Remington Steele S02E22

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Remington Steele S02E22


00:01Grab her, Watson.
00:06After her, Watson. The game's afoot.
00:08Who's threatening you?
00:10Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson.
00:12Do you have it?
00:14Really think it's necessary?
00:15Best to be prepared in situations like these.
00:23We're always one step behind. Just one step.
00:25It's as though he knew what we were going to do before we actually do it.
00:27What do you want with Miss Sullivan?
00:59Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson.
01:00Do you have it?
01:01Really think it's necessary?
01:02Best to be prepared in situations like these.
01:03What do you want with Miss Sullivan?
01:05Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson.
01:06Do you have it?
01:07Really think it's necessary?
01:09Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson.
01:10Do you have it?
01:11Really think it's necessary?
01:13Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson.
01:14Do you have it?
01:15Really think it's necessary?
01:17Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson.
01:18Do you have it?
01:19Really think it's necessary?
01:21Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson.
01:22Do you have it?
01:23Really think it's necessary?
01:25Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson.
01:26Do you have it?
01:27Really think it's necessary?
01:29Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson.
01:30Do you have it?
01:31Really think it's necessary?
01:33Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson.
01:34Do you have it?
01:35Really think it's necessary?
01:37Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson.
01:38Do you have it?
01:39Really think it's necessary?
01:41Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson.
01:42Do you have it?
01:43Really think it's necessary?
01:45Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson.
01:46Do you have it?
01:47Really think it's necessary?
01:49Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson.
01:50Do you have it?
01:51Really think it's necessary?
01:53Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson.
01:54Do you have it?
01:55Really think it's necessary?
01:57Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson.
01:58Do you have it?
01:59Really think it's necessary?
02:01Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson.
02:02Do you have it?
02:03Really think it's necessary?
02:05Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson.
02:06Do you have it?
02:07Really think it's necessary?
02:09Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson.
02:10Do you have it?
02:11Really think it's necessary?
02:13Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson.
02:14Do you have it?
02:15Really think it's necessary?
02:17Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson.
02:18Do you have it?
02:19Really think it's necessary?
02:21Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson.
02:22Do you have it?
02:23Really think it's necessary?
02:25Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson.
02:27Have comfort, dear.
02:53Grandma Watson!
02:54Grab her, Watson.
02:58After her, Watson. The game's afoot.
03:24Hey! Hey! Over here!
04:16All right, let's go.
04:35What took you so long?
04:45Flowers for Miss Holt.
04:47No kidding.
04:48Where do you want us to put them?
04:50Don't tempt me.
05:00Another load has just arrived.
05:04Where shall I put them?
05:06We've been through that.
05:08My office simply won't hold another bud.
05:12What about Mr. Steele's?
05:14I don't think he's too fond of flowers these days.
05:16Nonsense, Mildred. Everyone loves flowers.
05:18Follow me.
05:21You can put them right in here.
05:31Aren't they lovely?
05:36How many tons does that make now, hmm?
05:38I've lost count.
05:40Any signature this time?
05:42The same as before.
05:43Your secret admirer.
05:45If there's anything I can't stand,
05:46it's someone who doesn't reveal his true identity.
05:48What does it say?
05:50I'm afraid I can't tell you.
05:52It's far too intimate.
05:54Mr. Steele!
05:56Hmm, this is close to pornography.
05:58The pervert.
05:59One man's pornography is another man's poetry.
06:01Oh, this is hardly leaves of grass.
06:03If you'll excuse me,
06:05I think I'll read these in the privacy of my office.
06:12You can't take this lying down, Chief.
06:14You've got to fight fire with fire.
06:16What do you want me to do, Mildred?
06:17Send her to Redwood?
06:23Remington Steele Investigations.
06:26Uh, I'll see if he's here.
06:28A Rocky Sullivan for you?
06:30Take a message.
06:31At the moment, I'm not in the mood for someone named Rocky.
06:34It's a her.
06:45Uh, Steele here.
06:47You've got to get me out of this place!
06:50What made you call, Mr. Steele?
06:53Are you kidding?
06:54His picture's in the paper more than Paul Newman's.
06:59Hello, nice to meet you.
07:01This is terribly embarrassing.
07:02Laura, I can't go anywhere without being recognized.
07:04You're in good hands, Mr. Steele.
07:07Uh, you said on the telephone that you're in danger, Miss Sullivan.
07:12You better believe it.
07:14Who's threatening you?
07:16Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson.
07:21I know how it sounds, but it's true.
07:24They busted into my apartment
07:26and they chased me down Hollywood Boulevard
07:28in a big old car with a steering wheel on the wrong side.
