Remington Steele S03E04

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Remington Steele S03E04


00:00I want to close the camp for the rest of my session.
00:07Baseball's a lot more than just a game.
00:09It's a way of life.
00:10It's America.
00:12The only real passion in his life was spent on a game that uses wooden sticks and a little
00:17white ball.
00:18I doubt he could pick that ball up if it came with a handle.
00:21That's what I love about you, Laura.
00:25You keep narrowing this case down to include everybody.
00:28Looks like we'll have to play ball for a while.
00:30Laura, look out!
00:58I don't know what you're talking about.
01:05I don't know what you're talking about.
01:12I don't know what you're talking about.
01:18I don't know what you're talking about.
01:24I don't know what you're talking about.
01:34I don't know what you're talking about.
01:44I don't know what you're talking about.
01:52I don't know what you're talking about.
02:02I don't know what you're talking about.
02:10I don't know what you're talking about.
02:17Okay, you Bums!
02:18Let's look alive!
02:19Okay, batter, batter, batter.
02:20Give me one here. Give me one here. Yeah.
02:22All right, let's knock him. Come on.
02:24No matter, man. Come on in there, big piece.
02:26Throw him a rope. Throw him a rope.
02:27No hitter. Come on. Come on.
02:29Get one. Get one.
02:31Easy throw now. Right to him, man.
02:33All right.
02:35Good arm. Good arm.
02:36All right.
02:37Man, it seemed just like yesterday.
02:39Well, now somebody will just sew his arm back on.
02:42Do you think we can survive a week of this?
02:45Okay, Woodman, bring it home.
02:49Get it, Sam!
03:09Morning, Mrs. Halstead.
03:10Mr. Steele.
03:11Up a little early, aren't we?
03:20Uh, Laura, didn't we pay off
03:22those two small uniformed extortionists two weeks ago?
03:25You mean the boys from the little league?
03:27Sure, I always support the local team.
03:31Perhaps our check bounced.
03:38The golden dugout.
03:40Oh, Mr. Kelsey, I'm afraid that I...
03:42It's that baseball camp for adults, right?
03:44Run by the L.A. Sluggers?
03:46That's it. Oh, well...
03:48My high school teammates and I are there right now,
03:50having a sort of reunion.
03:52Us mere mortals, you know,
03:54rubbing elbows with the greats like Mickey Mantle, Whitey Ford.
03:57What exactly seems to be the problem, Mr. Kelsey?
04:00Well, they want to close the camp
04:02for the rest of my session.
04:06Since my group arrived there a few days ago,
04:08there have been two suspicious accidents.
04:10Now, nobody's been hurt, you see,
04:12but the management feels that, well,
04:14maybe somebody in my group is responsible.
04:17They're pulling pranks or something.
04:19So, uh, one more strike and we're out of there.
04:22Why would someone from your group want to sabotage the camp?
04:25That's what I say. It just doesn't make sense.
04:28I'm sure that these accidents are just coincidence,
04:31but, uh, I'd feel a lot better, Mr. Steele,
04:34if you could, uh, you know,
04:36just kind of hang around the camp incognito,
04:38just to make sure that everything's square.
04:41And naturally, uh, off with the bill.
04:44Forgive me for saying so, Mr. Kelsey,
04:46but aren't you going to an awful lot of trouble
04:48just to, uh, preserve a game?
04:50I mean, a game?
04:52Well, baseball's a lot more than just a game, Mr. Steele.
04:55It's a... it's a way of life.
04:59It's America.
05:03I don't think Mr. Steele has ever played baseball.
05:08I may not have played, Miss Holt,
05:10but I'm a keen observer of your national pastime.
05:14So, uh, you'll take the case?
05:17I'm sure, Mr. Steele.
05:19We'll play ball, won't you, sir?
05:21Certainly. When do we kick off?
05:23Ho! Ho! Ho! Ho!
05:25Ho! Ho! Ho! Ho!
05:27Ho! Ho! Ho! Ho!
05:29Ho! Ho! Ho! Ho!
05:31All right.
05:33Listen up, you bums. That means you too, Mantle.
05:35Remember, I've seen you strike out four times in a row.
