• 3 months ago


00:00I'm looking for a complete all-rounder, and the bottom line is, this process works.
00:09Lord Sugar is on the hunt for a brand new business partner.
00:12Over the course of the next 12 weeks, you are out of your comfort zone.
00:19Ready to fight for his funding, 18 aspiring entrepreneurs.
00:25This is a bad call on strategy.
00:28You haven't used any of your skills, any of your knowledge,
00:31any of the things that you claim that you're experts in.
00:34On the table, a quarter million pound investment.
00:39And a 50-50 partnership with Britain's toughest backer.
00:44Supply and demand, that's what this is about.
00:46I'm demanding the answers, you better bloody well supply them.
00:50Right, let's go, let's go. Come on!
00:52It's a deal worth fighting for.
00:55I want that stuff in there. Speak to me like that again.
00:58I messed up a bit, didn't I?
01:0018 candidates.
01:01We're going to be explosive.
01:03Do not talk over me, I am quite okay.
01:0612 tough weeks.
01:09You tell people how terrible they are and you could do it better.
01:13Don't disrespect me.
01:14One life-changing opportunity.
01:17You're fired, you're fired. You've dug yourself a very, very big hole.
01:21You're fired.
01:32Previously on The Apprentice...
01:34I want you to produce an advertising campaign for a shampoo.
01:38Ayesha bossed the girls.
01:40If anybody is not productive in this team,
01:42they'll be coming into the boardroom with me, I don't care.
01:45Prickly personalities...
01:47Go away! We're filming!
01:49We're filming!
01:51We weren't happy with that.
01:52..left Desert Secret shrouded in mystery.
01:55I thought it was more a dirty secret.
01:57On the other team...
01:58You're going to be putting your hands in the air
02:00and they're going to be going like this.
02:02..sharpshooting Richard...
02:03That looks quality.
02:04Just so simple.
02:06..spurred the boys on...
02:08Simple, clean, on message.
02:10He looks like David Pratt to me.
02:13..to a resounding win.
02:15It was Richard and his seven assistants.
02:18The girls...
02:19Don't touch me.
02:20..got in a lather.
02:21I don't feel like Vanna really contributed much.
02:23You are actually telling a lie.
02:25Natalie washed her hands.
02:27If I'd have seen the product in the campaign,
02:29I'd have never wanted to pitch it.
02:30You cannot give up on your product.
02:32Ladies, it's a mess.
02:34Ayesha's hopes went down the drain.
02:36You came up with the name, the brand,
02:39and you came up with the flower.
02:41And she became the second casualty of the boardroom.
02:44Ayesha, you're fired.
02:46Now 16 candidates remain to fight for the chance
02:49to become Lord Sugar's business partner.
03:07The winner out of you lot can have the honour of playing me.
03:12Oh, oh!
03:13Oh, oh!
03:19Why is that the phone ringing?
03:21Good morning, Georgia speaking.
03:23Good morning.
03:24Lord Sugar would like you to assemble
03:26in the wartime tunnels beneath Dover Castle.
03:29Please pack an overnight bag.
03:31The cars will be leaving for Kent in 20 minutes.
03:35You ready, guys?
03:36Wartime tunnel underneath Dover Castle, 20 minutes.
03:40Overnight bag.
03:50Where is Dover?
03:51I know it's on the coast, obviously.
03:53What coast?
03:54Maybe we're going to Ireland.
03:56I just don't know.
04:00Now, the victory today, I feel,
04:02you single-handedly won that task, didn't you?
04:04There wasn't any people beneath you,
04:06they got obstructed for a massive team effort.
04:08I think the quote was Richard and his seven helpers, I think.
04:11Yeah, we helped you win a task.
04:27Don't you think now you've been PM
04:29you're going to be inclined to want to do it your way?
04:32No, not at all.
04:38Do you think he's going to split the teams up again?
04:41I don't know, maybe.
04:42Because I think, as a team, we pretty much sucked last time,
04:45so it might be nice to mix it up again.
04:52Dover Castle, Kent.
04:56Medieval fortress.
04:59Wartime command centre.
05:10a dispatch from Lord Sugar.
05:12I'm sorry I can't be with you today,
05:14but I've been called away on some urgent business.
05:17You're in the secret wartime tunnels beneath Dover Castle,
05:21from where the mission to evacuate Dunkirk
05:24was launched during World War II.
05:27For this task, I'm sending you on your own mission.
05:30Now, if you want to be my business partner,
05:33I expect you to be able to negotiate
05:35any time, anywhere,
05:37and most importantly, with anyone.
05:40So I'm sending half of you across the channel to Calais,
05:44while the others stay on the Kent coast.
05:47You have a list of items to buy and one day to do it in.
05:51And you'll need to work out where the best bargains are,
05:54in England or in France.
05:56Bon voyage, and make sure you don't miss the ferry back.
06:00The teams are going to remain girls versus boys.
06:04Off you go.
06:06Two countries to search,
06:08nine items to find.
06:11First job...
06:13appoint a commander-in-chief.
06:16I speak French, and that will be a tool
06:19we can use quite well on the ground there.
06:22I have negotiating skills from when I worked in a bank.
06:26Yeah, I would like to put myself forward as well.
06:29I actually work in construction,
06:31so my job is making sure that people are where they need to be
06:34and doing what they need to do.
06:36Anyone who wants me as project manager, raise your hand.
06:41Anyone who wants Elle as project manager, raise your hand.
06:47I was born and bred in New York City,
06:49and that has taught me that you have to be street smart,
06:52but in the end, you have to be smart.
06:55I'm a true believer in karma,
06:57and I believe that what goes around comes around.
07:00Because Elle wanted to be PM, I'll make her sub-team leader.
07:03Elle, I'm counting on you.
07:05Thank you very much, guys.
07:07I'm going to give you 100%. I expect 100% back.
07:10In charge of the boys...
07:12I want to see something from everybody, OK?
07:14..gas engineer Joseph.
07:16I want to establish who's the top sellers.
07:18Can I say it's a negotiation, not selling?
07:20Yeah, selling's a negotiation, but flip the other way round.
07:23So, who thinks...
07:25Can I maybe make a suggestion?
07:27Who can speak French?
07:29I've got that there, who can speak French.
07:31I feel Richard does struggle being told what to do.
07:35I think he tries to lead every situation that he's in.
07:38Has anybody got a qualification in French?
07:40I would feel comfortable negotiating with a French person.
