• yesterday


00:00Previously, on The Apprentice...
00:15You need to throw a party to remember.
00:18..two birthdays... Go!
00:20..20 tough customers...
00:22Keep going. In, out, in, out, shake it all about.
00:26That's old.
00:27..Gary's mixed messages...
00:29Is there any no-no's? I've got a nut allergy.
00:31There's no actual nuts in there? It may contain nuts.
00:33..were hard to swallow...
00:35That type of thing would be a big risk for Julie.
00:38..and David's poor printing...
00:40The happy birthday's back to front.
00:42Cut the top off so it's just a happy birthday.
00:44..cost them dear...
00:46It's not the quality that we were looking for.
00:48I think it's a no.
00:50..on Sabina's team...
00:51I don't have children and I don't like them,
00:53but that's not to say that I'm not brilliant at putting on children's vents.
00:56..Richard riled team-mate Barna.
00:58I've got everything sorted with the cake.
01:00Don't come back to me with any more of the cake.
01:02He got really mad at me. It was really awkward.
01:04But in the boardroom...
01:06It connects us. You want it?
01:08..a celebration...
01:09They loved it. I don't know why, but they loved it.
01:13I love the boys. Where are you going?
01:15..was going nowhere fast.
01:17You, young lady, jumped up thinking you were scot-free.
01:20Well, I'm sorry.
01:21..Gary got a roasting...
01:23The first rule of party planning is don't poison the client.
01:26But for David, the party was over.
01:29£175 wasted on these T-shirts. You're fired.
01:34Thank you very much for the opportunity.
01:36He became the tenth casualty of the boardroom.
01:40Now eight remained to fight for the chance
01:43to become Lord Sugar's business partner.
01:56Good morning.
01:57For the candidates, a special delivery.
02:04Guys, we need to get up.
02:06Lord Sugar wants us to meet him at the Southbank Tower.
02:10What did she say?
02:11Southbank Tower.
02:13Southbank Tower? What's that?
02:16Tower in Southbank.
02:19That's crazy.
02:20I've just done me hair.
02:24Bloody hell.
02:25Do you think that's how you wear the helmet, mate?
02:27Yes, mate, yeah.
02:28That's the back.
02:37I really hope the teams don't change.
02:39I really hope the teams don't change.
02:41My dream scenario would be we all stay as we are.
02:44I can't see Charlene going,
02:46I really would like Richard to come back.
02:48I can't see her saying, I'd really like Selina to come back.
02:52Don't fancy Selina coming over, then?
02:55That'd be good, Gary.
02:57Whoever they take, I just hope it's not going to be
02:59too much of a catastrophe for the team.
03:03Southbank Tower.
03:04Southbank Tower, living high.
03:09Southbank Tower.
03:22We're very high.
03:40Good morning.
03:41Good morning, Lord Sugar.
03:43This building was originally built in the 70s
03:47and is now undergoing major construction,
03:51adding 11 new floors of luxury apartments.
03:56There's many things I've asked candidates to do.
03:59We've sold coffee, we've sold flowers.
04:02But for this task, you're going to have to do
04:06But for this task, you're going to sell
04:09the priciest product of them all, property.
04:13I've found two developers that are about to launch
04:17their range of luxury apartments.
04:20You'll have to pitch to represent them
04:23and become sales executives on their behalf,
04:26with the opportunity to sell property worth millions of pounds.
04:32You'll also be selling mid-range properties.
04:35The team that makes the most amount of money,
04:38as far as commissions are concerned, will win,
04:41and in the losing team, at least one of you will be fired.
04:46Now, I think it's time to even up the teams.
04:50Selina, go over to Versatile.
04:57So, everything clear? Yes, Lord Sugar.
05:00Off you go.
05:03Working in new developments,
05:05teams have two days to sell apartments off-plan.
05:10Welcome to the team, Selina. Happy to be here again.
05:12First time to work with you throughout the whole process.
05:15First, the rookie realtors need leaders.
05:18I want to put myself forward straight away.
05:20I love to sell. I've got a business that does property rentals.
05:23Never sold a property before, but I can sell pretty much anything else.
05:27So, you've chosen me. Thank you very much. Go ahead.
05:31On the other team...
05:33I want to do it. When I was at university,
05:35I was an estate agent to fund my studies.
05:37..project manager's sorted.
05:39All in favour? Let's do it. All right.
05:41Next, decide who sells high-priced apartments...
05:45I think the project manager needs to go there.
05:47I'm going high-end.
05:49..and who takes on more affordable flats.
05:51Who wants to go into that mid-range team today?
05:54I'd like to look at the high-end for myself,
05:56to go in and do the sales and that stuff for them.
06:00Has anybody else got any thoughts on that?
06:02My parents are architects,
06:04so I grew up going to a lot of building sites
06:06and seeing a lot of different apartments
06:08that they were working on.
06:10I've been exposed to the world and how it works
06:13and how the new builds actually are sold.
06:16Look, I mean, Scott, you may not be happy with this, mate,
06:19but I feel I want to bring you into high-end.
06:22At the end of the day, you're the project manager,
06:24make your decision.
06:26That decision's made, then.
06:28So, sorry, buddy. Don't say sorry, it's fine.
06:32So, my initial thoughts of splitting the teams are
06:35myself and Selina to go to the high-end
06:37and Charlene and Gary to go to the mid-range.
06:40OK. Having that right mix so we can appeal to both sides.
06:43I would have liked to have gone to the high-end with you. Yeah.
06:47I really want to go to the high-end.
06:49Well, I'm going to stick with that anyway.
06:51That's how it's going to go.
06:53I know that Selina and Charlene have knocked heads
06:56and I don't like to get involved in silly little arguments,
06:59but I feel that if I'd have put them together today,
07:02it would have been an absolute nightmare.
07:04No negativity. No. Everybody get on.
07:06Everybody work very well together, yeah?
07:08Stay positive for a while. Fantastic. Good luck, guys.
07:17I want to own my own tower block, Valente Towers.
07:20I might even call it Valentino Towers, just for Lord Sugar.
07:23Oh, you would, wouldn't you?
07:27Half of each team set off to start selling mid-range flats.
07:31Richard has a tendency to almost take over
07:34and what I want to see is Rana really stand up for herself.
07:38The rest will pitch to represent high-end developments.
07:42In the pitches, I will do an intro.
07:45If you can be making sure that you get comprehensive notes
07:48on all the features of the rooms.
07:53Newly spruced up Stratford.
07:56Destined to be the area's tallest residential tower,
07:59Manhattan Loft Gardens.
08:02So this is our show flat.
08:04Wow, it's beautiful.
