• yesterday


00:00Previously, on The Apprentice...
00:10You will be selling antiques and collectibles to the public, and trade.
00:18It was straight down to business.
00:20Both teams got a garage full of goods.
00:22Got a nice pair of jumpsuits, right?
00:25Including hidden gems.
00:26That could be crystal.
00:28I just want to check for vintage Chanel or something.
00:31Led by Paul...
00:32I think this is very hipster East London.
00:34..the boys aimed high...
00:35I reckon 300 quid for it.
00:36300 quid for that.
00:37..turning trash...
00:41..into cash.
00:42I just love the sound of money!
00:43Let's go.
00:44Under Michelle's leadership...
00:45What would you give for it, then?
00:48..speedy sales...
00:50Yeah, got it.
00:51..and dire decisions...
00:52My gut feeling, Camden.
00:53I'm going with Camden.
00:54..led to the girls losing their minds.
00:55What does your store look like?
00:56Have you got umbrellas?
00:57Or have you got a wooden stall?
00:58I don't know.
00:59In the boardroom, Lord Sugar questioned Mackay and JD's value.
01:00I believe we worked well.
01:01According to Karen, you look like lost lambs.
01:02But a vintage victory for the boys...
01:04..left the girls coming up short.
01:05Who sold those green vases?
01:0715 pence.
01:08The valuation was 300.
01:09Rebecca had a close call.
01:10I'm going with Camden.
01:11I'm going with Camden.
01:12I'm going with Camden.
01:13I'm going with Camden.
01:14I'm going with Camden.
01:15I'm going with Camden.
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02:00I'm going with Camden.
02:01I'm going with Camden.
02:02I'm going with Camden.
02:03I'm going with Camden.
02:04I'm going with Camden.
02:05I'm going with Camden.
02:06I'm going with Camden.
02:07I'm going with Camden.
02:08I'm going with Camden.
02:10Come on.
02:11Come on.
02:12That's a lovely view for anyone just looking in there.
02:15What a treat.
02:17It's the Tutto Marangoni.
02:20It's a fashion store.
02:22School of fashion.
02:23If we are working with Italians,
02:24you should put brown shoes on,
02:25because you only wear black shoes
02:26and it leads to a funeral.
02:28I am going to the funeral.
02:29Of the other team.
02:33Their egos have gone up a peg, haven't they?
02:35I think so, too.
02:36Looking fresh.
02:40In the heart of London's trendy East End,
02:44Istituto Marangoni.
03:10Good morning.
03:11Good morning, Lord Shepherd.
03:13Well, this place used to be a textile factory
03:18and is now a renowned fashion school.
03:22Your task today has got a lot to do with fashion.
03:27I'll be providing you with a brief tour of the factory.
03:31I'll be providing you with a brief tour of the factory.
03:37I'll be providing you with a product.
03:40Jeans made from Japanese denim.
03:43I want you to come up with an advertising campaign.
03:47You'll be pitching your advertising idea
03:49to some leaders in the jeans business
03:52as well as some top advertising executives.
03:56They'll be reporting back to me, the client.
03:59And as ever in the losing team,
04:02at least one of you will be fired.
04:05Or hung out to dry.
04:09Like one of those things there.
04:12Everything clear?
04:13Yes, sir.
04:14Off you go.
04:17The teams have two days to create their brands,
04:21shoot TV adverts for their jeans
04:25and design a digital screen the public can interact with.
04:30I think we have the best model for our video.
04:34Don't grease, nothing else.
04:36Like really tight as well.
04:38I think I'm too hairy up here, I reckon.
04:40If I wanted to be like everybody else,
04:42then I would have plucked my monobrow.
04:44We'll wax you.
04:45Nobody's touching my hair.
04:47But I don't want to be like anybody else.
04:49Everybody else wants to be like me.
04:51Not here, not here and not anywhere else.
04:59Base for both teams.
05:02Ad agency Rainy Kelly.
05:04My skills lie in branding and advertising and marketing.
05:07It's what I do every day.
05:09Going head-to-head.
05:10I brand all types of businesses.
05:12So I've got a fashion brand.
05:14Pitching to project manage.
05:15I don't do the visual side of branding,
05:17but the brand every day.
05:19Rebecca and Jessica.
05:20Whoever's chosen as project manager,
05:22we could maybe do sub-team manager.
05:24I'd like you to work with me.
05:26OK, Rebecca, go.
05:28Two, three, four.
05:30Four, four split.
05:31Hands up for Rebecca again.
05:33You can't vote for yourself.
05:34Oh, I suppose that's stupid.
05:36Right, so it's Jess.
05:37OK, brilliant.
05:38So hold on.
05:39There's eight of us, isn't there?
05:41I'm going to be project manager on this task.
05:43And there's a four, four split.
05:45I voted for myself
05:46when everyone told me to put my hand down.
05:48So I think I've probably just been somehow
05:50accidentally duped into not being a project manager.
05:53That's awful.
05:54I really want...
05:58OK, can we all get behind me here?
06:00Already running the boys' team...
06:02So, first deadline, target market.
06:04..marketing man Mackay puts forward his plans.
06:08I want to go with teens.
06:10I know we want to do it democratically,
06:12but can we just go with that?
06:14What else do we need? We need brand name.
06:16I thought Itchy Band was a good name.
06:18Itchy Band, Itchy Jeans.
06:20I just don't know what it means.
06:22Emojeans. Emojeans. I love that.
06:24Let's write that down, yeah?
06:25I'm sorry, I'm going to kind of veto that.
06:28I lead a team from the front.
06:30I've got one day after yesterday, which is at i.e. today.
06:34I'm always challenging and asking questions
06:37and that could potentially be an annoyance to some people.
06:40It could be D-A-Y.
06:42I think we'll go for it day after yesterday.
06:45Can we please think of brand names?
06:47Sites set on a luxury brand for women.
06:50Stripped back, unclaimed or reinvented.
06:52For the girls' team, nail the name.
06:55The reason I like unclaimed... I like unclaimed.
06:57..is you could go for things like,
06:59girl stood there taking a selfie and she's claiming her own look.
07:02I like unclaimed, yeah. We're calling it unclaimed.
07:04To play on a word. Yeah, unclaimed.
07:07So what I want to do now, ladies, split into Team A and Team B.
07:11Team A are going to be in charge of the brand and TV advert.
07:14My Strengths Lie was TV adverts.
07:16Team B is going to be the packaging
07:18which you said you were very strong on, didn't you?
07:20You don't want me doing branding?
07:22Even though that's what I do every day.
07:24So who's in Team B? Jessica.