05:38All right, this here is Brendan St. James.
05:41He's from England. Make him feel welcome.
05:43Yes, thank you very much. Thank you.
05:45Well, I'm absolutely bonkers about your American pastime.
05:49I can't say I understand it entirely,
05:51but, um, Mr. Crowley here has graciously consented...
05:54to my joining your training session, albeit rather late.
05:57I just hope I won't be a bother to anyone.
06:00Always room for one more nut.
06:02Ralph Kelsey, Muncie, Indiana.
06:04When I'm not playing first base, I'm into machine tooling.
06:06Oh, how do you do?
06:08These are some of my old high school teammates here.
06:10This is Sam Woodman, the world's greatest high school teacher.
06:12Good boy. Thank you.
06:14Doc Gridley, formerly of Muncie, now from Miami Beach.
06:16Ah, Doctor. Proctologist.
06:18Ah, yes. Very good with a glove, I presume.
06:22Blackie Starr, man.
06:24Slash Kittredge, bus driver from friendly Cleveland, Ohio.
06:26Ah, nice to meet you.
06:28Chubby Bitterman. Yeah.
06:30Taught Mickey Mantle everything he knows.
06:32Everything I know about selling used cars in Oxnard.
06:40All right, all right.
06:42Don't get your leg warmers in an uproar, lady.
06:44I'm Jake Crowley. Who are you?
06:46I'm Mickey Boggs. My plane was grounded in Chicago.
06:48I believe you're expecting me.
06:50You're Boggs?
06:52Jake, I tried to explain to him.
06:54Explain what, buster? That women aren't allowed?
06:56Come on, lady. Baseball's a man's sport here.
06:58No brawls, and that's final.
07:00Absolutely. Throw the baggage out. Yes.
07:03I'm sorry, gentlemen,
07:05but if you don't know the law of the land,
07:07Miss Zugsmith of the Equal Rights Commission
07:09will be happy to elaborate.
07:11Now, wait a minute here.
07:13Hey, cool it, turkey.
07:15Now, it's your choice, fellas.
07:17You can either play hardball here or in the courtroom.
07:19All right, all right.
07:21I'm talking civil suit. I'm talking injunction.
07:23I'm talking ugly P.R.
07:25All right, all right.
07:27Now, listen, fellas, I got enough problems as it is.
07:29You want to play ball that bad, lady, you got it.
07:31Thank you very much.
07:33Hey, what a drag.
07:35I say, sloucher, this delicate creature here
07:37wants to be one of the boys.
07:39I fear we have no choice but to cooperate.
07:41Okay, Boggs, you get out there and shortstop with St. James.
07:43Let's see what you can do.
07:45Gridley, you move over to third base.
07:47Let's go, everybody.
07:49Something tells me there's a real tiger.
07:51All right.
07:57Hey, better, better, better. Double play.
08:00Send it home. Come on, let's go.
08:02Oh, fine.
08:04Get two, get two.
08:06Let's have it.
08:08All right, Mickey, lady wants to play ball.
08:10Let's play ball.
08:12Come on, double play.
08:14Good shot.
08:16Good shot.
08:18Way to go, Mickey!
08:22Okay, St. James, get two, get two.
08:24All right, St. James, it's yours.
08:26Let's go, double play.
08:30Where the ball, you bum?
08:32It's off at the second base.
08:34I know what to do, Laura.
08:36I'm just saving the moment.
08:38After all, it's my first ground ball.
08:40Rather like one's first kiss
08:42or the first time behind the wheel of a car.
08:44Throw that lousy ball!
08:50It's only a game, Laura.
08:56Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
08:58It's us, it's us.
09:00You understand we don't have ladies' lockers here.
09:02I understand.
09:04Okay, why don't you give Mickey here privacy
09:06when she's in the room, okay?
09:14Good luck.
09:16Thanks, coach.
09:18I really appreciate you doing this.
09:20How could I refuse?
09:23If you married lads,
09:25I would excuse me.
09:27I'm going to see if Miss Boggs
09:29needs anything in the way of razor blades or...
09:41You managed to make it to first base
09:43without an error, eh?
