• 9 hours ago


00:00Previously on The Apprentice.
00:11For this task, nine items to buy and one night to do it in.
00:15I know London really well.
00:17Rebecca dodged being project manager.
00:19I'd like to be project manager.
00:21So Trishna led one team...
00:23It makes sense to do it by location.
00:25..in two directions.
00:26So is this, like, the ghetto, Paul?
00:28Do you sell tajine?
00:30..as Sofian chased his tail...
00:31Tajine, tajine.
00:32Ah, no, don't do that. Bye-bye.
00:34I wouldn't get a bottle of that on Sunday.
00:36..and Jessica told tall tales...
00:38Could you do these for 100, then?
00:40Honestly, you'd be making me dad a very happy man.
00:42Do you have African black soap? Yeah.
00:44..their team's dreams...
00:46Soup. No!
00:48I am genuinely massively sorry.
00:50I think we need to split the teams,
00:52then decide who goes and gets what products.
00:54..on the other team...
00:55It's not even on him.
00:56..project manager Courtney...
00:58The map doesn't go out this far.
00:59..lost his way...
01:00We're looking for a Moroccan tajine.
01:02Sorry, Curtis.
01:04..and Karthik was caught napping.
01:07Can't sleep in this car.
01:09This is agony, innit? Go.
01:10..but after a race against time...
01:12Oh, my God, come on!
01:13Where are they?
01:14No, no, no!
01:15..Courtney's team won the day.
01:17Well done.
01:18..Francis got a wake-up call...
01:20You need to be on a winning team one day.
01:22I'm going to try on the next Tesla.
01:24..Sofiane had a nightmare...
01:26You didn't co-operate, you didn't work with us.
01:28You're too loud and impatient.
01:30..but Rebecca...
01:31You asked for the opportunity to be a project manager
01:34and once again you didn't take it.
01:36..became the sixth casualty of the boardroom.
01:38You're fired.
01:39Now 11 remain to fight for the chance
01:42to become Lord Sugar's business partner.
02:01Good morning.
02:02Lord Sugar would like you to join him
02:04aboard the Sunborne Yacht Hotel at the Royal Victoria Dock
02:07and please pack an overnight bag.
02:14Wake up!
02:16Royal Victoria Docks.
02:18Overnight? An overnight bag, yeah.
02:20Get out. OK, let's go.
02:25Oh, my gosh, how exciting, we're going overnight somewhere.
02:28Yeah, I know. Nebula need to win.
02:30Oh, my God, I'm a bit of a sick joke now.
02:33Is it Royal Docks, did they say?
02:35Which is where the city airport is.
02:37I think it's going to be your winning week this week, Brad.
02:41I hope so. Lord Sugar would feel sorry for me now, so...
02:55It's four in a row now for Team Titans.
02:57We're going to make it five.
02:58I can't see us losing to some nebula during this process,
03:01genuinely can't see that happening.
03:03Who's on project management?
03:04Dylan and Karthik.
03:06Oh, save us.
03:07Karthik, he's a really good talker.
03:09But at the end of the day, empty vessels make the loudest noise.
03:17Royal Victoria Docks.
03:19Formerly London's largest shipyard.
03:50Good morning. Good morning, Lord Sugar.
03:52Now, here we are on a superyacht,
03:55which is London's only floating hotel.
03:59Now, the boating and boating leisure industry
04:02is worth a massive £3 billion a year.
04:06Now, I want you to get a piece of that action,
04:09so I'm sending you to the annual boat show in Pool Harbour.
04:14Your task is very simple.
04:16Pick the right products and sell them.
04:18Some of them are going to be very high ticket value,
04:21so I want to see some impressive sales figures.
04:25Dylan, you're very creative, very arty,
04:28but I want you to sell, yeah?
04:30The team that generate the highest sales will win,
04:33and in the losing team, at least one of you will be fired.
04:38Now, Francis, you haven't been on a winning team yet,
04:41so you're going to be the project manager for Nebula.
04:44So let's see if you can win.
04:46Karthik, you haven't led a team yet,
04:49so you're going to be the project manager of Titans.
04:52Everything clear? Yes, Lord Sugar.
04:54Well, good luck, and I'll see you in the boardroom in a few days' time.
04:57Off you go.
05:03All right, guys, so here we are, and Karthik finally gets to be PM.
05:07I am a brilliant project manager, and one of the proofs of that
05:10is that I project managed the conception of my baby boy.
05:13I know the exact hotel room in the exact country
05:16on the exact day that he was conceived.
05:18Now, how many parents can give the gift of that information to their kids?
05:23Does anybody here have experience with boats, has done boating before,
05:27knows a friend who owns a boat, anything of that sort?
05:29I've got zero experience.
05:31No, but I think this is more about selling products for a higher range,
05:34which is what I've done for most of my career, so...
05:36Does anybody else have high-inclined experience,
05:38like dealing with millionaires or hundreds of thousands of pounds kind of sales?
05:42No? OK.
05:43The way I thought of splitting this team was
05:45Grania would go with Courtney and sell the big-ticket items,
05:48but that was before Samuel, you said you had experience in this.
05:50That's what I'm thinking about at the moment, so I need to take a call.
05:57OK, here we go.
05:58So I'm going to stick with what I thought originally,
06:00which is Grania and Courtney in charge of the high-ticket items,
06:03Samuel, you're with me, selling to the public.
06:05I think Karthik made a tactical error.
06:07Samuel declared that he's got experience with high-end sales.
06:10Where is he? He's not there.
06:12OK, cool, let's rock. Let's go.
06:16Team split, I've already got an idea in my head.
06:18I'm going to be comfortable wherever.
06:20I actually pitched the UK's leading shipbuilder last year.
06:23Right. I want to definitely be in the high-ticket items.
06:26OK, myself and Sofiane, high-ticket.
06:29The rest of you do the other items.
06:31Please listen to each other.
06:33Paul, I want you to be my sub-team leader.
06:35Paul, I don't like his personality, but I trust his decision process.
06:39Don't undermine people, because this is where we are going wrong.
06:42I've decided to take Sofiane with me,
06:44because if I'd left him in the sub-team with Paul,
06:46it could have created friction. That's something I'm not going to stand for.
06:49Let's go. First win for Team Nebula. Yes.
06:58Team's head for the south-west coast.
07:01I'll be honest, I think you've made a big mistake
07:03and you've sent a make-up artist and a product designer to the high end.
07:07I took a call. I took a call on the evidence side.
07:09Don't take it personally.
07:17Pool Harbour on the Dorset coast.
07:20With over 15,000 visitors expected,
07:24tomorrow's boat show is an opportunity to haul in big profits.
07:29Right, so these are the products, guys.
