• yesterday


00:00I want you to set up your own handyman business.
00:04Garden clearances, house clearances, and everything in between.
00:08Project manager Elle laid poor foundations.
00:11You've missed the deadline for your flyer.
00:13That's completely my fault. Sorry about that, guys.
00:15Are they meant to lean to one side or the other?
00:17They're meant to lean to one side.
00:19I'm going to tell you the truth.
00:21I'm going to tell you the truth.
00:23I'm going to tell you the truth.
00:25I'm going to tell you the truth.
00:27That's completely my fault. Sorry about that, guys.
00:29Are they meant to lean to one side?
00:31They're meant to stay straight.
00:33And her team failed to measure up.
00:35So now that bit's too short.
00:37I don't know why I got that wrong.
00:38No, it ain't coming off.
00:40Am I allowed to get away with that, am I?
00:42Are you kidding?
00:43On the other team...
00:45Always go with customer satisfaction.
00:47..Sam struggled to keep count.
00:49£20 an hour. Yeah.
00:51So £120. No.
00:53It's £20 an hour per person.
00:55And Brett...
00:57Get this power washed and swept down.
00:59..cleaned up to take victory.
01:02Very good, Conexus.
01:04You've had your first win, so congratulations.
01:07For Elle...
01:08It's completely my fault. Completely my fault.
01:10..an early exit.
01:12Mistake on this, mistake on that.
01:14There's no point carrying on. You're fired.
01:17It was also time-up for McGinn.
01:19It is admirable that you have worked your way up,
01:22but it is with sincere regret that you're fired.
01:26And April made it three.
01:29I do believe that you have been standing back.
01:32You're fired.
01:36It's just me. It's just me.
01:38I've never seen something so brutal in my life.
01:41Now ten candidates remain to fight for the chance
01:45to become Lord Sugar's business partner.
02:04Raise your gun to 500.
02:13For the candidates, a day of rest.
02:17Versatile, won every single task.
02:20And when they lost, triple fiery.
02:23That culling was horrible.
02:27I'm reading about post-traumatic stress disorder.
02:30I really understand where they're coming from.
02:32Having stress from the boardroom.
02:36All in.
02:42The doorbell's just gone.
02:47Lord Sugar?
02:50Yes. Could you go and get the candidates
02:52and bring them in that room, please?
02:54Yeah, sure.
02:57Lord Sugar's here. Upstairs now.
02:59She's right in that room.
03:01Everyone, Lord Sugar's here. Meeting in the living room right now.
03:05Lord Sugar's here, Barnum.
03:09Come on, get on.
03:10Lord Sugar's in the big brainstorm room.
03:13Waiting for you and you're late.
03:20Good afternoon. Good afternoon, Lord Sugar.
03:23So, as you know, I let three candidates go on the last task.
03:28So the first thing I'm going to do is even the teams up.
03:32So, Gary, come over to Team Versatile.
03:37Now, in the past decade,
03:39discount stores and pound shops have taken over the high street.
03:44These stores tempt punters in by selling branded goods at a cheap price,
03:50but it's the non-branded items where the margins really lie.
03:55For this task, you're going to open up your own discount store.
03:59I'm going to send you to Manchester,
04:01and the reason is because they have an excellent array of wholesalers
04:06where you'll be able to choose the merchandise that you're going to sell.
04:10And just a note, businesses don't grow by sitting on the cash that they've made,
04:15so you're going to have to continually replenish the stocks.
04:19And at the end of the task, I will be counting your stock, your cash,
04:23and that will be your assets.
04:26Is that clear? Yes, Lord Sugar.
04:29OK, good luck, and I'll see you in a few days' time in the boardroom.
04:32Off you go. Thank you, Lord Sugar.
04:35With a starting fund of £500,
04:39teams have two days to spot hot sellers...
04:43The earphones will sell quite well.
04:45..and turn products into profit.
04:50Welcome to the team, Gary.
04:52It's good to be back.
04:54First, both budget shops need bosses.
04:58I'm going to put myself forward. I desperately want to do it.
05:01I desperately want to do it. I love selling so much.
05:03I think I can take us to win.
05:05I really want to give it a go.
05:07I think I'm the only one in the process not to be project manager yet.
05:10I've worked for one of the biggest retailers in the UK for the last seven years.
05:14I really, really, really, really want to do it.
05:17Gary, I would like to back you.
05:19Gary, I personally think you would be good for this.
05:23Gaz, congratulations, PM me.
05:26In my industry, I am known as the postman because I always deliver.
05:30It's my job as project manager to be very clear throughout the task.
05:33And I will not stop at anything until I have won.
05:36OK, do handshakes later.
05:40Heading up the other team, senior sales manager, Scott.
05:44Has anybody been to discount shops before? Does anyone buy from them?
05:48I would go in there and buy cups, kitchen material.
05:51I used to go in there for all of my homeware and cleaning stuff
05:53cos I don't care where that comes from.
05:55Next, choose what type of unbranded stock to sell.
06:00We need to look at which items are going to sell at a higher price
06:03because those will provide us with higher margins.
06:06Yeah, absolutely. I'm personally swaying towards the electronics.
06:09Is everyone happy with that?
06:12It's very interesting that they've all shopped in discount stores
06:15and they talked about the various items that they bought
06:17but not one of them mentioned electronics.
06:20And they've decided to stock their store with electronics.
06:23OK, so the products that I like is the selfie sticks,
06:26portable speakers, the portable device charger,
06:29hand blender, the extension lead.
06:32I feel like these are all very male-targeted products.
06:35If it was a woman walking past, I wouldn't necessarily go,
06:38oh, look at all these black wires.
06:41I've got some big personalities.
06:43I think we have to have a lot of respect,
06:45cos if not it won't work and we'll have a shambles.
06:48Electronics generally is more something that guys are going to buy.
06:51No, I disagree. And we've already chosen the products, it's completely pointless.
06:54It's not pointless, Sam, because it's a good point
06:56about looking at the potential negatives of any product
06:59and something we need to be aware of.
07:02The cheaper products is what will make you the money.
07:05Still trying to pin down their unbranded items.
07:08That's something we really need to buy a lot of.
07:11Gary's team.
07:13You'll always want to pick up extra towels and extra bits and bobs from the house.
07:16You've also got gifts like candles. If you pop in to see someone, you'll buy candles.
07:19What do you think on the fan? I know it's 11 quid,
07:22but we could sell that fan for at least 20 quid.
07:24Gary, the problem with the fan is people are going out specifically to buy a fan.
07:29Gary's letting the others say too much and he's not really decisive enough.
07:33This thing's like the bubble gun as well.
07:35If you're outside a shop and you're blowing bubbles, you're going to attract people in.
07:39He's not being as tough as he should be.
07:42I'm just going to go through these for two minutes.