09:47Well, I'm going to have to say
09:49You managed to make it to first base
09:51without an error, eh?
09:53Glad to see you're picking up the lingo.
09:55Just don't let the locker room attitude
09:57go to your head.
09:59I have to make it appear
10:01to be lusting after you, Laura,
10:03to justify our touching base, as it were.
10:05I don't hear much chatter in here.
10:07Keep your hands to yourself, pal.
10:13I think...
10:19Handling yourself pretty well, Miss Holt.
10:21I've had a lot of experience
10:23working in a man's world, coach.
10:25Thanks for letting us go undercover.
10:27Well, Kelsey took it all so personal,
10:29I figured I had to give him a chance
10:31to keep the session going, and since he's paying you...
10:33What makes you think someone from the current group
10:35is behind all this?
10:37Oh, I'm like I see him, Miss Holt.
10:39This camp's always had a spotless safety record.
10:41This group comes in, and a couple days later
10:43we got two suspicious accidents.
10:45Only people here at the camp
10:48When your pitcher's in trouble, Miss Holt,
10:50you pull him before he costs you the game.
10:52What do you mean?
10:54Well, there's a bum apple in this bunch,
10:56and I'd rather throw out the whole bushel
10:58than risk the camp's reputation.
11:00This is the one.
11:06Ernie, the maintenance guy,
11:08said it could be, uh, metal fatigue.
11:10Or hacksaw fatigue.
11:12Engineered the night before
11:14under cover of darkness.
11:16Activated by a slight push at the right time.
11:18Any eyewitnesses?
11:22Nobody saw a thing.
11:24Like there was all umpires.
11:30Hoo! Hoo!
11:32That's what they call the high hardwood, old chap.
11:34I thought you said these gloves
11:36were padded slats.
11:38You just gotta learn how to catch it right.
11:40No, no, no.
11:42Could we have five minutes for my hand
11:45No problem.
11:47Did you hear about the accident yesterday?
11:49Oh, yeah. Hey, Woodman almost bought it.
11:51Yeah. He had a bit of bad luck
11:53yourself the day before.
11:55At the sliding pit, yeah.
11:57The metal stick they used to hold the bag down
11:59worked itself up somehow,
12:01and nobody noticed it because it was covered with sand.
12:03I got a nasty scratch coming in, though.
12:05No big deal.
12:07But if I slid a little bit more to the left,
12:09I'd be singing soprano today.
12:11I happen to know a solicitor
12:13who was in an accident, right?
12:15Don't quarrel. Forget about it.
12:17There's no way that I'm gonna mess up this reunion.
12:19Woodman, Kelsey, Gridley, Chubby, me,
12:21we all played on the same team back in Muncie.
12:23The Eastlake High School Wildcats.
12:25State champs in 64th.
12:27Greatest bunch of guys in the world.
12:29I'm surprised you can afford this place.
12:31Must cost a bloody fortune.
12:33Hey, don't. I know it.
12:35When my main man, Ralphie, called
12:37and told me about this little get-together,
12:39I told him, no way, I can't hack it.
12:41He claimed to California he'd pay the freight.
12:43Can you believe that?
12:45After 20 years.
12:47Absolutely extraordinary.
12:49Hey, St. James, come on.
12:51Let's see how you handle my slider.
12:53Yeah, yeah, let's see how I handle the slider.
13:09What have you been up to?
13:11I believe it's called catching.
13:13Although chasing would better describe my experience.
13:15Stick to it, old sport.
13:17Just takes a little practice.
13:19Uh-huh. And iron hands.
13:21Not to mention ankles, knees, arms, neck, shoulder, backs.
13:23Find out anything?
13:25Well, from Slatt's description,
13:27the first accident could have been deliberate and deadly.
13:29But, well, there's no way of knowing that.
13:33That about summarizes my chat with Crowley.
13:37Coincidentally, Kelsey paid Slatt's way here.
13:41I don't believe in coincidental accidents.
13:45Looks like we'll have to play ball for a while.
13:49Think you can stand it, Mr. Steele?
13:51Oh, look out!
14:07Weakened the glue.
14:09Seepage from the air-conditioning pass behind the wall, you think?
