Remington Steele S03E22

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Remington Steele S03E22


00:00Working undercover today, Ms. Holt?
00:09I was shot at today.
00:11I know you're upset, but...
00:12I'll get that way when I get shot at.
00:13Fascinating story.
00:14A husband and wife hit team?
00:19Where's Mr. Steele?
00:20Bailed out on me.
00:21Where's Ms. Holt?
00:22Beats me.
00:23That's what I love about Mr. Steele.
00:26Always here when you need him.
00:27I'm out there sidestepping bullets, trying to find out who shot her, trying to save her
00:31Her agency?
00:32Merely a figure of speech.
02:27Long time, as always, Mr. Dunford.
02:34Good evening, Mr. Earhart.
02:41Would you excuse us, Jack?
02:49Proceed, Mr. Dunford.
02:51Well, I thought you should see some of the poster mock-ups we've been working on for
02:55you, Mr. Earhart.
02:56Oh, they're coming right along, right along indeed, Mr. Dunford.
03:00Horton, don't you think you're being a bit premature with all this?
03:04After all, the election is still two years away.
03:07It'll be here faster than you think, J.W.
03:11Perhaps so.
03:12However, I feel we should at least wait until the background check on Mr. Westfield is complete
03:17before we go any further.
03:21We wouldn't want to put our collective reputations behind a man who may have some buried bodies
03:28lying around.
03:29From everything I've read so far, he's exemplary.
03:33Now I say we put our mouth where our money is and get this campaign in full gear now.
03:41Gentlemen, I think it would be more prudent if we wait until we're absolutely certain
03:46there are no chinks in Mr. Westfield's background.
03:51Well, Horton, old boy, I guess you've been outvoted.
04:02I'm getting sick and tired of being dismissed like an errant schoolboy every time a decision
04:20has to be made.
04:21Oh, be patient, my boy.
04:23You'll be part of the inner circle soon enough.
04:27Have you said everything in motion?
04:28Then be of good cheer.
04:56Thanks again for your time, Mrs. Tucker.
04:57You've been very helpful.
04:58Oh, it was my pleasure, really, believe me.
05:01And, uh, I know I'm prejudiced, but I think Mr. Westfield would make a wonderful senator.
05:06Well, he appears to have the credentials for it, unless something suddenly comes up.
05:11I'd say he has a shot at it.
05:34Yes, Mildred.
05:35Mr. Steele, Mr. Earhart's here to see you.
05:37Uh, who's Mr. Earhart?
05:40Horton Earhart?
05:42Well, I'm delighted he has a first name, but who the devil is he?
05:45The background check on William Westfield.
05:48Who's William Westfield?
05:49Miss Holt's working on it.
05:51Well, then, sic him on Miss Holt.
05:54She's not here.
05:56Oh, never around when you need her.
05:58Uh, well...
06:01Um, all right, Mildred.
06:03Okay, send him in. Thank you.
06:07Ah, Mr. Earhart.
06:10How very nice to finally meet you face to face.
06:14May I call you Horton?
06:16Bring in the file, will you, Miss Krebs?
06:18What file?
06:19Why, the files on William Westfield's background check, of course.
06:23Uh, that is why you're here, isn't it, Horton?
06:27Mr. Steele, I'm impressed.
06:29A man as busy as you undoubtedly are,
06:32making the extra effort to become personally involved in each and every case
06:36tells me that we have hired the right agency.
06:38Well, I wouldn't have it any other way, Horton.
06:41After all, that's why my good name is on that door out there.
06:44Ah, thank you very much, Miss Krebs.
06:46Now, I really haven't had a chance to, uh, peruse this case since its final update,
06:52but, uh, well, it appears we've turned every page possible on Mr. Westfield,
06:58and it appears, uh, well, it appears he's absolutely clean.
07:02Then I see no reason why you can't give it your stamp of approval
07:05and send me on my way.
07:07Consider it stamped, Horton.
07:10Not so fast.
