Remington Steele S01E17

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Remington Steele S01E17


00:00Passion's a dangerous thing, Daryl.
00:05You never know when it's gonna run wild.
00:07Then I guess you better spend the night with me.
00:10You weren't supposed to find out.
00:12Obviously not.
00:13So you know about my...
00:14Lover, yes.
00:23Give my best to Darlene.
00:25Laura, love make any sense to you, Steele?
00:27Less and less.
00:28What would you say to 60 seconds of total honesty?
00:31Are you sure you can handle it?
00:35Try this for a deep, dark secret.
00:38The great detective Remington Steele?
00:41He doesn't exist.
00:43I invented him.
00:45I always loved excitement.
00:47So I studied and apprenticed and put my name on an office.
00:51But absolutely nobody knocked down my door.
00:54A female private investigator seemed so...
00:58So I invented a superior.
01:00A decidedly masculine superior.
01:03Suddenly there were cases around the block.
01:05It was working like a charm.
01:08Until the day he walked in.
01:10With his blue eyes and mysterious past.
01:13And before I knew it, he assumed Remington Steele's identity.
01:17Now I do the work and he takes the bows.
01:21It's a dangerous way to live.
01:23But as long as people buy it, I can get the job done.
01:27We never mix business with pleasure.
01:30Well, almost never.
01:33I don't even know his real name.
02:23That's what I do to things that bore me, Teddy.
02:42Now, get your devoted wife another drink.
02:48If you can manage something that complicated.
02:52You've had enough, Rena.
02:53Of what? You, maybe?
02:56Let her go.
02:58The party was getting dull anyway.
03:00Well, how could I?
03:02You have been so busy of late.
03:05I'll get you what you want.
03:06Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!
03:10You mean that you are going to give him back?
03:17Oh, how generous of you, Marian.
03:23Really, Teddy?
03:25What can you possibly see in this thing?
03:31She can't even paint her own name.
03:34She's got no money.
03:37Ha, ha, ha.
03:39The sack.
03:41Perhaps that's where her talent lies.
03:44Will you stop at nothing?
03:49You can't leave now, Teddy.
03:53You haven't freshened my drink.
03:58Rena, right now I could...
04:01Kiss me.
04:03Ooh, in front of all these people.
04:08Ha ha!
04:12What is that?
04:18Oh- ho- ho- ho...
04:20Ha ha ha ha ha!
04:25Ha ha ha ha!
04:31Ho- ho- ho, ho- ho, ho ho.
04:42Who's there?
04:46Oh, it's you.
04:51Oh, you really must forgive me
04:54for making such a spectacle of us all this afternoon.
05:00I couldn't resist it.
05:03What a sensation we'll cause.
05:27Wild animal, snapping and snarling.
05:31Snapping and snarling?
05:33It's supposed to be the lovers.
05:36Oh, but of course.
05:38The lovers, snapping and snarling.
05:41Ohh. Que bella.
05:47Lovers, huh?
05:49That the kind of sex life you got?
05:52Now, this here...
05:55This here makes a statement.
06:12Miss Holt? Yeah?
06:14I heard from some of the other students
06:17that your work is, uh...
06:24Is it really that bad?
06:27That's really bad.
06:30It gets worse.
06:32Teddy told the police he was with me that night.
06:36Believe me, Maren,
06:38it's best to tell the truth,
06:40even if it's embarrassing to admit
06:42you spent the night with Rinna's husband.
06:45He wasn't with me.
06:50We lied to the police.
06:53You mean you backed him up?
06:56Oh, boy.
06:58But he didn't do it. He couldn't have.
07:02But you're not sure.
07:05Uh, well...
07:07Once, about a month or so ago,
07:10we were parking in one of the canyons.
07:13Teddy only had an hour,
07:15and then he had to get back to Rinna.
07:18He said he wished she were dead.
07:21And where is he now?
07:23Hiding. I don't know where.
07:25All the earmarks of an innocent man.
07:27He's scared.
07:29You've heard the way the 6 o'clock news is milking this thing.
07:33A prominent West Coast artist,
07:35Rinna Casellas, the victim of a brutal slaying.
07:38And the police still haven't found her body?
07:41Look, uh...
07:43You don't always get to pick who you fall in love with,
07:47but I love Teddy, and he loves me,
07:50and I want to marry him.
07:52And I will,
07:54providing we can prove he didn't kill his wife first.
07:57Can you help me?
07:59I don't know.
08:01What do you think, Daryl?
08:03I think it's right for you, Mrs. Steele.
