Remington Steele S01E08

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Remington Steele S01E08


00:00I want to know who murdered my brother.
00:06Kenji Ito was not murdered.
00:10Then again, on the other hand, one mustn't jump to conclusions.
00:12And who claimed Kenji's body from the authorities?
00:15Come on.
00:18Bring me the Palace of Heaven within 24 hours, and I will release Mike.
00:26Get out while you still can.
00:28Is that a threat, Major?
00:29I'm afraid to admit it this far along, but I think we're in the wrong movie.
00:36Try this for a deep, dark secret.
00:39The great detective Remington Steel?
00:42He doesn't exist.
00:44I invented him.
00:46I always loved excitement.
00:48So I studied and apprenticed and put my name on an office.
00:52But absolutely nobody knocked down my door.
00:55A female private investigator seemed so feminine.
00:59So I invented a superior, a decidedly masculine superior.
01:05Suddenly there were cases around the block.
01:07It was working like a charm.
01:09Until the day he walked in with his blue eyes and mysterious past.
01:15And before I knew it, he assumed Remington Steel's identity.
01:19Now I do the work, and he takes the vows.
01:23It's a dangerous way to live.
01:25But as long as people buy it, I can get the job done.
01:29We never mix business with pleasure.
01:32Well, almost never.
01:35I don't even know his real name.
01:53Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,
02:20oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.
02:31I'm so sorry.
02:33It doesn't make any sense.
02:35It can't make sense.
05:26I want to know who murdered my brother.
05:29Then again, on the other hand, one mustn't jump to conclusions.
05:36Mike, hold on!
05:43What are you talking about?
05:46Maybe you don't have a brother
05:48who sent you money ever since you were ten,
05:51who set you up in business,
05:53who dropped his job and come running from Japan whenever you called.
05:56I know this must be...
05:58He didn't even tell me he was planning a trip!
06:00Then he disappears at the airport and...
06:03And then he's dead.
06:05But there's absolutely nothing to suggest that he was murdered.
06:08Look, you don't want to take the case,
06:10I'll find somebody to do it, or I'll do it myself!
06:13Just hold on there.
06:15You just had that terrible shock.
06:17You're hurt, outraged, desperately trying to find a way to fight back, am I right?
06:20Who are you?
06:22Tell him, Miss Holt. Tell him who I am.
06:25Mike Ito, this is Remington Steele himself.
06:31So, I'm personally going to review all the facts myself.
06:34But I won't get very far with you crushing about now, will I?
06:37I just want to know what happened.
06:39So you shall, so you shall.
06:41But let's say we all go someplace quiet
06:43and give your grief a run for its money, eh?
06:49But I think I'd rather be alone just today.
06:51Are you sure?
06:54May you call us?
07:01Well, you did it to me again, didn't you?
07:04I did?
07:06You come barging in with no facts,
07:08no idea of what's going on,
07:10and then you have the nerve to just take over.
07:12Nora, the man was distraught.
07:14I know he was distraught. I can handle distraught.
07:17I once had to convince a drug-crazed killer
07:19I was the Virgin of Guadalupe over the phone.
07:21I know all about distraught.
07:23He wanted to speak to the Virgin of Guadalupe?
07:25I see you two found each other all right.
07:27You know, the worst part of it is you left poor Mike
07:29thinking we're really going to dig into this thing now.
07:32I merely said we'd go over the facts.
07:34Just a way to say that the cat's on the roof
07:36and we can't get her down.
07:38Break it to him gently.
07:39You see, there were these two brothers,
07:40one of whom had a cat he dearly loved.
07:42Well, one day he decides to go away on his holiday
07:44and he leaves the cat with his brother.
07:46A few days later, the brother phones up to check on the cat.
07:48He said, anyway, look, John,
07:49I was outside polishing my car the other day.
07:51The cat was up on the roof.
07:52That was called Sidney.
07:53Am I interrupting him?
07:54As a matter of fact, you are.
07:55What is it, Murph?
07:56It's a copy of the police report on the Kenji Ito accident,
07:59but it's very C&D.
08:01What's that, complex and delicate?
08:02Cut and dried.
08:04Don't you have a Chamber of Commerce launching
08:06or something to go to?
08:08He ran out of doodles.
08:11Before we sling any more mud at the wall, my dear,
08:14you might recall that I didn't invent Remington Steel
08:16as your superior.
08:17You did.
08:18That was before I knew he was going to walk and talk.
