• last week


00:00Previously, on The Apprentice.
00:10I want you to develop a new mobile phone application, and your one has got to be world class.
00:17Led by Leon, the boys chose local vocals, and made a poor impression.
00:28I was just passing through the valley. I do love being on the farm.
00:32There's just a basic issue of taste here, surely.
00:34On the other team...
00:35Ampy Apps is bold, and Ampy Apps is noisy.
00:41Edna's girls made a big noise...
00:46But little sense.
00:47Is that a picture of an elephant and the sound of a dog?
00:50Which explains the randomness and the quirkiness of it.
00:53Do you have a sound of an elephant?
00:55The apps went global.
00:56The first 50 downloads, you will get a free donut.
00:59I think we were all thinking we might have just got thrashed.
01:04And in the boardroom...
01:05Well, the world woke up.
01:07A second win for the girls.
01:09I'd like to bring back Alex and Jim.
01:12I'm not the person you should be bringing in.
01:14Leon dithered.
01:15I mean, do you want me to change, is that...
01:17I'm asking you, you're the man, you're bringing in two people.
01:20It's obvious.
01:22Allowing Jim to slip off the hook.
01:23I'll tell you what I'm guilty of, is not showing and demonstrating truly what I can do.
01:27That is absolutely right.
01:28And it was Alex who crashed out.
01:30It's not a job, you see, this is going into partnership.
01:33And if you think I'm going to do all the work, you can forget it.
01:36Alex, you're fired.
01:39In the fight for Lord Sugar's quarter million pound investment, 14 candidates remained.
02:00Good morning, this is Lord Sugar's office.
02:10You meet you at 100, the Strand, London.
02:15The cars will leave in 30 minutes.
02:17Okay, thank you very much.
02:20Leaving in 30 minutes to go to the Strand.
02:24Oh, it's at the Strand.
02:26I reckon theatre or tourist.
02:28Yeah, I do. Yeah, definitely.
02:30Do you know what, guys? I can't find my underwear.
02:33I was just trying to work out if it would be any benefit to us to walk together.
02:41Two weeks gone.
02:43Both times the boys have lost.
02:47We've won because everyone has pulled their weight.
02:50I don't think it's a trend that's going to continue
02:52because a week of the boys' team have gone
02:55and I think there are individuals in the girls' team
02:58that aren't as strong as some of the others
03:00and it's their turn to go.
03:02It's business, isn't it?
03:06There's no way I'm going to lose this task.
03:09There is no option but to win.
03:17The Savoy.
03:19Built in the 1880s, it was Britain's first luxury hotel.
03:25Today it boasts 268 rooms,
03:29three restaurants and a couple of bars.
03:33But no guests.
03:57Good morning. Good morning, Mr Shearer.
04:00Here we are in the famous Savoy Hotel.
04:04It's been closed for three years
04:06and during that time they spent over £200 million on refurbishment
04:11and they need a few last-minute bits and pieces.
04:15So I've got a list of ten items
04:17that you've got to go out and buy for them.
04:20Now, the grand opening is in just a few days' time
04:23so I don't have to tell you how important this is not to mess this up.
04:27Now, if you're going to go into business with me,
04:30inevitably you're going to have to go out and buy something.
04:34So the importance of negotiation and getting the right price,
04:39that's what this task is all about.
04:42The boys have not been very successful, as we know, in the last two weeks.
04:47Leon, Jim and Glenn move over to Venture.
04:55Natasha, Ellie, Melody and Zoe move over to Logic.
05:04I want you back here at five this afternoon.
05:08And it's as simple as this.
05:10The team that comes back and spends the least amount of money on the ten items wins
05:15and the other team that loses, one of you, will be fired.
05:25Buyers for hotels need to think big.
05:29On the Savoy's stop list, 52,000 pieces of cutlery,
05:33350 chandeliers and 2,000 staff uniforms.
05:39But much more is needed.
05:42Our guests expect nothing but the best.
05:45We work hard to source the finest products and ingredients.
05:49But even in the luxury market, we look to do so at finding the very best prices.
05:54Thank you and good luck.
05:56Nine hours to find ten items.
05:59We've got to negotiate, but it's got to be classy, it's got to be quality as well.
06:03I think this is a task for an organiser, a delegator, a time manager.
06:07But first, the new teams need leaders.
06:09I do a lot of buying in my line of business,
06:12so I buy a lot of products and I do a lot of negotiation.
06:15Stepping forward for venture, market trader Susan.
06:19I started a business when I was 18 in organic skin care.
06:22I made £70,000 profit, I helped my mum pay off her mortgage,
06:25and this was all alongside juggling my A-levels and a degree
06:28from one of the best universities in the world.
06:30I personally would like to go with Susie.
06:33Thankfullessly, I would back Susie.
06:36I would back you on what you've said, yeah.
06:38Are you happy? I'm very, very happy.
06:40Literally, I want to put my name forward straight away for project manager.
06:43For Logic, first to volunteer, Gavin.
06:46He runs two opticians, turning over £10,000 a week.
06:50I'm a business owner, I understand buying products, I understand negotiating.
06:55I'm a worthy business partner for Lord Sugar,
06:57simply because I've started my own business, I've been there and I've done it.
07:01I've done it on a smaller scale and I believe I can do it on the biggest possible scale.
07:05Does anybody object to Gavin being project manager?
07:07Well, I obviously put my hand in.
07:09I do a lot of negotiation, I think I'm quite strong anyway,
07:11but, you know, I think you do own your own business.
07:13I think Gavin would make a really good job of this as well.
07:16It's close on Gavin. Yeah, yeah.
07:18I think we need to go down the list and actually get familiar with the items,
07:21because there's a few in there that I haven't got a clue.
07:23Obviously, fillet steak, ice, you know, they're not going to be the problems.
07:26I think the problems we're going to have are the likes of a cloche or whatever.
07:31Does anybody know what that is? I don't have a clue.
07:36Both teams get £2,000 plus business directories and a map of London.
07:43Try and find the three locations we can get those things from
07:46closest to where we are now, heading east,
07:48because I think the further east you go in London, the cheaper things get.
07:51So the key things are location and cost? Location and cost, yeah.
07:54Lovely. Let's get the calls rolling.
07:56We are on the hunt for a top hat.
07:58I'm actually looking for some chandelier bulbs.
08:01Would you know what a cloche is?