07:26You can't let me finish, please. Everyone's talking over. Right, OK.
07:29They're only half an hour in and Jessica is already flustered.
07:32Erm... Oh, God.
07:34This task is huge.
07:36Maybe the girls have just chosen the wrong leader.
07:39So, Team A, Rebecca. Yep. Team B.
07:41And we've got myself. Can I just be really clear?
07:44Everything has got to be very stylish.
07:46I don't want anything like dog masks or anything like that.
07:52Jeans in hand. Half of each team hits the road.
07:56I'm a little bit concerned about Rebecca as sub-team manager.
07:59Personally, I think Frances or Graña would be a much better team leader
08:03because they're a stronger character.
08:05If you call her and put her down, it's going to cause friction in the group.
08:08You will completely destabilise the team.
08:11I want to go to a premium shop.
08:13We may not get a broad enough spectrum.
08:15We're on Oxford Circus.
08:17For both teams, a chance to get the measure of their target markets.
08:23Which one feels more quality to you, this one or that one?
08:26These are too flattering.
08:27While the girls get the lowdown on luxury shoppers...
08:30If you saw a pair of jeans, what would make you like them?
08:32If the model looks really good in them.
08:34The fit and the feel of the fabric.
08:36..the boys...
08:37Make sure that we're pulling the right type of people in.
08:40..seek out teams for their unisex jeans.
08:44How old are you? 25.
08:46If it's 25, it's a little bit too old, actually, for what we're looking for.
08:50What brand jeans do you like to buy and wear?
08:52I don't wear jeans a lot.
08:54I don't think you're going to be much use to us.
08:56I have a few questions to answer.
08:59Do you know anything about jackets?
09:03We're really out of time now. We've got about 10, 15 minutes.
09:06It's very hard to find people of that age group.
09:08I know, but... Listen, listen.
09:10Let's not argue. We need to get this done.
09:12We're going to stay here. I'll try and find the right target people.
09:16Mackay, he's just trying to be like,
09:18look, I can lead, I can do this, I can do that,
09:20and everyone else's import is coming in a close second.
09:23Come on, I need a little bit of dialogue.
09:25We're going to stay here.
09:26I'll try and find the right target people.
09:28Mackay, he's just trying to be like,
09:30look, I can lead, I can do this, I can do that,
09:32and everyone else's import is coming in a close second.
09:35Come on, I need a little bit of direction.
09:37Let's go.
09:40Back at the ad agency...
09:42This one's really cute.
09:44..in charge of branding for the boys, art director Dylan.
09:48Day after tomorrow.
09:51Yesterday, sorry.
09:53Personally, I think a vibrant yellow is quite unisex.
09:56Dylan, I've never seen colour on a jean.
10:00Dylan, where is the yellow going to come again?
10:02It's going to be under-labelled.
10:06Mate, I think it looks good.
10:08I'm not happy with day after yesterday denim.
10:10Why do you have to say denim?
10:11It's on jeans, right? We know what it is.
10:13Nobody says Coca-Cola is a drink.
10:16Excuse me, guys, you're going to miss deadlines if you don't hurry up.
10:20Dylan, we need to start thinking about a few strap lines.
10:23Do you have a question-answer thing?
10:25Want to have fun the day after yesterday?
10:27Can you talk quieter?
10:28I will come up with an awesome strap line,
10:30but I can't be constantly interrupted in my thinking process.
10:34Always Japanese, definitely cool.
10:36I kind of like that.
10:37Dylan, I'm anxious to talk to the other team, though.
10:40I'll call them.
10:44Hi there, Dylan, are you OK?
10:46I need to relay some thoughts to you.
10:48You need to check the strap lines.
10:50Sorry, Dylan. Stop, stop, stop.
10:52As an art director, I'm letting you have the reign.
10:55But I have to say that...
10:56See you later. Bye.
10:58It just stopped.
10:59That should have been a very important discussion.
11:02Oh, my God.
11:03Makai has shown absolutely no interest
11:05in finding out what his sub-team has been creating.
11:07Frankly, I don't know how he thinks he's going to be able to produce
11:10the billboard adverts without this critical information.
11:13We're under pressure, we're behind, what's next?
11:16Do you know what I love?
11:17Also searching for a strap line.
11:19Claim your fit.
11:21Do you know what's also quite funny?
11:22I don't know.
11:23Claim your fit.
11:24Industry expert Rebecca builds the girls' brand.
11:28Are we saying our strap line is going to be something like...
11:31Claim your fit.
11:32Claim your fit.
11:33A strap line as in the strap of the jeans?
11:35No, no, strap line as in the thing that sits alongside the branding.
11:38Oh, yeah, the strap.
11:41So, the colour, neutral grey.
11:44Can we see it on just a long strip as well?
11:47I'd put, like, a really nice hashtag, if you can do that.
11:49Not a hashtag.
11:50Not on a logo.
11:53That's what we like.
11:55That's going to be our logo.
11:56Unclaimed luxury Japanese denim.
11:58Come on, then.
11:59Here we go.
12:02Planning the photo shoot for their campaign.
12:05It's my deal, eh?
12:06I just want a really clean image of the quality of the jeans.
12:10Project manager Jessica.
12:12But where the hell are the jeans?
12:14Where's the jeans?
12:16The jeans have been left.
12:18Who had the jeans with them?
12:20I said I'm leaving them with you guys who look after them.
12:26Waiting at the studio, a professional photographer.
12:30On the team's to-do list,
12:32pictures for bus shelter posters and interactive displays.
12:36One issue is we can't find the jeans.
12:39What do you mean you can't find the jeans?
12:41Basically, the last location, we've put the jeans down
12:44and then we've not put them back up again.
12:47So you're doing photographs for your jean campaign
12:51without your jeans?
12:58I'm sorry.
13:03Jessica, go outside.
13:05Go and take a breath. Calm yourself down.
13:08We'll all be here when you're ready.
13:13Right, guys, let's try and pull this together.
13:15Let's try and talk while she's not here.
13:17Can't rely on her, yeah?
13:19She's going somewhere. She's going somewhere. Jessica.
13:22Oh, God.
13:28At the boys' photo shoot...
13:30They meant to book the model then, were they?
13:33..with his photographer waiting,
13:35project manager Makai has nothing to shoot.
13:38We haven't got any information.
13:40We don't know when they're coming. They should be here by now.
13:43Shall I get through to the sub-team?
13:45OK, here we go.
13:48I skateboard, I fall, I'm like...
13:50He looks at you and he gets distracted and he falls.
13:56What's going on there? Unbelievable.
13:58This is a joke.
13:59You look very athletic.
14:01Is there a six-pack under there? Yeah.