07:44I want to get my head round these.
07:46If you want to just carry on doing what you're doing,
07:48then don't think I'm ignoring you.
07:58The team's head north.
08:04I'm going to be fluent in Mancunian.
08:06It's like Manchester, Manchester.
08:11Oh, God!
08:15As well as sourcing unbranded,
08:17Gary's team is on their way to London.
08:21As well as sourcing unbranded stock to shift in bulk...
08:24Gary here from Versatile.
08:26I was wondering if I could place an order for some branded items, please.
08:29Both teams can order branded goods...
08:32Listerine mouthwash, 84p.
08:34..to pull in the punters.
08:36First of all, the energy drinks can, please.
08:39500ml, 12 at £9.72.
08:42The self-tanning wipes, 20 at 32 seconds.
08:4732 seconds, just there.
08:53I'm really not convinced that our demographic
08:55is going to buy whitening tooth gel from a discount stand.
08:58What would you put instead?
09:00Erm, I can have a look at the...
09:02I need it for five seconds, Selina.
09:09The total price is £174.52.
09:13Correct, yes.
09:14Thanks ever so much for your help.
09:1810am, Manchester.
09:21Tomorrow, teams will open discount stores
09:24in one of the city's best-loved shopping centres.
09:29Hello, everybody.
09:31..hit the wholesalers to pick out their products.
09:34Ah, well, there's the extension lead.
09:36Powering through with his plan to sell tech...
09:39We have the hand blender. Selfie sticks at the front.
09:42..a speedy stock-up for Scott.
09:44Speakers are here.
09:46And there's the power pack.
09:48We have everything, yeah? We have everything.
09:52For the selfie stick, we're thinking around 180% mark-up.
09:56None of us buy electrical products from discount stores.
09:59However, the margins are really good,
10:01and that's why the decision was made.
10:03So it's a bit of a risky strategy, in my opinion, but it could pay off.
10:06Judging by the quality, I think the amounts
10:08that we're selling these for are a reasonable price.
10:12Across town...
10:14Shall we take this?
10:15..sizing up a mixed bag of homeware and gifts...
10:18I want to maximise the money.
10:20I want to get as much quantity as possible.
10:22..Gary's team...
10:24Ah, they are actually good candles.
10:26That's a nice box.
10:28I've got 450.
10:30Gary's team are buying a variety of items
10:32in a bit of a scattergun approach.
10:34There's going to be some toddlers with their mums
10:36that I think will probably be able to sell bubble guns to.
10:38Bubble guns, yeah.
10:39The value of the products is actually quite low,
10:41so they're going to have to shift an enormous amount
10:43in order to make a decent profit.
10:45You could do these at three for £10 cos they're cheap.
10:50On the other team...
10:51Six items. One, two, three, four, five, six.
10:54..tech stock chosen...
10:56Are we all happy? I am. Yeah?
10:59..placed in charge of figures...
11:01..private tutor Sam.
11:03Total price of £333.70.
11:06Let's do it.
11:08Total amount is £368.36.
11:11Brilliant. It's not.
11:13Is it not? Hold on.
11:15It should be lower.
11:19Just have a quick look at this.
11:24Could you tell us what the total price is,
11:27excluding the 2.5%?
11:30I have to say, when you're buying 84 items
11:33and you can't work out the numbers...
11:35What we're going to have to do is take a couple of products off,
11:38if that's OK with you.
11:40Sam should be so embarrassed about this.
11:47On the other team, with product range picked out...
11:50Charlene and Joseph, I see, are two strong negotiators.
11:53..from project manager Gary, a plan.
11:56In terms of a target, it would be great to get double the quantity
11:59at the same price.
12:03Morning. Morning.
12:05So, we've purchased a range of kids' toys and some household goods.
12:08OK. So, we're wondering if we could double up...
12:11So, basically, in a sense, it's buy one, get one free.
12:14So, have we got a deal? Can we double our stock with you today?
12:17No, no, no.
12:19Wholesalers work on small margins and big volume.
12:22The best I could do is a 5% discount.
12:24If you buy that again later on, we can do £10,000.
12:27If you buy that again later on, we can do 10% for you.
12:30There's no way they can have lots of free product
12:33and asking for it is completely absurd.
12:35We'll get going now.
12:42All the candles set. As many as you can actually physically fit in.
12:45The team's divine...
12:47Come on, Dave.
12:49..to sell their wares.
12:51There's only two of you, but, right, I'm going to put you in charge.
12:54Yeah? Good luck.
12:56They've got four hours
12:58to test their merchandise on Manchester's shoppers...
13:01Right here.
13:03Hang on, hang on, hang on.
13:05..before restocking the hot sellers later today.
13:08You all right, Charlene, yeah? Yeah.
13:11The heavy candles are heavy.
13:15Well done, mate.
13:17Every minute counts.
13:19Hello, ladies, how you doing?
13:21No, no, no, Richard! We're selling today lovely candles.
13:25Selfish, is it?
13:27And also holly butter gift set.
13:29You smell of roses or even watermelon.
13:31Ladies, I've got something you might be interested in.
13:34Do you have a little smell of that?
13:36That's nice.
13:37I can do you one of those for £5.
13:39Do you want one of these? I'll have one of them.
13:41One of them as well? Excellent.
13:43Richard, because he is a little bit irritating,
13:46he really gives you that extra edge
13:48because you just want to smash him all the time.
13:50And I'll give you your £5 back there, lovely, all right?
13:53Do that again, Charlene.
13:55Mate, it's all about selling the maximum.
13:57Charlene, but first of all...
13:59At the end of the day, you snooze, you lose.
14:01If you can sell more than him
14:03and you see his little face dropping down,
14:05it just gives you that pleasure.
14:07So Richard keeps me going.
14:09Just be a little bit more professional, Charlene.
14:11Yeah, and you too.
14:12So if we're setting up, just give us a little hand, darling.
14:15Guys, guys, guys, guys. Leave it there, leave it there.
14:17We've just made a sale. I know, we've made a sale.
14:19Well done, Gaz. We're going to win this.
14:23I'm going to lead this. Now I'm sub-team leader, all right?
14:26Pitching up at Piccadilly Gardens.
14:29Cannot believe he made you sub-team leader of a two-person team.
14:33Brett, Barna, and a table full of tech.
14:37Do you like the prices, how they're written?
14:39Yeah, no, that's decent. That's what we wanted anyway,
14:41so people can see what it was and know what it is. Exactly.
14:45We're selling mobile device chargers for £10.
14:48Limited time only.
14:49Do you feel comfortable
14:51mis-selling to the public?
14:52Because you've never sold at these prices.
14:54Where was it £18.99?
14:55I really don't know about that.
14:56What about this?
14:58I can change them for you, that's fine.
14:59Do you know Lord Sugar takes honesty really incredibly seriously?