07:14Ah, working undercover today, Miss Holter.
07:17Excellent bag lady look, yes.
07:19Mr. Earhart, something has come up,
07:22and I think we should pursue it before we stamp anything.
07:25What's happened?
07:26I was shot at today.
07:28Twice, actually.
07:30Well, I'm sorry to hear that, Miss Holt,
07:32but what has that got to do with William Westfield?
07:36In addition to the fact that we're not working on any other cases at the moment,
07:40I was interviewing Mr. Westfield's former secretary when it happened.
07:44But your superior just finished telling me that Westfield was clean.
07:50Recently, however,
07:53Recently, however,
07:55my superior and I found a gap in Mr. Westfield's history.
08:00A gap? What sort of gap?
08:03There's a period in his life that cannot be adequately accounted for.
08:07Sounds as if she's grasping for straws, Mr. Steele.
08:11I hardly think someone would want to shoot me just for grasping at straws.
08:15Do you, Mr. Steele?
08:18Horton, I'm going to get on top of this personally.
08:21I know how upset you are about this and how important it is to you,
08:25but I'm not going to let you down.
08:27I'm going to stake my reputation on this.
08:30Consider it staked.
08:32Rest assured, Horton.
08:35Laura, I mean, really,
08:37I really would appreciate it if you would inform me
08:40what cases I'm meant to be working on.
08:42I did, but you dozed off in the middle of it.
08:45It's not my fault legwork makes you drowsy.
08:47I know you're upset, but...
08:48I don't get that way when I get shot at.
08:50Irrespective of that, Laura, I've been looking over this file,
08:53and I must say, you have done some admirable work here.
08:56Really, I mean it. I would vote for Mr. Westfield.
08:59That's the way it appears on the surface.
09:01But if you're going to stake my agency's reputation,
09:04we're not closing the books on this until we're sure.
09:07We're sure.
09:09That's what I love about you, Laura.
09:11You're so thorough.
09:13You're so, so tediously thorough.
09:16I got a look at the car of whoever shot at me.
09:20Oh, excellent. What was it?
09:22A green Thunderbird.
09:24Or a Cougar.
09:26Or a Buick.
09:28Or a Oldsmobile.
09:31Well, that certainly narrows it down, doesn't it?
09:34I'll call Detroit first thing in the morning.
09:36But there was a bumper sticker with a lightning bolt on it.
09:41Yes, go on.
09:43That's it.
09:44That's it?
09:46I was lying face down in the gutter.
09:48Couldn't you have lifted your head just a little bit
09:50and gone and looked at the license number?
09:52Next time, I'll try to do better.
10:11Oh, my God!
10:41Oh, my God!
11:07All right, mister, I wanted to...
11:12William Westfield?
11:14Uh, you're not gonna put this on my report, are you?
11:26As soon as I found out you'd been shot at,
11:28I headed straight for your office.
11:30I saw you leaving and followed.
11:32At least I tried to.
11:34How did you find out about the shooting, Mr. Westfield?
11:37William, please.
11:39Mrs. Tucker called me.
11:41Do you have any idea what anybody doesn't want me to find out about you?
11:45That's what I wanted to talk to you about. I have nothing to hide.
11:48Suppose we start with a curious gap in your history, Mr. Westfield.
11:52William, please.
11:54You worked for the district attorney ten years ago.
11:57From April through June,
11:59no one seems to recall seeing hide nor hair of you.
12:02Ten years ago?
12:04Um, you know, I remember that.
12:07I was down in Mexico at the time.
12:09Business or pleasure?
12:11Definitely not pleasure.
12:13The case involved a really bad fire.
12:16Residential district went up in flames.
12:19A lot of people lost their lives.
12:21It smelled of arson, and there was a suspicion in the office
12:24that Senator Jefferson was behind it.
12:26The late Senator Hartford Jefferson?
12:28The same. He owned the land,
12:30and there was talk of putting a freeway through.
12:32The residents took it to court, and it could have dragged on for years.
