
30:13that could have been used to home in on the rabbit.
30:15Come on, let's go.
30:17I'll do what I can.
30:22Yes, of course. I'm sure they'll understand.
30:25Hold, please.
30:29Oh, Miss Holden, Mr. Steele, any luck?
30:31Indeed, Mildred. All of it bad.
30:33Well, Mr. Afted called
30:35and said he decided not to hire private detectives after all.
30:38And Mr. Nestor called to say that maybe it would be better for him
30:41to hire private detectives who were less newsworthy.
30:43And all the calls holding out there are pretty much the same.
30:46What do I tell them?
30:48Drink, Mildred?
30:50Oh, give me a snort of whatever you got.
30:52Oh, and this telegram just came.
30:57Well, I didn't think it was possible for things to get any worse.
31:01But this is from the State Bureau of Investigative Service.
31:05They've suspended our license pending an inquiry
31:08into the loss of the royal lavulet.
31:14Uh, do me a favor.
31:16And, uh, oh, sorry.
31:18Run this over to the lab, will you?
31:20Tell them it's a rush.
31:22You got it.
31:29Gloria all right?
31:31I think it's time for showers and a change of clothes.
31:34We have an image to uphold.
31:57Sorry, forgot my keys.
32:03You got pretzels?
32:07I interrupted the shower.
32:09Oh, no, no problem.
32:11Come on, Nora.
32:13Only with some company.
32:15Oh, well, I can't, Nora.
32:17I had the ball game starting.
32:19Excuse me.
32:23You want to get me a beer, Nora?
32:25Sure, honey.
32:27All right, Deacon.
32:29Away you hit him, away you hit him.
32:31That's my boy.
32:33Oh, suck him.
32:35Suck him, suck him.
32:37Rubbish, rubbish, terrible.
32:43Move out, move out.
32:45No, you're sitting on my...
32:50What do you say, love?
32:52When it comes to ball games,
32:54you want to be an observer or a participant.
32:57Don't you ever get enough?
32:59I'll heat up a job.
33:01Emotion potion, what do you say?
33:03I say heat me up a 20-year-old blonde and we may have a deal.
33:07You're so mean to me.
33:09Aw, damn it, Nora.
33:11You made me miss the touchdown.
33:13You know, this game reminds me of the time
33:16that I was masquerading as a mercenary in Malaysia
33:19so that I could smuggle out the imperial art treasures.
33:23Oh, please, I've heard that story a thousand times.
33:26Your past was so much more exciting
33:28when I didn't know what it was
33:30and I could imagine all sorts of kinky things.
33:33Yes, but what about the time I crept into the Palace of Versailles
33:37and replaced all the mirrors with one-way glass...
33:40Boring, boring, boring.
33:43Ah, bugger.
33:47Just a minute.
33:49Hi. Hi.
33:57Oh, I'll just be a minute count.
34:00Nora, darling!
34:03Oh, and little Nora.
34:06And little Remington.
34:08Honey, Auntie Mildred's here.
34:10Oh, Auntie Mildred.
34:12Good to see you again, Angel.
34:14How are you, my sweet?
34:16How's everything at the agency going?
34:18Oh, it is just great.
34:20It's a big year, my darling.
34:23It seems that everybody has a reason for hiring a detective.
34:27How's work at the auto plant?
34:29Best thing that ever happened to us, Mildred, losing our P.I. license.
34:33Wouldn't you say, Nora?
34:35Oh, yes.
34:37No more late-night stakeouts.
34:39No more dodging bullets at every turn.
34:41Now once that whistle blows at 5...
34:43Sorry, kids.
34:45It's straight home to Nora and the babies.
34:47How great.
34:49And how about you, Mildred?
34:51When are you and the Count going to settle down and start a family?
34:54Me? Oh, darling.
34:56A housewife.
34:58Over my dead body.
35:00Body, body, body.
35:02Dead body.
