Remington Steele S03E08

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Remington Steele S03E08


00:00You think you're the better detective?
00:04I'll bet you that I can find Carlton Shepard before you.
00:10Nora! Nora!
00:13She's probably miles ahead of us by now.
00:18We've been had. I need to talk to him.
00:20You are in private waters.
00:24Nothing gives you the right to manipulate people like that.
00:27You're making it sound as if I've done something positively nefarious.
02:21Nora! Courage, Mr. Steele.
02:24It's horsepower. He has it. We don't.
02:37I think he just ran out of road.
02:50There he goes.
02:52Wait a minute!
02:54Nora, he's getting away.
02:56The man we're chasing is English.
03:00So why was he driving on the right side of the road?
03:02We can ask when we catch him.
03:04I've had a funny feeling about this case ever since we left Los Angeles.
03:06Could we discuss this later?
03:08It's all been too easy.
03:10The gambler on Crete, the bartender on Mykonos.
03:12It doesn't fit in somehow.
03:14Nora, we've been tracking this fellow for four days,
03:16halfway across the Mediterranean.
03:18Give me a minute.
03:26Where have all the people gone?
03:30The entire village is a fake!
03:34It's not right, is it?
03:36It's not on the map, either, you know?
03:40I don't think we're in Kansas anymore.
03:42The whisper voice.
03:44Judy Garland.
03:46May Volta. MGM.
04:06The bartender on Mykonos.
04:08The gambler on Crete.
04:10Well done, well done, well done.
04:12Although I must confess
04:14that I had hoped the game would go on
04:16for a day or two longer.
04:18I should have known better than to hire a yank.
04:20You can come out now, Harold.
04:22Oh, God.
04:24This thing was giving me a headache.
04:28Introductions are in order.
04:30I am G.W. Wainwright.
04:32And I am G.W. Wainwright.
04:34And I am G.W. Wainwright.
04:36And I am G.W. Wainwright.
04:38And I am G.W. Wainwright.
04:42I don't care if you're the wealthiest man in England.
04:44Oh, top 20, actually.
04:46Nothing gives you the right to manipulate people like that.
04:48Oh, come along, Miss Holt.
04:50You're making it sound as if I've done something positively nefarious.
04:52And all I've done is pay you $10,000 in advance
04:54to come and play
04:56in one of the loveliest corners of the world.
05:00I think what's upsetting my associate is your cable
05:02which created the unmistakable impression
05:04that we were battling the clock
05:06to save your nephew's life.
05:08Yes, I'm afraid the, uh,
05:10the kidnap scenario was just a little melodramatic.
05:12But I had to make the stakes seem worthwhile.
05:14Otherwise there wouldn't be any sport in it, would there?
05:18Sport is where you find it, Miss Holt.
05:20And I thought it would be more stimulating
05:22to pitch my wits
05:24against a world-class detective
05:26than to breed more horses
05:28or to go on yet another interminable safari.
05:30Oh, you should taste these muscles.
05:34You know, it was your brilliant work
05:36in recovering the Habsburg dagger
05:38that convinced me that you were the man
05:40to offer the challenges I crave.
05:42I haven't been disappointed.
05:44Really? Well, I can't say I approve of your methods,
05:46but your admiration is understandable.
05:50Oh, dear, oh, dear.
05:52I see your colleague is still a little touchy.
05:54I say, Miss Holt,
05:56I did prepare a second game plan
05:58in case you sold the first one too quickly.
06:00There's another...
06:02There's another 10,000 in it for you
06:04if you care to tackle it.
06:06Absolutely not.
06:08All right, then. 20,000.
06:10Perhaps you didn't hear me.
06:12Excuse me just a minute.
06:14Laura, the man's talking about $20,000.
06:16That buys an awful lot of paper cash.
06:18I refuse to become that man's plaything.
06:20There's a principal involved here, Mr. Steele.
06:22Our agency cannot be bought.
06:24Yes, I know that, Laura,
06:26but perhaps, perhaps it could be rented.
06:28Oh, dear, oh, dear.
06:30Oh, dear, oh, dear.
06:32I do hope I haven't caused a rift.
06:34Oh, nah.
06:36They always work things out beautifully.
06:38This whole thing is outrageous.
06:40Balmy skies, azure seas,
06:44Playing games is not our job.
06:46I say, I say.
