Remington Steele S01E19

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Remington Steele S01E19


00:00Any banker might yield to the impulse and steal a body, stole a body.
00:09There's a better than even chance.
00:11Oh, my God.
00:13This is the bottling section of the winery.
00:15Do you think we lost him?
00:17He ain't seen nothing yet.
00:25I don't think that's safe at all.
00:27So we'll live dangerously.
00:30Watch out!
00:35Try this for a deep, dark secret.
00:38The great detective Remington Steele?
00:41He doesn't exist.
00:43I invented him. Follow.
00:45I always loved excitement.
00:47So I studied and apprenticed and put my name on an office.
00:51But absolutely nobody knocked down my door.
00:54A female private investigator seemed so feminine.
00:58So I invented a superior.
01:00A decidedly masculine superior.
01:03Suddenly there were cases around the block.
01:05It was working like a charm.
01:08Until the day he walked in with his blue eyes and mysterious past.
01:13And before I knew it, he assumed Remington Steele's identity.
01:17Now I do the work and he takes the vows.
01:21It's a dangerous way to live.
01:23But as long as people buy it, I can get the job done.
01:27We never mix business with pleasure.
01:30Well, almost never.
01:33I don't even know his real name.
01:54That's a good thing's going.
01:56Whenever you're ready.
01:58Mr. Jeffreys, it's been rumored
02:00that your bank is thinking of financing
02:02an expansion for Vandermeer Wineries
02:04to the tune of $20 million.
02:06Could you comment on that?
02:08I think it's safe to say that if we do proceed,
02:11we'll have no doubt about putting our full support
02:14behind a prize-winning Cabernet Sauvignon.
02:16I think it's safe to say that if we do proceed,
02:19we'll have no doubt about putting our full support
02:22behind a prize-winning Cabernet like this.
02:24Critics have praised this Vandermeer Cabernet
02:27as a leggy, full-bodied wine with a marvelous nose,
02:31a rich ruby robe, an almost transcendental finish.
02:35That's an awful lot of adjectives for grape juice, wouldn't you say?
02:39I think the person best qualified to answer that question
02:42is the man responsible for creating the Cabernet,
02:45Mr. Claude Vandermeer.
02:47I'm going to stretch my legs.
02:49Why is this vintage so exceptional, Mr. Vandermeer?
02:52Well, as you remember,
02:54when we presented this Cabernet at the competition last year...
03:20A marvelous nose.
03:23Rich, ruby robe.
03:26And, oh, so leggy.
03:42Good morning, Miss Ruth.
03:46Good morning, Miss Ruth.
03:48Any matters here of great consequence
03:50that demand my immediate attention?
03:52They're bills, sir.
03:54Ah, bills. Good.
03:56And he's waiting for Laura, so I don't think you...
03:58Shh, shh, shh.
04:00Frank and Steele.
04:02Perhaps I can be of some assistance.
04:04Mr. Steele, will Miss Holt be in soon?
04:07Oh, any moment, I'm sure,
04:09but you're welcome to wait in my office, Mr...
04:12Jeffries. Wilson Jeffries.
04:16That wouldn't be a Cabernet you're wearing by any chance, Jeffries?
04:19One of the best.
04:23I don't quite know how to say this, Mr. Steele,
04:26but I...
04:30I'm a banker. A banker?
04:32Executive vice president of Mutual Guarantee,
04:35manager of corporate finances.
04:40How is she?
04:42She? Miss Holt.
04:44Oh, Miss Holt. Oh, she's fine, fine, fine.
04:46But, um, as for your banking...
04:49It was my proposal to diversify and finance the winery.
04:52Correct me if I'm wrong,
04:54but I don't believe that banking in itself
04:56is cause for investigation,
04:58unless, of course...
05:00I did it.
05:03I can't believe I did,
05:05but I did it.
05:07You did say Miss Holt was coming in soon?
05:09Oh, yes, yes, yes. A brief traffic delay at worst.
05:12But, um, anyone can appreciate your dilemma.
05:16I mean, faced with the prospect of a vast financing,
05:19a banker...
05:21I mean, any banker might yield to the impulse and, um...
05:24Steal a body?
05:26Stole a body?
05:28Good morning.
05:30That might be a little rash.
05:32How's that?
05:34I can't fight him anymore, Laura.
05:36If he gets here before you do and grabs hold of a client,
05:39I won't be held responsible.
05:42I don't know what came over me.
05:45Excuse me for being late, but...
05:47Oh, my God.
05:51That was Miss Holt just now. Would you excuse me?
05:54I don't believe it.
