Remington Steele S01E15

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Remington Steele S01E15


00:00I've got a will problem.
00:04A will problem, eh?
00:06I'm going to need one if you don't help me.
00:14Maury Singer, small-time thief, pulls a small-time job and comes up with a big-time jewel.
00:19It's all right, then, keeping Mr. Steele out of it?
00:22Well, if you twist her arm.
00:24Well, then, what the hell?
00:25Laura, I was wondering...
00:27Laura, I was wondering...
00:28The thief is none other than your client.
00:33Laura, it's Maury Singer in that charger.
00:37He hired us to find the thief who hired you.
00:40Where's fourth gear?
00:41It's there someplace.
00:42Just keep shaking the stick.
00:43We have to talk.
00:44Of course.
00:45You first.
00:46If he didn't do it...
00:47And Hera didn't do it, then it must be someone we don't know.
00:49Gentlemen, this is a robbery.
01:06Try this for a deep, dark secret.
01:08The great detective Remington Steele, he doesn't exist.
01:13I invented him.
01:15I always loved excitement.
01:17So I studied, and apprenticed, and put my name on an office.
01:22But absolutely nobody knocked down my door.
01:24A female private investigator seemed so feminine.
01:29So I invented a superior, a decidedly masculine superior.
01:34Suddenly there were cases around the block.
01:36It was working like a charm.
01:38Until the day he walked in with his blue eyes and mysterious past.
01:44Before I knew it, he assumed Remington Steele's identity.
01:48Now I do the work, and he takes the vows.
01:52It's a dangerous way to live.
01:54But as long as people buy it, I can get the job done.
01:58We never mix business with pleasure.
02:01Well, almost never.
02:04I don't even know his real name.
03:14That's, uh, some wedding.
03:28What wedding is that?
03:30The Blaustein affair down in the Coral Room.
03:34It is getting wild.
03:37The bride's sister took off all her clothes.
03:39She's dancing naked on the bandstand.
03:43Really naked?
03:44You sure?
03:45Am I sure?
03:46Listen, when you get to be my age, you know naked.
03:50You don't care, but you know.
04:13Ah, Louis, Frank, good, good.
04:40Yeah, this is it.
05:09In the box, Louis, the alarm circuit.
05:17Frank, it's the old meter.
05:19Now, the color coding for the trip levers is, uh...
05:26Go take a nap.
05:28Beats the hell out of feeding pigeons all day, huh, old man?
06:09Frank, how you doing, Frank?
06:13A few minutes.
06:19Care to do the honors?
06:31Make me smile.
06:33Save some for the rest of us.
06:38Oh, dear God.
06:45What gives, old man?
06:47Oh, dear God.
07:01You'd never know you were robbed last night.
07:04Yeah, we moved over inventory from our other stores this morning.
07:07Anything to keep this under wraps.
07:10Someone had to know.
07:12I mean, who would figure we'd be keeping
07:15a 60-carat flawless D stone worth $2 million
07:18in a cockamamie jewelry outlet?
07:20A place like this, we're here to sell guilt jewelry.
07:23Baubles a man can take home to his wife in Minneapolis
07:26after he's had a little fun on his business trip in L.A.
07:29So you think it was an inside job?
07:31I don't know what you think.
07:33I'm not supposed to have a rock like that in the store.
07:36If the company finds out about it, I'm canceled, out of business.
07:39I need that diamond back in 48 hours.
07:41Why the deadline?
07:43The Persian prince who bought the thing is arriving in 2 days.
07:47He's already paid cash for the purchase,
07:50and I've already spent most of the cash.
07:55The commodity market took an unexpected downturn.
07:59I see your problem.
08:01The country where this guy comes from,
08:03you steal a loaf of bread, they chop off your head.
08:06For $2 million, I'd be willing to bet
08:08they won't even sharpen the blade.
08:10You will explain to Mr. Steele.
08:12I mean, I want the best.
08:14That's why I called his agency.
08:16It's just that, well, you know,
08:18wherever your boss goes, publicity seems to follow,
08:21and publicity is one thing I'm not anxious to generate right now.
08:25You have our word of honor, Mr. Harrod.
08:27None of this will leak out to the media or to anyone else.
