Remington Steele S03E14

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Remington Steele S03E14


00:00I'm looking for whomever's in charge.
00:04What, uh, brings you to the neighborhood?
00:06Mr. Mulch is otherwise occupied.
00:09You're damn right he's occupied. With me.
00:12I am getting a little perturbed about the way things are going lately.
00:16Perhaps we should increase our medical coverage.
00:18You don't pursue cases without me.
00:20He wouldn't happen to be a loan shark, would he?
00:22Financial services broker.
00:25It's better to give than to receive.
00:28For once, I have to agree with you, Mr. Steele.
01:45$800, $900, $9,000.
01:50And how would you like your traveler's checks, Mr. Wheaton?
01:53$500 denominations, please.
01:55All right, then.
01:57Why don't you start signing these while I fill out a receipt?
02:00Do you need a pen? No, I've got one. Thanks.
02:03If you'd like, you can use the desk over there, Mr. Van Adams.
02:06Signing $9,000 in traveler's checks is going to take a little time.
02:09All right.
02:13I don't think I've ever sold $9,000 in traveler's checks before.
02:17Did you know that if someone buys $10,000 worth in cash,
02:21we have to fill out a special form for the IRS?
02:24Really? I wasn't aware of that.
02:28Well, that does it. Thank you.
02:31Have a nice trip, Mr. Blackthorn. Thank you.
03:57Good morning, Mildred.
03:59Morning, boss. Oh, Mr. Steele.
04:01You have a client.
04:03Martha Ryan. My husband, isn't he?
04:05Say no more, Mrs. Ryan.
04:07Why don't you go through to my office and we'll talk about the whole thing in there?
04:10Straight through. Here we go. Make yourself comfortable.
04:14Where's Miss Holden?
04:16Redondo Beach, putting the finishing touches on that security contract.
04:19Oh, she is, is she? So good with paperwork.
04:22Hold all my calls, will you, Mildred?
04:26Mrs. Ryan, please do sit down.
04:31Now, Mrs. Ryan, what seems to be the problem?
04:34My husband, James, just retired, Mr. Steele.
04:37He was an executive in an aerospace firm.
04:40For the past 35 years, we have been building up a nice little nest egg,
04:44which he is now throwing away on some harebrained investment scheme.
04:48And what is he investing in? Stocks? Real estate?
04:58Forgive my ignorance, Mrs. Ryan, but what exactly is this?
05:02A Courtney doll.
05:04Ah, yes, of course it is.
05:06Our granddaughter's name is Courtney, Mr. Steele.
05:09My husband has met someone who has convinced him
05:12that she would make a terrific model for a new doll.
05:15And he's put all his money into manufacturing this doll?
05:18Oh, that jerk.
05:20Now, the way I see it, Mr. Steele,
05:23under the community property statutes in this state,
05:26half of that money belongs to me,
05:28and my husband is flushing it down the toilet!
05:32Excuse me.
05:34How much money are we talking about here?
05:37Approximately half a million dollars.
05:41Half a million?
05:43My husband is being bilked, Mr. Steele.
05:46He's been pouring money into the Courtney doll company for six months now,
05:50and all we have to show for it are prototypes?
05:53My husband's not going to do anything about it
05:56because he trusts his business partners.
05:58It's up to me to make sure we're not being swindled.
06:01Now, he won't even tell me the names of his partners.
06:04But I swipe the stationery.
06:06He has the company address on it.
06:10All right, uh, Mrs. Ryan, uh,
06:13I assure you, if there's any fraud going on here,
06:16the Remington Steel Agency will expose it, okay?
06:19I'm counting on it.
06:21Ah, Mrs. Ryan, you forgot your doll.
06:23Keep it!
06:43Come on.
07:01Excuse me.
07:03Excuse me.
07:05I'm looking for whomever's in charge.
07:10Por favor, ¿dónde está el bossman?
07:14Ah, el jefe.
07:16Por esa puerta.
07:40Hello, anybody there?
08:09George Edward Mulch.
08:15Remington Steel, right?
08:17The detective?