14:13But it looks like the water came from the front of the wall.
14:17Almost as if it had been injected.
14:19Syringe, perhaps?
14:21But if this wasn't an accident, though,
14:23who was the intended victim?
14:27Or simply the next member of the team
14:29to use the equipment?
14:31That championship season.
14:33Robert Mitchum, Bruce Stern, Cannon Films, 1982.
14:35A seemingly touching reunion
14:37of former athletes erupts
14:39into a litany of anger and hatred.
14:41And murder?
14:43Well, no, but that's the general gist of the thing.
14:47You may be on the right track.
14:49Let's explore just how genuine
14:51these 20-year-old friendships are
14:53between the Eastlake Wildcats of 1964.
14:55I'll cozy up to Doc Gridley.
14:57Why don't you check in with Sam Woodman?
15:09Hope you don't mind, Dr. Gridley.
15:11Huh? Oh, no. Oh, no. Not at all.
15:13And please,
15:15my friends call me Duck.
15:19Well, thanks again for the locker.
15:23Oh, my!
15:25Those bubbles do have a way of sneaking up on you.
15:27Yeah, some bubbles have all the luck.
15:29Here, those jets are adjustable.
15:35I was watching you today.
15:37You tossed that old apple around pretty good.
15:39Well, I can't compare with you
15:41and those old teammates of yours.
15:43What a wonderful thing,
15:45having a reunion after all these years.
15:47Yep, old Ralph said it was about time
15:49we all got together and forgive and forget.
15:51Forgive and forget what?
15:53Well, you know, the usual things.
15:55Such as?
15:57Oh, that's all yesterday's news, Mickey.
15:59We ought to concentrate on today.
16:03The five of you must have been very close.
16:05Oh, my God!
16:07Something's there!
16:17I'm so sorry.
16:19I just can't... I can't seem to relax.
16:21It's just... It's terrible!
16:41Mr. St. James!
16:43It's, uh, yeah. Yonder.
16:47It's amazing how the desert air
16:49revitalizes one's marriage, eh, Laura?
16:51I'll say.
16:53Especially considering they're not married to each other.
16:57There's more going on here than stolen bases, I suspect.
17:03So, they're just about to play the national anthem,
17:05and here comes the score.
17:07It's a beautiful song.
17:09They're about to play the national anthem,
17:11and here comes the skyrider that Chubby hired.
17:13You know, it's spelling out Lincoln High...
17:15Lincoln High Stakes.
17:17You know how many times I've heard this story?
17:19Hey, hey, look at this.
17:21What you got there?
17:23It's us! Look at that!
17:25Not an ounce of flab, either.
17:27And look at you now, huh?
17:29Hey, you leave Ralphie's love handles alone.
17:31Hey, hey, you mean there is sex after 40, huh?
17:33Sam, stop.
17:35I bet you didn't say that last night, right, Sam?
17:37You better watch out, Ralph.
17:39I'm gonna tell him about our honeymoon.
17:41The four of you must have known each other a long time.
17:43Yeah, too long.
17:47Sam's my ex-husband.
17:55And I was married to Ralph.
17:57Oh. Oh!
17:59Oh. How nice for you.
18:03And what's amazing is
18:05the four of us are still the best of friends.
18:07Incredible might be a better word.
18:19I've heard of love triangles, but tetrahedron.
18:21Oh, it's very confusing.
18:25It's all right, Mildred.
18:27We're alone. What's up?
18:29I've been running those background checks,
18:31like you told me, and I may have found something.
18:33Five years ago, Chubby Bitterman
18:35borrowed a quarter of a million dollars from Ralph Kelsey
18:37to open an automobile dealership.
18:41And two years later, it went belly-up.
18:43Chubby was wiped out.
18:45Well, Mr. Steele,
18:47it may be a brand-new ballgame.
18:51All right.
18:53Shoot! Oh, it's a hit!
18:59Hey, where's the handle, baby?
19:01What happened there, St. James?
19:03I lost it in the sun, Coach.
19:09Love of the fun and games.
19:13Come on, Ralph.
19:17It's the roof.
19:21Come on, Ralph. What's it gonna be?
19:23All right.