08:07I've got a chandelier sorted.
08:08I'm looking for 50 clear candle bulbs.
08:13Thank you. Bye.
08:14Fillet steak, Aberdeen, Angus.
08:18We will be in at some stage today.
08:20I'll buy the steak, shake your hand and leave. Is that OK?
08:23Yeah, that's fine.
08:24Look forward to seeing you later on. Take care. Bye-bye.
08:27Project manager Susan is managing some fairly egotistical people.
08:32I think she started very well
08:34and I think she's quite a little force to be reckoned with.
08:37OK, fillet steak is done. Yep.
08:39Organza is done. Yep. Top hat is done. Yep.
08:42Eight of the ten items pinpointed, Susan splits her team.
08:47Felicity, you come with us, we're going to do the hat shop.
08:49And Jim, I want you to be in charge of the van team.
08:51OK, we'll take Helen, you take Leon. How's that? Done.
08:54Fine trade. Like it.
08:55OK, so you guys go right now. Make sure you've got all the information.
08:58Go now. Go now.
09:01Yeah, hi there. Is that the special meat and fish place?
09:04Down the corridor, struggling to find leads, Gavin's team.
09:10I'm looking for some fillet steak.
09:12No, not fish. I don't want any fish. I want meat.
09:15No, no. Can you tell me anywhere in London who sells fillet steak?
09:20OK, bye.
09:21I genuinely think we need to get a couple of procurement lists from hotels.
09:24They've already done what we're doing.
09:27Recruitment manager Natasha's idea...
09:31..get a list of suppliers from the Savoy's main competitor.
09:35We want to purchase some products, OK,
09:39that fit in with a high-end hotel, such as the Ritz.
09:44And what we'd like to do is be able to have access
09:47to your current procurement list, give your suppliers a call
09:51and actually look at purchasing from them.
09:53So it's a win-win situation.
09:56Natasha thinks she's found this clever shortcut,
09:59but does she honestly think that a rival hotel
10:02is going to hand over a list of suppliers
10:04that they have spent years building up?
10:06Well, frankly, it's naive.
10:07The only thing I actually need to do
10:09is get a copy of your procurement list, fax-free.
10:12I just need a yes or no on the procurement list.
10:14Sorry, please end the call now.
10:16OK, lovely. Thanks, then. Bye.
10:18Can I make a very quick suggestion?
10:20We're wasting far too much time all trying to do our own little thing.
10:24The logistics aren't working here.
10:26All right, OK, all right, all right.
10:28Just calm down a little bit. Chill out a little bit.
10:33St James's.
10:35Quality client in mind, it's straight to the top.
10:39Let's see, whatever price they say for the top hat,
10:41I want you to just literally shoot really, really low
10:44and just say, like, no, just say, like, a fiver.
10:47Their target?
10:50Hat makers to the aristocracy since 1676.
10:55Shall I try it on, girls? I think I ought to.
11:00Looking good. Very good.
11:04So, how much would one of these set you back?
11:06That is priced at £365.
11:08This one's priced at £365.
11:12Oh, that is... That's blowing the budget.
11:14That's blowing our budget.
11:16Wow, so much higher than we expected.
11:20Is there any kind of price that you could hopefully go down to?
11:24We were trying to basically get it for as cheap, as cheap, as cheap
11:28as you can possibly do for us.
11:30What I could do is...
11:32is have a quick word with my colleague.
11:34Shall we wait here for you? Yeah.
11:36Super. OK, lovely, thank you. Thank you so much.
11:38Really appreciate it. Thank you very much.
11:42How are you?
11:44What's happening?
11:46We can't afford it.
11:48Oh, my God.
11:50Do you not think it might be cheaper to go to a fancy dress shop?
11:53The last time I was in this world-famous shop,
11:57who came in none other than the King of Tonga?
12:00And I can tell you, the King of Tonga does not go looking for bargains.
12:05Do you think we should go somewhere else?
12:07I think try and negotiate down to £80.
12:13So, what's the verdict?
12:15Full price.
12:17Couldn't even negotiate? Just a few pounds off that?
12:21Unfortunately, no.
12:23This is on James Street.
12:25I had no idea how much Top Hat's cost.
12:27Neither did I.
12:29OK, we're really sorry to waste your time.
12:35And he wouldn't even take a penny off.
12:37A penny?
12:39I mean, how greedy does one have to be?
12:43Nearby, Mayfair.
12:47On the way to buy seven kilos of fillet steak, salesman Jim.
12:51I want you guys to negotiate everything to as low as possible,
12:54so try and halve the price of everything that you guys get.
12:57OK, I'll do that for you, Susan.
12:59In this part of London, that much fillet fetches over £200.
13:04We've got £110.
13:06You wouldn't be able to get it anywhere.
13:08We can meet in the middle. Would that be OK?
13:10In the middle. £200.
13:13No, no, no.
13:14£160 is closer to the middle than £200 is.
13:18Can you do it for £185?
13:20No, what I suggested was, if you were at £200, I was at £160.
13:23You offered £190, and we're very grateful for that,
13:25but we're going to give you the £180.
13:27We're going to give you the £180, OK?
13:34Really? Thanks, Michael. I appreciate that.
13:36I'm an Irish bulldozer of charm, but it's all about purchasing.
13:40It's all about negotiating.
13:42I thought you were going to come back and say, like, £3.50.
13:45I don't know what rapport is.
13:47If I knew what it was, I'd bottle it and sell it.
13:49I just think people buy from people,
13:51and if the guy doesn't have rapport with you buying or selling,
13:54he's not going to do you a deal.
13:56We agreed on £180, but I was thinking if you took £170,
13:59give me a tenner back.
14:01He said £180. I'm not trying to...
14:03Michael, Michael, just so you know what I'm doing here, right,
14:06you agreed £180, and I know that I agreed it,
14:09but Bob's the accountant.
14:11He said £170.
14:13He says if Michael's OK with it, he's OK with it.
14:15I didn't think so.
14:17So we'll just do it for £170.
14:19It's an extra tenner. Good man. Thanks, Michael.
14:21God, it's unbelievable.
14:23I need a receipt as well, please, Bob.
14:29We're racking our brains here trying to find out what a cloche is.
14:33Still working the phones, and with all ten items yet to find,
14:37Gavin's team.
14:38So you actually do brass?
