Remington Steele S02E04

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Remington Steele S02E04


00:01Someone tried to kill me.
00:03With a hatchet.
00:04A hatchet?
00:05Next thing I knew, someone was shooting arrows at me.
00:10This man doesn't need a detective.
00:12He needs a psychiatrist.
00:27Dearly beloved, let us begin.
02:57May I help you?
03:16Uh, yes.
03:17This is, uh...
03:19Sir, you'll have to speak up.
03:24I'm sorry, this is, uh...
03:27This is room 12.
03:33Mr. Dannen?
03:35I can't hear you, sir.
03:37Mr. Dannen?
03:39Sir, can I help you?
03:43Mr. Dannen?
03:46Mr. Dannen?
03:50Ready for the next batch?
03:52Your enthusiasm for this kind of work amazes me.
03:56Oh, are you kidding?
03:58This is fun.
03:59I've been reading through these cases,
04:01and the intrigue and the romance and the...
04:04Ooh, the adventure is so dangerous.
04:07Sometimes I think that our boss is too good to be true.
04:11Speaking of the heroic Mr. Steele,
04:13wasn't he supposed to join us about an hour ago?
04:16Oh, well, he had so much work to do
04:18that I told him that we girls could handle this by ourselves.
04:21Ah, good morning, ladies, good morning.
04:23Oh, good morning, sir.
04:25You have several phone calls, but nothing urgent.
04:28Coffee this morning?
04:29Ah, tea, actually, Mildred.
04:31You got it, boss.
04:33Oh, remarkable woman, eh?
04:35Filled with spirit, consumed with dedication.
04:38This has got to stop.
04:40Oh, a couple more hours should do it, I'd think, don't you?
04:43I mean, you and our Miss Krebs are going to have a little talk.
04:46Oh, really? What about, I wonder?
04:48About who really runs this agency.
04:50If I want a file, she asks you first.
04:52If I want a paperclip, she asks you first.
04:56Well, you must admire the woman's consistency.
04:58I don't care how you do it or which method you choose,
05:01but somehow you're going to convince her that we are at least equals.
05:05But, Laura, think how it would shatter
05:07the perfect harmony of that woman's universe.
05:09I think in situations like this, you know,
05:12the truth is always more trouble than it's worth, don't you?
05:15Uh, pardon me, but I'm looking for Remington Steele.
05:18Ah, yes, at your service, Mr, uh...
05:21Oh, Dannon. Well, Frank Dannon.
05:23And my loyal associate, Laura Holt.
05:26What can we do for you, Mr Dannon?
05:29Well, I need you to find someone.
05:32Excellent. Who?
05:40And you can't remember anything about yourself?
05:43Not a thing, Miss Holt.
05:45No memories at all? Family? Friends?
05:47Well, I didn't even know my own name
05:49until that motel operator told it to me.
05:51Next thing I knew, someone was shooting arrows at me.
05:56Well, that's strange, huh?
05:58It's abundantly clear that we're dealing with a classic case of amnesia,
06:01of which there are two characteristic types,
06:03traumatic and hysterical.
06:05In the absence of any bumps, bruises
06:08or other obvious injuries to the skull,
06:10I think we're safe in concluding
06:12that this man is suffering from the hysterical form of the condition.
06:15What does that mean?
06:17Someone or something recently scared the living daylights out of you.
06:27Wait a minute.
06:37Someone tried to kill me.
06:41With a hatchet.
06:43A hatchet?
06:45Would you excuse us for a moment, please?
06:54An arrow? A hatchet?
06:57This man doesn't need a detective. He needs a psychiatrist.
07:00I must admit, it's not the most plausible story.
07:02It's obvious the man has been on the receiving end
07:04of some terrible psychological blow.
07:06After all, Laura, even paranoids have enemies.
07:09Then we'll refer him to a good counseling service
07:12where he can get the kind of help he needs.
07:14By the way, where'd you get this stuff on amnesia?
07:19Yes, I was, actually.