14:03Thank you. I'm very happy.
14:05Dylan's quest for perfection is all well and good,
14:08but he's fallen well behind.
14:10Imagine you're flirting with somebody.
14:12OK, I'll be the girl.
14:13He's enjoying himself too much and really he needs to focus
14:16because the models should already be at the studio.
14:19How are you doing? You all right? Good, I'm fine, thanks.
14:23Oh, very good, very good.
14:25I can see Dylan blushing. It's just the hot lights, I promise.
14:31Let's go get changed. OK, cool.
14:33Reunited with their jeans,
14:35the girls look closer to home for models.
14:38I wish I had spray tan.
14:41Heat this one down.
14:42And then wear a heel with that one.
14:44That looks ridiculous. Just take it.
14:46That's not going to sell luxury, is it?
14:49Just a little note, we're going to do one for the billboard.
14:52I've forgotten the billboard.
14:54I genuinely don't think she knows what she's doing at all.
14:58Really natural, just do a fake laugh.
15:01We haven't had any direction.
15:03We lost on a lack of organisation last week
15:06and, like, we're going to lose again
15:08and it's just embarrassing.
15:10And then look at the camera. OK, perfect.
15:12Let's go to the graphic designer.
15:16The bus shelter and our interactive billboard,
15:19it's all so disjointed. It's not disjointed.
15:21So if we can try and pull it together...
15:23We're using the same colours throughout,
15:25so that's tying it in. We're using the same jeans throughout.
15:28You're coming up with problems to our solutions.
15:32OK. OK?
15:35Hi there, Maclay.
15:41Oh, nice to meet you.
15:42With only one model sent by Dylan,
15:44another's needed for their unisex campaign.
15:47So, I'm wanting a volunteer.
15:49Courtney. Yeah, that works.
15:51OK, I'll step up to do it, yeah.
15:54Cast complete. Next, the plot behind their posters.
15:58She's just talking to one of her friends, texting or something.
16:01He could be walking by, he could be on the skateboard.
16:03They've both got their jeans on.
16:04He might have something like, hashtag, seize the day, yes or no.
16:07You like that?
16:08Let's get something on camera.
16:10You're kind of up to her, and, yeah, exactly.
16:12Give me a look of love, though, like, oh, my God, who's this hottie?
16:16Ah, he's got no shirt!
16:18Come on, seriously, we've got to win this task.
16:22One hour till work must stop...
16:24Good evening.
16:26..so interactive bus shelters can be built overnight.
16:29Share your image.
16:31Shake it out.
16:33Half of each team creates soundtracks
16:35to prick the ears of passers-by.
16:46Across London...
16:47Why don't we just do one the other way?
16:49Hang on a minute, let's just... Can we please just listen?
16:51..the rest must turn pictures into posters.
16:53Is that the interactive one? Yeah.
16:55And a digital screen the public can interact with via social media.
16:59On this, can we upload a picture onto that?
17:01Yeah. And then I think it must be interactive when you go up to it
17:04and then you can take pictures, is that right? Yeah. Fantastic.
17:07We've only got 25 minutes.
17:09Today has been a comedy of errors and I'm mortified.
17:13Jessica, logo, hashtag turnitup,
17:15and then the best image we can get of these two together.
17:18People keep chipping in at me, clouding my vision,
17:20whereas tomorrow is a new day and I'm going to make sure I stick to my guns.
17:23Guys, I don't want to go over the deadline, just leave it.
17:26Yeah. OK, that's it, done.
17:28Thank you. Here, let's go.
17:31Talk about cutting it fine.
17:34We should have some images that were sent previously from the studio.
17:37Running out of time.
17:39Just to let you know, we need to do the posters first and then the dynamic.
17:43OK, come on. The boys.
17:45We've got five minutes and it's a deadline, a hard deadline.
17:49We can't do both.
17:50Do you not have time for the digital? No.
17:53We haven't got what we should have.
17:55We haven't got the full digital advert.
17:58We've just got an image on a bus shelter.
18:00Let's just go with that.
18:02I think Mukai's walking a dangerous line.
18:04I've got a list of things that have gone wrong.
18:06There was no communication.
18:08And you know what? If you're going to not listen to your team,
18:10this is exactly what happens.
18:14Hello, Mukai?
18:15Unfortunately, the interactive has not been completed.
18:22We missed the deadline.
18:24We're going to have to make an awesome advert tomorrow.
18:27We'll stay positive, get some kit, come back, bounce along,
18:30knock out the video, happy days, win the challenge,
18:33win the task, get the treat, job done.
18:43Good morning, guys.
18:44Good morning.
18:45For the boys, a chance to check in.
18:49Dylan's great in art.
18:50But when it comes to the management part of it,
18:52he tends to get a bit flustered.
18:54So I would like to take on sub-team leadership.
18:56To answer that point, I'm going to be moving to the A-team
18:59on the TV ad.
19:02And I'm going to put Courtney in charge of the sub-team
19:05to lead the packaging.
19:07If that's OK with you, Courtney?
19:08Yeah, I'm completely happy.
19:09Everybody OK? Yeah? Yeah. Fantastic.
19:11We're pitching to corporate businesses.
19:13Can everyone calm down? Everyone's talking over everyone,
19:15so I can't listen. I'm not having this again today. Trust me.
19:19Managing her manpower, project manager Jessica.
19:23With the packaging, I think Rebecca's going to be well-suited
19:25for the packaging, so we're changing team leaders.
19:27I'm going to go on team A today for the TV advert,
19:29and you're going to be on team B.
19:32Alexander, I'd love you to work with me as well,
19:34cos I loved your input yesterday.
19:37Honestly, Rebecca, we've got some really good creative people.
19:39Everyone likes to have their input, trust me.
19:41I'm joking. I'm not.
19:44Come on, let's do this!
19:48Today, teams must create packaging.
19:51So that's the key, then, is that you keep that box
19:53while you're taking your jeans out of it.
19:55And shoot their TV ads.
19:57Interesting, Jessica wanted to go to the TV ad side.
19:59I think she wanted to get away from me.
20:01Do you think? I think it's the weirdest,
20:03maddest day I've ever experienced.
20:05She just lost the plot.
20:07She completely collapsed under the pressure.
20:11For both teams, design works...
20:14We've got a pretty clear idea of what we want to do.
20:17..help to dress up their denim.
20:19That! I love that.
20:22Thinking outside the box...
20:26..the girls.
20:27The logo's going to be washed out on there.
20:29Lift this white off of this logo and put it directly onto this brown.
20:33Loving it.
20:34This is foglit white.
20:35I think it looks really slick.
20:37Next door...