14:40We don't do brass. You don't do brass. OK, thank you.
14:42Let's go. Let's get moving.
14:44On the way to where, though?
14:46Where's the first point put in the call for two?
14:48Well, this is the thing, we can make phone calls on the way.
14:51Right, guys, obviously I'm going to make the overall decision here,
14:54but collectively, is this the right decision to go out?
15:00Two hours in, and Team Logic haven't identified all the items,
15:03they don't know where to buy them from,
15:05and they haven't got a clue what some of them are.
15:07What on earth are they doing?
15:09Guys, I'm going to make a decision now. I'm looking around the room.
15:12So, one, two, three, four, five people...
15:14We're doing anything.
15:16Right, chill out.
15:20Can Vince, can you co-ordinate the sub-team for me, please?
15:23Mate, no problem.
15:24And can you give me a call at 12 o'clock,
15:26and then on the hour, every single hour?
15:28Zoe, I want you to keep everything organised for us.
15:30Where are we going, how are we going?
15:32Guys, can we just walk in that direction at the door, please?
15:35After three hours of research, Gavin's team goes shopping.
15:42First on their list, 50 chandelier bulbs,
15:45found by Melody 13 miles away.
15:50The light bulb is waiting for us, 20 to 40 minutes away.
15:53It's quite a way away.
15:55I do have other phone numbers, but I'm not sure whether they're any closer.
15:58Guys, can we just head... Just make an executive decision.
16:01We either go there and get it, or I make other calls and we find it closer.
16:04Right, we're going to make the decision to go there and get it.
16:07Can we go to Teddington?
16:10Teddington's not actually... Teddington's not on this map.
16:14Right, girls, this is what we've got to do,
16:17and I'm going to just give it to you in one go,
16:19and then we know where we're at.
16:21Given the job by Gavin of keeping the girls in check,
16:24sales manager Vincent.
16:26And the name of the game is to buy all these products at the best price.
16:29Yeah. Yeah?
16:31So, Facilius, Ellie, call them, please,
16:33and just say, what is that bloody Facilisys?
16:36OK. Whatever that is.
16:38I think I've been given the role because Gavin realises that I'm direct,
16:42I'm efficient, I know how to negotiate,
16:44and I can be in charge of three strong ladies.
16:48So, there you go.
16:50First to face Vincent's command, Natasha,
16:54told to haggle for a sign in brass for the hotel wine cellar.
17:01The absolute Uber amount I've got to negotiate with today is £20.
17:06That's my high-send price.
17:08Absolutely no chance.
17:09As I say... I couldn't do it.
17:11OK, fine. I could not do it for that sort of price.
17:13So, based on the fact there'd be some volume, repeat business...
17:16If future business comes off...
17:20I wouldn't do it for that sort of price.
17:22I cannot do it for £40.
17:24So, if we could close on £50,
17:26we wouldn't need to visit anywhere else and we could come back to you.
17:30If we can do it on £60, just as a set price...
17:33I wouldn't do it.
17:34I was hoping that we could do 80 all in, Dom.
17:36Do the deal and we'll walk away.
17:38£80 including VAT.
17:40OK, do you want to think about this?
17:42We'll give you the 40 now.
17:44We'll be back at 3.30 and we'll give you the other 40 then.
17:47Take care.
17:49I think Vincent didn't let me get on with the job that I was given.
17:53I think I could have driven the price down further.
17:56Continuing their slog round St James',
17:59Susan, Leon and Felicity.
18:03This is £350, this one?
18:05That's £350.
18:07Still trying to drive down the price of a top-class topper.
18:11And, I mean, we're basically working on a pretty tight budget
18:14and we were wondering if there was any room...
18:16Price is price, we don't negotiate.
18:18Right, I see.
18:21Even just get it, you know, a small percentage off.
18:24None whatsoever.
18:25How about if we...
18:26If you can get it cheaper, may I suggest you try somewhere else?
18:29Don't discount at any stage.
18:31None whatsoever.
18:32Even just go down by one penny.
18:37We're not joking at all.
18:38No, no, I'll give you the penny.
18:41Great, oh, perfect.
18:42Thank you so much.
18:43I'll give you the penny.
18:48A penny saved, topper boxed, one purchase in the bag.
18:58I'm trying to find a 10-inch cloche.
19:02Still hunting their first item, Gavin, Melody and Tom.
19:07Well, a cloche is just French for bell.
19:09Maybe it's a bell.
19:10Where might we find a 10-inch bell in central London?
19:17For keeping food hot, a catering cloche.
19:20Exactly that, 10-inch.
19:22Found for Susan's team by design engineer, Glenn.
19:25And how much does one pay?
19:27£8.94 with a beauty.
19:29Would you do it for £5?
19:31Nah, not £5.
19:32So just to confirm, a cloche is definitely like a little greenhouse, is that right?
19:37This can't be a garden.
19:39That's not right.
19:40If it was a greenhouse, wouldn't they give you the size, like, buy this way, buy that way?
19:458.40, just for 10p.
19:47Change my life. It'll change my life.
19:49Come on, 10p.
19:508.50 is the lowest.
19:53Nah, it can sit there for the rest of the day, but 8.50, that's it.
19:568 minutes haggling, 44p off.
20:01Hello, is that Jim?
20:02It is, hi Susan.
20:03Hi, how are you doing?
20:04We have got the meat, we've got the cloche, we're about to do the deal on the bulbs.
20:11What have they bought?
20:12What have you bought?
20:13We bought the top hat and the best we could have done was £349.99.
20:18And that was the best we did.
20:19Those were the two places that Felicity gave us to go to.
20:25Okay, bye.
20:26They are doing good, aren't they?
20:27They're doing brilliantly.
20:28I'm really happy that they're doing good.
20:30Yeah, they've got loads.
20:31Yeah, it sounds like they're having better luck with negotiating than we are with, like, the top hat.
20:37Highbury, North London.
20:39Item two for Vincent and his girls, seven kilos of steak.
20:45These are delish.
20:46Wow, fantastic.
20:47I mean, what are we talking about in terms of your headline price?
20:51Well, they are Aberdeen Angus fillets, so they are worth £41 a kilo.
20:55We're on a budget here.
20:56What sort of budget are you on?
20:58I've got £240 on me, that's literally, and it's in cash.
21:05Thank you, cheers.
21:0725% off.
21:09Thank you very much.