07:21Gregory Peck, Ingrid Bergman, Selznick International, um, 1945.
07:25Why do I ask?
07:29After giving careful consideration to your plight,
07:31Mr. Steele has decided...
07:37Or Robin Hood.
07:42Everything for the modern survivalists.
08:13This is kind of a long shot, isn't it?
08:16Interesting choice of words.
08:18Until we can generate some information on who you are,
08:21this arrow is all we have to go on.
08:31You the store manager?
08:33Affirmative. Say, little lady,
08:35you're not gonna stuff too many commies with one of those.
08:37What you need is our basic Armageddon package for self-defense.
08:39Oh, we're not interested in purchasing it.
08:41Think of it as an investment. Believe me,
08:43when the Red Army appears outside your door,
08:45you're gonna thank the good Lord you've got the firepower
08:47to protect your own perimeter.
08:49No, you don't understand.
08:51If price is a problem, we got installment plans.
08:53It'll just blow you away.
08:57Yeah, you just can't improve on the government-issue cult.
09:00Automatic, dependable, lethal.
09:04We're private investigators, and we need to know
09:06who purchased this particular arrow.
09:08Do you keep records on that?
09:10Yeah, I do.
09:12One of those flaming liberals who wants to take arrows
09:14out of the hands of decent, law-abiding citizens, huh?
09:36What are you doing?
09:38Wrong way!
09:40Recall me!
09:58Everybody all right?
10:00We're all right here.
10:02Yeah, I'm okay. I think so.
10:04Come on, you heathens. We're ready for you.
10:24Not but effective.
10:26Let's not forget who came up with the idea.
10:28Hey, what's going on? I can't see anything.
10:32That better?
10:34Much. Are you sure this will work, Mr. Steele?
10:36At the very least, we'll know more about you
10:38when we see who shows up.
10:40My experience with the criminal element leaves no doubt in my mind
10:43that whoever's trying to kill you, Frank,
10:45will appear here out of some perverse sense of symmetry,
10:48a certain psychotic compulsion
10:50to confirm the ultimate resolution of the crime.
10:53Yeah, but what if you're wrong, Mr. Steele?
11:03Remington Steele?
11:11Seems to be working.
11:24I wonder who she is, anyway.
11:26Tell us.
11:28Sister, maybe?
11:50I must come from a large family.
11:52Dearly beloved, let us begin.
11:54Will the wife of the deceased please step forward?
12:12Terry Lowell Dannon, according to the funeral home register.
12:16Ring any bells?
12:19Total stranger.
12:22Widow number two, Barbara Troy Dannon.
12:29Nancy Stinson Dannon.
12:32Is this doing anything for you?
12:36Stella Martino Dannon?
12:38She's not my type.
12:40Everyone appears to be your type.
12:43I mean, you seem to have such a democratic taste with women,
12:48Mr. Dannon.
12:50Next slide, please, Mildred.
12:57Oh, I wish I remembered her.
13:00Mary Howell Dannon.
13:02That's it.
13:04Five wives at the same time?
13:06Oh, boy.
13:11I have five wives.
13:27Come on. Stay with us.
13:29Stay with us. There we go.
13:31Are you all right?
13:33I just keep having these flashes, like in a dream.
13:36No, more like a nightmare, really.
13:38And nothing makes sense until the end,
13:40when someone tries to kill me with a hatchet.
13:42Who's trying to kill you?
13:44Well, I can't see who.
13:47But I know it's a woman.
13:49What a surprise.
13:51I've got it.
13:52You do?
13:53Mirage. Gregory Peck.
13:55Walter Matthau. Universal.
13:59I don't remember that one.
14:01I'm not surprised.
14:03Peck plays a man with amnesia who's in great danger.
14:05He has this recurring flashback that unravels the entire mystery.
14:09And Frank's dream is the key?
14:12Precisely, Mildred.
14:14Oh, that's wonderful, Mr. Steele.
14:16Oh, that's...
14:18Isn't it amazing
14:20how our boss uses even old movies to get to the heart of things?