08:22And what exactly makes you think
08:26that being a flashy front man is exactly the cat's meow?
08:29Oh, we're back to the cat now, are we?
08:31Bouncing around the rubber chicken circuit,
08:33glad-handing a lot of old windbags
08:34in order to keep up with the cat.
08:36Somebody's got to do it.
08:37Not to mention being shot at from time to time,
08:39or bashed about by people
08:40because they think that I know something
08:42that you have conveniently forgotten to tell me.
08:44You function best in a purely advisory capacity.
08:48That makes me sound more like an invalid, not a detective.
08:50Because you're not a detective.
08:52Then teach me.
08:54You're not serious.
08:56Does this look like the face of a whimsical man?
09:08But what?
09:09Why don't you share your invaluable training,
09:11your years of experience,
09:12the trained eye of the professional
09:14seasoned in the field?
09:15Well, I never thought that...
09:17Well, I do.
09:22Well, then...
09:25Perhaps when our next case comes up,
09:27we'll discuss it further.
09:29But we have a case, remember?
09:31The accident-murder of Kenji Ito?
09:34Kenji Ito was not murdered.
09:36Then it's perfect.
09:38A routine investigation done simply
09:40to ease the doubts of a grief-stricken man.
09:42What could possibly go wrong?
09:44I'd like to think about that for a while.
09:47What for?
09:48Afraid that I might learn the ropes
09:50and climb out by myself?
09:54Get out your notebook.
10:01To begin with,
10:03one must first go over all the known facts
10:05and see if they present any troubling questions.
10:09You know, I only meant
10:11get out your notebook as a figure of speech.
10:13No, no, no.
10:14Excellent suggestion.
10:15Wouldn't want to miss anything.
10:17Now, as you were saying, for instance...
10:19If Mike was Kenji's only relative in town
10:22and he didn't know about the accident until today,
10:25then who claimed Kenji's body from the authorities?
10:28Who claimed Kenji's body?
10:31And who arranged for the funeral?
10:33Who arranged for the funeral?
10:35And what were those other people doing there this morning?
10:37What other people?
10:39Before you came, three people paid their respects and then left.
10:42But I'm sure they weren't together
10:44and none of them seemed to know Mike at all.
10:48The way you can make a routine case
10:50just come alive with mysteries.
10:52Well, perhaps the driver of the car that hit him
10:55can tell us something.
11:01I think this is it.
11:03What's this driver's name again?
11:06Now, for the purposes of demonstration...
11:08The reins are entirely in your hands.
11:10I'll merely stand back and observe.
11:15Mr. Hamada?
11:17This is Miss Crenshaw
11:19from the Renfro Insurance Company.
11:25Mr. Hamada?
11:27No luck.
11:29Maybe we should break in and have a look around.
11:32Speaking purely as an observer,
11:34I don't think that would be our wisest move.
11:42Excuse me, but I'm looking for Mr. Hamada here.
11:49Excuse me. I was wondering if you could help me.
11:52I'm looking for...
11:54Should I be taking notes, do you think?
11:56That won't be necessary.
11:58Just turn as if we're about to leave.
12:00Like this?
12:04Excuse me. I'm looking for Mr. Hamada,
12:06and I was wondering if you could help me.
12:09What the man in that room down there?
12:12I need to talk to him about a car accident.
12:23Car accident?
12:25Miss Holt, Miss Holt, may I say?
12:27Excuse me, I think I'm getting somewhere with this.
12:30A car accident?
12:32Mr. Hamada?
12:40What is it?
12:42What is this?
12:44I see. I see.
12:46Okay. Thank you.
12:48It's so close.
12:50Yes. Yes. Thank you. Thank you.
12:53I forgot something about a big man with white hair,
12:56but Hamada himself was a dead end.
12:58Very much so, I'm afraid.
13:00You really enjoyed that, didn't you?
13:02On my word as a gentleman, Laura,
13:04I never asked that of you,
13:06not to tell me where Hamada was.
13:08Watching me beat myself cross-eyed
13:10against the language barrier?
13:12On the contrary. I thought you handled the situation brilliantly.
13:15After all, we got who we're after,
13:17and I learned something in the bargain.
13:19Really? What was that?
13:21You're an absolute pip at charades.
13:23Ah, Hamada.
13:28What happened to him?
13:32What? Sorry.
13:34What exactly did Mr. Hamada...
13:36Uh... broken neck.