06:50The source of your discomfort
06:52is that staunch, God-fearing drudge
06:54raring up at you at the thought of playing
06:56a little well-compensated hooky.
06:58That's it. That's it, isn't it, Laura?
07:00Come on, Laura, this is the perfect time
07:02to develop those baser instincts lurking inside you,
07:04yearning to be free.
07:06I was raised to work, Mr. Steele.
07:08I'm happy when I'm working.
07:10I cannot relax and enjoy myself
07:12when I know I should be doing something else.
07:14I say, do forgive me.
07:16I couldn't help but overhear.
07:18You know, perhaps we could arrive
07:20at a satisfactory conclusion, Mr. Steele.
07:22I mean, your Miss Holt is in search of some real work.
07:24I'm in search of an amusing challenge.
07:26Suppose we were to find
07:28an actual unsolved case on these islands
07:30and I were to wage at the $10,000
07:32I've already paid you at 3 to 1
07:34that you couldn't solve it in 48 hours?
07:36How do we select a case?
07:38No idea.
07:40Ask around.
07:42Look at the local newspapers.
07:44Oh, well, give me a minute.
07:48The full resources of my yacht
07:50would, of course, be at your disposal.
07:52Fascinating proposition, eh, Miss Holt?
07:54Here, I think I got it.
07:56Oh, well done, Mildred, well done.
07:58Look at this, Laura.
08:00English writer, still missing, yes.
08:02Island police continue to look for Carlton Shepard,
08:0438, British, freelance writer
08:06who was reported missing two weeks ago.
08:08Anyone who has seen Shepard
08:10is urged to contact authorities.
08:12Seems perfectly adequate.
08:14It does, doesn't it?
08:16Laura, where are you going?
08:18Solve it yourself.
08:20I'm taking the next plane to Los Angeles.
08:22Need I remind you, Mr. Steele,
08:24who's the brain behind the brawn in this outfit?
08:26I didn't realize it was so unequally divided.
08:28You may have the formal training,
08:30but I have the hard-earned experience,
08:32and after two years of bailing you out
08:34in case after case, I think that's far more important.
08:36Bailing me out? You must be joking.
08:38In case you didn't know about it, Missy,
08:40this figurehead has a mind of its own.
08:42I'm tired of your innuendo.
08:44You think you're the better detective?
08:46You want to play games? Fine.
08:48I'll give you a chance
08:50to put your money where your mouth is.
08:52I'll bet you that I can find Carlton Shepard
08:54before you.
08:58What are the stakes?
09:00I think pride is enough.
09:02Once this is settled, I don't expect to hear
09:04any more bellyaching from you
09:06about who runs this agency and why.
09:08You're pretty sure of yourself, aren't you?
09:10Well, how about this?
09:12If you find Shepard, we go straight back to Los Angeles.
09:14And if you find him?
09:16We spend another week on the Mediterranean,
09:18even if it kills me.
09:28Ready, steady...
09:32Yoo-hoo! I'm ready!
09:34Whose team am I on?
09:36We forgot Mildred.
09:38Oh, I wanted you, Mildred, but Mr. Steele insisted.
09:40Great! How do I get down?
09:42Thanks, Laura. Thank you very much.
09:44Actually, Mildred, I need you on board deck.
09:46You don't want me to come along?
09:48I tell you what, Mildred, here you go.
09:52You can be my lookout, okay?
09:54What do I look for?
09:56Well, anything peculiar.
09:58You can never be too diligent, Mildred.
10:00Remember that, okay?
10:02Well, Mr. Steele, may the best man win.
10:04Just to review the ground rules.
10:06No cooperation, no communication,
10:08and no holes barred, right?
10:20What shall I do, boss?
10:22Throw me a line, Mildred.
10:24Throw me a line, please.
11:18Thank you very much indeed.
11:20Thank you very much. Good day.
11:22This Shepard fellow certainly kept a low profile.
11:24No one's heard of him.
11:26You got to have more patience, boss.
11:28This is only the second hotel we've checked,
11:30and there are 28 more to go,
11:32including bought and breakfast.
11:34Well, you know what Miss Holt always says.
11:36Good detecting takes 5% brain work
11:39and 95% leg work.
11:41How like her.
11:43My philosophy, Mildred, is that nothing in life
11:45is worth doing unless it can be accomplished by a shortcut.
11:48She's probably miles ahead of us by now.
11:50Instead of looking for Shepard,
11:52we should be looking for Miss Holt.