07:44I have an A-level.
07:46Sounds very good.
07:48I really do not like what I'm doing.
07:50Sounds very good.
07:52I really do not like working with him at all.
07:55Right, so we need to find out what products we're going to get
07:58from England, what products we're going to get from France.
08:01Next job, scrutinise the shopping list.
08:04I've done the Inflatable Boat, England,
08:06the Manure, England, Anchor, Evaror.
08:08France slash England.
08:10With the mussels, England could be cheap as well.
08:12Leavers Lace. What is that, sorry?
08:14I don't know what that is. Where are we getting that?
08:16England or France?
08:18I'm going to leave a way over the phones
08:20because this isn't set in stone.
08:22France, we're going to be getting the Mirror,
08:24the Snails, the Cheese, the Mussels.
08:26From Varna, a plan to divide and conquer.
08:29And then in the UK, we're going to be getting the Lace,
08:32the Anchor, the Boat and the Manure.
08:34Is everyone clear on what they're buying?
08:36Some of them have the option of buying either country.
08:38I don't plan on swapping.
08:40Varna delegated the different things to either France or UK
08:43very quickly.
08:45I was a bit worried about that because the Lace,
08:47I don't even know what it is.
08:49Until you know what an item is,
08:51you don't know how much it costs
08:53and that's what this task is all about.
08:55All right, I want this to be well managed.
08:57I'm going to need you guys to be on top of everything
08:59at all times and communicate well with each other.
09:01OK? OK.
09:03I need you to respect each other.
09:05The female team can't get catty.
09:07Let's go.
09:09Be as cheeky as you can.
09:11Negotiate well.
09:13And let's go and win this task.
09:17half of each team
09:19will do battle on the Kent coast
09:21while the rest
09:23fight it out in France.
09:27I really want the girls' team to win for once
09:29so I'm trying to dissipate
09:31any cattiness because I know
09:33that we need to keep our eye on the prize.
09:35I think we're going to smash it.
09:37I think we're the best negotiators.
09:39Cheers, David. Thank you.
09:41The only thing that the girls may have an advantage of
09:43is that they're all very pretty ladies
09:45and that may sway the old Frenchman.
09:57Driver, head to Boulogne-sur-Mer, please.
10:01Armed with maps...
10:03We're probably about here.
10:05..business directories...
10:07We need champagne flutes.
10:09Oh, OK.
10:11..and the local currency.
10:13All this manure,
10:15where are we going to put it, in here?
10:17My shoes, my pockets, I don't care, mate.
10:19The teams have ten hours
10:21to purchase all nine items.
10:23What's the specification of the manure?
10:31We're going to target the mirror first.
10:33In France...
10:35Bonjour, madame.
10:37..already searching for their first item...
10:39..Joseph's boys...
10:43..with French speakers
10:45Richard and Sam.
11:09I see...
11:11You said they've got them.
11:13They have loads.
11:15So we need to go and we need to look
11:17and we need to measure.
11:19Bonjour, monsieur.
11:21Bonjour, madame.
11:23What the boys don't know
11:25is that I'm fluent in French
11:27so I'll know exactly what's going on.
11:29Nous cherchons un miroir.
11:33Vous avez plein de miroirs ici.
11:35Oui, exactement.
11:37Il y a beaucoup de miroirs baroques.
11:41Qu'est-ce que c'est, un miroir, Louis-Philippe?
11:43Rectangulaire, entouré de bois.
11:45I can't negotiate with her cos I can't speak the language.
11:47It's not about negotiating.
11:49First we need to find out that she has it.
11:51That's what you've got to do, Sam.
11:53You're the only one who can speak.
11:55I am.
11:57The PM doesn't speak French.
11:59What he's doing in France is a bit of a surprise.
12:01And Sam, who's supposed to speak French,
12:03has just made a right mess of this on the phone.
12:05The boys could be in real trouble here.
12:07Louis-Philippe, could you show me?
12:09Stepping in, Richard.
12:11A mirror?
12:13But I've none.
12:15J'ai pas.
12:17Right, I think it's clear now that we don't have the mirror.
12:19I do apologise. Thank you very much for your time.
12:21But I think we need to move on.
12:23Thank you.
12:29So can we see the items?
12:33While at base, for Varna's girls,
12:35a stroke of luck.
12:37That's convenient.
12:39Staying at the same hotel,
12:41a glassware specialist.
12:43Oh, wow.
12:45Don't break them.
12:47200 euro.
12:49That's too much.
12:51100 euro.
12:53Because it's very expensive.
12:55We're four nice girls
12:57coming from the UK.
12:59I'll give you one free if you want.
13:02Number 45.
13:04S'il vous plaît.
13:08We really appreciate it.
13:10Thank you.
13:12The girls did get lucky here.
13:14The crystal seller overheard them
13:16asking for information.
13:18Je t'aime.
13:20Kiss, kiss, kiss.
13:2245 euros for seven crystal glasses.
13:24That's got to be a steal in anyone's book.
13:26Merci, au revoir.
13:28Au revoir.
13:32On the Kent coast.
13:34Can we make a phone call?
13:36No, no.
13:38Sorry, but I need to be making the calls here.
13:40This is my item.
13:42Working their way through Varna's list,
13:44the rest of the girls.
13:46Oh, good morning.
13:48You don't happen to know what leaver's lace is, do you?
13:50With business student Jenny.
13:52What's that?
13:54I've never heard of that.
13:56I think that we should be talking
13:58to some kind of dressmaking course.
14:00Who do you need to speak to?
14:02Do you have a sort of fashion department?
14:04No, we're not that sort of college.
14:06We're a Japanese college.
14:08Think over college?
14:10Am I able to talk to one of the lecturers?
14:14Please ring more libraries.
14:16That's what I want to go for because they can look it up.
14:18Libraries? Wait a minute, we can call a university.
14:20Universities are so good because they have such amazing discounts.
14:22Like, you know, whenever I got my stuff bound,
14:24you know, I literally managed to get a discount
14:26even on top of the student discount.
14:28This thing gets up so cheap,
14:30they might even give it to us for free if the lace is there.
14:32Just want to know what it is.
14:36Just outside Dover...
14:38I'm trying to acquire 30kg of manure.
14:42What's your amount for?
14:44Erm, for fertilisation purposes.
14:48Brett and his boys sniff out a deal.
14:52Oh, mate!
14:54What a shit!
14:56Can we go into this farm?