07:31First task for the sub-teams...
07:33I like these.
07:36..choose eye-catching items to fill their stalls.
07:40I've got the fishing rod pen here.
07:45I've got a big one!
07:47Our fish, this is not a fisherman's tool.
07:49The fish cushion.
07:51But they are really low price,
07:53and that means you've got to sell a hell of a lot to get good sales in.
07:56They're nothing amazing. Oh, we found Nemo.
07:59For Karthik's team, the same selection.
08:02I like these. I think they're kitsch, I think they're fun.
08:04What is this, actually?
08:06So you get out of the water and you put this on and you just sit there,
08:08so you don't have to be, like, standing.
08:12This is so cool. OK, I'm living for this.
08:14I don't know how many people snorkel.
08:16Might go there, no-one snorkels.
08:18Snorkelling and scuba in the UK is still a big sport.
08:20I really like it. I really like it.
08:24Stock scrutinised.
08:26My choice is kids' bags and the fishing rods.
08:28Decision time.
08:30I'm definitely not having them fishing rods.
08:32I'm a guy with a full-size snorkel.
08:34We could put you in a swimming costume,
08:36and you could put this on top and say,
08:38see, I can take it out, and you can't see a thing.
08:42First product cut and dried.
08:44So, changing rubber it is.
08:46One more to hook the punters.
08:48Well, I'm just trying to decide between these two.
08:52Somebody has to take a call. I'll take a call.
08:58I am leaning towards the snorkels.
09:00I like the snorkel as well.
09:02I don't know anything about snorkelling,
09:04whereas these that I catch in...
09:06Yeah, you're right.
09:08Karthik was unwilling to just make a decision
09:10on which product he thought the team should go for.
09:12He's just not a leader.
09:18I'm going to go for the snorkel.
09:20We don't know anything about snorkelling,
09:22whereas these, we can sell loads of them.
09:24I'm happy with cushions as well.
09:26Out in the harbour...
09:30Oh, my God!
09:34Both high-end teams test the merchandise.
09:38Turn. Turn the wheel.
09:40That's it.
09:42Gráinne and Courtney sample a £20,000 speedboat.
09:46I'm absolutely soaked!
09:50While Francis and Sofiane
09:52take a spin
09:54on a £16,000 jet ski.
10:02That was amazing!
10:04It was great.
10:06I thought I was going to die at one stage,
10:08but we got there.
10:10Next for both teams...
10:12How many people can you fit on there?
10:14It'll hold five people.
10:16..gather pertinent product information.
10:18Is it petrol or run?
10:20Petrol. Yes.
10:22It's a 16-foot tube.
10:24So how was that?
10:26They're absolutely beautiful machines,
10:28and that passion and energy, it's just incredible.
10:30I'm actually used to this stuff.
10:32My brother used to own a jet ski,
10:34so he's kind of brought back memories.
10:36It's a toy. It's amazing.
10:38How long ago was your brother?
10:40Eight years ago.
10:42Not as powerful as that, I can tell you that.
10:44I think Francis and Sofiane were more interested
10:46in winning over the guy with their personalities.
10:48They certainly didn't show much professionalism,
10:50let alone glean useful information to sell it tomorrow.
10:54I think selling these is more like the connection,
10:56you know, you're selling a dream.
10:58I'm very, very confident.
11:00Thank you very much. I want that jet ski.
11:04Keep the enthusiasm high, keep the energy high.
11:06Both teams also need a mid-range product for their stalls.
11:10The strategy, when we meet these guys,
11:12be loving about the product, show our enthusiasm.
11:14Sounds good? Mm-hm.
11:16For a chance to sell tomorrow...
11:18..they must impress today.
11:20Now, that looks very interesting.
11:22First up, for Karthik's team, a watersports board.
11:24Price, £299.
11:28Pull like you're a speedboat.
11:32Is this a beginner's access model?
11:34Yes, absolutely.
11:36For Francis's sub-team, same product.
11:38It's for people that tried watersports,
11:40failed miserably, thought,
11:42I can't do it, I'll give up.
11:44Looks so cool. This is amazing.
11:46A stand-up paddleboard.
11:48So, paddleboarding is currently
11:50the fastest-growing watersport in Britain.
11:52I did paddleboarding for the first time last year.
11:54I loved it.
11:56And the foot locks in here, I presume,
11:58and then you paddle with this?
12:00No, that's just for carrying it.
12:04We need that board.
12:06That is a winner.
12:08We could have asked whether he does any offers,
12:10as in, like, package deals at the show, but we didn't.
12:12Yeah, you can put all sorts of luggage, as it were, there.
12:14And the price of this?
12:16439. OK.
12:18Would you be interested in doing an introductory price
12:20just for tomorrow?
12:22We're open to that.
12:24So, the best price we could do on this board is, like, 399.
12:26Items evaluated.
12:28I prefer the paddleboard,
12:30because you can do the activity without the jet ski.
12:32Decision time.
12:34So, I think we've decided on that?
12:36Yeah. OK, let's go for it.
12:38The paddleboard is definitely a big court, sort of...
12:40For me, that's the one. Paddleboard.
12:43With both teams chasing the paddleboards,
12:45the vendor will decide who represents him.
12:48Good evening, it's Andy Summer, Excel Paddleboards.
12:50This is Karthik here from Team Titans.
12:52We're all hoping that you will go with us.
12:54We loved your paddleboard and we're all great salespeople.
12:56The two of us are professionals.
12:58Hi, Andy.
13:00We'd really like to sell your paddleboard tomorrow.
13:04The straightforward answer is yes.
13:08Basically, I chose Nebula...
13:10Right, oh, that's a shame.
13:12..and they understand what it takes to be successful at a trade show.
13:16They negotiated for me a special closing price.
13:20Jessica, in particular, you thought about selling...
13:22Oh, thank you so much!
13:24Bye, now! Bye!
13:26Yes! Yes!
13:30Back in the harbour,
13:32high-end teams have swapped high-end machines.
13:36Straighten up.
13:40Is Karen still there?
13:44I think we need to know as much as possible to be able to sell these.
13:47Graña and Courtney seek vital statistics.
13:50What size engine is it?
13:52That's 1,812cc, supercharged and intercooled.
13:56At what speed does that go?
13:58That's going to do around about 70mph.
14:00Taking a different tack...
14:02Can you give us a little 30-second pitch about the boat?
14:06It's an entry-level boat aimed towards the new boater, basically.
14:10And they're so easy to drive as well, aren't they?
14:12I think that's the beautiful thing about it.
14:14My strategy here was purely to be myself,
14:16and I think we've absolutely done enough to be offered both of the items.
14:19Thank you so much, Gary.
14:21Time to pick a premium product.
