Remington Steele S02E14

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Remington Steele S02E14


00:01You have three futures in your hands.
00:03Mine, my children's, and the future of a government investigation.
00:07How many years do you get for stealing city property?
00:10I think they figure it by weight.
00:13I'm going to have my daddy ruin you!
00:16You didn't take this job just to see how you function with children.
00:18You took it to see how I function.
00:20Why don't we ditch Wadsworth's name and go spend a week up my yard?
00:23All anyone has to do is shoot out the tires and we'd be helpless.
00:27Ah, ha, ha, ha!
01:54Good night, Mildred.
01:55Good night, Mildred.
01:56Good night, Mildred.
01:57See you tomorrow.
01:58See you tomorrow.
02:06This is crazy!
02:44This way?
02:46This way.
02:49There are certain advantages to growing up in Los Angeles.
02:52They're there!
02:53Who are they?
02:54What do they want with Mildred?
03:22When my boss gets his hands on you, you'll be sorry!
03:38Has to be.
03:39Service entrance?
03:40If they have any class.
03:42Ah, no boy, now you're really in trouble.
03:53They're in trouble.
03:58This is kidnapping.
03:59Fifteen years, that's what you'll get.
04:02Twenty years, maybe.
04:03Oh, I've got crowded cells.
04:06Starchy food.
04:07You know something, you remind me of my mother.
04:10Oh, good.
04:12I hate her.
04:15Oh, oh, oh.
04:19I can't win them all.
04:22Easy, easy.
04:36Come on in, baby.
04:39Yes, baby, do come in.
04:43Now then, we're looking for Miss Krebs.
04:46Mildred Krebs.
04:50You certainly live up to your reputation, Mr. Steele.
04:54I beg your pardon?
04:55I heard you were the best, and I had to be sure.
04:59Are you telling us this was some kind of test?
05:02A very critical one, from my point of view.
05:05We don't audition, Mr. Uh.
05:07Gallon, if I'm not mistaken.
05:09Walter Gallon, one of our country's
05:11more famous expatriates.
05:13You're much too generous, Miss Holt.
05:15I thought you were living among the sheltering palms.
05:18I have been, but the government has
05:20asked me to testify about my old associates
05:22at the Graykirk Corporation.
05:24If I do, then they'll let me, uh, well, come home.
05:30What do you want with us?
05:31Well, actually, are you sure that you won't, uh,
05:35join me to drink, Mr. Steele, Miss Holt?
05:38We don't drink without Miss Krebs.
05:41Forgive me.
05:42My manners have gotten rather rusty in the tropics.
05:48Now, if we could dispense with the amenities,
05:50I have two children living in this house,
05:53and they mean the world to me.
05:56You do not get to be as powerful as the Graykirk
05:58Corporation, playing by the rules.
06:00You're afraid if the Graykirk Corporation
06:02hears you're going to testify, they'll try to grab
06:05the children to stop you.
06:08Up until now, the children have been safe.
06:10My being here has changed that, and I
06:12will not agree to testify unless I know that Chris
06:14and Angel are in safe hands.
06:18Now, all you have to do is take them on a little trip.
06:21How little?
06:23Mr. Steele adores children.
06:26I've been asked to testify a day after tomorrow
06:28at federal court in Phoenix.
06:31Now, you deliver Chris and Angel to me after the hearing,
06:34you're safe and sound, and I'm going to put
06:37you in a brand new tax bracket.
06:39Won't the government provide your family with protection?
06:41The Graykirk Corporation reaches
06:44very high into the government.
06:47You have three futures in your hands,
06:49mine, my children's, and the future
06:52of a government investigation.
06:54Quite a salesman.
06:58The best.
06:59I should have stuck to it.
07:02Mr. Steele.
07:05Are you all right?
07:06Well, I felt better.
07:08Yes, well, it was only a test, Mildred.
07:12To see how resourceful we are.
07:15You kidnapped me to test them?
07:19Oh, that's brilliant.
07:26I'm a lousy sport.