14:27Yeah, but I don't remember much about it,
14:29except for the hatchet.
14:31Relax. Peck couldn't figure it out
14:33till he was staring death in the face.
14:35Oh, terrific. You think we might get there a little earlier?
14:37Well, at least we have solid suspects.
14:39Five, to be exact.
14:41Oh, but who's counting?
14:43My wives.
14:45Maybe one of them tried to give you a quickie divorce.
14:48Well, how do we find out which one, Mr. Steele?
14:52Excellent question.
14:54Uh, Miss Holt, why don't you run Frank
14:56through that plan I've been devising, eh?
14:58Yes, well...
15:00Oh, well, since it was Mr. Steele's idea
15:03to stage a funeral,
15:05what goes better with a funeral than...
15:09Sorts. A little get-together
15:11where the widows can drink to the dear departed.
15:14And while you have all the suspects under one roof,
15:17you smoke out the killer?
15:20Oh, that's absolutely brilliant, Miss Steele.
15:25Oh, it's just brilliant.
15:27Well, one does what one can, Mildred.
15:32I'll handle the cold cuts.
15:35Wrong side.
15:45Ah, that's more like it.
15:48How do I look?
15:50A bit more distraught would help.
15:54A quarter of grief.
16:01I'm Barbara.
16:03I'm so glad you could come.
16:06Oh, this is my friend and attorney, Sterling Gillette.
16:10I'm sorry to hear of your loss, Mrs. Dunn.
16:13I'm so tragic and...
16:15And curious.
16:17I came tonight because I want to know how five of us
16:20are going to get out of here alive.
16:22I'm sorry to hear of your loss, Mrs. Dunn.
16:25I came tonight because I want to know how five of us
16:28ended up in black.
16:31We were supposed to be married next week.
16:34I was out of town when...
16:36And then I heard at the funeral.
16:39Oh, baby, it's all right.
16:43I know how you feel.
16:50Gentle, Frank.
16:54You're joking, right?
16:56No, my Frank was so sweet.
16:59Oh, the man was an animal.
17:01Pure carnivore.
17:03Didn't he ever...
17:05Hey, pal, this is girl talk.
17:07Why don't you go pour us a couple of shots, huh?
17:10Why don't you come in, ladies?
17:12Did he ever bring in the revolver?
17:16I don't think anyone's tampered with those in the past ten minutes.
17:23Look, Buster.
17:26Those are mean streets out there
17:29where a man's life could be bought for a bus fare
17:32and a woman's virtues as thin as the paint on her face.
17:36Oh, Miss Krebs, you don't really think
17:38any of those nice women would try to kill me, do you?
17:41All I can say is I...
17:43I wish I was packing a rod.
17:45A rod?
17:47A gat, a roscoe, an equalizer, artillery.
17:52If the boss doesn't like us carrying,
17:55I'm gonna have to talk to him about that.
17:57Yeah, but look, if so many women married me,
18:00I must be a lovable guy, right?
18:04If only I could talk to him. I'm sure I could straighten things out
18:07because obviously there's been some kind of misunderstanding.
18:10You're dead, mister, and as far as I'm concerned,
18:12you're gonna stay dead so no one can kill you.
18:17All right, Miss Krebs.
18:20I know when I'm licked.
18:22I think I'll, uh, just take a shower and call it a night.
18:51I'm sending you over, Angel.
19:04But, my dear, how could you be married to the man
19:07and not known he was an aerospace engineer?
19:09Well, because, my dear, the man I married was a neurosurgeon.
19:13That explains it.
19:15Oh, thank you.
19:17Um, my Frank was a history professor.
19:20But one night, when we were in the middle of...
19:23Oh, no.
19:25Um, he started shouting,
19:28Clamp it, clamp it.
19:34More champagne, ladies?
19:38Oh, hi, blue eyes.
19:40I could use a refill.
19:43Say, you're a lovely man.
19:46Hey, you're a lawyer.
19:48Right, honey?
19:54I just find the law so stimulating.