14:23Here we have the AG1586, one of our superior models in the range.
14:30Hey, Graña, how are you doing?
14:32Me and Courtney are swaying more on the jet ski.
14:34I think we'll be happy for them to go over the jet skis as well.
14:37I'm confident about the jet ski.
14:39I'm 100% behind the jet ski.
14:41The vendor will now decide who has impressed the most.
14:46Hello, Nigel speaking.
14:48Nigel, it's Graña from Team Titans.
14:50I was pleased with the specification questions he was asking.
14:54If you're prepared to do a bit of studying, I'd like to come with you.
14:57Nigel, thank you very, very much.
14:59Don't let us down. Thank you.
15:01OK, bye, bye.
15:02We did it.
15:04Shall we give Nigel a call at the jet skis?
15:06Fingers crossed.
15:08Hello, Nigel speaking.
15:09Hi, Nigel, it's Frances.
15:11Have you warmed up a bit?
15:12Not quite, but I think I might if you'll let us sell the jet skis in the morning.
15:19Right, well, can you tell me what model it was we were going to be selling tomorrow?
15:23The 1.8 Yamaha.
15:26Yes, it was an FX SVHO, and that's where it went wrong.
15:31So you think it's all based on specs?
15:33No, it's based on knowledge.
15:35OK, thanks for your time anyway.
15:38Jet ski dreams dashed.
15:41Don't let it get you down.
15:42I'm quite disappointed, but...
15:44I got over it straight away.
15:46However, Sophie, it was like a personal dig at him.
15:48The team now have the speedboat to sell tomorrow.
15:52We asked technical questions, sort of.
15:54I don't think that we can let it get us down.
15:57He was there just wallowing in self-pity.
15:59He's going to have to take a long, hard look at himself,
16:01and if we lose the task, it'll be because of Sophie.
16:06Let's book some appointments.
16:08Last task for both high-end teams.
16:11Chase up warm leads provided by the vendors.
16:15I'd really love to book an appointment with you cos they're filling up fast.
16:19Oh, you're so up for it, this is great!
16:21I've been informed that you've expressed some interest in purchasing a jet ski.
16:25I'm eating a lasagna, but never mind.
16:27Homemade? Yeah, actually, it's quite tasty.
16:29I'm a little bit jealous, if I'm being honest.
16:31Do you want to say 1.30 just to give you a bit of breathing space?
16:34OK. Bye.
16:35OK, goodbye.
16:36Do you want me to do the rest of these?
16:38Yeah, carry on.
16:39I'm not going to lie, I'm a natural at this.
16:49Show day.
16:50For Karthik...
16:51Right, guys, here we are.
16:52..product pricing by committee.
16:55Right, here we go.
16:56The double-changing robe.
16:57The minimum price for that is £29.99.
16:59Do we go with the minimum or do we go with the mark-up on top?
17:02I think if we say they're £34.99 or if you buy two for £60.
17:06What do you think, Samuel?
17:07I think that's a good idea. Very good idea.
17:09And then these are the fish cushions.
17:11They come in three styles, £12.99, £7.99, £4.99.
17:14Why don't we sell it as a set of three?
17:17Right, team split.
17:18Sam has sold high-level items before,
17:20but I'm going to stick with Courtney and Grainne have to go to the high end.
17:24Given the fact that winning the jet ski,
17:26which I think is the high-impact item,
17:28we sell a few of those, we win the task.
17:30The pressure is on with Grainne and Courtney with the jet skis,
17:33because that's where the task will be won or lost.
17:35Hopefully, they can get some sales.
17:37If not, then it will be a question that Karthik will need to answer
17:40in the boardroom.
17:41I'm going to go with the jet ski.
17:43OK, team, it is raining, but you know what they say,
17:46when the going gets tough, the tough get going.
17:48We'll win this.
17:53Let's see what we've got.
17:55Sizing up her sub-team's stock selection, Frances.
17:59So, these are the snorkel masks.
18:01What are they retail at, £29.99? £29.99.
18:03Brilliant. Next one.
18:05The next one is the bag.
18:07So, these ones, if I'm correct, are £19.99,
18:09and it's buy one get one free.
18:11If I'm correct, they're £19.99, and it's buy one get one half price.
18:14Fantastic. I'm expecting all them gone.
18:16So, what is this, guys?
18:18So, this is the pedal board.
18:20Stop here.
18:22The smaller one has an average blow-up time of four minutes,
18:25but I did it in about two yesterday.
18:29Guys, right, today, I don't want absolutely no negativity,
18:32any mention of the word jet ski, and I'll lose my hand, OK?
18:36See you later, guys. Bye.
18:39I wish the instructions were written in English, not French.
18:42Selling at a show price of just under £15,000...
18:46Free cup holders, they've got.
18:48..Courtney and Grania lift the lid on their luxury jet ski.
18:51Is that storage? That's your engine.
18:53No, that's storage. No, it's not.
18:55Is it the engine? Yeah. OK.
18:59I think now we need to know what we're talking about.
19:01Yeah, we need to learn this. It's a reason.
19:03OK, and so the key ones from this, do you think the cover...
19:06The cover, the wetsuit, the shoes and the gloves.
19:09All together comes to £1.85.
19:11All Grania and Courtney are doing is checking out the technical details.
19:153.5 metres long.
19:17And testing each other's knowledge.
19:19There's a weight restriction on a trailer for insurance purposes.
19:22People are passing by and they are completely oblivious to it.
19:25It's cruising as well as sports riding.
19:28This is a selling task, so they've got to capture everybody.
19:31They're missing that opportunity.
19:33There you go. Do I look cool?
19:36Definitely cool.
19:45On the other half of the team...
19:47And you have to just go there and then go on.
19:50..designer Dylan... Aquarium!
19:52..works up a water wonder world.
19:54Yeah, it's coming to life now.
19:56Would you like to sit inside our little aquarium?
19:59And pushes hard for sales.
20:01It comes with the bag, it comes with this.
20:03£2.99. Everything you see here you get for that inclusive price.
20:06OK, thank you. No sale, unfortunately.
20:09High five. There we go. Let me grab it for you.
20:12For Samuel... That's yours. Thank you very much.
20:14..first deal of the day.
20:16And the price is £29.99.
20:19£5 under the agreed sale price.
20:22Thank you very much.
20:24Samuel, not for the first time, has decided that he's going to go
20:27on a frolic of his own and do his own thing and set his own pricing.
20:31That's not great because it doesn't show him to be a team player.
20:34Have a very good day. Thank you. Take care.
20:36Do you like water activities?
20:40There she is, Sofiane.
20:42Under pressure to propel her team to victory...
20:45Let's get set up, yeah? ..Francis...