08:06A chance to charm CEO Harry Handelsman.
08:10Double fridge and this is your freezer.
08:12Oh, my gosh, this is my dream.
08:14First impressions are amazing.
08:16Thank you very much.
08:18My parents are actually architects in New York.
08:20Oh, then it's an easy conversation.
08:22I care about architecture, I care about concept,
08:24I care about how people can interact.
08:26I think they did really well.
08:28Rana understood that the man was very passionate about his building
08:31and talked architecture with him.
08:33I think the guy was very impressed.
08:35I have to say that we loved this experience.
08:37We felt it from the moment we saw your office
08:39and seeing the building, I mean, it's really incredible.
08:42We're really good salespeople
08:44and we think that we'd be able to sell your properties.
08:46Nice meeting you. I think it worked great.
08:48He really brought in to us as well.
08:50I think that we are actually quite a strong proposition for him.
08:54Next to check out luxury living...
08:57Morning. ..Joseph and Selina.
09:00What we need from you is as much information about the project
09:03as possible so that we can maximise our selling potential.
09:06What does it mean, as much as possible?
09:08So let's just start. Let me guide you.
09:12You'll have floor-to-ceiling windows
09:14and it's going to give you an incredible vistas. It's vast.
09:18Yes, it is expensive, but I believe the growth in the area
09:21is going to be stupendous.
09:24Selina and Joseph walked into the showroom
09:27and instead of going, wow, they showed no reaction whatsoever.
09:31I think the developer was really disappointed.
09:33He's so passionate about his project.
09:36What is important is that the salesperson really understands,
09:40really feels, get what it's all about.
09:42Any questions?
09:44Pricing, I suppose. How much are the flats going to be?
09:47Because we need to maximise our commission rates
09:49to get as much money as possible.
09:51Look, what is important is not the price.
09:54What is really important is your understanding of the product.
09:57Joseph wants to own a big, big commission.
10:00He wants to sell the most expensive apartments.
10:02He went steaming in, far too bullish,
10:05and I think that was a poor business decision.
10:11South London.
10:13Without sounding too up our own asses,
10:15there's two of the best sellers within the process in this car.
10:18Yeah, I would agree. Definitely agree with that.
10:21Laid on by Lord Sugar...
10:23I am Ben, the manager of Printworks.
10:25..for Brett and Scott are converted printworks near Clapham.
10:29This is the mock-up show flat. It is only a studio apartment.
10:32OK. The space here is going to be a cupboard,
10:35which will have your washer-dryer in.
10:38Flats start at £320,000.
10:42Completion will be around February 2016.
10:44Use all your tools and you'll get some sale.
10:46And this is the biggest one we got, so...
10:50In Lewisham, a former office block for Gary and Charlene.
10:55This is a studio suite.
10:57Cheapest flats, £350,000.
11:01And over to the bedroom area.
11:03Just gives you an idea of fixtures and fittings.
11:06I could adapt to this. Nice shower, nice throne.
11:08I think it needs to stay in, yeah?
11:10Yeah, I could do with a moment, but I don't want to put clients off.
11:15Shall we get going? Let me show you to your desks.
11:17Excellent. Thank you.
11:21Back in Clapham...
11:23Bear with me two secs. I'm just coming outside to see if I can find you.
11:26..for sales executive Scott.
11:30A chance to seal an early deal.
11:32Yeah. Come on in.
11:34This is a studio? It is, yeah.
11:36These are obviously the walls.
11:40So, this area here would be for your washing machine
11:43and also it would be for your fridge.
11:46So, which one?
11:48What this would be is... Sorry to interject.
11:50This is actually your wardrobe space.
11:52So, you'll have a sliding door here.
11:54Secondary to that is where your washing machine and that would be.
11:57So, we've also got lovely surfaces.
12:01And when does the completion go?
12:03Completion is in 2000 and...
12:07I've got it written down here.
12:09It's 2017, February.
12:13Scott's making a terrible mess of things.
12:15If you come through here, I'll take you through to the bathroom.
12:17He doesn't know when the development is completed.
12:19He doesn't know where the washing machine goes
12:21compared to where the fridge-freezer goes.
12:23In fact, I'm not sure what he does know.
12:25This would be walking into the dining room.
12:27But there's a lot of space here.
12:29Scott, it's the lounge.
12:31Sorry, the lounge.
12:36The pitch was OK.
12:38I mean, it wasn't great.
12:40OK, thank you. Have a nice evening.
12:42I stood there thinking, what are you doing?
12:45Yeah. It was just a train crash.
12:51Next high-end pitch, property hotspot.
12:55Next high-end pitch, property hotspot, Canary Wharf.
12:59Site of future landmark, main tower.
13:03Your big selling point is the fact that you are on the doorstep of Canary Wharf.
13:06Selling the dream, company executive David Gorman.
13:10Both for employers, your social life, for absolutely everything, it's all there.
13:14With results decided on commission earned...
13:17I think me and Selina are the best.
13:19..Joseph takes a punt.
13:21But I don't think we come cheap.
13:23And we were thinking to work on maybe a 4% commission rate with a bonus.
13:29I'm miles away.
13:311.5%, and I won't move, promise you.
13:34Don't try.
13:36That's fair enough.
13:38Joseph has done it again.
13:40He's been very pushy, but really Selina should have stepped in.
13:42Great, thank you.
13:44How can they expect to win over potential buyers
13:46when they can't even win over David?
13:48Think that went well? Mm-hm.
13:51So, are we walking through that water?
13:53Next to visit Canary Wharf...
13:56..Richard and Vanna...
14:00..touring the only available show flat.
14:02This is to show you a typical finish.
14:05Specification has been advanced for the site over the road,
14:09but the reality is this is a small one-bedroom flat.
14:12We're looking to do a lot in a day and we're going to really smash it hard.
14:16He actually worked in the property. Marked by Mark did in the area.
14:19I've worked actually in Canary Wharf
14:21and I really hope that you consider us strongly
14:24because we like Canary Wharf and we've really enjoyed meeting you.
14:30Richard and I play off each other well in the sales pitches.
14:34I think he took comments on board from last task
14:37because he's not as bossy and he's actually giving me an input.
14:42So I hope that the developer chooses us to represent his property.
14:48Decision time.
14:50Stratford, unproven property track record but glossy showroom...
14:55Stratford was a sexier option and I'm concerned Canary Wharf
14:58as showroom space is going to be so ugly for us to show.
15:02..or Canary Wharf.
15:04No floor plans, show flat under construction, but a property hotspot.
15:09I don't think a property in Canary Wharf requires any negotiation.
15:13It's very hot. We're going to go with Canary Wharf, yeah?
15:16Canary Wharf's a brand in itself.