15:06These candidates are misleading the public.
15:08They've never sold these products at these prices.
15:11Change your pricing structures.
15:13Not a problem.
15:14Yeah, not a problem.
15:15Selfie stick, £10.
15:18Frankly, I'm very disappointed.
15:20Lord Sugar will be even more disappointed.
15:27Guys, we've got selfie sticks, consumer electronics,
15:29leads, phone chargers.
15:32Charging through sales of electronics.
15:34There is your receipt, sir. Thank you so much.
15:36And here are your portable speakers.
15:38Sam and Selena.
15:40Say cheese.
15:41Anyone got a smartphone, iPhone?
15:43You don't know what I'm going to say.
15:45Still to make a sale.
15:47Everyone wants to ignore me.
15:50Project manager, Scott.
15:52We'll do a deal for £8, fantastic.
15:54There we go. Thank you.
15:55Thank you very much.
15:56How you doing, you all right?
15:58You don't know what I've got to say.
15:59I haven't even said anything.
16:00I can say I'm not interested.
16:02Yeah, whatever.
16:03I know Scott to be the best seller, probably in this whole process.
16:06So if he's having a bad day, then I'm happy to write it off.
16:09But if he's having a bad day tomorrow,
16:11perhaps I'd be less understanding.
16:13It is bad, but fortunately me and Sam picked up slack.
16:17Imagine if we were all shit.
16:20We have selfie sticks, chargers and all sorts of things.
16:24Thank you for acknowledging me.
16:31I saw a tenner there and you didn't want me to see it.
16:34You didn't want me to see it.
16:36One hour before the wholesalers close.
16:39There's one bag there.
16:41Last chance to sniff out top sellers.
16:45Do it, man, get yourself a selfie stick.
16:47If I wasn't selling it, I'd be buying it.
16:49That's how good it is.
16:52Money, money, money.
16:53Time to collect takings.
16:55Just get what you can get with that.
16:57Number one is selfie sticks, number two is mobile power bank
17:00and then number three is earphones.
17:02So towels at paddling pools, no, no, the others are hot, yeah?
17:05Guys, see you back at base.
17:06Enjoy, Vanna.
17:08I'm a little bit behind here.
17:09And restock for tomorrow's grand opening.
17:12You're going to have to run.
17:14Oh, receipt book.
17:17While Brett and Vanna invest in more high-margin tech...
17:2150, 60.
17:23A grand total of 267.80.
17:25..for Gary's team, it's a trolley dash.
17:30We've got a broad range of products
17:32which really appeal to the mass market.
17:34Four boxes of body butter.
17:36We've gone for the cheapest.
17:37One thing we are going to be tomorrow is value for money.
17:56Manchester Arndale.
18:01Home to over 200 stores.
18:05And for one day only...
18:08..Discount Haven.
18:10It stands out, you know? It's the only yellow one here.
18:13And Manchester's Discount Store.
18:18Oh, that looks nice.
18:20Good spot, guys.
18:27Right, shall we get set up?
18:30First job... Gary.
18:32..unpack their delivery of big-name brands.
18:36Put something here as an impulse buy.
18:38Yeah, I've got the sweets.
18:40We've got the sweets for that.
18:41Pushing for premium prices, project manager Gary.
18:45Bathroom tissue, cost price £1.50.
18:47We'll go with £3 on that, yeah?
18:49The mint mouthwash, 86p.
18:53Well over doubling the price on that one.
18:55Branded products should be at sacrificial prices
18:58to entice people into the shop.
19:00They haven't done that.
19:01They're doubling up, they're tripling up.
19:03Fizzy drink.
19:04Do you think you could get £1.50 for them?
19:06They've got to be £1.50, they're more premium.
19:09Well over doubling.
19:10The whole idea is to pile it high, sell it cheap.
19:13They haven't piled it high and they're not selling it cheap.
19:16The toothpaste, that was only 54p.
19:18You know what? Let's try it at £1.50.
19:23Self-tanning wipes is £1.
19:25Gummy babies, £1.
19:27Setting out their branded products.
19:29Still water, £1.
19:30Orange energy drink, £1.20.
19:32Scott's team.
19:33Are we happy with that?
19:34Could we just make everything in this bin £1.50?
19:38That's what I'd do.
19:39Because then you've got bins specific, haven't you?
19:41I'm writing the cards now, so let me know a decision.
19:43OK, right.
19:46It's not that hard.
19:47We just need to sell some products.
19:49Whatever sells, we replenish and then we sell more of.
19:52They always have baskets near the front, though,
19:54because they're a little grabby.
19:56Think of a shop.
19:57You wouldn't come in, grab and then go shopping.
20:01Right, but you and I are chatting.
20:03Once the tables are all set up, you'd have islands in the middle.
20:06Everybody has an opinion,
20:07but when you have too many voices of opinion,
20:09it makes it complicated.
20:10I just don't think that looks good.
20:12I think it's clever.
20:15What? I didn't touch it.
20:16We need to get on with it, get as many people in, work as a team.
20:19Every time I do something, somebody tries to take it over.
20:22That's what we need to do.
20:24Next for Scott.
20:26So we're going to have to split up into two teams today.
20:29Allocate roles.
20:30Me, Selina and Sam are staying in selling
20:33and Brett and Varna are going out to get everyone in.
20:36Be that as it may, though, obviously,
20:38we're going to have to split up.
20:41Be that as it may, though,
20:42obviously, I don't want to have anything
20:44that's going to potentially be thrown back in our faces
20:46just because we've been out doing the marketing.
20:48It's going to be so vital to get customers into the shop.
20:51I know, but Sam, so why don't you go do...
20:53You know what I mean?
20:55Basically, if we're brought into a boardroom,
20:57everything's put down to what everybody's contributed.
20:59And numbers.
21:00It is massively cutthroat at the end of it.
21:02So for me, it's a bit of a...
21:04I think Scott is well aware that Brett and I are his best salespeople
21:07and that is why he didn't want us competing with him in the store.
21:10OK, good luck, guys. Bye. Good luck, guys.
21:13I feel he's trying to set up who he could blame
21:18if this task doesn't go as planned.
21:21He put Sam, who's not even an experienced salesman,
21:23and Selina in the store.
21:24At the end of the day, we flagged that up.
21:26It's fucking bullshit.
21:28Hi, sir, how are you?
21:29Do you want to come and look at our new discount store?
21:31Sir? No worries.
21:33Hi there.
21:34Hi there.
21:379am, shops open for business.
21:41Do you want me to open a few of those diffusers?
21:43Yeah, just take a handful out and add to the presentation
21:45and we've got our little beauty world then as well.
21:48Ignoring passing trade...
21:50What are we going to do? We're going to walk the customer journey.
21:53..Gary shares the science of setting up shop.
