Remington Steele S01E14

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Remington Steele S01E14


00:03Brevin can steal investigation
00:07Someone is trying to kill me I could kill that Markel. I wish you were dead
00:13You think I'm pulling it. Don't you feel?
00:17You just missed him I know damn it what if I threatened to ravage you
00:24Here's how
00:30Somebody call his ex-wife tell her she's a widow
00:35Try this for a deep dark secret the great detective Remington Steele
00:41He doesn't exist. I invented him follow. I always loved excitement
00:47So I studied and apprenticed and put my name on an office
00:51but absolutely nobody knocked down my door a female private investigator seemed so
00:57Feminine so I invented a superior a decidedly
01:02Masculine superior suddenly there were cases around the block. It was working like a charm
01:08Until the day he walked in with his blue eyes and mysterious past and before I knew it
01:15He assumed Remington Steele's identity
01:17Now I do the work and he takes the vows
01:21It's a dangerous way to live
01:23But as long as people buy it I can get the job done
01:27We never mix business with pleasure
01:31well almost never I
01:34Don't even know his real name
03:23Now whatever happens it's imperative that you and I stay together
03:31Peppler Bob and Judy Peppler
03:35What's the matter with Bob and Judy Peppler? I'm sorry. It's bad enough being asked to be a Bob
03:39But I didn't saw to injury with pepper
03:42It's too late
03:44Malcolm Markell is one of the most famous divorce attorneys in the country and he's expelled from his job
03:49Markell is one of the most famous divorce attorneys in the country and he's expecting Peppler's
03:55married ones
03:57Besides there's nothing wrong with it
03:59I'm a Peppler. She's a Peppler. We're a Peppler. They're a Peppler. Wouldn't you like to be a pepper, too?
04:08Come on where's your sense of humor? I'm wearing it was one truly parade around in loud pants to play this game
04:15Wouldn't want anybody to mistake you for a tree now would we?
04:21Malcolm Judy
04:30My wife Loretta, this is Bob and Judy Peppler the couple I told you about oh not you too
04:35You're not really considering divorce. Are you?
04:38Now read we're here to play golf
04:46And some shot mrs. Peppler
04:59Nice shot Peppler
05:01Beginner's luck. I have a feeling you and I are going to have to play through
05:06I'm sure Judy won't mind sticking with me. I
05:10Appreciate you're going through with this charades deal. Main thing is that Retta not know. Oh, of course. I
05:16Need your help
05:17Someone is trying to kill me
05:23How many strokes is that this whole 22
05:28If we don't count the times you missed the ball
05:31And we won't four days ago. Someone tried to run me off the road and then yesterday morning
05:36I discovered that my car's exhaust system had been jerry-rigged back into the passenger compartment
05:40Sounds thrilling. Yes, indeed II two thrilling lines
05:44Listen you uh, you see my wife. Let me know dinner parties are one of her small pleasures in life
05:48I'm not particularly anxious for to know about my stomach trouble
05:52You read where some scientist says that milk is now bad for your ulcer. I got this fantasy
05:57We're the same fellow discovers booze is the only cure. Here comes mrs. Malkoff
06:04Did it broke 150
06:07That's my girl
06:11How did you do dear? Oh just peachy darling. Oh, I can't wait to hear all about it
06:18Who would want to kill Malcolm Markel? How about half the women in Los Angeles? He suspects it might be one of the four women
06:24He's currently battling in court. He does does he?
06:28Yes, he does Laura. I think we're about to have our first fight
06:42Such a shame about them
06:50About the case
06:51Perhaps Malcolm does have a point those four women certainly have the most immediate motive
06:56You'll give me their names and I'll have Murphy interview interview them. Oh, but that's so what?
07:03Boring oh really and you have a better idea as a matter of fact, I do
07:09Something more dramatic something to get their attention
07:18Right, this is a wonderful idea you think sorry you want to play dirty Bob. All right, we'll play dirty
07:25How was that one? Did that look real? Are you kidding? What do you think one more to sell it?
07:31Why not
07:37Very good had a lot of practice, huh?
07:41Hold it dear
07:43Janet Janet Kimmel, welcome to the club
07:47Excuse me
07:48You don't know do you?