07:31Do you, uh, do you have any idea why, uh,
07:34Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson would want to harm you?
07:37How should I know? I don't even go to their movies.
07:41I think that's for you, Laura.
07:43How are you today?
07:46Oh, uh, do you want us to investigate, Miss Sullivan?
07:49Is that it?
07:50Yeah, sure, but first get me out of here.
07:52I got a gig singing at this club in Reseda,
07:54and it's the first job I've had in three months.
07:56If I don't show up tonight, they'll can me.
07:58Oh, well, we'll certainly look into the matter.
08:00And report back as soon as we have something concrete.
08:03In the meantime, I'll try and get some rest
08:05and stay off Hollywood Boulevard.
08:09Easy for you to say.
08:14Tragic that so modern civilization takes on one.
08:17I mean, surrounded by a cruel and personal world
08:20of word processors, automated tellers, cars that talk to you.
08:23It's a wonder we don't all go bonkers.
08:25I mean, obviously, in conjuring up Holmes and Watson,
08:28Holmes is merely trying to return to a simpler time.
08:31Could that be a Rolls-Royce?
08:33Late 20s?
08:35Early 30s vintage?
08:37It certainly is old.
08:39And big.
08:42And the steering wheel's on the wrong side.
08:45Only for some, Nora.
08:47Shall we?
08:50Holmes here.
08:51It is precisely 1027 a.m.
08:54She's led us a merry chase,
08:56and we've tracked Miss Sullivan to the county hospital.
08:59No doubt another ploy to escape us.
09:01But I guarantee she'll be ours before the day is out.
09:11Uh, excuse me.
09:13Have you seen Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson?
09:16Are you visiting or checking in?
09:18What he means is, did two men
09:20dressed like Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson come through?
09:23Oh, well, why didn't you say so?
09:25Have you seen them? No.
09:27We'd like to speak to the chief of your psychiatric department.
09:30I'll bet you would.
09:42Do you have it?
09:44Really think it's necessary?
09:46Best to be prepared in situations like these.
09:56I hope they fit all right.
09:58I had to grab the first thing off the rack.
10:01Believe me, it's a hell of a lot more comfortable
10:03than that straight jacket.
10:05Hey, how'd you guys manage to spring me anyway?
10:07We simply vouched for your veracity.
10:09Was that legal?
10:10We told the doctors your story was true
10:12and pulled a string here, called in a favor there.
10:15But I thought you didn't believe me.
10:17We didn't.
10:18So what changed your mind?
10:21Ah, don't get it.
10:23It's bad form to let the hunter know he's become the hunted.
10:31Where to, Miss Holt?
10:33How about a nice leisurely drive down a blind alley?
10:36But first I want to go get my hog.
10:38Sorry, we have no facilities for pets.
10:40She means her motorcycle.
10:42Oh, colorful language, American.
10:44Okay, Fred, take it away.
10:53Come on.
11:10You help Rocky reclaim her hog,
11:12I'll double back, catch our company in a pincer.
11:23Come on.
11:40Don't you just love it?
11:42The wind in your face, 500 cc,
11:44throbbing between your legs.
11:46Yes, well, quite frankly, Miss Sullivan,
11:48I prefer my hogs in the form of bacon.
11:50For God's sake, slow down, will you?
11:52This isn't Death Race 2000.
12:03Now, remember, that's the brake,
12:05and that's the clutch.
12:07Let it out smooth and easy.
12:10Yes, you've been begging me to teach you how to drive my hog.
12:14Oh, girl!
12:23Down the alley, down the alley.
12:26All right, Sherlock, how'd you get?
12:30Stay back, I warn you.
12:32What do you want with Miss Sullivan?
13:12What the hell's going on here?
13:15It's a game.
13:16What do you mean, game?
13:18We're on a magical mystery tour.
13:20I'm Howard Epps.
13:21I teach creative writing at UC Santa Barbara.
13:23My brother-in-law, George Hoffman.
13:24I'm at Industrial Dyes.
13:26For $500, we get to impersonate our favorite fictional detective
13:29and pursue a case.
13:31You mean you pay someone for dressing up like that?
13:34Oh, we got a fun group on this trip.
13:36There's Mr. Moto, Miss Marple, Philip Marlowe.
13:38Where does Miss Sullivan fit into all of this?
13:40We thought she was part of the game.
13:42You see, we each have a suspect to locate.
13:44Ours was a Miss Sullivan.
13:46We were given a description and an address.
13:48Yeah, and the devil's own finding her.
13:51She's made more moves than beacons.
13:54Naturally, when we saw you two storming down the alley,
13:57we thought you were part of the game, too.