15:00My name's Brett.
15:02I'm looking for 30kg of manure.
15:04That's fine.
15:06And you work for the farm?
15:08Yeah, I do.
15:10Are you happy for me to just take it?
15:12Yeah, yeah.
15:14Thank you ever so much.
15:1830kg of free manure.
15:20Guys, follow suit.
15:22If not, there's a wooden fence there.
15:26I'm stuck!
15:28Let's go.
15:30This man is beautiful.
15:32It's still warm.
15:34Keep an open lookout, yeah?
15:36Where do you like to do this, Brett?
15:38The Navy, mate.
15:44Boulogne-sur-Mer, France.
15:48Plan of action is we get the cheese first.
15:50That's your responsibility, Natalie.
15:52After a 45-minute journey,
15:54Varna's girls
15:56target cut-price cheese.
15:58We are looking for a cheese,
16:02A whole.
16:08See if we play.
16:12The fact that it says piece...
16:14It's a piece, but it's whole, because it has the thing
16:16all around it.
16:18It has to do with the milk, guys.
16:20It's a whole milk.
16:22It's not about the actual whole piece.
16:24Because if you think about it,
16:26any cheese could be a whole piece.
16:30Our instructions are in English.
16:32It would have said whole milk.
16:34I think we should go with this.
16:36Can we do this for 450?
16:38450, yeah.
16:40Cheese in the bag.
16:42I'm a little concerned
16:44that we haven't met the specification.
16:46I could be wrong.
16:48Who knows?
16:58Hello? Oh, hi there.
17:00Is it definitely Lever's Lace?
17:02Lever's Lace.
17:04Still on the chase for lace.
17:08The Lace of Calais.
17:10The Lace of Calais.
17:12Time to talk strategy.
17:14Vanna, this is important.
17:16A woman has told us
17:18what Lever's Lace is.
17:20It is the Lace of Calais.
17:24We are taking the lace,
17:26but we want you
17:28to look for the mussels.
17:30Vanna, can I just interrupt for a second?
17:32Hi, Vanna.
17:34Jenny, we need to start calling some stores.
17:36My dad is actually an antiques collector.
17:38And in Canterbury, I do imagine that there are a couple
17:40of antique shops.
17:42Listen, we are not giving you the mirror.
17:44I just think there are
17:46antique shops quite nearby.
18:02One step behind the girls,
18:04Joseph's team
18:06still hunting their first item.
18:08Just give us a little bit of space.
18:10I actually want to be the charming,
18:12bumbling English guy.
18:14After you, Richard, please.
18:18How are you?
18:30The best.
18:32Very nice.
18:36That's not a full piece.
18:38That's a quarter.
18:40Richard, can you just confirm
18:42that's not a quarter of a whole cheese?
18:44Le fromage is
18:46whole, no cuts.
18:50Well done, David.
18:52Okay, so no.
18:54And moi, j'adore
18:56petit prix.
18:5815 euros.
19:00Best prix.
19:04We're already down to 14.80.
19:06It already says 14.80 on the sign.
19:08Can we wrap it and move?
19:10If we rush, we're not making any special time here.
19:12This is a negotiation.
19:14But I don't feel like you're getting anywhere.
19:16Well, we've got 20p off so far.
19:18We haven't, because it says that on the sign anyway.
19:20Let's wrap it up.
19:22Best prix.
19:26We need to get looking at these bigger items.
19:28Merci. Au revoir, monsieur.
19:31Why did we rush into that?
19:33We're running out of time.
19:35I'm not happy with that at all.
19:37You led the negotiation. Did you get anywhere?
19:39We force-bought the most expensive one.
19:41Stop causing friction.
19:43We're trying to move on.
19:45Guys, this is a waste of time.
19:49It's chaotic, to be honest with you.
19:51After several hours, they've only got one cheese.
19:53And that's it.
19:55It's falling apart now.
19:57Okay, guys.
19:59I'm off to Kent to see what your sub-team's doing.
20:01Okay, thank you very much.
20:03I'm worried for this task.
20:05Joseph's a bit of a ball in a china shopper.
20:07We have no strategy.
20:09So we're up the creek without a paddle.
20:13just take a breath, mate,
20:15and just think about where we're going.
20:23I'm looking for a four-point
20:27Galvanised anchor.
20:29First stop,
20:33four-kilo anchor.
20:35The closest that we've got
20:37is a 3.2.
20:39No, it needs to be four kilos.
20:41We are due some today.
20:43If I came back to you today,
20:45what's the cheapest price you could actually do one of those for me for?
20:47I could do it for £13.50.
20:49£13, we'll have a deal.
20:51No, £13.50.
20:53Oh, you're a hard barter, aren't you?
20:55Here's a card. Give me a call
20:57about lunchtime.
20:59Thank you.
21:01£12 later, OK?
21:05She's got me now!
21:07£12.50, excellent.
21:09First negotiation in the bag
21:11for me. She was quite determined
21:13that she definitely wasn't going to go no lower.
21:15I thought I'll drop in a little cheeky one,
21:17and she said, yep, deal, £12.50.
21:19So hopefully we'll be able to come back later
21:21and see if we can edge it any further.
21:25Across the county...
21:27Do you have one here at all?
21:29Good man.
21:31For the boys, an anchor in stock.
21:35Trying to reel in a deal, Scott.
21:37A £27.95.
21:39I was thinking £10.
21:41And my laugh
21:43would continue.
21:45What about £20?
21:51We'll do it.
21:53We'll do it.
21:55£19 then, yeah?
21:57Thank you, Jeremy.
21:59Sale agreed, but for £7.50
22:01more than Charlene.
22:03You're a legend.
22:05He was not going to budge.
22:07I reckon I'd have got it for £15.
22:17So guys, crystal flukes, fingers crossed
22:19we can get a result.
22:21The target for Joseph,
22:23the local antique store.
22:25Let's just hope it's open.
22:292.30 to 7 o'clock.
22:31All we can do is see what's in the window.
22:33There is definitely crystal champagne flukes.
22:39Halfway through the day.
22:43For both teams,
22:45six items still to buy.
22:47Now that is
22:49in bullshit.
22:51You've got a shovel.
22:55It just says 10 kilos
22:57of fossils.
22:59Fresh like me, eh?
23:01How much is it a kilo?
23:05£5 darling, I will love you forever
23:07and you've got the privilege of meeting me today.
23:09Increase the price.
23:11I'm actually begging you.