08:06Yeah, it's too cool.
08:08What these officers need is feeling.
08:13Passion, if you will.
08:17I got it.
08:19Would it be too much to request some assistance from you, Mr. Steele?
08:23No, no, not at all.
08:28Steele here.
08:30Hello. Is Laura there?
08:32No, she isn't. Can I take a message?
08:34This is Giovanni. Giovanni?
08:36Last night, I ain't say enough.
08:38She was magnifico.
08:40Last night?
08:42Yeah, I cannot wait until next week
08:44for the lovers to progress.
08:46The lovers?
08:48Can I presume this is a personal call?
08:50Tell her she was splendid, inspired.
08:55Okay, okay, that's it. I got it.
08:59Ciao, Dean.
09:05Mrs. Steele.
09:13How's that for passion?
09:15Passion's a dangerous thing, Daryl.
09:18You never know when it's gonna run wild.
09:21Or with whom.
09:23You'll have to forgive our decorating,
09:25but if you can find a place to sit in that office.
09:28Ah, there you are, Miss Holt.
09:30My most trusted associate.
09:32Marion Travis, Remington Steele.
09:35Mr. Steele.
09:37She's wonderful. She really is.
09:39So I've been hearing.
09:41Miss Holt, I've just received a phone call
09:44that requires an immediate conference between us...
09:46Well, whatever it is, we'll have to wait.
09:49Uh, Murphy, you want to come in on this?
09:56Mr. Steele, what about the colors?
09:59It's red.
10:02I know Teddy married Rina for her money.
10:05Teddy's beautiful,
10:07and guys like that, well,
10:09they just get used to the easy life.
10:12And Rina...
10:14Rina likes to own things.
10:16But some relationships don't go the way they're planned.
10:19More often than one can imagine.
10:21And I know Teddy wanted to leave Rina.
10:24Then why didn't he?
10:26The easy life?
10:28No, he didn't care about that anymore.
10:30Rina was blackmailing him.
10:32With what?
10:33He wouldn't tell me.
10:35But she threatened to use it against him
10:37if he ever tried to walk out.
10:39So, we're dealing here with a man
10:42trapped at the very apex of a lover's triangle.
10:46On one side, true love.
10:49On the other side,
10:51a hollow commitment
10:53fueled by little more than cheap carnal lust.
10:59Mr. Steele, I don't...
11:01The question is then, Miss Holt,
11:03could a man, I mean, would a man,
11:06with such an excruciating dilemma,
11:10resort to murder?
11:16The apex of a lover's triangle?
11:19Don't you think you went a little heavy on the drama?
11:22I thought we changed the subject to last night.
11:24What about last night?
11:26I called you. You weren't in.
11:28Well, I was busy with some work.
11:30Oh. Anything interesting?
11:32Just nuts and bolts kind of stuff.
11:35American made or foreign.
11:43But why, Nicholas?
11:45Because I'm not in the business
11:47of selling blank walls or slides.
11:49Now, calm down, Nicky.
11:51Now, when do I get the paintings?
11:53Soon. That's all I can tell you.
11:55I don't like this, Noah, none of it.
11:57If I had known what was involved
11:59when you approached me about Rina's work...
12:02I would have tried to double your commission.
12:05Excuse me, Mr. Springs?
12:09I was wondering if you could help me.
12:11I'm sure Anita can answer any questions you might have.
12:15If I can tear her away from the soap operas.
12:19Actually, it's you we wanted to speak with.
12:21Was there something particular in which you were interested?
12:26Remington Steel Investigations.
12:28You attended a party at Rina Casella's
12:31the night she disappeared, is that correct?
12:34Yes, but I was only there for a very short while.
12:37I mean, I left a long time before she...
12:39I was also there.
12:41Noah Devereaux.
12:42The art critic.
12:44Ordinarily, I'd be flattered by the recognition.
12:47Unfortunately, both Nicholas and I were very close to Rina,
12:50and her murder has left our nerves a little raw, I'm afraid.
12:54How can we help you?
12:56Teddy Bennett, Rina's husband.
12:58Ah, yes.
13:00A walking poster.
13:02With about as much depth.
13:05I suppose Rina was attracted to the animal in him.
13:09I often warned her that exotic pets like that could be dangerous,
13:12but she never listened.
13:14Then you think he killed her.
13:16That's a decision for the police to make.
13:18According to this mailer,
13:20you were planning a showing of Rina's latest works?
13:23Yes, well, that opening will have to be delayed now.