13:41Refrigerator door caught him at a bad angle.
13:43This sort of thing happen very often?
13:45If you want details, you gotta ask the coroner.
13:48The other day, a Kenji Ito
13:50was brought here and claimed for burial.
13:52I was wondering if you could tell me who took him.
13:55Two stiffs and two...
13:57You guys really into this stuff, huh?
13:59Just a hobby.
14:01Uh... Ito.
14:05Nope. Must have gone out on the night shift.
14:08Dickerson be the man you want on that.
14:11Would you please ask him to call us when he comes in?
14:16You know, I got a lady mud wrestler you could have a look at.
14:22No, thank you. Please just have Mr. Dickerson call us.
14:25Your hobby.
14:27There's Kenji Ito.
14:29And then the driver that supposedly hit him.
14:31Hardly C and D.
14:33More like an E and F. E and F?
14:35Enigmatic and frightening.
14:38I still seems very upset.
14:40So let's not say we suspect anything just yet.
14:43Whatever you think best, Laura.
14:47My looking over your shoulder isn't making you nervous, I hope.
14:50No, no, no.
14:52Watching all this sushi go by just makes me hungry.
14:55Ah. Raw fish, isn't it?
14:57You've never tried it?
14:59Yes. Well, one has to save some experience in the kitchen.
15:02I've never tried it.
15:05Yes. Well, it always seemed so desperate to me.
15:08Rushing all that raw fish into my mouth
15:10when a few turns over the coals could have done us both the world of good.
15:15What the hell is this supposed to mean?
15:17We were hoping you could tell us.
15:21I asked you to find out who killed my brother,
15:23and instead you run a check on him?
15:25It's a standard procedure.
15:27I don't know what you're talking about.
15:29I don't know what you're talking about.
15:31I don't know what you're talking about.
15:33Hey, Miss Holt.
15:35When you told us you didn't expect a visit from your brother now,
15:38we thought maybe somebody in his company, Nambu Printing,
15:41might be able to tell us why he came to the States so suddenly.
15:44But according to this, there is no such company.
15:47And he doesn't seem to work for any other printing concern that we could find.
15:50Then where did he get the money for me to start this place?
15:53What's going on here?
15:55I'm afraid the cat's on the roof and we can't get her down.
15:59Well, you see, Mike, there were these two brothers,
16:01one of whom had a cat he loved dearly.
16:03Well, he decides to go away on holiday,
16:05and he leaves the cat with his brother.
16:07What Mr. Steele is trying to say
16:09is that the driver of the car who hit Kenji
16:11was killed yesterday in a very suspicious accident.
16:14Are you certain you've told us everything?
16:16Wait a minute. You're not accusing me now.
16:18Of course we aren't. Are we?
16:20It's just that we think whoever claimed the body
16:23and paid for the funeral must know something.
16:25Now, you're certain you never saw any of those people before
16:28who were at the funeral?
16:30I don't believe that.
16:32Have I got it backwards, Steele,
16:34or aren't I paying you to come up with the answers?
16:36That is the general arrangement.
16:38Well, when you come up with something on Kenji that makes sense, I'll listen.
16:41Otherwise, I've got a business here to run.
16:46Hardly seems fair, does it?
16:48What's that?
16:50You holding the reins, me taking the whip.
16:53I think I'm gonna call the office.
17:02It's out of order.
17:04In that case, thanks for saving me the dime.
17:07You remember me?
17:09Kenji Ito's funeral, wasn't it?
17:11Although there was such a crowd there, I might be mistaken.
17:14No mistake, Miss Holt.
17:16Naming names, are we?
17:18Did you bring yours along, or do I have to go looking for it?
17:25I'm sorry.
17:27Craddock, Winslow, Major...
17:32Special Intelligence.
17:34How do I know that's genuine?
17:37Use your dime.
17:39Well, you obviously wanted to see me.
17:42I had that little gun-running flea Kenji tight between my fingers.
17:46And I only let him go because I knew it would lead to the palace of heaven.
17:50Here's the deal.
17:52I'm going to go to the palace of heaven.
17:55His death doesn't change that.
17:57It's still mine.
17:59Palace of heaven? What's that?
18:01Come on. Stupid doesn't suit you, Holt.
18:03Just give it to me and get out while you still can.
18:06You trying to tell me this ladies' room isn't big enough for the both of us?
18:10I don't like to see civilians get hurt.
18:12Is that a threat, Major?
18:14Consider yourself lucky.