21:10For £70 more than Jim paid.
21:13It's usually £45 a kilo.
21:16We've just paid £35.
21:17We've done really well.
21:18You paid less than £35.
21:19That's a hardware shop.
21:22Are you all right, Gavin?
21:23Yeah, just having a little look.
21:25Adrift in London's suburbs, project manager Gavin.
21:30Hi, pal, you OK?
21:32Just looking, because of the name of your business, is there somewhere where we would get a top hat from?
21:38Not around here, no.
21:40Especially not from top hat dry cleaners.
21:41Of course, yeah.
21:42No, no, of course.
21:43I'm guessing that you dry clean these type of items?
21:46Right, OK.
21:47That's the top hats, so the people you need.
21:50All right, thank you.
21:51Cheers, mate.
21:52OK, thank you.
21:58It's already late in the day.
22:00They haven't got the items that they need.
22:02They haven't got any appointments.
22:03They haven't got any idea of who's doing what and when.
22:06And you know, on this task, it's not only Lord Sugar that they have to face, it's also the hotel.
22:13What is it?
22:14That's what I've been saying all along.
22:16Melody, let's not get into it, but you honestly have not said to me that it's not from a garden centre.
22:21I've just said now.
22:22You've said now?
22:23I've just said, if it was like a garden house, it would be multi-dimensional.
22:28Of course, you've just said it.
22:29And it's only one dimensional.
22:30You've just said it now at 20 past two.
22:32No, I haven't.
22:33I've said it in the car, Gavin.
22:34Sometimes you don't listen.
22:35Let's not digress, but all I'm saying is you've not said that that's not from the garden centre.
22:38I'm 100% sure I have, but OK, fine.
22:40Would you like me to phone Big Bang Clothing?
22:42Yes, please.
22:44I honestly don't know what the hell is going on.
22:46I've been saying we're running out of time, been saying let's get moving, let's get to locations, let's make calls on the way.
22:52Gavin's not really listening.
22:53He's stressing out.
22:54It's just not good enough.
22:58Vincent, we're having a bit of difficulty, you know, we're having difficulty getting the...
23:02What are you having problems with, mate?
23:03Share, share it.
23:04We're literally having problems with everything.
23:07Get the gang here to also make some calls.
23:09If you can get hold of something, great.
23:11If not, we've all got to keep trying.
23:13I mean, trying, OK?
23:19Upmarket Mayfair.
23:22Next on Susan's list, Organza Silk.
23:30It's actually for a very, very important client.
23:32How would that make a difference to me?
23:35It'll be cash and hand, it'll be really, really quick.
23:37That part doesn't make much difference to me.
23:39What I pay for it in the first place is what makes a difference to me.
23:42But I'll let you have it for the £100, including that.
23:46I did ask my team to try and look for places, you know, going further east or south.
23:52But these are the places they found.
23:55And these are the places, unfortunately, you can't really negotiate much on.
24:01Going west, Shepherd's Bush.
24:04Famous for cut-price fabrics.
24:07What price would you be looking at for approximately 10 metres?
24:10£7.99 is the price.
24:12Could you do any cheaper than £7.99?
24:14Possibly, say, £4.99?
24:16Not possible.
24:18Because day and day, everything is go up.
24:20Could we do anything at all?
24:21Obviously, we've come in here...
24:22I'm sure you look like a good man.
24:24We're looking to buy you today.
24:25You know good business.
24:26I'm sure you can do us a good deal.
24:27Could we do it for £7.49?
24:28For 10 metres.
24:29£0.50 off a metre?
24:33You're a tough one.
24:34You're a tough nut, you.
24:36For Gavin, first deal of the day.
24:39But at 25% less than Susan paid, a snip.
24:46Just over two hours to go.
24:49We need to go now, what's going on?
24:51Found for Vincent, the crushed ice.
24:54Can you call the Phil guy and tell him we're going to be there probably at three o'clock?
25:00But proving harder to find...
25:02500 rolls of three-ply toilet paper that we're looking to purchase.
25:06Have you got that in stock?
25:08No, not today.
25:09Cheers, bye.
25:10By the sounds of it, you can't find it anywhere.
25:12Well, I've only rung one, so...
25:14Yeah, fine, but we know now.
25:16Right, OK.
25:17Oh, hi, I'm just wondering if you can help me.
25:19Do you supply three-ply toilet paper?
25:22Yes, we do.
25:24500 rolls, have you got that in stock?
25:27We can get it in stock.
25:29I need it today, it's essential that I get it today, that's the only problem.
25:32Hang on, hang on.
25:33If he can't get all 500, I want to know how many he can get.
25:35Yeah, do you have other people that you could call on to help you out?
25:38If you've only got three...
25:39We want you to secure it, we want those 500 there.
25:41So you could get another 200 from another supplier, yeah?
25:43We're coming with cash, so we want a deal.
25:45And it'll be cash, and we'd have to sort of negotiate a deal.
25:49Can I speak to him?
25:51Right, all right then, so if you think you can do that...
25:53Sorry, don't, sorry.
25:54Hang on.
25:55Go on, you go for it then.
25:56No, I just want to get it done.
25:57We'll see what the problem with that is, but anyway, I'll let you take over.
26:00Hi, I'm Vincent.
26:01Vincent obviously enjoys the fact that he's sort of leading three women.
26:05I think he thinks he's a bit of a charmer, he certainly doesn't charm me much.
26:08He's a bit of what I call in my industry a bit of a wide boy.
26:11Billy bullshit, really, I suppose.
26:13Ellie's going to go and get the toilet roll.
26:16Oh, we're doing ice first?
26:18No, toilet roll first, so your bag now.
26:21Imposing cash penalties for missing items.
26:24Lord Sugar specified delivery to the hotel no later than five.
26:29Amazing, amazing.
26:30That is actually amazing.
26:33Do you see Fiscalus? Fiscalus?
26:36I need 500 rolls of three-ply toilet roll.
26:39Have you got them there where you're at right now?
26:41We have a look for you.
26:42Thank you, Helen.
26:45Is there any reduction that you could make on this item,
26:47and we could buy that from you instead of going and buying from one of your competitors?
26:51How about we call it 360, which is a nice round number, and we do a deal.
26:54Here you go, sir.
26:56360, many thanks.
26:57We need to get the Fiscalus.
27:00We're going to get a fine as well if we're not back on time, sir.
