Remington Steele S04E01

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Remington Steele S04E01


00:00Where is he, Miss Holt? Why has he abandoned us?
00:03What? What are you doing here?
00:06Use any method required. Cut any corners necessary.
00:09But find Steele and stop him.
00:12Scotland Yard is after me.
00:14Well, it sounds like you've been a naughty boy.
00:16I haven't done anything.
00:18Operator, I'd like the number of Scotland Yard, please.
00:21Nowhere to run now, mate.
00:23But he was here, I tell you.
00:26Well, he's got to be.
00:28Inspector, over here.
01:46Who are you?
01:49Where did you come from?
01:53Michael O'Leary, Ireland.
01:58Paul Fabrini, Italy.
02:01John Murrell, France.
02:05Richard Blaine, Australia.
02:10Douglas Quintain, England.
02:14Who are you?
02:22Who are you?
02:33Who are you?
02:36Who are you?
02:39Who are you?
02:42Who are you?
02:52Who are you?
03:23Morning, morning, morning.
03:25Oh, that's just the way he used to greet me.
03:28Kareem sets.
03:34You're awfully chipper.
03:36Slept like a baby.
03:37I slept rotten.
03:39I haven't had a good night's sleep since he left.
03:41Maybe you need a new mattress.
03:43I tried watching television.
03:45There was this old movie on.
03:47Let's see what's on the agenda for today.
03:50Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
03:52Kevin McCarthy, Dana Wynne to Allied Artist, 1956.
03:56Oh, how he loved that picture.
03:59Roger Middleman at ten.
04:01Where is he, Miss Holt?
04:03Why has he abandoned us?
04:08Get a grip on yourself.
04:10I told you, he's away on a case.
04:12What case? Why didn't he tell me?
04:14It's not like him to take off like that.
04:17A word, a note, a collect call.
04:20It's all very hush-hush.
04:22I don't even know all the details myself.
04:29How's the progress on those names Mr. Steele asked you to check out?
04:33Oh, those guys really get around, let me tell you.
04:36The only way I could keep track of them was with this visual aid.
04:39Now, Richard Blaine went from Los Angeles to Australia,
04:43then dropped out of sight.
04:45Paul Febrini left to Australia for Italy, where he disappeared.
04:48However, John Murrell left Rome for Paris, where he got lost somewhere,
04:52only to have Michael O'Leary leave Paris for Dublin.
04:55What about Douglas Quintain?
04:57Nothing so far.
04:59It's like a tag-team relay.
05:01One guy arrives, another guy leaves.
05:03What do you think they're up to, Miss Holt?
05:06I'm afraid only Mr. Steele knows the answer to that one.
05:11The last name on Mr. Steele's list just turned up.
05:14Douglas Quintain in London!
05:17Now, how do we get this information to Mr. Steele?
05:20I think Mr. Steele's way ahead of us on this one.
05:24What are we going to do, Miss Holt?
05:55That's Dublin, north-east.
06:13Ain't looking for rooms, are you?
06:16We're looking for a, uh, a Mr. Quintain.
06:20A Douglas Quintain?
06:24The hotel that he was staying at said he left this address when he checked out.
06:36I can never get these to stay right.
06:39And I like them all to be even.
06:41Makes a prettier picture from the outside, you see.
06:46About Mr. Quintain.
06:50What do you want with him?
06:52He's my cousin.
06:54My Aunt Millie wanted me to look him up when I got to London.
06:58Ain't no Quintain here.
07:01Then why did he leave this as a forwarding address?
07:04Well, maybe he was gonna come and something happened.
07:12Thank you for your trouble.
07:18She's lying.
07:20What was that tug-of-war with the shades all about?
07:22Exactly, Gilbert.
07:37Hey, that's my purse!
07:39Come back here, you little thief!
07:41You've got my purse!
07:43Come back!
07:56What are you doing here?
08:01Oh, uh...
08:03Sorry, can't talk right now.
08:05Where are you going?
08:09Lovely to see you again, Laura.
08:11Keep in touch.
08:13You creep!
08:16Keep in touch?
08:18I came 6,000 miles to see you!
08:39Laura Holt.
08:41She works for Remington Steel Investigations.
08:44She's already been to Soho,
08:46asking after Douglas Quintain.
08:48The circle's becoming dangerously wide.
08:51Use any method required.
08:53Cut any corners necessary, but find Steel.
08:56And stop him.
09:17Hang on! Hang on! Hang on!
09:31Swines, I tell you.