07:50You've just joined a very exclusive sorority
07:53It isn't every woman that has the opportunity to get worked over in court by Malcolm Markel when I hear something funny
08:00I hate what I do for a living not so funny. You didn't spend three years going to law school
08:05I just hate divorce. I'm good at it, but
08:08The whole business makes me feel a bit like a carpetbagger
08:11What some land in the desert a year and a half ago next month Loretta and I we're gonna call it a day with the law
08:16and Beverly Hills and
08:19You think I'm full of it, don't you?
08:23Just missed him I know damn it
08:26One of these days he's gonna zig and then I'm gonna zig and we're both gonna make headlines
08:33How do you feel about Mexican
08:37The problem it seems to me is when you're 23 you marry this guy who's 26 and a year goes by and he's
08:4427 and you're 24 and it just keeps going on that way till one day you wake up and you say hey
08:50Who's this 35 year old guy with a big gut who's lying next to me and he wakes up and says hey
08:57Who's this 32 year old babe with the dark roots and droopy everything's that's lying next to me
09:04Of course in Angela's case. She just went out and bought herself another bottle of peroxide and found herself another 26 year old
09:11Me until that scum Markel found out now my ex-husband the liquor store magnets dragging me back into court
09:17I could kill that Markel. I really could
09:21Easy Angela could be worse. It could be Megan Megan lived with Anthony perucci the racecar driver
09:30Markel drew up this cohabitation contract so that when the relationship turned sour Megan left with what she came in with
09:39Ask what she came in with
09:42What does she come in with a
09:44bathing suit a
09:46very small bathing suit
09:49Tell her what you do now Megan up for a living
09:56Aerobics I teach aerobic dancing at a gym on 5th Street
10:00You know if Anthony would have had any other lawyer I'd have a condo on Wilshire. I'd be driving a real nice car
10:06Instead I'm 28 years old and I touch my toes for a living damn that Markel. I wish you were dead
10:14speaking of the devil
10:17My goodness, what's that with him and is it taken yet? That's right
10:25Robert my ex my ex-to-be
10:31He's mine can't have him not yet you're divorcing him
10:44Think Judy's ready for something in the vodka family
10:50Where do you suppose she is
10:55We just have to keep reminding ourselves she's a big girl
11:10What's everybody looking at
11:13Come on what are you guys staring at, huh?
11:17two drinks
11:1927 years, that's not bad. You two take off. I'll have the limo dropper leave her like that with you
11:25She's a big girl. Remember my Laura. I'm taking you home or I've called friend the cars on its way as we speak man
11:32man, man
11:38What does that mean men he wants to know what that means
11:43You want to know what that means?
11:45I've spent an afternoon listening to the most horrifying stories. You're all alike
11:51Your hearts are in your pants and your brains are in your heads
11:55You take her arms. I'll take her legs
11:59The way you use us and then discard it down as though we're nothing more than mere objects
12:05Created for your pleasure
12:07Nothing more than mere afterthoughts play things for your amusement
12:11nothing more than mere trappings as if God himself had looked down on the Garden of Eden and said
12:18Nothing, but spare ribs
12:21We'll all go in the limo
12:23Trophies to display on your mantelpiece collect them trade them
13:26What's our usual chip us off this morning must you gloat so loudly
14:36Read as the only one they listened to and she took a drive town
14:40Turned it sounds last night
14:42Sounds. Yeah, like the car hood being raised must have been around 3 in the morning. I was in bed. I
14:49Suppose I could have been dreaming
14:52No, I don't believe that. I heard what I heard. Somebody was down here doing something to my car
14:58Perhaps we should alert the local police and they could send the bomb squad
15:02Wouldn't you agree sir? I was hoping we could avoid the police and the attendant publicity. I'd also rather Loretta didn't know
15:10No, I guess I'm being naive I mean you are I mean good steel I just assume you assume quite rightly
15:22What are you doing man is paying for Remington steel
15:26He's a right to get what he paid for
15:30It's only a problem if there really is a bomb in the car. Excuse me. I
15:41Think I can say without fear of repudiation that this car is free of any and all explosive devices
15:53Thank you, but would you prefer if I
15:57Would you be delighted
16:17I wonder if I might have a word with miss Holt for a moment. Excuse me
16:27Give me a prayer. What my mind keeps going blank
16:31I mean all I can think of is now I lay me down to sleep and that's not the one I want in this particular
16:37You're not sure there is it has nothing to do with being sure it has to do with being prepared for any contingency
16:42Now give me a prayer
16:44Lord is my ship. Got it. Isn't it funny how you can never think of those things when you really need them?
