Remington Steele S01E16

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Remington Steele S01E16


00:00There's a logical explanation for everything.
00:11He tried to convince me Dan was killed by a ghost.
00:16The fact is, ten years ago, Donovan's dead, but last night, last night I saw him.
00:24Don't tell me you saw Donovan's ghost, too.
00:26Hey, I don't know what I saw.
00:27You were the first to find the ghost.
00:29Well, that alone ought to be worth something.
00:36I know, I know, there's a logical explanation.
00:42Don't tell me you solved the case.
00:46The name of our killer.
00:47He's been dead for ten years.
00:52That's where it happened to Tom, ten years ago.
00:57All of us were there with Tom the night that it happened.
01:01Maybe you better tell us about that night, ten years ago.
01:06Try this for a deep, dark secret.
01:09The great detective Remington Steele?
01:12He doesn't exist.
01:14I invented him.
01:16I always loved excitement.
01:18So I studied, and apprenticed, and put my name on an office.
01:22But absolutely nobody knocked down my door.
01:25A female private investigator seemed so feminine.
01:29So I invented a superior.
01:31A decidedly masculine superior.
01:34Suddenly there were cases around the block.
01:36It was working like a charm.
01:39Until the day he walked in, with his blue eyes and mysterious past.
01:44And before I knew it, he assumed Remington Steele's identity.
01:49Now I do the work, and he takes the bows.
01:52It's a dangerous way to live.
01:55But as long as people buy it, I can get the job done.
01:59We never mix business with pleasure.
02:02Well, almost never.
02:05I don't even know his real name.
03:50You'll never get it out of me.
03:53One of us will.
03:55Sooner or later, Murph.
03:56Come on, hold on, Charlie.
03:57Hold on to him.
03:58You can do it.
04:02The guy must take steroids.
04:03Who's next?
04:04Come on.
04:05Hey, once is enough.
04:06Besides, I promised my wife no coronaries.
04:07Hey, Charlie, a rematch.
04:09Come on.
04:10Please, I'm trying to stay on good terms with my ego.
04:12The guy's left-handed, huh?
04:13What do you say?
04:15You still sweat great, don't you, Murph?
04:17I always like to watch you sweat.
04:19Best part of the basketball game for me.
04:21Look, I know this isn't a really good time,
04:22but Dan didn't show up,
04:23and I've been everywhere looking for him,
04:24and, I mean, he screamed.
04:26At least, I think it was a scream,
04:27and then he wasn't there,
04:28and I didn't know what to think.
04:29And then I remembered reading in the alumni news
04:31that you work for a detective named Remington somebody.
04:34Hey, wait a minute.
04:35Why don't you just slow down and start over?
04:37Okay, look, I was making dinner for us, you know,
04:39nothing heavy, just a little spaghetti,
04:40but I know Dan was really looking forward to it
04:42because it'd been, like, almost ten years to the day.
04:44And then I went to the window,
04:46and all of a sudden, I got this real burning sensation
04:48right between my fifth and sixth chakras,
04:50and that's a very negative place for me.
04:52So, Murph, just help me look for him, you know?
04:54And if you say everything's copacetic,
04:55then I'll try to go with it, okay?
04:57Do, um...
04:59Uh, do I know you?
05:02You mean in the biblical sense,
05:04or just, like, names?
05:09I think Dan's room is down here.
05:12Annie, this is Dan.
05:14Kowalski, varsity track and swim.
05:17That is, until Sharon Credenza
05:19introduced him to Mushroom.
05:21You used to go with Sharon for a while, didn't you?
05:24Sharon who?
05:26I always suspected she was lying about your relationship.
05:30Truth, therefore.
05:35It's not locked.
05:37Do you think that means something?
05:39Yeah, it means it's not locked.
05:45Annie, Dan probably met another old friend
05:48on his way over to your place,
05:50and they went out for a drink or something.
05:52Nope, I checked all our old-towny hangouts.
05:56Did you know they converted the Rosie Rooster to a disco?
05:58Oh, really?
06:00Yeah, now they call it the cock-a-doodle-doo.
06:02I don't know. I guess flashing lights
06:04just don't do it for me anymore.
06:06So what do you think happened to him?
06:08Look, I'm sure he'll turn up real soon,
06:10but meanwhile, why don't you let me buy you some coffee
06:12or something at the student union?
06:16You, uh, want us to make it again?
06:19You know, just for old times' sake?
06:21I mean, I'm open to it.
06:23Again? Annie, we never...
06:25But you know what?
06:27Right now I'm really worried about Dan.
06:29Don't you think we ought to be, like,
06:31looking for clues and stuff?