15:18Canary Wharf is more of a brand name. Yeah.
15:20So I think we should go with that. Decision made.
15:22With both teams choosing the same location...
15:25David, how are you doing? It's Richard Woods here from Connexus.
15:28..the developer will decide...
15:30We would love it if you would be kind enough
15:33to let us sell some properties for you tomorrow.
15:36Oh, you look very professional.
15:38That's a yes from us. Amazing. That's fabulous. Thank you so much.
15:41All right!
15:44Oh, hi, David, it's Joseph.
16:00Right, thank you very much anyway.
16:03Well, that's a shame.
16:06He didn't feel you were suited to his company.
16:09That sounds like a personal thing.
16:12I don't know if he was talking about me specifically, was he,
16:14or both of us in general? I don't know.
16:16He said the other guys were more polished. Yeah.
16:18I feel slightly offended.
16:20I don't know why he thinks that Richard or Varna
16:22could represent his properties better than us. Mm-hm.
16:25The client's feedback was that we weren't polished enough,
16:28and I don't feel that it was specifically aimed at me.
16:35Having lost out on Canary Wharf...
16:37Good to see you again. Lovely to see you again, sir.
16:39..for Joseph and Selina, it's Stratford.
16:42One piece of advice, skip suspenders.
16:45We don't need pink shirts, just really relax and lots of love.
16:48OK. I'm sure you'll do really, really well.
16:53Hi, Anthony. Is that...? Sorry, hi, is that Anthony?
16:55Two hours...
16:57Where are you from, by the way? Are you Italian?
16:59From Brazil!
17:01..to book in buyers for tomorrow.
17:03We're back to back from 9 to 2 o'clock.
17:05If I'm getting a rental against what I'm paying out,
17:07what's my return, roughly?
17:09I'll work it out as a return for you and then give you a call back.
17:12Brilliant. So what was the question?
17:14He wanted to know what his return would be back.
17:16Return? Yeah.
17:20I look forward to seeing you tomorrow at 12pm.
17:22Do you know what you're looking to spend?
17:24Around the £1 billion mark.
17:26In Lewisham...
17:28Built-in sink, built-in toilet, very modern.
17:31Very smart, isn't it?
17:33..Charlene... It's south-facing.
17:35..buying a £350,000 flat.
17:38So do you want to snap this one up tonight before it goes?
17:41Yep. Yep, perfect.
17:43I am ecstatic.
17:45Congratulations, it's a pleasure doing business with you.
17:48Deposit taken, deal done.
17:55You could buy a street in Wales for that money!
17:59Appointments fixed.
18:01Tomorrow, all developments open for business.
18:05I might not have the most eloquent of accents,
18:10but I can really sell.
18:12Joseph did make a big mistake not taking me on high end.
18:16Well done. Yeah.
18:27Harry didn't think I looked cool enough in my braces yesterday.
18:30He said I looked too corporate. Really?
18:32No pink shirts.
18:34So I've tried to mimic his outfit this morning,
18:36so hopefully he's going to be impressed.
18:38For both project managers...
18:41..a chance to rally sales squads.
18:43We had our first meet yesterday.
18:45There was a couple of mistakes made.
18:47I don't want you to miss deals because you had one bad experience.
18:50Push for two each.
18:52This is not that difficult. Thank you very much, we appreciate that.
18:55Wicked. Congratulations, Charlene.
18:57Great sale last night.
18:59So, guys, strategy for the day.
19:01Me and Selina were going to the same place.
19:03I want to keep it the same. Yeah.
19:05I had massive passion for being on the high-end team.
19:08The thing that came up yesterday was that we weren't polished enough
19:12compared to, like, say, Richard and Vanna.
19:14Yeah, but I wouldn't say you were more polished than me, Selina.
19:17Babe, that's not what I'm saying. It was more about the client base.
19:20I've dealt with lots of international clients,
19:22members of the royal family. Have you ever bought a house?
19:25No, but it's not just about the product, is it?
19:27Right, let's not get into an argument, anyway. No, no, no, I'm not.
19:30Just for the team, it's too awkward to change now.
19:33Selina is cheeky.
19:34She just said that I'm not polished enough to sell at the high-end.
19:39I find her a very judgemental, insulting person.
19:42I think that is very unpolished for a business person.
19:46It is what it is. Yep.
19:48So it's staying the same.
19:50All right, guys? Good luck, then, guys. Let's make a move.
19:54Teams have ten hours to sell as many properties as possible.
19:58How about these? I think these look nice.
20:00Jam charts.
20:02Every client they sweet-talk...
20:04Ladies like chocolates.
20:06Milk tray? Yeah, absolutely.
20:08..will net them a 1.5% commission.
20:13Babe, put your arms down, mate.
20:15Sweating? Yeah.
20:16Hi, Elizabeth. Scott.
20:17Hi, you OK? Scott, lovely to meet you.
20:19Hi, I'm Charlene.
20:21By the time this is built,
20:23Stratford's regeneration is going to be outstanding.
20:28So, do you have much knowledge in Clapham at all?
20:31Scott, praising the virtues of South London living.
20:34So, we're just here, and it's very highly populated by everybody.
20:38You know, everybody's enjoying the Clapham.
20:42And also, you've got absolutely everything.
20:44Dry cleaners, off-licences, fish and chips.
20:48They've got everything here.
20:50I'm just going to take you over to the showroom.
20:52Welcome to the studio.
20:57So, it's a nice open space for the windows
21:00to have the sun come in throughout the day and the night.
21:06Are you going to give any discount?
21:09What would you...like?
21:11No. It has to come from your mouth.
21:16I would be happy to offer, just you guys,
21:19don't tell anyone else, obviously,
21:21a 1% discount on the overall cost.
21:23How does that sound?
21:25How do you think about it? OK.
21:28It's a tough old game. I mean, you do the best you can.
21:31Let's just make you take care of the wine.
21:33It's down to your clients, it's down to preference,
21:35it's down to people, how they feel, what they want.
21:37It's really hard.
21:40In Canary Wharf...
21:42Thank you so much for coming down and seeing us today.
21:44Really appreciate it.
21:46..with properties priced up to £1.4 million,
21:50Richard and Varna deliver sugar-coated sales pate.
21:54Canary Wharf has a brand name to it that just...
21:57It makes it really attractive.
21:59The road's nice, it's sort of tree-lined,
22:01it's got a great, nice feel to it.
22:03Their charm offensive is really quite relentless.
22:06We've been chosen as one of the exclusive customers
22:08that we've called today.
22:10But then again, there really isn't much else they can offer.
22:13So, do you have a layout of, you know, the floor plan?