17:21Good show you don't know the half of it
17:25Beautiful machine you might have a soaring gear and take it for a spin. Certainly not. Ciao
17:53Those people could certainly learn a thing or two from Detroit
18:01Whoever did it knew exactly what they were doing
18:05Completely regeared the car. So when you threw it into reverse you were actually going into first
18:12Megan lived with Anthony peru she the racecar driver
18:15She probably knew a lot of people who could pull off a trick like that. Which one was Megan?
18:21Hardly begin to know how to describe her short one with the big rack. I learned that from Murphy
18:26What did you ever hear me say this short? Yes short one with the big rack
18:31Anything else happened that I should know about
18:34You got a call from a Jenna Kimmel
18:37She leave a message. Yes, you want to know if you'd like Italian?
18:42So how long until it becomes final to be perfectly honest
18:47We're trying to work it out
18:49You've already started seeing lawyers. It's too late. Actually. Mr. Markell is trying to help us
18:57Beth tell her how mr. Markell helped you
19:00I didn't even want a divorce. I
19:02Don't think Roger did either that doesn't make any sense. Nobody forced you. What I mean is I don't know why I got a divorce. I
19:09Don't know why anybody gets a divorce. I mean in my mother's day a woman would cheat on her husband a husband would cheat on his
19:17But this is the 80s. We have no vices. We've given them all away
19:22Left them to our children. I just don't know why I got a divorce. Sure. You do you were bored?
19:29More disappointed. I mean you're married for a while and believe it or not divorce seems kind of
19:35Romantic at least it's new and the groups you get to join so many groups
19:42parents without partners
19:44Singles anonymous you start going back to school make women friends. Look at us. I
19:50Mean three weekends ago. We took our kids to Disneyland together
19:55But it's hard
19:58And it stinks and I hate it
20:01Understand something Judy a good lawyer is a good closer
20:05You may go in there thinking about a divorce
20:07But by the time you walk out the sale is made Janet owns her own business
20:12Floral shops and about once a week you can count on her for a speech makes her feel like a captain of industry
20:17I'm not the captain of anything except my own destiny
20:22And that's not all it's cracked up to be but that's why we have each other for help advice friends
20:30Which reminds me maybe one of you can help me. Does anybody here know anything about
20:58Thank you, thank you very much I
21:01Suppose there's some solace knowing that although the Remington Steel Agency seems incapable of safeguarding their clients against foul play
21:07They do come promptly when you call them. Mr. Malcolm
21:11I was just patient at the restaurant and given a message to come here. I don't know what you're so upset
21:17You've been drinking what? Oh, I
21:21Sipping maybe but certainly not drinking last night. My wife Lorena. She was alone at home and someone set fire to the premises. I
21:30Don't believe this mrs. Markel is resting quite comfortably just a slight case of hysteria
21:35It's nice to know that all you have to do is almost lose your life to get the head of the agency to actually
21:41work on your case
21:43You're fired. Mr. Fargo young lady. Your agency has just been fired steel
21:48You might tell your help that it reflects badly on your whole operation when they show up for work smelling like a vineyard
22:02The decree came I called him what it amounts to is she owes you money
22:09Take out that bottle of sunshine to power and glasses I can't believe I just can't believe it
22:15You're a miracle worker Malcolm. Oh, sorry. I didn't realize there were other people they were just going
22:20Oh, why don't you stay and join us for a toast?
22:22The truth is hey, I just lost my wife half my friends the house the dog the record collection
22:29You can't say no to me. I'm on a roll beads alighted. Let's not and say we did toast
22:35to community property Nora
22:37Here's how
22:51Somebody called his ex-wife tell her she's a widow
23:01This is Markel Judy I came by as soon as I heard oh
23:07Well, aren't you wonderful
23:12How do you feel?