12:35The houses, the suit was academic.
12:37Anyway, we got a lead that his son Scott had skipped to Mexico
12:40because he'd found out about his father and the fire.
12:43I traipsed around down there for better than two months looking for that kid.
12:46I finally found him in a hospital in Cancun where he'd tried to kill himself.
12:50Did you talk to him?
12:52I was only instructed to find him and then call Earhart.
12:55Earhart? Horton Earhart?
12:57Yeah, he was D.A. at the time.
13:00Anyway, he flew down to Cancun to take the kid's deposition,
13:03but before he could get there,
13:05Jefferson was transferred to a sanitarium in Mexico City
13:08and declared legally insane.
13:10There were no further leads, so the case just fizzled out.
13:13But why wasn't there any record of all that?
13:16We were talking about implicating a United States senator.
13:19That's not the kind of thing you broadcast around
13:22until you're pretty sure you can make it stick.
13:25Your story seems plausible enough.
13:30It seems plausible.
13:32What do you think I did down there, rape and pillage?
13:37Come on, Miss Holt, I don't even like Mexican food.
13:41I think I'll have a little talk with Mr. Earhart.
13:45See what he remembers.
13:48Thank you, Mr. Westfield.
13:50William, please.
13:52If a man's going to melt a woman's ice cubes,
13:55they ought to at least be on a first-name basis.
14:03We got trouble, boss.
14:05Remington Steele?
14:07Oscar Bergman, State Bureau of Investigative Licensing.
14:10Uh, you better go get Miss Holt, Miller.
14:13We have run across some irregularities in your case reports.
14:16Perhaps you would be so kind as to clear them up for us.
14:19Actually, Mr. Bergman, I'm rather busy at the moment.
14:23Well, I'm sure this won't take long.
14:25Let's start with the heart of the matter.
14:28Well, I'm sure this won't take long.
14:30Let's start with the Harper case, shall we?
14:33The Harper case, huh?
14:35Yes, according to the publicity it garnered,
14:38it was one of your more famous cases.
14:42Give me a year, eh?
14:441980, November.
14:49You wouldn't perchance have any more recent irregularities, would you?
14:54Let's stick with Harper for now.
14:57Why not stick with Harper? Okay.
15:01To be absolutely candid with you, Mr. Bergman,
15:05in those early years, I never really involved myself in any of the cases.
15:09My talents worked best in the more advisory capacity.
15:13Oh, yes, yes, the good old days.
15:19I best just go get the files,
15:22just in case, you know, to check anything out.
15:24And don't go away.
15:28Miss Holt? What?
15:30No luck. What's going on in there?
15:32Oh, I wish I knew, Mildred.
15:34Mildred, I want you to go through Miss Holt's files,
15:36and I want you to find everything you can on the Harper case, November 1980.
15:40Okay? 1980.
16:26Well, Miss Holt, since you arrived empty-handed,
16:29I can only assume the report is still incomplete.
16:32I just need a bit of corroboration, Mr. Earhart,
16:35then I can issue it.
16:37Oh, what sort of corroboration?
16:39You sent William Westfield to Mexico to locate a Scott Jefferson, correct?
16:44Good Lord, that was ten years ago.
16:47Mr. Westfield called you after he'd found Scott Jefferson in Cancun,
16:51but when you got there to take his deposition,
16:54Jefferson had been moved to a sanitarium in Mexico City.
16:57Case closed.
17:00Did you ever suspect there might have been a leak?
17:04I'm not sure what you're getting at.
17:07Well, there you were, trying to incriminate a United States senator,
17:11and suddenly your key witness was labeled legally insane,
17:14rendering him useless to your case.
17:17Yes, but the only other person who knew that we'd found the young man was...
17:21William Westfield.
17:24Are you suggesting that Westfield had Jefferson moved?
17:28What if he had already obtained a deposition from Jefferson
17:33before he called you?
17:35What if he then arranged it so that Jefferson could not legally
17:38give his deposition to anyone else?