08:31It's all right, then, keeping Mr. Steele out of it?
08:34Well, if you twist our arms.
08:47I want to see Mr. Metal.
08:49Remington Steele?
08:51Isn't that what I said?
08:53I'm afraid he has...
08:55Good morning, Miss Wolfe. Good morning.
08:57Mr. Steele? Yes.
08:59I have a problem. A world problem, eh?
09:01Yeah. I'm going to need one if you don't help me.
09:04Could you hold my calls, Miss Wolfe?
09:06This way, Mr. Singer?
09:08All right.
09:10Yeah, please.
09:17You know anything about theft, professional theft?
09:21Uh, I've read a few books on the subject.
09:24I've been a thief all my life.
09:26I'm not too proud of it. Just...
09:30Quit a few years ago, but already the damage was done.
09:34I got a son in Tampa, Russell.
09:37He's got a son, my grandson.
09:40I never saw him. Russell won't let me.
09:43So I got this idea.
09:45Maybe if I move to Tampa,
09:47I could make things straight with Russell.
09:50I don't want to die alone, Mr. Steele.
09:53No, no, none of us do.
09:55A move like that costs money, and I...
09:58But about three weeks ago,
10:00a score fell into my lap.
10:02From out of the blue, a gift from the gods.
10:05Only the score was hit before we got there.
10:08Perhaps the gods were telling you
10:10that the straight and narrow was the surest path to Tampa.
10:13Maybe, maybe.
10:15Only I'm an independent, you know.
10:17I am not connected, if you know what I mean.
10:20I mean, you just don't go into a place and rob it.
10:23You got to get permission from the people who run the territory.
10:26In return for...
10:2820% of the take.
10:30And 20% of nothing is...
10:32A hole in the head.
10:34Mr. Steele, I figured the only chance I got
10:37is to find those people who beat me to that score.
10:41Or I go to Tampa in a box.
10:44Mr. Singer, I will personally turn over every rock in this city
10:48to find the thieves that pull that heist.
10:51I will rally the forces of my detective agency.
10:54I will sort your innocents from every rooftop in town.
10:57I don't think that's a good idea.
11:00All the rallying and rock-turning and shouting.
11:03It seems like it's going to call a lot of attention to things.
11:08Don't you think?
11:11Me too.
11:13And seeing as how there are people who want to kill me,
11:16attention is something we want to avoid.
11:18Don't you think?
11:21Me too.
11:23So what do you say we make this our little secret, huh?
11:27No staff, no rooftops.
11:30Just you and me.
11:33My very thoughts, Mr. Singer.
11:46So how are we going to do it?
11:48First, we'll get the names and addresses of all employees,
11:51past and present.
11:52It was obviously an inside job.
11:54No, no, no, I mean, how are you going to tell
11:56the ever-helpful Mr. Steele that he's persona non grata in this one?
12:00Just tell him.
12:02Laura, you tell that guy he can't be part of something,
12:05and sure as he talks funny, he's going to want to be a part of it.
12:08For all his shortcomings, he cares about the well-being of the agency
12:11as much as we do.
12:13And once I explain the situation, he'll respond in a mature, rational...
12:17I'm begging you.
12:18No, I'm begging you, don't do it.
12:30Miss Wolfe, if I should be absent when Miss Holt arrives...
12:35We have to talk.
12:37Of course.
12:42Your office seems much more suited for intimate chats.
12:46I'll get some addresses for you.
12:50You first.
12:51This is ridiculous.
12:53I will start.
12:55Something has come up.
12:57Something that, because of its delicate nature,
13:00demands that you, as Remington Steele, cannot be involved.
13:03Not involved?
13:04Now, don't take it so hard.
13:05For how long?
13:06Just 48 hours.
13:0748 hours?
13:08Please try to understand.
13:09Of course.
13:10This isn't my choice.
13:11Of course.
13:12The client feels that your involvement would only add
13:14publicity to an already sensitive situation.
13:17Laura, say no more.
13:18I completely understand.
13:20You do?
13:22Let's be honest with one another.
13:24You are the Remington Steele Detective Agency.
13:27Its guiding force.
13:28Its most valuable asset.
13:30And if you feel that you can function best without me,
13:34then all I can do is accept.
