Remington Steele S01E18

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Remington Steele S01E18


00:00What do you know about the ratings, Miss Holt?
00:04I've heard of them.
00:05We in television live and die by them.
00:07Somebody's trying to wipe out the entire Spotlight News team.
00:09What's going to happen to my credibility if I have a zit?
00:14Who are you, Mr. Steele?
00:15You actually think these television people would kill for ratings?
00:21Two people have been murdered, Miss Fogelson.
00:24Why are you so consumed with Remington Steele?
00:26I believe him to be a fraud.
00:28Miss Fogelson is determined to unearth the truth about Remington Steele.
00:35Try this for a deep, dark secret.
00:38The great detective Remington Steele, he doesn't exist.
00:43I invented him.
00:45I always loved excitement, so I studied and apprenticed and put my name on an office.
00:51But absolutely nobody knocked down my door.
00:54A female private investigator seemed so feminine, so I invented a superior, a decidedly masculine
01:03Suddenly, there were cases around the block.
01:06It was working like a charm, until the day he walked in with his blue eyes and mysterious
01:13And before I knew it, he assumed Remington Steele's identity.
01:18Now I do the work and he takes the vows.
01:21It's a dangerous way to live, but as long as people buy it, I can get the job done.
01:28We never mix business with pleasure.
01:31Well, almost never.
01:34I don't even know his real name.
01:51That's the way to do it.
02:19Remington Steele to give an interview.
02:48Ah, can you smell it, Laura?
02:53It smells like an old liverwurst sandwich.
02:56Oh, the stench of professionalism, the odor of objectivity.
03:01Shades of severide, cronkite, hue-downs, trenchcoats and drizzle, the sound of ak-ak
03:08pounding on a distant shore.
03:10And there, in the very thick of it all, the man with the microphone.
03:17I always wanted to be a reporter, ever since I saw Joel McRae in Foreign Correspondent.
03:22So did I.
03:23You wanted to be Joel McRae?
03:25A reporter.
03:27Oh, let me learn another little facet of Laura Holt.
03:32And all because of that man.
03:37Mr. Walsh, toupee time.
03:42Doesn't look much like Joel McRae to me.
03:45I lectured my freshman year in college.
03:47The stories he's covered, the places he's been.
03:51For months afterwards, I dreamed of flying off to Tangier, Maracaibo, Macau.
03:57What dissuaded you?
03:59It was much more romantic than realistic.
04:02Besides, I was on a math scholarship.
04:04Ah, regrets?
04:07Mr. Steele.
04:09I'm Amy Fogelson, Russell Stewart's assistant.
04:11Oh, how do you do?
04:16Why don't we find a quiet spot to do a little preliminary background on you before Mr. Stewart takes over?
04:21Oh, of course.
04:24Remember, the interview with Russell Stewart is merely a cover for our being here.
04:29Fair enough.
04:30While she's pumping me, I'll be pumping her.
04:40Fogelson can't buy it.
04:42Why shouldn't she, Mr. Green?
04:44Remington Steele is always being asked to give interviews.
04:47I just hope he doesn't have any skeletons in his closet.
04:49Russell loves to rattle them for all the world to see.
04:55You sounded very cryptic over the phone, Mr. Green.
04:58It started about two weeks ago.
05:00At first, I thought they were just routine foul-ups.
05:02Instead of the news on the teleprompter, there were nursery rhymes.
05:05Mary had a little lamb, stuff like that.
05:07Wrong film was substituted.
05:09Somebody reversed all the basketball scores.
05:11Changed all the temperatures on the weather map.
05:13Made my news team look like a pack of blithering idiots.
05:16You think it's deliberate?
05:17What do you know about their ratings, Miss Holt?
05:19Barbatron? Nielsen?
05:20I've heard of them.
05:21We in television live and die by them.
05:23They're our god.
05:25Our ticket to heaven or hell.
05:30Channel 3 News was in the ratings number when I took over as station manager.
05:34If it was up to me, I would have canceled it.
05:36Put on reruns of Barney Miller.
05:38But the FCC has this rule about television stations performing in the public interest.
05:42So I had to keep the damn news on.
05:44Only you found a way to...
05:46Jazz it up. Give it some pizzazz.
05:48I mean, the news is generally so depressing.
05:51All those famines, fires, floods.
05:53Who wants to see that every night?
05:55So I put in a happy news format.
05:57A little chit-chat between all the rapes and murders.
05:59And I want to tell you, the public ate it up.
06:01Our ratings doubled.
06:03Well, aside from a moral question, I still can't see the connection.
06:07Television is a cutthroat business, dog-eat-dog.
06:09There's fierce competition for the advertising dollar.
06:11And for every rating point you get, another station loses one.