06:33Annie, has it occurred to you
06:35that maybe Dan changed his mind and, uh...
06:37And what?
06:39Stood you up.
06:43You know, I know my brain shakes loose
06:45from the space-time continuum
06:47and my mouth gets a mind of its own.
06:49I'm coming here after 12 years of St. Amelia's School
06:51for girls will do that to a person,
06:53but I heard somebody scream, and I think it was Dan.
06:56And scared is scared
06:58in any universe you want to pick.
07:00All right, I'm sorry. I'll take a look around,
07:02but I think if you're really concerned,
07:04you ought to notify campus security or something, okay?
07:06Yeah, I guess.
07:08You always bring out the paranoid in me, you know?
07:10I mean, I'm trying to work it through
07:12with my mailman and everything,
07:14but even when you wear the summer shorts...
07:22Screaming is the release that happens
07:24when the spirit suddenly transcends
07:26to a radically altered reality.
07:39Ah, this should be engaging.
07:41A few days amidst the groves of academe.
07:44Oh, it's already beginning to evoke
07:46painfully sweet memories of Cambridge.
07:49Cambridge? You went to Cambridge?
07:52The ivied halls, the robed faculty,
07:56punting on the Thames.
07:58Cambridge is on the River Cam.
08:00Oxford's on the Thames.
08:02Ah, Oxford, Cambridge.
08:04It's the education one gets.
08:06And I have no doubt as I throw myself
08:08into the challenge of a new case,
08:10it will serve me well.
08:12I wouldn't throw myself in too hard.
08:16When Murphy called, he didn't exactly request you.
08:18Murphy never requests me.
08:20It's not in his nature.
08:22But we've come a long way from those first rocky days.
08:25Really? I wasn't aware.
08:28Oh, he may appear gruff and pungent at times,
08:31but beneath that there's a growing respect.
08:34No kidding!
08:36We'll watch. He'll arrive, and he'll look at you
08:38in that way he does, and he'll bid you welcome,
08:40and then he'll look across at me in that way he does,
08:42and he'll say...
08:44What the hell is he doing here?
08:46I got the gruff and pungent part.
08:48You really disappoint me, Murphy.
08:50Surely by now I thought we could work together
08:52smoothly as a team of professionals.
08:54What profession did you have in mind?
08:56It's rather harsh, isn't it,
08:58considering you're the one that called for help?
09:00I called for her, not you.
09:02I'm serious, Laura. How could you let him come along?
09:04What did you expect me to do, Murphy?
09:06Throw him out of the car?
09:08You've had worse ideas. You know he's only going to get in the way.
09:10I understood there was a death to investigate.
09:12Is there no bloody weapon to examine,
09:14no hysterical witness to question,
09:16no suspicious character to tell?
09:18Those of us in the real world know most evidence
09:20tends to come from the commonplace,
09:22the ordinary, and the mundane.
09:24Such as?
09:26Hung from a flagpole, eh?
09:28Can't think of anything more commonplace than that.
09:31I'm gonna hit him, Laura.
09:33Concentrate on the case, Murph.
09:35Could this Dan Kowalski have hung himself from the flagpole,
09:37do you think?
09:39Well, that's the official version.
09:41I mean, suicide isn't the greatest way to start off a homecoming,
09:43but it sure beats the hell out of murder.
09:45They raise a lot of money from these shindigs.
09:47Why scare anybody off?
09:49But I sense you have doubts.
09:51Well, it just doesn't fit.
09:53I mean, the guy was supposed to have dinner last night with somebody.
09:55About the time he's due to arrive, she hears screaming.
09:57An hour later, he's hanging from the flagpole.
09:59Definitely more than a suicide,
10:01but it shouldn't be too hard to crack.
10:03Will you listen to this guy?
10:05You know, you are pushing it just a little bit.
10:07Oh, don't tell me you're afraid, too.
10:09Afraid? Of what?
10:11That a novice like myself
10:13might show up a more experienced sleuth.
10:15Oh, you're not serious.
10:17Well, then you are afraid.
10:19Laura, can't we buy him a bus ticket somewhere?
10:21Now, hold on a minute, Murph.
10:23You mean you think you can solve this all by yourself?
10:25Why not?
10:27Well, I'm a teacher.
10:29You know,
10:31that could be very interesting to watch.
10:33Care to make a small wager on the side?
10:35A wager?
10:37Laura, I'm sure it's some kind of trick.
10:39Oh, I realize a man's being murdered,
10:41but it would all be towards a good cause.
10:43You know how devious he can be.
10:45Wager. Wager.
10:47And what kind of terms did you have in mind?
10:49Well, if I solve the case first,
10:51say, uh, the weekend,
10:53just the two of us in, um, Paris.