07:34You think you might have gone at this
07:35a bit too enthusiastically?
07:38The girls in Four East.
07:43The girls I went through college with.
07:45One's a neurosurgeon, one's a television executive,
07:49one's even got a seat on the stock exchange.
07:52And they're all raising families.
07:55I don't even have goldfish.
07:57Ah, so you're planning on getting your feet wet
07:59like a fish in a pond.
08:01So you're planning on getting your feet wet
08:03looking after the gallon children, eh?
08:06Oh, the quandary of the independent woman.
08:08What am I missing and who am I missing it with?
08:12Time is passing, pleasantly enough.
08:15But it's passing.
08:17Why do I have this neurotic impulse
08:19to apologize for that?
08:21I don't know.
08:22You're certainly not suggesting that I'm
08:24suggesting that you should.
08:26No, no, no, no.
08:28How could I possibly suggest a suggestion like that?
08:42I hope this suits your needs, sir.
08:43You'll be fine.
08:44We've had the telephones installed
08:46just the way you requested.
08:47What's your name again?
08:48Mrs. Trout.
08:49Thank you, Mrs. Trout.
08:58Senator Collier, please.
09:01Stephen Cole, Graykirk Corporation.
09:08Senator Collier.
09:10Yeah, Cole here.
09:11How are things in Washington, sir?
09:13Oh, good.
09:14How are things in Washington?
09:15Oh, good.
09:27Trout, happy to see you in Washington, sir.
09:31Yes, so this committee meeting scamp be tedious.
09:34Senator, I have some news I've been asked to pass along.
09:39Walter Gallen's back in the country again.
09:42I slipped him two days ago with the aid
09:45of the Justice Department.
09:47No, don't worry, sir.
09:48This conversation is perfectly safe.
09:51Well, it's apple only pick up an irritating electronic wine.
09:56and these are the chairman's precise words.
09:59The reappearance of Walter Gallen
10:01will actually help both you and Graykirk.
10:04Well, we believe there's an area
10:08in which Mr. Gallen is vulnerable to persuasion.
10:17I'll miss you more than you'll miss me.
10:20It's not a chance.
10:23Say, can I have some pocket money?
10:26Of course you can.
10:29There you are.
10:37I love you, Daddy.
10:40How deep are her pockets?
10:47My bags are in the house.
10:50Won't they be lonely without you?
10:57This is my secretary, Shelby Haynes.
11:00When will you be bringing the children back?
11:03I haven't decided yet, Shelby.
11:15Hi. I'm Chris.
11:18I'm Laura Holt.
11:20Nice to meet you. Real nice.
11:23This is Mr. Steele.
11:26Likewise, I'm sure.
11:37Have a good trip.
11:40And a safe.
11:45Nice to meet you.
12:01Where will you be if I need to reach you?
12:04You won't need to reach me.
12:06The children go away suddenly. You go away.
12:09Don't you trust me anymore? Of course I trust you.
12:12There was a time when you wouldn't have excluded me.
12:15For looking after the kids?
12:17For everything.
12:19Well, I'm grateful to you.
12:22For your gratitude, Mr. Gallow.
12:35Number 13 to the center ring.
12:38The Grand Canyon?
12:43It's an Indian reservation. Arizona's full of that.
12:48Your father hired us to take you on a cultural odyssey.
12:52Steele Tours lives by its word.
13:13Number 15 to the center ring.
13:44Why don't we just get a motel room? Party.
13:48We are partying.
13:50This? This is kids' stuff.
13:53You're kids.
13:55Number 18 in the center ring.
13:57Ah, gourmet lunch.
14:24Excuse me, sir. She belongs to me.
14:35Hey, get off of me!
14:37Let me alone!
14:39Let me alone!
14:44Next round's on me.
14:51Come along, young man. So much to see, so much to do.
14:55Let's go.
15:13I wonder who those clowns were.
15:15We're no circus people. Anything for excitement.
15:26The A-Tour, Mr. Steele?
15:28What's the A-Tour?
15:30There's an added attraction. We steal a bus.