11:56I didn't realize you were capable
11:58of such devious thinking, Mildred.
12:00You're a doll! You're a doll!
12:02You're a doll!
12:04Pardon me, sir. Pardon me.
12:06This morning you didn't happen to meet
12:08a fairly attractive American woman,
12:11a brunette, late 20s, extremely pleased with herself?
12:16What a guy. What a guy.
12:28Hi. I'd like to...
12:31talk to Angelo, please.
12:37I'm looking for this man, Carlton Shepard.
12:40I understand he came here.
12:42You made a mistake.
12:44I found the hotel where Carlton was staying.
12:46The clerk there told me Carlton wanted to buy a boat,
12:48so he sent him to see a friend of his at the docks,
12:50and the friend sent Carlton here to see you.
12:52Is that so?
12:54Look, I don't know what kind of business you're in,
12:57and I don't care. I just want to find Carlton.
12:59Now, if you'll tell me what he wanted, I'll be on my way.
13:07He's the only family I have in the world.
13:12Look, he wanted a boat,
13:14very fast, with radar and radio.
13:17We occasionally use such boats in our line of work.
13:20What was he going to do with it?
13:23He had the cash. I sold him a boat.
13:27Does it have a name?
13:29It did. Once.
13:32Well, I can tell you that it's red now.
13:41Excuse me.
13:44You didn't expect all that for nothing, did you?
13:54Get over here!
14:04Okay, hold it right there. Don't move.
14:06Back off. Back off. Come on.
14:08Come on, move it. Move it. Back off. That's it.
14:11Easy, easy. Very, very slowly.
14:17Ooh! Nice try.
14:34We're going to be trapped.
14:36There's always a way out of these things. Don't you ever go to the movies?
14:42The wrong ones, apparently.
14:50This really isn't necessary, fellas.
14:55Follow me, Laura.
15:25You are so lucky!
15:27Luck has nothing to do with it, Laura.
15:29Tell me you knew that pool led to this place.
15:32You're just upset that I had to save you, that's all.
15:36Oh, I could have got out of there.
15:38Well, next time I'll let you.
15:41Oh, good.
15:43That doesn't change anything about the bet, you know?
15:45Oh, of course not.
15:47I just thought it would be more fun to keep you alive till the end, that's all.
15:52Six hours gone.
15:54Forty-two to go from now.
16:03Wainwright's enjoying this far too much for my satisfaction.
16:07Well, for giving us a shot at $30,000,
16:10he can do handstands on the deck naked, as far as I'm concerned.
16:13Besides, I'm beginning to savour the challenge of finding this fellow, aren't you?
16:18What did Shepard want with those pums at the grotto, Miss Holt?
16:21A fast, sophisticated boat.
16:23Why, I don't know.
16:25Excellent work, Laura, excellent work.
16:41Okay, steady, Mildred. Steady as she goes.
16:44There we go.
16:47Well, thanks for the lift.
16:50I'm glad to see there are no hard feelings about what happened to your raft.
16:54On the contrary.
16:56I'm delighted to see that you've entered into the spirit of things.
16:59You've become a regular game player, Laura.
17:01Mr. Steele.
17:03Of course, you still have one or two things to learn.
17:06Yes, here she is, gentlemen.
17:08Come with us, please. You're under arrest.
17:10What is this all about?
17:14Willful and malicious destruction to a nautical vessel in island waters.
17:18Mr. Steele, let go!
17:20Shocking disregard for personal property, Laura Shockey.
17:23But it wasn't even his raft!
17:25Ah, the weed of crime bears bitter fruit.
17:28You're not going to let Miss Holt rot in jail, are you, boss?
17:31Of course not. Those officers are merely going to detain the harpoon.
17:34Happy Miss Holt for a few hours.
17:36How can you be sure?
17:38Experience and the fact that while Miss Holt was changing clothes on the yacht...
17:42I called the local constabulary...
17:44and arranged a generous donation to the pension fund.
17:46Where are we going?
17:48Someplace that sells nautical charts.
17:50Shepard bought a boat. It's logical to assume he needed to know where he was going.
17:53Oh, amazing! Oh, what a mind!
17:56You are fantastic, boss.
17:58Thank you, Mildred. Thank you very much.
18:00I remember him.
18:02Suppose fisherman.
18:04He's missing, huh? For two weeks.
18:06I'm not surprised, I suppose.