09:33Down on the ends of knees, scrubbing and mopping.
09:36And me with a condition.
09:38I really did.
09:40Arthritis, I got it.
09:42Do I get any sympathy from them?
09:44Oh, no, sir.
09:46All they ever do is make more dirt for me to clean up.
09:49Swines, that's what they are.
09:56Your father always wanted you to have this.
09:59Signed, Patrick O'Rourke.
10:01To S.J. from K.L.
10:03Inscription on your watch.
10:05One of these must be your father.
10:10Make it a quick one, Billy.
10:15Here, watch it!
10:17I got a condition!
10:38Well, aye, we spin.
10:41Well, aye, we splendid.
10:46Off to see the Royal Mam, are we?
10:50What some people won't do for the Yankee dollar.
10:53All dressed up like Oliver Twist.
10:56So they'll toss you a quid or two.
11:01Oh, dear, oh, dear.
11:03Ha, ha, ha.
11:34Ha, ha, ha.
11:36Must be going dirty in me old age.
11:40Must be me condition.
11:44They'll drive a person into the grave if you let them filthy swines.
12:03Oh, dear.
12:29Hold up, Sophie.
12:31I've been sitting in that pub waiting for you, Chalky, for two nights, mate.
12:37Yeah, well, I've been busy, Harry, and that's the truth of it.
12:39I can't go back to my flat because there's a bloody army back there waiting for me.
12:43I haven't changed clothes in over a week, mate.
12:45Yeah, you were a little right, Barry, but it's nothing to tub and a shave about.
12:48Shut up, shut up, shut up!
12:50Who are they, and why are they after me?
12:53I don't know, Harry. I promise you, I don't have an inkling.
12:56And it ain't healthy to get too close to you these days.
12:59Why? What have I done? I don't understand.
13:01I ran into Felicia. She's got a flat in Kensington.
13:04Well, I thought maybe you and her might have had a bit of a grab in mind.
13:07You know, a painting here, a bauble there. Like the old days.
13:10I don't know what you're talking about. Not like the old days.
13:12I didn't even know she was in London, Chalky.
13:16No. No business.
13:18This is personal. Do you understand me?
13:21This is personal. And you owe me a name.
13:24Yeah, and I am working on it, Harry.
13:26Honestly, I am working my fingers to the bone for you.
13:30If I broke your neck, ever, ever so slowly,
13:34I wonder if the name that I wanted would catch in your throat.
13:38Hmm? Hmm?
13:40Jenny! Say again?
13:42Jenny Buchanan.
13:44Where can I find her?
13:46Paddington Station.
13:57Mmm, mmm, mmm.
14:09Come in, Miss Holt.
14:18I'm Chief Inspector Lombard.
14:21The officer on the phone said my purse had been recovered.
14:28The money's gone, I'm afraid.
14:30But everything else seems to be intact.
14:34What were you doing in Soho, may I ask?
14:37Looking for a friend.
14:40Did you find him?
14:42Not yet.
14:44I see from your identification
14:47that you work for a private investigation firm in America.
14:51Yes. Remington Steel Investigations.
14:54Is he here on a case?
14:56What makes you think Mr Steel's in London?
14:59Oh, I just naturally assumed what with you being here and...
15:02I'm on vacation.
15:06And this friend you were hoping to find,
15:08perhaps I can help you to locate him.
15:10That's awfully kind of you, Inspector,
15:12but really it's... it's not that important.
15:15In that case, I suggest you give places like Soho a wide berth.
15:19It would be a pity if something were to happen to you.
15:22And I can almost guarantee it will,
15:24unless you keep to the more traditional tourist attractions.
15:30I'm curious about something.
15:32Is it customary for a Chief Inspector of Scotland Yard
15:36to involve himself in purse snatchings?
15:39If you should speak to Mr Steel,
15:42kindly tell him I'm most anxious to meet him.
15:53Here I am, sir. Johnny on the spot.
15:55I came as soon as I found him.
15:57Where is he?
15:59He gave me the slip.
16:01Then what good are you?
16:03I know where he'll be.
16:13What's that?
16:17What's that?
16:21What's that?
16:26What's that?
16:30Jenny, if you can.
16:32Oh, bugger off.
16:34Jenny, wait. Jenny, Jenny, Jenny.
16:36I just want a few minutes with you, that's all.
16:38You've got a nerve, thinking I'll be available for the likes of you.
16:41It's incredibly high. Look, I just want to talk with you.
16:43I'll even pay for the privilege.
16:45Here's a tenner.