20:47Pop them in the cool box.
20:49..with technology salesman Sofiane.
20:52You can actually leave them like that on show, look.
20:55Nice. No, Sofiane.
20:57Are you really leaving a bottle out?
20:59Yeah, why not?
21:02All right, Sofiane? Huh?
21:04Sofiane at the moment is like a child in a toy shop.
21:07Just looking for the keys.
21:11He just gets distracted so easily.
21:15This is about selling the boat, knowing the specs.
21:17He's not bothered about any of that.
21:19You ready? Go on.
21:21It's got a maximum speed of 32 miles an hour...
21:2338 knots. ..which is 28 knots.
21:25Say it back to me. 30 miles an hour.
21:2730 miles an hour, which is equivalent...
21:2932 miles an hour. No, it says 30, 28 knots.
21:3132 miles an hour, 28 knots, max speed.
21:33Right, OK. Price is £20,000...
21:37No, £20,340.
21:39Yeah, right. Retain that information?
21:41Yep. Perfect.
21:43You know I'm not prepared to lose this task
21:45on the basis of his ignorance.
21:51Are you pink or blue?
21:53On the sub-team...
21:55I'm all...
21:57..colourful products pull in punters.
21:59This is for men's summers.
22:01But with sales slow...
22:03Would you like to take one of them, maybe?
22:05No. £29.99.
22:07No? Right, no worries.
22:09I've got a four-year-old and she's got one of these.
22:11She absolutely loves them.
22:13Jessica's pitch goes overboard.
22:15Do you paddleboard at all?
22:17Yeah, because we've got a special price today at £3.99.
22:19How many have you sold?
22:21I've sold about six.
22:23I can't lie to him about how many we've sold.
22:25We've sold five today.
22:27Jessica's been engaging,
22:29but she's embellishing,
22:31telling little fibs my kids like these bags
22:33while her kids have never seen them.
22:35I've sold five paddleboards. She hasn't sold any.
22:37OK. Are we having one? Yeah.
22:39Fantastic! Woo!
22:41She's sailing close to the wind.
22:43I'm so happy. Thanks very much, Jason.
22:45Take care. Bye.
22:47You can't lie to anyone about anything.
22:49Oh, about anything? No, you can't lie.
22:51Bye, Paul.
22:57Good afternoon, sir.
22:59Back at Carthick's stall...
23:01Let me introduce you to the Zup waterboards.
23:03..Dylan attempts to reel in a big sail...
23:05You can either lie flat or kneel up.
23:07..for £299.
23:09It's extremely floatable
23:11so that it skims across the water.
23:13I think that's possibly a deal done.
23:15Awesome. Great.
23:17I'll come back up to you. Are you going to pay in cash?
23:19I have to go down and get it.
23:21Come back and ask for Dylan now.
23:23The charm of the Irish.
23:25I think I'm just going to slip on the robe.
23:27..struggling to land his first sail of the day.
23:31I feel so nice.
23:33I can just reach in and change my bra.
23:35Project manager Carthick is keen to show off his wares.
23:39Right, I'm going to take my trousers off.
23:41Right now?
23:43This just makes me look like a friar.
23:45I don't want you stripping in public. OK.
23:47The reason I was thinking of
23:49actually using the changing robe to change
23:51is to add a bit of wow factor.
23:53However, there is the question of taste as well.
23:57This is a changing robe.
23:59You can go get your ice cream
24:01without showing your lovely body to everybody.
24:05Carthick is mad.
24:07Samuel, does that style actually put people off?
24:09Yeah, yeah, yeah.
24:11Do you think we should tell them?
24:13We'll leave it for another hour at least.
24:16Do you have a jet ski or a boat?
24:18You're a lucky person because we've got a deal for you.
24:23George? Yes.
24:25Hello, I'm Frances. Lovely to meet you.
24:27Selling their speedboat at a show price of just under 19 grand...
24:31What does it weigh, the trailer and the boat together?
24:33..Frances and Sofian keen to impress.
24:36Just under a tonne.
24:38No, that's the weight capacity.
24:40It's lovely, isn't it?
24:45They've added, you know, the sports canapé.
24:47Say again? The canapé over the top.
24:51I think a lot of people are liking the layout as well,
24:53you know, for a day out.
24:55I'm going to be honest with you.
24:57The feeling I'm getting right now with these four seats
24:59feels like I'm in a hot tub.
25:01Thank you so much, George.
25:03Thank you. Bye.
25:05He wants it, don't worry.
25:07How do you know?
25:09I could read body language.
25:11Good afternoon. All weather jet skis?
25:13Oh, I'd love one. It's a bit cold for me.
25:15Is it?
25:17Also yet to sell and battling the elements,
25:19Gráinne and Courtney.
25:21All weather sports jet skis.
25:23Lovely day for jet skis.
25:25I'm just trying to think of opening techniques.
25:27Right. Come rain or shine, guaranteed a good time.
25:31Sound like karting now, don't I?
25:33How do you think they're doing?
25:35Fingers crossed they sell some jet skis.
25:41Hey, guys. How are you doing, Gráinne?
25:43I think the weather's just a little bit, you know,
25:45disappointing, but it is what it is
25:47and we sold no jet skis.
25:49Hopefully we can turn this around.
25:51All righty. Bye. Bye. Bye.
25:53We haven't sold any jet skis yet.
25:55Forget them. They're fine.
25:57They're going to have to do what they're doing now
25:59and we're going to have to do what we're doing here,
26:01so let's focus on these boards.
26:03Earlier on, Samuel was incredibly upset
26:05when he was denied the opportunity of going to sell jet skis.
26:07During the phone conversation, there was an opportunity
26:09for somebody to move to high end,
26:11but at a time when it was critical and key to the group,
26:13he's just ducked it.
26:15Are you into water sports at all?
26:17No. Cool. Do you have a boat?
26:19No, I don't. Or a jet ski?
26:21No. But we do have some beautiful fish cushions.
26:25Finally, a break in the weather
26:27sees visitors flood the boat show.
26:31I can see you checking out my full facial snorkel.
26:35It says £19.99.
26:37The tables start to shift stock.
26:39Thank you very much.
26:41£2.99 for today only.
26:45Enjoy. It was lovely to meet you. Take care. Bye.
26:47One, two, three, four, five boards available now.
26:49I'll find my business partner and we'll come and have a proper look.
26:53Can I take one with you? Tie it to you?
26:57Carp for you. Trout for you.
26:59You've just made my day.
27:01Look at that. Even the gods are saying,
27:03that's the way ahead.
27:05Who's your favourite?
27:07Oh, that's it.
27:09Oh, you're just on holiday.
27:11Footfall up.
27:15But sales still down for Dylan.