06:15You suspect a rival station is sabotaging you?
06:18I make no accusations.
06:20I just want Steele to find out who's behind it and bring the culprit to justice.
06:25But it's got to be done quietly.
06:27If this gets out, we'll be the laughingstock of the television community.
06:30All right, everybody, magic time.
06:3215 seconds to air.
06:35Energy, people. Energy, energy.
06:38Remember, we love our work.
06:40And we love each other.
06:42We're happy, and we show it.
06:45And now, from the Channel 3 studios, it's Spotlight News.
06:51Featuring Hoop Tracy on sports.
06:54Uncle Tim on the weather.
06:56And investigative reporter Russell Stewart.
07:00And now, with the news, the Southland's most innovative news personalities,
07:04Elliot Walsh and Chrissie Carstairs.
07:07Good evening. And good evening to you, Elliot.
07:10I hope you had a nice day.
07:12Excellent, Chrissie, excellent. And how was your day?
07:15Filled, Elliot, filled.
07:17Dateline Rome.
07:19Elizabeth Taylor, Hilton Wilding, Todd Fisher, Burton Burton Warner
07:23vehemently denied rumors that she's secretly contemplating
07:26yet another trek down the aisle with a mysterious Argentinian suitor
07:30identified only as Flavio. Elliot?
07:34And speaking of rumors, Chrissie,
07:36a palace spokesman today denied reports that Princess Di is pregnant again.
07:42Well, that's too bad.
07:44I'm sure the whole world would welcome another bun in the royal oven.
07:47And speaking of ovens, how hot was it for the Lakers tonight, Hoop?
07:51Sizzling, Chrissie. We'll have all the highlights later.
07:54Thanks a heap, Hoop. Look forward to that.
07:57And now Uncle Tim will give us a hint as to what to expect weather-wise.
08:10I think it's going to rain, Elliot.
08:12I'd say that's a save bet, Chrissie.
08:14And speaking of bets,
08:16Spotlight News investigative reporter Russell Stewart
08:19will give us a glimpse of his five-part series on bookmaking in the Southland.
08:25Good God.
08:27Did that go out over the air?
08:29No, no. We were still on Chrissie.
08:31She's going to lose her cookies. Go to commercial.
08:36The safety clamp on that lamp was definitely sheared.
08:40No question about it.
08:42I can't believe a competing station would resort to something like this
08:46no matter how desperate they were for, uh, what do you call them?
08:51You actually think these television people would kill for ratings?
08:54I've heard it said.
08:58Desperate lot.
09:00Well, if it wasn't sabotaged to discredit Spotlight News
09:03and drive viewers away from Channel 3,
09:05maybe whoever was occupying that chair was the target.
09:08Well, let's see.
09:10First of all, we have the female jockstrap.
09:14Athletes are called jocks.
09:17Quaint terminology you have for your sports figures.
09:20Then Uncle Tim took her place.
09:22And Russell Stewart was about to until the light fell.
09:24Thank God they didn't get him.
09:28You watch Spotlight News?
09:30Hey, the news is very depressing these days,
09:33and Russell Stewart's hot to look at.
09:35I say if you're going to get depressed,
09:37you might as well get turned on doing it.
09:40Mr. Green certainly knows what his audience tunes in for.
09:43I say we split up.
09:45Each of us interrogate a possible victim
09:47and see if there's any truth behind Murphy's, uh, theory.
09:50You just stay clear of Russell Stewart.
09:54I don't want him asking you any embarrassing questions.
09:56Hmm. Child's play for a seasoned prevaricator.
09:59Tracy is a lot safer. I'll deal with Mr. Stewart.
10:02That leaves me with Uncle Tim.
10:05Why do I always get the weirdos?
10:08Perhaps because you, uh, relate so well to the Murphy.
10:18Excuse me.
10:20Um, Mr., uh...
10:24I'm Murphy Michaels, Tim, and I, uh...
10:27Mr. Tim.
10:31My first name's Uncle, my last name's Tim.
10:34I had it changed legally, so you can call me Mr. Tim.
10:37Right. Look, I represent the insurance company
10:40that carries the policy on the station.
10:42That was a very good idea.
10:44I represent the insurance company
10:46that carries the policy on the station.
10:48That was a very close call the other night.
10:50A few more seconds, you might not be around.
10:52But I am, so what's your point, sonny?
10:54The point is, the light was rigged to fall.
10:57Anybody around here might want to see you under it?
11:00Nobody wants to kill me.
11:02And if they did, I know exactly who it is.
11:10I always get them.
11:15Uh, Miss Hoop, uh...
11:17I see you have an excellent stride, Miss Hoop.
11:20I was power forward on my college basketball team.
11:23I always enjoyed motorized sports.
11:25All right, guys, grab your helmets.