23:14Me I feel fantastic actually
23:17Aren't hospitals wonderful places?
23:19Maybe they let you sleep all day and they bring you your meals
23:22And if you don't want to answer the phone, you don't have to if you just want to stop and think
23:28It's too bad. You have to be sick to get in
23:31When did the fire start? I
23:35Don't know suddenly I turned around there was all this smoke
23:39It's not much damage though and we were gonna move anyway, so I guess we'll just knock a little off the price
23:50Nothing. Oh, it's just so silly. I mean you work like hell for a house in Malibu
23:57They work like hell to be a lawyer. I
24:00Love that house. I
24:02really thought he did too I
24:04loved having parties used to spill out onto the beach and
24:08Like going to legal conventions being mrs. Malcolm Markel Esquire. I
24:13loved her friends I
24:16Love the clubs and I love playing golf on Sundays
24:21Seems like it's that way with so many things in life
24:24jobs people
24:26You want something or someone then you get it?
24:32Then you realize
24:34Maybe you were wrong
24:38But thank God for that, huh? Otherwise, it wouldn't be any expensive divorces, right? I
24:43Guess so. Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot. How are things with you and Bob? Oh
24:54Don't see a thing
24:56So we're safe for the moment
24:57Markel was able to keep it out of the papers
25:00I delivered a sample of the wine to the lab
25:02So we should know just what the poison was by the end of the day and the coating on the bottle should give us a
25:07Clue as to where it was purchased. Forgive me for but we know the bottle was sent to the house by a supposedly grateful client
25:13Yeah, and that Malcolm brought it from the house to the office. May I say something?
25:16No in all probability it came from one of our four suspects now
25:20I'm no detective
25:21It seems to me simply I think I'm hearing things it seems to me simply a matter of rounding up the suspects
25:26Presenting them with the wine in question and then seen who got to the part. We're not a detective
25:32Yes, well, why don't I run along then and let you honest-to-goodness detectives get down to the business at hand
25:43What was the name that one again st. Jacques Dupar 78
25:52Oh, I did it again, didn't I what's that? I
25:56Came down on him a bit hard
25:58Don't you think you're asking me Laura
26:01I'm one of those people who believe with all my heart. You can't be too rich
26:04You can't be too thin and you just can't come down too hard in that guy
26:11But yeah, I think you did
26:34Miss Holt calls Fred
26:39Well put well put beat yourself to an oil and grease job Fred and keep up the good work
26:47Megan Megan Oh tool
26:54I know you
26:56I'm sorry. This is all wrong. I'm sorry. I bothered you
27:03I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. I'm sorry. I'm sorry
27:09Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry
27:14Mr. Pepler!
27:16Bob? Hey, Bob.
27:21Is something the matter?
27:23Oh, this is so unfair.
27:27You don't even know me.
27:29I'm the husband of a friend.
27:31You're a kind-looking lady I happen to see in a restaurant.
27:36Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world.
27:41Never mind.
27:43Do you want to tell me about it?
27:45What's to tell?
27:47Judy filed the papers today.
27:49My son won't speak to me.
27:51The dog ate my slippers.
27:53Oh, I'm sorry.
27:57You're so tight.
27:59Speaking of which, I have something here.
28:02Sort of a friendship offering.
28:04A gift.
28:06This bottle of wine from my attorney, Malcolm Markle.
28:09Boy, I thought you were talking something really romantic.
28:12You know, like candles and lotions.
28:15Good stuff.
28:17Next time, maybe.
28:19May I pour you some?
28:21Well, I don't really think we need that kind of stuff.
28:26We don't?
28:30What's the matter?
28:34What's the matter?
28:38The vintage?
28:41The bottler?
28:47Oh, see, I...
28:49How do you say? I don't imbibe.
28:51You know, no meat, no cigarettes, no...
28:54Saint-Jacques-de-Pars, 78?
28:56Definitely not that.
28:58And there's absolutely no way I can possibly persuade you to share a drop with me?
29:02What if I threatened to...