21:56Let's walk the shop then. These have got to come inside.
21:59I want him in the centre as well because it will form an orderly journey.
22:02It will stop people just being like ants.
22:04This is our toilet world.
22:06Next, the house world.
22:08Does Jammie Dodgers go with washing powder?
22:13Right then, guys, let's sell well.
22:15T-shirts, guys.
22:19Does this look all right or does it look stupid?
22:21It looks stupid.
22:26Open for business. Open for business.
22:29Discount Haven.
22:31Teams have eight hours to tempt shoppers.
22:35Discount Haven? You should check it out.
22:37Right over there next to Ann Summers. Thank you.
22:40We've got some beauty products like fake tan.
22:42We've got some impulse body spray.
22:44There's your drink as well. You've got your bag.
22:46Do you want to pop in and have a look at the discount store this morning?
22:50At Gary's store...
22:52Let me tell you what this is all about.
22:54Come and let me show you what products we have.
22:56Come and let me show you what products we have.
22:5830 seconds.
22:59How are you doing?
23:00High mark-ups mean low sales.
23:03Just £2.
23:05No? Are you sure?
23:07Mouthwash, £2, absolute bargain.
23:12I'm livid.
23:13Is there anything you're interested in today?
23:16Almost next door, you've got the UK's largest discounter
23:20at prices that are a fraction of what these fools are charging.
23:24They're only selling for a pound, are they?
23:26Where are we shopped?
23:29Are they? They're selling them for a pound at the moment.
23:31Right, OK.
23:35Get the fishing rod out.
23:37Come on!
23:39Trying to reel in passing trade,
23:42marketing man Richard.
23:44We're Manchester's newest discount store.
23:46I've even got a T-shirt saying it. It means it's true.
23:49People won't just walk into a shop randomly.
23:51Come with me, I skate.
23:53I know that being out the front
23:55is actually the most important thing in this job.
23:57You're wasting your energy.
23:59I've got lots of energy to waste, though.
24:02That's why I made sure that I was part of it.
24:04Hi, madam, how are you doing?
24:06We are Manchester's newest discount store.
24:11Also out to drum up business...
24:13Oh, no!
24:15Discount store.
24:16..Bretton Barnard.
24:17Yeah, the store looks good.
24:18It looks like they are very organised.
24:21It looks like their set-up is much cleaner.
24:23Obviously, they've got the cuddly toys.
24:25OK, Richard.
24:26Hiya, madam.
24:27What is he doing?
24:29I'm an ice skater. How are you?
24:32What was that?
24:33That was terrifying.
24:34I can't see you two doing anything.
24:36Hello, madam.
24:37Mate, I don't need to,
24:38cos I'd rather not do anything than dance like that.
24:40That was embarrassing.
24:41Hiya, madam, how are you doing?
24:43He so reminds me of David Brent.
24:45You're walking so fast!
24:48Hi, guys.
24:49Hi, guys. How are you getting on?
24:51I'd say mediocre.
24:52Back at base...
24:53What I notice about Versatiles is that theirs is all up front,
24:56so when the customers come in,
24:58they're just kind of congregating around the front area.
25:01..a tactical rethink.
25:03Put all these baskets out the front and bang them out for £1.
25:08Stop keeping it in here, draw them in.
25:10OK, is this iron selling?
25:12Er, no.
25:13I think push them forwards and...
25:15If you cut bland items in the front,
25:17people are just going to keep on walking past.
25:19People can't really see them.
25:20Can we just run with that strategy?
25:22People are not buying that product.
25:24I want that stuff in there.
25:27Speak to me like that again.
25:29At the end of the day...
25:30I want that stuff.
25:31That's boring.
25:32Yeah, yeah, I would like that stuff.
25:34That's fine.
25:35In that.
25:36That's fine.
25:38Everyone thinks their idea's the best and it has to be that way.
25:41Everyone's annoying me in some aspect.
25:43Sam, you stay here.
25:44Me and yourself will go out and Farna and Brett, you stay here.
25:47All right, we'll go and try out some more stuff.
25:50It's a little bit of a circus act, to be honest with you.
25:53Right there.
25:55Can I show you something?
25:58Can I just quickly show you something?
26:00On the other team...
26:01We've also got some beautiful...
26:04Need some kitchen now?
26:06..with high-priced goods slow to shift.
26:09Come and have a little look. Go on.
26:12I think we need to do some sort of, like, bargain buy, I really do,
26:15just to get a lot of the stuff sold.
26:17From Joseph, a plan to secure sales.
26:20What about if we say £5 for the bag, take five items, all in one?
26:24I like the idea, we'll give it a go, yeah?
26:26All right, cheers, mate.
26:27Mouthwash, a toothpaste.
26:29That was only 50p.
26:30A can of drink.
26:32Jam biscuits, shall we, Dodge?
26:33Then I was thinking the kitchen bowl.
26:36Special offers sorted.
26:38Do you want one of those manager specials for £5?
26:40Yes, you're making the manager very happy.
26:49At Scott's electrical store...
26:51There you go, madam, your receipts are in there, both receipts.
26:53We have selfie sticks, we have portable phone chargers, hand blenders.
26:57Just come take a look, there's no harm in that, right?
27:00After a staffing reshuffle, a surge in sales.
27:04There's that one and that one.
27:06There's that one and that one.
27:08It was very quiet this morning.
27:10What's your name?
27:11Brett and Varna have come into the store and things have really picked up.
27:15They're great salespeople.
27:17Yeah, well done.
27:18It's Jelly Belly Berry Cherry Body Wash.
27:20Try saying that after a couple of drinks.
27:23They're charming people into the store and they're selling.
27:27The problem is Sam.
27:29He's been in the store all day,
27:31he's had far more opportunity than anyone else to sell,
27:34and yet Brett and Varna have turned up and they're already outshining him.
27:37Self tan wipes, they're really good.
27:39Do I look like I need a tan?
27:40Well, no, to be fair.
27:42Let's be serious.
27:43He didn't have a good day yesterday, he messed all the figures up
27:46and he's lost his way again today.
27:49Oh, shut up.
27:55Screw that.
28:02We're Manchester's newest discount store.
28:05For Gary's team, with prices down...
28:08So we've got ourselves a deal on some oven cleaner for £2.
28:11Yeah? Come on then, let's get that sorted.
28:13Takings are up.
28:15Keep going, guys.
28:17Selfie sticks, guys.
28:23For Scott...
28:25We need to get loads of new stock, see what they've sold.
28:28Hi, guys.
28:29Hey, guys.
28:30..a plan to reinvest takings in more tech.
28:33What is it that we are selling the best of?
28:35Portable phone chargers as the best seller by miles.
28:38Headphones are selling pretty well.
28:40Me and yourself will go replenish the stock.
28:43Can I just say... Go, go.