17:41Why would he do something like that?
17:43Less than two months after you both returned from Cancun,
17:47Mr. Westfield moved from his office
17:50to the most prestigious law firm in the country,
17:53the same law firm that handled Senator Hartford Jefferson's legal work.
17:58A payoff for some games?
18:01Careers have been built on less.
18:04Well, there's food for thought, Miss Holt.
18:07But how would you go about finding out whether it's true or not?
18:13Well, the only man who could prove it would be Scott Jefferson.
18:18I'm going to Mexico City and see if I can have a chat with him.
18:22But that trail is ten years old.
18:25It's fresher than that, Mr. Earhart.
18:27Remember, I was shot at this morning.
18:34Ah, Miss Holt.
18:36Making any progress in the Westfield matter?
18:39I'll let you know in a few days.
18:43Morton doesn't look too happy.
18:48What say we cheer him up?
18:53It's the only green Thunderbird I got, Mr...
18:56Keys. Norman Keys. Vigilance insurance.
19:00I guarantee you won't find any dents in that, baby. I checked her out myself.
19:04Yes, yes, yes. Well, when my client cries hit and run, we have to check this out.
19:09Ah, well, vigilant. Vigilance is our watchword.
19:12And that's what it is. Vigilance is our... watchword.
19:18Hey, wait, wait. Why are you looking inside?
19:21Well, you can never be too vigilant, see?
19:27Do you think you hit your client's car with a glove compartment?
19:34Ah, well.
19:36Ah, well.
19:49Well, sir, you've been an absolute brick, sir. An absolute brick.
19:52It's people like you who keep the insurance rate down.
19:54Good day to you, sir. It's been very nice talking to you. Good day.
20:03Oh. Mildred?
20:06Oh, Miss Ault. Thank God you're here.
20:09Mildred, what's the matter? He grilled me like an animal.
20:12Who? Some jerk from the Bureau of Investigative Licensing.
20:15He said he found some discrepancies in your old case reports.
20:18Where's Mr. Steele? Bailed out on me.
20:21Where? I don't know. One minute he's here, the next minute...
20:25That's what I love about Mr. Steele. Always here when you need him.
20:29All right, Mildred. I'll handle the Bureau when I get back.
20:32Where are you going? Mexico City.
20:35But what about Mr. Steele? I'll handle him when I get back, too.
21:00Front desk?
21:02Yes, I'd like to have my car out front in ten minutes, please.
21:06The valet number is...
21:12One moment, please.
21:15Oh, yes, that's the Green Thunderbird, Mr. Donaldson.
21:18Yes, yes, that's the one. Thank you very much.
21:21Oh, and could I have a newspaper delivered to my room right away?
21:24I'd be glad to, Mr. Donaldson.
21:26Splendid. Thank you very much.
23:09Champagne? No, thank you.
23:12Oh, it's compliments of the gentleman.
23:27How is it that you just happened to be on the very same plane to Mexico City?
23:34With answers like that, I'd never buy a used car from you, Mr. Westfield.
23:38William, please.
23:41You're avoiding the question.
23:44You and I share a common interest, Miss Holt, in my past.
23:47Now, who knows? Maybe before this is all over, we'll finally share even more important things.
23:50That's a coincidence. I wouldn't count on...
23:53You didn't say. Did you ever talk to Earhart?
23:56I didn't say.
23:59I don't think I quite understand you, Miss Holt.
24:02I've been perfectly straight with you. I've told you everything I know.
24:05Then I find out you're headed for Mexico City,
24:07which tells me there's something in my background you're looking for.
24:10Something to do with Scott Jefferson, I assume.
24:13I don't know exactly what you're after, but I plan on being there
24:16when you find whatever it is you think you're going to find.
24:19I have nothing to hide.
24:22So you've said, Mr. Westfield.
24:43Who the hell are you?
24:46I represent a rather disgruntled client of yours,
24:49the one connected to the Holt situation.