22:17We don't have the actual layouts for them.
22:20But it's like buying something without even having it on paper.
22:24When there isn't even a floor plan,
22:27developers use show flats to give people an idea
22:30of what their flat could look like.
22:32You can trust that these apartments are going to be
22:36Richard and Varna have decided to ignore the show flat,
22:39and I really think that could be a big mistake for them.
22:42I'm afraid, you know, I can't just, you know,
22:44without even having a viewing.
22:46No show flat, no floor plans.
22:49It's just a plate of biscuits.
22:51Thank you so much. That's all right. Thank you.
22:54Have you worked with Gilead before? No.
22:57Just want to point out to you, it's not Gilead Homes,
23:00it's Galeard Homes. Galeard.
23:02Galeard. I'm just going to not say it, I think, it'll be easier.
23:07On the other team... Hello. Hello.
23:10Hi, Irenushka.
23:12..with apartments costing up to £1.5 million,
23:15Selena sells Stratford's High Life.
23:18As you can see, it's a very stunning design.
23:20And what does this look on to?
23:22I'd like a good aspect.
23:24Do you mind if I show you that after? Sure.
23:26I need to look at the positioning of the building
23:28to show you which way is the apartment space.
23:31It's about £1,400 per square foot.
23:33And what's the average square foot value in Stratford?
23:36I think it's about 30% less.
23:38So this property is more expensive.
23:40I think it's £455 a square foot.
23:42Really? You could be right. OK.
23:46Selena's not one for detail.
23:48Can I see a floor plan?
23:52When they met with the developer yesterday,
23:54all the information was available to them.
23:56They didn't ask the questions,
23:58and hence, today, they haven't got the answers.
24:00I think I'd be more comfortable going off and doing some research,
24:03and if I want to come back and purchase, I'll come back in.
24:06Selena's performance is not great.
24:08We'll walk you out, Anoushka.
24:10When it comes to closing the sale, that's where she falls down.
24:14Obviously, I am responsible for myself as a seller,
24:16but I do think it's a shame that Joseph,
24:18as someone who clearly talked about owning a property company,
24:21didn't know the right questions to ask
24:23and didn't know what I should include in my sales pattern.
24:25Clearly, I've gone wrong a little bit earlier in the day,
24:28and he hasn't corrected me or offered me any support at all.
24:33Come with us.
24:35Lewisham. 11am.
24:37Have a look. Take your time.
24:39On Joseph's sub-team, Gary highlights the sights.
24:43Some people will love the greenery.
24:45Some people will like looking at the city.
24:47Some people will like looking into Lewisham.
24:51We were actually quite positive in buying it,
24:53but now that we've been up here,
24:55I'm not sure if we like the trains coming from that side
24:58and looking over the shopping mall from that side.
25:03Gary's sale derailed.
25:06So which one is it that you're mostly interested in?
25:09Charlene's on track.
25:11I think we'll go for the fifth floor.
25:13Do you want me to secure that one for you now?
25:15Yeah, I think we'll go for it. Yes, please.
25:17Excellent. Congratulations.
25:19I managed to secure another deal.
25:22But I'll bet Selina will say
25:24it's because you had easier properties to sell.
25:26At the end of the day, she could have come over,
25:28she didn't want to, and I could have gone to the high end.
25:31Your signature in that box,
25:33and can I have your signature in that box as well?
25:41Oh, it's just this way.
25:43A £340,000 deal at stake.
25:45It's more what it's overlooking as well, you see.
25:47Brett and his clients take in the view.
25:50This is where you would be at.
25:52You're literally... How many window bays in?
25:54One, two, three, four.
25:56Yeah, so you've literally got all of this to look out at.
26:01I think you're showing them the wrong spot.
26:04No, no.
26:05It's four windows long.
26:07Yeah, I just said that.
26:09Yeah, I did say four windows.
26:11That was just for visually, I was just giving you what you were looking at.
26:13But if you go down here, this is exactly what the plot would be.
26:16This is four.
26:18It's pretty much exactly the same.
26:22I don't want this one.
26:24No? No, I don't want to look at the wall.
26:33With commission key...
26:36..both teams push for sales.
26:39Is this something that you would possibly purchase?
26:41Probably, yeah. OK.
26:45I might also give you a free bottle of Paseco,
26:47just to congratulate you.
26:49Yes, thank you.
26:52Great bargain.
26:54380, thanks ever so much for that, and congratulations.
26:56Thank you very much. Thanks ever so much.
26:59So if I do go through with it today,
27:01can you do anything better on the price?
27:03I can't deviate from that price at all.
27:05Yeah, well, at least I can say I tried.
27:07Would you like to go through with that today? Yeah, I would, actually.
27:09Fantastic. Cool.
27:12What would it take for you to shake my hand?
27:15I would shake your hand if we agreed on 1% discount.
27:19And I can buy it today.
27:21You can buy it today. I think we're able to do that for you today.
27:24OK, well... Thank you very much.
27:28Just a signature and a date, please, if you don't mind.
27:30..just over three-quarters of a million.
27:33I feel absolutely amazing and I can't wipe the smile off my face.
27:36I'll just see you out. Thank you.
27:38I think the thing that clenched it today was obviously the discount,
27:40but also my outstanding sales techniques.
27:42So we've got 1.5% of 750.
27:45It's not bad. Crazy.
27:47With regards to the sale he made,
27:49that customer clearly came in here looking to buy.
27:51It wasn't a difficult sale
27:53and he was very easy to get him to sign the contract.
27:55Hello, guys. Give us some good news, buddy.
27:58Literally just sold a house for £765,000.
28:02Well done. That's amazing.
28:04Who sold that one? That was me.
28:06Well done, Joseph.
28:09Smashed it. Well done.
28:11Charlene's managed to sell another one.
28:13Well done, guys. Keep doing your best.
28:15Bye-bye. Well done, Charlene. Mm-hm.
28:17No disrespect to Charlene, I know she's a really good seller,
28:20but this is not an easy sell.
28:22She's very good and pushy on certain sales,
28:24but I don't feel that she's necessarily got better skills than you or I have.
28:28Selena is quite a negative person.
28:30She has a very manipulative way about her
28:34to try and make people think
28:37that something's not her fault.
28:43Canary Wharf.
28:45It's not a decision I could make right this second, being honest with you.
28:49Cheers. Thank you.
28:51One high-end client walks away...
28:55..as another rolls in.
28:57I'm Mr Jamil. Yes, hi. I'm Vanna. Nice to meet you.
28:59Hi, nice to meet you. Hi, I'm Richard. Nice to meet you.
29:01I'm Vanna. Nice to meet you, Zaheer.