20:38On the inside of the box, we'd like the cherry blossom print.
20:41..leading the boys, designer Courtney.
20:43We'd also like Made in Japan, a bit like the seal of approval.
20:47We want the packaging to be something you want to keep.
20:49Is that a feature you think users are going to pick up on and appreciate?
20:52I mean, I've kept a box, a fragrant box, for 15 years,
20:56which now stores mini-discs.
20:59What would the ongoing function of that box be for you guys?
21:03Will they put their mini-discs in it?
21:10Central London.
21:12Here are your lines. Confidence is key.
21:14Bam, here I am.
21:16Location for the girls' TV ad, a posh Japanese restaurant.
21:21So, Gráinne, do you want to start with make-up for the models?
21:24Calling the shots.
21:25Alexander, help Gráinne.
21:26Project manager, Jessica.
21:28Natalie, can you help me...
21:33Oh, actually, you're going to do the hair and the styling, aren't you?
21:36Today I feel a lot better.
21:38Yesterday was just absolutely horrific.
21:40Erm, but today we'll be fine.
21:43Three, two, one, action.
21:46The next best thing to Japanese food is the jeans they make.
21:51So far, the advert, I have to say, is looking good.
21:54You need some more of that lipstick on because you look gorgeous.
21:57Gráinne did really well on the make-up.
22:00Jessica did really well on the direction.
22:02OK, cut.
22:03The three of us gave good input.
22:05Natalie, bless her, is looking at the timelines.
22:08Natalie, have we got the time?
22:10Eight minutes past.
22:11In terms of contribution, there isn't any more from Natalie.
22:15Main setting for their luxury brand campaign...
22:18Up here, it looks like a girl's toilet with a full mirror and room to move.
22:22Love it.
22:23..the loo.
22:24Take your shoes off, right? Turn your jeans off.
22:32Yep, fastest shoot ever.
22:35Shall we head over to the editing suite?
22:42..Brixton, South London.
22:44Let's get on the point.
22:47Backdrop for D.A.Y. Denim's teen-focused ad.
22:50That's a nice colour.
22:53When you fall, can you take off your sunglasses?
22:56Director for the day, Dylan.
22:58Clear the set, please.
23:00It's a skate park, it's supposed to be a bit dirty.
23:08Let's do it once more.
23:09Oh, God, it's so hot.
23:11I feel like stripping, man.
23:13He's like Marmite.
23:14One day you love him, the next you hate him.
23:16But I don't want her to become a meat market
23:18with all the chicks coming after me,
23:20so I'm just going to deal with sitting in my shirt.
23:22I think I'll opt to it loving, though.
23:24I think I'll go with that one.
23:25It's sunny weather!
23:28Push his shoulder, like, get out of here.
23:32That's good.
23:33That's a wrap, yeah?
23:41Oxford Street.
23:45For both teams, the big reveal of their bus shelters.
23:52That looks all right.
23:53That looks pretty good.
23:54Oh, I really like it!
23:56Well done, well done!
23:58For the boys, a basic display.
24:01It would have been better if we could have had some interaction.
24:04While the girls...
24:05Can we borrow you to take a quick picture?
24:08..use social media to spread their message.
24:10Share your image.
24:16Oh, my God! Are you OK?
24:18Yeah, that one.
24:19A central London editing suite.
24:22OK, and the next scene is Tia.
24:24Always Japanese.
24:26Director Dylan hones the team's TV advert.
24:30I'll wait till you finish, then I'll play with the thing on my own.
24:33You're not going to play on your own?
24:35So what, you won't let me sit and do it on my own?
24:38You scared?
24:40We're trying to get the editing correct.
24:42If there's something wrong with it, you can have your say.
24:45Hey, a perfect fit!
24:47Always Japanese.
24:48Definitely, sure.
24:50Looks good. I like that.
24:52So we now have a 30-second rough cut.
24:55I would really like to get everybody's comments on board.
24:58Is that OK? Yeah? Does that make sense?
25:00No, it doesn't.
25:01What I want to do is I want to spend five minutes with Giorno.
25:04We haven't actually discussed what we've seen yet.
25:07I want to see what I can do in five minutes.
25:09You've made your point, I've listened to you.
25:11I want to have five minutes now. No, you will not get five minutes.
25:14You can wait five minutes. No, I will. I'm overruling you.
25:17No, you are not.
25:19The problem with Karthik is that whilst he may have a lot to offer,
25:22his aggression in terms of trying to get his voice heard
25:25has turned the others against him.
25:27Consequently, the more he tries, the less they listen.
25:30I know he's your choice. Let me speak, please!
25:33Karthik, I'm telling you right now,
25:36I need to speak and you need to listen.
25:38Guys! I am telling you...
25:40You need to be overruled, man. Why are you...?
25:42Karthik, please, for the love of God, stop talking.
25:46No, I'm going to tell you what I want to tell you
25:48and you have to listen to it.
25:53No, don't listen. Yeah, scrap it.
25:56Selecting a soundtrack for their ad...
26:00..The Girls.
26:03You like it?
26:05What are we shaking off, though? Why are you choosing that?
26:08She's just shaking off whatever. She's like, yeah, I'm in power.
26:11Are we happy with Shake It Off?
26:13I shake it off, yeah.
26:15The good news for Jessica is she is a lot calmer today
26:18than she was yesterday.
26:20But the Girls advert doesn't work.
26:23You're filming in a toilet, the song is Shake It Off, very unfortunate.
26:27The next best thing to Japanese food is the jeans they make.
26:30They bring the jeans to sushi food.
26:33It certainly doesn't say luxury product empowers women, to me.
26:40Can't listen to my brain.
26:42Oh, God!
26:44Shake, shake.
26:52Today, both teams will pitch their campaigns
26:55to a panel of industry experts.
26:58But first...
27:02..a delivery of prototype packaging.
27:06Like Christmas, come early. I'm liking it.
27:08There's no doubt that there's jeans in that box.
27:10Really cool.
27:12That is well done.
27:18Oh, wow!
27:20Fabulous and chunky, isn't it?
27:22So do we think that their packaging is luxury enough?
27:25I think that's really luxurious.
27:27So, obviously, we've got the big pitch today.
27:29I'm introducing it and I'm going to lead on to it.
27:31Can we talk about branding?
27:33How are we going to co-ordinate between each other?
27:35Day one, all I had as a project manager was people talking all over me.
27:39And I'm not having it, everyone's chipping in.
27:41Jessica, just one thing, are you going to feel comfortable being calm?
27:45Calm is key here.
27:47We cannot be flustered.
27:49Oh, thank you for that. I didn't realise that.