24:52Look, sweetheart, why don't you take off? I'll call you later.
24:55But what about the coat you bought me? Can't I take it with me?
24:58Well, don't take all day, huh?
25:01So what do you want?
25:04No, no.
25:07My client is extremely unhappy. You missed your target.
25:10He wants his money back. I'm here to collect.
25:13What? What, are you crazy? That was a deal.
25:16That's not the way my client sees it.
25:19I told Prince I didn't like the setup.
25:22I'm not paid to miss. I don't care how much I get.
25:25I have a certain reputation to maintain.
25:28You honestly expect me to believe that Prince hired you
25:31to intentionally miss Laura Holt?
25:34That's what he wanted, and that's what he got.
25:37And he's not going to weasel out of this now.
25:40Fascinating story. The police will...
25:47Get your hand up. Get your hand up.
25:50Helen! Helen, don't shoot! For God's sake, it's me!
25:53Come on, come on. That's it, that's it.
25:56Who is she? Who is she? Come on.
25:59My wife. Your wife?
26:02Uh, Helen? All right, darling, you can do one of two things.
26:05It's your move. You can either drop the gun or it's instant divorce.
26:08Huh? Come on.
26:11Helen! What's taking you so long?
26:14Come on. Helen!
26:17That's a good girl. That's a good girl.
26:20All right, sunshine, up you get. Up you get. Stay there, stay there.
26:23A husband-and-wife hit team?
26:26Oh, yes. The family that slays together stays together, eh?
26:29Come on. Out this way.
26:35Where have you been, boss? I need you to check out your...
26:38I may be out of line, and if so, I still have an IRS pension coming.
26:41But when you left me hung out to dry with that bureau pimp,
26:44I felt like a discarded piñata,
26:47and he was batting me all over the place.
26:50Mildred, I apologize, but it was for a worthy cause. Please.
26:53Well, I should hope so, because Mr. Bergman called and insisted you come down
26:56and answer some questions at 4 o'clock sharp, and he wasn't asking either.
26:59Where's Miss Holt? Mexico City.
27:02What? What in bloody hell is she doing in Mexico City?
27:05Beats me. I mean, I'm out there sidestepping bullets,
27:08trying to find out who shot her, trying to save her agency.
27:11Her agency? Yes.
27:14Merely a figure of speech. I mean, one for all, all for one,
27:17esprit de corps, sampa fidelis. Listen, you'd better hurry, boss,
27:20because you don't want to be late. First, I want you to get that computer
27:23to spew out everything it's got on someone named Jack Prince.
27:26But, boss... Don't worry about the licensing board. It's merely a formality.
27:29I assure you, I shall straighten everything out, okay?
27:32Okay. Okay.
27:38You've been awfully quiet for some time, Miss Holt.
27:41Did you run out of questions for me to avoid?
27:44Would you excuse me for a moment, please? I have to use the ladies' room.
27:47By all means.
27:57Gracias. Mucho gracias.
28:09Jefferson's gone.
28:15He was transferred to Los Angeles yesterday.
28:18You won't be heartbroken if I don't believe you.
28:21Senora Gomez has the file. How's your Spanish?
28:24Better than my German.
28:27I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
28:30I'm sorry.
28:33I'm sorry.
28:36Better than my German.
28:42Senor Scott Jefferson.
28:45Scott Jefferson.
28:59The order was signed by a Dr. Herbert Sanderly.
29:02After 10 years, Jefferson suddenly transferred.
29:05I'm getting tired of all these coincidences.
29:08May I, uh...
29:15Yes, may I have the AeroPorto, please?
29:18Don't tell me. You want to know when the next flight to Los Angeles leaves?
29:32Los Angeles?
29:35Ah, ya veo.
29:41Not till morning, I'm afraid.
29:44Great, great. Listen.
29:47Can you tell me I need to know when the earliest flight back to Los Angeles?
29:53Mucho gracias.
29:56You're probably not going to believe this either,
29:59but I know a great little Chinese restaurant right around here.