13:27Nicholas thought at first that it would be a fitting memorial,
13:30but I've convinced him that a presentation so soon
13:33might appear to be in bad taste.
13:36You there.
13:38What are you doing? Leave that alone.
13:41Just a moment.
13:44It's the beer cans.
13:46The beer cans?
13:48Stop him.
13:57Stop him.
14:30Consider him stopped.
14:40Leo Blitzman?
14:42Yeah, watch the rough stuff, pretty boy.
14:44You're dealing with an eye.
14:46An eye?
14:48Cannon, Mannix, Rockford, you name it.
14:50You're dealing with an eye.
14:52An eye?
14:54Cannon, Mannix, Rockford.
14:56He appears to be speaking in some sort of code.
14:58He's trying to tell us he's a private eye.
15:00Him? You better believe it, sweets.
15:02I handled dozens of cases last year.
15:04My middle name is Divorce.
15:06All right, Mr. Blitzman,
15:08then what are you doing lurking around us?
15:10I don't have to answer nothing.
15:12I'm like a priest with my clients.
15:14Wait a minute, wait a minute. Blitzman.
15:16Weren't you in charge of security at Rinaldi's
15:18when the designs for their spring line were stolen?
15:20I don't care what you heard. It didn't happen like that.
15:23And I'm suing.
15:25My lawyers are handling it right now.
15:27And then there was the garden party for the county museum.
15:29You let the raffle tickets blow all over the lawn.
15:32What am I, God? I can control the weather?
15:34When you got back from collecting them,
15:36somebody had stolen the Paul Revere tankards.
15:38I'm a persecuted man, and if I hear you repeating this too,
15:41I'm going after you in court.
15:43All right, Mr. Blitzman, I want to know who you're working for.
15:46Mr. Steele, if I could have a word with you.
15:48Steele? Remington Steele?
15:50That's right. And you stand right there,
15:52otherwise Mr. Steele will be forced to shoot you.
15:55I got roots growing out of my toes.
16:00You're not going to like this, but we have to let him go.
16:03What? Shouldn't we at least wrench some information out of him?
16:06Leo, you going to tell us anything?
16:08I'm like the priest, remember?
16:23I merely said he wouldn't tell us anything,
16:25not that he wouldn't prove useful.
16:27All right, put him Blitzman aside for the moment.
16:30Laura, I feel we need to talk about what's been happening between us,
16:35about truth and deception, honesty and falsehood.
16:39Then you've been getting the same feelings I've had.
16:42From the sound of it, hardly.
16:44But I do know that you've been getting the same feelings I've had.
16:48I thought Devereaux was lying, too, and Spriggs, for that matter.
16:52Why would they plan a showing of Rina's works and then cancel it?
16:56Laura, I don't think you quite have the picture.
16:58You're right. You must be. They don't have the pictures.
17:01When I looked in, all Spriggs had were the slides,
17:04and he was complaining about having to wait.
17:06But if Rina's dead, then where are they?
17:09You know, it's almost as if they were expecting her to die.
17:14Oh, he's made it.
17:19What's this? You following me?
17:21In that ocean liner?
17:23Don't be absurd. Our paths merely coincided for a stretch.
17:27I love it! They're trying to follow me!
17:31Hey, I got two ex-wives trying to hunt me down,
17:35and they're yet to spring to me.
17:37I don't know what to do.
17:39I got two ex-wives trying to hunt me down,
17:42and they're yet to sprinkle salt on this rooster's tail.
17:45So take a gander at this car,
17:47because all you're going to see of it is the dust.
17:54No matter what, Fred, don't lose them until I tell you.
17:58Yes, sir.
18:00There's only so much insult a man can have added to his injury.
18:16Ha, ha, ha, ha!
18:18Ha, ha, ha!
18:38No salt on this rooster's tail.
18:49Very impressive, Mr. Steele.
18:52One learns these little tricks when one is constantly, uh...
18:55On the run.
18:58You the $50 tip dispatch was yelling about?
19:01That fella just going around the corner has it,
19:03providing, of course, you don't lose him. Follow the smoke.
19:06I'm with you, sugar.
19:18You follow? Are you kidding?
19:20Follow a rooster like Leo Blitzman?
19:22That's like trying to shake hands with your own shadow.
19:30So, you hired Leo to prove that Marion didn't kill Reno.
19:34I was on her tail like that.
19:36Even brought my own beer cans to class as a couple.
19:39Beer cans? It's not important.
19:41Uh, Teddy, why did you suspect Marion?
19:44I was afraid she couldn't stand or watch the way that Reno treated me anymore.