13:36You can?
13:38I'll simply find something to occupy myself with for the next 48 hours.
13:42But if you need anything or want anything,
13:45no matter how small, how menial, how distasteful,
13:49you have simply to call me.
14:26How do you take it?
14:30Couldn't have been more understanding.
14:32What does that tell you?
14:34I don't know.
14:36But the hair on the back of my neck is standing straight up.
14:58This is where you got the plans for an intricate jewel robbery?
15:01My friend Herschel. Herschel Gruber.
15:04Herschel used to work for Harrods.
15:06Herschel also used to work for Al Capone.
15:09Herschel's been around.
15:10Oh, I see.
15:16Uh, excuse me, can you tell us where we can find...
15:18Sign in, please.
15:19...Herschel Gruber?
15:21Your relatives? Friends?
15:24Why? Does it matter?
15:26Not to me.
15:27It's just that old Herschel kicked off.
15:29Passed away two months ago.
15:31Two months ago?
15:32But that's not possible.
15:34He sent me the plans three weeks ago.
15:37Tough trick, even for Herschel.
15:40You got to believe me, Mr. Steele.
15:42I do believe you, Morrie.
15:44I begin to think there's more here than meets the eye.
15:46What do you mean?
15:47Well, for one thing,
15:49you were sent plans for a jewelry store heist by a dead man.
15:53And when you get there, there's no jewels to heist.
15:56You think I was set up?
15:58The question is why.
16:00And by whom.
16:02I don't know.
16:04I don't know.
16:06The question is why.
16:08And by whom.
16:32Herschel Gruber, janitor, retired.
16:38Nobody ever visited Herschel while he was alive.
16:40Today, boom, it's a Herschel Gruber convention in here.
16:43You in the can with him, too?
16:45The men's room?
16:48Prison. Herschel Gruber was in prison.
16:50The way he tells it, they named a wing after him.
16:53Laura, we could be on to something here.
16:55Oh, how? The man's been dead for two months.
16:57Yeah, I miss him, too.
16:59Only thing most of these old people want to talk about is the vows.
17:02Herschel. Herschel was full of great stories.
17:04Escapone, Bugs Moran, St. Valentine's Day Massacre.
17:09You wouldn't happen to have the names or addresses
17:12of the people who visited Herschel, would you?
17:15The older guy signed the book.
17:18Uh, Maurice Singer.
17:21Had a younger guy with him.
17:23Looked like he walked right out of a cologne ad.
17:25Accent and everything.
17:27Do you have a telephone book?
17:29Over there.
17:35So, what do you say, Happy?
17:37You'd like to see me?
17:39I bet you thought I wasn't coming back, huh?
17:41Fat chance.
17:45Recapitulate the events of the evening for me.
17:47Come again?
17:49Uh, what happened last night?
17:51Oh, well, everything went smooth as silk.
17:53With the plans Herschel sent me,
17:55we disconnected the alarm system
17:57Oh, well, everything went smooth as silk.
17:59With the plans Herschel sent me,
18:01we disconnected the alarm system
18:03and Frank torched the safe
18:05and we went inside one, two, three.
18:08Only it was empty.
18:10Every drawer, every tray, clean like a whistle.
18:13Not even those little dust balls.
18:15Right. The first order of business is to speak with your sponsor.
18:18Mr. Considine?
18:20If you and your cohorts explain the safe was completely empty when you arrived...
18:23He'll blow their heads off for three of us instead of just me.
18:26The clock is ticking.
18:28If we're to uncover the real culprits, we have to buy time.
18:42Considine's men.
18:44Come on. The back door.
18:46What about Hampy?
18:48He can fend them off. Come on.
18:57All clear.
18:59I think you can put that down.
19:01The sign said, beware of the dog.
19:04I think they bought the sign first.
19:10A spare set of keys.
19:12With one of these license plate tags.
19:15G.O.J. 318.
19:17This looks interesting.
19:19The rental ticket says this tuxedo and two others
19:22were ordered the night of the robbery.
19:24Well, that's it.
19:26You don't rent formal wear to rob a jewelry store.
19:28Probably has a great alibi.
19:30A wedding where 200 people saw it.