19:58Yes, yes.
20:00Corpus delicti, ipso facto, rigor mortis.
20:04Endless fascination, Mrs. Lennon.
20:07And he told me that he had to be away a lot
20:10in order to acquire antiques for his shop.
20:13The truck-driving man I married wouldn't know an antique
20:16from a crank shop.
20:21Cold cuts, anyone?
20:23No, thanks.
20:27Mm-hmm. More?
20:32I wonder what Frank saw in a little thing like that.
20:39Terrible thing about your husband.
20:42Why talk about him?
20:45You know, that adorable little Laura
20:48says you're handling Frank's will?
20:51Uh, yes, that's right.
20:53Oh, this is wonderful.
20:56Why don't you just tell me all about it?
20:59You know, like, how much do I get?
21:02I can keep a secret.
21:05Mr. Gillette?
21:07Mr. Gillette?
21:09Oh, Miss Holt.
21:11I'm just going over the finer points of...
21:13I can see the points you are going over.
21:15May I speak with you a moment?
21:17Certainly, certainly.
21:19I'm sure you'll get over your grief in time.
21:21Excuse me, please.
21:25Spotted a gun in Barbara's purse.
21:28And that raven-haired yum-yum over there
21:30has been implying me with questions about inheritance.
21:33What are you getting from the others?
21:35Fascinating portrait of the energetic Mr. Dannen.
21:38Apparently, he was all things to all women.
21:41You begin to sound like a jealous fiancée.
21:44Let's just put it this way.
21:46If his case went to trial tomorrow,
21:48I'd have a hard time knowing which side to root for.
21:51Certainly, Lead Frank isn't around to hear that.
21:54I got it, honey.
22:01Hi, everybody.
22:09Perfect, legitimate questions,
22:11which I'm sure will all be answered in good time.
22:14However, Mr. Dannen is incapacitated for the time being,
22:17so I suggest that we all go home.
22:20And I shall contact you...
22:22Nancy, please, please don't go out there.
22:25Okay, he's very, very ill, isn't he?
22:27Yes, this way, here's the door.
22:29Ah, Dr. Krebs!
22:31Oh, I'm so sorry.
22:33Don't be sorry, Doctor, you've arrived in record time.
22:36I know you need some place private to do your work,
22:39so go right ahead, Doctor.
22:41Go ahead, Doctor, don't let us disturb you.
22:43Good night, ladies. Good night, Mrs. Dannen.
22:45Good night, Mrs. Dannen.
22:47Good night, Mrs. Dannen.
22:49Good night.
22:51Good night.
22:53Oh, I'm sorry, it's all my fault.
22:56It can wait, Mildred, it can wait.
22:58I hope you understand how badly you've complicated things
23:01by showing up here tonight, Frank.
23:03Well, I just thought...
23:04Not only have you destroyed all our painstaking work we've done thus far,
23:07but now everybody knows you're alive.
23:09But, looking on the brighter side, Frank,
23:11we've learned that you're no run-of-the-mill bigamist.
23:13Do you realize you've posed as an antique dealer,
23:15a truck driver, a neurosurgeon,
23:17a college professor and an aerospace engineer
23:20while simultaneously maintaining five households?
23:24Mildred, we're professionals.
23:26We've been hired to protect Mr. Dannen to the best of our ability,
23:29and we will do so regardless of our personal feelings,
23:32whatever they might be.
23:34You swine.
23:40You'll be safer at my apartment.
23:42You really think I'm still in danger?
23:44Frank, please, a few minutes ago, one of your spouses
23:46tried to use your head as a basketball.
23:48Oh, I think you're making too much of this.
23:50I can't believe one of my wives would actually take such...
23:55You were saying?
24:05Are you all right?
24:07We're over there.
24:09What was that?
24:11See anything?
24:13What was it?
24:15Yeah, well, no.
24:18Oh, perhaps one of our ladies dropped this.
24:21You get Frank to bed, and I'll see if a certain gun's been fired
24:24in, say, the last five minutes.