27:17We're not going to buy anything today.
27:19His earlier sale now sunk.
27:21I shook hands with one lady
27:23with a waterboard.
27:25She disappeared off into the horizon
27:27and never resurfaced with the cash.
27:29That's really demoralising.
27:31Hi, guys. Has he arrived?
27:33I'm under pressure.
27:35Every sale matters for me on this task.
27:37And if I have to ruffle feathers, I will.
27:39I was looking after these guys, Alana.
27:41Oh, right. Thank you.
27:43Here's your receipt.
27:47Yes, love? That was not cool.
27:49That was my sale.
27:51They were here earlier today.
27:53I'm aware they were here earlier.
27:55I was speaking to them before you were speaking to them initially.
27:57Honestly. To come over when someone is talking and go...
27:59Yeah, but her boyfriend hadn't come back.
28:01I understand what happened.
28:03Be positive.
28:05Sly, sly bastard.
28:11How are you?
28:13On the sub-team...
28:15After little interest...
28:17Have you got a jet ski?
28:19At last, a promising prospect
28:21for Gráinne and Courtney.
28:23I'm going to show you the jet ski.
28:25It's 1.8 petrol.
28:270-30 in 1.3 seconds.
28:29What's the water price on them?
28:33That includes the trailer.
28:35That's on your water price.
28:37I tend to buy usually four or five skis at a time.
28:39What exactly do you do then?
28:41We run jet ski experiences and training.
28:43If you were to take four,
28:45we'd be able to do a better price.
28:49He's not looking for one machine.
28:51He's talking about two, three, four machines.
28:53That's very exciting.
28:55The big thing is the warranty.
28:58At the minute, there's a 12-month warranty on them.
29:00With something like that, I think we can just easily find out
29:03from the dealer if that's an optional extra,
29:05if that's something that's really important to yourself.
29:08The guy wanted to know about special commercial warranty terms,
29:11so they quite correctly passed this customer
29:13on to the local dealer.
29:15So Ross is interested in possibly getting two or three or four,
29:19and what warranty you have on commercial.
29:21Excellent. Yeah, I can take over from here.
29:23Thank you very much.
29:25We could potentially have four sails on our hands.
29:28We just don't know, but I'm going to stay positive
29:30and hopefully we've got them.
29:33On the other team...
29:35When we're pitching, no over-talking each other, right?
29:38No, not at all, not at all.
29:40..another chance for Frances and Sofiane to get pitch perfect.
29:44How you doing? Hello!
29:46What a day! You couldn't make it up, could you?
29:51On the bright side, though, the boat does come with a canapé,
29:54top speed about 32 miles an hour.
29:57They used my weight yesterday, because I've got to put on a bit of weight,
30:01so they said, they've got to ask me to sit here so you can go faster.
30:05Do you want to sit in the driver's seat? Yeah.
30:08If you twist my arm, I might be able to throw in a couple of extras.
30:12I can either do the fish finder or what we can do for you...
30:15The fish finder is just to give you kind of an overview
30:18of what's underneath.
30:20They will come built in, which is worth about £300.
30:23..or we can do full life jackets for you. Right.
30:27We are doing the show price for £18,950,
30:31and that's absolutely everything that you see on the boat today.
30:37Are you happy to go ahead?
30:39Yeah, go on, then. Fantastic.
30:42Congratulations. Congratulations. Congratulations.
30:45With sales only confirmed after credit checks by the vendors,
30:50final figures won't be revealed till the boardroom.
30:53Bye-bye. Bye-bye. Bye-bye.
30:55Well done.
30:58All right.
31:00One hour until close of business.
31:03Right, come and roll that last upper before we go.
31:07Don't hide under the umbrella, I can see you smiling at me.
31:11It's horrific.
31:13A second booked appointment for Courtney and Graña.
31:17So how long have you had your current jet ski?
31:19About six years. OK.
31:21I am looking for that, but I've got to get rid of the old one.
31:24Well, would you want to speak to our finance department
31:26and get rid of that headache for you?
31:28OK? Yeah.
31:30I think we should just go for it, sir.
31:32£16.98, then.
31:34Green bullfish. Are you all right there?
31:38For Francis and Sofiane...
31:40You'll get everything at £18,950.
31:43..tough negotiations.
31:45It's not a bad budget, it's £15,000.
31:47Right, obviously...
31:49I can't go up, you need to come down.
31:53We've got some quick-swim bags all on offer.
31:56You look like something out of a Stanley Kubrick movie.
32:00I think you've really got to bear in mind
32:02how happy this is going to make Aidan.
32:04Pulling on the heartstrings of the children now.
32:09Keyside Emporium.
32:10Hoping to offload all their remaining stock to trade...
32:13Dylan, make sure you go in the lead this one, yeah?
32:15..it's Dylan's last chance to sell big.
32:18We've brought some samples of the large ones,
32:20the medium ones and these little guys.
32:23My dog would love one.
32:25I will buy one from you.
32:27The latte.
32:31As the rain pours down...
32:34..customers dry up.
32:40It's, like, pretty dangerous.
32:42Look at that, look at that.
32:44But let's just head back. It's crazy weather.
32:49Hey, guys!
32:50Trading time over.
32:52Is that happiness in your voice?
32:54We had two appointments that came in.
32:56Potentially five, so...
32:57Is that a potential five jet skis, sorry?
33:01All right, guys.
33:02We've done two or three.
33:04And from the bottom of my heart, thank you all so much
33:07and let's get Nebula the win.
33:09Tonight, takings will be totaled.
33:12Tomorrow, sink or swim in the boardroom.
33:31You can go to the boardroom now.
33:52Well, this task, as you all know, was about the boating world.
33:57You had accessories like fish cushions
33:59and then you had paddle boards and all that type of stuff
34:02to sell for £300, right?
34:04And you had jet skis and boats that could be, I don't know what they were,
34:08whatever they were.
34:09And we had bad weather, yeah?
34:11And the boat show has to go on and that meant business had to go on.
34:14But having said all that, I've heard from both Claude and Karen
34:18that it's more like coat and scarf than Côte d'Azur,
34:23from what I can understand down there, yeah?
34:26So, we'll start with Titans.
34:30Now, Karthik, I made you project manager.
34:33How did you set your team out then?
34:35I came out and I said, OK,
34:36does anybody have any experience selling high-end items?
34:39Samuel raised his hand up and I said, OK, so Samuel...
34:41So, he was in charge of selling high-end items?
34:43No, he wasn't.
34:44I put him selling to the public
34:46because he sold scarves very well to the public at Liberties
34:48and he sold sweets very well to the public on the street at Brighton.
34:51You think you should have been in the high-selling product?