29:03Potential purchase, a luxury three-bed.
29:07Price, almost £1.4 million.
29:10Can we see the floor plans?
29:13This is all we have to work with today, which is frustrating.
29:17My parents have a three-bedroom in New York and they're architects,
29:20so I know what the flow will be like.
29:22So the kitchen will be here and it'll be open with the dining room.
29:26If you can help us with the price, we can give you an answer today.
29:30He's feeling the heat.
29:33It's going to be difficult for us to do anything on that price.
29:36Is it impossible? There's really no shift on the price.
29:39If you can throw in the parking space, let's go ask the question.
29:42I'm going to try my best for you guys.
29:45I'll be back soon. I'll leave you on your own for a couple of minutes
29:48so you can discuss.
29:50£1.5 is a shit discount unless you equate it to the fact it's a parking space.
29:55And then suddenly, actually, it's like, OK, just sell it.
29:59OK, I'll do my best. Do you mind if we come back in?
30:02No, I think you're already in.
30:06OK, we're literally doing everything we possibly can
30:10to make this work for you and to make it worthwhile.
30:13So we can give you £20,000, which would be approximately
30:17the cost of parking the car around here.
30:20That's the most we could possibly do for you.
30:26Let's go for it. Fantastic.
30:29Thanks a lot. Thank you.
30:32Take care. Bye.
30:43I'm so proud of us.
30:51Please leave a message after the tone.
30:5390 minutes trading left.
30:55I'd just like to speak to you about something. Many thanks.
30:58Voicemail, voicemail.
31:01I've gone through my whole list.
31:03It's rang four times, rang three times, left two messages.
31:06Are we missing a trick?
31:08You can't just go out on the street for stuff like this
31:10because you need a lot of bloody money.
31:12How are we doing? You OK?
31:14Will you be looking at purchasing soon?
31:16Is there anyone that you'd know that may be interested?
31:19If we could take his contact number, that would be fantastic.
31:22In terms of the finish, really top end.
31:25Aspen's going to kill me.
31:27Fantastic. Thank you very much.
31:29You've bought yourself a great property.
31:31We're wondering if it's something you're of interest of.
31:36Thank you. Bye.
31:38Oh, my God.
31:44At the Stratford showroom...
31:46So, Annabel, welcome to Manhattan.
31:48..Joseph's last client.
31:51We've got some computerised aspects
31:53of where the roof garden's going to be.
31:55Are they open to the public or is that just for people...
31:58The garden... Only the communal garden on this level
32:00that we're seeing, the Sky Gardens,
32:02are available for the residents only.
32:04Does that mean it's an extortionate service charge?
32:06No, the service charge is about £6.03 per square foot.
32:11My appointment was the last one.
32:13So, this is the stunning one-bedroom plus den.
32:17Selina tried to pounce on my customer.
32:19Do you want to see some of the storage space?
32:21I felt that it was embarrassing.
32:23I didn't want to keep dogfighting for the customer's attention.
32:26So, how do you feel about reserving one of these fantastic properties, Annabel?
32:31I think, for me, it's not going to be today. Mm-hm.
32:34I think it's a real shame that I didn't confirm any business today.
32:38But I think Joseph underestimated the complexity of the task.
32:42He's not used to selling products that are worth this amount of money.
32:45So, I do think it's down to Joseph.
32:48Minutes remain.
32:53What else is there to do?
32:58Hello. My name's Charlene.
33:00After their dash around Lewisham...
33:03It's real oakwood flooring. Mirror setback, nice and classy.
33:07..for Charlene and Gary, one last lead.
33:10We literally have a minute left to close the deal.
33:13It'd be a very expensive minute, wouldn't it?
33:15It would be. Tempted, aren't you?
33:17The pen's there, it's very close.
33:20That's officially the end of trading.
33:28Selling ceases.
33:30Tomorrow in the boardroom, completion.
33:34I think myself and Charlene had a great day.
33:37I just hope the high-end sales, or the lack of high-end sales,
33:40really doesn't cost us.
33:42It's hard not to look unhappy when you feel a little bit deflated.
33:45I've got no problems in saying that I've done everything I could have done.
33:49But I've always been someone that says,
33:51never underestimate your opponent and never count your chickens.
34:12You can go through to the boardroom now.
34:34Good morning. Good morning, Sir.
34:37Well, I created Just What The World Needs,
34:41a bunch of real estate agents.
34:44They're not my favourite people, actually.
34:47But nevertheless, they're a necessary evil.
34:50This is a very, very serious task.
34:52I mean, we've done a bit of selling,
34:54items for a pound each and all that stuff.
34:56Here, we're talking about items of 300,000, 400,000, 1 million.
35:00So it's really serious stuff.
35:03Richard, talk me through the high-end then.
35:05Because there was two developers I gave you there.
35:08We went to Canary Wharf.
35:09We really engaged well with him.
35:11Vine did a great job as well with engaging with the client.
35:14This was David, was it? David, yes.
35:16And where's David from?
35:18So, where... Oh, he's from Galliards.
35:21I got the name of the development wrong in a pitch.
35:24You got the name wrong? Day two, I did.
35:27We don't go around calling you Dick, do we?
35:29Not to your face, anyway. Let's put it that way.
35:32So, even with all that, you impressed them, yeah?
35:35We engaged well with him and he responded well back to us.
35:38They wanted Canary Wharf? Correct.
35:40They would have had, Alan, a choice of whoever they wanted.
35:43Both of the clients wanted them.
35:45Good. Right, now, we're down in Clapper mid-range development
35:49with Scott and Brett.
35:51Yeah, OK, there was studio apartments and also one bed and study.
35:55You sound like you know what you're talking about now. Yeah.
35:59Because according to the feedback I got from Karen,
36:02when actually push came to shove,
36:04you didn't know the answer to a lot of questions.
36:06I didn't know everything straight away.
36:08You didn't know anything, actually, Scott.
36:10This is the washing machine, it was actually the wardrobe.
36:13This is the fridge-freezer, it was actually the washing machine.
36:16You called the bidet a hot tub.
36:18I haven't touched this kind of industry before,
36:20but I did the best that I could do
36:22and I got better and improved throughout the next day.
36:24The first client that we had on day one
36:26was a bit of a train wreck, to be honest.
36:28We walked into day two and we just tried to stay as focused
36:31as we possibly could.
36:32Do you think when Scott tried to sell one of the flats
36:35because it was near a chippy, what is that?
36:37I mean, to sell a flat because it's near a fish and chip shop
36:41is not exactly encouraging, is it?
36:44I was just trying to show what the area had
36:47and what they had, different shops and restaurants
36:49and a fish and chip shop was one of those.