18:16If Tanaka had found you first...
18:19he'd take a finger...
18:21and then turn you.
18:23And then turn nasty.
18:25Dwell on it.
18:42So far, Major Craddock checks out.
18:44But you're gonna have to narrow the palace of heaven down for me.
18:47I mean, are we talking priceless jade statues, Shanghai bordellos?
18:51Wish I could tell you.
18:53Name seems to ring a gong.
18:55And we're billing this all to an open-and-shut traffic accident, correct?
18:59It's developed a little from that.
19:01E.N.F. at last reading, I believe.
19:03Or Q.W.Y.A.
19:05Too soon to tell.
19:07Q.W.Y.A.? Question witnesses, yank answers.
19:10Quit while you're alive.
19:12I mean it, Laura. I don't like this one.
19:14Two accidental murders, army intelligence...
19:17And the palace of heaven.
19:19What about our responsibility to the client?
19:21Refer him to the advice column in Soldier of Fortune magazine.
19:25We can't do that, not until we've made some sense of this.
19:28Or found the movie.
19:30What movie?
19:31That's the question, isn't it?
19:33Are we looking here at Enter the Dragon...
19:35with Bruce Lee on the trail of illicit narcotics?
19:38Craddock did call Kenji a gunrunner.
19:40Ah-ha! The Yakuza.
19:42The Yakuza?
19:44Robert Mitchum, Brian Keith?
19:46Exactly. Warner Brothers, 1975.
19:48The Yakuza. Japanese word for gangster.
19:51Ruthless code of honor.
19:53Where do you find these films?
19:55Drop the case, Laura.
19:57The only way to apologize to these guys...
19:59is to chop off your pinky and hand it over in a handkerchief.
20:02Please, this isn't getting us anywhere.
20:05Movie had the same problem.
20:07Watched it half a dozen times, still couldn't make head or tail of the plot.
20:10But the palace of heaven, I wonder if there might be a...
20:13Who are you calling? The morgue.
20:15I'm Dickerson, and I still have to know who picked up Kenji's body.
20:18But this is my office.
20:20No problem. I'll use the phone outside.
20:35Hello. Information?
20:37Uh, what city?
20:39I'm not sure, really.
20:41It's just that the palace of heaven sounds very familiar to me.
20:44I was wondering if you could tell me why.
20:46What did you say?
21:48I think it's time we let go of each other, don't you?
21:50What are you doing here?
21:52I'm working on a case.
21:54I'm in the real reason.
21:56There certainly wasn't anything puffing about the head and neck by you.
21:58Somebody followed me down here.
22:00They'd looked the other way around from where I sat.
22:02I've got a good description of the girl at the funeral for Laura.
22:05I caught up with her an hour ago, and I found her here.
22:08I'm going to kill you.
22:10I'm going to kill you.
22:12I caught up with her an hour ago, and I found her here.
22:14You located an oriental girl down here from only Laura's description?
22:17You know, some of us do this for a living.
22:19I'll try and remember that.
22:21As it happens, I also remember that the name of this theater was called the palace of heaven.
22:26Kenji Ito was murdered for something called the palace of heaven.
22:28Since when has this meant so much to you?
22:30Since I assumed the mantle of Remington Steele.
22:32The mantle of Remington Steele?
22:34I realized he's more than one man, Murphy.
22:37He's a team.
22:40You, Laura, my niece, and me, of course.
22:43We're all part of that team. We're all Remington Steele.
22:46Together, who could stop us?
22:49Now I say we go after that girl and see what she can tell us.
22:55I don't know. She's long gone.
22:58I think I'll, uh, call in.
23:00All right.
23:06You know, for just a moment there,
23:09I had the feeling that we, as...
23:13Oh, no.
23:22I can't run anymore.
23:24I'm a little short of breath myself.
23:26I know you've been following me.
23:28Well, actually, uh...
23:30Don't lie to me. I know I am a dead woman.
23:32My mother told me to love a yakuza
23:35is to wish for an early grave.
23:37So it's true. Kenji was yakuza.
23:39Don't come any closer.
23:41Look, with all due respect to your mother, I'm not trying to harm you.
23:44Kenji's death was a complete surprise to me.
23:46Caught his brother off guard as well.
23:50You didn't know about him?
23:52Some trick.
23:54His name's Mike. He owns a restaurant down on Tower Street.
23:56At the funeral, the man who came and sat in the back row, he...