19:32Yeah, I wish I hadn't found it.
19:34Then again, what would you wear if you didn't want to stick out
19:38at a place filled with wedding receptions and bar mitzvahs?
19:41Keep going.
19:43Of course. That's why nobody saw anything.
19:45Miss Morrisinger and his two henchmen
19:47marched right through the front doors along with all the other guests.
19:50Probably had the valet bring their car around when they were through.
19:53Oh, Murphy, I'm not reaching for this, am I?
19:55Herschel Gruber is a con.
19:57He used to work for Herod's Jewelry, right?
19:59The place gets robbed, a guy goes to visit Herschel,
20:01same guy rents three tuxedos the night of the robbery.
20:04And he's also a con.
20:08You know, you could make a living at this detecting business.
20:11You think so, huh? Yeah.
20:13This feels good. What?
20:15You and me working together the way we did before.
20:19Do you realize we've spent an entire afternoon together
20:22without once mentioning his name?
20:33Looks like Mr. Singer called somebody named Lewis.
20:36I don't know about you, but I never even thought of him today.
20:39Why don't we visit this Lewis, see if he fits one of these tuxedos?
20:42Did you?
20:44Did I what, Murphy?
20:46Think of him today.
20:48Well, we've been quite busy.
20:50Well, then there's hope for the patient's complete recovery.
20:55That is, if she wants to recover.
20:59Come on, the clock's ticking.
21:05Keep up the good work.
21:24Apartment three.
22:09Come on, we're gonna chase them?
22:11Well, that's the general idea.
22:13What are we gonna chase them with?
22:15I'll drive.
22:18You know, just like I was.
22:20Listen, do yourself a favor, let it warm up.
22:30G.O.J. 318, Lawrence Mowry, Singer in that Charger.
22:48Where's fourth gear?
22:50Fourth gear?
22:52I haven't used fourth gear since...
22:54When was the year the astronauts were walked on the moon?
22:5669, I think.
22:58That was the year.
23:00But it's there someplace. Just keep shaking the stick.
23:23Come on, pick a gear, any gear.
23:25Oh, how could you let a mobile get into such a condition?
23:28I told you to let it warm up.
23:30You're gaining on them.
23:32You're gaining on them.
23:34You're losing them, you're losing them.
23:36You're gaining on them, you're gaining on them.
23:39You're past them.
23:43What kind of a chase is this?
23:45He's coasting to a stop.
23:47He's trying to send me a message, that Considine.
23:50He's trying to tell me he's serious.
23:52That would certainly be my interpretation.
23:54Perhaps it's incumbent upon us to let him know that we've received the message.
23:58I don't get you.
24:00I think it's time we paid your Mr. Considine a visit.
24:03That is, if we can locate a gear that functions.
24:16Mr. Singer to see Mr. Considine.
24:39All right, all right.
24:41I got the message.
24:43Maury, Maury.
24:45You have no idea what a relief it is to see you again.
24:48I've been very concerned about you.
24:50I haven't seen you in a couple of days now.
24:53I've been trying to think of what to say to you, Mr. Considine.
24:57Well, I can understand that, Maury.
24:59I've been trying to think of what to say to my board of directors.
25:02But an old man comes to me with one final score,
25:05and he wants to pull it in my territory.
25:08So I supply him with the men, $20,000 to pay them,
25:11the tools to do the job right.
25:14And then the smoke clears, and there's no old man,
25:17no $20,000, no 20% of the take.
25:20So I can understand your timidity.
25:24Mr. Considine, we got there, the safe was empty.
25:27Maury, do you have any idea how my board of directors
25:30will react when I tell them a story like that?
25:33Badly, very badly.
25:35They're going to force me to make an example of you.
25:37The way you did with Lewis?
25:39Precisely the way I did with Lewis.
25:41I don't believe we've had the pleasure.
25:43John Roby, and I can vouch for Mr. Singleton's veracity.
25:47Can you? What makes you think he's telling the truth?
25:50Because I'm the fellow who beat him to the safe.
25:56That strikes me as a very dangerous confession to make right here, right now.
25:59Oh, on the contrary, I feel very safe.
26:01As long as I know where the jewels are, and you don't,
26:04I'd rather suspect I'm one of the healthiest men alive.