19:27Okay, folks, here they are,
19:29the Klutz brothers in person.
19:37Hey, talk about deja vu, huh, Ralph?
19:39Hey, it was just one of those things, all right?
19:41Oh, yeah, sure. Hey, just get off of it!
19:43Hey, man, it's cool.
19:45Hey, I didn't mean it, Ralphie.
19:47Let him go.
19:49Let's watch that play again,
19:51see how your chowderheads can avoid
19:53making the same mistake in the future.
19:55Before, has it? Yeah, 20 years ago.
19:57I remember being scouted by a couple major league teams
19:59and wham-o!
20:01And the last game of the Legion playoffs,
20:03he and Slats collided under a pop fly.
20:05Ralph tore up the cartilage in his knee.
20:07Bye-bye big time.
20:09The worst. Ralph lived for the game.
20:11Now, deep down,
20:13I don't think he's ever forgiven Slats.
20:15If I could have everybody's attention, please.
20:19I want to take a look at the batting practice tape.
20:21You got the stomach for it.
20:23Chubby's loft,
20:25Slats' collision.
20:27Seems our dear friend Ralph Kelsey
20:29has a few axes to grind.
20:31Three, to be exact.
20:33Assuming he's on to Sam Woodman's dalliance
20:35among the ice cubes with sweet little Margie.
20:55The reunion was Kelsey's idea to begin with.
20:57He seemed to make sure
20:59that everybody he wanted here could make it.
21:01Do you think he only invited them here
21:03so he could take a crack at them, one by one?
21:05Well, that would explain his desperation
21:07to keep the camp session going.
21:09I mean, when else would he have all his mates together again?
21:11Exactly. But he seemed so sincere.
21:13Oh, yeah. So was Jack the Ripper, presumably.
21:15I mean, he's a good guy.
21:17I mean, he's a good guy.
21:19I mean, he's a good guy.
21:21I mean, he's a good guy.
21:23Yeah. So was Jack the Ripper, presumably.
22:01That does it.
22:03I gotta close the place down.
22:05Now, hold on, Coach.
22:07If you fold up now, you stand to lose the whole ballgame.
22:09What are you talking about?
22:11Well, the police are blaming Kelsey's death
22:13on the batting machine.
22:15I mean, your program could be in for some, uh, deadly publicity.
22:17If we can prove that there was a killer at work,
22:19be in the clear.
22:20And Ralph Kelsey will rest in peace.
22:23I already got a point there.
22:24Only one more day left of the session anyway.
22:26Think of it this way.
22:27Your team is in a jam.
22:29And they just called in Goose Gossage to bail you out.
22:33OK, kid.
22:34You're in.
22:36Goose Gossage?
22:38I'll explain later.
22:43Right now, I think Mickey Boggs will
22:44pay a call on the widow Kelsey.
22:50All right, coach.
22:51Let's see how this contraption works.
22:53I want to know exactly what happened.
22:55All right.
22:56Grab a bat and get up there.
22:58That's a little tricky.
23:00Just relax.
23:02Try and meet the ball.
23:03All right?
23:07You ready?
23:08Oh, yeah, sure.
23:14Is that the idea?
23:16Beginner's luck.
23:39That old part of the game, is it?
23:46Well, I'll be.
23:48What is it?
23:56Just off-centered enough to alter
23:58the normal flight of the ball.
24:01Very clever.
24:18Sorry to barge in, Mrs. Kelsey.
24:20I really need to be alone right now.
24:21I understand.
24:23I was just wondering if you think what happened
24:25to your husband was an accident.
24:28What are you suggesting?
24:30I'm not suggesting anything.
24:32All I know is your husband was a really nice guy.
24:35I liked him.
24:36And he isn't dead an hour when I see you
24:38playing around with your ex.
24:41You saw us.
24:43It was a good time.
24:44I'm glad you're here.
24:48It's hard to miss.
24:55I see.
24:57I'm no stool pigeon, Mrs. Kelsey.
25:00But where I come from, people stand up for their teammates.
25:04So why shouldn't I just call up the police
25:06and tell them what I know?
25:09I may be guilty of adultery, Miss Boggs, but not murder.