05:57Well, it's not as if it's the first time
05:59I've seen a client before you did.
06:01I mean, don't you think you're overreacting just a touch?
06:03I mean, we're supposed to be professionals and...
06:05What are you doing here?
06:06Laura, I had no idea this was going to happen.
06:08Haven't I heard that from you before?
06:10I take it you two already met.
06:11Laura, I have to talk to you.
06:12Prior case, no doubt.
06:13I don't think this is the place for that.
06:14A friend of the family?
06:15It can't wait.
06:16Wilson, I work here.
06:17Cousin, perhaps?
06:19Skiing instructor?
06:20I have no choice, Laura.
06:22Because he stole a body.
06:23You stole a body?
06:24Well, I took a body.
06:26I mean, I have a body.
06:28What do you mean, you have a body?
06:29We all have a body, Wilson.
06:30Mine's in the trunk of the car.
06:33Look at me.
06:35My suit.
06:36I'm falling apart.
06:38You can't imagine what it's like,
06:40lifting a body from a vat of wine.
06:42I'm sure the bouquet is overwhelming.
06:44What size are you?
06:4538, regular.
06:49You mean to tell me...
06:51White belts?
06:52T-shirts that say,
06:53bankers do it with interest?
06:56You still have those clothes of mine?
06:58You lived together?
07:01I assumed you had some history, but...
07:03It's ancient history now.
07:13Right, we're here.
07:14Let's see it.
07:15Brace yourself.
07:16It's not an easy thing to...
07:17Open it.
07:25Oh, no.
07:28He was right there.
07:29I swear it.
07:31Someone must have taken him.
07:33From a moving car?
07:34That hardly seems likely.
07:40Perhaps in light of the personal nature of this affair,
07:44we should refer Wilson to another agency.
07:46There's nothing personal going on here.
07:48I am over it.
07:52All right, Wilson.
07:53We're both adults, both professionals.
07:56And if you insist that there was a body in that trunk,
07:59then I think the thing to do is to proceed
08:01with a series of strictly professional questions.
08:05On the way from the winery, did you stop anywhere?
08:14I had to.
08:27Oh, wine country.
08:29Warm, friendly, inviting.
08:32Can you describe this body?
08:34Well, it was heavy.
08:37I really didn't look at it that closely.
08:39Slow down.
08:40I think this is it.
08:45You stopped here?
08:47Well, there was...
08:51There was so much wine at the press conference,
08:53I didn't know when I'd find a gas station, so...
08:55You mean you needed to...
08:57Yeah, by that tree over there.
09:00Maybe it was that tree over there.
09:02I don't know. It's so dark, I can't tell now.
09:04But I was only there for a minute or two.
09:06You didn't hear or see anything?
09:08Sure I did.
09:09I heard Harcourt tear up a year's worth of work in ten seconds.
09:12I heard the board kick me out of the bank.
09:14I heard my whole life coming down around my ears.
09:16I saw that body in the vet, and suddenly I thought to myself,
09:19I saw that body in the vet, and suddenly I thought to myself,
09:22what would Laura do about this?
09:24So you stuffed him in the trunk of a car and ran away with it.
09:27Are you talking about this Laura here?
09:29The loan is set to go through in less than 48 hours.
09:33There were reporters all over the place.
09:35I had to do something!
09:37Well, there are signs here of truck treads,
09:40maybe some rubber boots,
09:42a few horseshoe impressions,
09:44but in this area, none of those is unusual.
09:47In that case, I think we should proceed to the winery
09:50and inspect the original source of, um...
09:53the problem.
09:57Whoa, Arnold!
10:03Are you all right?
10:05Once more, Arnold, my pet.
10:07Once more in your dog meat, you hear me?
10:10Is that your car there?
10:12It's mine.
10:14Arnold doesn't like cars, never has.
10:16What was it doing there?
10:18Well, we were just admiring the view.
10:20What view?
10:22To students of nature like ourselves,
10:24even the most mundane surroundings can afford a panorama of delight.
10:27I want that car out of here in five minutes.
10:30This is a public road, you know.
10:32Not when it runs through my land, it isn't.
10:35Don't you move from that spot, Arnold, you hear me?
10:39What an engaging attitude.
10:41Hers? Arnold's.
10:43Wonderful wine country, huh?
10:51There are a number of private mittener estates in the area, Laura,
10:54so with the way you drive...
10:56What's wrong with our driving, anyway?
11:09Well, you certainly taught that road a lesson it won't soon forget.
11:13No sense in dragging this thing out.
11:15It's inside. I'll show you.
11:20Uh, if you don't mind my asking, Wilson,
11:23when you and Miss Holt were, um, uh...