10:55Wouldn't five bucks be more sensible?
10:57You're on.
10:59And if I win,
11:01I want one year of your life.
11:03Laura, indentured servitude went out with a top hat.
11:05No, I'm talking about your mysterious past.
11:07I want to know what happened
11:09in one year,
11:11without exaggeration or embellishment.
11:21You're on.
11:23Well, I've got work to do.
11:25With a bit of luck, I should be through in, say, uh,
11:27oh, three hours.
11:29Three hours, huh?
11:31Well, why don't I give you something to start on?
11:33Oh, that's sporting of you, Murphy.
11:35This building was locked tight as a drum last night.
11:37No locks were picked, no alarms were set off,
11:39and a security guard came by every 15 minutes.
11:41As far as I can tell,
11:43it was physically impossible
11:45to have gotten that body up there.
11:47Well, uh,
11:49perhaps, uh, four hours,
11:51you're on the safe side, eh?
12:01Of course he maneuvered me into the bed.
12:03I let him.
12:05You sure that was such a wise idea?
12:07I mean, what if he actually... Wins?
12:09I know, it seems like a long shot still.
12:11Look, he's out of your hair,
12:13and we could get a year of his history to boot.
12:15Aren't you thirsting to know
12:17what our Mr. Steele was doing
12:19when he was 73, 80?
12:21Curious, I'll give you, but thirsting?
12:23No, no, no way.
12:25He's a real kick in the consciousness,
12:27you know what I mean?
12:29I mean, Dan!
12:31Of all people.
12:35Dan, Dan was...
12:37Dan was the poet in my life.
12:41I'm sure he was very good.
12:43No, he was terrible.
12:45Always mixing his metaphors
12:47and splitting his infinitives.
12:49Shards of styrofoam truth
12:51on the belly of a bottled dog.
12:55But he really tried, you know?
12:59And then to see him
13:03hanging there looking like...
13:07Like one of his poems.
13:09Can you think of any reason
13:11why anyone would want him dead?
13:13Or why they'd hang him from the ROTC building?
13:15No, no.
13:17Dan... ROTC building?
13:19Yeah, that's where they found him.
13:21Oh, well.
13:23Oh, well. Deja vu, deja vu!
13:25Oh, no, oh, no.
13:27What is it, Amy?
13:29Oh, no, this can't be happening.
13:33Oh, wow, ROTC, ROTC, ROTC!
13:35That's where it happened to Tom ten years ago!
13:37Tom, Tom who?
13:39Tom Donovan! You see?
13:41You see, all of us were there with Tom
13:43and with his sister.
13:45And here he is with the group.
13:47We were all pretty tight in those days, you know?
13:49Tom Donovan? Wait a minute.
13:51He was killed in the lab accident, wasn't he?
13:53Lies for the media.
13:55But it didn't happen that way.
13:57You see,
13:59Tom had this idea.
14:01Tom was always having ideas.
14:03But this time, this one,
14:05that night, ten years ago,
14:07we were all supposed to break into the ROTC building,
14:09you know, and do this big number
14:11coming in.
14:13Set off a big fireworks display from the roof.
14:15And the six of us were all in on it.
14:17Dan was driving.
14:19And next to me
14:21was Lynette Mercer,
14:23Tom Donovan,
14:29Hector Sanchez.
14:31We got to the building at midnight.
14:33The administration was real uptight about the ROTC,
14:35so there was a guard posted out front.
14:37My job was to distract him
14:39away from the north side
14:41while the others snuck around to scale the wall
14:43and break into the third-story window.
14:45Now, I was supposed to meet Tom
14:47at the side door at 12.30 so he could let me in.
14:49But this guard was, like, all thumbs, you know?
14:51It took him a lot longer to fix it than I expected.
14:53So I was getting real worried
14:55that I might not make it around
14:57to the side door in time.
14:59When it happened...
15:05Uh, something, uh...
15:07somewhat wrong.
15:09I'm sorry.
15:11It must have been terrible.
15:15Tom died in the blast.
15:19And now Dan.
15:21But, I mean,
15:23that was ten years ago.
15:27If there's a connection,
15:29we'll find it.
15:31Meanwhile, I want you to stick close to me, okay?
15:33The others, Annie.
15:35Where are they now?
15:37Well, Hector wrote and said
15:39he was gonna come this weekend,
15:41and he said Lynette was, too.
15:43And, of course, I'm sure Nat's
15:45still hiding underground.
15:49Nat Shavers.
15:51Well, not THE Nat Shavers.
15:53Well, he wasn't THE Nat Shavers then.
15:55The legend sort of grew
15:57after he went naked
15:59across the White House last night.