18:08He didn't know much about fishing.
18:10Wanted the chart for Agrabah.
18:12What's wrong with Agrabah?
18:14No fish there. Everyone knows that.
18:16It's a long trip for nothing, believe me.
18:18What is there?
18:20Seagulls. And the colonel. That's about it.
18:23Who's the colonel?
18:25Englishman. Has a big place all by himself.
18:28Lived there ten years, maybe.
18:30Never leaves his villa.
18:32He's getting married, I hear. Local girl.
18:35Well, I'll take one of those charts for Agrabah myself, actually, okay?
18:39Thank you, sir.
19:09Let me out of here!
19:41Oh, hi, Miss Holt.
19:43Where's Mr. Steele?
19:45Ah, you know the rules of the bet.
19:47Forget the bet. Where is he?
19:49Mildred, we've been had. I need to talk to him.
19:51Oh, I don't know, Miss Holt.
19:53The boss said you'd try anything to trip him up.
19:55I am not joking, and I don't have much time.
20:00Okay! He went that way just a few minutes ago.
20:02He'll be here any minute now.
20:04I'm sure of it.
20:08Okay! He went that way just a few minutes ago.
20:36Attention. You are in private waters. Leave at once.
21:06Oh, my God!
21:36Sell all shares in Kristen Electronics when it reaches 42.
21:39I may want to buy into that Italian ship concern.
21:42And check the exchange rates.
21:46Come in. Come in.
21:52I wanted to tell you about the flowers for the wedding.
21:55Oh, yes.
21:57Oh, yes.
21:59Oh, yes.
22:01Oh, yes.
22:03I wanted to tell you about the flowers for the wedding.
22:06Yes, of course.
22:11Oh, can it wait until dinner?
22:13All right.
22:15That's a good girl.
22:17You look very pretty.
22:19Thank you, Colonel.
22:25Stefan from the harbor.
22:27You've seen something?
22:29Yes, Captain. A woman came to the harbor this morning.
22:31In America. She was looking for Shepard.
22:33Who is the woman?
22:35Her name is Laura Holt.
22:37Have any new boats appeared in the harbor recently?
22:40Yes, one. A big pleasure cruiser.
22:42The Queen's Gumby II.
22:46Pay him.
22:48Thank you, Colonel.
22:52He's here.
22:54After 10 years.
22:56I thought he might have given up.
22:58What about security, sir?
23:00What do you want done about the prisoner?
23:02Leave him.
23:04Perhaps he'll finally talk when he sees we know the truth.
23:06But first of all, I have a job for you.
23:12I really don't know what you are talking about.
23:14Don't give me that.
23:16This story about Shepard is phony, and I can prove it.
23:18This is just another of your elaborate charades.
23:20Miss Holt.
23:22The game's over, Wainwright.
23:24Let's find Mr. Steele and settle accounts.
23:26Miss Holt.
23:28You were clever, but the jig is up.
23:30Miss Holt.
23:32What, Mildred?
23:34More game-playing, Wainwright.
23:36I wasn't told about this.
23:40The devil.
23:48They're real bullets.
23:50Who are they?
23:52How should I know? I'm just a bloody actor.
24:02Come back, you swine!
24:04Some crew.
24:08Who are you?
24:10I'm Benjamin Applegate.
24:12I'm a provincial actor and part-time electrician.
24:14You see, all this began...
24:16Are there any guns on board?
24:18Guns! Come on.
24:20I'll get all.
24:44This is a flare gun.
24:46We risked our lives for that.
24:48Well, it's a gun, isn't it?
24:50It's a good gun.
25:21Score one for Holt.
25:58I didn't know you could work one of these things.
26:00I didn't either. Throw some switches.
26:02Let's see if we can get out of here.
26:08Here. Here. Where are we going?
26:10Does it matter?
26:20Come on.
26:52Shoot. Shoot.
26:54Come on. Stand. Stand. Stand. Go.
26:56Go. Get out of here.
27:16Shoot. Go.
27:20Come on. Go.
27:34We'd better get out of here.
27:36They'll be missing him soon.
27:38Much obliged.
27:40Don't mention it. Michael Banks.
27:42Remington Steele.
27:44Hell of a name for a goatherd.
27:46Private investigator. I'm looking for a fellow named Carlton Shepard.
27:48He's my cousin.
27:52Aye. The family's been worried sick.
27:54Why are you looking for him?