11:28Let's talk about last Sunday's tragedy.
11:32Get out of here.
11:34What about you, Markowski?
11:36What about me?
11:38What about me?
11:40What about me?
11:42What about you, Markowski?
11:44Want to explain why the coach called for a field goal
11:47with ten seconds left to play when you were down by four points?
11:50Hey, the coach coaches, and I just kick.
11:53Ah, yeah.
11:55How about you, Wemlinger?
11:57Want to tell your mother
11:59why the winning touchdown pass bounced off your helmet?
12:05If they could move that fast on the field,
12:07we'd have an unbeatable team.
12:09Since you rather enjoyed that.
12:11When I got to be a sports reporter,
12:13women weren't allowed in the men's locker room.
12:15So I used to have to sit in the equipment office
12:17and wait until someone deigned to come out to give me an interview.
12:20More often than not, they forgot that I was there.
12:22So I used to have to go back to the station empty-handed.
12:25So I got a court order
12:27allowing all qualified reporters, regardless of gender,
12:30access to the locker rooms.
12:32So you better believe
12:34I love to see that little tushies flapping in the breeze.
12:37Makes for great visual commentary.
12:40Would any of those gentlemen be angry enough
12:42to want to see you removed from the sports scene permanently?
12:45I'd be disappointed if they weren't.
12:47It would mean I wasn't doing my job.
12:49Then you wouldn't be at all surprised
12:51to find that that falling light was intended for you.
12:53You mean it wasn't an accident?
12:56I don't think any of the guys I've gone after would resort to that.
12:59I mean, bad press is all part of the game.
13:01A game you play exceedingly well, Miss, uh, Hoop.
13:04I like you, Larimer. You're kind of novel.
13:07Want to hoist some brewskis with me after the show tonight?
13:10I'm all for new experiences.
13:17That light was meant for me.
13:19Why would someone want to kill you?
13:21Because of who I am, what I do.
13:24I helped put several people in prison, Miss Holt.
13:27Frauds, charlatans, con men.
13:30There it is.
13:33Site of my next exposé.
13:35I'm going to film a, uh, vice officer
13:37receiving a payoff from a flesh peddler.
13:40If I were you, I wouldn't sound quite so nonchalant about it.
13:43It's my job.
13:45It's a very courageous attitude.
13:47I'm a very courageous guy.
13:49And not a bad dancer.
13:53Well, if you're going to do it,
13:55I'm going to do it.
13:57Not a bad dancer.
14:00I have a thirst.
14:02Call it a lust for the truth,
14:04for a certain justice in the world,
14:06for honesty in institutions
14:08as well as personal relationships.
14:13And what do you lust for, Miss Holt?
14:15That depends on who I'm with.
14:17And if you were with me?
14:19I'd hardly know where to begin, Mr. Stewart.
14:22We'll call this first round a draw.
14:25But I warn you,
14:27I never leave a fight unless I'm carried out.
14:30I can't find Uncle Tim anywhere.
14:32It's 15 minutes to air.
14:34What do you mean you can't find Uncle Tim?
14:36Look, I sent someone to his apartment,
14:38and I called all his local hangouts.
14:40I mean, what am I, the FBI?
14:42I don't know what else to do.
14:44Let's get a grip on each other.
14:46We're all professionals here.
14:48If he doesn't show up on time,
14:50somebody's got to do the weather.
14:53Hoop. You used to do the weather.
14:55What about filling in for Uncle Tim?
14:57They don't have weather girls anymore.
14:59It's considered sexist.
15:00I'll take a shot at it.
15:02Sorry, kid, you got a behind-the-scenes face.
15:04Chrissy, come on, get over here.
15:06I don't know anything about the weather.
15:08I've never stopped Uncle Tim.
15:10What's to know?
15:11You read it from the teleprompter and point at the map.
15:14Come on, I'll run you through it.
15:16After Elliot introduces you,
15:18you step over here,
15:20and you start with the local forecast.
15:22It's a weather copy.
15:29Light to moderate rain.
15:31So you hit the rain button.
15:47It's like a blow to the back of the head.
15:49There you are.
15:51It was an accident.
15:53He was checking his water trough.
15:55Fell in, hit his head.
15:57Just like falling in a bathtub.
15:59Happens every day.
16:01At least now we know whom the killer was after.
16:03Always good to narrow those things down.
16:05One minute and 30 seconds to air.
16:07All right, everybody, places.
16:09Where's Chrissy?
16:10Probably locked in her dressing room.
16:13Chrissy, open up.
16:15We have a show to do. The news must go on.
16:18Find a key.
16:19It's the same thing every night.
16:21Inflation, unemployment.
16:22Why don't you just rerun last night's news?
16:24They'll never know the difference.
16:25Just a minute, everybody.