30:15I'm so sorry to keep you waiting.
30:18That's one thing I dislike about this profession.
30:21You never know what's going to come up next.
30:24You can scarcely plan things in advance.
30:27Is that a fact?
30:30Sometimes it's absolutely intolerable.
30:33Now, if we can scurry things along a bit, I'm not oppressed for time.
30:36Yes, well, Mr. Steele, I've got good news for you.
30:41You do?
30:44Yes, I do. I'm going to fix it so that you've got all the time in the world.
30:48You are?
30:51I am officially notifying you that as of this moment,
30:54licensing is suspending your agency's license until further notice.
31:01Any cases you or your operatives are currently working on,
31:05you are hereby ordered to cease and desist,
31:08or face criminal charges.
31:11In other words, Mr. Steele,
31:14you're out of business.
31:25Hello, Mildred?
31:28Oh, Miss Holt, I'm so glad you called.
31:31But I don't think you're going to be.
31:34I can't hear. Can you speak up, Mildred?
31:37It's terrible, Miss Holt. It's just terrible.
31:40They've taken our license away.
31:43What? Who did?
31:46Oh, that licensing bum I told you about.
31:49They're confiscating our files right now.
31:52I haven't seen him since he went down to the hearing to straighten everything out.
31:55Are you telling me that Mr. Steele...
31:58Oh, I can't talk anymore.
32:01Why not?
32:04They want to padlock the office.
32:11We got us two rooms.
32:14Miss Holt?
32:23Miss Holt?
32:26I leave the office for less than 24 hours, and suddenly all hell breaks loose.
32:29Oh, that man!
32:32What could I have possibly been thinking about all this time?
32:35Why have I stuck it out for so long?
32:38Boy, have I been kidding myself.
32:41That agency means everything to me.
32:44How could I let him do this? Your boss?
32:47Are we talking more than just a professional relationship?
32:50The more there is, the next there isn't. Up and down, up and down.
32:53You need a bloody elevator to keep track of all the ups and downs.
32:56I'm sorry about this, William.
32:59I'm not.
33:02Why not?
33:05Because that's the first time you've called me William.
33:08I just... I shouldn't be laying all this on you.
33:11Hey, it's okay. I like to listen.
33:14You know, I've never actually met the man, but everything I've read about him makes me envious.
33:17He's handsome, adventurous, outgoing...
33:20Irresponsible, devious, enigmatic.
33:23While I, on the other hand, have always been described as a nice, successful,
33:26slightly introverted guy who happens to believe
33:29in the good old-fashioned Protestant work ethic.
33:32Yeah, what's funny?
33:35I don't know. It's... It's just that...
33:38That's the way I've always been described.
33:41A match made in heaven.
33:44Am I... I guess it is a little chilly out here.
33:50Think nothing of it, Miss Holt.
33:53All right.
34:02Lovely morning, isn't it?
34:05Nothing like a brisk jog to stimulate the senses.
34:08Do I know you? I know you.
34:11You look like a prince.
34:14Self-made millionaire, string of shopping centers, oil wells.
34:17How else does one put it?
34:20Extraordinary political connections.
34:23Yeah? And what business are you in?
34:26Me? Oh, I'm retired.
34:29Retired, huh? For about 14 hours now.
34:32My name's Steele. Remington Steele.
34:35Well, now, Mr. Steele, isn't this a coincidence?
34:38Have you ever considered your stripes have been taken away?
34:41I see good news travels fast. Let's cut through the bull.
34:44Colorfully put, Jack. Well, getting to the point,
34:47your hired gun and his enchanted wife and I had, what shall we say,
34:50a little soiree yesterday. What the hell are you talking about?
34:53You hired them to shoot at Miss Holt. That's what I'm talking about.
34:56And you're crazy, and I'm bored. Not so fast.
34:59What do you think you're doing? Making a citizen's arrest.
35:02You hired someone to take a shot at Miss Holt, and you wanted that someone to miss.