28:45I've been brought out of the store at the busiest time
28:48and now you're taking me away from the store again,
28:50so it's the same thing that you guys mentioned earlier about sales,
28:52it's not fair because it's going to be reflected.
28:54And I sold the most yesterday.
28:55OK, you did sell the most yesterday, but this morning you didn't.
28:59Whatever, whatever. Yeah, guys, OK, all right.
29:02This is horrendous.
29:04Oh, my gosh.
29:06We just humiliate in front of everyone.
29:08This morning it wasn't busy here, but they've now got the busiest time,
29:11which we're not going to get credited for,
29:13so I don't want to be in the firing line for not selling.
29:16Selena, all she does is complain and talk negatively.
29:19We had to be fair for Brett and Vanna and now we're not being fair for me.
29:22And she doesn't actually contribute,
29:24she just talks about what she could be doing.
29:27So I'm happy that she's gone.
29:38At Manchester's discount store...
29:42..a more relaxed approach to reinvestment from Gary.
29:46As you can see, this place is getting really busy.
29:49This is certainly not the time for Gary to be working out
29:52what stock is required.
29:54He should have done that much, much earlier.
29:56Do you want these all in different bags, then?
29:58We've got two bags. Oh, you have?
30:00Cash in the till doesn't earn you money.
30:02You've got to replenish the stock frequently.
30:04Gary? Yes, mate?
30:06Can I have you for a second, please? Ten seconds.
30:08It's pretty important, mate.
30:10As a project manager, Gary's a little bit lost at the moment.
30:13I can't really see him. Gary? Yeah?
30:15I need you again, mate, please.
30:17Every time I turn around, he's not there or he's hiding in the back.
30:23Anyone want to buy any Maltesers or, well, body wash or anything?
30:27No? It's all right, I'll talk to myself.
30:323.30pm. You all right?
30:34Yeah, good, thanks, yeah.
30:36Armed with more stock...
30:38I've got a strategy which I think we need to do now.
30:42..a positive charge from project manager Scott.
30:45We want to get rid of everything that we can... Definitely.
30:48..for more of the price being paid for it,
30:50even if it's a pound.
30:52Scott has not had an easy day.
30:54On these, just make a massive shout at the fact they're two quid.
30:57Yeah, mate, I'll stop. Two pounds, two pounds.
30:59Like, let's get rid of these.
31:01But he's not given up. He's gone off, he's replenished the stock.
31:04Let's really hit home, let's get rid of all of this
31:06and let's just keep on selling, yeah?
31:08Hi, guys, how are you doing today? Check out our...
31:10He's motivating people and he is continuing to try.
31:13We've got sweets here, two for £1.50.
31:15Who's coming into Bargain Haven?
31:17Come on in and have a look at what we got.
31:19Rock-bottom prices.
31:23Just two hours...
31:25I just think we should go sooner rather than later.
31:27..till trading ends.
31:29We need to replenish the stocks now, yeah?
31:31Myself and David, we're going to get there and back as quick as possible.
31:35Restocking at the end of the day.
31:37You've got rush hour coming up to the end.
31:40People are leaving the shopping mall.
31:42This is where they're going to spend the most money.
31:45OK, let's go.
31:47Hopefully it's not cost us the task.
31:52With shelves freshly stocked...
31:54Get rid of absolutely everything in the store.
31:56..profits pile in at Discount Haven.
31:59It's £10. Yeah.
32:01If you've got contactless, I can do contactless.
32:03Which do you prefer, the red or the white?
32:05I like the white better, personally.
32:08Thanks, Lisa. Bye.
32:12Let's go, mate.
32:13..less than one hour to go.
32:18Let's get the products out. Restocking on the toys.
32:21So four and three, I'll bring it down to six.
32:23Prices tumble.
32:25Last-minute price drop.
32:27You'd be a fool to miss out on these deals.
32:29We've got about half an hour left in our store.
32:31We've got rock-bottom prices and everything.
32:33That's all the portable device charges gone.
32:35£8, £9, £10. We'll call it £11.
32:37I'll do two for £18.
32:39Oh, that is a bargain. Right?
32:41Guys, we've got five minutes left of trading.
32:43£2. Come on then, quickly now.
32:45Your life will change if you have this.
32:47Nice one. Thank you very much.
32:49£2 in place, sir.
32:51We're literally just shutting down.
32:55OK, guys, we've finished trading.
32:57Well done. Well done.
32:59Tonight, assets will be added up.
33:01Well done, guys. Top effort.
33:03What a crazy shop. Crazy shop.
33:05Crazy prices.
33:07Let's call it a day.
33:09Tomorrow, the boardroom.
33:15You can go through to the boardroom now.
33:55Well, this task
33:57was to try to replicate
33:59a discount store.
34:01Nothing too complicated here.
34:03Buy it, sell it,
34:05replenish your stocks.
34:07That's what this was all about.
34:09When I was a young man at 17 and a bit years old,
34:11I just took some money,
34:13bought some stuff as I was selling it,
34:15bought some more stuff,
34:17and by the end of that day,
34:19I'd earned more money than I earned in a month
34:21in the last job I had.
34:23Dead simple.
34:25Right, who wants to talk to me first?
34:27I'll go if you want.
34:29You put yourself forward as the project manager,
34:31is that right? I did indeed, yes.
34:33You, of course, work for a massive retailer,
34:35don't you? Absolutely.
34:37So I wanted to focus on affordable gifts.
34:39Charlene and Joseph did a great job
34:41in terms of negotiating a price with the wholesaler,
34:43and they actually not only got 5% off
34:45on the first day,
34:47but what was great...
34:49Er, excuse me, that wasn't the first call, was it, 5%?
34:51No, it wasn't what we was proposing.
34:53It was proposing almost
34:55buy one, get one free.
34:57What planet are we all on here?
34:59Wholesalers notoriously have very,
35:01very small margins.
35:03To have thoughts of getting 50% off,
35:05this is what Claude told me.
35:07It was very informal negotiation.
35:09Very informal.
35:11Charlene, that's exactly how you opened up.
35:13You wanted two for the price of one.
35:15Yeah, yeah, I did...
35:17So it wasn't flippant, it was serious.
35:19Right, move along, you're on the stalls now.
35:21And the key to this
35:23was to smell what we're selling.
35:25So how did you do?
35:27Richard and Charlene did a fantastic job,
35:29and they actually
35:31sailed out with all the products.
35:33You went for the scented candles,
35:35body butter and diffusers.
35:39Sounds like a night in for you, Valentin.
35:43Now you're going from a stall environment
35:45out in the street into a shopping centre.
35:47Yeah, working in shops,
35:49just wanted to make sure that it was slick operationally.
35:51Good bargains at the front of the store,
35:53bring people in, but then we wanted different worlds,
35:55so we had the toilet world, the household world, the gift world.