16:27I'll handle this.
16:28Please stand back and give me some room.
16:30Murphy, don't you think that you should...
16:32Laura, you know how long I've waited to do this.
16:34Chrissy, if you don't come out right now,
16:36hoops our new anchorwoman.
16:43Who was that?
16:44Never mind.
16:45To places, everyone.
16:56I should have kicked it in.
16:59What would be your assessment of all the mishaps
17:01here at the station, Miss Fogelson,
17:03culminating in the death of Uncle Tim?
17:05I really couldn't say.
17:07Who would want to kill a weatherman?
17:09Anybody who was interested in journalism.
17:12I hate to break the unwritten rule
17:14about speaking ill of the dead,
17:16but Uncle Tim was third-rate burlesque.
17:18That's not a news team.
17:19It's a circus.
17:21Some clown puts on a raincoat
17:23and pours water on his head
17:24to tell people something they already know.
17:26Yet you volunteered to take that clown's place.
17:28I was trying to help in an emergency.
17:30Well, no matter how comedic a man's life may have been,
17:32it was still taken.
17:34Someone is responsible.
17:36That's your specialty, Mr. Steele.
17:37Mine is research.
17:39And according to your official bio,
17:41which can mercifully be described as sketchy,
17:43you were connected with certain government agencies
17:46and professional organizations.
17:48If you despise the spotlight news so much, why do you stay?
17:51I have to eat.
17:53However, neither the Central Intelligence Agency,
17:56Interpol, or MI5 have any record of you.
17:59A man's death seems far more important
18:01than the humble beginnings of a private investigator.
18:03Don't you agree, Miss Fogelson?
18:04Who are you, Mr. Steele?
18:06My life's an open book.
18:07With a lot of blank pages.
18:09I have nothing to hide.
18:11Oh, we all have something to hide.
18:13The trick is finding out what it is.
18:58Ah, Miss Old!
19:00Mr. Walsh.
19:01This hardly seems the place for such a young lady.
19:04You left this number with the station.
19:07Now you've discovered my secret vice.
19:14Terrible about Uncle Tim.
19:16That's why you're here, isn't it?
19:18I must confess,
19:20in all the time I've been doing Spotlight News,
19:23I barely spoke two words to that man.
19:26May I ask you something personal?
19:28If you don't want to answer, just say so.
19:30I won't be offended.
19:35You lectured at my college during my freshman year.
19:39And it really affected me,
19:41my outlook on a lot of things.
19:44And I remember you once said,
19:46a good reporter gives the facts.
19:49A great reporter understands their meaning.
19:52I wanted to talk to you afterwards,
19:54but courage is a fleeting thing when you're that age.
19:58It can leave at any age, Miss Old.
20:01Why would somebody with your background and your experience...
20:05Be anchoring Spotlight News?
20:07I don't mean to sound condescending or critical.
20:10It's just that it seems so far beneath you.
20:13You have to change with the times,
20:15roll with the punches, go with the flow.
20:18Actually, I'm grateful to be doing it.
20:21You see, my kind of reporting is practically passé.
20:25There are still a few who dig for a story,
20:28do their own research and write their own copy,
20:31but they're rare in this day of male models and junk food news.
20:37Oh, may I?
20:40I remember when I was a little girl,
20:43my father used to dance with me like this.
20:46He'd pick me up in his arms
20:48so that my feet would dangle way above the floor
20:52and he'd twirl me around the living room.
20:55Careful, Miss Old.
20:57Nostalgia is a dangerous thing.
20:59It's a dangerous thing.
21:01It's a dangerous thing.
21:03It's a dangerous thing.
21:05It's a dangerous thing.
21:07So nostalgia is a dangerous disease,
21:10highly contagious and almost impossible to cure.
21:17Do you have any theories about Uncle Tim's death?
21:20A good reporter always has theories.
21:23Care to share them with the family?
21:26Uncle Tim was what we used to call a goofball.
21:29Not terribly bright, not terribly offensive, harmless enough.
21:34Now, Chrissy is up for a network anchor job in New York,
21:38and she had no intention of taking him with her.
21:41She thought he was an albatross,
21:43something to be discarded as quickly and painlessly as possible.
21:47Why would Uncle Tim care whether Chrissy Carstairs
21:50took him with her when she went to New York?
21:53He was her husband.
21:55It wasn't generally known outside the station,
21:58but they were married when she was a struggling model.
22:01He got a nose job and a few other anatomical refinements,
22:04and when the job came up at the station, he got Greene to hire her.
22:08Naturally, he felt that when she made it big, so should he.
22:12After all he'd done for her.
22:14She, of course, had other ideas.
22:17The kind that lead to murder.
22:19Ah, there is just that, Miss Holt.