29:05Ravage you?
29:08The corkscrew's in my kitchen.
29:20On to Janet Kimball, sir?
29:23That would be fine, Fred.
29:25Certainly, sir.
29:28A herbicide.
29:30Injected through the cork.
29:32Not bad for a night's work, Murph.
29:37So what have we got?
29:39We've got Megan, who lived with the man who raced cars.
29:42Perfect for the first three murder attempts.
29:45We've got Janet, who owns a floral business.
29:48A perfect connection for the herbicide.
29:53There'd be a wonderful neatness to it all
29:55if we could prove the wine came from one of Angela's store...
30:00A wealth of riches.
30:04Count them.
30:06Three perfectly good suspects for a case we've been fired from.
30:10Let's use just one and save the other two
30:13for the next time we've got a case we can't solve.
30:18Night, Murph.
30:20Get some rest.
30:29What about them?
30:31What about them?
30:34What about them?
30:36I've known fish who were more faithful.
30:41Smells like you've had a busy day.
30:46All in the line of duty, my dear.
30:49All in the line of duty.
30:51Uh, if you don't mind my suggesting,
30:54you might want to sit down before you fall down.
30:57May I?
30:59It's surprisingly dizzying up here.
31:02Oh, no!
31:08You know, you look just lovely this evening.
31:13Did you hurt yourself?
31:17What are you doing all the way up there?
31:22Oh, that's better.
31:27You know,
31:29you look just as lovely upside down.
31:32All the drunks say that.
31:35Only because it's true.
31:40May I ask you something?
31:42You've been at this private eye thing a while now, right?
31:46Then explain this to me.
31:50I go to each of these ladies with a bottle of wine
31:53that matches the one that was poisoned.
31:56Now, the theory here is
31:59the guilty party will absolutely refuse to touch a drop.
32:03Good idea, wouldn't you say?
32:05Hmm. Very good.
32:07That's what I thought.
32:09Hell, it had to be good.
32:11Claude's reigns did it notorious.
32:16Anyway, that's what I've been doing all afternoon.
32:22Not one of them would touch a drop.
32:24I had to drink all by myself.
32:27Tough way to make a living.
32:30A man's got to do what a man's got to do.
32:34If I tell you something,
32:36will you promise never to repeat it?
32:39Never, never, never remind me I said it.
32:42What are you talking about?
32:44What's the point of being drunk
32:46if you can't say the things you'd never say if you were sober?
32:53I'd rather enjoy being a pepler.
33:00Shame about the divorce.
33:02We were so good together, those two.
33:05They are.
33:09Aren't they?
33:15Oh, Laura!
33:17Don't leave me on the floor like this.
33:20Remington Steele, investigation.
33:22I'm under siege here.
33:24There's a sniper outside my home firing at me.
33:27Help me! Please help me!
33:29We'll be right there.
33:37Come on!
33:39Yes, yes.
33:41We have to get them.
33:45Yes, oops.
33:47Never could skate.
33:49Weak ankles.
33:51Kind of wonderful the way I snuck my arm around, eh?
33:57I can't leave you alone like this.
34:00You're coming with me, but stay in the car.
34:12Get in the car.
34:21The great Remington Steele.
34:24Come on.
34:48Mrs. Markell.
34:50I made them bring me home the moment I heard about the attempt on Malcolm's life, Miss Holt.
34:55It is Miss Holt, isn't it?
34:57My husband's told me everything.
34:59He has?
35:01I'm sure you've heard we've had quite an evening here.
35:04Why don't you come through the house? He's waiting for you down below on the beach.
35:36Holly, look, hon. Lie down.
35:49Steele here.
35:51Oops. Pardon me.
35:55I'm a pabla.
35:57Won't you come in, Mr. Steele?
35:59My husband's been expecting you. It's straight through to the back.
36:02I've already made the necessary phone calls,
36:04depending on the availabilities of the moving men.
36:07We could be out of Los Angeles by Wednesday.
36:09Mr. Markell.
36:11I'm sorry about that little scene in my office, Miss Holt.
36:14This is all very new to me.
36:16Mr. Markell, I assure you, death threats are hardly run-of-the-mill for anyone.