25:14Sam and I broke off our marriage because we
25:16were too much alike.
25:18Strong willed, hot temper, it led to a lot of arguments.
25:21When I married Ralph, I knew I was marrying stability.
25:25And a lot of money.
25:29But as I learned, it takes more than furs
25:32to keep a woman warm on a cold Indiana night.
25:38Ralph was good and decent, but, well, you saw him.
25:41The only real passion in his life
25:43was spent on a game that uses wooden
25:45sticks and a little white ball.
25:47And re-enter Sam Woodman.
25:49For the time being.
25:52Although I hadn't expected to feel the way I do about him.
25:56Weren't you worried that Ralph would find out?
25:59His mind was on baseball.
26:01And what about Vera Woodman?
26:06Well, I don't know if she was on to us,
26:08but she had nothing to worry about in either case.
26:12I come from a poor family.
26:14I like having money.
26:15Vera knows that.
26:17Vera knows that I could never have
26:19left the security of Ralph's checkbook
26:21for Sam's salary as a teacher.
26:26Now, if you'd excuse me.
26:41I was just wondering, Mrs. Kelsey,
26:46now that Ralph's dead, you can have all his money,
26:50and Sam, too, can't you?
27:15Ah, Miss Boggs.
27:17Care to join me?
27:19I have a tapioca pudding here that's going begging.
27:23That's good, isn't it?
27:24The murder weapon was a baseball
27:26docket with buckshot.
27:28Crowley says anyone in the camp could have set it up.
27:31The pitching machine is always accessible for practice.
27:35Whoever is behind this knew Ralph Kelsey awfully well.
27:38He or she knew the videotape of Ralph's botched play
27:41would drive him to the batting cage to work off his anger.
27:44Yes, well, that makes sense.
27:47Unless Kelsey was a random victim.
27:50That's what I love about you, Laura.
27:52You keep narrowing this case down to include everybody.
27:55Sure you don't want to stay longer?
27:57Hello, Miss Boggs.
27:59Mind if I join you?
28:00Not at all, Miss Zugsmith.
28:04I hit another home run at the computer.
28:07Turns out that 10 years ago, Ralph Kelsey
28:09went to see Dr. Howard Gridley for a routine operation
28:13and ended up on his back for two months.
28:16Kelsey sued for malpractice and won.
28:18After that, old Doc Gridley moved from Muncie to Miami.
28:22Oh, great work, Mildred.
28:25How about a raise?
28:26How about some tapioca pudding?
28:28Well, if that's the best I can do.
28:30I think it's about time you paid the good doctor
28:32another visit, don't you?
28:34Wait a minute.
28:36Not 20 minutes ago, I saw tender-loving Sam
28:39Woodman pay an extremely convincing condolence
28:42call on Marge Kelsey.
28:45Do you think Vera knows that Sam and Margie
28:47have rekindled the old flame?
28:49I don't know.
28:50But Margie doesn't seem to care.
28:52Well, Vera doesn't look like a woman scorned to me.
28:55I don't get it.
28:56Well, it's almost as confusing as our relationship.
29:10Doesn't that man ever stop joking?
29:18That's strange, isn't it?
29:20The doctor finding out about muscles he never knew he had.
29:24Sit down.
29:25Enjoying the agony?
29:28Heard the rumor going around?
29:30No, what?
29:31Ralph Kelsey's been murdered.
29:36Just a rumor, old bean, just a rumor.
29:39There's another rumor that you and Kelsey had a big falling
29:42out a few years ago.
29:43Hey, wait a minute, little lady.
29:44I mean, that malpractice suit is ancient history.
29:47Sure, I hated old Ralph's guts for the first few years
29:50after I had to move to Florida.
29:52Trying to scrape together a new practice
29:54isn't exactly a cakewalk.
29:56But we both agreed that this reunion would be the best
30:00way to bury the hatchet.
30:03Ha, ha, ha.
30:04A figure of speech.
30:05Ha, ha, ha.
30:07Listen, if there was anybody that had a perfect motive,
30:12it's that silly jerk over there.
30:18Yeah, silly like a fox.
30:21Ralph made out better than all of us.