27:56Well, let's just call it professional challenge.
27:58He appears to have been held in the villa.
28:00He is. I'll stake my life on it.
28:02And I told him not to get involved in this story.
28:04What story is that?
28:06Well, Carlton's a journalist. A freelance, you know.
28:08Always after the rough-and-tumble type of piece.
28:10Wars, murders, that kind of tripe.
28:12Well, a while back, he gets this tip in Johannesburg
28:14about this fellow called the Kern.
28:16The man who owns the villa?
28:18Aye, the same. Real name's Richard Moreland.
28:20He was a mercenary soldier
28:22in one of those African wars about ten years ago.
28:24Thought he'd get rich quick,
28:26so he kills two payroll guards his own side
28:28and lit out of the swamp with a payroll
28:30of 400,000 pounds and vanished.
28:34Carlton heard he was living round here
28:36like some kind of lord of the manor.
28:38Got all excited about exposing the fellow.
28:40But Moreland caught on to him first.
28:44Better get the authorities.
28:46Try again, laddie.
28:48I've been to the authorities. They're in Moreland's pocket.
28:50Had quite a bust up trying to get away from them.
28:54The only way to spring him
28:56is to do the job myself.
28:58Trouble is, I've been looking at the place.
29:00It's like a fortress.
29:04That might be the key.
29:06How's that?
29:08Well, Moreland's designed his defenses
29:10to hold off a battalion,
29:12but at the time, couldn't slip in unnoticed.
29:14Two men?
29:18I like your spirit, lad.
29:20I could have been playing
29:22full staff in Stoke-on-Trent
29:24or rewiring me mum's kitchen.
29:26So why did you impersonate Wainwright?
29:28For the money, of course. Why else?
29:30Your agent sent you to see this man in London
29:32who said he represented Wainwright.
29:36You yanks wouldn't know that Wainwright's a very private person.
29:38Nobody knows what he looks like.
29:40What Wainwright in London wanted
29:42was someone who could do a very good public school accent
29:44and take direction.
29:46Now, that is my strong point, lad.
29:48You see, the...
29:50Yeah, well, the whole point was to get you and Mr. Steele
29:52to go after Shepard.
29:54But why? Who is Shepard?
29:56I've got a clue.
29:58But if you found him, I was to leave a message
30:00at a certain address.
30:02You still have it?
30:04Yeah, yeah.
30:06Come on, Mildred.
30:08Well, shouldn't we be looking for the boss?
30:10Don't worry about Mr. Steele.
30:12I'm sure he's somewhere safely barking up the wrong tree.
30:14Yeah, well, I'm coming with you.
30:16I thought you told me you were a confirmed coward.
30:18I am. But I ain't been paid yet, have I?
30:30Are you sure you want to do that?
30:36Queen takes rook.
30:52You're learning. It's a difficult game.
30:58Why don't you get ready for dinner?
31:00You won't be late again, will you?
31:02I hope not.
31:06Come on.
31:12Now, obviously, this woman, Holt,
31:14is someone to contend with.
31:16So this is what we're going to do.
31:26Well, I see there's no one at home.
31:32Where'd you get that?
31:34I found it while I was changing clothes on the yacht.
31:36I thought it might come in handy.
31:38Oh, that's a dirty trick.
31:40Yes, it is.
31:42Here we are.
31:58What is this?
32:00I'm not sure.
32:08Ah, let's have a look.
32:16Extremely dedicated.
32:20Unlikely to accept game format.
32:24Find acceptable alternatives.
32:30Here, look.
32:32I'm saying subject is expendable.
32:40Oh, look at this one, Holt.
32:42It looks like some kind of a journal.
32:46Shepard reportedly closing in on M.
32:50Shepard missing one week now.
32:54Time running short.
32:56Find Shepard to find M.
32:58Who's M?
33:02You're onto something.
33:06That's the last entry.
33:08Oh, I've got goosebumps.
33:10I don't blame you.
33:12Apparently, the real Wainwright
33:14has set all these wheels in motion
33:16to find M.
33:18Who, judging from the assault on the yacht,
33:20obviously doesn't want to be found.
33:24This thing is like a chess match.
33:28Open a game.
33:30Wainwright tricks us into looking for Shepard.
33:34Middle game.
33:36We point Wainwright toward M
33:38and fool M into looking for Applegate.
33:42End game.
33:44What's the end game?