23:59That was Mike. I take it you were there as well.
24:01I arranged for it.
24:03I see. So you must have claimed the body, too.
24:05You're making progress here. Now, tell me, this Palace of Heaven...
24:07The Palace of Heaven. I knew it.
24:09You are no different than the rest.
24:11Now, wait. Just a second.
24:13Please. Just one second, please.
24:15Just... Can we... Please talk.
24:24Did you come up with anything, Murph?
24:26I never got the chance, Laura.
24:28You gotta keep that guy in his mantle out of my hair.
24:30His mantle?
24:32He screwed up the whole operation, not to mention the fact
24:34that he nearly took his head off.
24:36I know it's been rough between you two,
24:38but I really thought you had better control than that, Murph.
24:40Laura, come on. You don't even... Murphy!
24:42Good. You're both here. I just had a tate-a-tate with the girl.
24:44You found the girl?
24:46Murphy led me right to her. That's teamwork for you, eh?
24:48I don't believe this.
24:50I wasn't quite sure what to believe myself, but it appears
24:52that we're on the mark with the Yakuza.
24:54The Yakuza? Mm-hmm.
24:56Robert, Mitch, and Brian, Keith, all about the Japanese underworld.
24:58Oh, my God. He's got you doing it now?
25:00What did she say?
25:02She said that she and Kenji were quite intimate,
25:04but that he never told her about his brother Mike.
25:06And the Palace of Heaven?
25:08Unfortunately, she ran back inside the theater
25:10and disappeared before we got that far.
25:12At least now we know who claimed the body from the morgue.
25:14We do? Sort of.
25:16I finally got Dickerson on the phone.
25:18He's coming by later for a positive I.D.,
25:20but he said it was a Japanese man.
25:22A man?
25:24But she just told me that she claimed the body.
25:26Somebody's lying.
25:28Well, whoever claimed it had to sign the forms. What was the name?
25:30Oh, dear. This is beginning to go around in circles.
25:32I think we'd better have another talk with our client.
25:38Take it away, Fred.
25:45Aren't you coming, Murph?
25:47Oh, sure. Why not?
25:49Who knows? I may even figure out what's going on around here.
25:53You idiot!
26:00What's going on?
26:02The brother on holiday calls off the check on the cat,
26:04and the brother tells him that the cat is dead.
26:06Hey, lookit.
26:08They're taking him.
26:10Hey! Stop that! You can't do that!
26:12What just happened?
26:14I believe he's been abducted.
26:18Our client.
26:20Who is this?
26:22Would you stop saying that?
26:24Come on.
26:26Come on.
26:28Come on.
26:30Come on.
26:32Come on.
26:34Come on.
26:36Come on.
26:38Come on.
26:40Stop saying that.
26:42Come on, bub. What is it you really want?
26:46Has Dickerson shown up yet?
26:48No, but I want our number changed.
26:50What for?
26:52Some creep's been calling every ten minutes for the past two hours,
26:54and he just won't quit.
26:56Is he obscene?
26:58Obscene I can handle, but no heavy breathing, no lewd suggestions.
27:00Just one line, over and over.
27:02What's that?
27:04You're still the one for me.
27:06That's it?
27:08Remington Steel Investigations.
27:10Guess who?
27:12I'll handle this.
27:16You're still the one for me.
27:19Still here.
27:21You're still...
27:23That's right.
27:25...the one for me.
27:27Come to 331 Half First Street.
27:29What was that again?
27:31Can you tell me what...
27:35Can you tell me what...
27:39What was that?
27:41Certainly wasn't a touching sentiment.
27:43You're worried about this case, aren't you?
27:45What makes you say that?
27:47Because whenever you're worried,
27:49you get this little crinkle in your forehead.
27:51Right here.
27:53I do?
27:55You scowl.
27:57I do what?
27:59When you're worried, you scowl.
28:01Hmm. Scowl and crinkle.
28:03They're excellent ones, I'm told.
28:05Unmatched. Just take a right up here.
28:21We have to get...
28:48Tell me something.
28:50In this movie, the yakuza...
28:52That was how it started.
28:54Is my crinkle showing?
29:03Look at this.
29:05Who even knew this existed up here?
29:07Who wanted to?
29:11What is that?
29:13Sounds like a movie.
29:15Are you sure?
29:17I think I paid to see it this afternoon.
29:23Yes, when I went back in to look for...
29:29A pleasure to see you again, Mr. Steele.