23:15Thank you.
23:17Let's go boys.
23:27Look, look, look, mirrors.
23:29We're looking for a mirror.
23:31Louis Philippe, 19th century one.
23:33Donta Ave, Louis Philippe.
23:37I've never seen a cow
23:39look at me like I'm a mug before.
23:43I've got shit on my tights.
23:45This is tragic, this is.
23:47We've got our free glue!
23:49We've got one item.
23:51I know we've got another in the offing.
23:53Just had our nails done.
23:55But, you know, time's just marching on.
23:57We've just got to crack on now.
24:07Merci beaucoup.
24:11Looking to cut a deal
24:13on crystal glasses.
24:17C'est bon?
24:19C'est bon.
24:21C'est bon.
24:23Il reste ici.
24:29Moi, je voudrais acheter
24:31cette verre pour
24:3370 euros.
24:35C'est impossible.
24:37Oui, oui, let me handle it.
24:39Le prix final.
24:41100 euros.
24:45C'est bon?
24:47100 euros
24:49for seven.
24:53Merci beaucoup.
24:55Flutes finally purchased.
24:57Thank you, monsieur.
24:59For 55 euros more than the girls.
25:01Excuse me, monsieur.
25:03Do you have a Louis Philippe
25:0710 minutes by car.
25:09Yes, monsieur.
25:11I'm very optimistic
25:13that we're going to secure the rest of the items
25:15and we're going to bring it home for the boys.
25:17Well done, guys.
25:19Richard, I feel that I've put him in his place.
25:21I'm very happy.
25:23I'm keeping everything together and organising everything.
25:29We want to get Escargot at a restaurant.
25:31Still in Boulogne-sur-Mer.
25:33With three items yet to buy,
25:36Varna targets French bistros
25:38for 100 snails.
25:40Obviously we're going to pay premium prices
25:42from a restaurant. Are we sure that there's nowhere else
25:44we can get them direct that's cheaper?
25:46Yes, just do it.
25:48Varna clearly has some sort of issue with me
25:50and she's shot me down.
25:52Guys, I found Escargot.
25:54So I think we're going to have to try and negotiate our asses off in a restaurant.
25:56Madame, je cherche
25:58Escargot et...
26:0036 Escargot,
26:02parce que la livraison, c'est vendredi matin.
26:04No luck.
26:06I think we need to go to Calais.
26:08We really need to focus on the mirror and the lace.
26:10It's the lace of Calais.
26:12We came all the way here just for cheese.
26:18Across the channel,
26:20pulling in her anchor deal,
26:24Hi Sarah!
26:26Right, this is what you need.
26:28It's a pleasure doing business, Sarah.
26:30Time to float one more idea.
26:32We're looking for an inflatable board.
26:34Yeah, that's the boat.
26:36We're looking for a minimum of 1.5 metres on that boat.
26:38Yeah, it's 2.3.
26:40OK, how much are they?
26:44That is completely out of our budget,
26:46so don't want to waste your time.
26:48Thank you very much, you've been really helpful.
26:50I'm not paying anywhere near that price of a boat.
26:52It doesn't specify the quality of it.
26:54I want to get an old one that just about floats.
26:56OK, can we get in the car and discuss this?
26:58Because we need to be going on the way.
27:02Boat abandoned.
27:04I just don't know where we are on a map.
27:06Can somebody get me a map, please?
27:08In charge of tracking down ten kilos of mussels...
27:10Restaurant, there's a restaurant there.
27:14Oh, it's Chinese though.
27:16Does Chinese do mussels?
27:18Yeah, don't they?
27:26I know that I'm the best negotiator in the team.
27:28I do feel it would be easier if I was by myself
27:30going round myself.
27:32I swear there's someone around here
27:34that does fish.
27:36What's that over there?
27:38Stop, stop, stop, stop.
27:40Hi there, how are you doing?
27:42Be able to speak to one of the chefs
27:44to see if you've got any mussels in, please.
27:46We're looking for ten kilos.
27:48Just give me a moment.
27:56The manager said no, because that's all we've got left
27:58I'm really sorry.
28:00Is it fundamentally no?
28:02Yes, I'm really sorry.
28:04Jenny took the waitress's word for it.
28:06She didn't get hold of the head chef
28:08and she didn't speak to the manager.
28:10If she had, maybe she would have ten kilos of mussels
28:12in her hand now.
28:14That's really not ideal.
28:16How far away is Folkestone?
28:20Two hours to go.
28:22For any items not purchased,
28:24a fine.
28:26£50, plus the average retail price.
28:28Bonjour, monsieur.
28:30Still three short,
28:32the French boys.
28:34Avez-vous Louis-Philippe Miller?
28:40Three fine.
28:443-0 cash.
28:46Next one, let's go, next one.
28:52Still on Varna's French shopping list,
28:54lace, a mirror,
28:56and 100 snails.
28:58Hang up.
29:00Arriving at a restaurant,
29:02the girls.
29:04Let's get the escargot done
29:06and then get the mirror if we possibly can.
29:08Potentially, the mirror might be more expensive.
29:10We know that, Selena.
29:12The problem is the mirror's harder to find.
29:14Of the two items, we're probably going to get
29:16more highly penalised for the mirror.
29:18Are you suggesting that we have an option
29:20of finding the mirror right now?
29:22We need to take responsibility for potentially getting penalised,
29:24but that's all they need to know.
29:26Find me the mirror.
29:28Varna, why are you being so difficult?
29:30I just don't like questions that make no sense.
29:32You're right, I shouldn't bring up anything that I have an opinion on.
29:36She'll say things, make it seem like
29:38she's coming up with an innovative idea that no one else
29:40has thought of, and I'm making
29:42a bad decision so that she can get out of it
29:44and so she can say, I brought that up, you know?
29:46I've been trying really hard to find the mirror.
29:48We have, we've all been trying hard.
29:50I've been trying the hardest, actually.
29:52All right, good job, Natalie.
29:54And what were you saying earlier about not being Cathy?
29:56There's no need for comments like that, Varna.
30:00It just seems mental, doesn't it?
30:02We're by the bloody seaside and no-one's got a day.
30:04In the UK,
30:06still at sea,
30:08for the girls, third trip
30:10to the same shop.
30:12What's the best price
30:14you can give us?
30:16They cut to the quick, so £2.55 and that's it.
30:18We're really starting around more the £200 mark.
30:20Is there absolutely no chance?