27:53JD on the branding.
27:55Precision planning his team's pitch.
27:57I think it's a really important part.
28:01Establish the fact that the campaign is an integrated, multi-channel 360 campaign.
28:05The key thing is benchmark for quality.
28:07Teen youth market, premium, high disposable income.
28:09That should come in branding, though, for sure.
28:13Are you clear on that?
28:17West London.
28:19Headquarters of outdoor advertising heavyweights, J.C. Decoe.
28:27Casting an expert eye over replicas of both bus shelters...
28:33..experts from the worlds of fashion and digital signage.
28:49First to pitch, unclaimed.
28:53Watching on, the rest of the girls.
28:57Hello. How are you all?
28:59Thank you so much for inviting us here. Alex, it's a lovely building.
29:01Come on, Jessica.
29:03We were given the task to do a marketing and advertising campaign for jeans.
29:05What we decided to do was target women aged 18 to 35.
29:09So when we were creating the TV advert,
29:11we wanted to put across that the jeans were quality
29:13and also the fit was crucial.
29:15So if we just play the video.
29:17Jessica's cut it off really good.
29:19Yeah, she does.
29:27The next best thing to Japanese food is the jeans they make.
29:35Unclaimed is a beautiful brand that we've put together,
29:39which we think encapsulates the feeling of owning your own look
29:43and claiming that look.
29:45She's so calm, isn't she? She's brilliant.
29:47And adoring what you're wearing, no matter what you're wearing.
29:51This packaging, it feels very solid.
29:53It's actually quite easy to associate that with luxury,
29:55because if you hold a beautiful big diamond in your hand,
29:59that's going to have some weight to it.
30:03I'm just not sure it says luxury to me.
30:05Really? Your branding is targeting more and older consumers.
30:09Oh, right. I can't bear this.
30:11And then your TV advert, it's a little bit younger.
30:14Yeah. Probably mixed messages there for me.
30:17Thank you very much for hearing us today.
30:19Thank you all.
30:20Would you like me to leave that with you to have a look at?
30:22You can keep it. What? You can keep it.
30:24That's a great indication.
30:29Well done.
30:31Seriously. Well done.
30:35Next, D-Day for DIY denim.
30:39So, good morning, everybody.
30:41Day denim really means...
30:44Day after yesterday really means the fact that we're talking about,
30:48we're aiming for the teen market here, so we're really...
30:51I'm really sorry, I've just completely fluffed it.
30:57I'd really appreciate it if we don't mention that to him
31:00and just forget about it, OK?
31:03Today, we're presenting a multi-channel advertising campaign
31:07for the launch of a new denim brand.
31:09I'll now hand you over to JD to explain a little bit more about the brand.
31:13Thanks, MacGuy.
31:15Afternoon, guys.
31:17When you're picking a name, it takes a bit of time.
31:20It takes the creative juices to really get going, get people excited.
31:24The names are flying around,
31:26and after a couple of juicy conversations, we came up with Day.
31:29We feel this is a good name.
31:31Yes, Day Jeans. I love them. I'm going to buy some.
31:34So, sorry if I'm going a bit quick.
31:43Oh, my God! Are you OK?
31:45Did you tear your jeans?
31:47They aren't Neoprotein. They're Day Jeans.
31:49Mine too. Hey, a perfect fit.
31:52Always Japanese. Definitely. Cool.
31:58Please explain to me your unisex idea.
32:01We didn't see any reason why we couldn't have a denim,
32:04that could be for a boy and a girl.
32:06Obviously, different cuts, different designs.
32:08That's not unisex.
32:10But that's not uni? That's not unisex.
32:12So, if you're seeing this one product,
32:14but a man or woman could wear it, that's unisex.
32:17Thank you so much. Thanks, guys.
32:20All right. Hey! Hey! How's it going?
32:23Everyone was unbelievable.
32:25MacGuy, from day one, was like,
32:27oh, I'm this creative director, I'm going to do this, I'm going to do that.
32:31That's been his whole attitude the whole time.
32:33And what's going through my head right now
32:35is that we're the losing team.
32:37Pitch is over. There's nothing more the teams can do.
32:43Good afternoon. Good afternoon.
32:45For Lord Sugar, feedback from the experts.
32:48So, let's start with the girls' team.
32:50We struggled with the name.
32:52The focus was on claim your fit, but it's called Unclaimed.
32:55The packaging, I don't know if there's a pair of jeans in there.
32:58The packaging, I don't know if there's a pair of jeans in there.
33:01It's very bland.
33:02The advert was a younger message
33:04and the packaging was speaking to an older woman.
33:07They could actually be two different brands.
33:09So, now the boys' team, the EIY,
33:11they missed a great opportunity by not deploying the digital screen.
33:16They had a unisex message.
33:18The group didn't really understand.
33:20It didn't work.
33:34You can go to the boardroom now.
33:52Good afternoon. Good afternoon.
33:59Well, this is traditionally one of my favourite tasks.
34:04I've been a marketing man for well over 50 years.
34:08In simple terms, the commodity is jeans.
34:12I asked you to come up with packaging,
34:15television advertising, bus shelter.
34:18That's the whole project, OK?
34:20So, I'm going to start with the boys' team.
34:23Mackay, you were the project manager.
34:26Yes, Lord Sugar, I've worked in fashion
34:28as well as I've worked in marketing and communications, so...
34:31Right up your alley there, right? OK.
34:33Tell me, what happened?
34:35We went with the name Day Denim,
34:38Day standing for day after yesterday.
34:41A day after yesterday, meaning today.
34:43Meaning today.
34:44Sounds like a James Bond movie to me.
34:47Tell me how you split your team up.
34:49Because of our backgrounds,
34:50I felt that Dylan would make an excellent sub-team leader.
34:53So, you had to do, what, the logo?
34:55Design the logotype. And the copy.
34:57Strap line.
34:58So, Naila, I've had a chat with Claude.
35:00What comes across here, Dylan,
35:02is that you are a person of great detail and a perfectionist.
35:06Nothing wrong with that.
35:08The only thing is, I think you forgot to look at your watch.
35:12Dylan is a great artist.
35:13He sat there with the graphic designer
35:15and he started getting into his little artistic world,
35:17but he forgot about the people management, process management,
35:19what are the headlines,
35:20and then all we were working on was the logo.
35:22I don't think that's entirely fair.
35:23Delegation of work was very important, Karthik.
35:26I really appreciated your input.
35:28It was just your delivery was very aggressive
35:31and it was hard to fish out.
35:32I was getting so frustrated.
35:34Karthik, Karthik, you'll hear me say this many times.