19:48She loved me that much.
19:50That's why I told the police that we were together that night after the party.
19:53Doesn't work badly as an alibi for you, either.
19:57All right. I found Reno for her money.
20:00And nine out of ten people say I killed her for the same reason.
20:03But do you want to know what the truth is?
20:05Reno was completely tapped out.
20:07You see, the demand for her paintings have been slipping off the last couple years.
20:10She kept on spending like the party was never gonna end.
20:13Would anyone else have a reason to kill Reno?
20:16Well, I don't know.
20:18You see, I kind of lost track of what was happening in Reno's life.
20:21I mean, she's off painting someplace. I don't know where. It's very mysterious.
20:24Then you didn't see her most recent set of canvases.
20:28You know, Marion got me into therapy.
20:30Primal Scream. A terrific guy in Beverly Hills.
20:33You know, I never knew how much I hated my father.
20:35I mean, I really hated him. But you know what?
20:37I love him. He's a terrific guy, my dad.
20:39I can now relate to myself in a positive way.
20:42But you'd still stand to inherit the paintings.
20:45And with Reno dead, they'd be worth a lot more than they were a week ago.
20:49I know. I even smell guilty.
20:52See, that's why I'm holed up here.
20:54See, I was hoping in clearing Marion, well, Leo, he'd come over to leave maybe, huh?
20:58Any day now, Teddy. Any day.
21:01What is this?
21:03Oh, well, Marion rented it about six months ago...
21:07to store all this junk art she's selling.
21:09You know, we had plans to convert it into our own space some day.
21:13It's funny.
21:15All my life, I'm not even worth the clothes I hustle to put on my back.
21:19Man, I finally meet somebody that really matters to me, and this happens.
21:23Love make any sense to you, Steele?
21:26Less and less. All the time.
21:32Thanks, Murph.
21:34You say the police have been through here?
21:36Cleanup isn't their strong suit.
21:38It's no wonder Rena had so many pairs of glasses.
21:41She was going blind.
21:43Going blind?
21:45Murphy checked with her ophthalmologist.
21:47She had a degenerative eye disease called retinitis pigmentosa.
21:50But it's odd.
21:52For a painting? More like tragic.
21:54No, no, I mean the studio.
21:56Rena must have been standing here because of such a large stain.
21:59But there's not a drop on this painting.
22:12Dana Andrews, Gene Turney, 20th Century Fox, 1944.
22:15The detective falls in love with a murdered woman whom he knows only through her portrait,
22:18then discovers that she's not really dead.
22:21Not really dead?
22:24Try this.
22:26A successful but waning artist is broke.
22:28Her only source of income is her painting, but she realizes she'll soon be blind.
22:31She dies in a sensational murder.
22:33Plenty of delicious scandal.
22:35But what about the paintings?
22:37Additional data, no body.
22:39Erratic and illogical evidence at the scene of the crime.
22:41So Rena staged a murder to cash in her talents while she still could.
22:44And left Teddy to take the rap for it.
22:47Cold-blooded scheme.
22:49Cunning woman.
22:51And not nearly as appealing as Gene Turney.
23:02Marion's going to meet us at the loft.
23:04I can't wait to see Teddy again.
23:06The lovers reunited.
23:10Nora, there's no point in putting this off any longer.
23:13I took a phone call for you this morning from Giovanni.
23:17Giovanni? Oh, dear.
23:19You weren't supposed to find out.
23:21Obviously not.
23:23So you know about my...
23:25Lover, yes.
23:29You mean there's more than one?
23:31I don't see doing it any other way.
23:35But... but it's not possible.
23:37Well, keeping them both balanced is tricky.
23:39But when you're holding a torch like that...
23:41Torch? Sounds more like a forest fire raging out of control.
23:44Nora, I would like to consider myself a sophisticated man.
23:46I would never presume to have a monopoly on your affections.
23:49But you must dally. Couldn't you confine it to one tryst at a time?
23:52Wait a minute, wait a minute.
23:54You took a message from me and deduced from that...
23:57that I was having a smarmy affair with Giovanni?
23:59He was not too discreet about it either.
24:01Very clever deduction.
24:03It taught me to well, I'm afraid.
24:05Well, why don't you come with me next Tuesday?
24:07The more, the merrier.
24:09I don't think humor is the way to deal with this right now, but if you really feel...
24:11Shh, shh, shh.
24:29Shh, shh, shh.
24:53Teddy, it's me, Marion.
24:55Everything's gonna be all right.
24:58Mr. Steele says Reena isn't really dead.