13:59After all, for $500, one does expect a little excitement.
14:03This case you're working on...
14:05Oh, it's completely invented, but nonetheless wonderful.
14:09It's filled with sex, blackmail, suicide.
14:13All the things that make life worth living.
14:15Now, you see, in this one,
14:17the suspected banker has embezzled $750,000.
14:21And two days before the bank examiner's adieu,
14:24he kills himself.
14:26Doesn't sound like much of a case to me.
14:29Ah, but the money was never recovered.
14:31You see, according to our scenario,
14:33he was being blackmailed because of an involvement
14:35with a third-rate actress.
14:37Watch it, Sherlock.
14:39Oh, Miss Sullivan, you must remember
14:41that that was the profile of our fictional suspect.
14:43An actor we thought by you.
14:45I am an actor, and I've got my screen extras card to prove it.
14:48Yes, well, it seems to be a monumental mix-up here.
14:51And we were so hoping that you'd lead us to Eddie Lucas.
14:55Eddie Lucas? Do you know him?
14:57No, how could I? You heard Sherlock. He's a made-up person.
15:00Sorry about the rug. These glasses do tend to get slippery.
15:03Listen, I gotta get ready for my show.
15:05I want to thank you all for your help.
15:07You've really been bricks.
15:09Just send me the bill. I'm sure I can't pay for it,
15:11but what the hell, I'll give it my best shot.
15:15Just what part does Eddie Lucas play in your scenario?
15:18Oh, he's the Moriarty of the piece.
15:20The brains behind the blackmail scheme.
15:22Whoever finds him first wins the game.
15:24And the trophy homes. Don't forget the trophy.
15:26Well, we'd better phone in and admit our mistake.
15:29Well, sorry to involve you in our little folly,
15:32Mr. Steele, Miss Holt.
15:34No harm done.
15:36Who do you call?
15:38The mystery hotline.
15:40Each player has to report in whenever he locates a suspect,
15:43noting the precise time.
15:45Do you mind if I have their number?
15:47I'll leave it with your secretary.
15:49Cheerio, chaps.
15:51Goodbye. Nice to meet you.
15:53Bye-bye, Sherlock.
15:57Just what do you think you're doing?
15:59Oh, just getting the first lead in our case.
16:01What case?
16:03Didn't Miss Sullivan's reaction
16:05to a supposedly fictitious character
16:07strike you as a little odd?
16:09Miss Sullivan strikes me as rather odd?
16:11Yes, well, I'm convinced there's something more here
16:14than a magical mystery tour going on.
16:16Need I remind you that no one has hired us
16:18to investigate any of this?
16:20Well, aren't you at all intrigued
16:22by grown gentlemen playing a detective?
16:24Not in the least.
16:26You forget, I live with that every day.
16:28Oh, well, then I suppose
16:30once Mildred traces that phone number,
16:32I'll just have to go it alone.
16:34Delighted you decided to join me, Miss Holt.
16:37Of course.
16:41Hmm? Barry? Who's Barry?
16:43Attorney. He just joined Feinstein and Feinstein on ten.
16:46I've shared an occasional elevator with him.
16:49Oh, you, uh, you think he might be your, uh, secret admirer?
16:53It's a distinct possibility.
16:55He's terribly persistent.
17:06Hmm. Definitely a no-frills operation.
17:17Huh. Sparse.
17:23This is Marlow. It's 1.35 in the afternoon.
17:26It cost me a Shawbuck,
17:28but this cabbie with a busted beak put me on to Vince Pappas.
17:31Last he heard, Pappas was chauffeuring
17:33for General Ingram somewhere in Santa Monica.
17:35I'll check it out and get back to you later.
17:37Then again, it might be Rick.
17:39Who's Rick?
17:41The neurologist on six.
17:43What have you been doing, canvassing the building?
17:46The Honorable Mr. Moto at your service.
17:49It is exactly 3.17 p.m.
17:51I am most pleased to report
17:53that I've located Bernard Geiger.
17:55He runs a photography studio
17:57at 9625 Santa Monica Boulevard
18:00under the name Bernard Grayson.
18:02I am on my inscrutable way there now.
18:063.17, ten minutes ago.
18:08Hmm. If we hurry, we might be able to catch the Honorable Mr. Moto.
18:12Now, now, this has gone far enough.
18:14All right, where's your sense of adventure,
18:16your taste for mystery, your desire to, uh, to find the truth?
18:19Back at the office.
18:21Don't worry. I'm sure your secret admirer isn't going anywhere.
18:24Well, I just want to find him before he's too old to do anything but admire.