34:53Based on everyone's experiences, yes, which I vocalised with him, so...
34:56Who did you put to sell the high-end items then?
34:59OK, so I put Gronje and Courtney selling high-end items.
35:03We wanted the Jet Ski.
35:04I heard that the other team also wanted to go for the Jet Ski,
35:07but then our sub-team won that product for us to sell.
35:10Ah, good, so you got what you wanted, yeah?
35:12What about all the other stuff you had to sell?
35:14Right, so there we encountered some hurdles.
35:17The first product representative
35:19came along with the standard paddleboard, which we really loved,
35:22but all of us failed to ask one very critical question.
35:25All of us failed to ask?
35:27Well, OK, I failed to ask for a trade discount.
35:31So we ended up getting the Water Sports waterboard
35:34and we had fish cushions and towel-changing robes.
35:38Hmm. So they too...
35:40Yeah, we had meetings booked in with clients
35:42that we'd called the previous day.
35:44I heard from Claude that a lot of the time
35:46you were standing with your back to the passing crowds.
35:49I believe we may have missed a trick in the morning
35:51when we were researching.
35:53However, in the afternoon, I was definitely speaking to many people.
35:56Well, that's the whole point of an exhibition.
35:58You're not necessarily engaging with the passing people.
36:01But anyway, I know there were some warm leads
36:04that the supplier was putting on to you.
36:06One person owned a local jet ski company.
36:09He was looking to invest into another four.
36:11Four? Four, yeah. Yeah. Fair enough.
36:14Dylan. Yes, Lord Sugar.
36:16What did you do? I took your comment as a challenge
36:19and I wanted to go... It was meant as that, yeah.
36:21Unfortunately, the weather was absolute washout,
36:23but it didn't stop me from... We've done that, we've done the weather.
36:26..engaging every single person that passed.
36:28I mean, one lady shook hands with me
36:30and then said she had to go and get her cash
36:32and disappeared into the horizon.
36:34I managed to sell some of the fish pillows.
36:37The robes were very difficult to sell
36:39because people didn't think they were value for money.
36:41The £29.99 robes... That's right.
36:43..that you decided to charge £35 for.
36:46Yes, so we had a pricing strategy...
36:48You took no notice of the vendor and you stuck your price up, did you?
36:51The idea was we'd sell one for £34.99 and two for £59.99.
36:54You didn't take much notice of that, Samuel?
36:56No, I sold it for the RIP price, so...
36:58So you took no notice of his £35, then?
37:00People are aware that you can get them for £29.99
37:02and I'm selling them for £34.99.
37:04That doesn't make sense, so I sold it for the RIP price.
37:07Hmm. And Alana, what did you do?
37:10I stood by the waterboards all day.
37:12They were a bad product. We didn't choose the right product there.
37:15We didn't sell any of them. It wasn't a bad product.
37:17It wasn't. There was interest.
37:19We had a lot of people that were really close to buying, all of us.
37:22It wasn't a bad product.
37:24What were you doing, Karthik? Did you sell anything?
37:26No, the others were. They were selling very well.
37:28They were selling the fish, so the fish ran out,
37:30so the PM has to run and get the fish and stock it up.
37:32I had all this admin work, this PM admin work,
37:34then towards the end of the day...
37:36You didn't have to catch the fish, though, did you?
37:38No, but it was... As far as sales is concerned,
37:40I was the least seller on the day.
37:42Good project manager?
37:45I'm not sure about whether...
37:49I don't think Karthik's a leader, personally.
37:52Right. Now, Frances...
37:55Yes, Lord Chair? You've lost every task to date.
37:58I have. I think the Flying Dutchman is less cursed than you.
38:03So, on the first day, myself and Sofian went to visit the high-ticket items.
38:08You wanted the jet skis also, as your number-one choice.
38:11Yeah, we did. The jet ski representative,
38:13he felt that we didn't take enough interest in the specification.
38:16These people love their products.
38:19We asked a couple of technical questions,
38:21but the gentleman felt that we didn't ask enough.
38:24But Sofian knew what was going on about how, eight years ago,
38:27he rode jet skis.
38:29It's fair to say you were quite excited at that time.
38:31Quite excited? I would say very excited.
38:33Yeah, I was trying to be polite.
38:35But Sofian, he felt he was in Saint-Tropez,
38:38riding around on the old speedboat, didn't you?
38:40I kind of fell in love with it.
38:42If I was to go back, I would actually pick the boat
38:44instead of the jet skis.
38:46Now then, the other products. Paul?
38:49Our first choice was the paddle board.
38:52And there was some colourful children's bags.
38:54Backpacks, yeah.
38:55And there was the snorkel mask.
38:57Who sold some?
38:58Jessica's energy was brilliant all day long,
39:00and she was constantly getting people into the stall.
39:03Jessica, known for a little bit of embellishment,
39:07trying to procure cigars by telling them they're for her dad,
39:10went into a similar mode.
39:12According to her, her family had more gear than the Olympic boat team.
39:15To be honest...
39:16You might not win this task,
39:18but you're favourite for the Booker Prize, I think.
39:20While she did embellish on that one sale,
39:23between myself, Trishna and Jessica,
39:25it was a really good, high-energy day,
39:27and we were constantly busy.
39:29Frances, good project manager?
39:31Yeah, she was. She was clear at the start,
39:33which I think carried through. We had a great two days.
39:35Good. And you're happy with the cooperation?
39:38Yeah, brilliant.
39:40Well, let's find out what happened with all these orders
39:43that you may or may not have got from the dealers.
39:46So, Karen, let's talk about Paul's sub-team first.
39:49Yeah, they sold £2,580.68 worth of paddleboards, masks and backpacks.
39:56Right. And Claude, similarly, car fixing.
39:59Titan's total for that category was £188.90.
40:08OK. And Karen, did they close any deals on the boats?
40:13Well, I'm pleased to say that two of the sales passed the credit control,
40:18making your total for the day £40,480.68.
40:24And Claude, what about the jet ski vendors?
40:27Well, jet skis didn't come through at all.
40:32No sales.
40:36So all they took was £188 on the day?
40:39That's correct.
40:41Do you want a tissue, Frances?
40:43Sorry! Are you crying?
40:45It's been six weeks losing!
40:47Well done.
40:49You gave them a proper kick right up the jet ski, didn't you, there?
40:52My God. Thank you.
40:54That's a massive, massive win.
40:56So I've arranged a treat for you.
40:58It won't be standing in the rain of umbrellas, that's for sure.
41:01It is the Leander Club, the most successful rowing club in the world,
41:05and the double Olympic gold medallist, James Cracknell,
41:09is going to join you.
41:11So well done. I'll see you on the next task. Thank you.
41:13Very well done.