25:00We merely began with all the known facts, Miss Travis.
25:03And from those, try to make the creative leap...
25:05to a working hypothesis, or theory, if you will.
25:10It's all right, Teddy, really.
25:12From there, we seek our corroborating evidence to buttress our theory...
25:15until we feel confident in saying with a high degree of certainty...
25:19that Reena is most probably...
25:30Well, it was only a theory.
25:36But you said Reena faked her own murder.
25:39In her studio, she had.
25:41Obviously, someone else knew it was staged.
25:43An accomplice, perhaps.
25:45And decided to make it a reality.
25:47Probably to keep all the paintings for himself.
25:50Himself? You're not thinking it was Teddy?
25:53No. No.
25:55But we did leave him there this afternoon.
25:57And, uh, he wasn't there when we discovered Reena.
26:01Then you are saying it was Teddy, aren't you?
26:04We're merely saying that, uh, in light of the facts...
26:07it might be wise to prepare yourself.
26:09Excuse me. Can I see you for a second?
26:11It's important.
26:16You see, Marion, uh, there are unfortunate surprises...
26:20even in the most trusting of relationships.
26:23Mr. Steele, Darryl said to tell you...
26:26to take all the time you want on the color.
26:28He gets paid by the hour.
26:30And Miss Travis, someone named Giovanni called.
26:33He said he'd like to arrange private sessions...
26:35for you and Laura together.
26:37He feels you're both that good.
26:39Good? God in heaven.
26:41You know him, too?
26:43The man's an insatiable animal.
26:45Giovanni? An animal?
26:47Believe me, compared to some of the sculpture instructors I've had...
26:51he's a pussycat.
26:53Sculpture instructor?
26:55Yes, on Tuesday nights.
26:57That's how I met Laura.
26:59He's very encouraging, and Laura has a natural talent.
27:02You should see her piece, The Lovers.
27:05For rusty carburetors and brake drums, it's terribly romantic.
27:10It seems Teddy had some gambling debts before the marriage.
27:13He embezzled money from Reena to pay them off.
27:16She found out about it, collected enough evidence to have him convicted...
27:19and kept him on a short string ever since.
27:22No wonder he couldn't leave her for Marion.
27:24With Reena out of the picture, he's out from under a tight wrap...
27:27worth a small fortune in artwork and free to do as he pleases.
27:30You want my vote?
27:32I'm afraid to start counting them.
27:35Oh, not to worry, Marion.
27:37Even the best of detectives can be occasionally misled by the facts...
27:41particularly when they're not fully explained.
27:44And I can identify with Teddy's predicament.
27:47Now, trust me, we'll find Teddy's innocent...
27:50no matter how remote it may seem.
27:55Oh, there, there, now.
28:08I owe you an apology.
28:11You do?
28:14Jealousy is a petty, childish emotion.
28:18What you do with Giovanni et al. on Tuesday nights is your own affair, so to speak.
28:25My hopes for a fuller relationship between us were possessive and unrealistic.
28:29I can see that now, and I appreciate the way you helped me through a difficult adjustment.
28:34It won't happen again.
28:37Well, you know, I don't think we need write anything in stone.
28:41Excuse me, excuse me.
28:45Still here.
28:47All right, it's 11.30. I waited and I called.
28:50Now, what do you want?
28:52Ah, Darlene.
28:54What do you mean, Darlene?
28:56Yes, tonight.
28:58Of course I remember.
29:00You're pulling something, aren't you?
29:02You have a key, don't you?
29:04All right, tell me what you're doing or I'm gonna hang up right now.
29:07Just let yourself in.
29:12Always loved the feel of silk.
29:17Very well, very well.
29:19Okay, until then.
29:23Sorry, Laura, what were you saying about skiing?
29:25Look, I may not have been complete.
29:28That is, if you really thought that I...
29:31Oh, hell.
29:35Give my best to Darlene.
29:37Laura. Laura, wait, wait, wait.
29:40Darlene is...
29:50Love must truly be an enigma, Fred.
29:53How's that, sir?
29:55Because I can't tell if I'm winning or losing.
30:07You scream and it's all over.
30:38Don't shoot, Leo.
30:40It's me.
30:44You know, this is some shed you got here.
30:46You want some?
30:48I'm sorry I scared you, Miss Holt,
30:51but I'm kind of a wreck myself.
30:53You know, getting set up once is bad enough for twice.
30:56So you left the loft to look for this?
30:58Well, see, I couldn't believe that Rina would really leave me anything.
31:02I mean, especially her paintings.