08:19Well, how are you?
08:22Long time. Busy for lunch?
08:24I thought I recognized that rapidly-retrieving man.
08:27I'm sorry.
08:29I thought I recognized you.
08:31I thought I recognized you.
08:33I thought I recognized you.
08:36I thought I recognized that rapidly-retreating bulk.
08:40That was you at the factory?
08:43Who'd you think it was?
08:48Hello, George.
08:50Ah, sorry, mate.
08:52Mr. Mulch is otherwise occupied.
08:55Damn right he's occupied.
08:58With me.
09:06I want my money, George.
09:08You understand, George? I want my money.
09:10Now run!
09:17Now you're occupied with me.
09:22I'm sorry.
09:24I'm sorry.
09:26I'm sorry.
09:28I'm sorry.
09:30I'm sorry.
09:32I'm sorry.
09:35Continue our talk when it ain't so crowded, George.
09:39And I'll catch up with you later, pally.
09:48Who was that, George?
09:50Oh, him. Oh, just a business associate.
09:54He's got this idea he wants me to get behind.
09:58You know, I'm not really interested,
10:01but he's so enthusiastic.
10:04So, um,
10:06what brings you to the neighborhood?
10:20Why didn't you wait for me?
10:22Ouch! Sorry.
10:24You were busy.
10:26I was only going to investigate a dull company.
10:30I think we should have you examined for concussion.
10:33Nonsense. Just a little dizziness.
10:36Mildred, send in Mr. Mulch, will you, please?
10:39You're up, Mulch.
10:43Mildred, hold Mr. Mulch.
10:48You're down, Mulch.
10:52I don't care how innocent it appeared.
10:54You don't pursue cases without me.
10:56Really, Laurie, I'm making far too much of this.
10:59Mildred, send in Mr. Mulch. Thank you.
11:01Mildred, hold Mr. Mulch.
11:04One of the advantages of working as a team
11:07is that we back each other up.
11:09Look at you. You run off with yourself and you come back with a cracked skull.
11:12Am I getting through to you?
11:14I'm not sure which is worse, the ringing in my head or the rasping in my ears.
11:17Just as long as we understand each other for the future.
11:20Mildred, send in Mr. Mulch.
11:27It's about time.
11:29I'm a very busy executive.
11:31Get in there!
11:37Sit down, Mulch.
11:44What did I do?
11:46Guilt by association, I'm afraid.
11:48When last we met,
11:50you were trying to market a line of household products
11:53based on Hollywood stars.
11:56Virginia mayo mayonnaise,
11:58the Marilyn Monroe modern slicer, remember?
12:01Yeah, great idea, but just a little ahead of its time.
12:05Now, why don't you tell us
12:07how you became involved with the Courtney Doll Company?
12:10Oh, well, now,
12:13one day, I'm walking down Hollywood Boulevard,
12:16my senses open, the antennae are out,
12:19a man on the brink of inspiration, right?
12:22Went, bam!
12:24You got hit by a bus.
12:26No, no, no, no.
12:28It comes to me, the idea.
12:30A new doll that both children and parents will love.
12:34Are you ready for this?
12:36Ah, I've got goosebumps already.
12:38I know what you mean. I get chills when I think about it.
12:41Look, you're a parent, right?
12:43Your little Sally or Susie wants a doll.
12:45You love the kid, you buy her the doll,
12:47the kid is happy, right?
12:49For five minutes.
12:51She wants more clothes for the doll.
12:54She wants a stroller for the doll.
12:57She wants the dolly's friends, Skippy and Cricket,
13:00not to mention Bruce and all of their accessories.
13:03All of a sudden, what started out as an innocent bribe
13:07for your child's affections
13:09has turned into a conglomerate of extortion.
13:12It does remind me of my niece.
13:14Now, I wish I had a doll here to show you.
13:18It's her lucky day, George.
13:20All right! Where did you get...
13:23Never mind, never mind. Okay.
13:25The Courtney doll.
13:27Cute, right?
13:29Simple, right?
13:31What does it do?
13:35What comes with it?