16:47If you ask me, you could put this to better use,
16:49getting yourself a nice bath, you know?
16:51Spruce yourself up a bit, a bit of eau de cologne.
16:54A while ago, a man named Patrick O'Rourke sent me this watch.
16:57It has to do with my past.
16:59Only before I could find out exactly what, O'Rourke died.
17:01I don't know no Patrick O'Rourke.
17:03Jenny, just hear me out, will you?
17:05I traced him back here to London.
17:07He used to work in a pub in Whitechapel behind the Bar as a barman.
17:09I know this fellow. About four or five years ago,
17:11he used to hang around the pub where he worked.
17:13O'Rourke used to look out for him, keep him away from the cobblers,
17:15that sort of thing.
17:17Because this fellow had a very nasty habit of getting drunk
17:20and beating up, well, beating up girls like you.
17:24Time's up, Mr... Oh, Jenny, please, look, look.
17:26You know who I'm talking about, don't you?
17:28You know who I'm talking about.
17:30I know it's painful, but it's very important to me.
17:33It took some doing, but I've dug up a name.
17:35Kevin Landers, KL.
17:37The same initials here on this watch?
17:39I swear, I never knew who he really was.
17:42Kevin, that was all he ever called himself.
17:44Where can I find him, then? Where can I find him?
17:49You won't be looking very hard.
17:52He's all over the place these days.
17:59There he is. There's your Kevin Landers.
18:18Thanks very much, Jenny. Listen, take care of yourself, OK?
18:22Thank you, sir. OK.
18:25Oh, my God!
19:03Oh, hey, Geronimo.
19:05You want to make some wampum, huh?
19:07Oh, now, see, I just rented this little teepee,
19:11only I lost my key.
19:13Now, do you think you can open that door
19:16for, um, five buffalo head nickels?
19:22Oh, you're my kind of savage.
19:30Oh, here you go, Chief.
19:32Now, don't you spend that all on fire water.
20:36Klaus for the lady. Something to bunch?
20:43I thought you were safely tucked away in Los Angeles,
20:46playing that Harrigan-a-virtue Remington Steel.
20:49Yes, well, I'm sorry to barge in on you like this, Felicia,
20:52but I have nowhere else to turn to.
20:55You look like hell, darling.
20:57Thank you, darling. I feel like hell.
21:00I've been reduced to sleeping in doorways like when I first hit London.
21:04Also, all my old mates practically run the other way whenever they see me,
21:09on top of which Scotland Yard is after me.
21:12Well, it sounds like you've been a naughty boy.
21:14Yes, well, that's the frightening thing. I haven't done anything.
21:18Oh, by the way, Chalky thinks we might have something brewing.
21:23All we have together are memories.
21:27Well, will they buy me a place to stay for a while?
21:31I don't think that would be wise.
21:33Why not? I mean, you're not up to anything, Felicia,
21:36that might attract undue attention, are you?
21:39Darling, I'm simply here to see a few shows,
21:42buy a few gowns, break a few hearts.
21:45Simply recreational.
21:47Mm, mm, mm.
21:55Oh, well, well.
21:58Let's hope he's not the jealous type, that's all I can say.
22:01Well, you know how it is.
22:03I can't spend the rest of my life pining for you.
22:06Besides, unrequited loss can be so tedious.
22:12And very lonely.
22:17Oh, I'm glad I found you again.
22:21Your timing always was superb.
22:53Operator, I'd like the number of Scotland Yard, please.
23:07Where is he?
23:09The bedroom.
23:11Get him in here.
23:14Darling, are you awake?
23:17I've made some food for you.
23:19Everything you like.
23:21Bacon and eggs, that special jam from Harrods.
23:27Come and get it before it goes cold.
23:30Come and get it before it goes cold.
23:54No way to run now, mate.
24:19Mildred, where have you been?
24:21I've been stuck in this room all afternoon waiting for you.
24:24When you didn't show up from Scotland Yard, I got antsy.
24:27I picked up a new friend.
24:29I spent the morning trying to lose him.
24:31He's still here.
24:33Have a look.
24:35Miss Holt.
24:39This, uh, Quintain guy and some of these other guys,
24:43have their names come up before this case?
24:46Not that I remember.
24:50Well, according to my background check,
24:53some of them are pretty shady characters.
24:56Well, it's quite possible that Mr. Steele
24:59may have come across them at some point in his career.
25:03I never asked you this before,
25:05I guess because I never thought it was important,
25:08but how much do you know about the boss?