11:28Yes, uh...
11:30Was our driving always so, uh, exuberant?
11:33If anything, it's gotten a little better.
11:36But I'm sure you know how she is.
11:38Impulsive, uninhibited,
11:41absurdly passionate.
11:44It must get trying for you at times, keeping her in check.
11:47Oh, well, I-I do what I can.
11:49Hmm. Hmm.
11:52Absurdly passionate, eh?
11:55Wilson, thank God. I was so worried
11:57when you disappeared last night without a word.
11:59Something sort of came up suddenly.
12:02I guess waiting for final approval on the loan
12:04has us all a bit strained.
12:06Well, Wilson was so excited about something in your wine,
12:09he insisted we come up and have a look.
12:11Forgive me.
12:13Claude Vandermeer, this is Miss Holt, and...
12:15Lindsay Woolsey.
12:17Nigel Lindsay Woolsey.
12:19Wilson asked us not to say anything,
12:21but I'm preparing the definitive text on California wines.
12:24Miss Holt is my assistant.
12:26And if the reports can be trusted,
12:28we might do a feature on your Cabernet.
12:30Mind if we have a look around?
12:32For a feature write-up,
12:34I'll personally give you a grand tour.
12:36Wilson, you clever dog, you.
12:38When you grab something, you run with it all the way, don't you?
12:41Just as far and as fast as he can.
12:46Of course you know that wine consumption in the United States
12:49over the last ten years has more than doubled.
12:51Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
12:53This, of course, is our bottling area
12:55where the results of months of hard work
12:57finally come to fruition.
12:59Nora, from your experience, would you say
13:01Wilson sees things from an unusual perspective?
13:04I don't know anymore what he sees. Why?
13:07Well, he claims to take a body from a vat of wine,
13:11which then mysteriously disappears.
13:13You don't believe it?
13:15No, no. It's not that.
13:17But with all the stress from this business loan,
13:20the man he found might have been nearly intoxicated.
13:23But I sweat out every inch of the process
13:26so that I know that when I press this button,
13:30all the months of careful fermentation
13:33and the endless checking and blending and sampling
13:37will produce the most extraordinary vintage...
13:40Wilson's made a career out of being accurate and specific.
13:43If he said it was a body, there's a better-than-even chance...
13:48What the hell was that?
13:53The body.
13:56The body!
14:03Who... who is it?
14:05You don't recognize him?
14:07Oh, it's the same one, all right.
14:09You recognize him?
14:10Oh, just from the trunk of my car.
14:12But how did he get back here?
14:14Back here?
14:15It appears to be a blow to the back of the head.
14:17Enough to make him drown in a vat?
14:19That would be my professional opinion.
14:21What vat? What opinion?
14:23Since when does a wine writer have professional opinions about bodies?
14:26Wilson, what in God's name is happening here?
14:28I would like to be more specific with you about that, Claude,
14:32Oh, no. It's Harcourt. That means Westfield.
14:35The whole board is...
14:36I was expecting them sometime today, but...
14:38Oh, no.
14:40Help me.
14:41Give me as much time as you can. Go on, go on.
14:44Intriguing problem, eh?
14:46Well, then, perhaps you gentlemen would like to start with some wine.
14:51Perhaps later.
14:52Just now we're anxious to have a look at what we're buying into.
14:56What's this way?
14:58Ah, this way!
15:01I'm pushing. I'm pushing down.
15:06This is the bottling section of the winery where the wine is put in bottles.
15:16Oh, allow me to introduce the noted wine author.
15:21Nigel Woolley...
15:24Chester Harcourt.
15:26Never heard of you.
15:28I don't publish that much now in the colonies.
15:31And his assistant, Miss Holt.
15:34But you do seem familiar to me.
15:37Really? I can't imagine where we would have met before.
15:43Well, we still have a lot to see, shall we?
15:46If you'll excuse us.
15:51Excuse me, Lentil.
15:53I'm not usually so clumsy.
15:55Yes, well, we all miss a step now and then.
15:58Carry on, Wilson.
16:12There's no telling why he turned up back here.
16:15Sabotage, maybe?
16:17It's tough to know why he was killed.
16:20We don't even know who he is.
16:22That's the trouble with Harry.
16:24What makes you think his name was Harry?
16:29Unforesight, Shirley MacLaine.
16:31They had a similar problem, keeping up with a roving corpse.
16:35Shake that any harder, you'll kill it for sure.
16:38Then who said students of nature knew anything about handling wine?
16:43And here I thought your forte was horses.
16:46Or has Arnold got his back up again?