30:23Chubby took advantage of him.
30:25Borrowed a quarter of a million dollars on a handshake
30:28and then lost every dime of it.
30:31A handshake?
30:32Meaning there was no formal document.
30:34Ergo, no Ralph, no quarter of a million dollars to repay.
30:38Hey, you catch on quick, Sherlock.
30:41Excuse me, darling.
30:50Scant performance.
30:52Could be he's a first-rate liar and he's just trying
30:55to divert suspicion to old Chubby.
30:57Ha, ha, ha.
30:59Yeah, great, Chubby, great.
31:01Best Jerry Lewis imitation I've seen so far.
31:03Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
31:08It's no act.
31:09Come on.
31:10Ha, ha, ha.
31:11Ah, that's it.
31:12That's it.
31:13Just stay there.
31:14Stay there.
31:15Stay there.
31:16Stay there.
31:17There you go.
31:18Get your foot up.
31:19That's it.
31:20All right, Chubby, we'll just get to the shower, all right?
31:24Just breathe, darling.
31:26Come on, Chubby.
31:27Stay with us, mate.
31:28Stay with us, Chubby.
31:30That's it.
31:31OK, here you go.
31:32Here you go.
31:33Take it.
31:35All right, Chubby.
31:36Come on.
31:37Breathe, Chubby.
31:39Another accident, do you think?
31:40I'll be right back.
31:41I'll be right back.
31:42Please, Chubby.
31:44Give me a sign, mate.
31:45Give me a sign.
31:47I must have lost 10 pounds.
31:50Ha, ha, ha.
31:59How are you doing, old Pete?
32:02Thanks for your help.
32:03I couldn't get my foot out.
32:07Both of you.
32:08You all right?
32:09Oh, OK.
32:10I just need a nap.
32:12A long nap.
32:14The stirrup was bent.
32:17Whoever put his foot in next wasn't going to get it out.
32:20It could be someone is trying to kill off all the reunion members.
32:25And then there were none.
32:27Barry Fitzgerald, Walter Houston.
32:29I remember.
32:31The problem is Ralph Kelsey is the only one that would have had such a motive, and he's dead.
32:36Unless Kelsey was the intended victim all along, then the killer has masked his crime
32:43There are several accidents of which Chubby's is only the latest.
32:46Variation on the alphabet murders.
32:48Tony Randall, Robert Morley.
32:50I know, I know.
32:51The problem is how best to proceed.
32:53Well, we can rule out Chubby.
32:55Not necessarily.
32:57He may be a consummate actor.
32:59The exercycle incident, while harrowing, could hardly have proved fatal.
33:03Good heavens, Laura.
33:04Can't we eliminate anyone as a suspect?
33:07There's always you, Mr. St. James.
33:10Hey, just a second.
33:22What's wrong?
33:24Someone's been in here.
33:26Oh? How can you tell?
33:28I didn't need my wallet this evening, so I put it in the very back of the bureau drawer.
33:35Well, are you sure you put it in the drawer?
33:39My compulsions are an endless source of amusement for you, Mr. Steele.
33:43So it should come as no surprise for you to learn
33:45that I always check and double-check my motel room before I leave it.
33:49The wallet was in the drawer.
33:51Anything missing?
33:52Doesn't seem to be.
33:54Um, are you thinking what I'm thinking?
33:57Someone grew suspicious of us,
33:59decided to sneak in the room to check up on my identity,
34:02and through a sudden fear or plain carelessness, left the wallet out.
34:06My private investigator license is right here.
34:10If the intruder is the killer, he's on to us.
34:14Uh, not to be unsympathetic, Laura, but, uh,
34:17what do you mean by us, Kimo Sabe?
34:25Oh, I see.
34:27Not even my good side.
34:31Oh, I see.
34:33Not even my good side.
35:00Hey, fellas, this is it.