16:01Went naked across the White House lawn
16:03on top of a VW Bug
16:05and wrote his book,
16:07Mr. Yippie Goes to Washington.
16:11Well, come on. We've got some people to find.
17:47So, you're a student here now?
17:49Oh, um, yeah.
17:51Graduate studies.
17:53Oh, really? In what course?
17:59But we don't have an Egyptology department here,
18:01do we?
18:03No. That's why I'll be transferring soon.
18:05It hardly pays to work
18:07for a degree at a school that can't offer it, right?
18:09Delighted to meet you. Likewise, I'm sure.
18:11You will excuse us, won't you? It's a matter of grave importance.
18:13You see, thank you ever so much.
18:15Au revoir. Pack your bags.
18:17Laura, you'll love Paris this time of the year.
18:19A small hotel on the left bank, and quite frankly,
18:21I can't wait till we get there.
18:23You've solved the case.
18:25Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Read on.
18:27Fiction? The Uninvited.
18:29Ray Milland, uh, Gale Russell, Paramount, uh, 1944.
18:31You're taking me to the movies.
18:33The culprit was a ghost.
18:35You heard Murphy say that getting Dan's body on that flagpole
18:37was a physical impossibility. It all fits.
18:39Very creative, but it won't work.
18:41I'm not big on ghosts.
18:43Then take a stroll through Dan's room.
18:45There's something in there that's most persuasive on the subject.
18:47I'm sorry, but the wager's still on. I just don't believe in...
18:49How can you be so narrow...
18:51How can you be so narrow-minded?
18:53Spirits have stalked the earth since time immemorial.
18:55There was even a ghost in my own ancestral lineage.
18:57Phantom of the cinema?
18:59He was a general at the Battle of Agincourt, 1415.
19:01Well, he wasn't exactly a general.
19:03He was sort of...
19:07Only to lure the French archers away from the English attack
19:09when a wild arrow caught him in the...
19:13Back, I'm afraid.
19:15Now he's condemned to an eternity in perpetratory.
19:17A member of my family
19:19could perform an act of extraordinary courage.
19:21And end his tortured wanderings.
19:23Are you applying for the position?
19:25Very well, very well.
19:27Scoff if you like, but mark my word.
19:29Ah, Professor Perkins!
19:31Good to meet you at last.
19:33Percy Winfield, dean of men.
19:35Your chum, Michaels, here,
19:37has been explaining the sensitive nature
19:39of your research here on campus.
19:41Professor Perkins?
19:43My chum, Michaels.
19:45I'd be only too glad to assist.
19:47I'm most anxious to discuss the project down to the last detail.
19:49Yes, well, perhaps later we can have some...
19:51Nonsense! No time like the present!
19:53What about a kind day?
19:55When I told the dean that the great Remington Steele himself
19:57was here to solve the case,
19:59he was, well, more than understanding.
20:01Is that really necessary?
20:03Probably not, but you can never play it too safe with that guy.
20:05How's he doing, anyway?
20:07Well, he tried to convince me
20:09Dan was killed by a ghost.
20:11A ghost?
20:13Ha, ha, ha!
20:15I knew when he got desperate,
20:17he'd start grabbing his straws,
20:19but he's all desperate.
20:21So how about us?
20:23Steady as she goes.
20:25I still come up with nothing on Lynette.
20:27But Annie's found Hector. Come on.
20:39She said she'd meet us down here somewhere.
20:41You know, I keep getting the feeling
20:43from the way she acts that you and she were...
20:45Oh, honestly, Laura,
20:47I don't remember her, okay?
20:49It must have been when you were going through one of your wild periods.
20:51I didn't have any wild periods.
20:53Hey! Down here.
20:59Now, listen.
21:01Could you kind of, like, go easy?
21:03You know, I mean, Hector's pretty...
21:07I mean, he's always been into...
21:09conspiracies, you know?
21:11I mean, during Watergate,
21:13he was convinced that his mother was an FBI agent.
21:15But now it's worse.
21:17Where is he?
21:27Hector, I'm Laura Holt.
21:29This is Murphy Michaels.
21:31No. No.
21:33You see, that's how the feds get to you.
21:35A friendly handshake with a poison needle.
21:39we're here to help you.
21:43I mean, you know,
21:45with all the evidence of Remington Steele,
21:47surely you can find some assurance in his reputation.
21:51Why not?
21:53If you can show me his birth certificate
21:55and fingerprints.
21:57I like this guy.
21:59Hector, we're here to ask you about, uh...
22:09Disembodied spirits.
22:11Donovan's dead.
22:13But last night...
22:15Last night, I saw him.