16:48When you run an estate of 12,000 acres, you learn to be good at lots of things.
16:52You must be here for Claude. I should have guessed that before.
16:55And you must be...
16:56Alexis Vandermeer.
16:58Vandermeer? Then you're...
17:00His mother? I'm afraid so.
17:02Somebody had to teach the poor creature how to make wine.
17:05You're with the bank that's hoping to cash in on that so-called cabernet.
17:09And what if we are?
17:11You'll be throwing away a lot of good money, that's all.
17:13Land on this side of the valley's too sandy.
17:15One freak harvest of good grapes is not gonna change that.
17:19I warned him it was just a matter of time before the soil gave out...
17:22when he insisted on buying this place.
17:24You can see what he thinks of my opinion.
17:26Then it's safe to assume you don't wish him every success.
17:29I broke my butt to build something I could pass on to Claude.
17:33And he threw it back at me.
17:35What would you suggest I wish for now?
17:38And I'd put that cask inside and bury you.
17:41It'll drop flies in the sun like that.
17:45She does have a point there.
17:52It would seem Claude and his mother have a very thick and stormy past.
18:03Might that apply elsewhere, do you think?
18:06If you're referring to Wilson and me,
18:09we were only together for a year, year and a half.
18:12It ended.
18:16I'm sorry.
18:18I'm hardly in a position to question your past.
18:21I just never thought it contained very many surprises.
18:27Well, we all have our secrets and our reasons for keeping them.
18:31That is still your philosophy.
18:34Perhaps to a fault.
18:38Well, then, until we're ready to break with tradition,
18:43I suggest we stand Harry back up on end and check in on...
18:48...our future.
18:58Come on.
19:11You'll lose something, maybe.
19:13In a manner of speaking, yes.
19:15That was your fence.
19:17Don't play the fool with me.
19:19I know how Vanderbilt loves to taunt me with his success.
19:22So he sends you with his precious cabernet in my nose to rub it, yes?
19:26I beg your pardon? Claude had...
19:28I've been growing my grapes for 40 years, mein liebe Kinder.
19:31Like my father and my grandfather along the Rhine.
19:35And that... that stunk!
19:37But know nothing!
19:39Moves in on the same soil, under the same sun,
19:42grows a cabernet good enough to die for.
19:44You're not looking forward to his expansion, I imagine.
19:47Nature has played a cold joke on me.
19:50But you tell Claude van der Meer,
19:53Werner Schumann doesn't need his prizes or his money!
19:59I don't suppose there's an easier way back up there, yes?
20:05Wonderful vine country.
20:09I've got to get to know them.
20:11Oh, come on.
20:13We sail the sea.
20:15We think of her constantly.
20:19And all the way...
20:21Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
20:28It would appear someone might be using Harry here to sabotage your deal.
20:32Harry? You found out his name. That's great.
20:35Yes, well, I'm afraid it's more endearing than accurate.
20:38This neighbor of yours, Werner, do you think he might be responsible?
20:42Well, he's not one of my bigger fans,
20:45but I can't believe he's capable of killing anyone.
20:48My mother, on the other hand...
20:50They can store me pasta, eh?
20:53When I was nine, I set up a lemonade stand.
20:56My mother told me the key to good lemonade
20:59was to scratch the sugar and double the salt.
21:02And when I had a paper route,
21:05she used to go through my papers every day and take out the funnies.
21:10She's always had this problem with me succeeding,
21:13and she knows that this wine is my chance to finally make it on my own.
21:17I wouldn't put anything past her.
21:20Not after watching her drive my father Arnold to his grave.
21:24Your father's name was Arnold?
21:28Wait! Wait, I'll get it!
21:37Damn fine brew you've got here, Vandermeer.
21:41Don't you think so, Lentil?
21:45Oh, yes, and it class all by itself.
21:48But we're running just a little bit low.
21:53And there it is!
21:56In here, boys! Fresh supplies!
21:59We'll get you some more. I don't think this would be to your liking.
22:03It hasn't aged yet.
22:05Nonsense. I love them when they're young.
22:09And botrytized? Oops.
22:11Botrytis cinerea, a fungus found on certain species of the grape.
22:15We fear that this barrel may be tainted.
22:20You think we've had too much, don't you?
22:23Oh, no, no. Not at all.
22:28Mr. Harcourt.
22:32Maybe you haven't explained the situation clearly to everyone.
22:38We're the guys...
22:40who have to push the final button on your loan.
22:44You're not trying to tell me...
22:47that a couple of shots from that barrel...
22:50are worth more than $20 million.
22:54Are you?