24:29There we go. In we go.
24:36How about a drink, eh?
24:38Oh, I'd love one.
24:40You know, it's just like Stella to try and choke me.
24:42She's so impulsive.
24:46Mr. Steele.
24:48You're remembering.
24:52That's right.
24:54Ah, well, this calls for a toast.
24:56Now if only I could remember who came at me with that hatchet.
24:59Don't push it.
25:01Let's just be thankful your memory's returning.
25:03However slowly.
25:05Here we go.
25:10To, uh...
25:13To happy memories.
25:15And what makes them?
25:17To Mary.
25:19I'll never forget that week in Cape Cod.
25:21And to Terry.
25:23You know, those long nights with Dickens.
25:27And to Stella, too.
25:29You know, a man couldn't ask for a better bowling partner.
25:33And to Barbara's...
25:37To those nights with Nancy.
25:39On that bearskin rug in front of the fireplace she'd rub.
25:42I'll drink to that.
25:50Oh, how did I ever get into this mess?
25:53I'm afraid you're the only one who can answer that, Frank.
25:56I remember it was...
25:58fun most of the time.
26:00Always something to look forward to.
26:02New job, new romance.
26:05Can you recall how it all started?
26:09In college...
26:11I was always switching majors.
26:13Then I dropped out.
26:17And I joined the Navy.
26:19Yeah, that's right.
26:21I enlisted, medical orderly.
26:26We were somewhere in the China Sea.
26:28Took on some wounded.
26:31And one of the doctors collapsed.
26:34And the patient was dying.
26:36Blood was everywhere.
26:40So I just...
26:42picked up some instruments.
26:45I mean, I'd seen plenty of operations.
26:48And, uh...
26:53I saved that man's life.
26:56Did you tell anyone?
26:58Why, in the Navy?
27:00That would have landed me in the brig.
27:02But it was that experience that made me realize...
27:04I had a gift.
27:06I could watch somebody do something...
27:08and pick it up...
27:10right away.
27:12Certainly you saw your life was different...
27:14from that of most men.
27:16You didn't have to be trapped...
27:18in a single identity.
27:20No one could tell you what to do.
27:22That's right.
27:24You really understand, don't you?
27:26Tell me, though.
27:28How did the women figure in all this?
27:32If I recall, it just happened.
27:35I fell in love, got married.
27:38Then I fell in love with someone else.
27:42And married her, too.
27:44I guess I'm just an old-fashioned guy.
27:48Did you ever consider how they might feel about it?
27:52No, I guess not.
27:56Maybe it's too bad that hatchet missed.
27:58Listen, Frank.
28:00I think that's being a bit extreme.
28:02I mean, look at it this way.
28:04At least you're capable of making a commitment.
28:06What kind of commitments did I make, Mr. Steele?
28:09I was playing roles.
28:11Imagining I was putting something over on life...
28:13when in fact I was only fooling myself.
28:19I guess I was too scared to make a real commitment.
28:22It's not an uncommon failing, Frank.
28:25Hey, listen.
28:27It's been a long day, a tough day.
28:29I've got the couch.
28:31You take the bedroom, okay?
28:33Good night, Frank.
29:03What are you doing here?
29:05Somebody took some shots tonight at Frank after you left.
29:07Oh, no. Is he all right?
29:09He's all right.
29:11Oh, God. I'm sorry.
29:15Let's move into the study.
29:18This is quite a shock, but, uh...
29:21I don't understand why you came here.
29:23I saw the gun in your purse tonight, Father.
29:27Oh, I see.
29:29And you suspected that...
29:31Frank was the motive...
29:33and the opportunity.
29:35You sound just like a policeman.
29:37I am. The private kind.
29:40Frank's my client.
29:42Oh, I see.
29:44Well, I may have had the means to shoot Frank...
29:47but you are wrong about the motive.
29:50I owe that man more than I could ever possibly repay.
29:56When I first met Frank...
29:58I was an ambitious dress designer.
30:01I had no time for anything but running my own business.