35:37If you've got an expert,
35:39unless you've got some constructive input,
35:42then you shut up.
35:44But, you see, the thing is, this time mismanagement
35:47may have cost you dearly,
35:49in the sense that there's one element,
35:51your digital bus shelter didn't get completed.
35:54You just had that logo in the centre of the screen.
35:58Anybody want to tell me how that came about?
36:01We had no communication with the other team.
36:03This is you, right, in your Leonardo DiCaprio role.
36:11I mean, yeah, you know, this is disappointing.
36:15We did a photo shoot in 10 to 15 minutes
36:17and I had 20 minutes to create the bus shelter campaign.
36:20What caused that delay?
36:22We were waiting for the model.
36:24The sub-team hadn't communicated any of the information
36:27to myself or any of our team.
36:29The problem was that you did make a call,
36:31but you didn't listen to what they had to say.
36:33You say, got to go now, and that was it.
36:35Dylan, from what I can understand,
36:37you spent a lot of time in the casting
36:40to see whether the models were going to be any good in the role.
36:44You know, if we were remaking Ben-Hur,
36:46perhaps we'd have the time to do it.
36:48I will say that it was a massive learning curve for me
36:51and I gave it my all and I was doing my best.
36:54Look, somewhere down the line,
36:56someone has to be responsible for the timeline management.
36:59Makai, you're the team leader.
37:01Yes, could I clarify that on the second day,
37:04because of the lack of communication,
37:06I decided to move to manage that team,
37:09so I was there for the video shoot as well as the editing process.
37:12And you're directing that, yeah? Yeah.
37:14We can carry on discussion after I've had a look at this thing.
37:21Oh, my God, did you tear your jeans?
37:23The day jeans. I love day-after-yesterday jeans.
37:26Always Japanese. Definitely cool.
37:33Always Japanese. Definitely cool.
37:37So, then you went off and done a pitch to the experts, is that right?
37:41Who led the pitch? I led the pitch, actually.
37:43I led the pitch as project manager.
37:45How did that go?
37:47Unfortunately, it didn't go perfect.
37:51So, my next question is, good team leader?
37:54No, from my side, in my humble opinion.
37:57It was a team issue. The whole team wasn't functioning
38:00and if the team's not functioning, we're not going to get the result we want
38:03and that's just basic.
38:05Well, look, let's talk to the other team at the moment.
38:10Rebecca, you're in marketing.
38:12Did you put yourself forward? I did. Jessica put herself forward.
38:15We asked the team to vote and Jessica kind of just became project manager.
38:19Jessica, well, talk to me. Tell me what you did.
38:22OK, so, we decided on the name of the company, didn't we,
38:25which was Unclaimed. Unclaimed? Unclaimed, yeah.
38:28So, we decided, first of all, that our target market was going to be women
38:31and then we decided to do a luxury brand.
38:33What kind of age group?
38:35We assumed sort of the ideal customer would be about 25
38:38or maybe a little bit...
38:40You might need to just slow down.
38:42So, just a touch. Just a sip of water.
38:44So, we went for the strap line, Claim Your Fit,
38:47to go with Unclaimed as a play on words into the messages.
38:50You have to be careful in a television advert using Unclaimed
38:53because you might sound like an injury lawyer
38:55shouting for some business.
38:57Right, now, the photography took place on day one
39:01and I believe you left the jeans somewhere.
39:04The jeans were left and we didn't realise
39:06until we were at the photography studio on the way there.
39:08Why was the name Unclaimed like the lost property office?
39:12It was a comedy of errors.
39:14I heard you were a little bit flustered that day.
39:16I was very flustered. It was horrific.
39:18I have to point out there was a loss of control from Jessica
39:21throughout the day and we had to piece Jessica back together.
39:25Anything you say to Jessica, you would have to tread on eggshells
39:28because if you said it in the wrong way...
39:30The reason why I got so tearful and upset, everyone was undermining me.
39:33Jessica, you're paranoid. You're paranoid.
39:35OK, I'm paranoid, that's fine. No-one was undermining you.
39:37I didn't realise how big the task of day one was going to be
39:40and, yes, I did get flustered.
39:42Yeah. OK.
39:44I think, at this point, we'd best look at the advert.
39:58The next best thing to Japanese food is the jeans they make.
40:07Japanese seems to have ranked quite high in your themes.
40:11The boys, you make a bit of a point about Japanese in your box.
40:17Do you think that the end consumer gives a damn,
40:20oh, I'm going to buy a pair of jeans that must be the Japanese fabric?
40:25Did you all go off spending too much time
40:27talking about Japanese in your advert?
40:29I hadn't thought that through enough.
40:31Not only did you choose a Japanese restaurant,
40:33you chose the toilet of a Japanese restaurant.
40:37I'm getting more and more disappointed, really.
40:39I mean, I saw your bus shelter, this thing here.
40:45What has this got to do with jeans?
40:47It's all to do with getting your ideal customer
40:50to interact with your brand.
40:52But what has it got to do with jeans?
40:55I'm just coming along and I see this.
40:57What is it?
40:58Is it packets of crisps that you're trying to advertise there?
41:01A fizzy drink or whatever?
41:04You know, you wait ages for a terrible bus shelter advert
41:07and then two come along at the same time.
41:13This is the packaging.
41:15A hundred-pound pair of jeans in this.
41:18The brand logo, unclaimed.
41:20Pretty insipid, I think, right?
41:22OK, the boys' one is a little bit more in your face.
41:26But, I mean, you know, this is...
41:31Normally, in this task, I make the decision
41:34as to which of those were the best.
41:37Well, I'll tell you what.
41:39I am not putting my name to either of these advertising campaigns.
41:43They're useless.
41:45Both totally, absolutely useless.
41:50I feel so angry that not one of you geniuses
41:55came through and ran this thing properly.
42:00Never mind madmen, more like demented dimwits.
42:08What annoys me is I understand there are some people
42:11who have not pulled their weight,
42:13just general hangers-on or deadwood, as I would call it.
42:17For example, Oliver, you didn't open your mouth once.
42:20Do you think you contributed any way of forming this task?
42:24Lord Sugar, I wrote down a number of questions,
42:27which we carried out on the market research on the first day.
42:32And Natalie, what do you think you did?
42:34Basically, I done the model's hair.
42:37It, like, cleaned up in...
42:39Cleaning and hairdressing, not skills Lord Sugar's looking for, Natalie.
42:43OK. I gave my input.
42:45End it there.
42:48There's no winner here, right?
42:51It's like it's never happened before on this particular task.
42:58Get out of here and have a chat amongst yourselves about this,
43:01because when you come back,
43:03I'm going to invite the two project managers
43:06to choose two people to bring back into the boardroom.