26:07All right, Mr. Roby, why are you here? What do you want?
26:10Better terms.
26:12Oh, I know you agree with Maury to take 20%,
26:14but, uh, that feels a little rich.
26:17After all, you didn't supply me with any men, any money.
26:21Then why negotiate with me at all?
26:23I did work on your territory,
26:25and I did do it without your permission.
26:27Just a feeling.
26:29But I feel that your board of directors
26:31might feel compelled to make an example out of me.
26:36Plus the original 20,000 seems a more equitable arrangement.
26:44Not that I don't have confidence in you,
26:46but you don't have to haul from that safe, do you?
26:48Not yet.
26:50All right, if it's none of my business, say so,
26:52but why did you tell Considine that you did?
26:54Still buying time, Maury.
26:56Can't very well search for the thieves if we're dead.
26:58As long as we're negotiating, they have to keep us alive.
27:04Come on.
27:35Private investigators, huh?
27:39And, uh, you're here because...
27:42Because Maury Singer led us here, Mr. Considine.
27:45Maury Singer, Maury Singer.
27:47I'm afraid I don't know anyone named Maury Singer.
27:49He's a man with a problem, Mr. Considine.
27:52The way we have it worked out,
27:54Maury Singer, small-time thief,
27:56is the only man in the world
27:58who has a problem with a man.
28:01The way we have it worked out,
28:03Maury Singer, small-time thief,
28:05pulls a small-time job and comes up with a big-time jewel,
28:08one he can't possibly get rid of through his small-time fence.
28:12That's fascinating.
28:14So he needs a big-time fence.
28:16I'm in the import-export business, my friend.
28:19One-of-a-kind, rare items.
28:21Yes, but you're a member of a very exclusive family.
28:25Our client is willing to offer half a million dollars,
28:29if the stone is returned.
28:33And if it isn't?
28:34The burglary will be reported to the police, the news media,
28:37and whoever comes in contact with it
28:39will find they're handling a very hot rock.
28:42I'm sure a man with your delicate connections
28:45has a penchant for privacy,
28:47and the wrong kind of publicity
28:49can often prove fatal.
28:56when you reached the safe,
28:58did it look as if someone had already violated it?
29:00Drill shavings, torch marks?
29:02Frank was operating the torch.
29:04If something wasn't kosher, for sure he would have seen it.
29:09Well, there may be more than one way to skin a cat,
29:12but there are only two ways to get into a safe.
29:15Your way?
29:17Using the combination.
29:21Bernice, you should have seen her,
29:23you should have seen her eye to eye
29:25with one of the top syndicate people in the country.
29:27Well, if we didn't put the fear of God into Mr. Considine,
29:30at least he knows we're around.
29:32I think it's safe to fill him in now.
29:46Miss Wolfe, did I hear the lilt of Laura's laughter?
29:49She just came in.
29:55Perhaps we should take my associate, Miss Holt, into our confidence.
29:58But I thought we agreed to...
30:00Yes, I know we agreed to, but she's terribly reliable,
30:03extremely competent, and a closed mouth to a fault.
30:09All right, if you think it'll help.
30:13I really don't feel right about excluding him like this.
30:16But the client specifically asked us not to involve him.
30:19I know, but he seems so appropriate for a jewel robbery.
30:23You've gone a whole day without him.
30:25Laura's just like smoking.
30:27The longer you stay away, the less craving you have.
30:30So, dinner, now, with me.
30:36I love it when I'm forceful.
30:38It's a new side of you.
30:40You like it?
30:42Well, it's different.
30:44Well, then, what the hell?
30:47Laura, I was wondering...
30:49Excuse me. No, it's all right.
30:51Sorry to intrude. Oh, we were just...
30:53Of course you were.
30:57He thinks we were...
30:59We were.
31:07Well, did you tell your associate?
31:09No, she was, um, otherwise occupied.
31:13Uh, I want you to stay at my place tonight, a minor precaution.
31:16I'll visit your friend Frank.
31:18If there were no marks in the safe when you got there,
31:21then Mr. Harrod will look more and more like a prime suspect in his own robbery.
31:27You're a very perceptive man, Mr. Singer.