30:05Frank showed me how hollow that life was.
30:07Without someone to share it with...
30:09my success meant nothing.
30:13Frank Danin saved me from becoming a very cold, hard woman.
30:19He taught me how to love again.
30:23I'd still like to see that gun.
30:26Of course.
30:28May I?
30:43It's gone.
30:45Oh, Frank.
30:49Don't do it, Nancy.
30:53What do you say we run away tonight, huh?
30:56Oh, I...
30:58We'll rent a room with one of those beds...
31:00like we had that weekend in Pittsburgh.
31:02Oh, Pittsburgh.
31:04Start all over again, huh?
31:06Oh, Nancy, I don't...
31:08Now, hush. Now, I don't care about those other girls.
31:11I know you couldn't care for them the way you care about me, could you?
31:16We'll just pretend like nothing ever happened.
31:19I mean, to my father, says the spider to the fly.
31:25What's to stop her from taking you to some nice secluded spot...
31:28and slitting your throat, Frank?
31:30Why would I do that?
31:32Inheritance, Nancy.
31:34The only subject on your mind from earlier this evening.
31:36Well, I thought he was dead.
31:38I just wanted to see what was coming to me.
31:41Same old cash problems, huh, Nancy?
31:44Well, now, hon, I'm just a little bit overextended...
31:47but you know how picky those credit-card people can be.
31:51But I wouldn't hurt a hair on my Frank's head.
31:54This is the only man who's ever respected me...
31:56for more than just my body.
31:59Isn't she something?
32:01Oh, yes, Frank.
32:03She's definitely something.
32:08All right, honey, where is he?
32:23He said he'd be here ten minutes ago, so where is he?
32:27Stella, why don't you sit down?
32:29I don't want to talk to you.
32:31I don't want to talk to you.
32:33I don't want to talk to you.
32:35Stella, why don't you sit down?
32:37I can't sit down.
32:39This is my life we're talking about, honey.
32:41I thought Frank's life was the issue here.
32:45Frank's got it made.
32:47He's got the pick of the litter.
32:50Where is he, anyway?
32:52Come on, Stella, you think I'd let him walk into a bullet?
32:54You missed once.
32:56I wasn't going to give you a second chance.
32:58What are you talking about?
33:00Me shoot Frank?
33:02You're joking, right?
33:04Somehow you'd be more convincing without the gun.
33:10You wouldn't understand.
33:13I'll never find a man to replace Frank.
33:17Look at me, honey.
33:19This isn't exactly a body that men lust after.
33:23But I'll tell you something.
33:25Frank made me feel like a queen.
33:29Roses, candlelight dinners, the works.
33:33Obviously things can't go back to the way they were before,
33:36so who is he going to choose?
33:40You think 140 pounds of cellulite
33:43can compete with you
33:46or any of those other broads?
33:49Bad chance.
33:51Stella, come here.
33:53Come here and sit down.
33:58Trying to force ourselves upon him
34:01is only going to make things worse.
34:05He's got to want to come to us.
34:08Without that, it doesn't matter how much we feel for him.
34:12It will only drive him away.
34:16Love doesn't work on demand.
34:20You've been through this before, huh, honey?
34:24But can a man who has that many surprises up his sleeve
34:29be worth all the effort?
34:34I think so.
34:38I hope you're right.
34:44Maybe I'd better hang on to that, huh?
35:16Ah, Mildred.
35:18Thanks for coming.
35:20I thought it best somebody spend the night with Frank.
35:23What's left of it anyway.
35:25This is the last safe place we can keep him.
35:27Why don't you bed down in Miss Holt's office for the evening?
35:31I can't do that, sir.
35:33Well, then, use the couch out here.
35:36Sir, I...
35:38I came to tender my resignation.
35:43Oh, Mildred.
35:45I'm stunned.
35:47I failed you, sir.
35:49And on my first major assignment, too.
35:52You're referring to Frank's untimely resurrection.
35:55It was a sucker play, and I fell for it just like a schoolgirl.