22:56Of course not, Mr. Harcourt.
22:58Mr. Harcourt, it's just that Claude here...
23:01wouldn't have you drink anything less than his very best.
23:07Wait a minute.
23:09Now I remember. I thought you looked familiar.
23:14Wilson, isn't she...
23:16No, no. Acapulco!
23:18Ha-ha-ha! No.
23:20You're the gal from Acapulco.
23:26No, really. It was somebody else.
23:28Hey, guys, it's her. Remember the gal from Acapulco?
23:31She did the big fan dance on the bar.
23:34The big fan dance on the bar?
23:36The dance was big. The fans weren't.
23:39Was it?
23:41It is Acapulco.
23:43Come on, boys. Let's get the barrel rolling.
23:46No, no, no. Keep it up.
23:48Okay, boys.
23:50It's all over now.
23:52I want you to forget the next five minutes of your life.
23:57All right, boys.
23:59There's no sense in denying the past...
24:01while there's still a future to be lived, right?
24:06Think Acapulco was fun?
24:11He ain't seen nothing yet.
24:21Anything you catch, you keep.
24:39Which way did she go? Which way did she go?
24:53Captain Acapulco!
25:00I love her.
25:19Nora, I appreciate your zeal,
25:21but we can't let the situation get out of hand.
25:23It's all right. I can handle him.
25:25Just get Harry out of here.
25:29That way. Yes.
25:33The barrel! What happened?
25:35I don't know. Somebody hit me from behind.
25:38Could it have been one of the bankers?
25:40The board is all back there.
25:42Steel. The barrel.
25:44Don't tell me.
25:54You didn't take it. I didn't take it.
25:56They didn't take it.
25:58Okay. Where'd you put him?
26:00Where'd we put him? Steel?
26:02It appears someone thought the excitement was more than Harry could handle.
26:06Oh, no.
26:11Are you sure you didn't see who hit you?
26:13All I remember is Harcourt running in front of me shouting,
26:16Acapulco... Yes, we know.
26:18Now, this sounds ridiculous,
26:20but is it possible that I saw a monk in there last night?
26:23A monk? What would a monk be doing here?
26:26This is hardly the place for a religious experience.
26:29Wait a minute. Isn't there a monastery somewhere around here, Claude?
26:33Well, there's the Order of St. Costello, of course,
26:36but the monks hardly ever leave the monastery,
26:38and I can't imagine them lugging a body around.
26:41Well, whoever took it may already have tried to plant it back here,
26:45waiting to let it drop at the right moment.
26:48Harry's timing has been rather precise before.
26:51Well, I suggest we find him before he finds us.
26:55I was just, uh, checking in here.
26:58Me, too.
27:04All right, Wilson, say it.
27:07Maybe we should just forget last night.
27:10Why? Because there was wild, crazy Laura making a fool of himself
27:14in front of all of us?
27:16I don't know.
27:18I don't know.
27:20I don't know.
27:22Wild, crazy Laura making a fool of you in front of the whole bank?
27:26Laura, I know I asked for your help. I just didn't expect anything like that.
27:30I never expected you to leave me.
27:35It just wasn't working out, Laura.
27:37For whom?
27:39For either of us. I like things being organized, regular, predictable.
27:43You love spontaneity, being reckless, living dangerously.
27:47I also loved you.
27:53I love you, too.
28:05You think this Warner character could have taken it?
28:08None of us had a car or truck last night.
28:11Harry did disappear rather quickly.
28:13You're not suggesting he rolled it all the way down here.
28:16Anything's possible.
28:18I think Harry should be in here somewhere.
28:26Harry could be anywhere.
28:29There must be hundreds of them.
28:31Seems Harry's bent on challenging us, eh?
28:34Well, I guess I'll check down there. Tell me if you find anything.
28:40Look, what happened before at Wilson?
28:42You don't have to explain, Laura.
28:44He must have meant a great deal to you.
28:46Last night made that clear enough.
28:48Yeah, last night.
28:51He was in trouble. Without thought of yourself, you rushed to his aid.
28:57Frankly, I rather envied his predicament.
29:03Were you shocked?
29:05Well, I never knew you'd been to Acapulco before.
29:10But there was more than just helping Wilson in that.
29:16There was a lot of me, too.
29:18Yes, I saw that.
29:20Where do you suppose that Laura's been all this time?
29:26She already cost me one relationship.
29:29Couldn't take a chance on her doing it again.
29:32Watch out!
29:40Steel! Are you all right?
29:42A few splintered nerves, but unharmed.
29:45Come on.
29:58You think we can catch him?
30:00Too bad if Laura drives.