15:35Neat! I knew there was a way to these kids.
15:42I tell you, honey, it's no easy job.
15:45Fighting traffic, dealing with the public.
15:48Some days I just like to turn it into...
15:54Hey! Automation!
15:56Come back! Come back with my bus!
16:15You thieves!
16:18Sorry, folks.
16:26You're no tour guide.
16:28A girl with your looks doesn't have to work this hard.
16:31There are times when I tell myself the same thing.
16:34Why don't we ditch what's-his-name and go spend a week on my yacht?
16:38Your yacht?
16:40It'll be mine when I'm 16.
16:42I see. Like a boy's first jalopy.
16:45We'll have a ball. You know what I mean?
16:48I'm very flattered, but I'm afraid I have to decline.
16:52How about I throw in a diamond bracelet?
16:55Why throw it?
16:57Every woman has her price.
17:15How many years do you get for stealing city property?
17:18I think they figure it by weight.
17:21Hang a right at the next corner.
17:23What good will that do?
17:25A lot if I know where we are.
17:32Pull over here.
17:36I'll go ditch the bus.
17:39Hey, hey.
17:41Why do we have to get off?
17:43So you can go to the bathroom.
17:45I don't have to go.
17:47You should have to.
18:13This is the police.
18:15Come out with your hands raised.
18:17Come out with your hands raised.
18:23Now, now.
18:25You don't want to do anything like that.
18:27You don't want to hurt anyone.
18:29I understand why you hijacked the bus, General Washington.
18:32The Delaware's frozen.
18:34Now, these things happen.
18:37Is he loony?
18:41You got guts.
18:43Get back.
18:50I want to talk to you.
18:56Get the SWAT team.
19:00Mildred's bringing new wheels.
19:02An old college friend of mine lives in this neighborhood.
19:05The leader, Barbara Frick, a child psychology major.
19:08I shall sit at her feet.
19:10Not if I get there first.
19:23I must say, Laura,
19:25I never thought I'd see the day
19:27when you'd bring two kids to the house.
19:29Even somebody else's.
19:31Thank you, Bob.
19:33Actually, Laura's wonderful with children.
19:35Of course, Laura's wonderful with everyone.
19:37So, um, so tolerant.
19:42Two lumps, yes.
19:46He hit me!
19:48She hit me first.
19:50He raised his voice!
19:52She took my sandwich!
19:54I was hungry.
19:58Angel, I hear you.
20:00Chris, I hear you.
20:02You feel invaded, violated.
20:04You feel there's no justice in the world.
20:07But believe me, I hear you.
20:11I'm sorry.
20:13That was bad. Bad.
20:18How did you manage that?
20:20Well, it's difficult to explain to, um, civilians.
20:24You see, children are very complex.
20:27You develop a third ear.
20:29You see, Angel didn't really want that sandwich.
20:32And Chris didn't really want justice.
20:34They just wanted to be heard.
20:37Well, if, uh, you were a mother, you'd understand.
20:41Mm. You ought to write a book about it, Barb's.
20:45But I know I share.
21:00How do you feel about sharing your front lawn?
21:06You expect me to travel in that with the bad seed?
21:10It's self-contained, mobile.
21:12We won't be exposing them to strangers.
21:17Oh, hi.
21:19I'm Mildred Krebs.
21:21I'm sorry, but I owe you about three flats of petunias.
21:25I brought your fresh clothes, and I've got them in the R.V.
21:28Oh, that's terrific, Mildred.
21:30Oh, boss, you are gonna have a blast with that tiger.
21:33It's so cozy and convenient.
21:35Yes, everyone within swatting distance.
21:38We'd better get moving before those clowns show up for a second show.
21:42Chris? Angel?
21:44We're leaving.
21:46Where's Chris?
21:50Chris? Where are you?
21:52Chris? Chris?
21:54Chris? Chris?
21:58Chris! Chris!
22:01My God, how did they get him?
22:03Let's not jump to depressing conclusions.
22:05Chris! Chris!
22:10Chris! Chris?
22:26That wasn't funny, love.