35:02Here's your chance to play against the pros you all grew up with now you work hard this week
35:07Here's where you show what you learn
35:12Just because your friends and wives may be out there. I don't want no grandstanding just good solid baseball
35:19Okay, Sam wouldn't me here want to say a few words before we hit the field
35:25Thanks guys
35:27Guys we had a little ritual at East Lake high
35:29I'd like y'all to join in on get your hands in here
35:41Now Ralph
35:43You went out the way you always wanted to with a bat in your hand
35:47And we know that wherever you are up there in that big bullpen in the sky
35:51You'd want us to play today like we did 20 years ago
35:54This one's for you Ralphie, we'll get him baby. You were the best of all of us big guy
36:01Now let's go
36:10Not exactly what I call murderers row still one of those men is a killer
36:15I sure hope you two have something up your sleeve
36:17Media's already giving me lots of heat about the safety here. He's a cake coach this case
36:22Will be history by the end of the game
36:25Glad to hear it
36:27See ya
36:30What are you saying I work best under pressure
36:36Laura relax will you I have a plan
36:39You morning Mildred
36:42The computer render any more pertinent information
36:45Bobcats, oh really another baseball term is it
36:48Crowley gave me a master key to all the motel rooms
36:50I want you to go through them while we're playing and see if you can come up with anything useful
37:22Well played miss bones well played now
37:26Planet yours. We're assuming the killer is on to us, right, right? It's likely he feels we're closing in on him
37:47It's simple the killer is bound to come after us how we have to do is catch him at it before he succeeds
38:27That's not a plan it's a bloody death warrant come up with so watch your back
38:33Any one of the old Wildcats could be our boy
39:10Find meditation a great comfort during a game
39:13Nerves, huh? Yeah, try a little chillin come back home. You're right down. No, really. Come on. It's part of your education
39:38You go make she tell me thanks I am thirsty
40:10Look at that he couldn't hit the ball of his own a tee
40:21I doubt he could pick that ball up if it came with a handle
40:40Come on up I've seen potatoes a better eyes than that. Come on get it in here
40:47Granddaughter Brett can swing better than you
41:17You're getting a little old for this kind of stuff. You're short. Come on. You're short. Come on. Come on bear down
42:13Don't give up
42:20St. James you're up grab a bat Bob's you're on deck hit something. Anyway, let's make this a dignified disaster
42:44Miss Boggs
42:51You come up with anything nothing obvious, but I I pull these from some waste paper baskets. I thought there might be something good work
43:07Come on blind man bear down. Come on. Why did you give me something? I can hit a my niece has better stuff
43:14My gosh, what is it?
43:16This receipt it's a list of ingredients for a type of putty explosive that becomes very volatile when it dries
43:24Whose room is this from?
43:26There were so many
43:29I'm trying
44:00Don't swing at any more pitches, let's play ball here. I'll explain later. Come on don't swing
44:22All right, I don't know what you're up to
44:24But I've worked very hard to improve my swing and I have no intention of going down to ignominious
44:28Defeat with the bat on my shoulder take a look at the top of your bat the Maggio and don't make it look obvious
44:37Loaded with explosives you meet the ball and you'll make a hit that no one will forget if they live. Oh, don't swing
45:00Are you sure
45:12Bless you. Thank you very much. Get out of here. Come on. Let's go
45:18Now what Laura I have a plan oh good I can't wait
45:26What's that she got to
45:45Wanted to try my best most peculiar, yeah
45:57You're right st. James this bats too heavy I need mine back
46:28Don't look like we exchanged bats Woodman, this is your murder weapon right here mate
46:35I'm gonna Sam. He was going on here
46:57That's what's called a grand slam
47:05Thank you, thank you
47:11So it was Vera and Sam all along
47:14Mm-hmm. Yes Mildred. It was a classic tale of greed and envy too much James M Kane and his nastiest
47:21Sam was gonna divorce Vera
47:24Remarry Margie then get her out of the way. So he and Vera could enjoy Ralph's fortune. Oh, I
47:31Think I'll stick with the Irish sweepstakes for my millions. Mm-hmm. How about a double feature tonight to take our minds off the case?
47:38What's playing fear strikes out and pride of the Yankees? I
47:42Think I have another baseball conference on my hands. Oh indeed
47:47As a matter of fact, I thought I might give you a few pointers in making contact
47:53Are we still talking baseball, mr. Steve? Oh, I'm sure we'll get around to it eventually
48:00batter up