30:02I'm getting very possessive about Harry.
30:09I don't see him anymore. We lost him.
30:11He must have disappeared somewhere back in here.
30:16Ah, empty, damn!
30:18I was almost getting used to seeing him in there.
30:21It doesn't make sense.
30:23Werner has him and we don't.
30:25But we're chasing him.
30:27Why would he stop just to take Harry out of the barrel?
30:30Then where's the body?
30:32That's the part that doesn't make sense.
30:34He just didn't dust himself off and walk away.
30:37I wouldn't sell Harry short. He managed to get around fairly well for a dead man.
30:41Unless he did walk away.
30:43To where?
30:45Someplace where rope belts are in fashion.
30:48St. Costello's, I presume?
30:50Let's go down there and have a word with those people.
30:53I don't think that would be our wisest choice.
30:55People who take bodies have a tendency to try to conceal that fact, remember?
30:59Oh, right. But we might want to have a look around on our own.
31:03Anyone have any plans for this evening?
31:13Give me a moment to find a soft spot in their defenses, okay?
31:18Listen, Laura, about last night...
31:20We've been through this already, Wilson.
31:27Seeing you cut loose the way you can...
31:32...just made me realize how much I miss that in my life now.
31:37If it weren't for you, I'd still be setting out my clothes the night before...
31:41...and making hospital corners on my bed.
31:44You've stopped?
31:46And you know, every once in a while, I'll call in sick...
31:48...spend the whole day at the movies.
31:53It's from you, Laura. It has to be.
31:56You and your...
31:58Terminal flights of rivality.
32:01I guess you used to hear that from me a lot.
32:06And how important it was to be level-headed?
32:11Keeping up the right sort of appearances?
32:14Pretty dull.
32:16I don't know. I mean...
32:18Look what's happened to me since then.
32:21I've really thrown myself into my career.
32:24Moved up the ranks.
32:26Started my own agency.
32:28When was that?
32:30Oh, that was before I started working for Mr. Steele.
32:35I'm sorry if I hurt you, Laura.
32:39I'm sorry it didn't work out better.
32:43But we're just too...
32:50It's nice to know it wasn't all bad.
32:55It wasn't all bad.
32:58I think I found a spot.
33:00That's what they were laughing about.
33:05There's a wall around the side that doesn't look too difficult.
33:09You coming, Wilson?
33:11I'm still the vice president of a bank. I'll stand guard.
33:15Fair enough.
33:22I'm sorry.
33:25Perhaps it would be better if we dressed for the occasion.
33:29Do you really think the medieval cut is called for?
33:37It's awfully quiet in here.
33:39I've yet to even hear someone talking.
33:42I don't know what they're talking about.
33:45I don't know what they're talking about.
33:48I don't know what they're talking about.
33:51I don't know what they're talking about.
33:53I've yet to even hear someone talking.
33:55Well, if I had to wear one of these all the time,
33:58I wouldn't know what to say either.
34:23Come on, let's get out of here.
34:45Hello, Harry.
34:47Nice to see you again.
34:49Well, at least we know where Harry is now.
34:51And his wardrobe's certainly taken a turn for the better.
35:09You think Harry's here to stay?
35:11Or is this merely another stop along the road?
35:13I don't know.
35:15What would these monks want with his body in the first place?
35:18Yes, perhaps they're planning on taking him back to Claude's.
35:22Well, that would mean that they were behind the sabotage.
35:24Well, monks have been known to do stranger things.
35:28Think of Rasputin.
35:32Yes, Rasputin and the Emperors.
35:34MGM, 1932.
35:36John, Lionel, and Ethel Barrymore.
35:38Oh, wonderful stuff.
35:40The mad monk Rasputin terrorizes all of Russia.
35:44But why would a group of monks want to sabotage a winery?
35:46Because they have a winery of their own?
35:53And a very good vintage, too.
35:57It is good.
36:01Very familiar.
36:03You know, it makes me think of...
36:07I don't think I should say.
36:09It might surprise you.
36:11Well, considering recent events, I don't think that's still possible.
36:13You think there's any danger in...
36:16Feeling too much too soon?
36:18It all depends on, uh, what you're feeling.
36:20Something like this.
36:33I don't think that's safe at all.
36:35So we'll live dangerously.
36:46That's him.
36:48Ah, gotcha, gotcha.
36:50Hey, hey, hey.
36:52I should come, I should come.
36:54No, no, no.
36:56No, we don't want to hurt you.
36:58We only want to talk to you, really.
37:04The Order of St. Costello has taken a vow of silence.
37:07Thank you for understanding.