36:20I don't mean that. I mean...
36:25Huddled under that sink there,
36:28I knew for the first time in my entire life
36:31that someone wanted me dead.
36:34Pinned there tonight, I could...
36:37I could feel the hate.
36:43this should cover your fees and expenses.
36:53Am I interrupting something?
36:55I was just explaining to your...
37:00This man is polluted.
37:02I'm not cashing this check, sir. Not yet.
37:05Not until we discover who it is that's stalking you.
37:08You people should seek professional help.
37:11This is apparently an agency-wide problem.
37:14Good night, Mr. Markell.
37:16Good night, Malcolm.
37:18Good night, Malcolm.
37:36Oh, bliss, bliss, bliss.
37:47Oh, what a relief it is.
37:51Morning, morning, morning, morning, morning, morning.
37:54Rough night?
37:56Do you have any idea the price one pays
37:59for abusing alcohol the way I did last night?
38:02No. What is the price one pays for abusing alcohol
38:05the way you did last night?
38:0910.77, but then again, I didn't shop around.
38:12Probably could have done better on the mouthwash.
38:17I have a confession to make.
38:19I don't like drinking.
38:21I don't like what it does to me.
38:23What does it do to you?
38:25Well, for one thing, last night.
38:27Remember it well.
38:29I don't. Not a lick of it. What happened?
38:31I couldn't possibly tell you without blushing.
38:34I wanted to say we both ended up on the floor.
38:39Mm. Huh. Damn.
38:41I, too, have a confession to make.
38:43I swore it off.
38:45What, the floor?
38:47Alcohol. Never again.
38:49Not even in the line of duty.
38:51Oh, speaking of duty, I knew there was a reason I asked you here.
38:55I've cracked the case. Mm-hmm.
38:58You mean he called you, too?
39:00Emergency meeting.
39:02Get to the agency as soon as possible.
39:04Pick up pastries on the way.
39:06They're in there waiting for you.
39:17Murphy, Murphy, Murphy, do come in.
39:19Sit down. Make yourself at home.
39:21Give me a hint.
39:23He has a theory.
39:25About what?
39:27About the Markell case.
39:29I was having trouble sleeping last night.
39:31Nasty hangover.
39:33So I pulled myself out of bed and turned on the television set,
39:36and there it was.
39:38Why don't you?
39:41There what was?
39:43The solution to this mystery.
39:45Right there on Channel 6 in glorious color.
39:48Paramount 1974.
39:50A veritable cavalcade of stars.
39:56On the Orient Express.
39:59I'm gonna get some more coffee. You want some?
40:01I'll come with you.
40:03Murder on the Orient Express, didn't you see it?
40:05Albert Finney, wonderful actor, funny accent,
40:07plays master detective Hercule Poirot.
40:09He's a passenger on board that famous European train, the Orient Express.
40:13Early in the trip, Richard Widmark is killed.
40:18And now it's up to Hercule to find out who done it.
40:22Was it Lauren Bacall? Vanessa Redgrave?
40:24Could it have been Michael York, Ingrid Bergman,
40:26pretty Jacqueline Bissett, dastardly Anthony Perkins?
40:29Who? Who? Who?
40:32You want some Danish with that coffee?
40:34They all did.
40:36They all knew that if they worked together,
40:39no single person could be implicated.
40:42Any special kind of Danish.
40:45So you're saying...
40:52It doesn't go past this room,
40:55but I think he makes a lot of sense.
40:59Hey, it's the best theory we've got.
41:01I say we run with it.
41:04Run with it?
41:06He's been watching football again.
41:14Could it have been Michael York, Ingrid Bergman,
41:17pretty Jacqueline Bissett, dastardly Anthony Perkins?
41:20Who? Who? Who?
41:22Mr. Markell, we invited all four women here today.
41:26Oh, my.
41:28Under the guise that you would be leaving town
41:30and that your clients might wish to discuss settlements
41:32out of court prior to your retirement.
41:35What's that going to...
41:40I believe our first guest has just arrived.
41:43Kill her!
41:47Kill her!
41:55Megan, darling.
42:03Do you know everyone?
42:05Does everyone know you?