22:17Hector, there's a logical explanation for everything.
22:19You call lights exploding logical?
22:21You call blood from a faucet logical?
22:23Ontology may not be your bag, man,
22:25but I was there.
22:27Murphy, you don't...
22:29Don't even think it, Laura.
22:35maybe you better tell us
22:37about that night 10 years ago.
22:39You see,
22:41I'm an intellectual.
22:43So what?
22:45I'm a climber, too.
22:47Socrates said,
22:49scholars should be athletes.
22:51And of course, he was the first revolutionary.
22:53My job, you see, was to scale the wall,
22:55open the third floor window,
22:57drop a rope down,
22:59and haul the others up.
23:01Tom said it was to be an intellectual statement
23:03for the revolution.
23:05I was up for that.
23:07I mean,
23:09Aristotle would have loved it.
23:11We made something happen, man,
23:13in space and time.
23:15Not just in possibility.
23:17The others went on ahead
23:19to set up the fireworks.
23:21I was gonna paint a few slogans on the walls.
23:23You know, Utopia Now, that sort of thing.
23:25Then something went wrong.
23:27Tom sent Lynette to tell us
23:29that the fireworks were dead,
23:31that there were guards on the floor above,
23:33and that we had to get out of there fast.
23:35We didn't even reach the van.
23:45I know. I know.
23:47There's a logical explanation.
23:49Phenomenology. I gotta think phenomenology.
24:05He came in here, Laura.
24:07He's in here. We saw him.
24:11Hector! Hector!
24:19I turn my back one second,
24:21two seconds, tops.
24:23I look back. You didn't see any...
24:25Nothing. Nobody.
24:29Don't say it.
24:31Who needs to say it?
24:33We had some trouble
24:35with our R.O.T.C. facility
24:37a few years back.
24:39Most unfortunate.
24:41A young man was killed.
24:43As a result, security was increased.
24:45Ah. Certainly nothing like it at Cambridge.
24:47Oh, so you're a Cambridge man.
24:49Uh, more or less.
24:51Uh, I'm curious.
24:53Just what would you say you got
24:55from the experience?
24:57In sum, uh, that, uh,
24:59Cambridge is on the cam
25:01and, uh, Oxford is on the Thames.
25:03What a...
25:05What a...
25:07What an incredibly succinct way
25:09of defining their philosophical differences.
25:11Yes, well, uh,
25:13who informed you of the murder?
25:15Suicide, please.
25:17Oh, sorry.
25:19Uh, the alumni.
25:21And it was your associate, Mr. Michaels, who called.
25:23I imagine you must feel very lucky
25:25to have Murphy working for you.
25:27Oh, I'd, uh, be lost without him.
25:31I was just turning on my electric blanket
25:33when I received the call.
25:35I grabbed my Mayberry,
25:37took my flashlight, rushed right over,
25:39and there he was.
25:41Oh, may I?
25:43Uh, certainly. Uh, naturally, I informed
25:45the board of governors immediately,
25:47uh, and the president, of course.
25:49Then we called an emergency meeting for the next morning.
25:51Excuse me. Your people wouldn't have any reason
25:53to kill you, would they?
25:55Put it back?
25:57I was afraid so.
26:01Good God!
26:03Who could that be?
26:07It's Hector Sanchez.
26:19I don't believe it.
26:21It's coming from you, of all people.
26:23I mean, he'll say anything but you.
26:25I merely said we may have to extend
26:27our thinking on this case.
26:29To what? That Dan and Hector were killed by a ghost?
26:31Look, the present theory about poltergeists
26:33is that they're some kind of freak manifestation
26:35of human guilt, the guilt of someone living.
26:37Laura, please.
26:39And since all the victims participated
26:41in the R.O.T.C. break in 10 years ago,
26:43maybe something happened then,
26:45something that requires them all getting back together
26:47so it can work itself out.
26:49Where's Nat? Where's Lynette?
26:51I don't know! I'm only saying we can't rule out any possibilities.
26:53Would you please listen to yourself?
26:55Would you please listen to each other?
26:57I mean, talk about channeling
26:59your free-floating anxiety
27:01into somebody else's space.
27:03I mean, the face is... You're scared.
27:05I'm scared?
27:07I mean, in a trip like this,
27:09it would take a really extended human being
27:11not to be.
27:13I hear you all now.
27:15Murphy, Laura, and, uh...
27:19Yes, of course. Wonderful news.
27:21La guerre est finie.
27:23The war is over?
27:25What war is that?
27:27Are you suggesting...
27:29The alliance be called, the wardrobe selected,
27:31because by this time tomorrow,
27:33it's croissants on the Concord.