37:09Vow of silence? Oh, wonderful.
37:11I mean, how are we supposed to question him?
37:13I mean, how are we supposed to question him?
37:15Question him, press him for facts,
37:17elicit the information vital to the case, huh?
37:19I don't know.
37:21Ah, that's just a clever ploy, isn't it?
37:23You killed him, didn't you? Hmm?
37:25Us? You think we killed him?
37:27That's a rash statement if ever I heard one.
37:30We had nothing to do with his death.
37:32We don't even know who Harry is.
37:34The fellow upstairs?
37:36You know who he is?
37:43Unfortunately, charades
37:45has never been one of my strong points.
37:47Allow me.
37:49Uh, body, person, body upstairs.
37:51Is you, is... No.
37:53Is like you, is like you.
37:56Like you.
37:58Who could that be?
38:00Try brother.
38:02Brother? Brother.
38:04His brother, his brother monkey?
38:06Monkey? His brother monkey, monk?
38:08Harry was a monk.
38:10He was a monk.
38:14Two syllables.
38:16First syllable.
38:19Sounds like, sounds like.
38:21Uh, talk.
38:23Chatter. Uh, babble.
38:25Um, blabber, blab.
38:31Blab, blab, blab, blab.
38:33Blab, bab, bab, bab.
38:35Hab, hab, hab?
38:37Ab. Ab.
38:40First syllable, ab. Second syllable.
38:42Oh, you're doing wonderful, wonderful.
38:44Second syllable.
38:46Circle. Dice.
38:48Bowl. Chamber.
38:50Pot. Pot, pot, pot, pot.
38:52Ab-pot? Abbot.
38:56Harry was the abbot?
38:58Well done, Laura.
39:01Of course, if that's the truth,
39:03then Harry was the abbot of Costello.
39:07Do you know who killed your abbot and why?
39:09Oh, well,
39:11that simply leaves us with the body.
39:16Maybe that's the key.
39:18We've been chasing all over town after Harry.
39:20Don't you think it's time he did a little something for us?
39:22Laura, I realize
39:24that Harry's been a bit elusive at times,
39:26even uncooperative.
39:28But the man's dead.
39:30Do you really want to know who killed your abbot?
39:32How badly?
39:42Are you still convinced this is a good idea?
39:44I mean, what makes you think the killer will return for him?
39:46He has every other time.
39:48Did you contact everyone?
39:50Yes, yes, yes.
39:52I tipped a field hand to pass on the news of his shock
39:54and discovery to all the right people.
39:56They'll know he's here.
39:58I'd best check to make sure that we are...
40:00I don't know.
40:02I don't know.
40:04I don't know.
40:06I don't know.
40:08I don't know.
40:15Everything in order?
40:17No pun intended.
40:19Ah, good, good.
40:21It's awfully generous of you to loan us Harry.
40:23I mean, your abbot, like this.
40:25Yes, I suppose justice is the point here.
40:31You know what to do when the time comes.
40:37Oh, good man.
40:44Shouldn't be long now.
40:46Here, hold this.
40:48Good thinking, Steve.
40:50It'd never occur to me to turn something like this
40:52into a pleasant experience.
40:54What shall we drink to, catching the culprit?
40:56How about Harry?
40:58How about Laura?
41:02To Laura.
41:07Funny thing about wine.
41:09Some you enjoy when they're young, impudent, brash.
41:12Others, mellow with age.
41:14And then there are some...
41:16You never lose their mystery, no matter when you find them.
41:19Here's to mystery.
41:47So, Werner.
41:49Just as I suspected, eh?
41:51Bitter about Claude's success,
41:53you murdered the abbot and used him to crush the expansion.
41:56I killed no one!
41:58There's no sense in lying, Werner.
42:00We know you took the body from the winery last night.
42:03I'm not lying.
42:05There's no sense in lying, Werner.
42:06We know you took the body from the winery last night.
42:08Nein! I steal a barrel of wine to test, to analyze this cabernet.
42:11And what do I find?
42:13Him! Dead god in heaven.
42:15But you toppled the barrels down on him before you ran.
42:18I was frightened.
42:20I think maybe you came to blame Werner for the body,
42:23or kill him, too, yes?
42:25Yes, that's me.
42:29You think he's lying?
42:31I don't know.
42:34I can't figure why he killed the abbot.
42:36You mean, if he was desperate enough to commit murder?
42:39Why not kill Claude himself?
43:04You're late for riding, don't you think, Mrs. Vandermeer?
43:07Just as I very nearly suspected.
43:09Anxious to get Claude back under your thumb,
43:11you killed the abbot and used him to poison Claude's deal.