18:51See anything you like?
18:53It's 25 bucks for a half-hour.
18:55Equipment's $10 extra.
18:57Anything that you and a voluptuous model
18:59work out into privacy of your own air-conditioned cubicle
19:02is strictly between yourselves.
19:04Like that equipment?
19:06Of course, I don't have to tell you about cameras, now do I?
19:10I've had the most difficult time
19:12in the history of my life
19:14trying to figure out what's going on.
19:17I don't have to tell you about cameras, now do I?
19:20I've had the most difficult time in tracing you, Mr. Geiger.
19:23The name's Grayson.
19:25The lab that processed this photograph
19:27was gracious enough to supply me with your last known address.
19:30This is quite a long way from the portrait studio
19:33that you opened up two years ago,
19:35no doubt with your share of the blackmail money.
19:37I don't know what you're talking about.
19:39Perhaps this will refresh your memory.
19:41Hey, where did you get that?
19:43That would be a meaningless revelation, Mr. Geiger.
19:46Now all there is left for you to do
19:48is to tell me the whereabouts of Eddie Rukus.
19:51Hey, get out of here!
19:53Who do you think you are, coming in here like the...
19:56Get out of here! You hear me?
19:58Get out of here, I said!
20:00Hey, not so rough, buddy!
20:02Get out of here!
20:10Uh, Geiger. Yeah, I know I'm not supposed to call, but...
20:13Listen, they know about the scan.
20:15They even have a picture of Rocky and the Mark.
20:17Hey, I don't know, some little oriental guy
20:19dressed like he's out of an old movie.
20:21He wanted me to tell him where to find you.
20:23Of course... What do you take me for?
20:26Listen, Eddie, this town's gone sour for me.
20:29I was thinking now is as good a time as any
20:32for me to try my luck somewhere else,
20:34only, uh, I could use a little steak.
20:37Well, I was thinking, uh, five grand,
20:40or maybe ten, if you're feeling generous.
20:43Well, it ain't fair that you make out so well
20:46and I lose my shirt on that lousy portrait studio.
20:48How do you think you'd feel
20:50if people suddenly found out who you really are?
20:52No, no, no, no, no, nothing like that.
20:54No, no, no, they'd never find anything from me.
20:56I was just wondering out loud.
21:00MacArthur Park.
21:02Alvarado entrance.
21:048 o'clock.
21:14Mr. Moto, I presume?
21:18Well, let's wait and see what he's up to.
21:29This is ridiculous!
21:32Let's go home!
21:36Mr. Moto, I presume?
21:41Mr. Moto is apparently in no hurry to move.
21:45He's playing a game.
21:48Then so are you.
21:52Don't think I don't know why you're so anxious
21:54to pursue this non-existent case.
21:56You just want to keep me occupied
21:58so I won't discover who's sending me those beautiful flowers.
22:01You sure you're not playing a game of your own,
22:04pitting your phantom lover against me?
22:06Are you suggesting that I'm trying to make you jealous?
22:09Well, aren't you?
22:11Absolutely not!
22:15Pity, because it's working.
22:21I don't know if I can handle all this honesty in one sitting.
22:25Laura, this, uh...
22:28this poet of the obscene might be a blessing in disguise.
22:33He's made me understand how very much you mean to me.
22:37Very much you mean to me. Come here.
22:48Would it be in bad taste to raise a toast to my secret admirer?
22:52Only if I'm not there to share it with you, Pam.
23:10Well, it's up to you.
23:12With the hay, for a penny and for a pound.
23:37Come on.
24:17Dynamite! You make a hell of a corpse, Geiger!
24:31He's dead. For real.
24:33I don't think this comes with the tour.
24:38Hey, neat. You guys come to hear me sing?
24:41No manner of speaking.
24:43I'm not really a waitress. I just do this for kicks.
24:46I think it's time you told us the truth about Eddie Lucas.
24:50You seem to have a disturbing habit of doing that every time his name is mentioned.
24:55Just naturally nervous.
24:57Oh, what does the name Bernark Geiger do for your equilibrium?
25:00I don't know.
25:02Just naturally nervous.
25:04Oh, what does the name Bernark Geiger do for your equilibrium?
25:07Or Vince Pappas.
25:09I told you, I don't know any of those people.
25:12I live a very sheltered life. Now I gotta change for my number.
25:16Sit down.
25:20Mr. Steele. Miss Holtz.
25:22We received your message, and as you can see, we're all here.
25:26Well, almost all. Mr. Moto seems to be a trifle tardy.
25:29May I present my colleagues? Miss Marple.