22:22Just an old reporter's instinct.
22:28To Uncle Tim.
22:36At least now he won't have to risk pneumonia every time it rains.
22:40Can you imagine what Ed would have made him do
22:43if we lived somewhere where it snowed?
22:45I take it you're not very pleased
22:47with the way the news is presented on Channel 3.
22:49We'll go down as the first station in television history
22:52to present jiggle news.
22:54Have you seen the way Chrissy bounces around out there?
22:57I have it on good authority. She's had everything enlarged.
23:00Except, of course, her brain.
23:02She has more surgical scars than Frankenstein.
23:05Only he has a higher I.Q.
23:08Damn it!
23:10Why couldn't she have been the one in the water trough?
23:14What exactly did Chrissy Carstens do to earn your enmity?
23:18Ed promised me the anchor slot,
23:21and then Chrissy wiggled into his line of sight
23:24and slam-bam, thank you, ma'am, she got it.
23:27Are you inferring that she slept her way into the job?
23:30Chrissy does her best work,
23:32but she doesn't know what she's doing.
23:34I'm sure she knows what she's doing.
23:36I'm sure she knows what she's doing.
23:38I'm sure she knows what she's doing.
23:40Did you do the job?
23:42Chrissy does her best work from the prone position.
23:45I didn't have any leverage in that department.
23:48See, I already slept with Ed to get the sports assignment.
23:53This is beginning to resemble a segment of the spotlight news.
23:58Think anyone would notice if I had Chrissy put to sleep?
24:05Ah, here's the happy family.
24:07How's the arm? Numb, very numb.
24:09Well, perhaps this will restore the circulation.
24:11Chrissy Carstairs slept with Ed Green to get the anchorwoman's job.
24:15I can top that.
24:17She was secretly married to Uncle Tim.
24:19Oh, dear me, Channel 3 is a veritable patent place.
24:22Lana Turner, Lee Phillips, 20th Century Fox, 1957.
24:27Well, if you can't beat them, join them.
24:31Go on, Murph.
24:33Everybody seems to be what they say they are,
24:36except Amy Fogelson.
24:39What's her story?
24:40That's just it. She hasn't got one.
24:42She seems to have sprung full-blown when she got the job six months ago.
24:45What did her application say?
24:47That's another funny thing. She never filled one out.
24:50She got the job on Elliot Walsh's personal recommendation.
24:53Amy Fogelson and Hoop Tracey shared an intense revulsion
24:56at the way the news was exploited on Channel 3,
24:58but could that be reason enough to kill a poor buffoon like Uncle Tim?
25:02Murders have been committed for far less logical reasons than that.
25:05Maybe, but Chrissie Carstairs considered her husband excess baggage.
25:09She wanted to get rid of him before she moved on to bigger and better things.
25:12And he did say if somebody was trying to kill him, he knew exactly who it was.
25:16She might just wind up as the lead story on her own newscast.
25:19Before we go charging off,
25:21I think you should know that Miss Fogelson is determined
25:24to unearth the truth about Remington Steel.
25:28Oh, I knew that interview cover was a mistake.
25:31Yes, well, don't worry, Laura.
25:33Rather than embarrass and jeopardize you and the agency,
25:36I'm prepared to do the honorable thing.
25:38You're going to leave?
25:40I was thinking more along the lines of stealing their notes.
25:43Oh! Oh, splendid.
25:45Glad to see feelings returned. Always a good sign.
25:59Oh. I thought you were the deli.
26:02May we speak to you, Miss Carstairs?
26:05I'm having the tension pounded from my body.
26:10I'm having a massage.
26:14It's about Uncle Tim's death.
26:19Well, just for a minute.
26:26How did Uncle Tim feel about your going to New York without him?
26:30How do you know about New York?
26:32Nobody's supposed to know about that.
26:34I'm not even announcing it until tonight's show.
26:36Was he angry, Miss Carstairs?
26:38Did he threaten to follow you, perhaps reveal your marriage
26:41in the hopes of embarrassing you with your new employers?
26:44Or did he suddenly become more attractive dead than alive?
26:47Stop it. Stop saying these terrible things.
26:53Now look what you've done.
26:55You're making my face break out.
26:57What's going to happen to my credibility if I have a zit?
27:02Chrissy Dublin. Is that the deli?
27:06Ah, Mr. Stewart.
27:08Investigative reporter and part-time masseur.
27:16Excuse me. I have to...
27:21fold the towels.
27:28That's the deli.
27:30Now you must go, because we only ordered enough food for two.
27:49Excuse me. May I have my bags?
27:53Excuse me. May I have my bags?
27:59I went in to wake her from her nap and...
28:02Suffocated by a mud pack?
28:11These must have broken off in the struggle.
28:14Chrissy's fingernails.