36:51I don't have education in this particular area,
36:53so if I don't know something, I go and learn it.
36:55I can't just make stuff up. I accept that, Scott.
36:58If you don't know something, don't blurt out rubbish.
37:01That's all the point I'm making.
37:03As the project manager, do you not feel that you may have
37:06kept yourself concentrated on your high ends,
37:09left these two lost at sea, really?
37:11I did put the time and effort in to give as much knowledge
37:14as I could do at the start of the day.
37:16Sounds to me that you didn't.
37:18All right, let's move on now to Versatile, your high end.
37:22Now, Joseph, similarly, you go and talk to Harry and David.
37:26So, first of all, we went to see Harry over at Manhattan Loft,
37:29a great place. In Stratford?
37:31He was very passionate, had a great vision.
37:33He did like to talk quite a lot.
37:35When someone's very passionate about their product,
37:38what you need to do is sit and listen.
37:40Even if you're not bleeding interested,
37:42you make out you're interested.
37:44And from what I can understand from Claude, it was like,
37:46yeah, all right, Harry, thanks for that.
37:48Right, anyway, what's the price, Harry?
37:50Very, very blunt and to the point.
37:52It's absolutely right. Unfortunately, you didn't share his dream.
37:55You didn't go with him.
37:57Selina, particularly, I would have expected you
37:59to kind of really buy into all that.
38:01I did really buy into it, but Joseph had made it clear
38:03that he wanted to lead the pitch.
38:05It wasn't a matter of talking, it was a matter of showing,
38:08showing enthusiasm, and I think that the pair of you lack that.
38:11No disrespect, but Harry commented on your attire at the time, didn't he?
38:16Yeah, so Harry said to me he didn't like the braces.
38:18Did you smarten yourself up a little bit?
38:20Or did you still look like a plumber with a moustache, like Super Mario?
38:24Yeah, I did take his feedback on board.
38:26But I thought I looked smart the first day.
38:28I think that was a little bit unfair,
38:30to comment on my braces underneath my suit jacket.
38:32I had a very nice suit on with a purple shirt.
38:35Hmm. Now, Gary and Charlene,
38:38tell me about the mid-range development in Lewisham.
38:41Yeah, so we went in as a developer
38:43and we just literally asked as many questions as we could
38:45as if we were going to buy a property ourselves.
38:47OK, are you ready for people firing questions at you?
38:49Yeah. Sounds good to me.
38:51And then you had your first sale that evening, is that right?
38:54Yes. That's right, Charlene did a great job here.
38:57By the end, on day two, I think it was getting up to six o'clock,
39:00you'd run out of leads, you went out in the street, didn't you?
39:03So we exhausted all our leads.
39:05I had the chance of getting someone on the street
39:07and asking them to come over in half an hour
39:09and invest £400,000. It was extremely slim.
39:11We had 15 minutes to try and give him as much as what we could
39:14and to try and seal the deal.
39:16I thought the idea was completely bonkers.
39:18Hmm. Nearly got a deal.
39:21Very close, very close.
39:23All right, look, let's get some numbers.
39:27Claude, tell me about the mid-range sales.
39:30Commission on the mid-range for Lewisham was £18,200.
39:34Right, and then while I'm with you, on the high-end development...
39:38Stratford for Versatile, they had £11,360.25,
39:44making a total commission of £29,560.25.
39:51Right. Karen?
39:53Well, the commission on sales at Clapham was £12,725.
40:00Commission on sales at Canary Wharf was £63,901,
40:07giving them a total commission of £76,626.78.
40:12Very good. Very, very, very good. Excellent.
40:16You sold over £4 million worth of property in those days.
40:20Yes. Very good.
40:22I mean, the contrast between the two teams was staggering.
40:25You two were impressive. You two, not so much.
40:28You heard me say many times that if you're in the winning team,
40:32you stay in the process. Sometimes it backfires.
40:36Scott, I've got to tell you, from what I'm hearing from Karen,
40:40you are a very, very lucky man to still be here at the moment.
40:46Anyway, for your treat, I've arranged a high-octane speedboat experience
40:51where you'll be whizzing along the Thames at 30 knots.
40:54Hold on tight, enjoy the ride, and I'll see you on the next task, OK?
40:59All right. Very well done, you two. Very well done indeed.
41:09It's all right. I would just like to quickly say...
41:12..thank you for the opportunity.
41:16But I would like to exit the process at this point.
41:19Oh, my God!
41:23Well, it's your choice if you want to.
41:29Oh, my God!
41:31You're doing my job for me.
41:34What's he doing?
41:38But I'm an honourable man and I stick to the rules,
41:41so all I can do is thank you very much indeed for putting yourself forward,
41:45because you've actually made life a little bit easier for me, OK?
41:48Thank you very much.
41:50Oh, my God!
41:55What's got you two here?
41:58I'm off.
42:06This process is all about people that perform.
42:09At least another one of you will be leaving the process today, OK?
42:13So off you go.
42:19He clearly knows he's out of his depth.
42:21He didn't deserve to stay in this process. He really didn't.
42:24Listen to you. Oh, he's gone.
42:26He's been floundering for weeks, really.
42:37I left because Lord Sugar made a success of his business himself,
42:41so why do I need to go to him to go and get an investment?
42:45But I truly stand by my decision, and he'll kick himself,
42:49that he didn't look at me in a different light.
42:55Can you believe Scott is gone?
42:57To go when you've won... Yeah.
43:00..is unbelievable. You think, why?
43:02I don't get it. I don't get it.
43:05It was like this massive bombshell.
43:07We've all worked so hard to win,
43:09and I still don't understand it, why you'd want to throw the towel in.
43:13Scott has had a couple of bad runs,
43:15and he was out of his depth on this.
43:17He tried his best, but he just couldn't cut it.
43:19It's getting very dog-eat-dog now.
43:21And if that means that that's one less candidate I have to worry about,
43:25all the better for me.
43:38Wait, let me speak. I second this negativity thing.
43:41You really need to find some baby-sized gratitude.
43:43Selina, do not talk over me! I am talking, OK?
43:46Do not talk over me, right? Give me a chance to speak.
43:49You need to calm down and stop shouting over people.
43:52Having to work with someone like Charlene,
43:54who is the most irrational, unprofessional person ever.
43:58I mean, she shouldn't be in this process,
44:00and I'm amazed that she has any business at all.
44:02I'll talk to these about why I feel the failure of the task.
44:05Selina brings negativity to the team.
44:08She turned around, said to Gary, myself,
44:10the reason why myself and Joseph didn't get the pitch
44:13is because we're not polished enough,
44:15and if we're not polished enough, well...