13:39But the kid wants the doll's stroller.
13:41There is no stroller.
13:43The kid wants the doll's friends.
13:45She don't have no friends.
13:47This is it. What you see is what you get.
13:50You buy this doll, you come away clean.
13:53Parents will be dancing in the streets.
13:55I'm gonna make a million!
13:57Wait a minute. You gotta hear the sales pitch.
14:00You're gonna love the sales pitch.
14:02Simple but eloquent.
14:04The Courtney doll.
14:06All she needs is your love and imagination.
14:11Mrs. Ryan thinks you're cheating her husband out of his money.
14:17James Ryan sunk half a million dollars into your company.
14:20When I visited the factory, he was hardly working at capacity.
14:23Where's the money going?
14:25Hey, look, I handled the creative end.
14:28The dollars and cents I leave to my junior partner, Pete Gillespie.
14:32Where is he now?
14:34He's probably out lining up business.
14:36Let me explain.
14:38About six months ago,
14:40I told Gillespie my doll idea,
14:42which he flipped over.
14:44So about three weeks later, he calls me up.
14:46He says he found a backer, James Ryan.
14:49They used to be friends or something.
14:51So I make Gillespie a junior partner,
14:53I name the doll after Ryan's granddaughter,
14:56and the rest, as they say, is gonna be history.
14:59George, we'll need to see the books.
15:02Hey, the sooner the better. I have nothing to hide.
15:05George, my dolly. Thank you.
15:07I'll handle this, Mr. Steele. You rest.
15:09Not really, Miss Holt.
15:15How do you like the wheels, Miss Holt?
15:18I'm surprised you can afford them.
15:20Hey, I put my own money into this baby.
15:24After all, a successful businessman
15:26has to present an image, right?
15:28What about an unsuccessful businessman?
15:31You had to bring her, right?
15:34Mildred is our financial expert.
15:36Before she joined Remington Steele Investigations,
15:39she was a lawyer.
15:41Before she joined Remington Steele Investigations,
15:44she was a crack investigator for the I.R.S. Fraud Squad.
15:51Are you, uh, comfortable back there, Miss Krebs?
16:02This is it.
16:04Tommy's Diner?
16:06Yeah. My brother-in-law runs the joint.
16:09He's a math whiz in the family,
16:11so I put him on the payroll to keep the books.
16:14Looks like a first-class operation, mulch.
16:40Scalespi, he left the detective agency with two women,
16:44and they're at his brother-in-law's diner right now.
16:48Well, yeah, I'm a little nervous, okay?
16:52Okay. I'll wait to hear from you.
16:55All right.
17:04You're kidding, right?
17:08These documents haven't been posted?
17:13Double-entry bookkeeping.
17:15Does any of this ring a bell, gentlemen?
17:18Those, uh, black books
17:20with the red corners and the line pages and all?
17:23Ha-ha-ha! The egghead in the family.
17:26I was gonna get some of those next week.
17:34Don't worry, Miss Holt. I have seen worse cases.
17:37Believe it or not.
17:39I don't.
17:41I should have a profit and loss
17:43and a balance sheet for you in a day or two.
17:45My car!
17:52Are you crazy, lady?
17:57You could get killed doing that.
17:59We both could get killed.
18:01You should have thought of that
18:03before you tried to steal this car.
18:05Oh, you're in trouble plenty, compadre.
18:08You have any idea what grand theft auto brings in this state?
18:11I don't believe this.
18:13Blatant prejudice in the 1980s.
18:15You assume because I'm Hispanic I'm stealing the car.
18:19Next thing you know, you'll be asking me for my green card.
18:22This is not your car, mister.
18:25I know that.
18:31When was the last time you saw a car thief
18:33wearing a three-piece suit?
18:35Check it out.
18:37Floor shine.
18:39You stole those, too?
18:41I'm a businessman.
18:43Juan Esteban Castro.
18:49Repo man to the stars.
18:52No job too hot, no lead too cold.
18:54And he actually took the car?
18:56He had the right papers.
18:58George was considerably behind in his payments.