27:35Don't tell me you solved the case.
27:37Precisely. The ghost?
27:39Don't be absurd. The murderers of mortal flesh.
27:41You wouldn't happen to have any evidence
27:43to back that up, would you?
27:45I'm a true slaver for Murphy.
27:47Solid, concrete, and irrefutable.
27:49I'll leave detailed notes on my modus operandi
27:51for you to study while Laura and I
27:53are absent from the office.
27:55You care to share the details with us?
27:57All in good time.
27:59For the moment, I've informed Dean Winfield
28:01that the police have put out an APB.
28:03That's a law enforcement jargon
28:05for an all-points bulletin.
28:07And soon the culprit shall be safely tucked away in a cell
28:09while we are safely tucked away in...
28:11Laura, there is work to be done,
28:14Not even Murphy's good humor
28:16can deprive me of this moment.
28:18Well, enjoy it while you can.
28:20Those moments have a habit of running out.
28:22Not this time.
28:24But we'll see.
28:26It's your shoe leather to waste as you see fit.
28:36You must be Remington Steele.
28:38Yes, I really believe I am.
28:40Did you know that you radiate
28:42a very powerful energy?
28:44One hears rumors.
28:48I could really use some of that.
28:50Would you mind?
28:52Would I mind what?
28:54A quick transfer of auras
28:56through the total union of our bodies and spirits.
28:58Uh, well, unfortunately,
29:00I have to go to Paris shortly.
29:06So did you really know that?
29:08So did you really find out
29:10who killed Dan and Hector?
29:12Oh, how thoughtless of me.
29:14You must be distraught.
29:16Let me reassure you.
29:18I discovered this name tag
29:20at the scene of the crime
29:22revealing the name of our killer.
29:24Tom Donovan?
29:28Tom Donovan.
29:30He's been dead for ten years.
29:34You sure?
29:38Do they know that?
30:04Don't watch this. Breathe funny,
30:06and I'll use this, you understand?
30:08Please, don't shoot.
30:10Don't turn around.
30:12Put your hands where I can see them.
30:14Okay, okay.
30:16Now, who are you?
30:18Charles Ryder.
30:20I want to know why you're breaking into my car,
30:22and I want to know now.
30:24Because before I became Charles Ryder,
30:26I was Nat Shavers.
30:28Nat Shavers?
30:32The Nat Shavers.
30:34All that great hair.
30:36What happened?
30:38I sold it.
30:40What do you think happened?
30:42Went the way of the sit-in,
30:44the peace sign, or Janice Joplin?
30:46Oh, believe me,
30:48the life of an underground fugitive
30:50may read great,
30:52but it's murder on a peptic ulcer.
30:54By 75, I knew more federal agents
30:56than Hoover did.
30:58But it was rumored you'd hooked up
31:00with the International Underground,
31:02Munich, Belfast, Rome.
31:04Do you have any idea what it cost to get to Italy?
31:06Even then?
31:08And the times I could hook up with some contact,
31:10all they wanted me for was to smuggle
31:12them stereos and blue jeans.
31:14All right, I liked being a legend.
31:16You know, who wouldn't?
31:18But you can't eat press clippings, you know?
31:20So you changed your name and dropped back in.
31:22Hey, it was painfully easy.
31:24You want to go unnoticed in this society,
31:26just act productive.
31:28And, uh, now?
31:32I sell time for an ad agency
31:34in San Fernando.
31:36My wife makes me write
31:38all her PTA speeches.
31:40My kids think, hell no, we won't go,
31:42is what you say at bedtime.
31:44I thought it might be fun to ride up here
31:46for the weekend, stay in the background
31:48and see what's become of us,
31:50but after what happened in Dan's room...
31:52Don't tell me you saw Donovan's ghost, too.
31:54Hey, I don't know what I saw,
31:56but whatever it is, it's got me poppin' tranquilizers
31:58like they were peanuts.
32:00ROTC building.
32:04I remember I'd planned my moves out very carefully,
32:06going over it again and again in my mind
32:08until I could do it almost automatically.
32:10Once inside, we split up on the third floor.
32:12Tom and Lynette went up to the roof,
32:14and I hustled myself
32:16into the ROTC commander's office,
32:18looking for some embarrassing documents
32:20we could publish in the underground paper.
32:22Thought I'd found something.
32:24Tom sent Lynette down to me.
32:26She told me the bomb was nearly set,
32:28and that the security was on to us
32:30and we're already in the building,
32:32so we had to get the hell out of there.
32:34I thought Tom would be right behind us, but...
32:38He wasn't.
32:40A bomb?
32:42But I thought Tom was using fireworks.