25:11I mean, before you two hooked up.
25:14Why this sudden interest in Mr. Steele's past?
25:17Exactly where have you been?
25:19Quintain's flat.
25:21And? And?
25:23What exactly did you learn about Douglas Quintain?
25:35We can probably find him in this joint.
25:39Good night, Lindsay!
25:49Going down.
25:54Am I glad that shift's over.
25:57You're lucky, Doctor.
25:59You get them when they're unconscious.
26:01Can't complain.
26:03If it's not the food or a draft, it's what's on the telly.
26:11Well, this is where I leave you.
26:24To S.J. from K.L.
26:26The inscription on the watch.
26:28One of those must be your father.
26:30Mm-hmm. Perhaps.
26:32Perhaps? You can't have forgotten your own father.
26:36I have a feeling that I never knew who my father really was.
26:40I've never even seen my birth certificate.
26:43I don't know.
26:45I don't know.
26:47I don't know.
26:49I don't know.
26:51I've never even seen my birth certificate.
26:54Is that why you wouldn't tell me your real name?
26:57Because you don't know it?
26:59Don't know it?
27:01Don't know it?
27:03Don't know it?
27:21Don't know it?
27:51Don't know it?
28:36Hey, you! Stop!
29:05Can you set the coppers on each of them?
29:08Harry, please. That's a terrible thing to say.
29:11If I didn't love you like me own, I'd be cut to the quick.
29:22Do you hear that?
29:24It ain't safe on the streets for you, mate.
29:27Would you just stay put,
29:29and I'll nip back with some bandages and a bit of hot food, eh?
29:37I'm sure he'll fix you up right properly, Will.
30:04Are you all right?
30:06I'm sorry. I couldn't let you come down here alone.
30:10Take her to the hospital. Get her attended to.
30:13No doubt you'll want to accompany her, Miss Holt,
30:16since your disregard of my warning resulted in this attack.
30:22Come on, Mildred.
30:32A pity you won't be able to get any fingerprints from that.
30:36Tell me what's going on, Inspector.
30:38I shall be forced to inform your superiors
30:40about that piece of evidence you're obviously trying to conceal.
30:46The family crest of the Earl of Claridge,
30:49tenth in line to the throne of England,
30:52and possible mass murderer.
30:55There's no proof the Earl is responsible for these killings.
30:59Isn't there?
31:01Those are gifts he bestows on a great many people,
31:05I'd say that was your problem, Inspector.
31:07Mine is trying to understand why you've had my purse snatched,
31:10why you've had me followed,
31:12and why you're watching Douglas Quintain's flat.
31:14Oh, come now, Miss Holt.
31:16I'm prepared to be candid with you.
31:18Won't you extend me the same courtesy?
31:26We both know who Douglas Quintain really is.
31:29Exactly what do you mean?
31:32Shortly after the first murder,
31:34this Quintain started making inquiries about Kevin Landers.
31:38I did some checking and soon discovered, much to my horror,
31:42that Douglas Quintain was actually Remington Steele.
31:45Why is your chief pursuing this case so relentlessly?
31:49Believe me, Inspector, I'm coming at this from a standing start.
31:54Help me with why the connection between the Earl
31:57and this Kevin Landers is so disturbing.
32:00Kevin Landers was the name used by the Earl
32:02on his forays into Whitechapel five years ago.
32:05He was given to drunken rampages
32:07in which he gleefully beat up prostitutes.
32:11It was all dealt with very discreetly
32:13and the Earl was shipped off to Canada,
32:15where his family has extensive holdings.
32:17Sort of a royal remittance man.
32:19Practically on the heels of his return to England,
32:22these killings began,
32:23and the first victim was a Whitechapel tart.
32:26And the others?
32:31Emily Brent, solicitor's secretary.
32:35Hilda Lake, charwoman.
32:38Vera Claythorne, nurse at Great Ormond Street Hospital.
32:42Then your killer isn't confining himself to prostitutes.
32:45Another reason why Steele must be stopped.
32:48If he makes this public,
32:49he could ruin a potentially innocent man
32:52and reduce me to station sergeant.
32:58No, don't do anything till I arrive.
33:02It seems that one of our chickens has come home to roost.
33:10Now I've done my bit for queen and country,
33:12you will whisper a word in the magistrate's ear for me,
33:14won't you, Governor?
33:26Bet he was here, I tell you.
33:28Well, he's got to be.
33:30Well, he's hurt too bad to run for.
33:41Over here!
33:43I think I saw something move right in there.