35:57The toilet world?
35:59Strategically placing stuff in the right place,
36:01the journey round the store.
36:03That's right, yes.
36:05Now, here's...
36:07Well, I don't think you were that clever.
36:09The branded products, OK?
36:13So if you recognise something that you're used to buying
36:15at the front of somewhere
36:17and you see it at a price lower
36:19than you are used to paying...
36:23..it implies that you must have bargains in your shop,
36:25and therefore I will come in and explore the rest, right?
36:27Yep, correct, yeah.
36:29The only problem is, you were down the road
36:31to some famous pound shop
36:33and you were more expensive.
36:35Yeah, there was a few items that we started,
36:37like £3, £4, £5, and we actually reduced them.
36:39It didn't take a rocket scientist to work that out, does it?
36:41No, not at all.
36:43You two were pulling people in, were you?
36:45Yeah, that's right.
36:47The big thing that we needed to do is actually get people into the shop.
36:49It's fair to say they did whatever it took.
36:51You sound like the most successful double-app
36:53since the Chuckle Brothers up north.
36:59Replenishing of stocks.
37:01You went in to about three o'clock, I understand,
37:03and business stops at 5.30, didn't it?
37:07Gary, it's fair to say you missed a trick.
37:09I get the logic and I accept that.
37:11Take that on board.
37:13All right, so, good cooperation from your people here?
37:15No, it's fantastic. Can't fault them.
37:17OK, now, let's move over to Connexus.
37:19Scott, you put yourself forward, is that right?
37:21I did, yeah.
37:23Just because of my previous sales experience,
37:25I thought, out of the team,
37:27I was probably best suited to leading this task.
37:29So, yeah, on the first day,
37:31we came up with the electronics,
37:33so we found six products
37:35and it was apparent with where our first location...
37:37Hang on a minute, I think you've forgotten something.
37:39You went in quite prepared at the warehouse, didn't you?
37:43But you'd made a mistake at the till, hadn't you, Sam?
37:45Yeah, we had, so I was in charge of doing the costings.
37:47It was quite embarrassing,
37:49Sam was sort of crawling around on the floor
37:51with his calculator...
37:53It wasn't my finest moment.
37:55You tutor kids, don't you, for a living?
37:57Yeah, I do.
37:59We want to get them to tutor you with a bit of maths, it seems like.
38:01Yeah, maths is not my strong point.
38:03I'm not asking you to embark upon integral calculus here, am I?
38:05No, it wasn't a population...
38:07How much these things cost and you add it up and that's it?
38:11Right, move along.
38:13You're on the stalls.
38:15And how did you get on, you and Selina and Sam?
38:17So, firstly, these two done amazing
38:19and they were selling really, really well.
38:21I didn't sell as great that day.
38:23I don't know if it was my mojo,
38:25but it gets back into my...
38:27It wasn't your best day, was it?
38:29No, it wasn't.
38:31And Brett and Varna, you weren't having a good time.
38:33I came up with an idea of highlighting the items of what we had
38:35with a was price and now price.
38:39Karen quickly rectified that for me.
38:41It's a bit dodgy, that, you know?
38:43Was £19.99, you can have it now for £9 and all that stuff.
38:45You can't make false statements.
38:47Something has to be on sale for at least 28 days
38:49before you can start saying,
38:51and you were on sale for 28 seconds.
38:53Are you going to be a part of that?
38:57Or were you going to plead the Fifth Amendment?
38:59Mmm. All right.
39:01So, we're now on to the day at the retail outlet.
39:03People were concerned about making sure
39:05I was seen to be doing some selling.
39:07I think the dynamics has started to change
39:09as we're going through the process
39:11to more of individual selling rather than teamwork.
39:13I think we're just conscious of it now.
39:15When you get to the nitty-gritty at the end,
39:17there is statistics raised on your performance.
39:19That is a very honest answer.
39:21I have to say, because what you're saying is
39:23that you're preparing yourself in case of loss.
39:25We've all managed to get this far through the process
39:27and everyone's got to self-preservate?
39:29You should get a dictionary of some of the words you come out with.
39:31I've never heard of self-preservate.
39:33The point I'm making is the thrust of this task
39:35was not about individuals, sales, numbers.
39:37This was a task of building a business.
39:39And, in fact, if the manager came into this ballroom today
39:41and hadn't sold anything,
39:43to me, it wouldn't bother me one little bit.
39:45Now, I'm not going to say,
39:47if the manager came into this ballroom today
39:49and hadn't sold anything,
39:51to me, it wouldn't bother me one little bit.
39:53Now, later on during the day,
39:55there was a discussion about you wanting to move products
39:57to the front of the shop, including these irons that you bought.
39:59It seemed if we put more energy into a certain product,
40:01they sold.
40:03So what we wanted to do was maybe highlight that.
40:05Brett didn't agree, did you, Brett?
40:07I knew they wasn't selling. I knew the other items were.
40:09I think Scott had said something and I said,
40:11look, don't speak to me like that.
40:13It wasn't pleasant, though, was it?
40:15Everyone was getting a little bit...
40:17I think there was a heated moment
40:19of just everyone just...
40:21Having a go at you, Scott.
40:23Just too many voices and stuff.
40:27Good project manager?
40:29Yeah, I think it was a difficult task for him,
40:31but generally I like working with Scott.
40:35OK, well, I think we've heard enough here.
40:37Let's see how we did and how the assets
40:39would have grown in both companies here.
40:41So, Karen, let me know about Connexus, please.
40:44Well, I'll tell you now, Alan,
40:46that you gave them £500 to start off with
40:49and at the end of the trading period
40:51they had cash in their till of £592.30
40:55and the value of their stock was £369.74.
40:59So the total value of the business was £962.04.
41:04Right. Claude, same thing for Versatile.
41:07Well, Versatile also started with £500,
41:09but they only had £497.55 in their till
41:13at the time of the play.
41:16The value of their stock, however, was £1,013.52,
41:20so the total value of their business
41:22was £1,511.07.
41:28So you made over £1,000 in the course of this exercise.
41:32Very good.
41:34Well, you're the top of the asset list at the moment
41:37and for this week's treat I'm going to send you
41:40to the top of London's most iconic building.
41:43It's called The Shard
41:45and you'll be able to toast your success
41:47with a VIP champagne experience.
41:50So well done. Thank you very much, Lord Sugar.
41:52And I'll see you on the next task.
41:54Thank you, Lord Sugar. Well done. Thank you.
42:01I smashed her voice. We nearly got her.
42:07So, look, you'll need to go away
42:09and we'll come back and we'll discuss it in greater detail, OK?
42:12Thanks. Thanks, Lord Sugar.
42:21That's awesome, innit? Look at that.
42:23Can you see the house?
42:27So where we live is right by the BT Tower there,
42:30so do you fancy, when you move to London,
42:33getting a place round there?