22:28Right step, Mildred.
22:30You pull a stunt like that again, you won't sit down till you're eligible to retire.
22:33Boss, you're a role model.
22:35You threatened me.
22:39I'm gonna have my daddy ruin you.
22:45Angel, I hear you.
22:47Mrs. Frick, Angel went through that I hear you routine three psychiatrists back.
22:51Angel, I'm counting to two.
22:53Give her a minute. Let her cool down.
22:55Let her cool down? I'm the one that's boiling.
22:57She's a child. You're an adult.
22:59Thank you, Miss Holt, for that startling bit of information.
23:01And what's that supposed to mean?
23:03Be my guest.
23:05All right. Obviously, the child in you is a bit overwhelmed by the child in her.
23:08If the child in you takes one more shot at the child in me...
23:11Actually, they're really very close.
23:14You didn't take this job just to see how you function with children.
23:17You took it to see how I function.
23:19Why would I possibly care?
23:23I don't want to go to Arizona.
23:26And I certainly don't want to go ride in some tacky old trailer.
23:30You come pick me up.
23:32I can't do that, sweetheart.
23:34Look, I tell you what.
23:36Why don't you call me whenever you can and tell me how it's going?
23:40Will you do that?
23:42Good girl.
23:49Who was that?
23:51Uh, no one important.
23:54Gallant? One of the kids?
23:57I'd tell you.
23:59Would you, Miss Haynes?
24:04It's a little late for you to have second thoughts.
24:08We're not gonna hurt them.
24:13They're in a trailer.
24:16Heading for Arizona.
24:18Thank you, Miss Haynes.
24:21I'll take over for a while, if you'd like.
24:24No, no, no. It's all right.
24:26Are you sure?
24:28Oh, yes. Love it.
24:30Open road, crisp, clean, smell of gas fumes.
24:34An orgahyde.
24:40I'm sorry.
24:42It's all right.
24:44It's all right.
24:46It's all right.
24:49Is there anything you want to talk about?
24:51In such hours?
24:53I don't know. Anything.
24:55Not that I can think of.
24:59Ah, Chris, old buddy.
25:01Hello, Chris.
25:03Anything I can do for you?
25:05Fighting, huh?
25:07My parents always tried to make time with me when they were fighting.
25:10We're not really fighting.
25:12Yes, we are.
25:14Where's Angel?
25:16She's exhausted from her labors, no doubt.
25:18You've got to try to understand Angel.
25:20She's had a rough time.
25:22She was only a baby when Mom took off.
25:24Took off?
25:26Yeah, Mom met this guy from Europe.
25:28When he went home, she sort of went with him.
25:30They live on a beach somewhere, Spain or Portugal.
25:32Angel was only five when it happened.
25:36I was older.
25:42I was 16 when my father left.
25:45You're a girl.
25:47I see. That's different.
25:49Actually, I'm kind of grateful to Mom.
25:52The whole thing has made me, you know, kind of hip.
25:55Grew up fast, did we?
25:57Boy, did I.
26:01Tell me something straight.
26:03You supposed to protect Angel and me?
26:05It's okay.
26:07Dad always thinks he's fooling me, so I let him think so.
26:10Had more cousins with big shoulders
26:12and bulges in their jackets.
26:14Mr. Steele and I are private investigators.
26:16Dad up to something?
26:20Not if everything goes the way it's supposed to.
26:22Just don't tell Angel, huh?
26:24She's just a kid.
26:43Hand mobile operator?
26:45No one New York City. Area code 2-1-2.
26:52Simpson. I just picked him up crossing into Arizona.
26:55You know what to do.
26:57I got a car waiting.
26:59Be advised, this is no ordinary operation.
27:02Gallons engage the Remington Steele Agency,
27:06and they come equipped with a formidable reputation.
27:12I suggest it would be best for all concerned
27:14if no one was left to comment on the children's disappearance.
27:23Yes, Senator, I am aware of the rumors bouncing around Washington.
27:27But as I told you earlier,
27:29we're in complete control of the situation.