33:56What's that noise?
33:58What's that noise?
34:29Ten quid a night in advance, loose down the hall.
34:32No baths after ten, no flushing after eleven.
34:36Thank you and good night.
34:41Good night.
34:43Thank you very much.
34:45Good night.
34:50If you weren't such a pitiful wreck, I'd clobber you.
34:54If you weren't such a pitiful wreck, I'd clobber you.
34:57Walking out on me like that,
34:59without a note, a word, a collect call.
35:03Take off your shirt.
35:06What kind of relationship did we have,
35:09or ever hope to have,
35:11if every time I turned around, bingo, you were gone?
35:15Lift your shirt.
35:20Laura, you're the one who said we needed time apart.
35:22And you decided to spend it a continent away?
35:25I needed to find something.
35:31You were in Los Angeles last time I looked.
35:34What's the major stumbling block between us, hmm?
35:38Your aversion to legwork?
35:43My name.
35:45My real name.
35:47I knew how you'd feel if I wouldn't give you that.
35:52And I couldn't be honest about...
35:56other things.
35:58I don't care what your name is.
36:00Make one up. It'll be all right with me.
36:06But when it seemed our time together had come to an end,
36:10I realized...
36:12Remington Steele was just another name I'd borrowed.
36:17And if I was going to give it back...
36:21I should have to replace it with something that was...
36:24truly mine.
36:26And did you?
36:29I've come up with a name...
36:32for one of the initials on the watch.
36:35Kevin Landers.
36:39Only that isn't the man's real name.
36:42You ready for this?
36:44He's the Earl of Claridge.
36:48Wouldn't that be a corker if it turned out I was related to royalty?
36:53After spending half my life in dumps like this place...
36:58I've always been afraid of looking too deeply into the past.
37:06Never mind. Anyway...
37:08I'll pay a visit to his lordship first thing in the morning.
37:12No. You are in no condition to call on anyone.
37:16I'll go.
37:18I'll do it for you.
37:24But first we have to get you a doctor.
37:32They have his passports, you know. The police.
37:35Confiscated all five of them.
37:37Five different countries. Five different names.
37:40But only one picture. His.
37:43I know, Mildred.
37:46So, I have a right to an explanation, you know.
37:50And I promise you, you'll get one.
37:52But first we have to help Mr. Steele.
37:54Or whoever the hell he is.
37:57Now remember, I'm the reporter, you're my photographer...
38:00and you won't get any award-winning pictures...
38:03if you don't take off your lens cap.
38:17Catherine, dear.
38:19This is the American magazine writer I told you about.
38:22Does that mean I can take a breather?
38:24I haven't sat this straight...
38:26since Miss Percy's school for young ladies.
38:29Why don't you get a few shots of Miss Galt...
38:32while I, uh, chat with his lordship?
38:37Catherine, dear.
38:39This is the American magazine writer I told you about.
38:42Does that mean I can take a breather?
38:50According to my notes...
38:52you've been away from England about five years.
38:55Yes, tending the family interests in Canada.
38:57That's where I met Catherine.
38:59But I decided to have the wedding here.
39:01England's really my home, and I must confess...
39:03it's been most rewarding.
39:05As you know, America has its own form of royalty.
39:09Rock stars, sports figures.
39:12I was wondering if you suffered the same inconveniences.
39:16How do you mean?
39:18Well, because of your marriage...
39:20your picture is in all the papers, on television.
39:23It must be very difficult for you to go anywhere...
39:25without being recognized.
39:27Why do you suggest that I should have to go around London...
39:30without being recognized?
39:32As beautiful as it is here, you must get the urge...
39:35to stroll through Hyde Park, visit a museum...
39:38ride in a handsome cab.
39:41Exactly what are you driving at?
39:44What sort of an interview is this?
39:48What's the matter? Lost your lighter again?
39:50It's around somewhere.
39:52Miss Holt.
39:54May I introduce Bradford Gault, Catherine's brother?
39:56A pleasure.
39:58Miss Holt is one of those American magazine writers.
40:01No doubt with a deadline.
40:03Would you be kind enough to entertain her...
40:05before she's forced to leave?
40:08I suppose I'll have to get used to this.
40:15Do you have something against publicity?
40:18I've led a very private life in Canada, Miss Holt.
40:21And I find it quite disconcerting...
40:23to have people trying to snap one's picture all the time.
40:26Your accent sounds more English than Canadian.
40:29Both Catherine and I were born in London.
40:32However, Canada seemed to offer more opportunity...