41:21Oh, my God.
41:23£40,000, £188.
41:26Go away, cos I'll tell you,
41:29at least one of you is going to be fired today, all right?
41:33Off you go.
41:40Your coach will give you some top tips.
41:42Olympic champion James Cracknell.
41:45Enjoy it. Good luck.
41:47And the key thing is, you listen to the cops.
41:52I'd like to think the curse of Nebula has now been broken,
41:55thanks to my project management skills.
41:59Sophie's attitude was an absolute nightmare.
42:01I feel like I'm spending my time babysitting.
42:03Come on!
42:04I've put my feelings across.
42:06I don't hide anything, and that's me.
42:08If I want something, I fight for it.
42:10And I always get what I want.
42:12Any time you want, Frances, you can get the all-wear,
42:15any time you want.
42:17That's it, you're done!
42:21Well done, Frances.
42:23Well done, Frances.
42:24Love the taste of winning, eh?
42:26Bloody hell, my arse was absolutely killing after rowing.
42:31Huge, massive loss.
42:33The biggest loss I've had in my life.
42:35There's no-one here that excelled themselves.
42:37I can say that me and Courtney worked so good as a team.
42:40It takes a certain skill set and a certain mindset
42:43to close high-end customers.
42:44So I think Courtney and Gwyneth should be worried
42:46going into the boardroom.
42:48People were not in a buying mood.
42:50I don't like losing. I don't want to be in this position.
42:52I don't want to be drinking shit coffee in there.
42:54I want to be winning and going on treats.
42:56Samuel should have been on the high-ticket items,
42:58but I don't feel you really put your case that strongly.
43:00That's not for me to be arguing with the PM where I should be placed.
43:04I believe in passion, I'm a passionate guy.
43:06If he had shown me the passion that he's mad about selling,
43:09he would have been selling the big-ticket item.
43:11If he was on your team, would he have sold?
43:13I don't think he would have been able to sell more than what we've done.
43:16No, no, you can't say that, because that's what I do for my career.
43:19All I can say is that I put myself forward.
43:21He said enough to make sure that he said it, but then he hung back,
43:24and that is not... That is a snake in the grass.
43:27Did you send the candidates in, please?
43:29Yes, Lord Sugar.
43:31Lord Sugar, we'll see you now.
43:56I mean...
44:00It's a very, very horrible day in business for me.
44:03You have been entrusted as the project manager,
44:06and you're about as useful as a trapdoor in a canoe.
44:09I don't know where to even start.
44:12The jet skis were the most attractive items that we had on offer to us.
44:17It turns out in reality that boats are the ones that sold...
44:20Well, actually, the show is still going on.
44:24So it's the selling, then, not the product choice. OK.
44:26Why didn't you sell any jet skis?
44:28To be honest, I... I'm shocked we didn't, because I thought...
44:32Can you not smell...
44:33Can you not get that instinct about when a customer's about to buy it?
44:37I thought the jet ski company man... I thought he literally was...
44:40You put all your eggs in one basket,
44:42which was these appointments that you made,
44:45but you had hours in between to approach customers.
44:48You didn't do it.
44:49I spoke to many people throughout the day.
44:51No, you didn't. That's the point.
44:53You know what comes to mind here is you did your impression of Otis Redding,
44:57you know, sitting on the dock of the bay,
44:59watching all the people walk by, actually.
45:02I'm really disappointed in my own performance,
45:04and I believe that the reason Team Titans has won near enough every task
45:08is due to strong performances that I've given.
45:10Tell me, he put his hands up and said,
45:12I can sell high-priced product items.
45:15Why did you ignore it?
45:17Because there was no passion from him, Lord Sugar.
45:19He lifted his hands up and then he said his little piece
45:21and then he backed away into the shadows.
45:23With all due respect, you're the project manager.
45:25I've told you where I'm best placed.
45:27So, why didn't you sell any sport boards?
45:29They were items that needed to be attached to jet skis or to boats.
45:32But, I mean, you were at a boat show,
45:34so one assumes that you're talking to people or dealing with people
45:37who've got boats.
45:38It's not just myself. It was a bad sales day.
45:40Not for Nebula.
45:42Not only the boat, Nebula smashed you on the non-high-priced items.
45:47That's correct. That's correct, Lord Sugar.
45:49Alana, £42 are for sales.
45:51I genuinely am embarrassed, as I'm sure we all are. It's pathetic.
45:56I think certain individuals throughout the process
45:58haven't shown the ability to engage and sell very well.
46:01You sold more than anyone else, £78.
46:03But it's only two more fish.
46:05That's what's infuriating about this.
46:08Alana, I'm actually going to speak now,
46:10but for the whole process, you keep coming to me when it comes to me.
46:13No, wait, wait. Samuel, let me speak.
46:16You are a salesman, and you did not sell a single board.
46:19We should all be salespeople in this process.
46:21In Samuel's defence, I have seen him sell,
46:23and he is always passionate, he's always engaging.
46:25What are you, his spokesperson?
46:27No, I just thought I could give my input.
46:29Why don't you talk about yourself?
46:30You spent all of your time setting up a nice stall, didn't you?
46:33Making it all look good and all.
46:34I tried to make the stand with Alana look sort of like an aquarium.
46:38It did attract a lot of attention.
46:40Not much attention, because you sold hardly anything.
46:43£46 worth of stuff you sold.
46:45I absolutely wanted to impress you, Lord Sugar, on that task.
46:48Where did this go wrong, then?
46:49There was no strategy when we spoke to the product reps.
46:52You're still being ultra polite.
46:54I'm asking you a straightforward question.
46:56I think Karthik let the task down.
46:58Lord Sugar, a captain is as good as his team.
47:01I took a call based on what I have heard.
47:03The captain, or the skipper,
47:04you skipped pretty much every decision, as far as I can see.
47:08Give me a laptop, I'll make you a billion-dollar company.
47:10But ask me to put the prize on a robe.
47:13My name is on the board.
47:14Your name is definitely on the board
47:17as running one of the most unsuccessful tasks that we've had.
47:22So, yes, I had a bad day. Yes, I had a horrible task.
47:25No, no, no, it's not a bad day, a diabolical day.
47:27It's the worst day.
47:28Karthik, Karthik, Karthik, listen to me.
47:31There's no excuse.
47:33You've been a diabolical project manager.
47:36I don't trust you to bring anybody back into this boardroom.
47:40Karthik, you're fired.
47:43See you guys on the other side.
48:03Gronja, you were the sub-team leader.
48:07Which people do you think should be brought back into the boardroom now?
48:12I'm going to say Samuel,
48:14because I feel like he's gliding through the process
48:17and he's playing it very safe.
48:19Dylan, we've got Samuel. Who else?