43:16I mean, second week, my favourite task...
43:20I'm just lost for words, really.
43:24The truth of the matter is, it was cock-up.
43:27I tried to manage, the best I could,
43:29a really bad situation that we were in.
43:31You ignored what other people were trying to say.
43:33Did we get the market research done? Let me finish.
43:36It's useless. You're not a good PM.
43:39And if anyone else goes but Mackay today, that's a travesty.
43:42He was being dismissive when we were sitting there making decisions.
43:45I have to take some of the responsibility as PM.
43:47However, I feel Kartik has been a disruption throughout.
43:50He's actually had a net negative effect on the task.
43:53There are two kinds of people in this world, spectators and players.
43:56If you're a player, you will roll up your sleeves and you'll get in there.
43:59Yes, you will step on people's toes, and you'll be labelled a disruptor.
44:02I saw people not pulling their weight,
44:04and that's what leads to frustration,
44:06because it feels like I'm pushing custard up a hill.
44:09Oh, I'm leaving you to have an amazing shuttle back.
44:14Right, the reason we failed the task
44:16is because all of us as a group, not just me, not just you, not just anyone...
44:21You two are marketing. You are in marketing.
44:23Yes, exactly, and who listened to me?
44:25Nobody. I've got a luxurious women's fashion brand.
44:28Jessica, you're leading us.
44:30I was leading you, but you said,
44:32let me put you in charge of the branding. You were shouting at us.
44:34Oh, God, shut up.
44:36I have never experienced anything like that in business.
44:40Did day one go similarly for you? Yes. Fantastic.
44:42Day one didn't go similarly for me.
44:44If Jessica had led with her strengths,
44:47rather than whirlwinding and emotion,
44:49then we might have understood what she wanted.
44:52Why have we failed on the... Because you didn't listen.
44:55I got that bloody flustered on day one,
44:57cos I had you two yipping at me non-stop.
45:03I think there's a lot of people in this process
45:05that are too busy trying to get heard.
45:07If you're building a business, you need team players.
45:09They're not people I'd want working for me at all.
45:11You said you worked well with me on day one.
45:13Because I didn't want to bring your confidence down for day two.
45:16She's an utter nightmare to work with. Nightmare.
45:19Yeah, actually, you're too good at patronising people, honestly.
45:22This is the first I've heard from you because you've been so quiet.
45:25There you go again, patronising people.
45:27Do you know what? That's bullshit.
45:29Bullshit, darling.
45:31What the hell's going on? We're meant to be grown-up women.
45:34We're not little schoolgirls.
45:44Excuse me.
45:51Well, I...
45:54..bitterly disappointed about the outcome of this task,
45:58to be quite frank.
46:00Have you thought about which two people
46:02you're bringing back into this boardroom?
46:04Yes, Lord Sugar. Who are they?
46:06I would like to bring in Kartik,
46:08cos he is such a disruption to the party.
46:10On the other side, I'm sorry to say, JD,
46:12but he's a very nice fellow.
46:14I thought that the branding points that we needed to express,
46:17actually, none of them were covered during the presentation.
46:20What about your team? Have you thought it through?
46:23I'd like to bring Alana back into the process.
46:25The only contributions she made
46:27was she kept coming up with problems to solutions.
46:29I think I'd like to bring in Natalie,
46:31just because she wasn't heard enough.
46:33There's more she could have done. OK.
46:35That leaves 11 of you.
46:37You better up your game on the next task.
46:40You've got to up your game,
46:42cos I am terribly, terribly disappointed with what I've seen to date.
46:45OK? Go back to the house.
47:00Right, I'm going to start over here.
47:02Could you give me an explanation as to what JD's doing here?
47:06Before the presentation, we had discussed the branding points
47:09that we needed to communicate.
47:11Unfortunately, none of those points were actually communicated
47:14during the presentation. JD?
47:16The presentation, it didn't get off to a great start,
47:18cos Mackay was stumbling like a bit of a fool.
47:20So when I stepped in, I thought I'd keep it lively
47:22and try and cheer them up a bit.
47:24I may have missed out some points,
47:26but there was a lot of information I was given,
47:28compared to everyone else, and I felt I'd pulled my weight.
47:31I'd helped Dylan. I asked you to do the strap line,
47:33because the deadlines were mounting up.
47:35I'm talking at the moment. You can have your moment.
47:37The simple thing was, I'm not the project manager,
47:39I'm not the sub-team leader.
47:41I'm trying to help them as a member of their team.
47:43You think you did, then, do you? I think I did.
47:45I took up the project, the pseudo-project manager,
47:47if you like, for that particular sub-team.
47:49Are you kidding me? I turned to him...
47:51You were a massive disruption. It's on camera.
47:53I turned to him and I said, I'll come to disruption in a moment.
47:56I've got an answer for that as well.
47:58So he didn't want to take up the work on his own at all.
48:00I mean, there's no single piece of work...
48:02Who came up with the strap line?
48:04I mean, this guy's absolutely fabulous
48:06and he comes up with ten minutes of rubbish every half an hour.
48:08Why did you bring him back in?
48:10Artik, unfortunately, everybody has found him incredibly disruptive.
48:14Not everybody. You're wrong.
48:16A lot of the team found him disruptive.
48:18Stop me from doing it.
48:20In terms of the altercation that happened...
48:22Can you please let him speak? Sorry, sir.
48:24Just give me the bullet points while you brought him back in.
48:26In total, he has been a constant disruption.
48:28I would have, in hindsight, not had him in my team
48:30if I could make that decision.
48:32Ten seconds, Lord Sugar. Just ten seconds.
48:34My guy's a good fashionista, he's a good employee,
48:36but he's not a good employee at all.
48:38You're not very subtle, are you?
48:40I mean, it's like you're trying to play a piano
48:42with boxing gloves on at the moment.
48:44You're all over the place, really.
48:46He's saying that you are responsible for the failure
48:48because other people couldn't get on with their job.
48:52But, Lord Sugar, it's hard to work for him
48:54because he cuts you off...
48:56Just to let you tell...
48:58It was my design, it was my music.
49:00I was asked to shut up when you were speaking.
49:02Are you blaming him for the failure of the task?
49:04Yes. I think...
49:06I mean, you were blaming him a while ago.
49:08I think the fault lies in both these people.
49:10One person, in my opinion, could have... Not you.
49:12If I was not there, yes, the disruptor would not have been there,
49:14but how would deadlines have been met on the branding day?
49:16How would two videos...
49:18I'm going to come back to you in a minute.
49:20Jessica... Yes, Lord Sugar?