19:00I wasn't behind.
19:02I hadn't started him yet.
19:04I guess the bank's never read my letters explaining.
19:07Here's the background check on Pete Gillespie.
19:09Thanks, Mildred.
19:11George, this gentleman that I met at your office,
19:13um, Russ Buckner,
19:15he wouldn't happen to be a loan shark, would he?
19:18A financial services broker.
19:21But he doesn't have anything to do with the Courtney Dolls.
19:25How much are you into him for?
19:28Well, um, allowing for, uh, fluctuations in the prime rate,
19:32and, uh, Buckner's interest is 55 points above that,
19:37compounded daily,
19:39like, um, five grand.
19:42George, you soaked James Ryan for half a million dollars.
19:46How can you be in debt?
19:48I haven't drawn a penny in salary yet.
19:50You see, Gillespie explained to me
19:52that our startup costs are a little above what was projected.
19:56Edmonton Steel Investigations.
19:58Mr. Steel, I think it's time we drop in on Pete Gillespie.
20:01We'll go together. I'm feeling much better now.
20:03Thank you very much.
20:05It's James Ryan. He wants to see you.
20:11So when my wife informed me of your investigation,
20:14I felt I had to call.
20:16You see, Martha's very, uh, nervous about financial matters.
20:19She doesn't understand it takes money to make money.
20:22Well, look who's here.
20:24Hi, Grandpa.
20:26Hello, Princess.
20:28This is Courtney, my granddaughter.
20:31Hello, Courtney.
20:33Why, you are a living doll.
20:35Mommy and Daddy are on the phone.
20:38Oh, well, then, would you please excuse us?
20:42Please go ahead.
20:44Courtney's parents are on vacation.
20:46They haven't been away together since she was born,
20:48and like all parents,
20:50they have to call home every few hours
20:52to make sure that everything's all right.
20:54Yes. All right, then.
20:56Enjoy yourselves.
20:58I want to say good-bye.
21:00Hello. Yes. Hold on a second.
21:02Somebody here wants to say good-bye.
21:06Bye, Mommy and Daddy.
21:12Oh, she doesn't quite got the hang of it.
21:16Oh, she doesn't quite got the hang of that yet.
21:19Anyway, what I wanted to say is that, uh,
21:23I'd be very happy to pay you for your time up to now,
21:26and there really isn't any point in continuing.
21:28I'm sure everything is gonna be just fine.
21:31How well do you know Pete Gillespie, Mr. Ryan?
21:34He was a bartender at the club we both belonged to.
21:37I always found him a very bright, amiable young man.
21:42Are you aware that he was dismissed
21:44as part of that bridge scandal a few years ago?
21:46Yes, but I thought the case against Pete was very, very shoddy.
21:50In fact, I tried to get him reinstated.
21:53I think it might be prudent not to drop the case, Mr. Ryan,
21:57especially when there's so much at stake.
21:59Well, you're the experts.
22:01I think you're wrong, but go ahead.
22:04You won't regret it, Mr. Ryan.
22:06I hope not.
22:15Now, don't panic, Pete,
22:17but you better disappear for a few days.
22:19Look, you said you'd handle everything.
22:21And I will.
22:23I just need a little time to straighten things out.
22:26But it wasn't supposed to be like this.
22:28Well, if my wife hadn't hired those private detectives,
22:31it wouldn't be, but we can adjust.
22:34Now, pack a bag, find a motel,
22:38Now, pack a bag, find a motel,
22:41and call me.
23:02I hear something.
23:08I hear something.
23:28Oh, look at this.
23:32It appears our Mr. Gillespie left in a bit of a hurry.
23:35Innocent men don't run.
23:37Sounds like a Raymond Chandler novel.
23:56Hey, Pally.
23:58Tell that fat friend of yours
24:00I'll be expecting his payment tomorrow.
24:15Well, forgetting about the bellicose Mr. Buckner for the moment,
24:18it would appear that Pete Gillespie is the man we're after.
24:21I mean, he put James Ryan's money
24:23and George Molster's idea together.