29:31You mean she was...
29:33Kenji's bereaved lover, wasn't it?
29:35A remarkable recovery.
29:37What his life, Mr. Steele, put the playing of roles.
29:39Your mother tell you that one, too?
29:41My father.
29:43Such a wise family.
29:45Tanaka-san is most anxious to speak with you.
29:47Follow me.
29:53Wait here.
30:01Is there a B.F. in our private lingo?
30:03What for?
30:05Bloody fool.
30:07I didn't find that girl. She found me.
30:09She'd have known something was wrong right off.
30:11What do you mean?
30:13She obviously works for Tanaka.
30:15Right after I enlightened her about Mike and his restaurant.
30:18He was kidnapped.
30:20I let the buggers write to him. Damn.
30:22There was no way you could have known that.
30:24I never see you fall for a gub of lines like that.
30:27You really mean that?
30:30Of course I do.
30:32Why else do you think I would ask you to teach me?
30:35To be perfectly honest,
30:37I thought you did it to win the argument we were having at the time.
30:40I did.
30:42But I'm learning.
30:48Give him hell, Chief.
31:00We build these machines to serve us,
31:03and instead find ourselves serving them.
31:06A profound thought, yes?
31:08Profound enough.
31:10I always like to begin such encounters with the profound.
31:14It tends to keep the conversation constructive.
31:17Some tea, perhaps?
31:19How very civilized of you.
31:21I am pleased you accepted my invitation.
31:24I'm glad I did.
31:26I am pleased you accepted my invitation.
31:29Now, perhaps, we can settle this without any further...
31:36I'm all for a stab at that.
31:38A pity Kenji can no longer agree with you.
31:40Kenji Ito was what is known in our business as a free agent.
31:43While managing a transaction for us,
31:45he was captured by your intelligence.
31:47And then, just as suddenly, released.
31:50A most alarming situation.
31:52So you ushered him into the next life.
31:55No, we merely sought to question him
31:58on his extraordinary good fortune.
32:00But he fled, taking with him something of great value to us.
32:04The palace of heaven?
32:06One of my most trusted men
32:08has already disappeared, searching for it.
32:11What if I said we don't have it?
32:13That would be most unfortunate.
32:15Because then, you would have nothing to trade.
32:18Trade for what?
32:20Steel! What the hell is happening?
32:22What do they want? What are they talking about?
32:27Kenji must have passed it to someone before he was killed.
32:31But we are now convinced
32:33Mike Ito is ignorant of Kenji's circumstances.
32:36You, on the other hand,
32:38are Remington Steel.
32:40That says a lot to you, does it?
32:45Bring me the palace of heaven with it.
32:48Bring me the palace of heaven within 24 hours,
32:51and I will release Mike.
32:53And if we don't?
32:55Have you never seen a film called The Yakuza?
32:58Afraid I have no time for such diversions.
33:01So much killing in it.
33:06I might remind you, Tanaka,
33:08that you're still on American soil!
33:11Miss Holt!
33:13Please make no sudden moves.
33:15It would be most embarrassing.
33:17For you to die at my table.
33:20Well, we certainly don't want anyone to be embarrassed.
33:24Do we?
33:36Samurai swords?
33:38This guy must put on a hell of a show.
33:41Terribly convincing.
33:43This place must be above that movie theater.
33:46The girl disappeared, too, this afternoon.
33:49I think it's time to pick up the phone and call for help.
33:52No. We send the police in there,
33:54and Mike would get killed before we even got close.
33:57Poor chap.
33:58He didn't even know Kenji was leading a double life.
34:01And now he's smack-dabbing the worst of it without a clue.
34:04I can empathize.
34:05Any chance we can make a trade?
34:07With what?
34:08We still don't know what the palace of heaven is.
34:11Tanaka doesn't know that.
34:13We can grab Mike before Tanaka realizes
34:16we've handed him a bag of hot air.
34:18Too risky.
34:19We don't even know how much hot air to put in the bag,
34:22and there's no guarantee he'll let Mike go,
34:24no matter what we give him.
34:26That doesn't leave us very much room to maneuver.
34:29Unless we start thinking in terms of U and D.
34:32U and D?
34:33I don't even want to talk about that.
34:35Unique and different?
34:36Why not?
34:37What other choice do we have?
34:38Just think of the risks.
34:39We have to get him out, Murphy.
34:41It's the only way.
34:42And who's gonna do it?
34:43We have to work together.