40:35This seems strangely out of place.
40:38The earl's ancestors all rode to their weddings in one of those.
40:42He plans to carry on the tradition.
40:44His lordship's a stickler for tradition.
40:47He even has Catherine and me sequestered in a Mayfair flat.
40:50No hanky-panky before the vows are exchanged.
40:58Oh! What happened?
41:00She became dizzy.
41:02Oh, I am so sorry.
41:04Perhaps you should take her upstairs for her to lie down for a while.
41:08Nonsense. I'm sure it's nothing serious.
41:10Oh! Oh, I'm... I'm afraid I've hurt my ankle.
41:14Clara, make up some rooms.
41:16Do stay until Miss Krebs is ready to travel.
41:19Oh, you're so kind. Thank you.
41:21Now lean on me.
41:23Oh, I'm so sorry.
41:26Oh, I'm so sorry.
41:41What's going on?
41:43Why do we have to make sure we stay the night?
41:45Oh, Miss Holt, come on. You can tell me.
41:47I can keep a secret.
41:49You may have to keep more than one
41:51if things turn out the way I think they will.
41:55Come on.
42:07Hold the fort, Mildred.
42:28Why weren't you where I left you?
42:30Why aren't you? I've been waiting for you
42:32to come back with some word on who I am.
42:34We didn't get around to that. What are you doing?
42:36This is my password, Tracy.
42:38All right, sit tight.
42:40Have you driven one of these things before?
42:42I saw some walking abandoned.
42:55Come on.
43:13Now that we've seen London by night,
43:15would you mind telling me why we're following someone
43:17who could possibly be a very, very close relative of mine, hmm?
43:21And why, incidentally, he's bouncing around on top of that carriage?
43:27You've been a little busy,
43:30trying to track down your past and such.
43:34You probably haven't paid much attention to the news,
43:37the happenings of the day.
43:39I can always tell when you're about to impart
43:42something very unpleasant.
43:44Your left eyebrow starts twitching.
43:47It does not.
43:52Laura, what the hell are we doing?
43:55Chasing a murderer.
43:57The Earl of Clyde is a murderer?
43:59I didn't want to have to tell you this way.
44:01What were you going to do, send me a postcard?
44:07Hey, you all right?
44:09My knee!
44:10Oh, yes.
44:11Here, here.
44:33Okay, get up.
44:35Sit down over here.
44:37Come on.
44:39Stay here.
44:41Stay here.
45:11concerned grunts
45:13I don't want to hurt you.
45:31All right.
45:33All right.
45:43Bradford Galt!
45:48Who the hell is he?
45:50One of the most cold-blooded killers I've ever encountered.
45:53We're still trying to sort out the grisly details,
45:56but from what we've been able to piece together so far,
45:59Bradford Galt worked as an odd job man
46:02in a boarding house for women several years ago.
46:04Rumour had it that the old lady who kept the place
46:07had a considerable sum of money hidden somewhere in the house.
46:10So, being an ambitious young man, hungry for a proper start,
46:14Galt began to search for the treasure.
46:17Unfortunately for her, she surprised him and he killed her
46:22and then fled to Canada.
46:24However, he left behind a bloody fingerprint
46:28on the hammer he used to bludgeon the poor old woman.
46:31And he realised the publicity surrounding his sister's marriage
46:35would spill over onto him.
46:37There he'd be, escorting her up the aisle,
46:39picturing all the newspapers on the television.
46:41Surely one woman in that boarding house would recognise him.
46:44Yeah, but I still don't understand why the earl runs around in this carriage.
46:48Galt supplied the answer to that.
46:50The earl is a very proper man and he didn't want anyone to know
46:54he was seeing his fiancée before they were married.
46:57Reporters from some of our more sensational tabloids
47:00were camped outside the estate.
47:02With a handsome cab, he could cut across the grounds
47:05and leave without being seen.
47:07Galt knew he had several uninterrupted hours
47:10to use the earl's carriage.
47:12Mr Steele is going to join us, isn't he?
47:15He just needed a few moments to make himself presentable.
47:19I'm afraid I can't look the other way on these.
47:23I do hope he has a passport in his real name.
47:27You're late.
47:29I am?
47:33I didn't think he'd take it this hard.
47:38Nice to see you again.
47:40It was nice to be seen.
47:42I hope you're prepared.
47:44Prepared? For what?
47:47Why, darling, you're going to kill the earl of Claridge.
47:51For what?
47:53Why, darling, you're going to kill the earl of Claridge.
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