24:25It would appear that he was the only one to make a profit
24:27from the whole arrangement just a little tighter, Laura.
24:29Oh! Oh!
24:33You are truly an angel of mercy, Laura.
24:36I've been getting a lot of practice lately.
24:38Oh, well, perhaps we should increase our medical coverage.
24:40That's right.
24:42Don't joke about it.
24:44Well, I'm sorry
24:46if my various bruises and abrasions annoy you.
24:50The next time, I'll go to the emergency ward.
24:53Buckner's men could have just as easily killed you.
24:58Is that all you have to say about the subject?
25:04Laura, uh,
25:06this, uh, Remington Steel you invented,
25:10I mean, he isn't a plumber.
25:15Look, I mean, if I'm to continue playing the part,
25:19I run the risk of running into people like Buckner.
25:23Sporadically, I hope.
25:25I just don't like seeing you get hurt.
25:29Well, in that area, I agree.
25:32It's better to give than to receive.
25:36I want to put my arms around you,
25:39hold you, comfort you.
25:41It sounds a lot better than a bandage.
25:44I can't.
25:46Oh? Why? What's stopping you?
25:49Me, you, us.
25:53Ah, yes.
25:56The south of France.
25:58That wonderful agreement we made
26:01about not mixing business with pleasure.
26:05I know it was my idea, but I'm...
26:08I'm having a hard time living with it.
26:11We've just become so distant lately,
26:14so... so...
26:16Professional? Yes. Damn it.
26:19Look, Laura, um,
26:22I realize I've been a bit standoffish lately,
26:25but, uh, I mean, I thought that's the way you wanted things.
26:29I mean, ever since we came back from France,
26:32I've tried to respect your wishes.
26:34I mean, granted, I've... I've overstepped the mark at times,
26:37but then again, uh, you know, I'm... I'm only human.
26:41Thank God for that.
26:48Our little agreement hasn't really solved anything, has it?
26:52It's just, uh, made things more confusing.
26:55We don't go forward, and we can't go back.
26:58So we just sort of stand here, frozen in place.
27:28Beginnings of a thought?
27:34Of course, maybe we should think about getting an answering service.
27:42Oh, hello, Mildred. Mm-hmm.
27:46Oh. All right. We'll be right there.
27:52That was Mildred.
27:54She just finished the work on Moche's financial record.
27:57Says it's very important. Mm-hmm.
28:02Sometimes that woman's efficiency can be highly exasperating.
28:06For once, I have to agree with you, Mr. Steele.
28:17Over the last six months, the Courtney Doll Company took in $496,000 from James Ryan.
28:22In that period, the Courtney Doll Company has paid out $496,000 in startup costs.
28:29Well, hey, look, we have to bring the foam stuffing all the way from Taiwan.
28:34And, get this, we're trying to sign ABBA to sing the Courtney jingle.
28:39Do you have any idea what it costs to call Stockholm?
28:43Moving on to the balance sheet, as far as I can see,
28:47the Courtney Doll Company has inventory worth approximately $800.
28:52And that, ladies and gentlemen, is its total asset.
28:56What about the factory? Yeah, what about that? Rented?
29:00Let me get this straight.
29:02The Courtney Doll Factory spends $496,000
29:06and only has $800 worth of goods to show for it?
29:10You got it. Where did the money go?
29:13Ah, now, that's interesting.
29:16All of the money was paid out to only three firms.
29:19The Wheaton Company, a manufacturer, the Blackthorn Corporation, a sales group,
29:23and the Van Adams Enterprises, a distributor.
29:26Great work, Mildred. Tomorrow, you and I will check out those companies.
29:30I'll bet they'll lead us straight to Gillespie.
29:32My guess is he's been getting some hefty kickbacks for arranging fraudulent billing.
29:36You mean I'm gonna get to do some real gumshoeing?
29:39Absolutely. You've been chained to that desk long enough.
29:42I guess you have more important things to do, huh, boss?
29:45Apparently. The street is no place for the boss.
29:49He'll be right here supervising the entire operation,
29:52collecting data, assembling facts, formulating theories.