31:30Uh, no, I'm not totally happy at the moment.
31:33Apparently, my associate, Miss Holt, and her associate, Mr. Michael,
31:36seem to have developed more than a professional relationship.
31:39It's partly my fault, I'll grant.
31:42You see, I have this difficulty making commitments,
31:45especially the kind a woman like Miss Holt demands.
31:48Consequently, I can't really blame her.
31:53Mr. Michael's, however,
31:55is an unconscionable swine,
31:58using my enforced absence to worm his way into her affections.
32:04And God knows what else.
32:06Happy is my dog.
32:10I thought maybe you could bring him to your apartment.
32:13He hates sleeping alone.
32:15Stupid, ain't it? A dog should be so sensitive.
32:18But that's the way my Happy is.
32:20Yes, well, everyone needs someone.
32:23Me, I don't care one way or the other.
32:28I'll pick him up on my way back from Frank's. Come on.
32:46I'm a friend of Maurice Singleton's. I need to speak with you.
32:51Frank, open the door.
33:32I ripped the place apart. No diamond, no jewels.
33:35No flanks. Maurice Singer's a man of very modest means.
33:38He must have stashed it somewhere.
33:46Ham and cheese on rye.
33:51Not exactly the dinner I had in mind.
33:54Shut up and eat.
33:56If I were a better man, I'd apologize for what I did in the office.
34:00But I'm not going to. I enjoyed it too much.
34:04Murphy, the stakeout is hardly the place to delve into.
34:07Laura, we've been together for a long time.
34:10Together, but not together, if you know what I mean.
34:14You're going to delve, aren't you?
34:17I know I'm no competition for him.
34:20It looks.
34:24And that smarmy kind of charm he has.
34:27I'm a very straight-ahead guy. No curves, no wiggles.
34:31And I care about you more than a business associate, more than a friend.
34:36I think we could have something very special together.
34:40I had no idea...
34:45...that you felt this way.
34:47Now that you know?
34:49Well... You're confused, right?
34:51Well, that's great. At least you're not bored or turned off or put to sleep.
34:55I mean, confusion is an emotion, and one emotion leads to another.
35:00Who knows where emotion can take us?
35:03I'm afraid it can't take us where you want it to go.
35:09It's him, isn't it?
35:13He's not even here, and he's here, right between us.
35:21I'm not going to give up.
35:24I'm just going to view this as a temporary setback.
35:29I'm going to make you look at me in a different light.
35:34That's Maury's car.
35:46Let's grab him.
35:48If he doesn't have the diamond on him, he'll know where it is.
35:51Cover the back.
35:54Let's go, Happy.
35:57Come on, Happy.
35:59Come on. Surely you haven't forgotten how to walk.
36:06Come on. Come on, Happy. There you go.
36:09Oh, shush, shush, shush. Be quiet.
36:23I knew you'd be good for something.
36:53Oh, dear God.
36:55Something the matter? You're not supposed to be here.
36:58What are you talking about? They guaranteed me you'd stay out of this.
37:01Guaranteed you I'd stay out of what? And who are you, anyway?
37:04I'm Albert Harrod. Now, please, leave before someone sees you.
37:07Not playing much of a cat-and-mouse game, are you, Mr. Harrod?
37:10I should like to examine your safe. I beg of you.
37:12Bleeding holds no sway with me. Simply show me the safe door.
37:15If it's been adulterated twice, then you're no longer a suspect.
37:17Suspect me? But...
37:19If there's only one torch hole in it,
37:22then a combination was used to gain access,
37:24and that makes you a prime candidate in my book.
37:27Did they also tell you I have a heart condition?
37:29I just want you to know that before you go any further with this.
37:31Then you'll refuse to show me the safe door.
37:33What safe door? It's already been replaced.
37:35Shrewd, Harrod. Very shrewd.
37:37Well, the truth is, your behavior is enough evidence of your guilt anyway.
37:41I shall return, probably with the authorities. Good day.
37:49Good day.
38:03I want to speak to Miss Holt.
38:05I don't care if she's having open-heart surgery.
38:07Put her on the phone.
38:16You sure it was him?
38:18I'm more than sure he was livid.
38:21I don't understand it.