33:48do you remember where Mr. Steele went?
33:50I think so.
33:52We're going to get him.
33:54That is definitely it. I'm off. Goodbye.
33:56Use your talents, Applegate.
33:58A living dog is better than a dead lion.
34:00But you haven't been paid yet.
34:02That is painfully true, my darling,
34:04but I've stashed enough money away on that yacht
34:06to get me back to London, all right?
34:18When do we start?
34:58Come on.
35:28Come on.
35:52What's the matter?
35:54I must have lost my lockpick somewhere.
35:58Good man.
36:02Come on. On your feet.
36:04Who are you?
36:06We've come to get you out of here.
36:08Your cousin Michael and I. Come on.
36:10My cousin Michael?
36:12Yes. Come on. He's studying.
36:14Allow me to introduce myself, gentlemen.
36:22G.W. Wainwright.
36:26G.W. Wainwright.
36:52Here. Keep a lookout.
36:54You're a shepherd.
36:56If Morland catches you now, you're a dead man.
36:58We all are.
37:00The only way you can get out of this place alive
37:02is to do exactly as I say.
37:06Not to be indelicate,
37:08but if I'm going to die, I'd like to know the reason why.
37:12There were in fact two mercenaries involved
37:14in the payroll robbery, Morland and myself.
37:16Morland panicked and killed the two guards.
37:18Then later he stole my share and left me for dead.
37:20And you've been looking for Morland ever since?
37:22He's been living in fear of me.
37:24Covered his tracks well.
37:26Ever since I made my first million,
37:28I've had souls of fortune like shepherds scouring the planet for him.
37:30So when Shepherd disappeared...
37:32I figured he must have got close to Morland.
37:34So I arranged for one of the best detectives in the world
37:36to land where Shepherd disappeared
37:38and to track him from there.
37:40I was never more than one step behind you.
37:46I must say I've had my money's worth
37:48from Remington Steel Investigations.
37:50Don't I get a weapon?
37:52I think not.
37:54My research indicates you're a man of principle, Mr. Steel.
37:56Despite my warning about Morland,
37:58I think you might just about be reckless enough
38:00to spoil my plans.
38:02Shall we continue?
38:06Oh, I don't like this.
38:08I don't like this at all.
38:10It's dark, it's gloomy.
38:12I never cared for the water.
38:14Even when I was a kid, my mum used to say to me...
38:16Would you be quiet?
38:19Mildred, did you hear something?
38:23You sure?
38:33Stand to and prepare to be boarded.
38:36I knew it, I knew it, we're dead.
38:38We're all dead, I knew it, we're dead.
38:40Come on, Applegate, this is where I need you.
38:43Hello, hello.
38:45Good evening, chaps.
38:47Worthy Cunningham here.
38:49British Admiralty.
38:51Out on holiday in your lovely islands,
38:53but having the most frightfully bad time
38:56with the navigation equipment.
38:58I say, I wonder,
39:00do you think you chaps might possibly lend a hand?
39:05You know, I thought they were really going for that
39:07until I got port and starboard mixed up.
39:09The intruders, Colonel.
39:11What am I to do for you, Miss Holt?
39:14The Colonel's last name begins with M.
39:17I'm here to tell you that Wainwright
39:19was not killed on board his yacht today.
39:21In fact, he's probably somewhere very close right now.
39:26Odd that you should be warning me
39:28when you helped to track me down.
39:30What's with you and Wainwright anyway?
39:32Why do you want to kill him?
39:34He's the killer.
39:36He's the one that has to be stopped.
39:40I get the impression he feels the same way about you.
39:43Look, we're here to help.
39:45The least you can do is tell us what this is all about.
39:48Well, like all enemies,
39:50Wainwright and I began as the best of friends.
39:53Chess partners in the African jungle,
39:55mercenaries in the same unit.
39:57Which war?
39:59Does it matter? Corrupt. Horrible mob.
40:02We decided to take an unauthorized leave with the army payroll,
40:05but Wainwright shot two guards,
40:07and suddenly we had a battalion on our tail.
40:09And to make matters worse,
40:11he brought a South African girl with him.
40:15Well, he said he was going to marry her.
40:17We were ambushed. She was killed.
40:19The two of us barely escaped.
40:21Wainwright blamed me for the girl's death,
40:23swore revenge as soon as we fought our way out of there.
40:26I should have killed him right there.
40:30Well, I got away one night with my share of the money.