36:01I don't deserve the confidence you placed in me.
36:04Mildred, we all make mistakes.
36:06No, not you, sir.
36:09No, I...
36:11I can't continue here feeling like a fraud.
36:14No, I'm just a washed-up bureaucrat.
36:17I should be home knitting instead of trying to be something that I'm not.
36:20Come on, Mildred. Sit down.
36:22Oh, sir.
36:36Perhaps you don't realize this, Mildred,
36:39but you are a tremendous asset to this agency.
36:43You're intensely loyal, a dedicated worker,
36:47one who relishes those dreary assignments that most people detest.
36:52You're just being kind.
36:54Then let's talk about frauds.
37:01you are looking at one of the biggest frauds you've ever seen.
37:06I'm not Remington Steel.
37:08You're not?
37:10I'm not the Remington Steel you think I am.
37:12I know I appear to be the super sleuth with all the answers,
37:15dapper, debonair, worldly,
37:19but it's all an act,
37:22one conceived by Miss Holt that I work very hard to maintain
37:25in order to support this agency's image.
37:29She's the real detective.
37:32If I'm anything more than a figurehead, I owe it to her.
37:36I've made more mistakes since I've been with Laura
37:39than I care to remember, but I'm still here, Mildred.
37:44So we'll have no more talk about resigning.
37:47We'll find our way together, eh?
37:52Until the morning, then.
38:00Who's Frank?
38:02Who's Frank?
38:04Upstairs, asleep at last with Mildred at the drawbridge.
38:11I had a word with our Miss Krebs.
38:14You tell her?
38:19Within reason.
38:22How did she take it?
38:24It was a bit of a shock, but she'll get over it.
38:28It must have been difficult for you.
38:31Telling the truth is something I've always worked hard to avoid.
38:38Increasingly so, I'm afraid.
38:42You know, you're rapidly becoming the man I envisioned
38:44when I created Remington Steele.
38:47Honest, courageous,
38:50caring, good-humored.
39:02I must say, it's satisfying being able to do this without Mildred interrupting.
39:07Phones going.
39:10Bullets flying.
39:12I agree.
39:26I think we can eliminate Barbara as a suspect.
39:29That's one.
39:30Nancy didn't harm Frank when she had the opportunity to in my bedroom.
39:34Shouldn't that clear her?
39:36Two down.
39:37Stella took Barbara's gun, which means she had the means to shoot Frank,
39:40but it was never fired.
39:42Besides, I don't think an imaginative killer like the one we're after
39:45would try to choke Frank to death in a room full of witnesses.
39:48Three out.
39:49Any more?
39:51I think that's it for now.
39:53That leaves Terry and Mary.
39:55Terry's the leader.
39:57Terry and Mary.
39:59Terry's the least likely suspect of them all.
40:01Shy, sweet, a college professor
40:04whose only excitement in life is provided by Victorian novels.
40:09Which means it's definitely her.
40:11How did you arrive at that?
40:13It's always the least likely suspect you've got to watch, Laura.
40:16And at the moment, the only one I could suspect more would be the butler,
40:20if there was one.
40:21Mary had a violent reaction to Frank's reappearance.
40:24It was more than sudden shock that made her faint.
40:27It was the horror of seeing the man she murdered coming back from the grave.
40:31Besides, she has an accent.
40:33Always a dead giveaway.
40:34Hardly conclusive evidence, Laura.
40:36Some of the nicest people I know have accents.
40:38Oh, please, people.
40:40This isn't getting us anywhere.
40:42Well, maybe this will.
40:45I gave that charm to Terry.
40:50But I also gave one to Mary.
40:54Why did you do that?
40:56Well, I gave one to each of my wives.
41:00It was kind of a trademark.
41:03Well, then, our job is simple.
41:05Find out which of our prime suspects is missing that trinket.
41:08Should work like a charm.
41:22Hey, Mary.
41:23What are you doing?
41:25What are you doing here?
41:26It seemed only fair to share him with everyone.
