Monday evening forecast 15/01/24

  • 2 days ago
15 January - National weather forecast presented by Alex Burkill.
00:00Hello again. It's been a sunny but cold day for most of us with some significant snow
00:05showers across northern parts. They'll continue as we go through this evening and overnight
00:09before the chance of some more persistent snow across northern areas as we go through
00:13Tuesday. That's in association with a system that's currently waiting towards the northwest
00:18of the UK. But looking at the details through this evening and overnight then, we stick
00:22with that northerly wind. As a result, more snow showers feeding down on that, particularly
00:27heavy across northern parts of Scotland but some feeding down a little bit further south
00:30in areas exposed to that northerly wind. Elsewhere and more central eastern parts further inland
00:36across England in particular, largely clear skies overnight and under those clear skies,
00:42temperatures really are going to drop. A widespread frost for many places and that will also bring
00:46the risk of some icy patches too. Perhaps the lowest temperatures likely to be across
00:51parts of Scotland where we have a lying snow. We could see temperatures here dropping into
00:56negative double figures. So a very cold start on Tuesday morning for many of us. As we go
01:01through Tuesday though, across many parts of England and perhaps Wales, a lot of fine
01:05weather and again, plenty of winter sunshine around. Just a bit of cloud coming and going
01:09and staying mostly dry. A different story further north. Like I said, there is the potential
01:14for a system to track its way across, bringing some more persistent rain sleet and significant
01:19snow. Initially across parts of Northern Ireland, perhaps Northern England, but more likely
01:23across parts of Scotland. That's where we have the greatest chance of some significant
01:28disruption because of some persistent snow. Bit of uncertainty as to the detail of the
01:32timings because there's also a separate feature that comes in from the northwest later on
01:37and that could all merge together to make one longer spell of significant snow. But
01:42there's a good chance that we could see accumulations of around 10 centimetres plus to lower levels
01:47and perhaps around 20 centimetres over higher ground. So some disruption is quite likely.
01:53Temperatures are going to stay on the low side, perhaps not quite as low towards the
01:56south compared to Monday, maybe a degree or so higher here. So not feeling too bad in
02:01that winter sunshine, but further north with all that snowy weather around, it is going
02:05to feel pretty unpleasant. As we go through Tuesday evening then, we are going to stay
02:10largely dry across many southern areas and central parts of England and Wales. Some clear
02:14skies again, frosty here. Otherwise, we're going to see the more persistent outbreaks
02:19of snow clearing away towards the southeast as we go through the night, pushing a little
02:23bit further southwards too. So some more central parts of England and perhaps into
02:27north Wales could see a little bit of winteriness for a time. We are going to see temperatures
02:32dropping yet again, a widely frosty night and some icy patches to watch out for first
02:37thing on Wednesday morning as well. Now looking ahead to Wednesday, and this is where we have
02:41some further headaches. There is this feature towards the south and there's a fair chance
02:44that it will stay to the south of us. But if it pushes just a little bit further north,
02:49like some models want, then it will hit the cold air across the UK and could bring some
02:53disruptive snow to southern counties. But if it stays to the south of us, then otherwise,
02:58there looks like there will be again a good deal of fine, dry and sunny weather on Wednesday
03:02for many parts of England and Wales, even into Northern Ireland and southern Scotland.
03:07But again, we will see some snow showers feeding down from the north, so greater chance of
03:10some snow building up once more in areas exposed to that northerly wind in particular. Temperatures
03:16likely still to be on the low side, many places struggling to around freezing, most
03:20places only getting a few degrees above. As we look towards the end of the week and we
03:25are likely to see something turning a little bit drier, that's because whilst we do have
03:30a northerly wind to begin with as we go through Thursday, high pressure is then likely to
03:34build for a time, so that should quieten down the weather for a little bit. Still the potential
03:37for some systems to bring some wintry, unsettled weather to northern parts, but elsewhere more
03:43settled for a time, but it doesn't last particularly long because we are likely to then see some
03:47wet, windy, but also milder weather arriving in time for the weekend. Now, there is still
03:52a lot of detail to play for over the next few days regarding any wintry weather, particularly
03:56the snow and ice hazards, so our warnings will be constantly updated. There's a potential
04:00we may need to go amber for snow on Tuesday, so it is worth staying up to date.