35:04That's it. I know where the jewels are hidden.
35:16Yo, Eleven.
35:21Ocean's Eleven.
35:22Frank Sinatra, Richard Conte and the Rat Pack,
35:24Warner Brothers, um, 1960.
35:28Frank Sinatra plays a former army man
35:30who recruits an old platoon
35:32to rob some Las Vegas casinos on New Year's Eve.
35:35But after they rob the casinos,
35:37Richard Conte dies of a heart attack,
35:39so his buddies decide to hide the money in his coffin
35:42so they can get it out of the town without the police finding it.
35:46Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.
35:48Until Richard Conte's wife decides to have him cremated.
35:51But cremation wouldn't hurt royal avioli.
36:04Thank you very much.
37:07Smith, Tim, Tim.
37:09Simpson, Sam.
37:11Wise, Dawn, Doak.
37:15What hell for this, I'm sure.
37:17No, no, no, no, no.
37:19No, Jules.
37:23Okay, okay, okay.
37:30Oh, no.
38:11This is just great.
38:14Four years of college, two years of apprenticeship,
38:17two years of building up the agency,
38:19and both my licenses suspended,
38:21and I'm stuck in a coffin with you.
38:24So now we're down to it, eh?
38:26You're damn right we're down to it.
38:28I never should have put you in charge of protecting those Jules.
38:32And what would you have done differently, Detective Holt?
38:36The problem is not your competence.
38:38The problem is that I stupidly went ahead
38:41and did something I'd sworn I'd never do,
38:43put my fate in someone else's hands.
38:46By the time you realized
38:47we're none of us in complete control of our fates...
38:50Well, then why do I feel embarrassed?
38:52Why do I feel...
38:54I didn't steal the damn Jules.
39:05Do you ever have dreams, Laura?
39:09About us?
39:12About our lives?
39:15I suppose.
39:22I've had some dreams recently.
39:24Troubling at first, but then I realized
39:26that they help put some things in perspective.
39:34I, uh, I finally understand
39:37that I've stayed around not for the promise
39:40of what our relationship might be,
39:42but for the reality of what it is.
40:13Oh, my God!
40:17Help! We're alive in here!
40:23Laura, hold me tight!
40:25This is steel! This is art!
40:27And start rocking!
40:30You ought to think about using microwaves.
40:32Far more fuel efficient.
40:37Oh, my God!
40:40Oh, my God!
40:42Oh, my God!
40:44Oh, my God!
40:47Oh, my God!
40:49Oh, my God!
40:51Oh, my God!
40:53Oh, my God!
40:55Oh, my God!
40:58Oh, my God!
41:02Someone tries to kill us twice in the same day.
41:04We must be on the right track.
41:07Try this.
41:08Todd and his father steal the jewels,
41:10and Todd plans on hiding them in the snake tank.
41:12Then his father dies, and Todd decides
41:14to secrete the jewels in grasses.
41:16Yes, but if he has the jewels and we keep on
41:18sporting his hiding places, why doesn't he just run?
41:20Perhaps he doesn't have the jewels yet.
41:22Oh, Mildred.
41:24sooner than you think.
41:25Well, I just thought with the both of you
41:26in so much trouble, the least I could do
41:28is burn a little midnight oil.
41:29How's it burning?
41:30Oh, a lot of smoke.
41:32This lab report came in.
41:34I can't make any sense of it.
41:36Spartina essence and methyl trichlorosilane.
41:41The scent of an underwater grass mixed with a chemical binder.
41:45So that the scent would stick to solid objects,
41:48like royal lavulite.
41:50Why would anybody want the jewels
41:53to smell like underwater grass?
41:58That's it.
41:59That's it.
42:04This must be where the swans were penned while the lagoon
42:07was being drained.
42:08Right you are, Miss Holt.
42:12Go away.
42:13Go away.
42:13Over there a bit.
42:15Right there.
42:21There's another one.