30:22There's no chance, no. £2.55.
30:26That boat price is ridiculous, it's way too high.
30:32I really don't know what to do.
30:34I just...
30:38I don't...
30:40Let's go, let's go, let's move.
30:42Go, go, go, go.
30:44Let's go.
30:46Hi, Varna.
30:48Have you got the inflatable boat
30:50and the anchor?
30:52No, we've got the anchor but not the inflatable boat.
30:54What happened with the inflatable boat?
30:56We can't get a price
30:58cheaper than £255.
31:00We can go to another place
31:02but it is 45 minutes away.
31:04If it's hard to get the boat,
31:06they should just stick with the one they've got.
31:08We've wasted time, let's move.
31:12Buy the boat.
31:16Right, let's just buy it.
31:18This woman's going to think we're mental.
31:22You can tell now we're getting desperate.
31:24Can we go to £250 and we'll make a sale today?
31:28Thank you very much.
31:30We've spoken to Varna.
31:32We've done it now, so let's just focus on getting the muscles.
31:36They are absolutely all over the place.
31:38No logistics,
31:40no planning,
31:42muscles, boat, muscles.
31:44It's just a complete nightmare.
31:5030 miles away...
31:52Brett, before we go in,
31:54could you just give me some cash in my pocket?
31:56Because I might be able to just do a last-minute cash change.
31:58Gary's aim,
32:00deflate the price of a dinghy
32:02by buying it
32:04from a toy shop.
32:06Is the smaller one the cheaper one?
32:08Yes, it is.
32:11You don't do any larger ones that are cheaper?
32:15So we'll go with this?
32:17Gary, this is your lead,
32:19so it's completely how you want to play it.
32:21I could easily play safe,
32:23but this game isn't about playing safe,
32:25it's about spending the less money.
32:27What's the lowest you've ever sold one of these for?
32:29Probably about £12.
32:31That's the lowest you've ever gone?
32:33That's the lowest I've ever needed to go.
32:35Let's see if we can make history today.
32:37I don't know if I've got £12 in it.
32:39I think I've got about £9.50.
32:41I shake hands on £10.
32:43Go on, then.
32:45£10 it is.
32:47Thanks very much.
32:49£10 was a very good price.
32:51It's probably a bit of a gamble
32:53on going for an inflatable toy boat
32:55rather than looking for a real one.
32:57So it's a bit early to celebrate.
33:03In France,
33:05both teams search for snails.
33:09Do you have snails?
33:11No, I don't have snails.
33:15Thank you, monsieur.
33:17I think we're really going to struggle to get these.
33:19I want a snail for £100.
33:23Can we do 50 euros?
33:25I'm very hungry.
33:27My dog is dead.
33:29My dad is dead.
33:31My mum is dead.
33:37Let's jump in the car.
33:39Let's move, let's move.
33:41One hour till the ferry leaves.
33:43Both teams head to Calais,
33:45still hunting
33:47the local speciality.
33:49Do you have
33:51Dante Leavers?
33:55The metre is £100.
33:57Two metres?
34:01Across town, April.
34:05You've got a beautiful smile.
34:07£180. Let's go for £180.
34:09You're amazing. Thank you.
34:17A sniff at 110 euros
34:19less than the boys.
34:29Less than 30 minutes to go.
34:31We're on the way back to the ferry now
34:33so we've got nowhere else we can go.
34:35Have you guys got enough time
34:37to be able to get them snails?
34:39We can't do anything because we're literally in the sticks.
34:41You're going to have to go to a supermarket or something.
34:43We're not going to have time.
34:45Listen, Brett, we've got to get back to the ferry.
34:47In France, you're going to find the tin ones
34:49in a supermarket.
34:51Let's just ring this first.
34:53Slow down.
34:55So where are we going to get snail from?
34:59I lost my shoe, I lost my shoe.
35:01Keep going, keep going.
35:03I think I can sum today up
35:05as just a complete and utter lack of strategy.
35:07Do you have ten kilos
35:09of mussels in stock?
35:13Popping into random restaurants.
35:15I mean, I've never
35:17seen anything like it.
35:19Next one, go.
35:21We need a hundred
35:23snails bred in France.
35:25We've got 20 minutes.
35:27Eight out of nine
35:29is good going.
35:31We shouldn't have anything to worry about.
35:33Yeah, agreed.
35:35Yeah, agreed.
35:39Time's up.
35:41Oh, dear.
35:43Luckily, we made it
35:45in time.
35:47If the snails were the difference between
35:49winning or losing this task,
35:51personally, I'd feel a little bit peed off.
35:53Everything went a bit poorly today.
35:55Bloody boat.
35:57We'll just have to hope the boys
35:59bought a really expensive inflatable yacht.
36:03It's au revoir, France.
36:05Next stop,
36:07the boardroom.
36:09Next stop,
36:11the boardroom.
36:31You can go through to the boardroom now.
36:53Good morning.
36:55Well, this is
36:57an interesting task, another one of my
36:59favourites, all to do with negotiation.
37:01We spiced it up this time
37:03not just one location,
37:05of course it was two locations.
37:07And the reason was strategically placing
37:09certain items where they should be
37:11found. So, let's start off
37:13with Claude's team, Versatile.
37:17you decided to be the project manager, is that right?
37:19That's right, Lord Sugar.
37:21What I did to start with was to find out who could speak French.
37:23Sam was very useful.
37:25He was our key man.
37:27Let's get on with what you did in France.
37:29So the first item we were looking for was the mirror.
37:31I would have assumed that you, Valentino,
37:33would have gone after the mirror,
37:35because you spend most of your time looking in it.
37:37We made a call to an antique
37:39shop that Sam spoke to, and she said
37:41that she definitely had this Louis Philippe
37:43mirror. What happened is the lady herself
37:45potentially wasn't sure.
37:47When we got there, she said, I have loads of mirrors,
37:49look around, if any of them are Louis Philippe mirrors,
37:51buy one.
37:53So that was a waste of time. I called it, we moved on.
37:55What did you do next?
37:57We go into the cheese shop,
37:59the strategy was for the French speakers to warm it up.
38:01Sorry, I've got to interrupt.
38:03Richard, you said, I'm going to go in and charm them.
38:05Yeah. Richard said straight away,
38:07what's the best offer you can make me?
38:09To which the guy replied, 15 euros.
38:11And he had it marked up there for 14.80.
38:13Must have been very charming there, Richard.
38:15He asked you for a higher price.