44:17No, I didn't say that, Charlene. You did, Selina!
44:19You did say that. I said...
44:20Selina always gets under my skin.
44:22She sits in that boardroom,
44:24makes it sound like the sun shines out of her bum.
44:27She talks like she's this perfect package, but she's not.
44:31You, you...
44:32I think the key point is that we didn't build enough rapport with the client.
44:35Selina, I took you there to build the rapport with the client.
44:38You said you'd do a fine client.
44:39You told me that you wanted to lead,
44:41and you asked me to write down the notes.
44:43No, I asked you to ask the questions.
44:44And the moment it went wrong, Joseph, I snatched the phone off you.
44:46Oh, my God, you are such a manipulator!
44:48I've never met anybody like you.
44:50Without a doubt, Selina should be fired.
44:52She didn't sell, she didn't build a rapport,
44:54she was with me the whole day.
44:56She could have stepped in at any point.
44:58I don't think she's Lord Sugar's suitable business partner.
45:01You're very clever, but I can see straight through you.
45:03Straight through you.
45:04Straight through you.
45:05You're very, very clever.
45:16Yes, Lord Sugar?
45:17Belle, can you send the candidates in, please?
45:19Yes, Lord Sugar.
45:21You can go through to the boardroom now.
45:34Well, Joseph, it seems to me
45:36that you bit off more than you can chew here.
45:39I disagree with that.
45:40I went there cos I could sell.
45:42I specifically took Selina because she said
45:44that she deals with high-end clients all of the time.
45:47That was to build the rapport.
45:48I took myself there because I could sell.
45:50You didn't build any rapport, did you?
45:51No, we didn't, I know.
45:52You know, you were like a bull in a china shop.
45:55In what sense?
45:56In the sense that I went straight to the negotiation room.
45:58The point is, you see,
45:59you still don't understand what I'm talking about, do you?
46:01I'm asking you whether you felt
46:02that you were the fish out of water amongst these people.
46:05You're saying, no, I'm a good salesman,
46:07but clearly there was no sophistication in what you were doing.
46:11Yeah, I definitely misread the situation.
46:13That's all I'm asking you.
46:14Yeah, I was out of my depth,
46:16but I tried to change, you know, my style of selling.
46:19It was obviously clear that, you know,
46:21that we wasn't good enough that evening.
46:23I got that from the phone.
46:24Who's we?
46:25Me and Selina.
46:26Yeah, I mean, Selina,
46:27you've put on kind of events and things like that,
46:30and I know this is not the same,
46:32but it's very, very similar, isn't it?
46:34Generally, project managers take the lead on pitches,
46:36and because Joseph has a property company
46:38and property isn't something I know anything about,
46:40he did say he wanted to lead, which I was happy with.
46:42It's difficult when you're slightly sidelined
46:44to kind of take a leading role.
46:46You being sidelined?
46:47Oh, Selina, come on.
46:48These are the facts of the matter.
46:49The fact of the matter is, when we lost that pitch,
46:51David phoned back and said,
46:52I'm not happy, you weren't as polished as Richard and Varna,
46:54and I don't like the way that you talk,
46:56and you wouldn't be suitable in my company.
46:59This is the first time in nine weeks I've worked with you, Selina,
47:01and I would not want to work with you again,
47:03and I wouldn't want to work with you in a professional environment.
47:05Well, I don't want to work with somebody
47:06that talks himself into a job and alienates...
47:08You alienated major clients.
47:09I alienated major clients?
47:10Selina, the truth is, you could have helped him out.
47:13You could have actually taken the lead.
47:15Well, after that, I did take the lead.
47:16I took the lead on the first client in the morning.
47:18That was because it was booked.
47:19Sorry, I'm still talking.
47:20You took the lead, you didn't take the lead.
47:21I'm still talking.
47:22I actually had to take the lead
47:23because Joseph's nerve was incredibly notched.
47:25He got a lot of personal negative feedback
47:27by Carrie-Anne David.
47:28Selina, I believe that one of your traits
47:31is that when things are not going great,
47:33you kind of tune out.
47:35I get negative feedback from people because I'm too pushy
47:37and because I like leading.
47:38So, for me, there's a fine balance between being pushy
47:41and then taking a step back.
47:42And when you don't talk, you have a negative aura about you
47:44where you put a face and you sit back in a situation.
47:46That is ridiculous.
47:47You cannot say someone's a negative aura.
47:48And you make it very negative.
47:49That's ridiculous, guys.
47:50You make it very negative.
47:51You can't keep bringing up this negative thing.
47:52Yes, I can, because it's specific.
47:54I've just had to deal with Charlene screaming at me
47:56for five minutes in the cafe...
47:57Because you don't let me speak, Selina.
47:59No, no, both of them screaming at me, making personal insults.
48:01I'm not here to make personal insults.
48:02It's not.
48:03My priority is to do the test.
48:04I work in an industry where it's to do with performing
48:06and happiness and enthusiasm.
48:07How do you think that I'm the negative one in this group?
48:09OK, OK.
48:10Is there any one time, Joseph, that you thought to yourself
48:12that you had the wrong person with you?
48:14I think Charlene's a very good seller,
48:16but I think she's quite like me
48:17in the sense that we do the hard sell.
48:19But what about Gary?
48:23Let's be honest.
48:24Was the decision that you didn't want to put Charlene and Selina together?
48:27I definitely didn't want to put Charlene and Selina together.
48:30You know, they've knocked heads throughout.
48:32Why can't you get on with her, or why can't she get on with you?
48:36I don't get it.
48:37I feel everyone does have a limit,
48:39and when someone does push you and push you and push you,
48:41it is hard not to react.
48:43I don't clash heads with any single person in the house.
48:46I never have a volatile argument with anyone.
48:48What do you think, Gary, then, on this?
48:50If I'm being honest, when we had a meeting in the morning,
48:52there was a comment about not being polished,
48:54and it just rubbed people up the wrong way.
48:56I'm really sorry, I was talking about how the client said
48:58Richard and Varna were more polished than me and Joseph.
49:00I'm not saying you meant that, that's what I'm talking about.
49:02No, I definitely didn't mean it to insult you.
49:04But the way it was perceived amongst Joseph and myself as well.
49:06Yeah, I know that Charlene's all that, but naturally, Gary,
49:08like, I'd never bring up something as personal as that.
49:10No, no, I'm not saying we've had a problem,
49:12but there's no smoke without fire.
49:14Why is it, clearly, that people have got this opinion of you?
49:17I think, quite honestly, the main issue is Charlene,
49:20like, she's quite manipulative,
49:22and she does try to manipulate other people in the house.
49:24Can I finish speaking, actually, because Richard's asked me a question.