25:32Actually, Ruth Gompritz from Modesto.
25:35My husband allows me these little flights of fantasy.
25:38And Philip Marlowe. What do you say, pal?
25:41John Wiggins.
25:43You know what I love about Marlowe?
25:46He don't take Shinola from nobody.
25:48That's the trouble with selling insurance.
25:51You can't tell people what you really think of them.
25:54I'm curious. Doesn't your attire attract a lot of attention?
25:58That's the wonderful thing about Los Angeles. Nobody looks twice.
26:02Must be the movies. They just assume we're filming something.
26:06Hi, gang. Sorry I'm late.
26:08Remington Steele. Laura Holtz. May I present?
26:10Winston Cicotta. My pleasure.
26:14My parents wanted to be as American as possible.
26:17They couldn't do anything with their last name, but they hung Winston on me.
26:21Gang, you should have seen the show they put on for me tonight.
26:25It was awesome, truly awesome.
26:27First, I muscle Geiger in my most inscrutable way.
26:30He panics, calls up Eddie Lucas and sets up a meeting.
26:33I follow him to MacArthur Park and blam, blam!
26:36Geiger's bumped off and Lucas speeds off in a car.
26:39Naturally, I hop into my trusty Packard and I take off after him.
26:43I lost him on the freeway interchange.
26:46But I did manage to get the license number.
26:49Bravo! Good show!
26:51Winston, Mr. Steele and I are private investigators.
26:55Real investigators.
26:57You were at the park.
26:59The man that you call Bernard Geiger was really shot.
27:03Oh, come on! He's dead, Winston.
27:06You were chasing a real murderer.
27:08My God!
27:10We'll need that license number to trace the killer.
27:13Why, of course. Um, it was 6-9.
27:16No, no, no. Let me see. Uh, 9-6?
27:19I-I think 9...
27:21Relax, Winston. It'll come to you.
27:24This reality is really rattling me, but I wrote it down.
27:27Where is it?
27:29Back at the house. I stopped to change shirts.
27:32Don't worry. We'll go with you later and pick it up.
27:35How did you all get hooked into this little game?
27:38There was this ad in Mystery Buff Magazine.
27:40It sounded like a hoot.
27:42We sent in our money and a week or so later,
27:45there came a packet in the mail with the scenario and the suspect we were to find.
27:49And now, ladies and gentlemen,
27:52direct from Six Smash Weeks at the West Covina Hilton,
27:55your singing songstress, Miss Sandy Stephens!
28:10Who's sorry now?
28:12Who's sorry now?
28:15Whose heart is aching
28:17For breaking each vow?
28:20Who's sad and blue
28:25Just like I cried over you?
28:30Right to the end
28:32Just like a friend
28:35I tried to warn you somehow
28:40You had your way
28:43Now you must pay
28:46I'm glad that you're sorry now
28:57Looks as if another player just joined the game.
28:59Excuse us.
29:02I hope he lets us talk about this.
29:08Come here, we'll get him.
29:30Stop it! Stop it!
29:41Stand back!
29:43Yes! Yes! Yes!
29:50Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you one and all.
29:53A most heroic and timely intervention.
29:56Who was that blunder, Steele?
29:58Mrs. Holden and I are about to find out,
30:00so I suggest you all go back to your table,
30:02or better yet, run along home.
30:04You, of course, Winston, shall stay behind.
30:06We professionals must work it out from here.
30:10I trust you ladies are relatively free
30:12of any broken bones or internal bleeding?
30:14Was that Eddie Lucas who tried to grab you?
30:16Uh-uh, that was Vince.
30:18Vince Pappas?
30:20My ex.
30:22You were married to that?
30:24Scary, ain't it?
30:27Where did you get this?
30:29It was my clue to find Geiger.
30:31Why, that lousy conniving creep!
30:36Eddie! Is this Eddie Lucas?
30:38Nah, he's a guy who used to come in a club
30:40I used to work a couple years ago.
30:42He called himself Arthur Brown.
30:44He used to buy me drinks after the show.
30:46Once in a while, I'd fix him breakfast at my place.
30:48No, nothing like that.
30:50I mean, he was kind of old.
30:52I didn't want him to die on me or anything.
30:54And then he came to me one day and said
30:56Mr. Brown was really Arthur Fowler
30:58who ran a bank in Redwood City.
31:00Said he was a valuable source of capital.
31:03Eddie liked to talk fancy like that.
31:05He wanted me to get Arthur in the sack,
31:07you know, so he could take pictures.
31:09Mm-hmm, apparently you obliged.
31:11I told him no way!
31:13He was too nice a guy to do that to.