38:17I mean, his negotiation skills were prophetic in there.
38:19I think you only managed to get
38:2130 cents off the asking price.
38:2530 cents.
38:27Carry on.
38:29Went to the antique shop, it didn't open till 2.30.
38:32Oh, yes. Well, you've discovered
38:34that the French go on strike regularly.
38:36It's called lunch.
38:38That's right. Guy gave us a lead.
38:40We got the mirror, which David negotiated.
38:44We went for the snails, but...
38:46You were supposed to get the snails, cos she was in France.
38:48Yeah, we kept getting people saying
38:50that it wasn't the right season for the snails.
38:52Well, where'd they gone? On holiday, the snails?
38:54You couldn't get anything more French than snails, could you?
38:58I'm over in England now.
39:00They couldn't find the snails in France?
39:02Yes, that's right, Lord Sugar.
39:04After we had had communication with Joseph in France,
39:06Joseph asked if we could take up some of the leeway
39:08and try and see if we could acquire
39:10some of the snails on, obviously, the team's behalf.
39:12All right.
39:14Which threw in a little bit of speculation
39:16as to what should we do.
39:18However, he did stipulate...
39:20I'm going to fall asleep in a minute.
39:22No, sorry. Let me get to the point.
39:24We made a few phone calls.
39:26So you didn't buy them in the end?
39:28No. So my target supplier was a toy shop.
39:30It's something like one of my grandchildren would have.
39:32You'd blow it up and it'd go on a swimming pool
39:34or something like that.
39:36But I actually managed to get it for £10.
39:38Where was Joseph as a team leader?
39:40All happy?
39:42Richard, you don't look happy.
39:44I just wish that Brett was project manager.
39:46Why are you saying that? Because hindsight's a wonderful thing.
39:48Yeah, OK.
39:50But overall, Lord Sugar, yeah, everyone was happy.
39:52OK. All right.
39:54OK, ladies,
39:56project manager, Vahna, yeah?
39:58I worked in an investment bank on the trading floor,
40:00so I had experience buying and selling bonds.
40:02Must have been very helpful buying snails, I should imagine.
40:04I also speak French.
40:06Let's talk about France, first of all.
40:08So in the hotel, I actually spotted a man.
40:10He had very open body language
40:12and he offered us
40:14six champagne flutes for 200 euros.
40:16I asked him if we could get one free
40:18and then we were able to work the price down to 45 euros.
40:20He was set upon
40:22with kisses, je t'aime,
40:26but you did do a good deal.
40:28All right, so let's move on.
40:30At this point, we found out from Jenny
40:32that lever's lace
40:34was actually a specialty item from Calais.
40:36So the penny dropped, did it? Yes.
40:38Because we hadn't bought the
40:40mirror or the mussels yet,
40:42we told them that we'd be responsible for the mirror
40:44so they could take the mussels.
40:46April got the lace. How much did you pay for the lace?
40:48In total, I got the lady down to 70.
40:52So you managed to get the snails.
40:56Shall we get over to the UK now?
40:58Ruth, you were in charge of obtaining
41:00the manure. Yes.
41:02How much did you pay for it? Absolutely nothing.
41:04And where did you find that then?
41:06From a farmer. Well, you dug it out yourself?
41:08We did, yeah.
41:10Oh, dear. So your Jimmy Chews became
41:12Jimmy Poos, I guess.
41:14Next, the anchor.
41:16We started the negotiation
41:18that she wouldn't go any further than £13.50.
41:20When we shook hands, I thought
41:22I'd drop in a little cheeky one and said,
41:24let's shake on it, £12.50.
41:26So I managed to get an extra pound off.
41:28And Scott, how much did you pay?
41:30I paid £20.
41:32Right. OK.
41:34As far as mussels are concerned,
41:36you go into a restaurant...
41:38And I went and spoke to the person behind the bar.
41:40It was looking good, and she went
41:42into the kitchen and spoke to the chef that he was
41:44absolutely categorically not going to be letting us
41:46purchase the mussels. You never asked to speak
41:48to the boss, did you? I know.
41:50Do you know what? I thought, God, I should ask to speak to him on the phone.
41:54Elle, tell me about the boat.
41:56You went back to this shop
41:58that you bought your anchor in, didn't you?
42:00That must have been a proper boat, right?
42:02Yeah, that was. It wasn't a toy boat like he bought.
42:04Yeah, no. Gary, you went
42:06straight for a toy boat, didn't you? That's right, yeah.
42:08How many times did you go back and forth
42:10to this shop? Probably about five
42:12in the end, I think. Four. Four.
42:14Did you get a loyalty card? Could have done.
42:18Let's wrap up on this one.
42:22Karen, could you tell me
42:24how much your team actually spent?
42:26The girls' team spent
42:32The boys' team spent
42:38But they didn't
42:40get the snails, so they
42:42incur a fine, making the total
42:50The girls didn't get the mussels
42:52and they didn't get the mirror
42:54and they bought the wrong cheese.
43:00Which meant your total, with fines,
43:08Well, the boys have won.
43:14Well done, chaps. Now,
43:16I'm sending you to taste
43:18some of the finest wines that France
43:20has got to offer at Britain's
43:22oldest wine merchant.
43:24Well done. Thank you very much.
43:26Thank you.
43:30Oh, look at that!
43:32Are you serious?
43:36Absolutely smashed it.
43:50Logistics, remember?
43:52Finding the right things
43:54in the right place.
43:56Ladies, you need to go
43:58and have a chat amongst yourselves.
44:00One of you will be leaving
44:02the process today.
44:04Thank you.
44:12Thank you very much.
44:20Smells like winning and success.
44:28I spat the wrong ones.
44:30Third win undefeated so far.
44:32So, looking forward to tucking
44:34into the next task.
44:36Well led, Joseph.
44:38Richard is all about me, myself
44:40and I, but I think he realises
44:42that you've got to work as a team.
44:44Everybody's going to embrace that
44:46and I think we can continue to win.
44:48Cheers, here's to Team Versatile.
44:50All the best.
44:56I will take responsibility
44:58for anything that goes wrong,
45:00but what it looks like is that Jenny didn't do anything,
45:02Elle had a hard time organising things.
45:04I don't know who is to blame
45:06but it's important to remember
45:08that a lot of the issues
45:10actually came from the French team side.
45:12I wish we hadn't gone
45:14for that boat.
45:16When you had only an hour and 15 minutes left
45:18you were asking me to make a decision about the boat.