49:27And I'm probably not someone that's trying to win a personality contest here.
49:31Trust me, no-one's winning any personality contest here.
49:34I pride myself on being able to get on with people,
49:36and it is a mark of my character that I don't respond to a lot of what happens with Charlene.
49:40Something's gone wrong here, because you're rubbing people up the wrong way here, that's for sure.
49:43Only Charlene. No, it's the whole house.
49:45It's not the whole house.
49:47Joseph, you know what happens next, don't you? Yeah.
49:50You've got to bring two other people back into this boardroom.
49:53I'm not going to get a prize for working out one of them is Selina.
49:56Who's the other one?
50:02The other one's going to be Gary, just based on sales figures.
50:09So, Charlene, you can go back to the house,
50:12and I'll see you other three back in here shortly.
50:15Thank you, Lord Sugar. Thank you, Carrie.
50:21In the case of Joseph, really, I mean,
50:23he should never have dived in and taken responsibility for this.
50:27He's very ambitious, he just took a step too far.
50:30Selina's not in play. She clearly rubs people up the wrong way.
50:34I think the problem for Selina is her mood gets the better of her.
50:38Gary's like a steady Eddie, isn't he, really? Yeah.
50:40He only sold one, didn't he? Yeah.
50:42There's a real question mark for me with him.
50:48Yes, Lord Sugar? Can you send the three of them in, please?
50:51Yes, Lord Sugar. Lord Sugar will see you now.
51:04Well, Selina, it says here I kind of go into Wonder Woman mode.
51:08These are your words.
51:10On this task, you're more like Invisible Woman.
51:13I mean, it seems you couldn't even flog a property player monopoly.
51:16That's true. I didn't say anything on this task,
51:18but I have sold on other tasks.
51:20But Joseph didn't get it together
51:22and I didn't get much management or feedback from him as PM.
51:25You're talking nonsense. That is the fact of the matter.
51:27Once again, you're trying to get your way out. You didn't sell.
51:29No, I'm not, Joseph. I sold. You can't close your deal.
51:31Fair enough, you had facts written in your note.
51:33Why did you have to shout? I've just got a loud voice.
51:35You weren't prepared. All you do is talk, talk, talk.
51:37You weren't prepared for your pitches. You've got to close the deal.
51:39You can't close the deal. Yeah, OK.
51:41You're 28 years older than the project manager here.
51:44I'm not trying to make you an old man,
51:46but what I'm trying to say is you could have actually called him up
51:49and said to him, look, can I help you out here at all?
51:51Yes, Lord Sugar.
51:53So, based on Joseph's great background in this process of selling,
51:55I totally backed him to sell it.
51:57Joseph, you're the definition of success.
51:59I'm the godfather of business. These are your words.
52:01Where did you get that from at 26 years old?
52:04I just believe I've come such a long way from where I started
52:07that I am quite successful.
52:09I've done nothing. I've taught myself everything.
52:11You're not the godfather of business, are you?
52:13I'm not the godfather. It's a stupid comment to make.
52:15I think when you're put into a certain area,
52:18you know, a lot of people grow up and they become that person,
52:21but I think it takes a very strong person to break out of that
52:24and become who they can be, and I think that's what I'm going to do.
52:27At the end of the day, I prove myself throughout the process,
52:29throughout the nine weeks,
52:31and all I've got to do now is take the feedback on board.
52:33This process is a little bit about learning.
52:35It's not a big educational process.
52:37I'm looking for a business partner in the end.
52:39Why do you think I should let you remain in this process?
52:43Lord Sugar, I'm 26 years old. I've got two established businesses.
52:46I do everything by myself. I know what 20 hours a day looks like.
52:49I do it seven days a week for the last three years.
52:51You know, I want to come in and show you
52:54that I can be part of something bigger.
52:57I'm going to break my back for you, Lord Sugar. There's no doubt about it.
53:00Well, let's see if we get that far, shall we? Selina?
53:03I think throughout this process it has been quite difficult for me
53:05to work under other people.
53:07Ultimately, you are looking for a business partner.
53:09You're not looking for an employee.
53:11I am a leader. I am a boss. I have a successful business.
53:14I didn't sell a property, because my skills are in design
53:17and dealing with big business,
53:19because I want my company to be a global costumes distributor,
53:22and I've proven that I'm capable of working with high-end, wealthy people
53:25and not alienating them.
53:27Gary, you had been a big corporate man. I know you've left now.
53:30I actually chose to leave that corporation, to go out on my own,
53:33because I've got great belief in this process. I'm a business.
53:36I've probably made one of the biggest decisions of my life.
53:39I've got family, I've got commitments on this task as well.
53:42I do not believe I can be absolutely accountable.
53:44I do feel that you could have smelt
53:46that something wasn't going right here.
53:48I'm not here to let people sink.
53:50The easiest way to get through this process is winning the task,
53:53and if anything, it saved the day and it looked even better for me.
53:56OK, look, I don't want to hear any more from you now.
53:59Gary, I'm wondering whether you can ever shrug off
54:03that big corporate image.
54:09You've certainly managed to alienate a couple of people here in this process,
54:13more than a couple, from what I can understand,
54:16and I'm just wondering whether a person with such a volatile nature
54:19is the type of person that I would want as a business partner.
54:23Joseph, I don't like failure, right?
54:26And I don't also want to have to be changing nappies all the time.
54:31I'm not asking for any comment.
54:33And so, on that basis, Joseph,
54:37you may be here a little bit too early.
54:44I've made my decision.
54:46My instincts tell me that we are not going to make it.
54:52We are not going to make it, Selina.
54:54You're fired.
55:06You two fellows, go back to the house.
55:08I'll see you on the next task, OK?
55:10Thank you, Lord Sugar.
55:14Good luck.
55:34If the wrong person has been fired,
55:36I would be a great business partner for Lord Sugar.
55:38But obviously, if it means having to go through working with people
55:41as unpleasant as people like Charlene and Joseph,
55:43I'm actually quite happy to find another business partner to work with.
55:48Who do you reckon's coming back?
55:50I'm hoping Gary and Joseph.
55:52In front of the boardroom, Selina talks a very good talk.
56:03Welcome back, mate.
56:05So, Selina's gone. How do you feel, Charlene?
56:07I'm not going to lie, I'm absolutely relieved.
56:10It feels good to be the last one.
56:13One of us is going to have a £250,000 investment with Lord Sugar.
56:16One of us. One of us is getting in the Rolls Royce.
56:18Did someone actually go in the Rolls Royce?
56:20Yeah, you don't need to worry about that, though.
56:24Now, six candidates remain.
56:27Lord Sugar's search for his next business partner...