31:04Then I remembered.
31:06She kept all her legal papers in a safe in the floor in the bedroom.
31:10So I went to check.
31:12Then when I got back to the loft, there was Rina, dead again.
31:15So I ran.
31:17Someone's trying to bury me, Miss Holt, as fast as they can.
31:20Now, I'm no Einstein, but that piece of paper there,
31:23I think that sticks the blame on someone else for a change.
31:26Well, according to this, Rina sold all her paintings,
31:29including the ones nobody's seen yet, to a consortium.
31:34That's good for me, right?
31:36Well, it hardly clears you,
31:38especially since you didn't even know about it.
31:41But it does point elsewhere, maybe to Devereaux or Spriggs.
31:45Either one's okay with me, as long as we do it right away.
31:48I don't want to be a notch on some cop's 38.
31:51In that case, you shouldn't go back to the loft.
31:53Are you kidding? I'm never going back there.
31:56You take the key. I don't want them to find it on me.
31:59Then I guess you better spend the night with me.
32:02Hey, thanks for the offer, Miss Holt.
32:05But, well, you see, since marrying her,
32:09I've kind of sworn off fooling around, you know what I mean?
32:12I meant on the pouch.
32:17Look, the Casillas' name is dead for good,
32:20but somebody snatched the paintings.
32:22We find the paintings, we got the killer. Capisce?
32:26An eminently sound deduction, Leo.
32:29So I figure, we're both pros.
32:32Why butt heads over this, huh?
32:34We go on and on. We find the oil skins together,
32:38split the recovery fee, become partners.
32:43Only thing is, you got a dumb baby doll.
32:45Miss Holt? She's no good for you, Steele.
32:48I'm talking albatross here.
32:50Secretary one week, detective the next.
32:53I mean, you and I know being a real detective takes a certain, uh...
32:58Je ne sais quoi.
33:00Yeah, that too, but mostly it takes moxie.
33:03I got moxie, you got moxie.
33:05Together we got moxie up the kazoo.
33:08What do you say? Partners?
33:10I don't know, Leo.
33:12You strike me more as a lone wolf.
33:15The lone wolf? That's great.
33:18Why don't we sail away through this case
33:21and reconsider our options then?
33:24Make a great business partner.
33:26You know what? Guilt edge. Blitzman and Steele.
33:29Or Steele and Blitzman.
33:31Hey, either guy's liverwurst. I'm gonna get fussy.
33:34Actually, it's pate, but never mind.
33:36Okay, okay.
33:38I see you want to put us on a little shakedown cruise, right?
33:41I'm game. First thing in the morning...
33:43You're gonna see to it that my lock is repaired.
33:46Taiwan. And they're ruining the detective business.
33:49Good night.
33:52Audacity, Laura.
33:54It makes pings of commonness.
33:56You'll never believe the proposition I had last night.
33:59I doubt that I care to hear about it.
34:01But when I got home, I discovered...
34:05I thought about what you said last night, and you were right.
34:08Maybe we should keep our private lives private,
34:11each to his own, no questions asked.
34:13Besides, we have a case to solve, and it isn't getting any simpler.
34:17Wait here.
34:19But I'm talking about the case.
34:42Still here.
34:44You? What are you doing there?
34:46Hi. Who were you expecting, Miss Wolfe?
34:49Hey, if you set me up last night to take advantage of Laura...
34:52I can assure you any advantages taken weren't mine.
34:57No, it's the purpose of your call.
34:59The gallery owner Spriggs just called.
35:01He said he had to see you right away.
35:03It was urgent, but wouldn't give me any details over the phone.
35:06Message received. Thank you.
35:08We need to see Spriggs.
35:11He called? Apparently.
35:13But, Laura, listen to me.
35:15If because of Darlene you thought...
35:17That is, if it caused you to rebound into...
35:20No questions. Remember?
35:22Just the case. Spriggs.
35:24Right. Spriggs.
35:28Spriggs Gallery. You got that, Leo?
35:40He actually suggested we all become partners?
35:43Well, not all of us.
35:46Leo feels that the agency might be overstaffed.
35:52Whom does he think we should cut?
36:01Mr. Steele.
36:03Anita still glued to the damn soap arm.
36:14Ow! Damn, it's blocked. Let's go around the back.
36:19Hey, Holt, where's Steele?
36:21Hi, Steele. Where's Spriggs?
36:26Hey! Somebody just killed Spriggs!
36:35Did you make the car, the play, the face?
36:40The worms will be singing tonight.
36:43An appalling metaphor, Leo, but accurate.