28:23Miss Holt, you shouldn't be here.
28:26As a matter of fact, neither should I.
28:28I don't know why Ed insisted I do this. I could get myself killed.
28:31I have a few questions about Chrissy that can't wait.
28:34Oh, poor Chrissy.
28:36Just yesterday, so vibrant, so alive, so giving.
28:41How long had you been receiving?
28:43About a week.
28:45How long had you been receiving?
28:48So giving.
28:50How long had you been receiving?
28:52I know what it looked like, but it was actually a business conference.
28:56Chrissy promised to recommend me for a job at the network as a special assignment reporter.
29:00We were just discussing what films she should show them.
29:03You know, to demonstrate where my talents lie.
29:07Did Uncle Tim know about this business relationship?
29:11He may have suspected something.
29:14Chrissy was rather careless about those things.
29:16He must have been very upset with Chrissy leaving him here and taking you to New York.
29:21Oh, I see what you're getting at.
29:24Well, that may have been an excellent reason to dispose of Uncle Tim, but not Chrissy.
29:29She was my ticket out of this two-bit station.
29:32Unless you changed her mind.
29:34She had a history of loving, then leaving.
29:36Just ask Uncle Tim and Ed Green.
29:38Laura, I am telling you that somebody's after us.
29:41Somebody's trying to wipe out the entire spotlight news team.
29:44Maybe even the people I'm going to expose today.
29:46Maybe they got wind of what I'm trying to do.
30:04Come on, Russell. We got a deadline. Let's move it.
30:08Here, hold this a minute.
30:13How much money did he give you, officer?
30:37Come on!
31:08Come on!
31:34I'm a fraud.
31:36A charlatan. A con man.
31:39I can get behind that.
31:41You know, Amy does all the research, writes all the questions,
31:45even picks the people I'm supposed to interview.
31:47I don't even know who half of them are.
31:50I'm tired. So tired of always being afraid.
31:56I want to get to where it's safe.
31:58Where people don't threaten me or hit me or try and run over me.
32:02If I only had my gun, I'd put you out of your misery.
32:06I, uh, I want that anchor spot.
32:09What anchor spot?
32:11The one that's going to open up as soon as they bounce Elliot.
32:13Elliot Walsh is going to be fired?
32:16It's a young man's game.
32:18And I don't care how many toupees Elliot wears,
32:22he's not fooling anybody. He's old.
32:25And what about all the years he's put in,
32:27strengthening his talents, honing his skills?
32:30He certainly still has a great deal to offer.
32:33Well, maybe you can read them in the newspaper at the old folks' home.
32:47Then would you care to tell the senator
32:49about your silent partnership in the Thorson Construction Company
32:53and exactly what an illegal campaign contribution of $10,000 bought you?
32:58Excellent questions, Miss Fogelson.
33:02Nothing compared to the ones Russell Stewart's going to ask you.
33:05It seems we both have some minor discrepancies in our past.
33:08For instance, you didn't exist until six months ago.
33:10And you don't exist at all.
33:12What's your connection with Elliot Walsh?
33:14You have no birth certificate, no tax returns,
33:16no fingerprints on file anywhere.
33:19Two people have been murdered, Miss Fogelson.
33:22Why are you so consumed with Remington Steele?
33:25I believe him to be a fraud, a charlatan, a con man.
33:33I knew a young man once.
33:36Virtually an orphan.
33:38Shunted from relative to relative.
33:41Always underfoot and unwanted.
33:46He'd been given many names as a child.
33:49Sometimes to suit the vanity of those who sheltered him.
33:53Others to bilk the government with one more dependent.
33:57He never got a job.
34:01He never really knew who he was or where he belonged,
34:04so he set out at an early age
34:06to find something he could call his own,
34:08something he could hang on to
34:10when the nights turned bitter and the faces unfriendly.
34:14And, as he'd been taught by his elders,
34:18he acquired many names in that pursuit.
34:22And many professions to go with them.
34:25He saw a great deal of the world,
34:28mostly from the underside.
34:30Cheap lofts, drafty street corners.
34:38He's still searching, Miss Fogelson.
34:42Merely from a better perch.
34:45If you can find that young man at any of your notes,
34:49he'd greatly appreciate it.
34:52The day Chrissie was killed...
34:56I heard her arguing with Hoop Tracy.
35:00I don't know what it was about,
35:02but it was threatening and violent.
35:05Thank you, Annie.
35:07Mr. Steele...
35:11That was a very affecting story,
35:14but it doesn't mean the hunt is over.
35:19For either side.
35:25Let's go.
35:42I warned you.
35:44Nostalgias are very insidious.
35:47Even for one so young.
35:52You're not dancing tonight.
35:54If I had a brain, I'd lie and say I was waiting for you.