27:02We're going to be back on time.
27:03What is the price on the shelf of these at the moment?
27:05They're £1.50 a bowl.
27:07We're really desperate, would you mind doing that?
27:10Desperate for your bowls or desperate for a good deal, which one?
27:13You're actually very friendly, and I really appreciate you doing it for 60.
27:15Thank you so much.
27:16It's only your smile that's done it.
27:18Irish eyes, it's Irish eyes.
27:19Can I have a hug?
27:20Thank you so much.
27:21Do you not have any Fiscalus?
27:25Just over an hour to go.
27:29North London.
27:30We talked on the phone about purchasing 500 rolls of three-ply white toilet paper,
27:36and you've got that in stock?
27:37We have.
27:38We're looking for £9 a case.
27:40£9 for 40?
27:41For 40.
27:42What about if we said 650, and then it's a done deal?
27:45That is below our cost price.
27:47We are paying casher.
27:48If we do this one at 750...
27:49What is the maximum you want to pay now?
27:51Well, 750, I mean, we're looking at...
27:52750, all right.
27:53We'll do it.
27:56Cheers, Harry.
27:57Cheers, Harry.
27:58Give me some toilet tissue, Harry.
27:59That's what I need.
28:00At Wembley, a result.
28:02Are we happy with that?
28:03We've got 30, right?
28:04No idea who's going to be wiping their bum with this.
28:06But their next appointment is 12 miles away.
28:09I'm meant to be negotiating for the ice.
28:12I'm a bit worried about that because it's south-east London.
28:15I don't know whether we're going to get from north-west to south-east in time.
28:19I think it could be very tight.
28:22We're very, very worried, Gavin.
28:23We haven't got the ice.
28:24The ice is an issue because we're too far away.
28:27So we're currently five items down.
28:30Can I suggest a very quick game plan?
28:32Is that we kick arse to find either the ice or the tea
28:36and just forget everything else.
28:38All right, bye.
28:43Tea time.
28:44We were wondering whether you have ten kilos of loose chamomile flowers tea.
28:51It's the second-to-last item on Susan's list.
28:54Yes, we do, yes.
28:55Wow, that's absolutely great news.
28:57Don't fall out, guys. That's a relief.
28:59Done. Brilliant. Fantastic.
29:02Also on the tea trail, Gavin's team.
29:05I'm in the store, I think.
29:07Go upstairs.
29:12This is how it looks.
29:13OK, brilliant.
29:14What's your normal retail price for it?
29:16It's normally £2.95 for 75 grams, I think.
29:19OK, you're going to knock 30% off that?
29:22That's fantastic.
29:23I'm thinking per kilo is going to cost us about £10.
29:26So you reckon it's going to be £100?
29:28I'd try and get that for £30.
29:30Try and get it for £30?
29:35Hi, I'm Felicity.
29:36Thank you so much.
29:37Hi, I'm Susan. Lovely to meet you.
29:40So, how much will that set us back?
29:46That's 12.5 kilos of the most beautiful crafted tea.
29:50It's not industrial tea.
29:51It's made by a lovely, lovely farmer in Turkey.
29:53He's obsessional about producing the finest.
29:56As you know, I'm the rare tea company.
29:58I only do really good tea.
30:01We don't even know how.
30:02Oh, my God.
30:04It's going to be £223, two pence.
30:08I can't discount it further.
30:09I mean, I'm selling it to you pretty much at, you know, half price.
30:12Right, OK.
30:13That's great.
30:14Thank you for everything you've done.
30:15And your seats.
30:17We've done well there.
30:18We've done very well.
30:20So if I was to give you a 35% discount, £700?
30:25Plus the 35% discount.
30:26We don't have...
30:27We honestly don't have £700.
30:29I know they've got to get good quality for the Savoy,
30:31but this is also about cost, and they're just not thinking.
30:34They keep flying in to the most expensive places in town.
30:37The best you can get.
30:38And it may be that it's going to cost them.
30:43Guys, is this a good idea?
30:46Do you think we should leave it?
30:47We only have £400.
30:49We have £410.
30:52We've been buying all day.
30:53Please, we literally need to make a move literally in the next minute.
31:00Oh, thank you so much.
31:01Do you think we should definitely do this?
31:03Tea purchased for £187 more than Gavin's team.
31:09That was a hell of a deal.
31:10Yeah, that was a big discount.
31:19Quick, quick.
31:20I'll take the clutch.
31:21Let's go, guys.
31:25You're doing brilliantly in those heels, you're doing.
31:30Wow, this is to the right, isn't it?
31:31Oh my God, this is breaking time.
31:33Oh my God.
31:43And timekeeping impeccable.
31:51For wrong or missing items, a penalty.
31:54The manager's list price plus £50.
31:59For the teams, back to the boardroom.
32:05We don't have the fissilis.
32:08We don't have the...
32:09Bulbs, light bulbs.
32:10Yeah, we don't have the crochet.
32:16And we don't have the ice.
32:17And we don't have the ice.
32:18Don't have the ice.
32:20So we have six items.
32:21Such a shame.
32:23With the camomile tea, we had no choice.
32:25Yeah, but what if we could have had it for like £30?
32:30We can't have made a mistake.
32:56You can go through to the boardroom now.
33:25Good evening.
33:26Good evening, Chair.
33:30A busy day.
33:32And important task in the sense that it exercises your ability
33:37for buying, negotiation and also timekeeping.
33:41And if I'm going to start a business with any one of you,
33:44whatever that business is, we're going to be buying something or other,
33:48whether it's merchandise, products, services,
33:51negotiating with a landlord or rents or whatever.
33:54So that's why I set this task today.
33:58Now, Nick, you were with Venture, is that right?
34:01True, yeah.
34:02Yeah, and team leader?
34:05And good team leader, then?
34:07Yes, sure.
34:10And Jim was a good sub-team manager as well.
34:12So I assigned an item to everyone in the team, one or two items.
34:18How'd that work out, then? Did they all do that?
34:21I think when we left a building,
34:23there were only two items that we hadn't researched.
34:25I heard that the top hat you paid top price for.
34:29Yes, we did.
34:30And you only got a penny off.
34:32No-one in the group realised that we were going to the most expensive hat shop,
34:36which was definitely a mistake that we made.
34:38I think you might have got a hint when the guy
34:40belligerently turned around and said,
34:42we do not give discounts here.