35:05Now I want to know why.
35:08This is ridiculous.
35:11Leave me. If I could do it alone, I would.
35:14Uh-uh. I want to be there when you question Jefferson.
35:17You might not like the answers. Are you still suspicious, Miss Holt?
35:20Laura, and yes, I am.
35:23Well, it'll never work. You've got the easy part.
35:26All you have to do is growl.
35:30What's his problem?
35:33I don't analyze him. I just deliver him.
35:36Who's the admitting physician? Dr. Herbert Sanderling.
35:39He wants him with the other patient he just had admitted.
35:45The guy that came in yesterday from Mexico.
35:48Yeah, Johnson. But he's in the lock ward.
35:51This guy doesn't look like he needs something that severe.
35:54Hey, ours is not to reason why he just said stick him with Johnson.
35:58I better double-check.
36:01Obviously the doc knows what he wants.
36:04Now will you just please put him where he wants him?
36:07Take this guy up to the lock ward, room 7.
36:18Dr. Herbert Sanderling, please.
36:21Meadowwood Sanitarium calling.
36:28Better get some Thorazine. 25 mil.
36:31When those straps come off, this baby goes wild.
36:40Watch the door.
36:47Mr. Jefferson.
36:50Scott. My name is Laura Holt.
36:53And I need to ask you some very important questions.
36:56It's about what happened 10 years ago
36:59with your father, Senator Jefferson,
37:02and that terrible fire.
37:07When you were in Mexico,
37:10did you tell anyone what you knew about that fire?
37:45Laura, what are you doing here?
37:47Wrapping up our last case.
37:49Odd. That's what I'm doing.
37:57You're going to be astounded by what I've learned.
38:00I doubt that. Nothing you do these days astounds me.
38:07How was Mexico?
38:10How was the licensing board hearing?
38:26Gentlemen, we're here to present you with the results
38:29of our background check on William Westfield.
38:32Pardon me, Miss Holt. I understand you and Mr. Steele
38:35are no longer accredited private investigators.
38:38We are merely completing the job you hired us to do
38:41when we did have our license.
38:44You'll be happy to know that Mr. Westfield
38:47is as clean as a proverbial whistle.
38:50Oh, that is good news.
38:54I beg your pardon.
38:57After Mr. Westfield informed you
39:00that he had found Scott Jefferson in Cancun,
39:03you were the one who had him moved to Mexico City.
39:06That's a lie, an outrageous lie.
39:09Then you went to Mexico City and you took Jefferson's deposition.
39:12You are the one whose career is built on bodies, Mr. Earhart.
39:15Then when I started getting close to the truth,
39:18you sent someone out to kill me.
39:21Gentlemen, excellent work. There's just one slight adjustment
39:24to be made to your otherwise flawless presentation.
39:27Kendall is the one who had you shot at.
39:30Kendall? What are you talking about?
39:33Yes, what are you talking about?
39:36Your protégé, Jack Prince, wanted in on this illustrious power, sir.
39:39So the two of you conspired together
39:42to cause Mr. Earhart's fall from grace.
39:45That's the most illogical babble I've ever heard.
39:48You had William Westfield as your candidate for senator
39:51knowing full well that a thorough investigation
39:54would ultimately lead to Mr. Earhart's closet full of skeletons.
39:57That doesn't make any sense.
40:00Someone tried to kill me, obviously, to stop the investigation.
40:03Actually, the gunman was paid to miss you.
40:06Another little added incentive to keep you on Jefferson's trail.
40:09Mr. Steele, Miss Holt. Just a moment. We're caucusing.
40:12If that's true, why would Kendall have our license pulled?
40:16I'm afraid I haven't figured that one out yet.
40:22it was you who had our license suspended, Mr. Earhart.
40:25It's a shrewd way to keep us from being able to find Jefferson.
40:28Good Lord! They're coming at us from all directions.
40:31Well, that's quite a story.
40:34Either of you have any proof?