42:07Megan O'Toole,
42:09former living lover of Anthony Perrucci.
42:11Her job? Jerry Rigg, Malcolm's exhaust system.
42:14Regear his transmission.
42:16Isn't that right, Megan?
42:33Robert. Angela, do come in.
42:40Now, Angela, tell us how you supplied the wine
42:43that was ultimately poisoned in an attempt to kill Malcolm Markell.
42:46What are you...
42:48I came here to talk settlement.
42:53Now, Angela, it's true, isn't it?
42:55I don't know what you're talking about.
42:57I would never buy wine for Markell.
42:59For one, I don't like him.
43:01And for two, he doesn't drink. Everybody knows that.
43:12You and those beasts come over here.
43:19Well, surprise, surprise.
43:22Are you my settlement?
43:30My goodness, what have we here?
43:33What we have here is a scenario for murder.
43:36A group of four women,
43:38embittered by their various domestic situations,
43:41due to return to court to face Malcolm Markell.
43:47Each woman contributing one part to the murder,
43:50so no single woman could be implicated.
43:52You, Janet, provided the deadly herbicide
43:55that ultimately poisoned the wine.
43:57Says who?
43:59Says anyone with a facility for deductive reasoning.
44:02You spirited your herbicide into this house,
44:04where it was injected into a bottle...
44:06And you snuck into this house,
44:08past those pampers.
44:14Why don't you take a seat, Janet?
44:18Tell me again how much you admire my theory.
44:20Love to.
44:22But the truth is, I'm developing one of my own.
44:24Well, feel free to jump in whenever the urge hits.
44:33You didn't hear anything
44:35the night someone set fire to this house?
44:41What are you driving at?
44:43What about you, Mr. Markell?
44:45The night you heard someone tampering with your car,
44:47what else did you hear?
44:50Hear, uh...
44:52Hear... Loretta, will you shut the damn dogs up?
44:59You didn't hear the dogs.
45:08Will, you hill!
45:12Oh, Malcolm.
45:14What did you want me to do?
45:16Take you to divorce court?
45:18Mrs. Markell!
45:23You selfish, no-good son of a...
45:34I put you through school, remember?
45:37I'm the one who cooked your meals and washed your clothes
45:40and worked as a waitress, getting her fatty pinched
45:42until you passed your bar exam.
45:44Do you remember that, Malcolm?
45:46I loved you for doing that.
45:48Oh, sure you loved me. You better love me.
45:51I invested in you, Malcolm.
45:53We invested in each other.
45:55I worked through my eighth month of pregnancy for you.
45:58And after the baby was born,
46:00I kept on working so you could clerk.
46:02And when you started your own practice,
46:04who did the books and answered the phone
46:06for the first year and a half?
46:08I thought we were partners.
46:10We are.
46:12Then who are you to announce that you're quitting law, huh?
46:15Just when my half of the investment
46:17was beginning to pay off,
46:19what the hell right have you got to throw in the towel
46:22without asking me, Malcolm?
46:25The word for tonight is heel.
46:28If you would kindly do the honors.
46:41Man's best friends.
46:43Yes, I suppose if one leads a truly lonely life.
46:55Oh, uh...
46:57I was just waiting for somebody to answer the door,
47:00and Roger came up the path,
47:02and there was no place to go.
47:05And one thing led to another, and...
47:09Oh, well.
47:16I'm sorry.
47:18It's all right.
47:20It's all right.
47:23Isn't love lovely?
47:32Vast improvement.
47:36How did you know?
47:38I didn't.
47:40Not until you started speaking,
47:42and I realized no one could enter that house
47:44without those dogs barking,
47:46and that no one had ever mentioned hearing them bark.
47:49Not Loretta, not Malcolm
47:51when he heard someone, and not me
47:53the night he called about the gunshots.
47:55Loretta always silenced the dog
47:57so as not to give herself away.
47:59Exactly. That and her serving wine.
48:02What about the car?
48:04She had it professionally done.
48:06Told the mechanic she couldn't adjust
48:08to the European shifting pattern,
48:10and could he re-gear it.
48:12Handsome shot, Mrs. Pepper.
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