34:45The organza, I think you went to buy that in Mayfair.
34:48Mayfair? Couldn't have picked a more expensive place than that also.
34:52That was... Which of the teams went and bought it?
34:54That was my team, our team.
34:56That was my team.
34:59You know that St James Mayfair is not exactly, you know,
35:02the pound shop area, is it?
35:04I didn't understand that. You know what I mean?
35:06No, yeah. Yeah.
35:07A clever business person will work out that,
35:09yes, my client wants the best quality.
35:12They don't mean I've got to go rushing off
35:14to one of these top-class poser shops and pay it.
35:18One of the key issues for me was to make sure
35:20that we got all the items in time.
35:22You also went to the Rare Tea Company.
35:25Very bloody rare.
35:26£990 was their original starting price for tea.
35:30Is that right?
35:31That's right, yeah.
35:32That was, but we did manage...
35:33I mean, where is your brains, you lot?
35:35How can tea be worth £990?
35:38You should have run a mile as soon as you heard that figure.
35:41We were actually blown away when we heard that,
35:43because obviously we hadn't accounted for it in our budget.
35:45But it was the best quality tea in the whole of London.
35:48Didn't it tell you something here, people?
35:50How can somebody who genuinely is backing their product
35:54at £990 end up selling it to you for £410?
35:59It's got to give you a clue there somewhere, hasn't it?
36:02Now, logic. How much did you pay for your tea?
36:07Your team leader was Gavin, was that right?
36:10Good team leader?
36:13Not bad.
36:14Not bad.
36:15We could have just done with a bit more time, that's all.
36:17I think it was a bit hectic at the start.
36:19Well, we knew what the time constraints was, weren't we?
36:21We did.
36:22But it sounds to me that this lot here claims
36:25they already had eight of their items nailed.
36:28All they had to do is go.
36:30Did you have that?
36:32We did try and set up in the same manner,
36:33but I just don't think we were as successful as we would have hoped.
36:36We started a bit slowly.
36:38I think we didn't have enough structure.
36:40When did you leave the hotel then?
36:42I think it was one team left about 11, quarter past 11.
36:4511? I left here at 8.
36:47Three hours?
36:51Where did you find the top hat in the end?
36:54Having initially gone across to Shepherd's Bush for the organza,
36:57the silk, we then looked for a lot of places in that area
37:01because we're in a slightly cheaper...
37:03Including the top hat cleaners?
37:04Including the top hat cleaners, yes, sir.
37:06That was quite embarrassing.
37:08As I was driving past, I noticed a sign that said top hat cleaners,
37:12so I kind of took it literally.
37:14You also had trouble identifying a couple of the items, didn't you?
37:17We did.
37:18Yes, we did.
37:19And the cloche.
37:20And the cloche.
37:21We didn't even know what it was.
37:23No idea.
37:24We found out that it was French for bell.
37:28It's a hotel asking you to get something.
37:30That's a clue, for a start.
37:32And being stainless steel, it was either catering
37:34or potentially something outdoors.
37:36So why did you want to go to a garden centre?
37:38Because it was possible. In hindsight, it was very stupid.
37:42It wasn't good enough that we didn't get all the items.
37:49Right, well, both teams didn't get all the products,
37:54so there's going to be some fines imposed.
38:02Nick, on venture, how many items did they get?
38:06Nine items?
38:08The fines for not getting that one item?
38:11Well, that one important item was £202.75,
38:15meaning that they spent in total, including fines,
38:25And Karen, same question, how many items did Logic get?
38:32The fines for the four items that Logic missed.
38:34Well, the fines were £312.68,
38:39meaning that your overall total was £1,389.20.
38:48Well, Susan, it's a win. It's a win by eight quid.
38:59And the treat is that I'm going to send you off
39:02to a circus-style cabaret show in one of Covent Garden's
39:06trendiest bars, OK?
39:09Yeah, don't have any tea.
39:12While you're there. OK, off you go.
39:14Thank you very much.
39:27Eight pounds. You must be sick.
39:32And I'm sick, sitting here, because it's a disgrace
39:36that you only got six items out of ten.
39:39So you deserve to lose on that basis.
39:43I'll see you back in this boardroom tomorrow,
39:45one of who believe in... All right? Off you go.
40:03I'm going to punch. Put it on somebody's bill.
40:12I just want to make a toast to all of you guys for working so brilliantly together and
40:40winning this task.
40:41Team Venture guys!
40:43Team Venture!
40:49That was truly a joke.
40:59They got nine items, we got six.
41:03Whether there's individuals to blame for that, obviously there must be.
41:07We didn't have five minutes, three seconds to spare, we're on the phone every five minutes.
41:11So we know what we did.
41:13Gavin knows that I'm very strong.
41:15I think Gavin will try and sort of push some sort of blame onto me.
41:21I don't really know what.
41:23I can't wait to have a one-to-one with Lord Sugar.
41:26We were wasting time, wasting time.
41:29To be fair, come on, one at a time, let's all chill out.
41:34No one stepped up to the plate, but it kind of sounds as if people are willing to let you sink and drown
41:41rather than help you out and try and win the task as a team.
42:04You can go through to the boardroom now.
42:35Good afternoon.
42:37Good afternoon, Lord Sugar.
42:40I asked you to get ten items and you got six.
42:43That in itself means you deserved to lose.
42:47I left you at eight o'clock in the morning, right?
42:50It wasn't till 11.25 that you left.
42:52There's three hours of pontificating.
42:54The reason we were there till 11 o'clock is that the quality of the leads weren't sufficient enough for us to go out into London.
42:59I did give people individual items.
43:02I asked them to find some relevant suppliers, and after about five minutes, people were saying,
43:07we need to concentrate on the steak, and I was saying, please, you carry on with what you're doing,
43:11you crack on with what I've asked you to do.
43:13You know, these are grown-ups.
43:14But Gavin, feedback I got from Karen was, you set the ground rules out, OK,
43:19and no one took a blind bit of bloody notice of you.
43:22That is correct.
43:23Why not?
43:24I've no idea, Lord Sugar.
43:25People ignored him and just carried on.
43:27Lord Sugar, no one actually stood up to me and said,
43:30I think you're going down the wrong road.
43:31I don't think this is relevant, what we're doing.
43:33People almost allowed the whole thing to fail.
43:35That's actually wrong.