27:32I don't think that's something you need to know.
27:35We're not interested in keeping Gallon from testifying.
27:39That would only prolong the agony.
27:42We want him to blow the government's case out of the water,
27:45put an end to it once and for all.
27:49Yes, Senator, I think we know how to accomplish that.
27:53Now why don't you go back to your ethics committee meeting
27:56and let us tend to business, huh?
28:12The car just pulled onto the road behind us.
28:16Wonderfully nondescript, isn't it?
28:19Why don't they pass us?
28:21Perhaps their sightseers aren't for a leisurely drive.
28:25This assignment's turning them into a raging paranoiac.
28:28Well, let's face it,
28:30we are rather vulnerable in this bouncing billet.
28:32All anyone has to do is shoot out the tires,
28:35and we'd be helpless.
28:37You know, when John Ford was directing Stagecoach,
28:40someone asked him,
28:42why don't the Indians shoot the horses?
28:44And he replied,
28:46because then we wouldn't have a movie.
28:51Somebody didn't see the movie!
28:53Stay down, children! Way down!
28:58You know, one thing I've noticed about you,
29:00is that you don't seem to care about the movie.
29:02I don't care about the movie.
29:05You know, one thing I've noticed about RVs,
29:08they don't have any pickup.
29:10Try a little bump and run.
29:34How long can we keep this up?
29:36Oh, it's only 200 more miles to Phoenix.
29:46Don't overtax your courage, Laura.
29:56They're wearing their seatbelts.
30:03Excellent piece of driving, Miss Holt.
30:10I suddenly have this overwhelming urge
30:13to lie low for a while.
30:15Relax, dear. You'll begin to lose circulation.
30:18Come on.
30:20Keep your hands on the wheel, please.
30:24Try it. How can you know unless you try it?
30:27This is a sewage line, Laura, not a cologne tester.
30:30Some tour guide can't even fix the potty.
30:34Tighten hose firmly to tank.
30:37Do not force.
30:39Turn lever after hose is secure.
30:41Oops. I wouldn't do that yet.
30:44All right.
30:51I'm eternally grateful to you, madam.
30:54You wouldn't happen to be a plumber by trade, eh?
30:57Oh, no, just an old RV nut.
30:59Your first time?
31:01Most likely our last.
31:03No, you get used to it.
31:05Not if I can help it.
31:07I'm Bonnie Niemeyer.
31:09This is my husband, Bo.
31:13Fine-looking kids you've got here.
31:16Bo, they're too young to have kids that age.
31:19We had our kids young.
31:21All six of them.
31:23Oh, six, eh?
31:25You know what I bet these youngsters would like?
31:28Oh, I know what you're thinking.
31:30My Bonnie's the best baker in these parts.
31:33I made a couple of pies that I just want to plow into.
31:36Key lime.
31:38Key lime? That's my favorite.
31:41Awfully close to dinner.
31:44I want pie.
31:46Listen to Cousin Laura.
31:48He's not our cousin.
31:50Amazing how they disown you, eh?
31:53You come over after dinner, okay?
31:56I'll save you a nice big piece.
32:03Bye-bye, now. Thank you very much.
32:16How do you read the Niemeyers?
32:18Angel's favorite pie?
32:20Well, could be coincidence.
32:22Key lime?
32:24Rather esoteric for a trailer camp.
32:26Rather esoteric for a nine-year-old.
32:29Well, if the Niemeyers are working for Gray Kirk Corporation,
32:32how do they find us?
32:34I don't know.
32:36We'd better figure out a way to keep Angel away from that pie.
32:38Oh, really? How?
32:40She's only a child.
32:42Are you sure about that?
32:44This isn't our most demanding assignment.
32:46I don't remember one where we bickered quite so much as this.
32:49And what does that tell you?
32:51What's it supposed to tell you?
32:53If all goes well, we'll be off this case tomorrow.
32:55But imagine yourself as a full-time father.
32:58A bicker, Laura. A daddy bicker and a mummy bicker.
33:01I haven't lost my temper.
33:03Ho, ho, ho!