42:35Yeah, not with you, though, Richard.
42:38Put my neck on the line in terms of being project manager.
42:41Lord Sugar said in the boardroom I was a classic retailer.
42:44Cheers to us, guys. Come on.
42:46What we say in our industry, retail's detail,
42:49and that's exactly what I showed.
42:51Seeing that we're the tallest building in Europe
42:53and then you're the tallest amongst us,
42:55you are now currently the highest thing in Europe.
43:07I thought this task was about individual sales.
43:09I don't know where we got that from.
43:11So you're blaming Brett for having brought that up in the first place?
43:14I'm not blaming anyone. I think it's a valid point
43:16because I also started thinking about it.
43:18Exactly, but I'm just the one that always says it.
43:20I'm not blaming either of you. I agree with you in the boardroom.
43:23No, but I agree.
43:24I think Selena is at the core of why this task failed,
43:27because we didn't work together as a team.
43:29If it was up to me, Selena deserves to be fired
43:32above everyone else in this process.
43:34This is a perfect example now... Exactly.
43:36..of exactly where we went wrong.
43:38Just what we're just doing now.
43:40But everyone's here as an individual,
43:42despite the fact that I'm always one to say...
43:44Well, this is what I'm saying.
43:45We might be here as an individual, but you're stronger forces as a team.
43:48I think the dynamics have changed a lot in the process
43:51and now people are very much individual.
43:53Everyone's just trying to cover their arse, to be honest,
43:55before we even thought about winning the task.
43:57There were so many voices with so many opinions
43:59and I was like, I don't want to be part of all this argument,
44:02I just want to get out and I just want to sell.
44:04If someone isn't interested in helping anyone else
44:06or communicating with anyone else,
44:07if there's ever a case of selfishness in terms of teamwork,
44:10there it is.
44:28Yes, Lord Trigger?
44:29Can you send the candidates in, please?
44:31Yes, Lord Trigger.
44:32You can go through to the boardroom now.
44:52Right, well, Scott, it sounds to me less of a pop-up shop,
44:56more like a cock-up shop, quite frankly.
44:59With terms of the team itself,
45:01we overcomplicated every aspect of every part of the task.
45:07I just didn't perform.
45:08I didn't feel good at any part of the task
45:10and I think the dynamics have started to change in this process
45:13where it's more about individual kind of perspective,
45:15what you might think.
45:16The thing is, is if your team wins, that's it,
45:18you go back to the house, don't you, and you come into the next task.
45:24Selina, according to Karen, it was non-stop droning, moaning to him.
45:30I don't think that's true.
45:31I mean, certainly I was upset about the fact that...
45:33It is true, Selina.
45:34OK, but can I just say that Brett and Varna weren't happy
45:36working on the sub-team canvassing
45:37because they wanted their time to prove their house.
45:39No, we did just say that we should just mix it up, that's all.
45:41Hang on, hang on, hang on.
45:42I'm not finished. You should ask me a question.
45:44She's talking about how you're being negative.
45:45She's not talking about anything else.
45:46I'm getting to that, Varna.
45:47That created a real problem amongst the team
45:48because it stopped everybody thinking about a team
45:50and it started making everybody think about their individual sales.
45:52Selina was constantly complaining, moaning,
45:54being completely negative,
45:55and she really brought down the morale of the team.
45:57Varna, I don't think you can blame everything on me.
45:59You guys didn't listen.
46:00You ignored everything that Scott asked you to do.
46:02Jo, I will back that up as well.
46:04I mean, not so much you, Varna.
46:06I mean, you two guys didn't really listen to anything I had to say.
46:09Who, which two?
46:10Brett and Sam.
46:12You can look at me how you want,
46:13but I don't feel like you was really listening to me.
46:15Sam, you were stuck inside the shop all day long, right?
46:20And you had nothing else to do.
46:21If there was any other thing you did,
46:22you messed up on calculations yet again.
46:25I have visions of you just going through the motions.
46:28I have to completely disagree.
46:29Obviously, the calculations, I messed up,
46:31I'll hold my hands up to that.
46:32In terms of selling,
46:33saying that I was in the shop doing nothing all day is ludicrous.
46:37I think it's about attitude, and my attitude was positive.
46:40I wanted to keep...
46:41Yeah, I don't completely agree with the whole positive thing
46:44because I don't, do you know,
46:45I don't actually particularly like working with you, Sam.
46:47Where was you helping other people
46:49and the team and stuff that you're talking about now?
46:51You're part of this as much as everybody else.
46:53I don't think you're passing the buck to other people.
46:55No, I don't think so, Scott.
46:56You were so positive.
46:57You were the one that decided to keep me in the shop because I...
47:00You had a good energy on selling.
47:01It's fair enough.
47:02I'm trying to win this as a team as well.
47:05And I want as much sales as possible.
47:06And you just said I had good energy for the team.
47:08Yeah, selling.
47:09But it doesn't mean it's about teamwork.
47:10It's about individual sales.
47:12But as a team, did you work?
47:13I don't think so.
47:15I don't think there was enough of a strategy,
47:17and a lot of the decisions I felt were made on a whim.
47:19Couldn't agree more fully with Vahna.
47:21I think there are two reasons for the failure of this task.
47:24One was team energy and spirit,
47:26and I feel that Selena is largely at fault there.
47:29She spends a lot of her time retrospectively complaining,
47:31which I don't think is conducive to teamwork.
47:33And I think the second reason for the failure of this task
47:36is a lack of strategy, and I agree with Vahna.
47:38I think that has to...
47:39Well, I don't see any strategy from you, either.
47:41If you finish, Sam, I'd like to speak up, actually.
47:43I'm not going to make personal comments about other people in the team.
47:46I do think there's some very selfish people here
47:48that don't take responsibility for things they may have done,
47:50and they like to point the finger at others.
47:52It's difficult for me to work in that environment,
47:54and I probably shouldn't be so sensitive to it,
47:56but I wanted to do well, and I wanted to do well on the team.
47:58You are sensitive, aren't you?
47:59And you've got sensitivity on another task.
48:01You can't just go throwing a wobbly all the time
48:03when things are not going your way, don't you think?
48:05I completely agree with you, but...
48:06I know, it's no good agreeing with me.
48:08It's a case of, you know,
48:09how many more times are we going to have to put up with this trait?
48:12Brett, supply and demand, that's what this is all about, OK?
48:15So, look, I'm demanding the answers,
48:17and you better bloody well supply them, as far as I'm concerned, OK?
48:21Yes, Lord Chairman.
48:22You heard what these others have said.
48:24Now, speak up for yourself, then, tell me.
48:26To be honest, Scott, on the first day,
48:28started with massively good intentions.