43:36Gavin, you split your team into two.
43:39We had Vincent in a kind of a sub-team role with Ellie, Zoe and Natasha, right?
43:45Now, Vincent, you'd located some of these items.
43:49You actually knew where they were.
43:51You'd got a price for them, right?
43:53And you didn't get them, yeah?
43:55So possibly the failure's down to you.
43:57You located them, you didn't get them.
43:59It was your team, why didn't you get it?
44:01We ran out of time.
44:02Why'd you run out of time?
44:03It was logistics, basically.
44:04We were in the north of London,
44:05we had to get down to the south of London for the ice.
44:08And we spent 60% of the time in the room
44:10trying to find the items rather than out on the road.
44:13Then Matt Stone had up 60% of the time was not spent in the hotel.
44:16I was given a call at about approximately half one
44:19and I was told that the sign had been ordered,
44:21the meat was in hand, Ellie had made a lead for the toilet roll
44:25and I was also told that the ice was sourced as well
44:28and this was at half one and it didn't materialise in the end.
44:31We got a call at 20 to 4 and we were told
44:33we haven't picked the ice up and we haven't picked the sign up.
44:36I disagree with that, actually.
44:37Of course you would.
44:38The thing was, at quarter past one, you guys had one item.
44:41You had nothing.
44:42You had no leads, you had no light bulbs, you had no tea.
44:45It's only because Tom saved you at the end
44:47that you actually had some product to bring with you,
44:49otherwise you'd have been coming in with one product.
44:51The tea and the other items that you got in the hat were last minute.
44:54Can I respond to that?
44:55Very, very last minute.
44:56Do you agree, Tom?
44:58You went and bought a hat at 375 and you got a fiver off.
45:00Did you put yourself forward as the PM?
45:02I did and I regret not taking it now.
45:05Sounds like you did take it now, the way you're talking, really.
45:08I wish I had.
45:09You couldn't have run a bath, honestly.
45:11But I heard that you, Vincent, your ears were in about ten places.
45:15Someone's getting on the phone talking
45:17and then you're grabbing the phone out their hand
45:19because you don't think they're doing it properly.
45:21That is what you did to me.
45:22I think Vincent knows my feelings.
45:24I was on the phone to somebody and he just literally took it out of my hand.
45:27Took the phone off you as well.
45:29So I was pretty insulted by that.
45:31To me, he wasn't a good manager of me because he just spoke down to me.
45:36I just wanted to win, Lord Sugar.
45:38You know, I've been in here twice and you've made it very clear...
45:40Yeah, we've noticed that.
45:42You haven't been impressed so far with what's been going on,
45:44so I was trying our utmost to win this.
45:46I just said to you, do you mind if I speak to that chap?
45:49Did he? Did he speak to me like that
45:51or did he make out as if you guys were in the car,
45:53as if I didn't know what I was doing and that he had to take over?
45:55What did you think?
45:56I'd like to have finished my own negotiation for the sign
45:59because I felt that I could have got it for a lesser price.
46:04We were under a time constraint.
46:05It was a bad deal. The other team got it for 40.
46:07Half as much as you paid.
46:09It was a little bit much.
46:10I paid more than the other team
46:12because I wasn't left to negotiate independently.
46:14Natasha, in this three-hour session,
46:17you were on the phone to another hotel.
46:21Yeah, I was because, first and foremost,
46:23there were two items that nobody knew what they were
46:27and if I got the opportunity to speak to a head chef
46:31or a food and beverage manager from a similar hotel...
46:34Natasha, you asked to speak to the procurement department,
46:37not the head chef.
46:38Because if one of my competitors rang me up and said to me,
46:41tell me where I can go and get all the stuff that you get,
46:43I'd tell them to get lost, right?
46:46Yeah. Yeah.
46:47Zoe, you were the only one
46:49that actually didn't end up getting into a negotiation, right?
46:52I was indeed, yeah.
46:53Why was that?
46:54Well, basically, I'd found a load of leads for the Aberdeen Angus
46:58and the signage.
47:00I saw swanky for signing.
47:02No, you didn't.
47:03At one point, I was meant to get ice,
47:05but then we were going to get the toilet roll that Elliot's found
47:08and I said, guys, I'm not sure about London,
47:10but surely NW means north-west and SE means south-east.
47:14Diagonal opposites to the compass.
47:16I don't know London,
47:17but I was pretty sure we weren't going to get across in that time.
47:20I think at the beginning we lacked a certain level of structure.
47:23We didn't have enough organisation.
47:25We weren't really forced to say,
47:26no, I don't care if you think we should get beef,
47:28you're concentrating on your one.
47:30I did say that on a number of occasions.
47:32I think also towards the end,
47:33there was a slight feeling of we'd sort of given up.
47:35And those last 45 minutes, I was like, I know we can find a T.
47:38I just kept calling, kept calling, kept calling.
47:40I slightly felt... Given up?
47:43Sort of, I think he felt like...
47:46It seemed to me that he looked a bit of a beaten man at that period.
47:49He did pick it back up again at the end.
47:51I would have felt like a beaten man at 11 o'clock in the morning
47:54when I realised I didn't have a bloody clue what we'd got,
47:57where we're going.
47:59Gavin, who are you bringing back into this boardroom?
48:02Right, into this boardroom, I'm going to be bringing Vincent.
48:06And I'm going to be bringing Zoe.
48:10Right, the other four of you, go back to the house.
48:22Second time already for you, Gavin, that you've been in the final three.
48:27I need you to step outside there,
48:29and Nick and Karen and I are going to have a little chat about this,
48:33because eventually one of you will be going today.
48:40It just kind of amazes me, really.
48:42They just didn't get their game plan sorted out.
48:45Gavin didn't manage them well.
48:47He lacked the authority that young 21-year-old Susan
48:51so clearly displayed.
48:53But he had a much more difficult team to manage,
48:55a very strong people that didn't want to listen,
48:57that wanted to do it all.
48:58The other kids just seemed to have kind of taken over.
49:01Clearly, Vincent, he is one of these half in, half out.
49:04When he's not team leader, he's got plenty of room.
49:07When he's not team leader, he's got plenty to say.
49:10Zoe, she didn't get to negotiate, really,
49:13so she hasn't shown us what she's capable of, really.
49:19Could you ask the three of them to come back in the ballroom, please?