49:22Basically, you cracked up on the first day,
49:24part of the first day.
49:26Oh, it must have been. Yeah.
49:28And Rebecca should have been the project manager.
49:30100%. In the end.
49:32On day one, when I lost my head, honestly, that's not me.
49:34On day two, I pulled it back together
49:36and I came back fighting, but day one,
49:38all the important decisions were already signed off,
49:40but I did, unfortunately.
49:42I had a couple of the stronger characters undermining me
49:44and flapping me, and I'm flapping now,
49:46but I lost my train of thought.
49:48Can you explain to me
49:50the reasons as to why you brought
49:52these two ladies back in?
49:54Alana was nothing but disruptive.
49:56She didn't listen.
49:58When I made a decision, she'd undermine me,
50:00and then if we didn't go with her decision,
50:02she'd sit there with her face on.
50:04It brought the whole team down.
50:06It just wasn't a great atmosphere.
50:08The reason I brought Natalie back in,
50:10she could have done more, but she was just getting on
50:12with the jobs, the small jobs that were there.
50:14Can I explain what happened?
50:16Because you probably think I'm a real quiet character,
50:18but I'm actually not.
50:20What did you do in the team, then?
50:22Where was your creativity?
50:24When we did the photo shoot, Jessica was really upset.
50:26We had a personality clash.
50:28It wasn't a personality clash. It was everything I said.
50:30You went against... If we didn't go for your idea,
50:32there was an argument.
50:34I don't know anything about marketing.
50:36Calm down and tell me
50:38what you contributed to this task.
50:40I was in a grump
50:42because I was stressed, and I'm really sorry.
50:44To be fair...
50:46Let me just say what I did, please.
50:48The two posters were my design.
50:52Natalie, you say in your CV
50:54that you are creative.
50:56Where were you creative
50:58in this particular exercise?
51:00Oh, Lord,
51:02I've done the best I can.
51:04On day one, I was working with Rebecca,
51:06designing the design.
51:08Rebecca took control of that
51:10because that's what her strong point was.
51:12But you didn't offer
51:14any alternative ideas, did you?
51:16I tried. I did say.
51:18Well, I was there.
51:20I just didn't.
51:22I was cleaning and hairdressing.
51:24What have you...
51:26Why have you brought her back in there?
51:28She did a lot.
51:30And now you're defending her
51:32because you're trying to get out of it
51:34because you don't like me.
51:36I did my best,
51:38and I certainly just didn't clean and do hairdressing.
51:40If you weren't there, what would have been missing
51:42from the ad campaign?
51:44I gave my input.
51:46I did the best I can, but I wasn't listened to,
51:48so maybe if they listened,
51:51Jessica, why shouldn't I fire you?
51:53Because I've got two businesses.
51:55I've got a business model that works the most energy.
51:57I'm used to working 16, 17, 18-hour days.
51:59The only reason why I'm here
52:01is because I want you as a business partner.
52:03Well, so does everyone else. I know, but I want it more.
52:09Erm, Karthik.
52:11Yes, Lord Sugar. You are
52:13a loose cannon.
52:15Lord Sugar, I am a quick learner.
52:17I am a project manager, and in the next task,
52:19if you let me stay,
52:21then I will take up the project management mantle.
52:23You don't even know what it is.
52:25But if I was the sub-team leader, just imagine,
52:27Dylan would have been free to go
52:29and make the best logo he could.
52:31This is what happened to Dylan. He got flustered.
52:33I should think so, with someone like you
52:35hammering away at him.
52:37Yes, Lord Sugar, but just imagine.
52:39Trying to calm you down is like trying to baptise a cat.
52:41I've learnt from that.
52:43Alana, my two colleagues here,
52:45they don't see you. They don't get you.
52:47I really, I really do feel like...
52:49I don't feel like I'm in the background.
52:51I don't understand why I'm coming across like I am.
52:53You're not doing very well at the moment.
52:55I know, I'm not.
52:57Convincing me as to why you should stay in the process, really.
53:03I will not let you down. I've got more to bring to the table.
53:05I've obviously... I was just getting settled in.
53:07I feel on day two.
53:09Jessica, I worked hard.
53:11You didn't even ask me to do stuff. I'd done it, Lord Sugar.
53:13I do 100 hours a week. I do it with passion.
53:15Are you ready to talk to me?
53:17Yes. Um, so, I...
53:21I think I can...
53:23Um, I'm...
53:29This is so embarrassing. I'm genuinely...
53:31I will not fold like a deck of cards.
53:33I'll give you my 100% Lord Sugar.
53:35I don't want to hear any more.
53:41You shouldn't have been the project manager.
53:43And Alana, I see you struggling there.
53:47The one that I am finding very difficult
53:49to come to grips with is you, Natalie.
53:51Someone who, from what I've understood
53:53from the last two tasks, has actually not done much.
53:57JD, do you know what?
53:59I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt, OK?
54:01You're staying in the process.
54:03Thank you, Lord Sugar.
54:05But you, Mackay,
54:07I think there's some fatal errors
54:09you made in this task,
54:11to be perfectly frank with you.
54:13I've got to say, Karthik,
54:15that you are a loose cannon.
54:17Lord Sugar... No, no, keep quiet.
54:21And I can't put up with loose cannons.
54:23This is just the one task...
54:25I said I can't put up with loose cannons.
54:27And for that reason, I'm struggling.
54:35But for a potential business partner
54:37of mine, Natalie,
54:39you've been a bit quiet,
54:41you've not been pushing yourself forward.
54:43It is regretful.
54:45It is only your second week.
54:47But, Natalie, you're fired.
54:49Thanks, Lord Sugar.
55:09you are struggling.
55:11You are struggling.
55:13I know the tension and pressure
55:15that exists in this room,
55:17and I'm sympathising with it a little.
55:23I can't put up with
55:25what I heard from Claude.
55:31Second week,
55:33you said you can learn.
55:35Just go back to the house now, OK?
55:47It's the name of the game, isn't it?
55:49People will think you, obviously, to win.
55:51But I'm not that kind of person.
55:53I'm real.
55:55It's been a pleasure meeting Lord Sugar,
55:57but not getting his investment is not going to affect me.
56:05I certainly learned a lot,
56:07and I think, in a way, I'm happy it happened to me now.
56:09I mean, I just feel that it's not how hard you hit,
56:11it's how hard you can get hit
56:13and keep moving forward.
56:15JD, you're awfully quiet.
56:17It's been a long day, and there's a lot of people
56:19talking a lot of nonsense.
56:21Good night.
56:25Now, 16 candidates remain.
56:27Lord Sugar's search
56:29for his next business partner