48:23I find it extremely difficult to say, Lord Sugar.
48:25Right. Myself. Yourself.
48:27Myself and Alana were weak sellers, so...
48:30Good, good, good. I got it.
48:33I'm not impressed with any of you at the moment.
48:37So, you two better up your game.
48:39Go back to the house.
48:40And you three, go outside there.
48:42I'm going to call you back in later.
48:44One of you will be fired.
48:45Thank you, Lord Sugar.
49:01I think Lord Sugar made a wrong decision.
49:03He should have looked around the table,
49:05seen that there were weaker people in the process.
49:07Alana, for example, or Dylan, or maybe even Samuel.
49:10I'll just have to go on and make the billion-dollar unicorn company
49:13that I want to make without him.
49:15And it is what it is, really.
49:20Now, about these other three,
49:22well, Samuel, well, he certainly ducked it on this one.
49:26He should have insisted,
49:27and then when he had the opportunity of switching,
49:29he should have gone to the other side.
49:31Dylan, nice guy, right?
49:33Yeah, nice guy. Really, really nice guy.
49:35I mean, he's very willing and very keen.
49:37He's just not very able.
49:39Now, Alana has made error after error.
49:42I've got to say, that's the most I've heard from Alana for seven weeks.
49:46I think that she just needs to stop being so apologetic
49:49and put herself forward.
49:56Yes, Lord Sugar?
49:57Can you send the three of them in, please?
49:59Yes, Lord Sugar.
50:01Lord Sugar, we'll see you now.
50:20Samuel, on two occasions, you have demonstrated a disregard
50:24for instructions of a project manager.
50:26That's not true. In the first task, we had to sell suites.
50:29Alana said we should lower the price, and I said to her,
50:31no, we can sell the suites at this price,
50:33let's sell it for a higher price.
50:35Alana sent you out and said,
50:38I want to sell these at blob price.
50:41Here's the pricing strategy, and you went and sold it
50:44for whatever you wanted to sell it for.
50:46That is what happened.
50:47I sold two suites for a higher price.
50:49I sold them for £7.
50:50But the point I'm saying is you disregard
50:52the project manager's instructions then,
50:54and on this particular task,
50:56Karthik said £35 for this blanket,
50:59and you started selling it for, well,
51:01for whatever you could get for it.
51:03There were two incidents in which...
51:05You seem to do whatever you like. That's not true at all.
51:07You have a level of arrogance about it with sales.
51:10You seem to have the self-control of an Italian government.
51:13You seem to do whatever you fancy.
51:15I was the only person who actually sold it at a towel,
51:17because I sold it for the right price.
51:19The fact is, you didn't listen to what the project manager says.
51:22That's the whole key.
51:23Dylan, my instinct, that you are a very nice chap,
51:28but, to be blunt, I'm here to choose someone
51:31who may be my business partner.
51:33I'll admit that I'm not the best at selling 12 apples for a pound
51:36on a stall or on a street,
51:38and I do business in a different way than sometimes we do on a task.
51:41So you're out of your comfort zone then?
51:43I pride myself on my talent.
51:46I think I've come across really quiet in the boardroom.
51:49You certainly have.
51:50Yeah, and I'm doing myself a misjustice,
51:52because it's just when I'm in here.
51:54I'm not so sure about that, Alana.
51:56You don't agree?
51:57I think you've really suffered from a lack of confidence,
52:00and it's a great shame, because I do think you have a lot to offer.
52:03I think I have grown in confidence as this process has gone on.
52:08Samuel, I've had some questions about your sincerity in this process.
52:15You're playing the game.
52:16You manoeuvre yourself into situations
52:18where you can be a silent kind of assassin, really, if you like.
52:21That's not necessarily true.
52:22I find individuals are speaking for the sake of speaking,
52:25or the task, it's all about performing, which I've performed.
52:28So why shouldn't I fire you at this task?
52:30In the process so far, I've top-sold in every single task I've been involved in.
52:33You may have sold the most,
52:34but you didn't work with your team to sell the most,
52:37and I was there to watch you.
52:38That's not true.
52:39That is true.
52:40That's not how it happens.
52:42Dylan, tell me quickly, why should you stay in this process?
52:46Because I've been dedicated to every single task.
52:48I've supported multiple project managers,
52:51I've supported team members, I've boosted morale.
52:54OK, so you're a nice guy, basically.
52:56No, I'm not just a nice guy.
52:57I'm also really aggressively and active.
52:59That's what I'm hearing, you're a nice guy, really.
53:01I think I've heard enough.
53:03I'm finding it very, very difficult
53:06to decide who's going to remain in the process.
53:09Samuel, there's so many people that have got,
53:12well, I won't say bad things to say about you,
53:15but there's not many that have got good things to say about you.
53:18Dylan, I have to consider whether you are the right material for me.
53:24No, no, I don't want to hear any more
53:26whether you are the right material for me.
53:29Alana, you've got your own business,
53:32although you sound a bit scatty when I talk to you in this boardroom.
53:36I promise you it's just nerves in here.
53:38No, will you be quiet just for one minute?
53:40You claim that you're better out on task, that's arguable,
53:44but the fact is you have had your own business since you were 17,
53:48so you know how to do something.
53:50For that reason, you've got to allow you to remain in this process.
53:54OK. Thank you.
54:01..I'm not too happy with what I'm hearing.
54:04And Dylan, I've got this feeling...
54:07I've created money from air. I don't create products...
54:11I don't want to hear any more from you.
54:13Being a nice guy...
54:16..is not good enough...
54:19..to win this process.
54:23It's a tough decision.
54:28There's a saying, no smoke without fire,
54:30and, Samuel, you have a total disregard for being told what to do,
54:35so, Samuel, you're fired.
54:49Dylan, this is a hard-nosed business that we're in.
54:53I'll step it up, Lord Chairman. Yeah.
54:57This goes against all my principles,
54:59but it's nice to have nice people in business,
55:02and this very, very last time,
55:06I'm going to allow you to stay, OK?
55:10So, both of you go back to the house.
55:12Thank you. Thank you, Clive.
55:36I'm still struggling to understand the whole boardroom situation.
55:39I've been honest to myself, I perform well in tasks,
55:42so I've done the best I can do, and we'll see what happens from here.
55:45On to bigger and better things.
55:49It's tense, isn't it?
55:51Was he really angry? Yes.
55:55It probably costs more to put you up in a hotel
55:57than you actually earned as a team.
56:09Well done.
56:11They mentioned you being polite and they mentioned me being a nice guy.
56:14Yeah. I have to be much more assertive,
56:16much more blunt.
56:17In other words, no more Mr Nice Guy.
56:22Now, nine candidates remain.