33:05Are you telling me those kids haven't gotten to you?
33:07Who are you trying to fool with all those treacly tones
33:10and those kind of frozen smiles, eh?
33:12Ask them.
33:14Treacly tones? Frozen smiles?
33:16I'm not competing with you. You're competing with me.
33:19Ask them.
33:21Ask them what?
33:23I don't know. It was your idea.
33:25God, I just got the most awful feeling,
33:28and it's all your fault.
33:30What feeling? What's my fault?
33:32Suddenly I want my mother.
33:48Mm-hmm. A bit more, Angel, eh?
33:51Her fourth helping.
33:53Ah, but who counts fudge ripple, eh?
33:56Are you bribing me?
33:58More or less.
34:02I'm going to bed.
34:04Okay. Good night.
34:06Good night. Sleep tight, sweetheart.
34:13Well, I'm going to get some fresh air.
34:26You do pretty well with women, huh?
34:28Hard to say.
34:30Of course, you were pretty impressive today,
34:32at least with those clowns, anyway.
34:34Oh, thank you.
34:36I guess women like heroes, huh?
34:38Hard to say.
34:40What line do you use?
34:44Oh, yes, with the ladies.
34:46Well, the best line I've always found
34:50is, uh, no line at all.
34:52In my limited experience, that is.
34:55How old were you the first time?
34:58Just curious.
35:00First time.
35:02What, 18? 17?
35:04Just curious. Were you younger?
35:06Oh, no, no, no, no.
35:08Well, how old were you?
35:10Actually, Chris, uh,
35:12it was such a personal experience,
35:14we promised never to talk about it.
35:36Well, I hope you've dulled Angel's passion
35:39for key lime pie.
35:41Oh, I expect we have.
35:45She's, uh, not completely impossible
35:47once I get used to her.
35:49You would say that about a lot of people.
35:54I assume your, uh, vagueness is intentional.
36:01I don't know what's gotten into me on this case.
36:06I blame it all on the Johanssons.
36:11They lived next door to us when I was a teenager.
36:15They were the perfect family.
36:17They lived in a house
36:19with a white picket fence around it.
36:21Clean white.
36:23They never argued with each other.
36:25They never complained about each other.
36:28They never even raised their voices.
36:30How long before the mass murder?
36:33As far as I know,
36:35they lived happily ever after.
36:38I'm sure their kids all live in houses
36:40with white picket fences,
36:42and their kids never raised their voices.
36:48The year my father left,
36:50I couldn't look at the Johanssons for six months.
36:59That's not family life, Laura.
37:02Not that I'm much of an expert.
37:05I've always been bounced around
37:07from aunts to cousins and then back again.
37:10But even sitting on the outside of things,
37:12I've learned that any family
37:14that doesn't argue once in a while
37:16can't be flesh and blood.
37:18And I prefer flesh and blood.
37:21Shall we go inside and check on the little one?
37:24She's supposed to be getting ready for bed.
37:35I feel like I should be in Pipe and Slippers.
37:48Chris, Angel's gone.
37:52Which one's the Niemeyer?
37:54I don't know!
37:55You take the high road.
38:08Terribly sorry. I thought this was a family camp.
38:16They're leaving.
38:18I'll handle it.
38:23What did you do with my sister?
38:27We're terribly sorry.
38:29There's been a misunderstanding.
38:31Looks like we got a full house, Bo.
38:34Get inside.
38:36Go on!
38:38Do what he says, Chris.
38:52Did you add something to the recipe, Bonnie?
39:25Come on!
39:55Come on!
40:18Come on! Stay! Smile!
40:22Nice work, Mr. Steele.
40:26Likewise, Miss Holt. Likewise.
40:31I'll give you odds that for once,
40:33Angel is exactly where she should be at this time of night.
40:41Oh, come here.
40:45Are you all right?
40:47I'm fine.
40:52Come on.
40:54This way.
40:56Officers, you've got an attempted kidnapping charge in there.
41:04This way, please.
41:06Are you familiar with these vehicles, officer?