31:15He was always a gentleman, never made a move on me.
31:18I liked that.
31:20Then perhaps it was Eddie who adopted this photograph.
31:22It can be done, and Geiger was just the guy to do it.
31:25What's the relationship between Vince Pappas and Eddie Lucas?
31:28He drove for him, ran errands,
31:30and probably a lot worse.
31:32Maybe you'd better stay at my place, Rocky.
31:34If Pappas found you once, he can do it again.
31:36Okay, but first I gotta get some clothes.
31:39Anything for a buck, Eddie.
31:42When you run with swine,
31:44you begin to resemble a pork chop.
31:53Excellent work, Winston, in getting that license number.
31:56You really think so?
31:58Oh, yeah, oh, yeah, first-rate, first-rate.
32:00It'll certainly go a long way to catching our killer.
32:03You know, maybe you ought to stop fooling around
32:05with this make-believe detective stuff
32:07and become a real...
32:30Oh, Mr. Motor.
32:42Come on.
33:00What is it?
33:02Come on, get up, get up.
33:04How do I find it?
33:06Where do I find Vince Pappas?
33:08I don't know!
33:11Stop it!
33:13Pappas is connected to Eddie Lucas.
33:15I want Eddie Lucas.
33:17You're the only link I have, okay?
33:19What happened?
33:21A nice little man is talking about becoming a detective,
33:24a real detective.
33:26Only he never finishes the sentence
33:28because somebody pumps him with two bullets.
33:32He died trying to write that license number in his own blood.
33:34Oh, God.
33:36I swear, if I knew where Vince was, I'd tell you.
33:38What about Eddie Lucas?
33:40I haven't seen him for two years.
33:42Look, go home.
33:44Get some sleep, if you can.
33:46And we'll hit this thing full bore in the morning.
33:49If you do find Eddie, be careful.
33:51He likes to hurt people just for the fun of it.
34:07Fowler, president of Redwood City National Bank,
34:09committed suicide just over two years ago.
34:12Federal bank examiners found that $750,000
34:16had been siphoned from various corporate accounts
34:19over a period of several months.
34:21Now do you have a better opinion of computers, boss?
34:27Obviously, somebody is using our mystery buffs
34:29to ferret out the people who blackmailed Fowler
34:32into embezzling the money.
34:34You have any family, Mildred?
34:36Your daughter, Agnes?
34:37See if you can track her down.
34:39You got it. You push the right button,
34:41and there is nothing these computers won't cough up.
34:44Oh, we came as soon as we heard.
34:47We assure you, all of you, that Mr. Steele
34:49will do everything in his power to find the person responsible.
34:53Go on, Howard. Tell him.
34:55Uh, we realized, unfortunately too late for Winston,
34:58that we're in over our heads.
35:00We've come to ask you not to pursue this any further.
35:03We don't want any more blood on our collective conscience.
35:06Then that's it?
35:08We all go back to our normal routines?
35:11Perhaps shed a tear
35:13whenever there's a Mr. Motor movie on the late show?
35:16Somehow I think Winston deserves better than that, don't you?
35:24You were the one assigned to find Vince Pappas, weren't you?
35:27Yeah, and I almost had him, too.
35:30Yeah, you see, he used to work as a chauffeur
35:33for some retired general out in Santa Monica.
35:35I went to see him, but the old guy died of pneumonia five months ago.
35:38End of trail?
35:40No. His wife let me thumb through his papers.
35:42I came across this letter
35:44that the general had written for Pappas two years ago.
35:47It seems that Pappas wanted to open up his own limousine service,
35:50but on account of his police record, he was having trouble being bonded.
35:53So the general whipped off one of those
35:55he was as honest as a day as long when he worked for B Letters.
35:58Do you remember the name of the limousine service?
36:00Uh... yeah.
36:03Dome. Dome Limousine Service.
36:06You're not bad, Marlo. Not bad at all.
36:12Excuse me.
36:14Mr. Steele!
36:16You go up against Pappas with nothing more than your anger,
36:19and I'll be making the same speech about you
36:21that you just made about Winston Secatta.
36:23Any suggestions, Miss Holder?
36:29Yes, I'd like to engage one of your limousines.
36:32Oh, and I'd like to request a driver.
36:35Vince Pappas.
36:38When did he leave?
36:40Do you have an address?
36:43Well, maybe it was my husband who called.
36:49Yes, yes, that's us.
36:51My little sweetie must have beat me to it.
36:55Oh, yes, thank you very much.
36:59Someone else just requested Vince Pappas.
37:0212.50 Euclid, Fred, and don't worry about conserving energy.