29:56You're a born leader, Steele.
30:13It's awful nice of you to put me up tonight, Steele.
30:16Yes, well, we can't have a man like Buckner
30:18getting his hands on an enterprising entrepreneur like you, George.
30:21After all, you're a dying breed.
30:26I guess I am at that.
30:28You know, you probably won't believe this,
30:31because I know I come off as so unflappable,
30:34but I am getting a little perturbed about the way things are going lately.
30:39Yes, well, it's a good sign, George.
30:42Shows you haven't lost your sense of reality.
30:46You know, I really thought this one was it.
30:49It felt so real this time.
30:54You know, Tommy, my brother-in-law, he's got that diner.
30:57He always wants me to come in with him, you know,
31:00but I said, Tommy, I gotta be true to myself.
31:03I gotta follow my star, you know?
31:06I don't know. Maybe I should.
31:09Go in the diner, you know?
31:13Well, I'm sure the whole thing will look a lot different in the morning.
31:16Yeah. You know, my old man used to say,
31:19you win some and you lose some, and some days you get rained out,
31:23but you're dressed for every game.
31:25Someday you'll have to explain that to me, George.
31:28For now, get some sleep, okay?
31:30Oh, Steele. Yes.
31:32You know, your, uh...
31:34You know, your, uh...
31:36Something that I haven't seen very much of in my life.
31:40A square shooter.
31:44Good night, George.
31:46Good night.
32:02Watch for traffic, Mildred.
32:04You're covered.
32:17This is the headquarters of a company
32:20that's been taking in a couple hundred thousand dollars?
32:23Looks like a dummy corporation, if ever I've seen one.
32:39Somebody's had a nice little bonfire here.
32:47What is it, Miss Holt?
32:49Traveler's check.
32:55Nicaragua. I could go there.
32:58I bet you Buckner don't have no contacts in Nicaragua.
33:02I hear the climate is very nice, too.
33:05A few internal difficulties, maybe, but nothing...
33:08The instructions, George.
33:10Um, once the modem is engaged...
33:14I've done that.
33:16Punch in your access number.
33:18Yes, I've done all that, but the blaster machine won't give!
33:22These bloody computers.
33:24They're the most useless bit of hardware I've ever encountered.
33:29You didn't press enter.
33:33All right, Einstein.
33:35Let's see what you can cough up under
33:38the Wheaton Corporation,
33:40Blackthorn Corporation,
33:43Van Adams Enterprises.
33:45The Falkland Islands.
33:47Now, there is an out-of-the-way place.
33:50Hardly anybody goes there anymore.
33:54I wonder if you could get a direct flight from L.A.
34:15It's Ryan.
34:19Getting kind of jumpy, Pete?
34:22They're onto us, aren't they?
34:24Relax. And put that thing down.
34:30There's an easy way out of this thing.
34:33Only Steele and his assistants suspect anything is wrong.
34:37There are no police involved at this point.
34:40And mulch is a perfect patsy.
34:43So if we can just remove those two detectives from the picture,
34:47all our problems will be solved.
34:49You're talking about murder, Ryan.
34:55The companies that took in all of Ryan's money?
34:58They're dummies.
35:00Just rented office space with a name and address and nothing more.
35:05What does that mean?
35:07Well, it looks like Gillespie set up these companies for himself.
35:10In other words, using George's company as his cover,
35:12Gillespie was taking money from Ryan and paying it to himself.
35:15Right. We found the remains of some burned traveler's checks in one of the offices.
35:19Why would somebody burn traveler's checks?
35:21We haven't figured that out yet.
35:23The checks were signed in three names.
35:25Arthur Wheaton, Harold Blackthorne, and Roger Van Adams.
35:29Those are the guys who supposedly run these dummy corporations.
35:33This is unbelievable.
35:35What is?
35:37Yes, well, we got the computer to render some background information on those three corporations.
35:41You did, boss?
35:43Yes, it was very simple, Mildred, just a little bit of patience and, uh...
35:47Anyway, uh...