32:44He just said that to get Annie, Dan and Hector
32:46to go along with it.
32:48The fact is, he wanted to blow the roof
32:50right off the building.
32:54I'm sorry, Annie. It wasn't supposed to happen like that.
32:56We're not finished in the reality.
32:58This shouldn't be happening either.
33:00Nat, come with me.
33:02Where are we going?
33:04You're going to introduce me to this ghost.
33:32Well, well, well.
33:34I thought you'd be on your way to Paris by now.
33:36The murder appeared to be more elusive
33:38than I first anticipated.
33:40Uh, who's, uh...
33:42That's Nat Shavers.
33:44The Nat Shavers?
33:46And here's your ghost.
33:48The whole room was rigged.
33:50I don't know where it was set off,
33:52but there's a master switch somewhere.
33:54And you were kept on the payroll for a good reason.
33:56What's that?
33:58A clue, no doubt.
34:00Well, let me see it.
34:02Find your own evidence.
34:04This isn't over yet.
34:06I hitchhiked there...
34:08from Kansas City.
34:12But isn't, isn't there a, uh...
34:14An ocean.
34:16Yeah, I took a freighter.
34:18You know, I saw the most amazing tattoos on that trip.
34:24You really get around, don't you?
34:26Just since college.
34:28I mean, not that St. Amelia's School for Girls
34:30wasn't a good place to get started,
34:32but, you know, it was like everything that happened to me
34:34during those four years was trying to tell me something.
34:36And I listened.
34:38I know that it was just a phase for most,
34:40but I figured, you know,
34:42what'd I have to lose, really?
34:44So I let Lou Andreas introduce me to my body.
34:46I gave peace a real chance.
34:48I tried everything that looked interesting.
34:52And I still haven't run out of things yet.
34:54Ha, ha, ha.
34:56And you?
34:58Oh, I was just finishing high school.
35:18That's just the same girl.
35:20Stop him!
35:30Come on.
35:36Let's split up, quick.
35:38Come on.
35:42Laura, did you get a good look at him?
36:08I must really be scared.
36:12I'm actually calling for him.
36:24Keep coming. I'm right below you.
36:26Is Murphy behind you?
36:28I noticed one of the panels on that kiosk was off just a bit,
36:30but it snapped shut after I got in.
36:32How'd you find it?
36:34Huh? Third man.
36:36London Films, 1949.
36:38Orson Welles.
36:40Disappeared in the sewers of Vienna
36:42through something very much like it.
36:44There must be a whole network of them
36:46underneath the campus.
36:48Yeah. Clumsy ghost.
36:50Could be rather effective, using these to make a sudden appearance.
36:52There's probably a passageway
36:54that leads up into the ROTC building.
36:56Yeah, there's no need to temple with locks,
36:58alarms, or even guards.
37:00Ah. After you.
37:04You won't regret giving me a head start?
37:06I'll risk it.
37:08Yeah. Okay.
37:24Oh, damn!
37:26What's wrong?
37:28I'm stuck.
37:30Hold still. I'll give you a hand.
37:42Push your arms around me.
37:44How long have I waited for you to say that?
37:46Just do it.
37:56I think I've got it.
37:58So long as we seem to be tat-a-tat.
38:00I say we, uh,
38:02cancel our bet and simply award one another the prizes.
38:04You mean you willingly tell me
38:06one year of your life?
38:08For a weekend with you?
38:12An interesting offer.
38:14I've so enjoyed the competition.
38:16Has it really been one for you?
38:18More than I expected.
38:20You were the first to find the ghost.
38:24Well, that alone ought to be
38:26worth something.
38:31Where else have I gone right?
38:35I'm not sure it would be
38:37safe for me to say right now.
38:45There's someone up ahead there.
38:47There's always someone up ahead.
38:49I say let them make their own bets.
38:51Come on, come on, come on.
39:15I was never crazy about that light.
39:17I'm a silly fucker.
39:41Did someone just come through here?
39:43Are you sure?
39:45We must have taken a wrong turn.
39:47That's one way of looking at it, isn't it?
39:49Um, where's your wallet?
39:51I don't have a wallet.
39:53I don't have a wallet.
39:55I don't have a wallet.
39:57I don't have a wallet.
39:59Um, as you are, ladies, yes.
40:07Come here.
40:24Well, what have we here?
40:27Lynette Mercer.
40:31Come on.
40:33I left the country right after graduation,
40:36trying to get as far away as I could.
40:39I finally ended up in the Hindu Kush,
40:42living with the Kaurish Kuturs.
40:45They had a wisdom I'd never encountered before.
40:50I thought I'd renewed myself.
40:52But it was time for me to come home,
40:55to test myself,
40:57to see if I could live with the past.