36:47Best call the police, I suppose.
36:49If only we knew what he was trying to tell us.
36:53There ain't no telephone to the grave, Steele.
36:57We're on our own. Blitzman and Steele.
36:59Okay, Steele and Blitzman.
37:01Steele? Steele?
37:04Unless I'm mistaken,
37:06these are the slides of the missing Rina Casella's painting.
37:09Logical deduction, Laura, but what about Spriggs' assailant?
37:12I hate to say it, but I think Teddy's back in the fire.
37:14Teddy didn't kill Spriggs.
37:16But if we can find the paintings, then we'll also find the killer.
37:19Devereaux, perhaps.
37:21You hit the kitten on the head, baby doll.
37:23So, uh, how do we find the paintings, coach?
37:27I don't know.
37:29So, uh, how do we find the paintings, coach?
37:34How do we find the paintings?
37:36A simple enough procedure for seasoned professionals, Leo.
37:40Teddy said Rina painted these pictures in a secret hiding place
37:43known only to herself and her accomplice.
37:45With Rina dead, where better to continue hiding the paintings
37:48but that same secret hiding place?
37:51Those palm trees.
37:55They're in at least half of these pictures.
37:58So why?
37:59I've seen those palm trees before.
38:01Of course you have. It's a mad, mad, mad, mad, mad world.
38:04United Artists, 1963, Spencer Tracy and a parlour of comics.
38:09The money was hidden underneath the cross palms.
38:13I think they could be.
38:15There they are!
38:18Rina must have painted those pictures somewhere around here.
38:33Laura, how can you be so sure that Teddy didn't kill Spriggs?
38:37Because he spent the night with me.
38:39Teddy? You mean the Spriggs?
38:44It was me.
38:46Teddy? You mean this morning in the shower?
38:49He didn't know where else to turn.
38:51I know the feeling.
38:53Still, this is heart attack hill.
38:55Can you find another way to get up here?
38:58As usual, Leo, your sense of timing is impeccable.
39:01Well, I knew you'd find it.
39:03You did?
39:15I'll bust it down.
39:17I don't think that would be wise, Leo.
39:19Cover your eyes. Splinters are dangerous.
39:23Oh! Holy mother of pearl!
39:26A trick door.
39:28Who could tell?
39:30Perhaps it's an easier route.
39:40I can do it. I can do it.
40:10You'd better stay here, baby doll. Things might get rough.
40:38Nice work, Steele.
40:41Mark him, Steele. Just the tip of his nose.
40:44Would you tell this animal to leave me alone?
40:46You were Rina's accomplice in the staging of her murder.
40:49I want to talk to my lawyer.
40:51Then you murdered Rina since she was legally dead already.
40:54But Spriggs wasn't prepared for that and panicked.
40:56That's why he called us.
40:58Unfortunately, you got to him before we did.
41:01I could dislocate a joint.
41:03The contract between Rina and the consortium you formed
41:06should provide enough of a motive.
41:08And the fingerprints on the sculpture in Spriggs
41:11will no doubt prove equally revealing.
41:13Let me loosen a tooth or two.
41:16All right!
41:18Spriggs did panic when he found out
41:20why I brought him into the consortium.
41:22He accused me of killing Rina.
41:24He threatened to go to the police.
41:26I couldn't persuade him otherwise.
41:28But I did not kill Rina.
41:30Chinese water torture.
41:32No, I swear. Why would I kill her?
41:34She'd hidden the paintings someplace.
41:36I was going to get them when she was killed.
41:38Until I had those paintings,
41:40Rina was more valuable to me alive than dead, right?
41:43That does seem to follow a certain sordid logic.
41:46Where are the paintings?
41:48Don't know. I thought they'd be here.
41:50But I've taken the place apart and they're not.
41:53You're onto something.
41:55I can tell by that delicious gleam in your eye.
41:58I think we've been missing something rather obvious.
42:01I'm still missing it. What are you talking about?
42:03He was going to get the paintings.
42:05Of course. Of course what?
42:09God, get this meanie hack away from me.
42:12Leo, please. He's already confessed.
42:26You really think the paintings could be here still?
42:29Rina knew about Teddy and Marion.
42:31And it's possible she knew about this, too.
42:33It's the last place anyone would suspect her news.
42:36Devereux said she was going to get them just before she was killed.
42:44It's nice stuff, all right, but I don't see what we're looking for.
42:47If you were going to hide a set of paintings...
42:50I'd put them right in front of your nose where you'd never see them.
43:02Hey, Dirty.