40:34Now, I know you don't believe that I didn't take all of it,
40:37but we went through a lot together,
40:40and I figured that if either of us gone out alive,
40:43we deserved a fair stake.
40:45Apparently fate played a funny hand.
40:48Sorry, Colonel. I did not...
40:50It's nothing, my dear.
40:54The alarm system is out. The prisoner has escaped.
40:56He's what?
40:58Don't panic. The emergency generator will come on.
41:04Paolo, get her out of here.
41:06I have no intention of letting Wainwright stalk me.
41:09I intend to find him first, but not without a shield.
41:12He always had a soft spot for women.
41:14You can't do that. No?
41:16How can you just stand there?
41:18I don't do reality, darling.
41:26Shepherd, check it out.
41:35Well, are we going to help him?
41:37We're going this way, Mr. Steele.
41:53Well, I think we'll stop right here, Mr. Holt.
41:56With a little luck, Wainwright's already dead.
42:11I have one final job for you, Mr. Steele.
42:14If you'll be so kind as to stand up and draw my fire for me
42:18and run off down there.
42:22Come now, Mr. Steele. Don't tarnish your performance now.
42:25I hope I can return the favor someday.
42:28Just hope this is your lucky day.
42:30Now, Mr. Steele.
42:46Mr. Steele! On time!
42:50Come on.
44:09How are you supposed to stop these things?
44:11Is it safe? I think so.
44:14Shepherd, are you all right? Yeah.
44:16Good. Now we're only missing one person, Wainwright.
44:23Queen's gambit. Of course.
44:25Pardon me, but for those of us who are not fluent in chess...
44:29A gambit is a ploy used to set up a surprise attack.
44:32Oh, yes. Go on.
44:34Wainwright could have killed the colonel, but he didn't.
44:37Instead, he's used this confusion to go after the colonel's woman.
44:40Why are we standing here talking? Come on, let's go.
45:03Stop right there.
45:09I guess this was my lucky day, eh?
45:11See, now my only mistake was in how I detected her too good.
45:14I don't understand. I thought you were after Morland.
45:17I was. But then before Shepherd was captured, he left Wainwright.
45:21I thought you were after Wainwright.
45:23I thought you were after Wainwright.
45:25I thought you were after Wainwright.
45:27I thought you were after Wainwright.
45:29I was. But then before Shepherd was captured,
45:31he left word that Morland was getting married.
45:33My plans changed.
45:35Fortune was allowing me to do to Morland what he had done to me.
45:38He blames Morland for the death of the woman he loved.
45:41He killed her by neglect.
45:43I was out reconnoitering when the ambush hit.
45:45He should have kept her from it.
45:47Still living in the past, aren't you, Wainwright?
45:50You may drop your guns.
45:52Of course.
45:55That was always your problem, G.W.
45:58Too sentimental.
46:00You honestly thought killing Anna would affect me?
46:04The way you were destroyed when Kathleen was killed?
46:08You poor misguided fellow.
46:10Didn't I tell you that emotion should never be overruled by judgment?
46:15But you didn't listen.
46:17The very idea of dragging a woman across 100 miles of jungle...
46:23Utter folly.
46:25It would never have made it.
46:27You actually killed her.
46:30Well, it had to be done.
46:33At least I left you your share of the money, didn't I?
46:46This game is over.
46:55I think I'm finally learning to enjoy laziness.
47:03Something troubling you?
47:05Oh, I was just wondering if we could have done something more somehow.
47:09I know.
47:11At least we saved Anna.
47:13And Shepard, too.
47:15I suppose there was no way we could have stopped Wainwright and Morland from destroying it.
47:19You're right.
47:21Still, we would have gotten to the bottom of this case a lot earlier if we hadn't split up.
47:27I mean, we're a team.
47:29A team that sticks together.
47:31All for one and one for all.
47:35So what if I have more expertise?
47:37We're partners.
47:39Who cares if I have the superior skills?
47:41I'm happy to lend them to the common good.
47:44Superior skills?
47:46Superior skills?
47:48What's mine is yours.
47:50Wait a minute. Wait a minute.
47:52Who cracked this case?
47:54Oh, come, Lola, don't quibble.
47:56I'm not going to load it over your head that I found Shepard first.
47:59Under the circumstances, you don't think that proves anything, do you?
48:04That isn't meant to be.
48:06Yes, it is.
48:16THE END
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