38:23Why would he show up at Harrod's Jewelry demanding to see the safe?
38:27Come on, open up!
38:29Laura, let me kick it in just this once, all right?
38:31Save your strength.
38:33There are much more rewarding things to kick.
38:37I know women's lib is very big these days,
38:40but a lady hit man.
38:43I know him.
38:45I'm warning you, he may look dead, but that dog is a killer.
38:48You take one step, two, you take two, three steps...
38:53That dog has been nothing but a disappointment to me
38:55from the day I first found him.
38:57That's more reason to kill him.
38:59I don't want to kill him.
39:01I don't want to kill him.
39:03I'm warning you, he may look dead,
39:05but that dog has been nothing but a disappointment to me
39:07from the day I first found him.
39:09That's Maury Singer's dog.
39:11You're Maury Singer!
39:13What are you doing here? Where's Mr. Steele?
39:15He left early this morning.
39:17I'm Laura Holt, Mr. Steele's associate.
39:20Who's he?
39:22He works with Mr. Steele, Murphy Michaels.
39:25Ah, the unconscionable swine, eh?
39:28You know you hurt Mr. Steele.
39:30I hurt him?
39:32But that's no reason you should fling your affairs in his face.
39:36He cares for you, young lady.
39:38And you would see that if you'd stop fooling around
39:40with every Tom, Dick, and Murphy who comes your way.
39:43I beg your pardon.
39:45It's not my pardon you should beg.
39:48And as for you, young man, be a mensch.
39:52Don't beat your boss's time.
39:54Get your own girl.
39:59Just got a call from Mr. Considine.
40:01Said he'd located the stone you're looking for
40:03and wants to see you ASAP.
40:05Ha-ha! Fasten your seatbelts, Murph.
40:08We're about to make this thing fly!
40:21Congratulations, Miss Holt.
40:25You're a very clever woman.
40:27Since you've made it impossible for me to accept the stone quietly,
40:31I have no other alternative than to see its return to its rightful owner.
40:35Awfully civic of you.
40:37Keeps you out of jail, nets you $500,000 in the bargain.
40:41I don't want any part of that money.
40:43My involvement has already been far too public as it is.
40:46Once I put you together with the man who has the stone,
40:49I'm out of it.
40:52And for everyone's longevity, I'd like to suggest you lose my address.
40:56Right on time.
40:58Nothing like a prompt thief.
41:00Miss Holt, Mr. Michaels, may I present Mr. John Robey.
41:12John Robey?
41:14The catch thief.
41:16Cary Grant, Grace Kelly, Paramount 1955.
41:19I thought it was apropos.
41:21Have you any idea what Laura and I have been doing the last two days?
41:24I believe I caught a glimpse of it last night.
41:26He means professionally.
41:28We've been looking for your client,
41:30the man who robbed Harrod's jewelry store.
41:33And who hired you?
41:35Albert Harrod. Who else?
41:37How ingenious.
41:39Albert Harrod returns you to find the thief who broke into his safe.
41:43Why do you find that so extraordinary?
41:45That's the way it's supposed to work.
41:48Rubbish. The man's nothing more than a well-dressed swindler
41:51out to defraud his insurance company.
41:53Where did you get that?
41:55The safe was apparently empty and unblemished
41:57when Morris Singer arrived to rob it,
41:59which means whoever actually committed the robbery
42:01gained entry through use of the combination,
42:03which means the thief is none other than your client.
42:06Brilliant piece of deductive reasoning.
42:09Thank you. Don't be embarrassed.
42:11We all make mistakes.
42:13Some of them more disastrous than others.
42:15When we stick to business, apparently you can't.
42:18Gentlemen, please.
42:20While this is all very flattering,
42:22this isn't getting us anywhere.
42:24Your theory has one giant hole.
42:26Albert Harrod isn't filing an insurance claim.
42:29He isn't? No.
42:31Why not?
42:33Because one of the gems found in the safe
42:35was worth in excess of $2 million.
42:37And having it in the safe
42:39was a violation of the terms of his insurance,
42:41which is why he hired us to find the thief who hired you.
42:44You say there was a single stone
42:46worth over $2 million in that safe?
42:48Morrie didn't tell you that?
42:50Morrie didn't know.