49:22Yes, Lord Sugar.
49:25Lord Sugar will see you now.
49:38So, Gavin, what's Zoe doing here?
49:41She didn't negotiate any deals, she didn't make any leads,
49:44and I did get feedback from Vince that she literally acted like his PA,
49:48giving him numbers while he made the course,
49:50so I was a bit concerned that Zoe wasn't trying to create leads herself.
49:54Do you know Vincent's PA?
49:55In acting as the PA, I made two leads,
49:58which secured two of the three products our sub-team got.
50:01This just seems like an observing capacity, really,
50:04rather than getting on with it and doing it yourself.
50:06It would be an observing capacity
50:07if I came up with all the numbers that secured the products.
50:10All you did was write a number from a phone book onto another piece of paper...
50:13No, I didn't. I went through several phone books...
50:15Well, the point I would make, Zoe,
50:17is that part of these tasks is for you to think on your own feet.
50:20I mean, I think you've got a voice,
50:22but I don't think you've found a way of getting it across to the rest of your team-mates.
50:26I agree, I totally agree,
50:27and I'm finding it very hard to get it across to my team-mates
50:31when I've just got a load of hot air in the team.
50:34I did what I was told and didn't get a chance to shine.
50:37Well, that could be your own fault.
50:39But why should I be punished for being professional?
50:41Well, with the greatest respect, that's not professional.
50:45If I can see something going wrong or the ship sinking,
50:47I'll bloody jump in myself.
50:49Because I'll tell you what, if you're going to come into business with me,
50:52you know, pass him a little message saying,
50:54''Oh, by the way, Lord Sugar, things are not going too well here because of that.''
50:58Lord Sugar, I didn't pass him a message. I strongly encouraged him.
51:01That is not on the radar.
51:03Kevin, you know I've got your resume here.
51:06One of your things that you're claiming
51:08is that you feel you're a good manager of people,
51:11good at delegating and overseeing the work of others.
51:16These are your words, they're not mine.
51:18Yeah, I understand that. I told people what they had to do.
51:21Basically, they understood what had to be done,
51:24but they decided not to do it.
51:26So you had a bunch of dummies?
51:28I just think some of the telephone calls were unbelievable.
51:31Why did you allow them to happen then?
51:33Why did you allow Natasha to ring the Ritz?
51:35I'm sorry, but if someone rung my company and said,
51:38''Where did you get your paper from? Where did you get your ingredients from?''
51:41I probably can't repeat the response I'd give them.
51:44Right, OK. Accepted.
51:46I mean, why didn't you say?
51:47And Vincent, what's he doing here?
51:49I believe Vincent's the main cause for the failure of the task.
51:52We would have won if it wasn't for some of the decisions that Vincent made.
51:55I'm also, to be honest, getting feedback from the girls as well.
51:58Dragging phones off people, you know, talking down to people.
52:01I'm not happy with that style of management.
52:03What have you got to say about this, rather than sitting there quietly?
52:06Sure. What happened was we had a bit of a shambles to start with
52:10for the first two hours.
52:12We made two, three phone calls and we had leads within two, three minutes.
52:15Listen, listen, listen.
52:17I'm already getting sick and tired of this one made phone call,
52:21that one made phone call.
52:23I know you're Belgian and that's where the waffles come from,
52:26but can you categorise this to me as to why you shouldn't be here
52:29and who you think is responsible for the failure of this task?
52:33I was the one who secured the beef.
52:35I was the one who called the toilet guys to get the tissue.
52:38I was the one who got the ice, but we ran out of time.
52:40So, in effect, Vincent makes all the calls,
52:42Vincent closes all the meetings, and yesterday I can guarantee
52:45that the three people that we negotiated with,
52:47I probably came out of there with a very, very good relationship.
52:50They'll remember me and I can go there tomorrow and negotiate again with them.
52:53Remembered long after you're gone, yeah?
52:57I'd like to hope that I make a good impression, yes.
53:00I'll see if I remember you.
53:05OK, well, look, Zoe, you make a point,
53:09well, give me a chance to see what I can do.
53:13You haven't had the opportunity.
53:16Maybe that's your fault that you haven't come shining through.
53:20Gavin, you've got your own business,
53:23you claim that you can organise people
53:26and then you let them run riot, quite frankly.
53:29You didn't have them under control.
53:31Vincent, I don't like people that undermine the instructions
53:35that people give them and then go off and do it in their own direction.
53:40I've heard a lot of that about you today,
53:43you know, and I can't see how that can work for me.
53:50I've got to judge this on this task.
53:53That's what I've got to do.
53:56And on that basis, I've concluded...
54:02..that because the task was out of hand,
54:06Gavin, you're fired.
54:28Zoe, you say that I haven't seen anything of you.
54:31I'll be looking at you as the process moves on
54:34and then it will be up to you to show me something, OK?
54:37All right, back to the house.
54:50You just couldn't control them.
54:52And I think they're clear now, there's no hiding place.
54:55I don't want to hear from anyone else telling me
54:57they haven't had a chance to show me something
54:59because, you know, they've been told now.
55:01It's time for them all to step up.
55:13I'm absolutely gutted that I haven't gone further in this process.
55:16Lord Sugar's made the mistake of firing me.
55:18He's looking for a business partner, he's not looking for an employee.
55:21If he's looking for someone like Vincent, then good luck to him.
55:31Vince, as a sub-team manager, I had a little bit of a running with him.
55:35He just pulled the phone out of my hand virtually
55:38because he didn't think I could do a job that I do all the time
55:42and I've made a lot of money doing.
55:44So that really annoys me, to be honest.
55:48Was Vincent... Was it Vincent pushing her out?
55:51Here we go.
55:56Oh, my God, Stuart!
56:00Well done.
56:03Mate, wow.
56:05Well done.
56:07Gav went in and he didn't even have an argument against me and Vincent.
56:11He kind of went in and then thought,
56:13oh, God, I shouldn't have brought these two in.
56:15Who do you think that I should have took in as my partner?
56:18I'm not commenting.
56:23In the fight for Lord Sugar's quarter-million-pound investment,
56:27£13.5 million was lost.
56:29£13.5 million was lost.
56:31£13.5 million was lost.
56:33£13.5 million was lost.
56:35£13.5 million was lost.
56:37£13.5 million was lost.
56:39£13.5 million was lost.
56:41£13.5 million was lost.