40:39Scott Jefferson's signed statement
40:42implicating you, Mr. Earhart.
40:47Tough luck, Horton.
40:50And this is a signed statement from Jack Prince
40:53implicating you, Kendall.
40:56Tough luck, K.W.
40:59Good Lord! I've heard about politics making strange bedfellows,
41:02but this is the most arcane, bizarre bunch I've ever seen.
41:05You forgot to mention Machiavellian.
41:08Purely unintentional.
41:13You know, I took the opportunity
41:16of looking over some of your old case reports.
41:19And I must admit,
41:22you used quite a bit of creativity in putting them together.
41:25That was before you were you.
41:28I still had to keep alive the illusion
41:31that there really was a Remington Steele.
41:37Yes, well,
41:40despite all that, I don't think we're going to have any trouble
41:43in getting our license restored.
41:51Not having it has
41:54given me time to think.
41:57About what?
42:00Is that piece of paper the only thing
42:03that's keeping us together?
42:06Do we really have anything else in common?
42:09Besides this agency?
42:12I don't know if you're talking about my allergy to legwork.
42:17No, it's got nothing to do with that.
42:21Don't you see?
42:24I mean, losing our license may be the very best thing
42:27that ever happened to us.
42:30Maybe it'll give us time
42:33to think about how we really feel towards each other.
42:36Outside work.
42:41All we've ever done is
42:44play trial and error with our personal relationship
42:47as we try to
42:50squeeze it into our professional one.
42:53Are you saying it hasn't worked?
42:58Are you saying it has?
43:01Well, perhaps not consistently, but...
43:04All I'm suggesting is that
43:07maybe we, uh...
43:10take some time
43:13to think about it for a while.
43:16That's all.
43:27What are you doing? Come here!
43:31Their heart must have awfully big pockets!
43:34That's where he keeps you, isn't it?
43:37So it won't be too difficult to prove
43:40that we had our license suspended.
43:43Now, perhaps you've noticed I'm not a very patient man these days
43:46and I don't want to have to sit through any hearings
43:49or petitions or motions.
43:52Do you like the movies, Mr. Bergman?
43:55I mean, the Disney movies, for instance.
43:58You get the message, huh?
44:01Good, good, because you and I are gonna play a little scene
44:04from one of those fine family films
44:07in which you play the good fairy who's gonna grant me three wishes.
44:10One, I want you to confess
44:13in writing that Horton Earhart
44:16paid you to pull our license.
44:19Two, I'm gonna make damn sure that I get that license before I leave.
44:22And three, you're gonna allow me to escort you
44:25to the police station so you can turn yourself in.
44:28What do you think of it so far, huh?
44:39Well, I was beginning to think I was gonna have to eat
44:42in that Chinese restaurant all by myself.
44:45I'm here, aren't I? Well, I'll drink to that.
44:48Are you okay?
44:51Oh, dear.
44:54William, I don't know how to tell you this,
44:57but you were only chosen to run for senator
45:00because somebody wanted me to sink Horton Earhart's ship.
45:03They knew that checking into your background
45:06would ultimately lead to Scott Jefferson.
45:12Well, look on the bright side.
45:15If it hadn't been for all that, we might never have met.
45:18You really are something very special.
45:21Yeah, so are you.
45:27Where are you going?
45:30I'm sorry, William, but I can't go through with it. I'm sorry.
45:33What happened? Is it me?
45:36No. No, of course not.
45:39You're the reason I've come this far.
45:45Well, I care very much for someone
45:48who I think cares very much for me,
45:51and even though we can't figure out a way to make it work,
45:54I can't really leave
45:57until I'm sure there's no reason to stay.
46:00Do you understand?
46:03No, not really.
46:06That's okay.
46:09As long as I do.
46:42Come on.
46:45Home, Fred.
47:15Come on.
47:46Mr. Steele?
48:03Mr. Steele?
48:15Mr. Steele?
48:45Mr. Steele?
49:15Mr. Steele?
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