41:29You remember me, um...
41:31Sterling Gillette.
41:33Of course.
41:34Oh, what a lovely bracelet.
41:36And what a lovely charm, eh, Miss Holt?
41:40I always wear it.
41:42Frank gave it to me, didn't you, dear?
41:47All right.
41:48Let's go.
41:49Wait, we got a job to do.
41:50But you just got here.
41:51Frank, why don't you stay a while with Mary?
41:53I'm sure Mr. Gillette and I can handle everything to your satisfaction.
41:57It'll be better for all concerned, Frank.
41:59Trust me.
42:07I must say, Laura, I think you're taking Mary's innocence quite well.
42:10No, I'm not.
42:11Now, remember, this is a vicious killer who's tried bullets, arrows, hatchets.
42:16Don't let appearances deceive you.
42:18She's capable of anything.
42:31I haven't been able to stop crying since last night.
42:35It's been hard on all of us.
42:37I can't believe it.
42:39You see, Frank is such a good man.
42:41The best.
42:42He's kind.
42:44The kindest.
42:47What a creep.
42:48Pardon me?
42:49How could he do this to me?
42:53You had no idea that Frank was two times, I mean, five times in you?
42:59Take the whole thing.
43:01Oh, my.
43:02Look at this.
43:04Oh, I'm terribly sorry.
43:05I was just admiring your bracelet.
43:06It's quite an unusual charm, wouldn't you say, Mr. Gillette?
43:09Remarkable, yes.
43:11Frank gave this to me on our wedding day.
43:14You see?
43:16There's our wedding date.
43:23Two, eleven, eighty-three.
43:26Oh, my God.
43:30Oh, Mary.
43:32I've forgotten how much I enjoy just being with you.
43:36Oh, Frank.
43:38I'm so glad you've explained everything to me.
43:41It makes what happened easier to understand.
43:44For a while there, I thought I'd lost you, but now you're found.
43:48You'll never leave my side again.
43:51That's the way I feel.
43:57Look at me.
43:59I'm a mess.
44:01I wanted to look so special for you.
44:03Oh, you never looked better than me.
44:06Let me go, Cleaner.
44:08I won't be long.
44:18Oh, my God.
44:48You've been a tough man to kill.
45:14Not like the others.
45:17A real challenge.
45:19I don't...
45:20But now it's bye-bye.
45:23Stop right there, Mr. Stangler.
45:28Where is she?
45:41I still can't believe it.
45:43Yes, well, seven bodies buried in a rose garden and all for their money.
45:47No passion involved whatsoever.
45:49Well, I loved her.
45:50If you hadn't, you wouldn't have developed amnesia.
45:53It was the shock of seeing someone you totally believed in
45:56trying to kill you that snapped your memory.
45:58Poetic justice.
46:00What was that?
46:02I said it was so nice to see justice done.
46:07But how did you know it was Mary?
46:09I mean, after all, she had the charm.
46:11Yes, but we had the one with the date on it.
46:13The lady who coolly conceived seven murders
46:15was clever enough to realize that a missing charm might give her trouble,
46:18so the next morning she just went out and bought another.
46:21Well, I'll tell you one thing. I've learned my lesson.
46:23From now on, it's strictly the straight and narrow.
46:26One job, one woman, and one Frank Dannon.
46:31I hope so.
46:34Well, thanks for everything, Mr. Steele and Miss Holt.
46:38And thank you, Mildred.
46:51We want to talk to you, Frank.
46:54What about?
46:56Your future.
47:08Mildred, I understand you and Mr. Steele
47:11had a very important discussion last night.
47:13Oh, that we did.
47:16And it certainly was an eye-opener for me.
47:18Never in my wildest dreams
47:20did I think Mr. Steele would go to such lengths to try to keep me here.
47:23I mean, do you know that he actually tried to convince me
47:26that you invented him?
47:32Oh, anybody who can come up with a story like that has my undying devotion.
47:37I'll fix you a cup of tea, boss.
47:39Okay, Mildred, thanks.
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