35:49We found out something very intriguing about those three gentlemen.
35:55They've all been dead for over 20 years.
36:06I don't get it.
36:08Welcome to the club.
36:10The heads of all three dummy corporations are dead men.
36:13The day of the jackal.
36:15Edward Fox, Michael Lonsdale, Universal, 1973.
36:18Yeah! What do you mean, yeah?
36:20Edward Fox plays this assassin who creates false passports
36:24by getting the birth certificates of dead men who were born the same year he was.
36:28Good Lord, another movie buff.
36:30Oh, Georgie, I knew we were kindred spirits.
36:33Well, in my business, it pays to see a lot of movies
36:36because you never know when an idea will leap off the screen at you.
36:40But what does this jackal have to do with Pete Gillespie?
36:43Gillespie set up the false identities
36:45so he could skip the country without leaving tracks.
36:48The traveler's checks we found would support that theory.
36:51They would?
36:55Gillespie could withdraw all of his money from the three companies in cash
36:59and then buy traveler's checks.
37:01Why traveler's checks?
37:03Because you can destroy them and have them refunded later.
37:06If Gillespie flies the coop with the money from the checking account,
37:09he leaves a paper trail.
37:11On the other hand, trying to travel with $500,000 in cash
37:14creates quite a suspicious bulk.
37:16But with traveler's checks,
37:18he can carry that amount in his coat pocket in the form of receipts.
37:21He could go anywhere in the world,
37:23turn in his receipts for refunds,
37:25and slowly reconstitute his fortune without anyone being able to trace it.
37:29Mildred, call the Ryans and tell them we're about to wrap this thing up.
37:32You got it.
37:34What a brilliant, wonderful, and genius little plan.
37:37Just think of it, Georgie.
37:39If a man had a pile of money, he could...
37:41I think you should go home and rest those ribs of yours.
37:44Perhaps I'll come by later with some Bengay.
37:48Oh, yes.
37:50I think they might need a little bit of massaging and everything like that.
37:54Yeah, hey, what about me?
37:56I mean, Buckner's still after me.
37:58I mean, what about my physical well-being?
38:00Oh, Georgie, I'm sure we'll be able
38:02to arrange your accommodation with Mr. Buckner.
38:04It's busy.
38:06We'll try again later.
38:08Oh, brilliant day's deduction, everybody.
38:10Brilliant. Come along, Georgie.
38:18Stop worrying, George, will you?
38:20I have a plan that will wipe out your debt.
38:27What are we doing here?
38:29That's Buckner's house.
38:31Of course it is. What else do you think he keeps his car?
38:34Why are we interested in his car?
38:37We're going to steal it.
38:39Are you crazy?
38:41Now, Buckner's car is a Porsche, 928S.
38:45I say I know about half a dozen dealers, shall we say,
38:49who could get it out of the state
38:51and into the hands of a new owner in a matter of hours
38:53with a man and a handsome profit for us...
38:55in cash.
40:17Are you crazy? That's a $10,000 paint job.
40:29Remington Steel Investigations.
40:31Mrs. Steele isn't in right now.
40:33Can I take her message?
40:35It's Pete Gillespie.
40:40This is Laura Holt.
40:42Where's Steele?
40:44You're in a great deal of trouble, Mr. Gillespie.
40:46Why do you think I called?
40:48I suggest you find yourself the nearest police station
40:51and turn yourself in.
40:53But what if I make restitution?
40:55You mean give back the money?
40:57Will you and Steele go to bat for me with Ryan?
40:59We might.
41:01I'll need more than that.
41:03So will we.
41:05I've got most of it stashed at the factory.
41:07I just need Steele's word that Ryan won't press charges.
41:10Mr. Steele will be in a much better position to give you that
41:13once he has his hands on the money.
41:15I'll be waiting for both of you.
41:17We'll be there.
41:20They're coming.
41:27You're not going to meet that bum, are you?
41:30He wants to make a deal.
41:32Money for his freedom.
41:34I'll get my coat.
41:36You stay right here. This is just a precaution.
41:38Shouldn't you call Mr. Steele?