42:52Look, folks, I may be a thief, but I'm not a liar.
42:54And I swear this is the first I heard
42:56about a $2 million stone.
42:58I mean, I was looking for something
43:00that would be easy to fence.
43:02A rock that size would take years to unload.
43:04I haven't got years.
43:06If he didn't do it...
43:08And Harrod didn't do it,
43:10then it must be someone we don't work for.
43:12But there is someone who wasn't surprised
43:14that diamond was in the safe,
43:16who was willing to accept it quietly.
43:20Who hired your crew, Mr. Singer?
43:24Is that customary?
43:26No, no, I told him I had two of my own guys,
43:28but he insisted and made it part of the deal.
43:30And a man of his connections
43:32would know the whereabouts of a $2 million-plus diamond.
43:34Oh, no wonder Frank didn't say anything
43:36about that safe already being torched.
43:38He was in on it.
43:40I thought there was something odd about his body
43:42the night I found it. He seemed so calm,
43:44not like Louie, suitcase-packed,
43:46a man running for his life,
43:48but like he was having a conversation with someone,
43:50a friend, a partner.
43:52There's a little item I forgot to mention.
43:54Herschel used to work for Considine.
43:58All we need now is the rock.
44:02If I had a $2 million diamond,
44:04I wouldn't let it get far from home.
44:06Well, merely returning it
44:08won't settle the score.
44:10That man's responsible for two deaths.
44:12Well, if we can't persuade him
44:14to accept prison and the police
44:16over his associates,
44:18he'll literally get away with murder.
44:20How are we gonna do that?
44:22Thomas Crown Affair.
44:24Steve McQueen, Faye Dunaway,
44:26United Artists, 1968.
44:36Gentlemen, this is a robbery.
44:38Cooperate and you'll live to tell your grandchildren.
44:40Oh, I hope so.
44:42Do you know who I am?
44:44Do you know who these gentlemen are?
44:48Yeah, but...
45:08If you insist on this lunatic venture,
45:10you'll never live to enjoy
45:12any of what you take here today.
45:14Open the safe!
45:16I'm afraid I'm gonna have to refuse.
45:18Open it, Considine.
45:20These people are serious.
45:22Look, we'll deal with them later.
45:24For now, you do just what they say.
45:50Think tamper.
46:00The 60-carat job from Harrods.
46:02You had it all along.
46:04Building a little nest egg
46:06with our money?
46:08You're a corpse, Considine.
46:16All right, hit the floor.
46:18All of you!
46:20You two, look,
46:22I don't know who you guys are,
46:24but you've got to take me with you.
46:26Please, take me with you.
46:30This way, this way!
46:34This way!
46:40It's not in gear.
46:42How could a man let an automobile
46:44get in this condition?
46:52Oh, no!
46:58The way Considine ran into that police station.
47:00He certainly was safer than facing his friends.
47:02Rather any scheme funding a heist
47:04with syndicated money than keeping the spoils for yourself.
47:06Who'd believe the safe was cleaned out
47:08before poor Maury ever even got to it?
47:12Thank you for procuring that reward for him.
47:14Well, he did help recover the diamond.
47:16Now he's on his way to tamper the hero.
47:20Well, why don't you two run along?
47:22You must be chomping at the bit.
47:24Chomping at what bit?
47:26No need to be a genius to see
47:28that working in such close harmony
47:30over the past few days
47:32has altered the nature
47:34of Laura's relationship with Murphy.
47:36It has?
47:40And I must say I'm delighted.
47:44For both of you.
47:46Excuse me.
47:48What's she doing?
47:52Setting the record straight.
47:54Damn it.
47:56If you're referring to what you saw in my office...
47:58It's no secret I've harbored feelings for you,
48:02I don't mind stepping aside
48:04for someone as worthy as Murphy.
48:08You know what they say.
48:10Three's a crowd.
48:12I thought there was some
48:14vague hope that...
48:16I know what you're doing.
48:18You do?
48:20You think the more you step out of the picture,
48:22the more I'll try to drag you back into it.
48:24Why, Laura,
48:26don't ask such a thing.
48:28I just want you two kids to be happy.
48:30The hell you do.
48:56© transcript Emily Beynon