48:30However, it didn't work,
48:31and I think with the pressure building on Scott's shoulders,
48:33wrong decisions were made, and it failed for the rest of the day.
48:38Scott, who are you bringing back into this ballroom?
48:42It's quite tough, but I'm going to bring back...
48:48..and Brett.
48:52Ladies, off you go back to the house.
49:01Right, you three gentlemen,
49:03I have expressed my disappointment of the lack of...
49:07..business nous.
49:09I'm going to have a chat with Karen and Claude.
49:12At least one of you are going to be leaving today, OK?
49:15Off you go.
49:24Brett, I mean, he's a grafter.
49:26He's a bit aggressive, a bit inflexible,
49:29and I think he can start an argument just by being by himself.
49:32Sam, is he out of his depth here?
49:35There were times when I was watching him,
49:37where I didn't think he knew what was going on.
49:39He openly admits that he's not very good at numbers,
49:42which is not a good thing if you're going into business.
49:46He's a smart fellow, but for some reason,
49:48he did not pull this thing together.
49:50We can all have bad days.
49:52The point of this process is to decide how many bad days
49:55this is the second time he's failed as the project manager.
50:04Yes, Roger.
50:05Yeah, can you send the three of them in, please?
50:07Yes, Roger.
50:09Roger, we'll see you now.
50:21Scott. Yeah.
50:22Why did you bring Brett back in here?
50:24Things have to be done in his way.
50:26If not, he does get, I wouldn't say aggressive,
50:29but he's very bullish.
50:31So, Brett, you know, being in the Navy,
50:33I mean, would you think in this process
50:35you've started a few mutinies?
50:37To be honest, Lord Sugar,
50:38I don't think people like to hear honesty sometimes.
50:40Yes, me and Scott bumped heads in the shop.
50:42It didn't look the way in which he spoke to me.
50:44However, I still done what he had asked.
50:46There's a certain way to deal with things.
50:48OK, you might not have agreed with how I spoke to you...
50:50Yeah. ..but it just escalated.
50:52Yeah, I understand that.
50:53And you said you'd smash my face in.
50:55I didn't say that.
50:56He said you'd smash my face in.
50:58He didn't say that, Scott. That's not fair.
51:01He said you'd smash my face in.
51:03No, he didn't say that.
51:04He said, if you talk to me like that again,
51:07and then it just ended, it stopped.
51:10Scott, you did make reference about moving stock,
51:13and obviously I did try to verbalise the fact
51:15that I don't think that's a good idea.
51:17Yeah, OK, but what I'm saying is,
51:18especially in business, a certain way of reacting to things,
51:21and, OK, the smash your face in thing,
51:23maybe I've got that wrong.
51:24I thought I heard that.
51:26Sam, I'm looking for a business partner,
51:30somebody who I'm going to invest £250,000 in.
51:34I, and indeed Karen and Claude,
51:38we're a bit concerned that perhaps, you know,
51:42you may have reached the end of the road here.
51:45I've been trying throughout this process
51:47to prove that I do have business acumen
51:49and that I am a credible business candidate.
51:52It would upset me if that's not coming across,
51:54because I feel like I have been a good candidate.
51:56Are you here to win an investment?
51:58Yeah, absolutely.
51:59Because I really fundamentally believe in my business plan.
52:02If I was lucky enough to get to the stage
52:04where my business plan will be looked at,
52:06I think you'll see that it's an incredibly good business plan.
52:09You've never run a business?
52:10I've never run a business.
52:11I am self-employed, so I know what it is to work.
52:13Well, you're self-employed because you're tutoring youngsters,
52:16particularly, I think, in English, isn't it?
52:19All manner of subjects. I teach...
52:21Not maths.
52:22Now, Scott, why shouldn't I fire you
52:25as the least successful manager since David Moyes in Manchester?
52:29I think, consistently, throughout the whole process,
52:32I've put in a lot of my effort
52:34and I've achieved a lot of good things.
52:36So have we all, Scott. So have we all.
52:38Yeah, OK, but I think that I've had a big part at play,
52:41especially in sales.
52:42On this occasion, I just... It was quite difficult.
52:46You lost it. Your head's gone.
52:48What's this mojo you keep referring to?
52:51I found quite quickly that this team was going to be hard to manage.
52:54My worry is that if you say I was worried about managing this team,
52:57do you think that potentially that had a negative impact throughout?
53:00It was like a self-fulfilling prophecy.
53:02Yeah, OK, but I'm not here to hold everybody's hand at all times.
53:05Who should get fired today, then?
53:07To be honest, with the way that it's gone at the moment,
53:09I reckon Scott should be fired.
53:12I personally think that Sam should be fired.
53:14You're not here for serious business.
53:16That's apt. You haven't seen my business plan.
53:19How dare you sit there and say that? I just think...
53:21Right, OK. I think it's outrageous.
53:24How many times have you been back in the last three, Scott?
53:27Twice, project manager. Twice, yeah.
53:29How many times have you been back in the last...? Twice.
53:31And you? Three in a row, Lord Sugar.
53:33Here's statistics for you.
53:38On this particular task,
53:40there were deliberate things set for you to show me,
53:44grasp, pick up, but you didn't.
53:47Scott, your performance in this particular task
53:51leads me to think that maybe there's a lack of consistency.
53:56It puts into doubt your ability to remain.
54:02Sam, the last time you was in this position,
54:05it was that close that you were going.
54:09And to be perfectly frank with you,
54:12I left you in the process
54:16because I thought, well, look, give this chap another chance.
54:22But Brett, I'm not sure whether I can deal with someone
54:27as blunt and as straightforward that clearly alienates people.
54:33It's regretful that I have to say...
54:39..I have concluded...
54:48..you're fired.
54:49Thank you. Thank you anyway. Thank you.
55:14I'm going to give you another chance, OK?
55:16You two go back to the house, all right?
55:18Thank you, Lord Sugar.
55:42Throughout this process, I've been really clear that integrity is key.
55:47Scott was taking a very deplorable tact in the boardroom
55:50and I don't think that's a good quality in anyone.
55:54Why did he take Sam in?
55:55Obviously, he did the numbers wrong.
55:57Scott just said he found him a little bit difficult to work with.
55:59You were the one who said that a lot, actually.
56:01No, I didn't. Scott said it.
56:05Oh, my God, Sam's gone.
56:07Well done, Brett.
56:10It was quite brutal. It wasn't a very nice experience.
56:13Obviously, Scott's took me back in there
56:15as someone who's not necessarily classed as a team player.
56:18No, no, no, it's not about team and stuff.
56:20I just said we clashed heads a few times yesterday.
56:22You're dominant force.
56:24Leave the last task at the door. It's happened.
56:26No matter how much you might trust someone
56:28and think that they're your mate, it's dog-eat-dog.
56:36Now, nine candidates remain.
56:39Lord Sugar's search for his next...