45:20I'm struggling a little with who is to blame.
45:22I think the UK sub team was kind of a disaster
45:24but then again, Selena was constantly
45:26trying to blame other people
45:29for the failures.
45:31There are some items that are harder to find
45:33it's not down to the individual person.
45:35Selena, do you not think that maybe rather than being a morale vacuum
45:37A morale vacuum?
45:39Yeah, but what I'm saying is
45:41what you do Selena
45:43we don't have time for this, OK?
45:45We weren't morale vacuums, but we should have
45:47got the mirror and that's why we lost the task.
45:49Obviously Vahna is culpable
45:51for this, if I was project manager this shit wouldn't have happened.
45:59Yes Lord Sugar?
46:01Can you send the candidates in please?
46:03Yes Lord Sugar.
46:19OK, let me tell you this.
46:21Normally I set this task
46:23at 8 o'clock in the morning
46:25and I tell people to be back here
46:276 o'clock the same day
46:29you had the whole of overnight
46:31and all that time to think about
46:33where you were going and what you were doing.
46:35Not organised.
46:37I mean Elle
46:39tell me about the boat, right?
46:41Now the boys actually bought their boat
46:43in a toy shop.
46:45They paid 10 quid for it, right?
46:47Didn't we try to go to a toy shop?
46:49No we didn't, we didn't try to go to a toy shop.
46:51You ended up paying 250 pounds.
46:55Didn't you deep down know
46:57paying 250 pounds was too expensive?
46:59Of course.
47:01Where did you go off the rails there then?
47:03To be honest I felt kind of forced.
47:05Imagine going into a shop and trying to negotiate
47:07when you've been back in there 4 times
47:09it's not a great way to start a deal to be honest.
47:11She must have thought her boat had come in actually
47:13seeing you lot of mugs coming back and buying stuff
47:15one after the other.
47:17But your gut feeling was not to buy that boat?
47:19It was.
47:21And you went against your own gut feeling?
47:23It was a really bad move.
47:25No I can completely agree with that Karen
47:27but we got the 3 original items
47:29the ones that should have been in the UK
47:31may have paid a ridiculous amount for a boat
47:33but we spent a lot of time looking for items
47:35that really should have been the other side of the channel.
47:37When they called me and asked me
47:39if they should buy the boat
47:41I was concerned that we wouldn't get the boat at all.
47:43No but look, excuse me,
47:45trader floor dealer in the bank
47:47you must have said to her
47:49how much is this boat?
47:51How about we don't get it at all?
47:53I take 100% responsibility
47:55because I want it to be P.M.
47:57You got fined because
47:59you got the wrong
48:01cheese. Natalie, you bought
48:03a quarter. I don't think the cheese was the failure of the task
48:05to be honest.
48:07You bought the wrong cheese.
48:09£61 worth of fines.
48:11That's my fault Lord Sugar.
48:13That's your fault? Yes.
48:15So the boat is your fault for telling her to buy it
48:17and you got the cheese is your fault.
48:19There's a lot of dead weight here and there are a lot of people who just sat back
48:21and didn't do much. Who's the dead weight then?
48:23Unfortunately I think
48:25Jenny is the dead weight.
48:27With respect, you weren't in the English
48:29team, you didn't see what I did all day. I felt like I
48:31did quite a lot actually. When things go well
48:33you want to have the recognition. Nothing much has
48:35gone well for your team
48:37at all has it? Jenny you didn't buy anything
48:39did you? I know, it's awful.
48:41I do think I'm a
48:43keen negotiator, obviously you haven't seen that
48:45in this task at all. No.
48:47I'm not sure what else I can say to that.
48:51The mirror, that cost you in fines
48:55So whose fault
48:57was that? Yours again? This is an instance
48:59of no one wanting to take
49:01any responsibility for anything. That's not true
49:03Vanna. Vanna made the decision not to go
49:05for the mirror, but I thought that we should have got it.
49:07We were in front of the snail place. Hang on I'm not finished.
49:09It was 45 minutes before the boat was leaving.
49:11My gut instinct would have been to go with the mirror
49:13and you snappily, overall, when all this talk about respect
49:15and these pep talks you give us, you did not
49:17respectfully talk to me. You started raising your voice
49:19and being very aggressive and accusing me of undermining
49:21your strategy. It's not a strategy.
49:23We needed the mirror. Charlene, we're not talking to you.
49:25Selina, didn't you tell them that your dog
49:27died, whatever, like what sort of
49:29strategy is that? It was a joke. I didn't honestly
49:31go in with that tactic. Natalie and I looked at each other
49:33and we were embarrassed. You don't use
49:35a pity card when you're coming in to... It wasn't pity
49:37it was a joke. You're
49:39looking for a scapegoat Vanna and it's not going to be me.
49:41Selina, you're just like an irritating
49:43wasp at a picnic. That's your issue.
49:45Vanna, I don't know why you're laughing
49:47because it's just not funny.
49:49It was a tale of woe. It was
49:51chaos, it was unorganised,
49:53it was unfriendly at times.
49:55It was a shambles.
49:57Vanna, who
49:59are you bringing back in?
50:05I'm bringing Elle back into the boardroom
50:07because she's sub-team leader
50:09and I'm bringing
50:11Jenny back into the boardroom
50:13because she is dead weight.
50:15The rest of you ladies,
50:17you didn't get the mirror, but I'll ask you to
50:19go and look in the mirror, take a good
50:21long look at yourselves.
50:23Go back to the house.
50:35In the task, you got covered in bullshit.
50:37Now you know how I feel when I listen
50:39to some of the rubbish that comes out your mouth in this boardroom.
50:43You three step outside.
50:53Elle fought her corner, but
50:55we still can't get away from the fact
50:57that she bought that boat at an outrageous price.
50:59The problem with Jenny
51:01is she's always got her
51:03excuse ready for when things go wrong.
51:05She was just
51:07very good.
51:09Vanna, everything I asked her,
51:11oh yeah, that's my fault.
51:13Oh yeah, that's my fault also.
51:15Well, it's a complete and utter shambles
51:17as far as I'm concerned.
51:25Yes, Lord Sugar.
51:27Yes, Lord Sugar.
51:29Lord Sugar will see you now.
51:37So Vanna,
51:39you've labelled Jennifer
51:41as dead weight.
51:43Perhaps you'd like to articulate
51:45what it's got to do with this task.