34:44Unified and dedicated?
34:45I know you hate to admit it,
34:46but when it comes to this stuff, he can be very...
34:48Useful and diligent?
34:49Well, we still have to come up with a plan.
34:51Excuse me.
34:52What sort of plan are we talking about?
34:55Unexpected and daring.
34:58Got it.
34:59I still don't approve of this.
35:02Is it this or me?
35:04Don't ask me questions like that, okay?
35:07You know, it's not that I don't enjoy
35:09our frequent altercations,
35:10but since we're stuck with each other,
35:12why don't we try some activity to close the gap?
35:14We don't have very much income.
35:15There must be something.
35:17What is it you'd like to do
35:18on a brisk Sunday afternoon?
35:21Sure, I can see you
35:23slopping on some cutoffs
35:24or shooting some hoops.
35:25There, you see?
35:26I love to hunt,
35:27but I don't ever recall shooting a hoop before.
35:30Is it a very large animal?
35:36Come on, it's time.
35:43Oh, thank God you're here.
35:45Oh, I'd never get away in time.
35:48Dr. Nariko?
35:49Oh, I couldn't agree more,
35:50but he's the one to reckon with.
35:52Nice shot, old chap.
36:00You'll see he's well secured.
36:02Don't worry.
37:01Oh, bucket time!
37:50Oh, bucket time!
37:58Joe, Joe!
37:59Ha, ha, ha!
38:08Ha, ha, ha!
38:33Ha, ha, ha!
38:34Get moving!
38:55I want some sake, too!
38:56What are you, deaf?
39:01Ha, ha, ha!
39:04Ha, ha, ha!
39:34Come on, now.
39:36Come on.
39:37Get up.
39:38Hey, you.
39:40Come on.
40:07Come on, let's go!
40:08Let's go!
40:09Right on!
40:10Right on!
40:11Here we go!
40:12Let's go ahead now!
40:15All right.
40:24Ha ha ha!
40:25Ha ha ha.
40:27I'd say this calls for a small celebration, eh, Mac?
40:28Why not!
40:29I think there's still something in the fridge.
40:30Just let me get out of this.
40:31Ah ha!
40:32What you guys did for me tonight, that was really...
40:34You and me.
40:36Just a little jargon we detectives employ
40:38to simplify communications.
40:42Whatever you call it.
40:45Ah, on the night's work, eh?
40:47I'm sorry if I don't seem more grateful.
40:49Yes, of course.
40:51Your brother.
40:52It was tough enough finding out he was dead,
40:54but all this Yakuza stuff.
40:56Must come as a shock.
40:58Right now, the only one who seems real to me
40:59is you, Steel.
41:03Well, we're still trying to fit the last pieces
41:04into place ourselves.
41:06Tell me the truth.
41:07How bad was he?
41:09We only know he was caught in a squeeze
41:10between Tanaka and a major cratic of army intelligence
41:13about something called the Palace of Heaven.
41:15Does that mean anything to you?
41:19Well, what should we all drink to then, eh?
41:28Did anyone lock the front door?
41:30Quick, the light.
41:41I want to know who you are and what you're doing here,
41:43and be quick about it.
41:44I'm Dickerson.
41:45From the morgue?
41:46You asked me to come?
41:47I never asked.
41:48Yes, you did.
41:49Mr. Dickerson, please.
41:50Oh, wow.
41:51I'm so sorry.
41:52I worked the night shift.
41:53I came over as soon as I got off.
41:55Well, the fact is, is I am one of your biggest fans.
41:59Oh, yeah.
42:00I follow all your cases.
42:02Well, I mean, I can't really help it, you know.
42:04You're a source.
42:05I mean of bodies.
42:07Hey, Remington Steel gets going,
42:09and I know it's time for me to clear the tables
42:11and tell my wife not to wait up.
42:13Mr. Dickerson, this is Mr. Ito.
42:15He isn't the man who claimed the body, is he?
42:18No, I have never seen him before.
42:20But what was the deceased's name again?
42:22Mike, do you have a picture of Kenji?
42:31Yes, that's the guy.
42:33You mean the deceased?
42:34No, no, the guy that claimed him.
42:36The deceased was all torn up from the accident.
42:38Are you sure this is the man who signed for him?
42:41Yeah, he said his name was Mike Ito.
42:44Laura, if he claimed the body...
42:45Kenji's still alive.
42:47Laura, I'm afraid to admit it this far along,
42:49but I think we're in the wrong place.