41:00I wired some friends for airfare
41:02and returned several months ago.
41:05Well, perhaps you'd better tell us
41:08about what happened that night.
41:13It happened after Nat left us.
41:16Tom had the explosives with him.
41:18He and I were supposed to go up on the roof
41:21and get them ready with an automatic timer.
41:24Instead, Tom took me into one of the offices,
41:27and I realized he'd brought a lot more explosives
41:30than we'd talked about.
41:32But before I could even ask,
41:34he began telling me what he meant to do.
41:37Tom had set them up.
41:39Annie, Hector and Nat.
41:41He was gonna set off a bomb inside the building
41:44and make them martyrs to the revolution.
41:47I couldn't believe how stupid I'd been.
41:50I loved him. I followed him.
41:52I trusted him, but I hadn't noticed
41:55that he'd become more fanatic with each new adventure.
41:58I thought about running to warn the others,
42:01but they all worshipped him so
42:03I was afraid they wouldn't even believe me.
42:06And I knew even if he didn't succeed that night,
42:09he would have tried again.
42:11I set another set of victims to his personal cause.
42:14I reset the timer for 5 minutes and ran out of the room.
42:18I told the others that campus security was in the building
42:21and that Tom wanted all of us out.
42:24It was as simple as that.
42:32And so obsessed with your guilt, you returned to this country
42:35and proceeded to terrify and punish the people
42:39What are you talking about?
42:41Dan. Hector.
42:43And the apparition you assumed to kill them.
42:45I didn't kill Dan and Hector.
42:47I suppose next you'll be saying
42:49that you didn't take a shot at Miss Holt and me either.
42:51That's right. I didn't.
42:53Then what were you doing in the tunnels?
42:55Hiding. When I arrived here and learned that Dan had been killed,
42:58I thought the killer must have really been after me.
43:00Tom told me about the tunnels
43:02after he and his sister discovered them when she came for a visit.
43:05I was hoping that I could find out who it was before they found me.
43:10There's a hole in your story somewhere.
43:12There has to be.
43:14Miss Holt, if you would kindly do the honors.
43:17There's no hole.
43:19Before now, no one knew what she had done to Tom,
43:22so she'd have no motive for killing them.
43:25Then who's the murderer?
43:27I don't know.
43:36These are Kurish coutures you joined.
43:40Austere people.
43:46They live in the mountains of Afghanistan.
43:49And I suppose you have to give up all worldly possessions.
43:53Jewelry, that kind of thing.
43:55Why would I want to wear ridiculous, sexist ornamentation?
43:59Why, indeed.
44:03What was that?
44:05I said...
44:08Paris seems a long way off at the moment.
44:40It must be here. We just can't see it.
44:44Someone with a motive and access to everything.
44:57Murphy, have a look at this.
45:03What is it?
45:30This is Tom Donovan's jacket.
45:32I don't get it.
45:41Why would she have the same picture?
45:53She's his sister.
45:57And then I will make a few remarks.
46:00Three applause, applause, applause.
46:03And then I will crown our homecoming queen.
46:13It's her!
46:25The earring.
46:27The sister.
46:29I was the sister.
46:31Tom practically raised me when my parents split up.
46:34He was everything I had in the world.
46:36They murdered him.
46:38So you decided to return the favor.
46:40I'm sorry I didn't get them all.
46:43Spoken like a true ghost.
46:45Come on.
46:59She really was his ghost.
47:01Tom's original plan was to see them all killed.
47:04Without knowing it, she was after the same thing.
47:07Changed her name, went to the same school,
47:10and waited for their reunion to have her due.
47:15How do you suppose a delicate creature like that
47:17managed to drag all those bodies around her?
47:20I have no idea.
47:22But you know what they say about a woman obsessed.
47:25Hell hath no fury like...
47:27No. That's a woman scorned, isn't it?
47:33Or a woman defeated, perhaps.
47:38Surely you're not suggesting...
47:40As I reconstruct the events in my mind,
47:43I was the first to actually identify the murderer.
47:46Ah, but we found her at the same time,
47:48thus making our little wager.
47:50A draw?
47:52Afraid so.
47:55Ah, and I knew you had your heart set
47:58on learning a bit of my colourful past.
48:01Not to mention a weekend in Paris.
48:04Some other time, perhaps.
48:06Yes, but we worked so diligently, so tirelessly,
48:09two sleuths hurling themselves into the unknown,
48:12desperately seeking to find the truth behind a baffling...
48:15Are you building up to something?
48:17A compromise.
48:19Six months of my life for one night of yours.
48:24Your ancestral ghost.
48:26If it is, good show, old boy.
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