41:40I think he's had enough excitement for one day.
41:45Well, can't you put more men on it?
41:47Well, what do we pay our taxes for, Lieutenant?
41:50I want my car.
41:54You know, I'll tell you something.
41:56If I had that kind of man...
41:58Well, well, hey.
42:00Cisco and Poncho, huh?
42:02You got my money, George?
42:04I might not have to lay taps on your head again.
42:06Oh, no, no, no.
42:08Here you are, sir.
42:11What's the extra gram for, Pally?
42:19Now we're even, Pally.
42:21Come on, George.
42:25I was behind you all the way.
42:27A great comfort, George.
42:29A great comfort.
42:41Come on.
42:55What do you mean she went there alone?
42:57There was nothing I could do to stop her.
42:59I've been trying to reach you for over an hour.
43:01All right, thank you, Milton.
43:04The Courtney doll factory, Fred.
43:06Let's not linger a lot at the lights.
43:10All right.
44:10Oh, my God.
44:41So Gillespie called Ryan, too, huh?
44:45She's going to eliminate anyone who could finger him.
44:47He didn't call me.
44:49Hamilton Steel Investigations.
44:54What's wrong? Still in a bit of shock?
44:56No, it's not that.
44:58Something's nagging me.
45:00Ah, yes, well, I've learned to respect your nags.
45:02If Gillespie had all of Ryan's money,
45:04he would have been able to get away with it.
45:06I don't think so.
45:09If Gillespie had all of Ryan's money,
45:11why didn't he just leave town?
45:13Why kill us off if he could escape without a trace?
45:16There's another thing.
45:18You know those three dead men whose names appeared on the traveler's checks?
45:21They were born 55 years ago.
45:24Gillespie was 32 years old.
45:26Why would he choose to impersonate older men?
45:29All right, we'll get back to you.
45:31That was Mrs. Ryan.
45:33She's got another job for you.
45:35She's trying to locate any hidden assets Mr. Ryan might have.
45:40He just filed for divorce.
45:42You know, in a way, Ryan really got a break in all this.
45:45What do you mean, Mildred?
45:47Well, it's a strange way of looking at it,
45:49but because he lost everything,
45:51he doesn't have to pay his wife one penny in a divorce settlement.
45:56I just said something incisive, didn't I?
46:00That's what this was all about from the start, wasn't it, Mr. Ryan?
46:04A way to divorce your wife without splitting your hard-earned money.
46:07Ah, but it soured.
46:09But she hired us.
46:11But you found a way out. Kill Gillespie.
46:13That way you'd end up a hero and tie up your own loose ends.
46:16Ha, ha, ha, ha.
46:18Even if I could accept your little fantasy.
46:21Where's your proof? Hmm?
46:24Traveler's checks and the names of dead men?
46:27That's hardly conclusive evidence.
46:30You told the police that Gillespie called you to come to the factory.
46:34About what time was that?
46:374 o'clock. You sure?
46:39I looked at my watch.
46:41You're wrong, Mr. Ryan. Dead wrong.
46:44The phone was off the hook all afternoon.
46:47Courtney left it that way.
46:49Her parents tried to reach us since 1 o'clock.
46:54I didn't notice the phone was out of order until...
46:57after 6.
46:59We couldn't reach you either, Mr. Ryan.
47:02That's why we checked with your wife before we came here.
47:07I love you, Grandpa.
47:23I didn't want to mention this until now, Laura,
47:26but when you ran off to that doll factory alone,
47:29I was deeply troubled,
47:31not to mention a little disappointed.
47:35Yes, well, you know how seriously I take your instructions,
47:38and yet there you were, alone,
47:40working in complete violation of your own rule that we work as a team.
47:43Yes, well, as with any rule,
47:46there are extenuating circumstances,
47:48extraordinary conditions under which...
47:50I got it!
47:52Project! Steal!
47:54I know what we can do with the extra cash.
47:56What extra cash?
47:58The extra cash we got for selling Buckner's car.
48:03Is there something that you haven't told me?
48:06Dinner's served.
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