42:51What movie?
42:52The Oriental Angle threw us right off.
42:54What are you talking about?
42:56Third man.
42:57Orson Welles plays a ruthless dealer
42:59in a black market who fakes his own death
43:01in order to avoid pursuit by the police.
43:03Only his good friend, Joseph Cotton,
43:05doesn't believe it was an accident
43:07and begins digging to find out why Orson was killed.
43:10If Kenji's alive, I've got to find him.
43:12Mike, wait. Mike, Mike.
43:14Murphy Tanaka's men are out there.
43:16We can't let them get there alone.
43:18Oh, excuse me.
43:19I know that this is a really bad time,
43:21but could you do me a favor
43:23and autograph this death certificate for me?
43:25Just say something simple like,
43:27to my good friend Dickie...
43:29Mr. Steele!
43:30Do you think he could be here?
43:32If he staged his own death,
43:34we'd have to know who turned up at the funeral.
43:36Then find a safe place to lay low.
43:38Besides, we've already been everyplace else.
43:40Don't you worry.
43:41I'll shoot any wild hoops that happen along.
43:50Pardon me, I don't mean to disrupt your reverie,
43:53but have you seen by any chance...
44:01Mike, this can't be, uh...
44:03I don't know who it is.
44:05It's Major Craddock.
44:06I take it he's, uh...
44:08Let's just say Dickerson won't be disappointed.
44:11You shouldn't have come, Mike.
44:15But then, it's really my own fault.
44:19I worked so hard all those years to earn your respect.
44:24I should have known you could not easily accept my death.
44:29You've been yakuza all this time?
44:32I saw no reason for you to carry my shame.
44:36Away from me, in this country,
44:39you could have a decent life,
44:42a life with honor.
44:44And I never would have known the truth.
44:47But Craddock caught me a few months ago.
44:52I told him nothing.
44:55But he released me,
44:58spread the word that I talked.
45:01I knew then that Tanaka couldn't let me live.
45:05That's why I stole the computer code
45:08that details their whole operation in Japan.
45:11The Palace of Heaven.
45:14Doesn't look like a palace of heaven, does it?
45:18I thought maybe I could trade it in for my freedom.
45:23But when I called you at the airport,
45:27I spotted one of Tanaka's men following me and ran.
45:31But he caught up with you?
45:33On Temple Street.
45:35We struggled. I pushed him in front of a car.
45:39That's when I saw a way out.
45:41So you gave him your identification
45:44and staged your own funeral.
45:46Nobody hunts for a dead man.
45:49Nobody, that is, except Remington Steele.
45:53When Tanaka and the others found that you were involved,
45:58I knew they wouldn't let up, especially Craddock.
46:02So you killed him?
46:04He left me no choice.
46:06This way, Tanaka will know that I did not betray him.
46:10He will not seek revenge on Mike.
46:13But you still have the code.
46:16You will keep it now
46:19to ensure my brother's continued safety.
46:23Tanaka knows that you are a man of honor
46:27and is wise enough not to challenge the blade of Remington Steele.
46:32I'm afraid we're still going to have to call the police.
46:36I've already called them. They should be here shortly.
46:40You know, Mike,
46:44I dreamed one day to leave the Yakuza
46:49and join you in business.
46:52The dream now is only a few remaining minutes of freedom.
47:01Now that you know the truth,
47:07let's go.
47:10Come on.
47:21You know, this is really a very sad way for things to end.
47:26No, really.
47:28In the third man, Joseph Cotton killed Orson Welles.
47:33So who was burying Kenji's place?
47:36The Yakuza that Tanaka said was missing.
47:39I see. And Hamada, the driver of the car that hit him?
47:43Craddock killed him.
47:45He was the big man with the white hair
47:48that the old woman described to us when we went to see Hamada.
47:52Craddock thought he was Yakuza as well.
47:55Another poor unfortunate caught in the web of deception.
47:59I think I saw at least one.
48:01Yes. Well, I was hoping you wouldn't remember that.
48:05It's all part of the training program.
48:07Actually, I've been feeling the urge to become a flashy front man again.
48:11Come on. It's good for you. Pure protein.
48:14There's tuna, sea bass, yellowtail.
48:16I suppose this doesn't look too difficult.
48:19What is it?
48:24I never finished telling you about the cat on the roof, did I?
48:28You see, there were these 2 brothers.
48:30What if one had a cat he loved dearly?
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