41:09All the conveniences.
41:21The children are headed for Phoenix.
41:23The federal courthouse is in Phoenix.
41:26Now, even someone with your limited imagination can make the connection.
41:30Walter Gallen is going to testify in Phoenix.
41:34All I'm asking you to do is find out when.
41:43For the simple reason
41:45that a man with a rifle standing around for days on end
41:48is liable to attract attention.
41:52I realize that's messy, Senator.
41:55Do you have an alternative suggestion?
42:00Hiding your head in the sand
42:02is not going to keep the rest of your extremities from getting shot off.
42:05After all, I do believe
42:08that Gallen intends to name you
42:10as chief recipient of Graykirk's largesse.
42:15Well, won't you at least try?
42:20The next time Graykirk buys a senator,
42:23I'm going to insist that the purchase price include backbone.
42:34The gentlemen you requested are here, sir.
42:37Show them in.
42:39Mr. Jackson, Mr. Ross.
42:51We have reason to believe you accompanied Walter Gallen to Phoenix,
42:56where you no doubt left him with federal marshals.
43:02I'm authorized to pay each one of you $100,000
43:06for the exact time Gallen's arriving at that courthouse.
43:10Don't I have any idea?
43:12I think you do.
43:15You're a mistake.
43:19Mr. Jackson, I want you to pay close attention
43:22to the following exchange between myself and Mr. Ross.
43:37Do you comprehend the significance of that exchange, Mr. Jackson?
43:50Okay, steady now.
43:58There you go. My turn, chief. How'd you get?
44:04Whatever happened to that appetite of yours?
44:07Not hungry.
44:11When are you going to tell me what a jerk I am?
44:15When am I supposed to?
44:18Really goofed up last night.
44:21Could have gotten us killed.
44:23Gotta be really stupid to do something like that.
44:26Or very brave.
44:29You were trying to save your sister.
44:34I was trying to impress you, too.
44:37I know.
44:39You don't think I'm a jerk?
44:47I really like you.
44:49I like you, too.
44:56Like a lot.
45:11The hearing's at 10.
45:13We're early.
45:15I'm not so sure. I just had a little talk with Angel.
45:18Yesterday at Barbara's, she phoned her father's secretary.
45:21That would explain the key lime pie.
45:24And how the Niemeyers found us.
45:26If our trusted Miss Haynes knew where we were,
45:28then she could probably figure out where Mr. Gallen is this morning.
45:31If snatching the kids was the Great Kirks Corporation's plan A,
45:35I'm sure they have a plan B.
45:37We're not early.
45:51Let's go.
46:18No one's supposed to get hurt.
46:20You want to join them, Miss Haynes?
46:22Maybe they'll marry you in the next world.
46:36There's the secretary.
46:40The roof!
46:42The gauntlet. Clint Eastwood, Sartre, Locke, Warner Brothers, 1977.
46:46Down, kids! We're going to the movies!
46:55Salby. Mr. Gallen. It must be important.
47:13I knew these things were useful for something.
47:21Let's go.
47:30Do you have a statement, Mr. Gallen?
47:32What does this mean for Great Kirk? Look this way, please.
47:34How do you feel?
47:36How do I feel? Well, I feel about 20 years lighter.
47:39And if I were you, I would definitely not invest in Great Kirk stock.
47:44Now that we're going to be living in Los Angeles,
47:47you think maybe we could take in a movie?
47:49Hit a couple of clubs?
47:51Let's start with a movie, Chris.
47:55You saved my daddy's life, didn't you?
48:01What if we did?
48:06Are you sure you're only nine?
48:08I hear you, Mr. Steele.
48:13I'm sorry.
48:15I'm sorry.
48:17I'm sorry.
48:19I'm sorry.
48:21I'm sorry.
48:23I'm sorry.
48:25I'm sorry.
48:27I'm sorry.
48:29I'm sorry.
48:31I'm sorry.
48:33I'm sorry.
48:35I'm sorry.
48:37I'm sorry.
48:39I'm sorry.
48:41I'm sorry.