35:58Actually, I think even the box step would allude me this evening.
36:04A little game we play.
36:06They don't permit alcohol here,
36:08so from time to time I smuggle in a bottle.
36:12They bring me a pot of tea,
36:14and we all pretend I'm getting smashed on orange pico.
36:20Well, I presume you came to talk about Chrissie.
36:24So much for an old reporter's instinct.
36:30Any idea who the mercy killer is?
36:33Aren't you afraid you might be next?
36:36In truth, I'd welcome it.
36:40You have heroes, Miss Holton?
36:42I'm looking at one.
36:45Heroes are very important.
36:48They give you something to strive for.
36:51I want to catch the ball like DiMaggio,
36:53change the country like Roosevelt,
36:56tell the truth like Ed Murrow.
36:59You have.
37:01And what's it gotten me?
37:03I'm a trained seal at the Channel Three Zoo,
37:06honking and clapping for my lousy portion of fish.
37:10I hide under some Sicilian peasant's crowning glory,
37:13stab myself with corset stays,
37:15and pretend to give serious consideration
37:18to whether Princess Di is pregnant again.
37:23While Chrissie Carstairs,
37:25every teenager's midnight fantasy
37:27whose head has never held one single solitary thought,
37:31is summoned to New York to read the news at 600,000 per.
37:39You ever think about growing old, Miss Holton?
37:41Not really.
37:43Take my advice. Don't do it.
37:45It's a very demeaning process.
37:47They say the first thing you lose is your hair.
37:52Not so.
37:54First thing to go is your courage.
38:00Elliot, tell me about Amy Fogelson.
38:04She's the only decent one down there.
38:07The rest of them, not worth a powder to blow them up.
38:10What's her background? Where did she come from?
38:13How did you meet her?
38:14You don't suspect her.
38:16She's the only one at this station
38:19who doesn't have any history.
38:21She's got plenty of history.
38:24Let her alone, huh?
38:27She's had enough trouble in her young life.
38:31You have a newscast in a few hours.
38:34Don't worry.
38:35I have an infallible method for telling
38:37when I've had too much orange pico.
38:40My cheeks get numb.
38:46the station is...
38:49a very sobering place.
38:57Like everything else in life, Ace, it's all on the wrist.
39:01Do you have another name?
39:03Something less sporting than whoop?
39:07Very pretty.
39:09Yeah, but it didn't pay the bills.
39:12When was the last time you saw Chrissy Casters, Margaret?
39:15Before you and I went to the bar the other night.
39:18Are you certain that was the last time?
39:20Yes, dammit. Why?
39:21Someone heard you and Chrissy in a violent argument the day she died.
39:25Who? Who heard?
39:32Okay. So we had a little tiff.
39:36She was on her way to New York,
39:38and I asked her if she could put in a good word for me with Ed.
39:41Maybe it would have meant something. Maybe not. I don't know.
39:43Couldn't have hurt.
39:45Then she got on her high horse,
39:47and she had the nerve to tell me
39:49that I had to earn the job like she did, on merit.
39:52She earned it flat on her back, little twitch.
39:55As I remember, your parting words to me were, um,
39:58do you think anyone would notice if I had Chrissy put to sleep?
40:01So I had a primo reason to kill the little tramp.
40:05But why in God's name would I want to do anything
40:08with a little goose egg like Uncle Tim?
40:12Excellent point.
40:14Provided the same person killed both of them.
40:19Thanks for the lesson.
40:29Hope you can think on your feet, Mr. Steele,
40:31because these are the questions Russell's going to ask you tonight.
40:35I think you might be more interested in the story we stumbled upon.
40:38Oh, yeah?
40:40It concerns someone who planted incriminating documents
40:43on a congressman she suspected of taking kickbacks.
40:46She then ran the story in the newspaper she worked for.
40:49Although the accusations proved true, the methods were highly questionable.
40:52And Agnes Fowley was discharged from the paper.
40:56I'm sure you're painfully familiar with the details, Miss Fowley.
41:02For six months, I've been looking over my shoulder,
41:04waiting for the other shoe to drop,
41:06and here it is, with a great big thud.
41:09I couldn't get a newspaper job to save my life,
41:12not even delivering him.
41:14I finally came to see Mr. Walsh.
41:17Although he disapproved of my methods, he understood my motives.
41:21He was good enough to intercede with Ed Green on my behalf.
41:25Someone with such a fervent desire to punish the guilty,
41:28no matter what the cost,
41:30just might see spotlight news as the ultimate corruption
41:33and put an end to it permanently.
41:35I made a mistake. I learned from it.
41:38I'm everything you say I am, except a murderer.
41:45What are you going to do with that?
41:48There's no sense in exposing someone for past indiscretions.