43:14That's a damn lie.
43:16What are you doing here, Mrs. Vandermeer?
43:18All right, all right!
43:20I wanted Claude's deal to fall through.
43:22I thought if it did, he might come back to me.
43:24Is it so wrong for a mother to want that?
43:26It is if she kills Werner.
43:28I didn't kill anyone. I moved him, but I didn't kill him.
43:31Where did you get the abbot?
43:33I was on my way into the press conference
43:35when I saw him come out with it.
43:37I followed him through the woods on Arnold,
43:39and when he stopped, I pulled it out of the trunk
43:41and put it back in the winery.
43:43Then I came by the next day to watch the fireworks.
43:45That was the last I saw of it until now.
43:47Yes. Excuse us, will you, please?
43:52It all tracks.
43:54What do you mean, it all tracks?
43:56This plan was supposed to isolate the killer, remember?
44:00We got Harry back from the monks.
44:03The monks got it from Werner, Werner got it from us.
44:05We got it from where the mother hid it,
44:07and the mother got it from Wilson.
44:09So Harry makes friends easily. Now what?
44:11We still don't know how it got into the vat
44:13or why someone would kill the abbot in the first place.
44:19Oh, if we draw any more of a crowd up here,
44:21we'll have to throw a dinner party.
44:26What's happening, Steele?
44:28Just pass the wine and pray that Harry didn't come from a large family.
44:34Ah, come here. Ah, gotcha.
44:40Oh, just as I...
44:42No, I never suspected him at all.
44:44Let him go.
44:46Mother, Werner, what are you doing here?
44:48The question is, what are you doing here?
44:50And wearing the abbot's robes?
44:52I don't have to answer that.
44:54You killed the abbot and put his body in the vat
44:56to sabotage your own expansion, eh?
44:58That doesn't make any sense.
45:00That's not always the deciding factor in these cases, Wilson.
45:02Please, trust me.
45:04But why would he want to sabotage your chance to expand on his own cabernet?
45:07Oh, that's not his wine. It's his wine.
45:09What did you say?
45:11I said that's not his wine. It's...
45:13It's his wine.
45:16Hmm. I've done it again, haven't I?
45:18Yes, Mr. Steele, you have.
45:20I told you, Wilson.
45:22There wasn't going to be any expansion, was there, Claude?
45:25Because that prize-winning cabernet wasn't yours.
45:28It was really made by the monks.
45:30Your land wasn't good enough for those grapes.
45:32Verna knew that.
45:34I started buying wine from the abbot a few years ago,
45:37just a little at first.
45:39Last season at the competition, I entered some under my own label.
45:42I didn't know it was going to take first prize.
45:44So you tried to convince the abbot to go along with your expansion.
45:47But when he found out what you'd been up to...
45:49He threatened to expose the whole thing.
45:51So you killed the abbot and hid his body in the vat, eh?
45:54If Wilson hadn't stumbled into it and taken him,
45:57I would have buried him later that night.
45:59Speaking of which, um...
46:01I think we should, uh...
46:09So long, Harry.
46:11Peace, Harry.
46:13The running's over, old boy.
46:15Go get a good rest.
46:27Laura, I really want to thank you for everything.
46:30You found Harry.
46:32If it weren't for you, Claude would have run away
46:34with the money from the financing.
46:36You're a hero, Wilson.
46:38Harcourt and the board seem to think so.
46:40It's given me another promotion.
46:43Save them enough money, and they have to.
46:45Look, sometime when I'm in town,
46:48I'd like to give you a call.
46:50And we'll have dinner.
46:52I'd like that.
46:54Oh, about this boss of yours, Steve.
46:57He's a nice guy, but a little reserved.
47:02See if you can loosen him up a little.
47:05A little.
47:07I'll try.
47:10Laura, I've been thinking about this fan dance
47:13you did in Acapulco.
47:15I mean, just how...
47:18fanny was it?
47:20Ha, ha, ha!
47:22Ha, ha, ha!
47:24Ha, ha, ha!
47:26Ha, ha, ha!
47:28Ha, ha, ha!
47:30Ha, ha, ha!
47:32Ha, ha, ha!
47:34Ha, ha, ha!
47:36Ha, ha, ha!
47:38Ha, ha, ha!
47:40You really want to see it, don't you?
47:42Oh, well, being a connoisseur of exotic dancing,
47:45I always like to explore new forms, you know.
47:48Ha, ha, ha!
47:49Maybe someday.
47:51Ah, I see.
47:52Everything in its own time and place, I suppose.
47:57not everything.
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