42:24These swans must have a wonderful digestive system.
42:28Well, they probably wondered what hit them.
42:31They smelled their favorite underwater flora.
42:34Tasted royal lavulite and stent.
42:43What's happening?
42:43What are you doing?
42:44When Todd Doak finds his jewels missing,
42:47we'll want him to know where to find them.
42:49Hold on. Hold on.
42:50There's one more.
42:51There you go.
42:52This one.
42:58I wish he'd get here already.
43:00I'm tired.
43:02If he doesn't show up, and we can't return the jewels
43:05without being accused of having stolen them in the first place,
43:08well, I'd love to teach you shaman defer.
43:12Saved by the bell.
43:14It's open.
43:21The gems, please.
43:22Oh, what's the rush, mate?
43:23I mean, the funeral home doesn't open for a few hours yet.
43:27I mean, you were planning on hiding the jewels
43:29in your father's ashes, weren't you?
43:30It's the irony of it.
43:33I got involved with this as a favor to my father.
43:36He wanted to lead the high life before his heart gave out on him.
43:40Well, you know what they say about the best laid plans.
43:44And it was a brilliant plan he had,
43:46putting the fake stones in the lagoon
43:48long before we were ever there.
43:50And then making us think that the real stones
43:52were the fake ones, angering Mr. Steele
43:54so that he'd grab for the stones,
43:55and they'd fall into the lagoon.
43:57Where the swans would gobble them up.
44:04My father's legacy.
44:07Thank you very much.
44:10I'll show myself out.
44:12Drop it, Buster.
44:13I got it all, Chief.
44:16Not quite all.
44:18It had to be you, eh, Clarissa?
44:21I mean, who else could convince a boring old bookworm
44:23like Archie Doak that he was missing out
44:25on the finer things of life, eh?
44:27He was a nice little man, but so short-sighted.
44:31So lost when his wife died.
44:34He came to treasure our friendship.
44:37Todd, bring me the jewels.
44:38Meld it if he moves, shoot him.
44:40Don't kid a kidder, Mr. Steele.
44:42Miss Krebs wouldn't harm a fly.
44:48I'm sorry, I can't.
44:50All right, Mildred, don't worry about it.
44:54It's any consolation, Laura, you know,
44:56Mr. Steele did a bang-up job.
44:58Unfortunately, so good that, well,
45:03I'm going to have to kill you.
45:04I can't afford any loose ends.
45:06It was Todd at the tank.
45:08But it was you who locked us in that coffin, wasn't it?
45:11It was getting risky following you around.
45:14And then I had the thought that if you were missing
45:15and the jewels were missing, that it would be case closed.
45:18Now I'm just going to have to be a little messier.
46:02Although I never knew Laura Bolt,
46:06I'm told she was a kindly soul who was concerned
46:11only for her friends and family.
46:18Nora, we bid you goodbye.
46:32If only her mother could have been here.
46:34Her bridge day.
46:37Or her sister Frances.
46:39Right in the middle of redoing her den.
46:42Death can be so inconvenient at times,
46:44but I'm sure Laura would understand.
46:57Life is unfair.
46:58I mean, Clarissa survives the fall off your balcony,
47:01and now she and that Todd will get out of jail
47:03in just a few years, ready to renew their lives.
47:06But our poor Miss Holt.
47:08Oh, there, there, Mildred, there, there, there, there.
47:12Oh, Mr. Steele.
47:14You're the one who must be devastated.
47:17How on earth will you ever get along without her?
47:21I'll get by.
47:35Don't think you can get rid of me that easily, Mr. Steele.
47:39Dinner and a movie, Miss Holt?
47:41Why not?
47:47Chin, chin.
47:48Bottoms up.
47:52Lucky girl.
47:54That hedge breaking her fall.
47:56She'll be fine, but we should let her get some sleep.
48:06Come on.
48:14Sweet dreams, Miss Holt.
48:16You too, Mr. Steele.