41:56I see your point.
42:04I hope that kid finds himself.
42:06He's never stopped trying.
42:10Oh, I wish him luck.
42:12And he you.
42:20You know how much I hate this part of the job?
42:24Delivering autopsy reports.
42:26I hate it.
42:28I hate it.
42:30You know how much I hate this part of the job?
42:34Delivering autopsy reports.
42:36Murphy, we're private detectives. Autopsy reports are part of our lives.
42:39Chrissie obviously put up quite a struggle.
42:42There was blood under all three of her broken fingernails.
42:46Apparently she inflicted a substantial wound on her killer.
42:49Yeah, but where?
42:51I don't see anybody around here with scratches or Band-Aids.
42:54Unless it was on a portion of the anatomy we don't normally see.
42:58The killer suffocated Chrissie in the buff.
43:01You know, you really are incredible.
43:06Oh, come on, Laura. Don't tell me he's come up with a solution again.
43:09Hit the nail right on the head, Murph.
43:14Care to share your brilliant deduction with a fellow detective?
43:17Oh, come now, Murphy.
43:19You know these things are always much more fun when there's an audience to guess along.
43:24And now, from the Channel 3 studios, it's Spotlight News...
43:28with the new Spotlight News team...
43:31featuring Biff Lagerfeld with sports,
43:33cousin Claude with the weather,
43:35and investigative reporter Russell Stewart.
43:39And now with the news,
43:41the Southland's most innovative news personalities,
43:44Elliot Walsh and Margaret Tracy.
43:47Good evening.
43:49At the top of today's news
43:51is the release of the coroner's report on Chrissie Carstairs,
43:54Spotlight News' late anchorwoman.
44:00The autopsy revealed blood under the victim's fingernails,
44:04indicating that Miss Carstairs
44:07managed to inflict deep lacerations on her assailant.
44:11The killer was obviously driven
44:14by a deep-seated need to express his rage.
44:22At the loss of heroes.
44:25He began by trying to embarrass
44:29those he felt were trivializing the news,
44:32but his anger soon pushed him beyond protest
44:37and into the dark corner of murder.
44:51I've been doing these newscasts for more years
44:54than I care to admit.
44:57Tonight will be my final one.
45:09This is a symbol
45:13of not only what I've become,
45:16but of what the entire electronic news community
45:20is in danger of becoming.
45:22Go to a commercial!
45:24Let him speak! Cut that son of a...
45:27We have this magical tool called television,
45:32this tool of light and sound,
45:35an instrument that can help create
45:38the most informed people in the world,
45:41in the world's most enlightened republic.
45:44Instead, we give you Spotlight News.
45:49We put on happy faces and happy talk.
45:52We serve up wars and disasters
45:55like mealtime snacks.
45:57We snicker, we prattle, we pander.
46:01Spotlight News is not a local disgrace,
46:04it's a national affliction.
46:09A young lady I've become very fond of
46:12reminded me that I once said,
46:14a good reporter gives the facts,
46:16a great reporter understands the meaning.
46:21Well, I won't pretend to any greatness,
46:24so I will simply give you the facts.
46:27We who sit in these well-salaried seats
46:31are not the news.
46:33Forget our polished smiles,
46:35our scripted batter and our pretty faces,
46:38we are not the news.
46:40The news is unexpected.
46:42It's hard and ugly and most of all,
46:45it's complex.
46:47Don't settle for us, people.
46:50You're better than that.
46:53You deserve better.
46:57I realize my powers of deduction
46:59have sharpened considerably under your tutelage,
47:02but, um, how exactly did I solve this one?
47:06When you said that the scratches
47:08were probably on a portion of the killer's anatomy,
47:11I thought you were talking about the skull.
47:14I'm not talking about the skull.
47:16I'm talking about the skull.
47:18I'm not talking about the skull.
47:20I'm talking about the skull.
47:22I'm talking about the skull.
47:24It was probably on a portion of the killer's anatomy
47:27that we didn't normally see.
47:29But we always saw Elliot without his toupee.
47:31Exactly. He hated that toupee.
47:34It represented everything he'd grown to despise about himself.
47:37He only wore it when he was on the air.
47:40And yet the night after Chrissie was killed,
47:42he had it on when I found him here.
47:44Of course.
47:46To hide the evidence that could link him to the murder,
47:49he was forced to wear it all the time.
47:53I know he was an idol.
47:55A fallen idol.
48:00But at the end, he managed to get back on his feet, huh?
48:07Now, what was that little exchange
48:10between you and Amy all about?
48:12All that stuff about hoping the kid finds himself?
48:16Oh, a poor waif wandering in the cold, cruel world
48:20in search of himself.
48:22Anyone I know?
48:26But with any luck, you'll know I'm far more into him.
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