43:04Listen, Steel, why don't we forget the recoveries fee...
43:07and dance these beauties into the black market?
43:09I got a friend that knows a lot of high rollers in Houston...
43:12and they eat this kind of stuff for breakfast.
43:15We haven't found Rina's killer, Leo.
43:17Devereux, right?
43:19No. Not until he knew where the paintings were.
43:21And Spriggs. It's always those little guys.
43:25It's always the little guys.
43:28And Spriggs. It's always those little guys.
43:30No. Spriggs didn't even know about the scam.
43:32He thought Rina really was murdered in her studio.
43:34Well, then, if it wasn't Marion and it wasn't Teddy, who...
43:37What difference does it make? We got the brass ring.
43:40I could go out and rent us a truck and have these in Houston...
43:43before the sun hit the horizon.
43:45What do you say, Steel?
43:49How did you get us in here just now?
43:51What? With a key. Why?
43:53Whose key? Uh, Teddy's key.
43:55Teddy gave it to me when we were here.
43:57No, no, no, no. I have Teddy's key.
43:59And Marion had hers the night we found Rina.
44:02What is this, Steel? You're letting Baby Doll run the show?
44:05Where'd you get the key, Leo?
44:07Rina must have had one made up so she could get to the paintings.
44:10But the police didn't find one on the body.
44:13Did you come looking for Teddy and walk in on Rina instead?
44:17I warned you about her, Steel.
44:19Oh, no, Leo.
44:21Rina laughed at me.
44:23I told her off and even split on the paintings.
44:26And I would have kept her secret.
44:2820 years in this business, carrying a license,
44:31and this is the sweetest thing I ever stepped into.
44:34Crazy thing.
44:36She ran for it.
44:38I went after her. I got a piece of her coat by the elevator.
44:41Next thing you know, I'm looking down the shaft at a stiff.
44:45I didn't mean for it to go sour like that.
44:48Just my luck, huh?
44:50The goose dies, and I don't even know where the golden eggs are.
44:54So you hitched yourself onto me and hoped it would pay off.
44:57Leo, you're a detective. Doesn't that mean anything to you?
45:00Yeah, it means teaching frightened old ladies
45:02how to use mace three times a week just to keep my car running.
45:06You peg me, Steel, the lone wolf.
45:09What have I got that's so great, huh?
45:13And when I take the big sleep in some charity ward on Skid Row,
45:16who's gonna care?
45:18Nobody. That's who.
45:20Once, just once, I want to score it big.
45:24You're going to have to kill us to do it, Leo.
45:27That's right.
45:30Don't come any closer, Steel, or I'll shoot.
45:36I don't think so, Leo.
45:43I always wanted to send somebody up the river.
45:46I never figured on it being me.
45:53The same color.
45:55After all we went through?
45:57A man needs a consistency in his life, Donald.
46:00Something reassuring, familiar, something to inspire trust.
46:04What's this about trust?
46:06He wants me to paint the walls trustworthy gray.
46:09I approve the choice. It was worth waiting for.
46:12Laura, where would you like this?
46:15Right through there.
46:17What is that you're taking to my office, Teddy?
46:19A hernia.
46:32Before we leave, we'd like to tell you the good news.
46:37Teddy and I are getting married.
46:41I've turned over a new leaf.
46:43I don't want to live off other people.
46:45My irresponsible days are over.
46:47I found a new profession.
46:49It's respectable, secure, and dependable.
46:52What's that, Teddy?
46:54I've taken up painting.
46:56I'm so excited. I could almost cry.
46:59Don't, Princess. We got a plane to catch.
47:01We're off to Arkansas to see dear old Dad.
47:05Well, Steel, muchas gracias.
47:07Don't mention it.
47:09Princess, come on.
47:13Come on.
47:22Uh, Laura, I, um...
47:25realize we agreed to, uh, no personal questions,
47:28but, uh, in the interest of our mutual sanity,
47:32what would you say to 60 seconds of total honesty?
47:36Four minutes?
47:38Are you sure you can handle it?
47:40Desperate enough to suggest it.
47:44All right.
47:48I'm not having an affair with Giovanni.
47:50There is no darling.
47:52Teddy spent the night on the couch.
47:54I spent the night with Leo.
47:56The lovers is a sculpture I've been working on.
48:05You like it?
48:07I'm inspired.
48:11That is what we're doing, isn't it?
48:15In that case,
48:17I have one more question.
48:19Fire away.
48:22What's your real name?
48:26My real name?
48:29Ah! Time's up.
48:41Time's up.