37:25Come on.
37:39Not this.
37:43Bullet hole in the base of the skull. Damn it!
37:46The killer obviously sat directly behind him
37:49and calmly shot him in the back of the head.
37:52Mr. Lucas is eliminating everyone who could link him to the embezzlement.
37:55Well, I was one step behind, just one step.
37:57It's as though he knew what we were going to do before we actually do it.
38:00Astute observation, Mr. Steele.
38:02Maybe somebody saw who got out of the car.
38:05Let's start checking the neighborhood.
38:07I'll leave that in your capable hands.
38:09Where are you going now?
38:22Let's go.
38:52Prompted by yours truly,
38:54Geiger has just arranged a meeting with Eddie Lucas.
38:57MacArthur Park, Alvarado Street entrance, 8 o'clock.
39:04Yes, Mildred.
39:08Where are you?
39:10I may have found the elusive Mr. Lucas.
39:12I may have found something, too.
39:14Well, I'll let you know if it leads anywhere.
39:16Just don't do anything rash.
39:18Is that professional advice, Miss Holt?
39:20Don't come along with a dash of personal concern, Mr. Steele.
39:23I assure you, I'll be the sole of discretion.
39:28Now, be a loving pager, will you?
39:30That's my goal. Thank you.
39:40What are we doing here?
39:42Why are you dressed like that?
39:44Well, everybody else in this bloody case has more than one identity.
39:47I didn't want to feel left out.
39:49I'm also here because his office said he was enjoying a nice round of golf.
39:54That's what you're going to tell me, I hope.
39:56Edward Lawton. Telephone, please.
39:58Edward Lawton. Telephone, please.
40:02Oh, my God!
40:04Eddie Lucas?
40:06See you around.
40:08Stay, girl. I want him to get a good look at you.
40:10Are you crazy? He just killed Vince, and I'm probably next.
40:13Yes, but he's not going to do anything here.
40:15Don't be too sure. Crowd's never bothered Eddie.
40:17You go back to the loft, lock the door, and swallow the key, all right?
40:21Eddie, old sport, eh? How's it going, mate?
40:24Don't tell me I know you.
40:26Yeah, but I know you, and that's what counts.
40:28Got him here from my bird.
40:30Your bird? Oh, yeah. She sings a sweet song about you.
40:34All about you and Geiger and Pappas putting the squeeze on that banker geezer.
40:39What was his name?
40:41Fowler. That's it. Arthur Fowler.
40:45Who are you?
40:47Todd's the name. Johnny Todd.
40:49I don't know what you're talking about, Mr. Todd.
40:51Oh, Edwin Lawton Investments has got a real nice ring to it,
40:54but, I mean, Eddie Lucas, blackmailer,
40:56might strike a sour note with some of your rich friends around here, eh?
40:59Someone like you might have a tough time selling that one.
41:01Oh, strong on, my son, strong on.
41:03I mean, never done a stretch in time in Nick, old love.
41:05I mean, anyone who can run a check on your fingerprints
41:07and not come up with your real name, whoo!
41:09Bank's closed at 3 o'clock, so I'll see you at 4 o'clock, okay?
41:12Eddie's apartment. Come up with 50 big ones.
41:141620 North Campbell Drive.
41:16We'll have a pot of tea, maybe some of those nice little fairy cakes.
41:18All right, Eddie?
41:204 o'clock.
41:36What are you doing here?
41:38Same thing you are, waiting for our killer.
41:41He'll come, he'll come,
41:43and he'll bring the gun to the use on the others,
41:45and we'll have him.
41:47Don't ever do that to me again.
41:51Take off like that.
41:53If we're going to be partners, let's act like partners.
41:55Why, Laura, that's a seminal admission on your part,
41:57conceding that we're equals.
41:59I didn't say we're equals, just partners.
42:01Oh, I see.
42:03Some partners are more equal than others, are they?
42:06Oh! Oh, Miss Marple.
42:08You shouldn't be here.
42:10Miss Holt left a message
42:12that Eddie Lucas was going to be apprehended.
42:14Come early for a good seat?
42:16We all have a certain stake
42:18in seeing him pay for his crimes.
42:20And how do you want to see him pay?
42:22Like the others? With a bullet?
42:24Laura, that's a bit harsh, isn't it?
42:26Do you think it's harsh, Miss Marple?
42:28Or would you prefer that I call you Ruth?
42:31Ruth Gompers.
42:35Ruth Gompers from Modesto, wasn't it?
42:37Oh! Steady, Laura, steady.
42:45Meet Angus Fowler.