51:47Sure. Jenny constantly wavers.
51:49She constantly wants recognition
51:51for the things she does, but she doesn't
51:53actually make decisions.
51:55I actually thought I was quite noble
51:57letting other people sort the items that we knew were there
51:59before I then came to my own.
52:01Throughout the whole entire task,
52:03you've been taking the energy away from the team
52:06and focusing on yourself.
52:08Both of the items I was given were stuff
52:10that we were supposed to be sourcing in France.
52:12I felt like I'd been dealt a bad hand here.
52:14If I'd been given them in Europe, I wouldn't be in this boardroom
52:16because I would have had an item to my name.
52:18I would have been ticked off the list.
52:20I don't think she's bringing you back for the fact
52:22that you didn't buy something.
52:24I do.
52:26I brought Jenny because I think that she is partly to blame
52:28for the failure of the sub-team in getting the items.
52:30She was distracted.
52:32She was talking about her father's antique collection.
52:34I don't think that is valid
52:36because that means I've got some understanding
52:38of where you source antiques from.
52:40I knew it was a French mirror.
52:42Jenny, you're the only person in the whole of this task
52:44that didn't buy anything.
52:46I know. That's really disappointing.
52:48I was always either on the phone
52:50or trying to source some of the products.
52:52I did try and get the muscles.
52:54There's no excuse because the boys,
52:56they bought the muscles.
52:58So muscles you can get, right?
53:00What did you bring Elle back in this boardroom for?
53:02Elle was in charge of the UK sub-team.
53:04So I was counting on her logistical prowess.
53:06I was under the impression
53:08from the sub-team leader
53:10that everything was under control
53:12and they were going to get the items.
53:14How different would you have run this team, Elle?
53:16I would have looked closer at the items.
53:18I know that I would have done that
53:20and maybe made a few changes
53:22about where the different items should have been sourced.
53:24Who's responsible, out of the three of you,
53:26for the failure of this task?
53:28Ultimately, the mirror and originally the lace
53:30should have been bought in France.
53:32So I think the failure of this task
53:34will have to be down to the project manager.
53:36Do you not take any responsibility
53:38for the fact that you didn't manage the team properly?
53:40I take responsibility
53:42in the fact that I found difficulty
53:44managing that team, but I did a good job overall.
53:46It does lie more with the project manager
53:48just because I don't think
53:50those are the right decisions to be made.
53:52Because they told you to get the muscles?
53:54I'm just saying those were more French items.
53:56As a manager, as somebody else...
53:58I think Jenny is the weaker candidate here.
54:00I'm sorry, I don't accept that.
54:02Ladies, I think there's nothing
54:04to be gained here now.
54:06I'm going to summarise now
54:08and I don't wish to hear any more from anybody.
54:12Elle, I think that
54:14you went against your own instincts
54:16and that boat was far too expensive.
54:18You'd sussed it out, but you let someone else
54:20talk you out of it.
54:22Jenny, you didn't buy anything
54:24and quite frankly,
54:26I've heard from you these excuses
54:28why this didn't work
54:30and why that hasn't gone well.
54:32Vahna, you've taken
54:34responsibility for everything
54:36that's gone wrong, so therefore
54:38you should be fired today.
54:40I said I don't want to hear any more from anybody.
54:42I'm sorry.
54:44I've heard enough.
54:46So it is on that basis
54:48that I'm struggling here.
54:50So Vahna,
54:52it's hard for me to
54:54justify how you can remain in
54:56because of this task.
54:58But Jenny,
55:00I've yet to see
55:02any kind of actual achievements,
55:04anything that one can actually
55:06pin down to you and say,
55:08well, that was very, very good.
55:10So I'm having
55:12less of a problem here.
55:16you're fired.
55:18You're fired.
55:20OK, well, I really appreciate the opportunity.
55:22I'm very disappointed to not have shown you what I'm really capable
55:24of, Lord Trigger, because I do actually think I have the capability
55:26to win this process. Many of the other candidates
55:28in the House said that they were worried that I was going to be in the final
55:30with them. I'm really sorry that I haven't been able to show you that,
55:32but good luck, guys.
55:34Thank you.
55:48Do you know,
55:50earlier on today,
55:52I would have had no hesitation
55:54in letting you go.
55:56But I have to say,
55:58because of the way you have spoken up,
56:00I'm going to stick with my gut instincts.
56:02I'm going to allow you to stay in the process.
56:04Thank you.
56:08I think you've got to
56:10make sure that you look after number one
56:12in future and stop telling me
56:14what to do.
56:16If you're going to survive any longer here,
56:18I'm going to allow you to stay also.
56:20Thank you so much.
56:22But you know what you've got to do
56:24to stay here, OK?
56:26Off you go.
56:28Thank you.
56:34You're going to do so well.
56:38Do you know what?
56:40If I'd have taken the manure,
56:42I wouldn't be here.
56:44I know what I'm capable of.
56:46And if Lord Sugar can't see that,
56:48I shouldn't be his business partner
56:50anyway, quite frankly.
56:52I'm going to achieve massive things.
56:54I bet you anything
56:56in a few years' time,
56:58he'll be knocking on my door
57:00and wanting to be part of my business.
57:04I think Vahna can talk
57:06away out of anything.
57:08But it sounded like the sub-team side
57:10was a disaster.
57:12El, but El argued a case
57:14and then Vahna turned around
57:16and said, I'll take full responsibility
57:18because I told you to buy that boat.
57:20El's definitely going to go.
57:26It was a miracle.
57:28I thought I was gone.
57:30Tell us how it was then, guys.
57:32We were a little shocked that none of you stood up
57:34and defended me after I took all the heat for things.
57:36I didn't bring you guys into the boardroom,
57:38you know what I mean?
57:40He's made it very clear
57:42there's absolutely no hiding,
57:44no covering your backs.
57:46And if you make mistakes,
57:48you need to stand by those mistakes.
57:52Now, 15 candidates remain.
57:56Lord Sugar's search
57:58for his next business partner
58:02Next time...
58:04I'm sending you to the London Pet Show.
58:06This is Xanthos.
58:08Happy bunnies.
58:10We're catching people's eyes.
58:14Leaps of faith.
58:16It'll chase you. Watch, look.
58:18Would you shake my hand?
58:22And in the boardroom...
58:24He's not very happy with you.
58:26Someone's hopping mad.
58:28You couldn't sell a bone to Battersea Dogs Home.
58:30You're fired.