42:49Arthur Fowler's daughter?
42:51Yours on the floor, Mr. Steele.
42:53Kick it over here.
42:57Is this our killer
42:59or merely another twist in an already dizzying case?
43:01Sometimes good old-fashioned detective work
43:03pays off, Mr. Steele.
43:05A young woman was seen
43:07leaving Pappus' limousine.
43:09That started me thinking,
43:11and I played the answering machine tapes
43:13of the mystery buffs calling in their progress.
43:15I realized Miss Marple wasn't on any of them.
43:17I began to wonder why,
43:19and came to the conclusion it was because
43:21she was the one picking up the messages.
43:23That's why the killer was waiting for Geiger in the park.
43:25I mean, Winston was dutifully calling in
43:27the times and places of the meetings.
43:29And Pappus.
43:31She was in the office when we learned he operated
43:33the dome limousine service.
43:35What did you do?
43:37Ask Mildred if you could use the phone in private?
43:39Then ask the limo service to deliver him?
43:41He didn't suspect a thing
43:43when a sweet young lady sat behind him.
43:45But why Winston? I mean, why kill him?
43:47Lord knows I didn't want to.
43:49But even though I destroyed
43:51that license number he'd written down,
43:53I couldn't take the chance he'd eventually remember it.
43:55No one was going to stop me
43:57in what had to be done.
43:59Now all that's left is
44:01Eddie Lucas.
44:03Then my father can rest in peace.
44:05Your father was never
44:07sexually involved with Rocky Sullivan.
44:09That picture was faked.
44:11No, he told me that.
44:13But in the end, it didn't matter.
44:17My father was a very proud man,
44:19Miss Holt.
44:21Proud of his position in the community.
44:23Proud of all that he had accomplished.
44:25The thought of being held up
44:27to that kind of public debasement
44:29was just too much for him.
44:33That could be Eddie Lucas.
44:35Answer it.
44:41Yeah. Hello. Johnny Todd.
44:43I, uh, got the money.
44:45But I'm a little tied up at my office.
44:47Listen, why don't you
44:49and Rocky swing by here? You know where it is, don't you?
44:51Yeah. Yeah, that I'll do.
44:53I'll see you when I see you.
44:55All right, mate. Ta-ta.
45:13The big sleep. What?
45:15The killer sets a trap for Bogart.
45:17Whoever walks through the door first is shot.
45:19Only Bogart knows it's a trap.
45:21So he forces the killer out,
45:23and he's gunned down by his own men.
45:25I'll wager that Mr. Lucas is waiting
45:27outside that door right now.
45:29Call the police. No.
45:35How long do you think we can sit here?
45:37It's almost over, Miss Holt.
45:39Where are you going?
45:41There's been nothing much to my life
45:43since my father died.
45:45You can have Lucas for murder.
45:51Cover me.
45:55And do your level best not to hit me.
45:57Go. Aah!
46:09Stand up.
46:13Stand up.
46:21Stand up.
46:33She was a real dizzy dame, wasn't she?
46:35Cooking up that whole mystery to her
46:37just to avenge her father's death.
46:39Quite ingenious, though,
46:41using us to find the people she held responsible.
46:43And now she'll rest beside her beloved father.
46:45Hmm. A sad end to an even sadder life,
46:47eh, gentlemen?
46:53Well, how do you like it, boys?
46:55Absolutely stunning.
46:59Highly evocative, Miss Sullivan.
47:01Yeah, we've invited Rocky to perform
47:03at the next Mystery Buffs ball.
47:05I'm gonna give him a sample of my act
47:07since they didn't get to see it the other night.
47:09We're prepared to have our socks
47:11knocked off, Miss Sullivan.
47:13Good day to you all.
47:15Good day.
47:20Now, Miss Holt,
47:22any progress on masking your secret admirer?
47:25I had Milgrid and her trusty computer
47:28check out some of the better florists of the city.
47:31Oh, yes.
47:33And what did it come up with, eh?
47:35Hmm. A bill.
47:37For $3,000.
47:39Charged to the agency.
47:41Signed by you.
47:43Oh, really, Laura? I mean, why would I do that?
47:45So you could become jealous and fight for me.
47:48So you could realize how much I mean to you.
47:50What better way to have your cake and eat it, too?
47:53Well, aren't you in the least bit flattered
47:55that I care for you so much to create such an elaborate ruse?
47:58$3,000 worth?
48:00Okay. Oh.
48:02These just came for you, Miss Holt.
48:04There's bushels more outside.
48:06Really, hasn't your gambit gone far enough?
48:09Laura, I swear to you, I didn't send these to you.
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